Structured Cabling Standards M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas Department of Computer and System Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Morelia 19.72388 lat, -101.1848 long
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Outline •Componentes del cableado estructurado. •Área de trabajo. •Cableado horizontal. •Cableado vertical. •Cableado Backbone. •Centro de telecomunicaciones principal. •Centro de telecomunicaciones Intermedios. •Servicios de ingreso. •Planificación de la estructura de cableado. •Normatividad de electricidad y conexiones a tierra.
Outline •Soluciones para caída y bajada de tensión. •Normatividad de seguridad
•Documentación de una red. •Diario de Ingeniería. •Diagramas. •Cables etiquetados. •Resumen de tomas y cables. •Resumen de dispositivos, direcciones MAC e IP. •Material y presupuestos.
•Presentación del proyecto.
• Construct a Computer Network Infrastructure using Structured Cabling Systems • • • •
Competences: Making cables Installing devices Setup Computer, Host and Devices
Structured Cabling System • Components of Structured Cabling – Working Area – Horizontal Cabling – Backbone (Vertical) Cabling – Main Telecomunication Center – Intermedial Telecomunication Center – Incomming Services.
Structured Cable System • Planning of Structured – Electricity and Ground Conection Regulation – Solutions to drop voltages. – Security Normativity
• Network Documentation – Logs – Diagrams. – Labeling Cables – Cable and Power Outlet Abstract – Devices, MAC and IP Addresses – Other resources
Cableado estructurado
• Es una metodología para diseñar e instalar de manera adecuada redes de comunicación, particularmente, redes de computadoras. • Define más que una simple estructura o forma de realizar cableados de casas y empresas. Forma un estándar para simplificar las cosas. Se centra en la fase de planeación, instalación y expansión de la red. • It’s called Layer 0
What’s the problem?
Safety Procedures • Safety is the primary concern. • General safety precautions, while working with network building materials - both electrical and construction.
Structured Cabling Systems • A Structured Cabling System is a cabling and connectivity products that integrates data, voice, video and various management system of a building
Benefits of Structured Cabling System
• Redundancy at design downtime & repair time
• Ease of fault location & repair • Flexibility, expandability & modular connecting platform • Ease of moves, adds and changes • Enhanced end-use understanding and control • Significant long term cost containment
Cable Distribution System • Cable Tray • Raised Floor • Conduit • Hung Ceiling / False Ceiling
Elements of a Structured Cabling System
Structered Cabling Components
Foil Twisted Pair
Shielded Twisted Pair
Work Flow • • • • • •
installing outlets installing jacks running cables punching cables into patch panels testing cables documenting cables
Work Flow (cont) • installing NICs • installing hubs, switches, bridges, and routers • configuring routers • installing and configuring PCs
Place Copper Wires into a Jack
Documenting Cable Runs • A cut sheet – is a rough diagram that shows the locations of the cable runs. – indicates the numbers of the classrooms, offices, or other rooms, to which the cables have been run. – to place corresponding numbers on all telecommunications outlets and at the patch panel in the wiring closet.
TIA/EIA-606 for Labeling Cables • Labeling
– NO terms such as "Mr. Zimmerman's math class," or "Ms. Thome's art class". – incorporate room numbers in the label information – incorporate color coding • For example, a blue label might identify horizontal cabling at the wiring closet only, while a green label might identify cabling at the work area. – mark the cable three times, approximately 60 cm apart – Allow enough cable for the ends to reach all the way to each jack location, plus enough excess or slack to reach the floor and extend another 60-90 cm. – Do not cut the cables unless they have a label.
Cable Labels
Mounting cables in raceway • decorative raceway – presents a more finished appearance
• gutter raceway – a less attractive alternative to decorative raceway.
• mounted with adhesive backing or with screws
SAFETY RULES • turn off power to all circuits that might pass through those work areas • Never, ever, touch power cables • learn the locations of all fire extinguishers in the area. • Long pants and sleeves help protect your arms and legs. Avoid wearing excessively loose or baggy clothing.
SAFETY RULES (cont) • Protect your eyes with safety glasses • If you anticipate working in a dropped ceiling area, survey the area. • Follow building safety codes
Supporting Horizontal Cables
• Wall-mounted gutter • Tie-wraps • Ladder rack • Tools – A telepole
• is nothing more than a telescoping pole with a hook at one end to hold the cable. • is used to string cable across a dropped ceiling or attic quickly.
– fishing cable • When you pull cable up through a wall, you ordinarily work from an attic or dropped ceiling space
Wiring Closets • the equipment in a wiring closet includes: – patch panels – wiring hubs – bridges – switches – routers
Network Operating Test
• The baseline
– is a record of your network's starting point or newly installed performance capabilities.
