About St. Benedict's Abbey

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m onks on a mi ssion

When the monks arrived in the Kansas Territory in 1855, they sought to provide the sacraments as missionaries. Though the monks vow stability to the abbey in Atchison, occasionally they must venture beyond the monastery to serve the faithful. These are just some of the ways the monks work to spread the Gospel:

kansas monks abroad

mosteiro são josé st. joseph priory mineiros, goiás, brazil a brief history

selected works: abbot james albers

In 1961 Pope John XXIII asked the “priest rich” countries to send priests to the “priest poor” countries. Responding, Abbot Cuthbert chose to make a foundation in Brazil. In 1962 three men were chosen to begin this venture. They established themselves in central west Brazil at the small city of Mineiros. Along with founding a monastic community they assumed the parochial apostolate for the city and surrounding area, a ministry that continues today.

travels to brazil twice annually to serve as superior of community

prior joaquim carvalho serves as local superior of priory university of mineiros - board chairman

fr . vinicius queiroz rezende

pastor - são bento parish diocesan youth ministry leader

fr . josias da costa

teacher at colegio agapé active in pastoral ministry

br . thiago silva

solemn profession , ordained deacon in 2018 co - authored book on lent , published 2018


Families served by monks at Mineiros parish.

Monks provide the sacraments for 30,000 Catholics in Mineiros, Goiás, Brazil

Monks serve as spiritual advisors and chaplains to a variety of lay ministries in Brazil.

pignon , haiti

br . leven and bc students served the people of haiti and provided assistance with a new parish school .

kolkata , india fr . jay and bc students served the poorest of the poor with the missionaries of charities

lima , peru

fr. brendan was chaplain to focus missionaries, west point cadets, and us naval academy midshipmen on mission trip to peru.

san salvador, el salvador fr . simon traveled with bc students to serve those in need and visit sites dedicated to st . oscar romero

new orleans , la

br . karel and a group of bc men traveled to new orleans to assist with flood recovery efforts .

u.s.a. and abroad fr . brendan rolling Fr. Brendan Rolling serves as an International Chaplain for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), serving students at colleges and universities in the USA, Austria, and England. fr . daniel m c carthy Fr. Daniel serves on the faculty at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome, Italy. He serves on the faculty at the University of Leuven in Belgium and teaches summer courses at Ealing Abbey in London.

pilgrimages to the holy land Fr. Gabriel served as chaplain for the Holy Family School of Faith on pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Mexico. Fr. Simon led a group of Benedictine College students on a pilgrimage through the Holy Land in 2018. 30

service trips

S t. B e n e d i c t ’ s A b b e y


Fr. Daniel’s sixth book is his expanded doctoral dissertation on church architecture, and his seventh is a study of the personal letters of Cicero. These are both now with their publishers and total over 1,000 pages each. You may join Fr. Daniel’s course on church architecture offered by the Archdiocese of Denver 20-24 January 2020. Br. Thiago Silva co-authored a book on Lent, 40 Days with Jesus, released in Portuguese in Brazil in 2018.

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