The Classic Marque December 2010 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer
Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Peter Holland Phone: 8271 0048 Email: Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email: Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email: Events Coordinator: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email:
0417882930 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770 Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126 Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051 Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971 Log Books: Peter Holland:
8271 0048
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
Front cover The end of another year is approaching and the xmas festivities are now upon us. On behalf of the JDCSA Executive Committee, have a great Xmas and New Year. We look forward to a 2011 full of good motoring and continued friendships. Stay safe and see you all next year. Pete and Kath (Editors CM)
A Class Metal Finishers Fox Creek Winery
1 Sports Car Centre– Kent Town
MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE JDCSA 2ND NOVEMBER 2010 Meeting opened by President Rick Luff. Apologies, Ray & Barbara Offe, Ron & Rosie Bailey, Di & Roger Adamson, Evan Spartalis, Claire & John Evans, Don & Margaret Evans, Des Brown Guests & New members: Mick Davies & Leslie Sheehan who have an E-type;
flow well. Thanks to the Register Secretaries for coordinating this Secretary’s Report •
Willshire has renewed their sponsorship of the club
ANZ Bank Statement received
Interstate Club Magazines
Carious miscellaneous correspondence
Host visit to Noel & Ali Roscrow on the 27th January. Register Secretaries to collate possible attendees to gauge numbers which may necessitate the event being held over two separate days.
Maurie Senior who is looking for a Mark 2; Louis Marafioti who is looking for a Jaguar Saloon between 1986-1996, and Alf & Joyce Taylor who are looking to join and have a 1990 XJ40.
Treasurer Report
Business Arising: None
Difficult to produce a financial report so close to the end of the month. The Executive are working on a Classic Marque version for everyone to view. This would need to be signed off at the Executive meeting.
President’s Report:
Membership Report
Minutes from previous meeting on 5th October 20910 were accepted as published in the CM
• •
Big thank you to Carmel & Noel Trew and Judy Sterzl for organising a very successful Annual dinner at the International Motel
Currently 15 Life Members
371 renewals sent out to financial members with 333 renewals and 38 electing to resign
Joint meeting between JDCSA/JCCC with All British Day President to organise the 75th Anniversary and feature Marque at the next ABD in 2011. There will be a centre timeline of Jaguars.
For 2010/2011 - 23 new approved memberships with another 6 applications pending
Applications close on 30/11 for ABD and available online.
13 possible applications were discussed on SA Jag Day
December general meeting downstairs in Police Club.
It appears that we are ahead by 3 members over 2008/2009
Primary sources for new members includes: Club Notices; word of mouth; advertising for Jag Day in The Advertiser and Web Site
There is an iphone app showing 75years of Jaguar history.
Please support the Police Club by purchasing a meal before the general meeting
New calendar has been printed for 2011. Important to send your photos for inclusion in the calendar. Bob Taylor (professional photographer) will be assisting JDCSA nest year with better looking photos for the calendar.
Vice President’s Report:
Editor Report Looking for more stories from members. 3 stories received this month. Webmaster Report All impressed with the speed by Tom of converting photos onto the web site Register Reports: •
SS & DAIMLER – Wagga Wagga Border Run very successful. Next meeting 24/11 at Des Brown’s
E TYPE – No Report
COMPACT. – Renmark Weekend. Meet at City Dismantlers
Big thank you to Jag Day committee for making it a great success The Jag Day came in under budget. The Marshall’s were well organised and punctual which makes the whole process
Run on 12th December (Next Meeting) will be combined with the Stag Club
XK Successful Border Run. Victorians are organising 2011
MULTI-VALVE. Christmas meeting on 23/11 at John & Lesley Clarke
XJ, 420G, and Mk10 Murray Bridge Race Day on 5th December. 48 booked. More welcome
Register Christmas meeting at the Buffalo at Glenelg.
No Report
Use of Ethanol Fuel in older cars has been cautioned due to their corrosive nature. Refer to future article in CM An Incorporated Body can have a car on Historic Registration but the individual clubs’ constitutions must provide for this. General Business: Bob Browne advised to be aware of poor quality front steering rod pins. He had an incidence where is locking washer fell out; luckily not causing a major accident.
