Pomeroy enterprise networking

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Enterprise Networking

Journey to an Optimized Network Your network has never been more complex, and it becomes more complex by the day. The convergence of cloud, mobility and virtualization has created expectations that anything is possible, so users demand greater bandwidth, reliability and manageability, based upon ultra high speed virtualized servers and storage, IP voice and high definition video, and seamless 24/7 wired and wireless mobile access. Network optimization is a journey and there are no short cuts, so we take a process-centric approach to assess, plan, design, build, test, implement, manage, and ultimately, optimize your network. Our networking solutions provide the connecting fabric between applications and compute and storage resources in converged data centers, and across multiple data centers to deliver ubiquitous, high speed connectivity across the organization. We design networks to handle bandwidth intensive applications—data, voice, streaming video, images, and rich media conferencing across wired and wireless devices—ready to meet today’s needs, with scalability to support whatever the future brings. Optimized Enterprise Networking The first step to an optimized network is to understand your current environment. Networks based upon traditional three layer hierarchical models are being updated with converged infrastructures to virtualize server, storage and network resources on a path to fully meshed network topologies—architected for maximum performance, reliability and ease of management. Performance – Pomeroy networking solutions allow users to connect seamlessly and securely across wired and wireless networks using advanced routing and switching technologies. These are based upon scalable platforms optimized for 10/40/100 gigabit services delivering performance, flexibility and a consistent networking experience across physical, virtual and cloud environments. Reliability – Our network designs are based upon highly redundant cores, distribution and end point switching, from a single data center, or across multiple data centers, whether client owned, hosted or in the cloud. Security – Virtualization, public clouds and mobility extend the boundaries of IT responsibility and compliance, so we design security into the network fabric through myriad technologies, including encryption, firewalls, password protected and guest access wireless connectivity, as well as advanced malware protection to enable technology-rich collaborative environments. Flexibility and Agility – We design cost effective infrastructures that deliver intelligent, scalable networking today, and enables new capacity to be added without costly upgrades and re-engineering in the future.

Know where you are, where you need to be. Visibility into your network begins with an objective assessment of the current infrastructure to determine if it is performing to the full extent of existing capabilities. It also will identify issues that can be addressed proactively if performance and reliability are affected. And since no two client’s needs are exactly the same, we take two different approaches to conducting assessments.

Pomeroy HealthChecksm – A baseline assessment of your network’s health provides a snapshot of the environment, discovery and inventory of network devices, and recommendations to proactively improve operations. Comprehensive Assessments – These thorough assessments are designed to meet clientspecific objectives, and to define critical business requirements, evaluate network capabilities, and provide in-depth analysis, recommendations and roadmap to achieve the client’s strategic and tactical business goals. Pomeroy Monitoring and Management Services Pomeroy Enterprise Networking is part of our portfolio of Data Center Monitoring and Management services, including 24/7/365 support for your entire infrastructure across one or more geographically-dispersed locations. We maintain continuous watch over your IT environment to ensure optimal performance and quick restoration of your critical technology resources—networks, mobile devices, servers, storage, security, databases and applications— all in real time. Available through our U.S.-based Remote Monitoring and Management Centers, Pomeroy keeps your productivity high while delivering lower, more predictable costs. For more information on Pomeroy Enterprise Networking services and optimization assessments, contact your Pomeroy representative or visit www.pomeroy.com.

1020 Petersburg Road • Hebron, KY 41048 USA • 859-586-0600 • 800-846-8727 © Pomeroy, 2014.

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