• Continue to test your network on a regular basis in order to ensure that it performs at its peak • A cable tester is a hand held device that can certify that cable meets the required IEEE and TIA/EIA standards.
Cable Tester • Determine cable distance • Locate bad connections • Provide wire maps for detecting crossed pairs • Measure signal attenuation • Measure near-end crosstalk • Detect split pairs • Perform noise level tests • Trace cable behind walls
Cable Tester
Conexi贸n de cables
El jack es el componente femenino en un dispositivo de red, toma de pared o panel de conexi贸n.
Jack Para que la electricidad fluya entre el conector y el jack, el orden de los hilos debe seguir el c贸digo de colores T568A, o T568B recomendado en los est谩ndares EIA/TIA-568-B.1
Conexión directa
Utilice cables de conexión directa para el siguiente cableado: •Switch a router •Switch a PC o servidor •Hub a PC o servidor
Conexión Cruzada
Utilice cables de conexión cruzada para el siguiente cableado: •Switch a switch •Switch a hub •Hub a hub •Router a router
Esquema de Conexi贸n EIA/TIA 568
We all have some ugly wiring
Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable • Labeling is a key to reduce work later
Fiber Optic Cable Construction • Fiber has bend radius issues
Fiber Optic Cable Construction • Leave slack loops
Cutting, Striping & Crimping Tools
Punching Tool
Cabling Rules • Try to avoid running cables parallel to power cables. • Do not bend cables to less than four times the diameter of the cable. • If you bundle a group of cables together with cable ties (zip ties), do not over-cinch them. You should be able to turn the tie with fingers.
Cabling Rules • Keep cables away from devices which can introduce noise into them. Here's a short list: copy machines, electric heaters, speakers, printers, TV sets, fluorescent lights, copiers, welding machines, microwave ovens, telephones, fans, elevators, motors, electric ovens, dryers, washing machines, and shop equipment. • Avoid stretching UTP cables (tension when pulling cables should not exceed 25 LBS). • Do not run UTP cable outside of a building. It presents a very dangerous lightning hazard!
Cabling Rules • Do not run UTP cable outside of a building. It presents a very dangerous lightning hazard! • Do not use a stapler to secure UTP cables. Use telephone wire/RJ6 coaxial wire hangers which are available at most hardware stores.
Standards • Exist a lot of normativity and best practices for the correct construction of cables: – – – – –
Subsystem of a Structured Cabling System • Horizontal Cabling – Cable from patch panel to work area – Telco outlets – Cable terminations – Cross-connections – One transition point – Maximum length – 100 meters • 90 meters for cable • 10 meters for 2 patch cables
Cabling Subsystem cont. • Entrance Facility – Point in the building where cable interfaces with the outside world – May share the space with the equipment room
Structured Cabling in SOHO
IBM Cable Types • • • • • • •
Type 1A Type 2A Type 3 Type 5 Type 6 Type 8 Type 9
IBM Data Connector
1. 2.
Existen dos razones principales para segmentar o dividir una LAN. Aislar el tráfico entre segmentos. Obtener más ancho de banda por usuario para crear dominios de colisiones pequeños. Si no existiera la segmentación, las grandes redes LAN rápidamente serian invadidas por tráfico y colisiones, y provocaría virtualmente en falta de ancho de banda. Los dispositivos como bridges, switches y ruteadores segmentan la red LAN.
• Es usada la segmentación usando bridge para proporcionar mayor ancho de banda. • El bridge permite sólo la información que tienen destinación fuera del segmento. • Aprende una segmentación de red para construir tablas de direcciones que contienen las direcciones de cada dispositivo de red dentro del segmento.
• El propósito de la segmentación usando switch es que es fácil reducir los cuellos de botella de red. • Un switch segmenta una LAN dentro de microsegmentos. • El switch determina cual es la acción a tomar sobre la información si esta localizada en otro segmento, la información se transfiere o switchea a otra destinación.
SEGMENTACIÓN Router • Los ruteadores crean los mayores niveles de segmentación debido a su habilidad de realizar determinaciones exactas de donde enviar la información al usar su tabla de ruteo.
Internet Conections • Actually conects to other networks is cruatil in many home and organizations specially with Internet. • We need to rent a contract with a Internet Service Provider to connect with remote networks.
References • Forouzan, B. (2008), Data Comunications and Networking, 4th. Edition, McGraw-Hill. • Tanenbaum, A (2004). Computer Networks. 4th Edition. Prentice Hall. • Kurose, J. and Ross, K. (2007) Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 4th edition. Addison-Wesley, July 2007.