Club Services:
The President thanked the Compact Register for setting up and for the supper and to Tim White for doing the minutes
Regalia: Looking for a Regalia Coordinator. Refer to CM
The meeting was declared closed at 8.34 pm.
ACJC - Bob Charman advised that our good relations on the Committee allowed us to invite the General Manager (Kevin Gault) of Jaguar Australia to SA Jag Day. Historic Registration: Child restraint laws vary between states. Beware of crossing the border as one might be in contravention of that State’s laws.
PRESIDENTS REPORT December 2010 It’s about this time each year that I look back upon the past twelve months and realize that a whole year has passed. But enough of the jokes. We’ve certainly crammed a lot in this time, with barely a weekend passing without a club event. I believe the club is the strongest it has ever been and the moral is fantastic. My prediction for next year is for more of the same. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and especially the executive committee who, as a group, run the club. I couldn’t ask for a better team. So on behalf of the committee I’d like to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year and I look forward to the fun and friendship of 2011. Rick Luff
Federation of Car Clubs News: 1. Child restraint update - Now confirmed that SA exemptions to child restraint law for under 7 year olds only applies to vehicles on the conditional log book 90 day rego scheme, and not fitted with seat belts ie/ built before end 1968. If seat belts are fitted then children under 7 must be in an approved child restraint system. This exemption does not extend beyond the SA state borders. 2. Ethanol E10 and E85 fuels are corrosive and should not be used in cars with carburettors. 3. An incorporated body may be a member of a club, however the rules need to specify “incorporated body accepted by discretion of executive committee” 4. Club registrars cannot issue MR334 to themselves, however may issue and update logbooks to themselves. 5. Surrender of number plate exemption only lasts for one year. Exemption must be renewed or the plate is lost and a fine imposed. Modern Fuels and Classic Cars Questions and Answers Should I run my classic car on an ethanol blended fuel? No, vehicles built before 1986 are not considered compatible with ethanol blended fuels. Also vehicles fitted with a carburettor are not compatible with Ethanol blended fuels. Fuel injected vehicles that have not been indicated as compatible with ethanol blends should also avoid ethanol blends. What vehicles should run on ethanol blends? In Australia two types of Ethanol petrol blends are available, E10 and E85. Most new vehicles are suitable for operation on E10 however only a select few can run on E85. Make sure your
vehicle is compatible with the mix you wish to use by checking with the manufacturer or on the FCAI website Will the government and fuel retailers stop selling neat petrol? A report in 2007 found that 59.9% of our petrol powered fleet are suitable to operate on E10, until a solution is found for the remainder; supply of neat petrol can’t be avoided. NSW legislation requires all regular grade unleaded petrol to be E10 from 1 July 2011; however it also states that the act does not require ethanol to be added to all petrol sold in NSW. This implies that ethanol free premium grade petrol’s will be available into the future. Currently (July 2010) there is no bio-fuel mandate in Victoria, although our state government has established a target of 5% of all fuel consumption by 2010. If this target is not met they stated that they would consider mandating bio-fuels. Will petrol disappear, leaving only ethanol blended fuels? No. E10 contains 10% ethanol the rest comes from conventional sources. If we ran out of fossil fuels/ crude oil we would not be able to produce our current E10 and E85 blends. Are we running out of fossil fuels/ crude oil? It is generally accepted that our traditional fossil fuels will become too difficult to source and too expensive for transport, ethanol blended with petrol will not solve that problem. It could however prolong the life of the cheaper supplies. The finite supply of fossil fuels is a problem that will affect all our current petrol, diesel and LPG fleet, not just classic cars. What happens if I do put E10 in my classic car? The results will vary, details on the effects have been studied by Orbital Engines Pty Ltd, and reports are available from the Department for Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. In 4
the report titled “Assessment of the Operation of Vehicles in the Australian Fleet on Ethanol Blend Fuels” the following issues among others were raised, regarding vehicles considered incompatible with ethanol blends: Performance and Drivability • Hesitation on acceleration • Difficult starting • Stalling Durability
involved the removal of lead; the lead in fuel helped to Increase the RON rating and decrease wear on engines, particularly valve seat recession. However the leaded fuel has linked to serious health issues (such as lower IQ, increase violent crime, and cause birth defects among others). Lead substitutes can still be added to unleaded fuel if desired.
