2010 July Classic Marque

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The Classic Marque July 2010 Monthly Newsletter of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Nothing “Plane” about this Cat

Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email: rickluff@bigpond.com Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: charman@bigpond.net.au Treasurer: Mark Goodwin Mobile: 0488 158 151 Email: markgoodwin59@hotmail.com Secretary: Peter Holland Phone: 8271 0048 Email: secretary-jdcsa@picknowl.com.au Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email: editor-jdcsa@picknowl.com.au Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email: member-jdcsa@picknowl.com.au Events Coordinator: VACANT Webmaster: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: info@jdcsa.com.au

Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Rob Smith SS & Daimler – Bob Kretschmer MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Peter Clarke

0410736648 8357 8233 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0413 830 981 8243 1965

Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770 Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126 Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051 Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971 Log Books: Peter Holland:

8271 0048

Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA

Front cover Club members Alan & Sharon Dunsford‟s beautiful XJSC relaxing at the Greenock Aviation Museum surrounded by grapevines. The run was hosted by the Compact and XJ Registers and although the weather was a little bleak, no wining from the group.

A Class Metal Finishers

Fox Creek Winery

Sports Car Centre– Kent Town 1


Committee and/or its nominated Vehicle Inspectors, provided that the vehicle(s) meet all the necessary requirements for Conditional Registration and the owner(s) are financial members of the Club

Meeting opened by President Rick Luff. Apologies: Ray & Barbara Offe, Ron & Rosie Bailey, Brian & Sue Walker, Don & Kathy Tyrell, Doug & Sue Harrison, Evan Spartalis, Allen Andrews, Doug Tilley, Judy Sterzl, Tony Human Guests & New members: None Minutes from previous meeting on 4th May 2010 taken as published in the CM Business Arising: Peter Holland spoke to the Constitutional Change as detailed in the Classic Marque and published in accordance with the constitution.

(3) Clause 21 (d) indicates that “Such resolutions must be carried by a threequarters majority of the members present and eligible to vote. The minimum number required to pass a resolution is twenty-three, being three-quarters of the required quorum. (refer clause 12[c])” As there were more than 31 members present and all members present voted for the change, the constitutional changes were approved by the members. President’s Report: Refer to Classic Marque

Peter moved that the Constitution be changed as follows: “

Please purchase and display our JDCSA Car Banners across the windscreens on Club Runs.


Vice President’s Report:

(1) Clause 29

Don’t leave dinner bookings too late

Possible Club Run to Zoo in late September

Bob to follow up with Barbara Offe regarding the Gumeracha Hospital “on the lawns” for the Bay to Birdwood

The Club shall comply with the rules for Conditional (Historic) Registration as prescribed in the following guides issued by Transport SA “Code of Practice for Historic Vehicles and Prescribed Left Hand drive Vehicles” and “Conditional Registration of Historic Vehicles and Prescribed Left Hand Drive Vehicles”

(2) In addition to the above the following will apply: 

A Life Member and their spouse/partner, as defined in clause 6(a) part (v) of this Constitution shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of a Full Member as defined in clause 6(a) part (i) and for the purpose of Conditional (Historic) Registration are considered to be fully financial members of the Club. The Club may accept other makes/models of vehicle for Conditional (Historic) Registration at the discretion of Executive

Secretary’s Report 

Bay to Birdwood applications

ANZ Bank Statement received

Interstate Club Magazines

Treasurer Report Membership renewals are boosting current balance which is $23,200 Membership Report 372 Renewals have been sent: 109 have been sent back to-date; 4 cancellations of membership.


Please send your renewals ASAP to Noel who is going on holiday in July

Next Meeting at Reg Wyman’s at Chandlers Hill

Please remember to sign the attendance record for the general meetings

XJ, 420G, and Mk10 Golf Day was wet but lots of fun. Next meeting 9th June.

Editor Report

V12: Next meeting Friday 11th at Rick Luff’s

Looking for more stories from members. Please don’t be shy.

