Kansas Monks Fall 2021

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021 2 , ing il 10 apr tream e! ks s ldwid n o M wor , e v li presenting the lumen vitae medal to sr. irene nowell, osb and dr. scott & kimberly hahn

Tha nk you to o ur chair persons! Frank & Ann Uryasz Terry & Michelle Sexton Regional Chairs: Atchison: Joe & Chanda Koechner

Sharing the Word of God is the mission of every Christian – and on April 10, 2021, the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey, with the help of friends in Kansas City and around the world, honored three people for answering Christ’s commission par excellence. At the eighth annual Abbot’s Table Abbot James Albers and the monks presented the Lumen Vitae Medal to Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB, of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery and to Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn, world-renowned theologians and speakers, for their work in evangelizing and educating the world about Sacred Scripture. Typically, the Abbot’s Table draws more than 800 guests who celebrate the accomplishments of the Lumen Vitae Medal recipients as well as the work of the monks, but COVID-19 presented new challenges. The friends of the Abbey responded by hosting watch parties across the country, including two at the Overland Park Convention Center. From there the Abbot’s Table was shared virtually on YouTube, Facebook, and CatholicTV. The event began with a new video from the Abbey, The Life of a Monk, a humorous take on the phases on monastic life (check out all the Abbot’s Table videos at kansasmonks.org/abbotstable2021). The monks then celebrated the lives and service of Fr. Denis Meade, Abbot Ralph Koehler, and Fr. Blaine Schultz – all who made tremendous contributions to the Abbey, its apostolates, and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The first Lumen Vitae Medal recipient, Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB, was honored from afar, receiving her medal alongside 110 of her sisters at Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison. The monks honored Sr. Irene for her many accomplishments as an author, Benedictine College professor, and most especially for her work instructing the monks in formation at the Abbey on Sacred Scripture. Sr. Irene, in her remarks, shared that she was especially gratified to receive the award from one of her favorite students, Abbot James, who studied under Sr. Irene as an undergraduate student at Benedictine College. Sr. Irene has now retired from public ministry and resides at Mount St. Scholastica.

Denver: Dom & Maggie Cingoranelli St. Louis:

Scan to Stream Abbot’s Table VIII

Tom & Joni Kemlage


Kansas Monks

The Society of St. Benedict for Young Adults – young supporters of the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey – held an Abbot’s Table watch party at the Overland Park Convention Center. (L to R) Br. Karel Soukup, OSB, Isabella Debenedetti, Br. Placidus Lee, OSB, Society member Madeline Abbot, and Fr. Jay Kythe, OSB.

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