• Loss of compression • Higher combustion temperatures • Premature engine failure due to piston and valve deposits • Blocked fuel filters, increased debris in the fuel lines.
Two factors have driven the further changes to the standard; air quality and our oil ‘dependence’. As pollutants became a more pressing concern, our fuel standard has adapted with changes including low sulphur Diesel. They also introduced a limit on bio-fuels blends and their labeling.
Material Compatibility • Fuel hoses shrinking and swelling • Failure of diaphragms and accelerator plunger seals • Corrosion of carburettor, leading to possible sticking throttle
Further Reading and References Driving Growth, A Road Map & Action Plan for the Development of the Victorian Biofuels Industry, Victorian Government, April 2007,
Can I convert my car to E10 or E85 compatible? Although technically possible, it means bringing the rubbers, fuel tank, fuel system and engine up to 21st century standards, RACV is not aware of a service currently provided that can offer this, or a need to do so. What else has changed in regards to fuels? The Australian Standards have become more stringent, giving access to better fuels for everyone with particular benefits to the air quality in Australia, details are available online at the Department for Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts website.
New South Wales Government, Land and Property management Authority, Biofuels Legislation, “Assessment of the Operation of Vehicles in the Australian Fleet on Ethanol Blend Fuels” Orbital Australia Pty Ltd, February 2007 (available from the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. /3/can-my-vehicle-operate-on-ethanol-blendpetrol-
What are Australian Standards? Fuel quality standards are set federally by the Department for Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. The biggest recent changes have 5
SS and Pushrod Engine Register held at the home of Jeannie Brown on Wednesday, 24 November 2010 Present: Bruce Fletcher, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Don Evans Apologies: Bob Hill Ling, Ross Gogler, Jack Richardson, Ross Rasmus, Brenton Cliff Matters Arising: •
NATIONAL RALLY at WAGGA WAGGA 17-19 September 2010. Bruce Fletcher has started a Review of the Event for submission to an English Magazine.
Discussions & Planning to start February 2011
After a decision to drop the subject from the Minutes, two Jaguar owners have advised their intention to proceed with the project.
Discussions ensued regarding voting rights for non-full members of the JDCSA.
All the issues associated with the matter have not been resolved by the Federation or the Authorities.
Technical & Parts Bob Lynch advised that a generator & starter motor for a 3 1/2 l engine are available on ebay. Bob Kretschmer has both rear wheel hubs & wheel centres from his 11/2l sedan at Fraser Engineering for re-splining following the successful job on the front wheels. Don Evans stressed the importance of correct castor angle to minimize steering wander. The bronze taper wedge must have the thick end aft. Bruce Fletcher advised that Volkswagen steering dampers must be from a Series 3 vehicle to have sufficient stroke. Both rear springs have been removed & load tested showing low camber & load to flatten, despite professional remaking of the springs at the start of the restoration. (The Service Manual is silent on the matter). Where does one measure the camber? •
Inside the end rolls
Centres of the end rolls, ie pivot points
Top of the end rolls
Des Brown sought explanation of the points raised during the October meeting.