Club Services:

Webmaster Report 

 

PayPal payment system nearly completed. This will allow for membership renewals and regalia purchases Classified section the 2nd most popular site on web Looking to install a new web viewer to improve functionality

Librarian’s Report: Various Classic Car Magazines available. Regalia: Winter Major Sale. Most items at 50% discount MSCA: Barry Kitts advised 6 hour relay was very wet & cold. 4th July is next event ACJC - Bob Charman advised that next meeting in August General Business:

Details on number plates as per SAPOL advice will be available soon

Jag Dinner $45 per head and subsidised by club

Costs of Number Plates and auctions will soon be viewable

Easter Nationals in 2011 information to be put onto web site

16,000 views of the web site with 50% being our own club members

The President thanked the Compact Register for setting up and for the supper and to Tim White for doing the minutes

Register Reports: SS & DAIMLER – Next meeting 30th June at Bob Hill-Ling’s home

The meeting was declared closed at 8.30 pm.

E TYPE – No Report COMPACT. – Greenock Aviation Museum run on Sunday 6th June. Meet at Virginia Nursery before 11.00 for the run to Greenock Only 3 rooms left for Renmark run in November. $50 deposit. Next Meeting on 8th June at Noel & Jo Orford’s XK Run to Willunga was well attended – 39 people. Next Meeting 2nd June at Rob Smith’s. MULTI-VALVE. No run in October: Tag-along with Compacts to Renmark Run in September 19th to Hahndorf and Sandgate House 3

PRESIDENTS REPORT J U N 2010 Unmade roads, intermittent rain, 26 Jags and twice that many members. And all this for a sausage and a cup of tea. The run to Greenock Aviation museum was a great success from a club perspective and the aircraft and model displays could have kept us there all day. By the time you read this issue of CM, round two of the Super Sprints at Mallala would have been done and dusted. A detailed description will be in next month’s issue. As I mentioned last month, there is a danger of our club mag becoming just diary sheet if we don’t get more articles. The wealth of knowledge and experiences within our club is huge, so I’d like you all to think about putting pen to paper and send something to Pete Taylor. We shine nationally with our web site but lack depth with our magazine through lack of material. Don’t be shy or feel that you have to be a long time member to have something valid to say. I jumped right in as a new member and became closer to the club because of it.

that pulls the rug out from under the viewer’s newly owned confidence in their judgement. Now, as said viewer is wallowing in self pity you pull him back from the abyss by saying something nice again, almost restoring his self esteem but certainly not enough to make him thing you are nothing less than an automotive guru.

Easy really. Oh, and you must also go out and slide the car all over the track. Street cred is scored for clouds of tyre smoke and if you can actually break something then you are home and hosed. Wish I had a job like that.

Rick Luff

On another theme, I’ve just worked out what you have to do to be a car commentator. First of all you must practice sucking air in through clenched teeth prior to delivering each sentence. Chronic indigestion will help with your presentation however the most important requisite is to always be right, and on those rare occasions when you aren’t, then bully all those around you into giving up and accepting that you are.

When it comes to talking about actual cars, make sure you’re in something exotic and totally unaffordable when you infer that all punters should be in the market for one of these. Next thing is to say some nice things about the vehicle so the viewers will be thinking “yeah, that sounds reasonable. I agree with that. He thinks just like I do”. This must be quickly followed by a comment or two 4


But their owners sometimes do Renewals have all been posted out and I would like to thank those Members who have returned their Membership forms and log books. After the 26/07/2009 I will be on holidays and will not be doing any more Renewals for year 2010/2011. If you are not financial and have not rejoined by the 26/07/2010 you will possibly have to pay a rejoining fee. Members who have not renewed and currently have their Vehicles on Historic Registration are no longer legally allowed to drive their Vehicles and JDCSA have to inform the Department of Motor Registration. Membership Secretary Noel Trew 8172 2071


SS and Pushrod Engine Register No Minutes received for hardcopy. Web version will be updated Editor

