About St. Benedict's Abbey

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Partner with us in bringing Christ to the world Unrestricted Gifts

wa ys t o su p p o r t t h e p r a yer a nd wo r k o f t h e mo nks

Monetary Gifts: The most common method of supporting the prayer and work of the monks is through a monetary gift. Your gifts support our ministerial activity, provide for our day-to-day needs, and allow us to care for our home. Gifts of stock: You can also support our prayer and work through gifts of stock. Monthly Support: One of the best ways to share in our prayer and work is to partner with us as a monthly donor. We have two programs:

for young adults The Society of St. Benedict for Young Adults is a group of men and women age 35 and under who embrace the mission of St. Benedict’s Abbey. We have witnessed the impact the monks have made and seek to partner with them through our prayers, special activities, and financial support, aiding the monks as they carry out their misson of prayer and work. For your generous support of $10 or more per month, you will be invited to various Society events throughout the year such as Brews with Benedictines and receive complimentary tickets to the Abbot’s Table (a $200/ ticket value). For more information see Kansasmonks.org/society

Of the monastic vows, stability is unique to our Benedictine way of life. Our lives of prayer and work are permanently rooted in the life of St. Benedict’s Abbey – it is here that we seek after Christ. We ask that you partner with us in this great vow of stability – your perpetual support allows us to continue our more than 160 year legacy of prayer and work. It is because of you that our prayer and work is possible – in this way you are co-ministers with us, you are sharing the love of Christ with those that we serve. Consider joining us as a Partner in Stability with a monthly donation. For more information see Kansasmonks.org/partners

Planned Giving Bequests: Leaving the monks in your will is a great way to make a lasting impact, see page 27. Gifts of appreciated property: Held for more than one year, gifts such as real estate, common stock, mutual funds, bonds, IRAs or retirement plans, offer significant advantages to the donor. Gifts of securities are encouraged when supporters have the desire to make a charitable gift and avoid capital gains tax. Gifts of real estate may be accepted upon approval in accordance with appropriate gift acceptance policies. Charitable gift annuities: In exchange for your gift of cash, securities, or other property, we will provide you and/or a named beneficiary an annual fixed annuity payment for life. Gift annuities offer immediate tax advantages, including partial avoidance of capital gains tax on the appreciation of donated property. Annuity rates can range from 5-11% depending on your age. Charitable remainder trusts: You may establish a significant gift in the form of a charitable remainder trust that can provide a substantial income to you during your lifetime and, if you choose, during the life of a named beneficiary. Upon the death of the final beneficiary, the trust is terminated and the remaining principal is given to St. Benedict’s Abbey. A charitable trust can also be flexible to allow you to make future contributions and receive additional income tax deductions. Life Insurance: Name the Abbey as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy 26

S t. B e n e d i c t ’ s A b b e y

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