General Business: Malcolm Adamson tabled copy of his new book “Jaguar Mascots” There is a Jaguar 21/2l sedan ex Melbourne advertised in ‘Just Cars’ magazine. There was a discussion on fuel & electric problems with XJS models SS Register Membership List. Bruce Fletcher tabled a draft copy which now includes new members Bob & Judy Lynch & Brenton & Robyn Cliff. List to be checked & issued by Register Secretary. JDCSA: Malcolm Adamson distributed new 2011 calendars (which incidentally show the wrong dates for SS Register meetings). Malcolm asked for expressions of interest from Register members for a proposed visit to see Patron Noel Roscrow’s collection of vehicles at Hindmarsh Is. Jan 2011. National Jaguar 2011 Rally to be held at Canberra. See CM 6
Clothing Stock ex-Club Regalia. Malcolm to bring some T shirts for sale to the next meeting as the goods will in future only be available on-line. December Christmas General Meeting will be held at the Police Club downstairs. See also CM Bay to Birdwood Rally Meeting 15 December The Executive would like to encourage more Inter- Register outings All British Day 13 Feb 2011. E-Type 50 yr Anniversary. Marshalls required SA JAG Days. Greater participation from attendees for People’s Choice is required. John Lewis suggested numbering the Entry/Voting Forms which would also serve as Raffle tickets for a reasonable prize, say $75
NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: 2010 Dec - No Meeting 2011 Jan - Visit to Noel Roscrow’s. Details TBA 16 Jan -Sunday BBQ lunch at Malcolm Adamson’s beach house at Seaford. Reminder Notice with more details to follow early Jan. 23 Feb - Don Evans 30 March Bob Lynch 27 April - Bob Kretschmer 25 May - John Lewis Supper: Thankyou Jeannie
R.J. Kretschmer Register Secretary
Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) No minutes received prior to printing
We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public
Ray Smithers 2010
With his new image hopefully secure He set off in the “chick magnet” to the National Rally Only to find his splendid suit left behind In the wardrobe at home, now this didn’t tally
“Fickle Finger of Fate” The very next year to the same event (1)
He confidently set off with his suit on its hanger There would be no problem this year but o’dear The suit was left behind in the enroute motel, what a clanger! Now I wouldn’t say this Gent is especially confused As we all lose some marbles as we age But he turned up on a Saturday when it wasn’t thataday To the Club’s annual dinner- for his dossier another page
There is a man among us Who’s a free lance architect An admirer of structural splendour and the opposite gender Many of which he’s been known to collect In a bygone age he joined the Club With young wife and a family new Their fixed head XK140 was very sporty They were very much part of the JDC “in crew” As time went by the family grew As did the Jaguar fleet in the shed A Daimler V12 Van Den Plas was the next car In iridescent gold and turned many a head
He eventually made it on the correct night And arrived with a young lady from Canada They danced frenetically ‘til he suffered thermometically And retired early to their cabin and Ah! Ah! Now this Gent has given as many a laugh And as a Past President, Editor and Register Sec has done a great job We have laughed ‘til we cried and it can’t be denied That he’s a character we all cherish, our man Rob Rob Smith (R S)
Various Jags have passed through his hands Including a gaggle of Mk II’s and a Mk X Many problems appeared but he wasn’t affeared As he was one of those try anything “Mr Fixit” men With fencing wire, bostic and electrician’s tape He would tackle any repair No matter how major he saw no danger Much to his fellow members’ despair Now after amicably separating from his second wife He embarked on an around the world tour The ladies found him debonair especially his hair As he returned with a flaming red coiffure So as the eligible man about town He set about establishing his reputation afar Now allegedly pure he increased his allure With the purchase of a brand new XKR 8
Fickle Finger of Fate 2010 (2) There is a pair among us Who live in a “suite” in the Jam Factory She is tall while he is not small They find retired life most satisfactory He has been a yachtie for many a year A pastime that requires much effort and money It provides excitement and fun, but a Jaguar run Is so relaxing and the company is entertaining and funny For some years they owned a caravan A fancy tilt top variety and very classy The Fairlane towed it with ease so touring was a breeze But didn’t match yachting when seas were glassy
So now their motoring exploits are limited to Regular runs to locations down south Where they use their skill over valley and hill To search out gourmet pies, pasties and treats for the mouth Our subjects are valuable members of the club And in the Multi Valve Register have made their mark Each Christmas the party they host on their terrace is the most Here’s cheers to John and Lesley Clarke Ray Smithers
So the van was sold to Peter and Trish And various tenting options were perused But the lady’s statuesque build meant normal tents were overfilled So one of tailored height would have to be used A Jag Club wag suggested a wigwam To provide the necessary height To allow her head to pop through the hole in the top And provide a magnificent line of sight Eventually a suitable tent and camping gear were bought And so they set off with hopes held high But the weather was foul and they began to scowl As rain deluged down from the sky Despite the downpour all went well Until the rubber blade separated from the wiper So quick as a flash our lady avoided a crash By wrapping her knickers around the offending member
The Knickers used were not being worn at the time But were from the overnight bag previously packed And as for the member in question it was not my suggestion It was any other than the wiper arm she had attacked 9
Minutes of the Compact Register held at the home of Geoff and Marg Thomas on the 12th October 2010 Present: Noel & Jo Orford, Ray Thomas, Neil Murray, Marg & Colin Haese, Bill Browne, Marg Piper, Bill & Heather Jones, Sue & Tim White, Rob Smith, Tom & Marj Brindle, Peter & Ros Holland, Doug Tilley & Judy Sturzl. Apologies: Marg Thomas, David Davidson, Noel & Carmel Trew, Phil & Sue Prior. Business Arising: •
Jag Day marshals given times
Models 1/18th scale approx $150.00 (Aus.) See Ray Thomas.