Minutes of the V12 Register Meeting Held at Roger and Di’s home on 12th Jun 2010 Present: Brian and Sue Walker, Rick Luff, Bruce Fletcher, Carmel and Noel Trew, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson Apologies: Pete and Kath Taylor, Alan Dunsford, Business: There was a suggestion to set up an Email list for help with parts and problems. Forums are OK to ask questions, however you may have an answer someone is looking for and not be aware they looking for it. Di sent out an email request for a spare part to all Register members and had a reply within 2-3 hours. Regalia still require some people to share in taking responsibility for goods. V12 considering hosting a Go-Kart night. Di will check out and come back with details for next meeting. Car Talk Brian - Put Carbie cleaner in the Sovereign, now great. Daimler wasn‟t running well. EFI Injector cleaner in fuel - now OK. Bruce - Car is setting in shed with a cover on it. Roger - E Type went well on XK Greenock run. Major problems with XK8 Gearbox. Rick - XJ Temperature – Heater matrix tested again and found to be faulty. Bought new one from UK, All great. Problem with the racing car turned out to be Ignition switch. The ECU possibly added to the problem. Noel - Advertising Mark II for sale this weekend. Both cars running well. NEXT MEETING: 7.15pm Friday 10th July at Rick Luff‟s to view Jaguar XJS racing car All welcome. Roger Adamson, Register Secretary

Paddy is walking down the road eating a bag of doughnuts, Murphy meets him & says ' if I can guess how many doughnuts you have in the bag, can I have one? Paddy said ' if you can guess how many doughnuts are in there you can have both of them!! '...............Murphy says 'Four!'


Minutes of the Compact Register No meeting minutes. Next meeting: 10th AUGUST, at Phil PRIOR'S. 1 SALRAK ROAD.PARKHOLME.0418841032

Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s Clubrooms, 863 South Rd Wednesday, 9th Jun 2010 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, John & Claire Evans, David Bicknell, Martin O‟Dea, Jay Russian, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Steve Attard, James Mann, Roy Malandain, Stuart Perkins, Hayden Isaac, Martin O‟Dea, Ray & Barb Offe, Kerry Williams. New Members Kerry Williams from Port Pirie was welcomed to the meeting. Apologies Anne-Marie Pijanka, Noel & Carmel Trew, Robin & Roseanne Bullock, Evan Spartalis, Graeme Moore, Rick Luff, Pete & Kathy Taylor, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Borys Potiuch, Ron & Rosey Bailey General Business Our Register Christmas Dinner will be held on Saturday the 27th November on the H.M.S. BUFFALO at Glenelg. The cost will be $35 per head. This includes a 3 course meal and a few surprises. The week end trip to Renmark with the Compact Register was discussed. The date for this event is November the 20th. Bob reminded the meeting that deposits were now due to ensure accommodation. $50 per couple can be paid to Geoff Thomas or Bob Charman. Our Golf day results:

1st Martin O‟Dea eating the most at the B.B.Q.

2nd David Bicknell

14 shots ( ?? ) to hit the ball of the 1st tee.

3rd John Evans

Closest to the pin.

4th Naomi Chambers

Most unusual shot of the day.

5th Lorraine Davis

Closest to the ball. (after she hit it)

Mallala coming up on Sunday the 4th of July. The club has arranged the use of two garages for our members‟ comfort. Tables, chairs and some nibbles will be the order of the day. Darryl‟s Derek and Rick‟s (now starting) and raring to go, XJS will be the highlights. So, be early so that you can mingle with the race drivers. (bring overalls just in case) 7

