Kansas Monks - Summer 2020

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Eternal rest grant unto him A b b o t R a l p h K o e h l e r, O S B

Born • January 20, 1929 Professed • July 11, 1956 Ordained • May 31, 1962 Elected A bbo t • N ov e mbe r 2 8 , 1 9 8 0 Died • March 21, 2020 The Right Reverend Ralph Koehler, sixth Abbot of Saint Benedict’s Abbey, died peacefully early Saturday morning, March 21, 2020, the Solemnity of the Passing of our Holy Father Saint Benedict. He had been fortified by the Sacraments of the Church, the Apostolic Pardon, and was surrounded by many of his brother monks at the time of his death. Abbot Ralph (Wilfred) Koehler was born on January 20, 1929, in Seneca, Kansas, to John Koehler and Helen (Heideman) Koehler. For grade school and high school he attended Sts. Peter and Paul in Seneca, graduating from high school in May 1945. He enrolled at St. Benedict’s College in the fall that same year. He went on to enter formation for the monastic life at St. Benedict’s Abbey, but did not stay at that time. In 1947 he enlisted in the newly created United States Air Force. He served as an airborne radar technician in the Eighth Air Force based in Roswell, New Mexico. In 1950 he was honorably discharged, having earned the rank of sergeant. In 1954 he returned to St. Benedict’s College and in July 1955 he entered the novitiate at St. Benedict’s Abbey, receiving the name Ralph. He professed first vows on July 11, 1956. In 1958 he earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from St. Benedict’s College.

Having learned Portuguese, Abbot Ralph served the sacramental needs of the people of Brazil for 13 years.

After studying at the Abbey School of Theology, Abbot Ralph was ordained to the priesthood on May 31, 1962. In September of that year he went to the Abbey’s new mission of St. Joseph’s Priory, Mineiros, Goiás, Brazil, along with Father Herbert Hermes, who later would become a Bishop in Brazil. While in Brazil for the next 13 years, Abbot Ralph learned the language of the people, and served as a pastor and Prior. He also helped welcome the Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery from Atchison, Kansas, when they founded their monastery to serve the people of Mineiros. In 1975 Abbot Ralph returned to the Abbey. He taught mathematics at Maur Hill Prep School, and served as Director of Camp St. Maur. In 1976 Abbot Brendan Downey asked him to serve as Prior of the Abbey. Upon the death of Abbot Brendan in 1980, Abbot Ralph was elected sixth Abbot of St. Benedict’s Abbey on November 28, 1980, assuming the role of spiritual father to the community. He was blessed as Abbot on January 4, 1981, by Archbishop Ignatius Strecker of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. During his years as Abbot he guided the community in revising its Liturgy of the Hours. He also oversaw the renovation of portions the monastery, creating a new infirmary area to care for the monks with healthcare needs. Upon resigning as Abbot on December 3, 1989, Abbot Ralph began a fruitful career as a pastor, first serving as Administrator of his childhood parish, Sts. Peter and Paul in Seneca. Between 1990 and 2000, he served as Pastor of St. Ann, Effingham, Kansas; St. Louis, Good Intent, Kansas. From 1998 to 2000, he served as Pastor of St. Mary’s, St. Benedict, Kansas; St. Bede, Kelly, Kansas; and St. Patrick’s, Corning, Kansas. From 2000 to 2008 he served as Pastor of St. Ann, Hiawatha, Kansas. Following the passing of Abbot Brendan Downey, Abbot Ralph Koehler was elected as our sixth Father in Christ on November 28, 1980, and was blessed on January 4, 1981.


Kansas Monks

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