Christmas run with Stag Club
2012 National Rally will not be held at Easter (discussion)
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE ATTENDING THE COMBINED RUN WITH THE STAG CLUB ON 12TH DECEMBER BECAUSE WE NEED TO KNOW FOR CATERING PURPOSES. A.S.A.P. Car Talk Neil: 3.8 S type. Nearly finished doors retrimmed Rob: NTR Bill Brown: Clunk in front end (track rod broken), very difficult to drive and now in for repairs. Tom: NTR Bill Jones: NTR Tim: Went for a drive. Could not remember where but it came to him later (old age creeping up?) Noel: NTR Doug: New web site to look at. Car OK Colin: Major service. New U joint and tailshaft balanced. Ray: Has polished rockers etc, new shockers. Peter NTR. Daimler upholstery finished and it looks good. Hood still to do. Geoff: New plug leads, new fuel pump, now running OK Phil & Sue Prior went to Melbourne to pick up their new XJC NEXT MEETING AT XMAS COMBINED RUN ON 12TH DECEMBER.
I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot
The “Renmarque” Run th
Saturday 20 November was a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky. City Dismantlers, Gepps Cross, was the meeting point for an overnight adventure to Renmark. The fleet of over a dozen cats travelled along the new Northern Expressway – very nice road, and wound their way through Gawler. First stop was at Truro for morning tea at the Bakery. We then went on to Banrock Station where we met up with some more Jaguars and their owners, also a 4wd Club. We had a beautiful lunch, the weather had warmed up a bit by now and was too hot to do the wetlands walk, but the views were terrific. After lunch, it was getting hot so the roof went up on the XJS convertible. We set off and called in at Olivewood, an old homestead in Renmark. A lot of period furniture and nick nacks scattered throughout the 1889 homestead. Peter Clarke took stock of the old dentistry equipment.
Off to the Remark Country Club. We checked in and our rooms were lovely. We were met by other club members who had stayed the night before. The weekend was so popular that some members had to find accommodation in Berri. A photographer from the local newspaper was organised so after we had quickly cleaned the cats we set the cars up for a photos shoot – “talk about trying to round up cats”. Difficult to watch, but we finally got there. The look on the ladies faces says it all!!
Time for happy hour!!. The whole group changed into their glad rags and gathered under the trees on the edge of the golf course. Even the kangaroos came out to see what was going on.
Our coach driver Hugh arrived and 47 happy campers set off for our evening cruise. We arrived on the edge of the River Murray to the sight of the mighty “River Rambler”, our vessel for the night. Allan and Fleur (fellow JDCSA club members) were our hosts along with their helpers. The boat was excellent and we could sit inside in air-conditioned comfort or outside on the upper deck to watch the world go by as we cruised the river. We couldn’t have ordered a more perfect night – it was a warm night with a full moon. As the sun went down the many colours of the river changed, along with the wildlife. When night fell, the lights of the boat picked up the magnificent “Golden Cliffs” along the Murray. We dined on a vast array of hors d’oeuvres. Yummy and very creative. After the cruise, the bus took us all safely back to the country club for the end of a fantastic evening. The next morning we enjoyed a beautiful breakfast which was included in our accommodation package. With tummy’s full the group set off for Rushtons Roses for a wander around their spectacular roses and gift shop.
There was a café available with the best milkshakes. We departed from Renmark after lunch for our trip back to Adelaide. The locusts were plentiful however Robyn and Roseanne Bullock tried their best to reduce the bug population on their way home.