Barb Offe has informed us that tickets for this year‟s Bay to Birdwood at the Gumeracha Hospital will be available in a few weeks. Cost is $13.50 for a two course lunch and tea or coffee and the best spot to view the event. SPECIAL REMINDER. Next month’s general meeting at the Police Club on Tuesday the 6th of July, is our register’s turn to supply supper. So, if you could possibly bring something along it would be appreciated. Thanks. Car Talk Steve Attard: Still looking for a new shed. John & Claire Evans: Jag not running. Problem with fuel pump. Will try a loan pump to try and locate problem. David Bicknell: Daimler gear box not the best. Looking for a 4 speed box. James Mann: New thermostat and Battery put in car. Martin O‟Dea: The „poltergeist‟ has temporarily left the car and it‟s going quite well at the moment. He went on to say that now his car is going OK, he is now looking to assist other motorists in trouble, however, his first attempt was best forgotten. Don Tyrrell: X300 magnificent. Mk10 magnificent. Nothing on the Clipper. The other Mk10 in the shed still needs work. Bob & Daphne Charman: The old girl is badly in need of a wash. (talking about the car) Roy Malandain: Car fine except when trying to start at Villi‟s before coming to meeting. Stuart Perkins: Hasn‟t looked at it since last meeting. (We think he was talking about the car) Hayden Isaac: Bought an alternator off EBay for $25 and its working fine. Jay Russian: N.T.R. Family has been ill. Had a successful vasectomy. Wife had to help with the specimens. Ray & Barb Offe: Went on JOCCERS run and ran into a million bugs but the Jag pulled well. Kerry Williams: Had the XJ Series 1 since 1970. Just had the fuel pumps converted to electronic. Done in N.S.W. for about $200. Wasn‟t hard to do as they‟re not encapsulated.

Meeting closed 8.35pm Next meeting Wednesday 14th July 2010


BAY TO BIRDWOOD September 26th 2010 An open invitation is again extended to the Jaguar Drivers Club of SA from the Gumeracha DSM Hospital Auxiliary View the Bay to Birdwood Rally from the Grandstand Style Hospital Lawns with good company & good food. Tickets are limited and can be purchased direct from Barbara Offe, or at a General/Register (XJ) Meeting, or direct from the Hospital. Group bookings through all Registers would be most welcome. This could be organised as individual Register runs to the Hospital if the Secretaries wish, as it is a fabulous Club day. BYO:

Chairs, tables, & drinks (alcohol ok).

Have a great day and support a local Hospital. LUNCH:

B-B-Q & SALAD, DESSERT, TEA AND COFFEE Only $13.00 per person (Children $6)

Information/tickets are available from Ray or Barbara Offe on 8389 4436, Bob Chalmers on 8248 4111, or the Hospital receptionist direct on 8209 9200.

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


THE RUN TO THE GREENOCK AIR MUSEM On Sunday the 6th of June a large contingent of Jaguars (and some Daimlers) met at the Virginia Nursery for a run to the Greenock Air Museum. After a look at the huge display of plants etc and a variation of morning teas ranging from just coffee and cakes to bacon and eggs we proceeded to the Gawler Bypass. A sign on the side of the road told us of road works and that there would be a detour ahead (ha ha). Well some of us took this detour and after 10-15 klms on this so called detour we came upon a sign that said Two Wells 5km so we were certainly sent the long way round we wondered how our car would go in a Variety Bash because we went a long way on dirt roads. It would have been much more sensible (in our view) if we had been sent via Gawler but who knows how the minds of the Road Transport works? Anyway back on the main road again. All was going well until I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a line of red and blue flashing lights behind but not to worry as a 4 wheel drive decided to pass a line of Jaguars and ended up helping the Police with their inquiries. We arrived at the Museum and were soon enjoying a meal of sausages and salads and quite a few had seconds. Luckily we were under cover because the day turned out to be quite damp and misty but most of the exhibits were housed in large sheds and a lot of time and effort by the owner has been spent putting this very detailed and interesting display together there are over 1000.models. Some of the aircraft include an Avro Anson, a British –built Canberra Bomber which was used in the million dollar movie “Ground Zero” and a Mustang replica. Vintage tractors and trucks completed this display. I believe that a good time was had by all who went. I certainly enjoyed myself. Geoff Thomas.