It was a fantastic weekend and the highlight was the river cruise. Allan and Fleur Carthew should be commended on a fantastic attraction for the region. Highly recommended for future runs and yes, my name will be first on the list. A big WELL DONE also to Geoff and Marg Thomas for organising a superb weekend. Kath Taylor (editor) More photos on the website
JDCSA Presentation Night 2010 It was all glimmer and shimmer as the JDCSA gathered for their annual presentation night at the Adelaide International Motor Inn. For those who booked a room in advance the action started early with fine wines, cheeses, and other exotic nibbles in Noel and Carmel’s abode at around 4pm. Yes, the theme of the night was set!!
The formal part of the evening started around 7pm with a selection of wines and nibbles before the night kicked off. An awesome display of singing and entertainment by Linda McCarthy provided a “one lady” show not seen since the Beatles graced our shores. The Fickle Finger of Fate was again a star attraction with John & Lesley Clark & Rob Smith receiving the auspicious award for 2010. Well Done.
The numbers for this year’s dinner were excellent so if you missed out, get in early next year as these events are getting better and better every year. Peter Clarke was MC for the evening and as always, his sexy voice filled the rafters with dulcet tones not unlike Barry White. Thanks Pete for an entertaining show. If Batman was a dentist, you would be a superhero. Of course Martin O’dea was not far from the action and was seen harassing the young entertainer on a number of occasions. It was reported that Martin had finished before he even got started when Linda chose him for her rendition of “Kiss Me Honey, Honey Kiss Me”. Apparently he doesn’t recall anything. ‘Way to go ‘Martin”. We won’t tell anyone. Thanks must go to Carmel and Noel Trew for organising a great night but most of all, thanks to those who helped out and attended the event. We do a lot of register events throughout the year but the annual presentation night is a mixed event and a lot of fun. If you have ideas for a venue or entertainment for next year, please let your register secretary know and we will look into it. Cheers – Pete (editor)
Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s Clubrooms, 863 South Rd Wednesday, 10th November 2010 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, Martin O’Dea, Darryl & Fay Leyton, John & Claire Evans, Steve Attard, David Bicknell, Timothy Dunning, Graeme Moore, Borys Potiuch, Ros & Peter Holland, Rick Luff, Evan Spartalis, Richard & Margie Foster, Phil & Sue Prior. Apologies: Ray & Barb Offe, Ron & Rosie Bailey, Noel & Carmel Trew, Pete & Cathy Taylor, Robin & Roseanne Bullock. New Members: Richard & Margie Foster, Phil & Sue Prior (new to the register) General Business Our Register Christmas Dinner will be held on Saturday the 27th November on the H.M.S. BUFFALO at Glenelg. The cost will be $35 per head. This includes a 3 course meal and a few surprises. Names can now be given to Bob. We have 35 already. The week end trip to Renmark with the Compact Register was discussed. The date for this event is November the 20th. Bob provided details about the Xmas Race Day at Murray Bridge planned for Sunday the 5th of December. Cost will be the same as last year, $50 per head. Full details will be announced shortly. Names can be given to Bob. We have 48 people so far. A Register run for next year was discussed. Mount Gambier in May 2011 from Friday the 6th – 8th was agreed upon. All British Day 2011 was discussed. Entries should be in by 30th November. Car Talk •
Borys Potiuch: Has a whine in the diff but hasn’t got around to it. Took it for a drive and it stopped without warning. Plugs not good so replaced them and the leads. Better but still not good. Will look at the distributor.
Martin O’Dea: Congratulations to Bob and the committee for a great Jag Day. Also to Noel, Carmel and Judy for arranging the Annual Dinner. Just when I thought the demons were beginning to disappear, back came the old fading problem. With a little detective work, I found the micro switch screws were loose. Tightened them up and all is well again. (For now!)
Graeme Moore: Horn stopped working. Could be earth or relay.
Darryl & Fay Leyton: Sovereign used for a friend’s wedding at Ayers House. Plenty of photos of the car. Derek still in the shed waiting for Darryl’s shoulder to get better. Both will be ready for next year.
John & Claire Evans: Car not used since Jag Day. Towing the van this week end with the JOCCERS. Volvo did a good job to Melbourne and back. We survived the Titanic exhibition.
Timothy Dunning: Car now back and all is quiet.
Bob & Daphne Charman: Had the new rust spots removed and the complete bottom half of the car repainted. All OK. Now to have the exhaust finished by Evan.