Minutes of the Meeting of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register Held at Rob Smith’s home – 2nd Jun 2010 Present: Julian Lugg, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Richard Smith, Robin Ide, Peter and Judy Goodale, Rob Smith Apologies: Rod and Peggy Davis, Jenny and Russell Clarke, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Moira Lugg, Carla Smith, John Dunning, Deidre Ide, Doug & Sue Harrison BUSINESS: Border Run under control for 15th - 17th October 2010. Will be going to Tanunda on 16th October & SA Jag Day 17th October. Christmas party at Billinghurst‟s on 5th December. Car Talk: Julian -

Has got original shockers for XK 120 and doing rear end work at the moment.

Rob L -

XK 129 going well.

Onslow - XK150 had leak from brake booster. Tightened and now ok. Richard S - Car in pieces. Bodywork underway with intention to repainting. Robin I - Mk 9 had small water leak on passenger side. Woodworth possibly needing some work. Peter G - XK140 FHC bodywork being worked on, in particular inner panels. Rob S - XK140 going well at the moment. Nothing more to report as XKR going well also.

Next register meeting at Rob & Vicki Loffler‟s, 729 Blewitt Springs Road, McLaren Flat on Wednesday 7th July.

Rob Smith, Register Secretary

Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no come work today, I really sick. Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.' The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel sick like you do, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes everything better and I go to work. You try that.' Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. 'I do what you say and I feel great!!! I be at work soon.......... You got nice house, also. 11

Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) held at the home of John and Lesley Clarke – Tuesday, 25th May 2010 Meeting opened 8 pm Present: John & Lesley Clarke, Tom & Marj Brindle, Ron & Claire Palmer, Tony Human, Glyn Jones, Sue Harrison, John Stanley & Wendy Hall and Reg Wymond Apologies: Jim & Toni Bernardy, Doug Harrison, Tim White, Brian & Sue Walker and Peter Clarke. Business Arising from the Minutes: Following discussion related to future Club events, it was decided that a Multivalve run would be a visit to Stangate House in Aldgate, followed by lunch at Hahndorf then a guided tour of the township of Hahndorf. This event would be on Sunday 19th September, 2010. It was agreed that the Register Hosting traditionally held on the long weekend in October would be substituted this year by a „tag-a-long‟ with the Compact and XJ Registers to Renmark on Saturday 20th November, 2010. General Business: Ian McDowell was mentioned as having shown an interest last year in the position of Register Secretary. Car Talk John Stanley – X308 – hood lining collapsed, estimated cost of repairs $400. He enquired re “sealed” auto gearbox oil change. (Footnotes: John has since referred the hood lining problem to Jaguar Cars. This remains a problem which seems to affect cars in SA if not Australia. There is strong support for a regular oil change even in the “sealed for life” automatic transmissions) John & Lesley Clarke – X300, 1997, all OK Tom & Marj Bridle – XJ40, 1994, serviced, all OK Reg Wymond – X308, cable in steering mechanism requires repair Glyn Jones – S-Type SE, 2000, 26,00k‟s, all OK Sue Harrison – XJ40, 1990, all OK Tony Human – X350, Super V8, 2004, also requires replacement of hood lining

Next Meeting: To be held on Tuesday 27th July, 2010, at the home of Reg Wymond, 10 Treetop Rise, Chandlers Hill, phone 8383 6876, 0417 814 930. Time 7:30 for 8pm. Thanks to John and Lesley for their hospitality. Next meeting apologies; Tony Human, John Stanley & Wendy Hall Meeting closed at 9:05 pm

Tony Human Acting Sec Register Enquiries: Peter Clarke, 8243 1965


E-Type 50th Anniversary.

The JDCSA E-Type register have begun planning their 2011 event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the E-Type. With well over a hundred known E-Types in the state this should be a spectacular event Arrangements have been made with the National Motor Museum at Birdwood to hold the event on their display grounds. If anyone would like to know more details or register their interest they can go to www.etype2011.com


This year the Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, 30th October at the ADELAIDE INTERNATIONAL MOTEL


Tickets will be $45.00 per head, and this includes: Pre-dinner drinks and Canapés from 6.30pm to 7.00pm Three course dinner Two bottles of wine on each table Music supplied by Linda McCarthy Two lucky door prizes and Presentation trophies

A security guard will be employed to look after any cars parked on the Anzac Highway

Tickets will be on sale from July meeting – see either Carmel Trew or Judy Sterzl


Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Brenton & Robyn Cliff

1948 Mark 4

Colin & Joy Rohrlach

1989 XJS 5.3L

Ted & Kate Brice

1964 Mk 11 3.8L

Jeff & Raelene Gregory

1963 Mk 11

The following applications listed in the November magazine have been accepted. Brian Buscombe 1967 Mk 11 3.4L Darren & Belinda Temby

1977 XJC 5.3L & 1969 Type Coupe 4.2L

Graham Archer

1965 Daimler 2.5L

We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary

GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

XJ, Mk10 & 420G / V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve SS & Daimler Mk 1, 2, S Type &420

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting.


Marque Sports Car Association of South Australia MSCA for 2010 Round 2: 8 August Round 3 19th September Round 4 24th October.



Club & Other Events Multivalve Register The Register has traditionally held the hosting on the long weekend in October which now clashes with the Lobethal Grand Prix - the date will need to be ratified by the Register.

Compact / XJ Register Weekend in Riverland Berri/Renmark 20/21 November. th

Annual Dinner Dance – Saturday, 30 October at the Adelaide International Motel – 521 Anzac Hwy North Glenelg

Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting

Tuesday, 6th July 2010

Register Meetings Compact E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, 7, 8, 9 V12

Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 14th July Wednesday, 7th July Friday, 16th July


CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale 420 for sale. 1967 420 regal red cream Full leather upholstery ( only 5 yrs old) Full books and original import papers complete tool kit, Runs well. Brakes just been overhauled. A bargain, at $8000. A very reluctant sale as health will not allow me to give the car the care and attention these cars need.

Phone John Kelly 0418 832 789 Member 2949

For Sale SNG BARRATT UK LHS FUEL TANK FOR XJ6, XJ12 & Sovereign Bought Dec 2009 as SNG BARRATT UK were having a sale. Includes washer and locking ring Hidden freight handling cost meant the tank cost me $800! (Learnt a lesson) Buy now $500, Pick up from Prospect SA or collected at JDCSA General meeting. Tom Herraman (tomherraman@hotmail.com)


For Sale Mark X & 420G Parts Jim Tucker has the following items for sale: 1.

New radiator


Bonnet in excellent cond.


Complete rear end.


Headlight chrome surrounds.

(Ad placed 25 Jan 2010)

For Sale For Sale - Restored 1967 Mk II 3.8 (Club Members Car) Contact on 83708843.

For Sale Mk2, 1964 3.8 auto Re-built from the ground up. Body has been completely restored and has no rust. The engine has been total overhauled by a Jag mechanic and runs very sweet. The gearbox has been rebuilt also. Please phone 83811003 work hrs 0409287699 mobile. Chris Cooper (club member) (Ad placed 24 Jan 2010)

For Sale “Pepperpot� wheels, good condition, with tyres. $400 PH: Simon 0409 923 228 (Advertisement placed 31 Mar 2010)


WANTED XJ6 S2 in local area (ie SA) Auto and in very good condition throughout. Needs to be a “Turn Key� reliable car with a service history and no major repairs required. Contact Mick Ph: 8864 2251 (Advertisement placed - 22 Feb 2010)

WANTED XJS (late model if possible) Prefer a manual if one exists and would like a local car. Prefer a driver but will consider any well looked after car. Contact Dave Ph: 0407 481 092 (Advertisement placed - 22 Feb 2010)


The Cat’s Giggle An elderly man in Queensland had owned a large property for several years. He had a dam in one of the lower paddocks where he had planted mango and avocado trees. The dam had been fixed up for swimming when it was built and he also had some picnic tables placed there in the shade of the fruit trees. One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the dam to look it over, as he hadn't been there for a while. He grabbed a ten litre bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the dam, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his dam. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!" The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the dam naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the crocodile." Moral: Old men may walk slowly, but they can still think fast.

One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. 'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.' So he tied her up and went golfing.

Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM 21

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