David Bicknell: Gertrude still not well. Transmission went in. Sump plug stripped and not easy to repair. Repaired the bonnet
Steve Attard: Still having problems with the Council about the shed. 15
Peter & Ros Holland: XJ40 full hose replacement a couple of weeks ago. On the way to look at a garden, stopped and when ready to go again, found a pool of coolant underneath. Drove home and tightened hoses. All OK now.
Rick Luff: New spark plug leads in road XJS. Problem with windows. Race car on blocks waiting for painting.
Evan Spartalis: XJ has leaking head gasket. Took E Type to Climb to the Eagle and could not shake off Don Tyrrell’s Mark 10.
Richard & Margie Foster: Bought car on internet from Sydney. Trucked it back to Adelaide. Spent 2 years in garage. Spent a lot of time rebuilding it with a friend. Basically, under the bonnet it finished but still a lot of work to be done. Can’t get the cruise control to work. Car is originally from Adelaide.
Phil & Sue Prior: XJC owned for 5 weeks. Wanted a coupe 4.2, this narrowed the field. Car came with all original documents. It was owned by 3 Limo companies. Drove it home from Melbourne and running beautifully.
Meeting closed 8.50pm Next meeting: Wednesday, 8th December,, 2010.
Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish
Minutes of the V12 Register Meeting held at Roger & Di Adamson’s home on 12th November 2010
Present: Rick Luff, Pete and Kath Taylor, Bruce Fletcher, Brian and Sue Walker, Richard and Margie Foster, Alan and Sharon Dunsford, Tom, Mardi and Sophie Herraman, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson Business: Calendars were distributed to members who had not received them yet. Welcome to our new members Richard and Margie from Kingston in the South East. It was also great to see Alan and Sharon from Lameroo able to join us. Car Talk Alan: Had to replace wiper on XJS. Previous owner had done a lot of work on the car. They enjoy driving it. Tom: Took his E Type in the Climb to the Eagle then drove it in his brother’s wedding. Went well. Showed the E Type 50th Shirts now available. Tom introduced his baby daughter (5 week old) Sophie to the group. Roger: Di took the E Type to Jag Day and took the XK8 to the Climb to the Eagle. Both going well. Pete & Kath: Kath’s XJS Convertible and XJC going well. Brian & Sue: Put a body stabiliser on the Convertible. Great. No scuttleshake. Same as driving the coupe. From 88 – 93 the cars weren’t fitted with them and they did flex a bit. Took Convertible on Climb to the Eagle. Had a bit of a miss and found sludge in tank. Noted when Convertible fuel tank was full it showed ¾. Several others commented they had similar issue. Bruce: Just done rear brakes on the XJS. A discussion was held regarding fuel from BP vs Shell. Richard: Bought the car 2 ½ years ago. Had more problems than initially thought. Has done quite a bit of work including fitting new heater core, belts, hoses, distributor cap, reconnecting heater and major rewiring. Enjoying at the moment. Rick: XJS Race car being prepped for paint work. Other XJS going well. There was lots of car talk, baby holding and Pizza’s were enjoyed by all. NEXT MEETING: Will be a combined V12 / E Type run to Normanville on 12th December 2010. All welcome. Roger Adamson, Register Secretary
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of John & Lindsey Williams – 3rd November 2010 Present: Doug & Sue Harrison, Robin & Diedre Ide, Julian Lugg, Richard & Carla Smith, John Dunning, Peter Holland, Onslow & Wendy Billinghurst. Apologies: Rod & Peg Davis, Rob Smith, Rob & Vicki Loffler, Peter & Judy Goodale, Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Moira Lugg, Ros Holland, Roger & Lyn Hughes, Lindsey Williams, Ron Ozlanski. Business: •
Julian sent get well wishes to Roger & Di by email. Wendy has sent a card on behalf of the register to Ron Ozlanski on the recent death of his mother.
Border run went very well. Special thanks to Peg Davis (bookings, dinners, treasurer), Wendy Billinghurst (The Cedars), Julian Lugg (Barossa run) and other committee members Di, Rod, and Onslow.
Wooden Boat Festival Goolwa (Feb 26th & 27th) – Rob Loffler has received an invitation for us to be involved again – members are interested. Rob to coordinate.
NZ run proposed (maybe Oct 2011 or Easter 2012). Any expressions of interest to be given to Richard Smith to assess feasibility. Invited interest from Victorians.
Robin prepared & circulated a draft Register data base of restoration hints/ tips/ business – to be added to by email – not for wider circulation.
Murray Bridge race day Dec 5th – contact Bob Charman if interested.
Club Christmas meeting 7th Dec – register members encouraged to attend.
All British Day Feb 13th – Jaguars will be the focus – entries by end Nov (website).
Visit to Patron Noel – 27th Feb Hindmarsh Island – bookings essential (extra date may be added) – please pass name to Peter Holland.
National Rally Easter 2011 Canberra – forms available
Club Calendars distributed - available from Julian
Future events – run to Meningie (March) – Robin to draft ideas; run to Beltana Station (May) – Julian to draft ideas; run to Tailem Town (July) – Sue & Doug to draft ideas; run to Ashbourne – Peter to draft ideas - new events dates to be checked with Di as events coordinator
Notice by email of magazine publication – Julian has passed on request – should be already happening – some addresses need updating with editor – Julian to follow up.
Cars Doug – white Mk9 being prepared for wedding in Ballarat. John W – XK has new tyres (Roadstones) Richard – XK going well, upholstery progressing on E-type. Robin – Mk 9 wood work has been restored. Small Jaguar shifter spanner shown (replica). John – Mk7 going well. Julian – XK work progressing. Peter – Daimler still a priority, running, upholstery being done, photos shown. Onslow – XK is great, Daimler booster needs fixing, Austin 7 due for painting. Thank you to Richard & Carla for their hospitality. Next meetings Sun 5th Dec Christmas function at home of Wendy & Onslow Billinghurst (numbers needed – Wendy to circulate email). January – no meeting Tues 1st Feb – register doing supper for general meeting. Register meeting over a meal before general meeting. Wed 2nd Mar – Peter & Ros Holland
E-Type 50th Anniversary.
The JDCSA E-Type register have begun planning their 2011 event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the E-Type. With well over a hundred known E-Types in the state this should be a spectacular event Arrangements have been made with the National Motor Museum at Birdwood to hold the event on their display grounds. If anyone would like to know more details or register their interest they can go to
GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Xmas meeting XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve SS & Daimler Mk1, 2, S Type & 420
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting.
Regalia Coordinator(s)
WANTED This position is now available within the Club. It is a position that suits say an enthusiastic couple or two couples. During 2009 – 2010 we have reduced the stock levels with a view to changing the process for the coordinator(s). What we have in mind is for a smaller number of product lines with the Jaguar embroidery e.g. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fleecy Vests Polo Shirts – men’s and ladies Caps Fleecy Jumpers Jackets
A quantity of say 6 of each size would then be held in stock so that a member could order on-line or at a general meeting with the coordinator(s) and the items would then be posted or collected from a later meeting. Ron & Claire Palmer (through Palmer Agencies) have offered to continue to supply the club with the product lines and assist the coordinator(s) with product line choices and the embroidery. The club’s lock-up could be utilised for this purpose or alternatively if the member has space at home that would be OK. This means that at a general meeting the coordinator(s) only need bring a sample of each size along (as the same manufacture would be used for the product lines this eliminates the need for multiple samples). In addition to the above the various badges and other small items would be available for sale at a meeting. In addition the coordinator(s) would be responsible to maintain a cash float, bank sales monies, send the banking receipt to the Treasurer, maintain stock levels, and sell Regalia at Jag Day. Should anyone be interested in this role please either talk to Rick or me. Regards Tim White
Club & Other Events •
JDCSA General Meeting – Xmas Meeting: 7 December 2010
The E Type Register and V12 Register are combining for a run to Normanville on 12th December 2010. Check with Register secretary for details
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting
Tuesday, 7th December 2010
Register Meetings Compact E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, 7, 8, 9 V12
Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 8th December Sunday, 5th December Sunday, 12th December
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Steel XJ6 wheel complete with Bridgestone 205/70/15 tyre 95%+ tread. $50 - Price includes 5 wheel nuts and securing bolt/washer for boot storage. Robin Bullock 8389 6185
The Cat’s Giggle After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realised I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application. When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten Disability, too'
Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM