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The Classic Marque April 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

E-Type 50th Birthday Celebrations

Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email: president@jdcsa.com.au Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: vicepresident@jdcsa.com.au Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: treasurer@jdcsa.com.au Secretary: Peter Holland Phone: 8271 0048 Email: secretary@jdcsa.com.au Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email: editor@jdcsa.com.au Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email: membership@jdcsa.com.au Events Coordinator: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: events@jdcsa.com.au Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: info@jdcsa.com.au JDCSA Committee members Email: committee@jdcsa.com.au

Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer

0417882930 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597

Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770 Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126 Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051 Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971 Log Books: Peter Holland:

8271 0048

Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA

Front cover

A Class Metal Finishers

Fox Creek Winery

Sports Car Centre– Kent Town



Meeting opened by President, Rick Luff at 7.45pm At the time of this meeting, electronic copy of the Classic Marque was not available. Present: Please refer to signing in sheets Apologies: Don & Cathy Tyrrell, Bob Charman, Pete & Kathy Taylor, Darryl Leyton, Evan Spartalis, Julian Lugg, Merv Tucker Guests and New Members: Louis Marafiote welcomed as new member Minutes of Previous Meeting: read by members

Taken as

Business Arising from Previous Minutes: Nil President’s Comments: Rick commented on All British Day and declared it a great success with great weather and large crowds in attendance. There was a large range of vehicles on show and about 100 Jags represented through the XJ13, JDCSA and JCCC clubs. He accepted the Feature Marque trophy on behalf of the JDCSA. Ross Rasmus won the Best Car on the Day trophy. Many thanks to the members who provided cars for the Time Line, acted as marshalls and contributed to other duties. The visit to the Patron, Noel Roscrow’s home on Hindmarsh Island was a great success and many thanks to Noel and Peter Holland for arranging the outing. Weather was perfect and interesting to see Noel’s SS100 and the D type replica. It is the E type 50th anniversary this year and it will be celebrated at the Birdwood Motor Museum. Alan Baker will tell us more during the meeting. Tom Herraman, our Website manager, has done considerable research and is arranging internet membership payments through a secure site which will also issue an electronic receipt. He will have more information for the Club soon. It was suggested the Club Jackets could be a good idea for members. It was put to the ‘hands up’ vote for those who like the idea of such jackets. About 20 members at the meeting indicated that they would be receptive to the idea. The bomber style jacket was put forward for consideration and there will be further talks on this subject later.

The ‘Fickle Finger of Fate’ trophy that was awarded at the Christmas Presentation Dinner last year was finally presented to the winner, Rob Smith. Adham Davies spoke about a charity called the Leukemia Foundation which supports people with blood related cancer, including Lymphoma and Myeloma. They are conducting a Shave to raise money for the cause and we members at the meeting were asked to donate some coins to Adham’s contribution. His shave will be conducted at the Colonnades Shopping Centre on 12th March, 2011 and will be photographed at the time. He hopes to raise a good amount of money to give to the charity. A wonderful gesture of time and hair for a good cause by a new member. Secretary’s Report: Peter Holland advised the members of the various pieces of correspondence received such as the ANZ bank statement, and ACJC invoice for memberships subs and a communication from NSCA re flag marshalls at Mallala for Sunday 18th September, 2011. There were 2 sets of minutes from the Federation for members to peruse. Members asked to see Peter in relation to volunteering to help with cruising classics. Also to see Peter in relation to the Naracoorte Historical Vehicle Club outing in April. Many thanks also to Mark Goodwin of the E Type register for arranging cash on delivery discounts at Solver Paints stores for members of the Club. This will be a big help to people renovating and renewing their homes as paint is quite expensive these days. It was mentioned that Shannons was holding an auction in Melbourne on 7th March, 2011. Treasurer’s Report: N.T.R. Bank Statements have not been received yet. Membership Secretary: 38 members did not renew, but there were 31 new members on the books and rising. On the whole, membership is being maintained at a steady pace. Events Co-Coordinator: No new events on the calendar to date. Club Library Custodian: Tom Brindle advised that there are lots of magazines and books available and also, that several interstate club magazines have made their way to his collection for members perusal. Mention was made of the donation of magazines to the club library by Ron Carr. 2

Regalia Officer:

Neil Moore advised that there is no report for the Classic Marque this month on Historic Registration matters although news out of Victoria is that electronic stability control on new cars will be enforced from 1st January, 2011.

Alan Baker advised the meeting that he will be allowed to park his left hand drive E-Type in the All American Day display. This is the first time a British designed car has been invited to attend.

We are still looking for some kind persons to take over the role of regalia officer. Club Register Meeting Dates: 

XK, MK 7, 8, 9 register meeting to be held at Peter and Ros Holland’s home this week.

SS & Daimler register meeting to be held at Bob Lynch’s home at Reynella on the last Wednesday in March

E-Type Register is on the 3rd Thursday in the month. Alan Baker mentioned the anniversary celebration arrangements for the E type marquee to be held on 27th March, 2011. At the time of this meeting, 55 E-types were locked in for the day. Peter Clarke will be the MC for the day with 12 special interest vehicles on view. He is hoping that the XKR high performance vehicle will be at the show.

Meeting concluded at 8.45pm.

The admittance if $10 per vehicle and prepayment would be appreciated if possible. Bob Taylor will be the official photographer on the day and Martin Hamilton-Smith has been invited to attend. Alan also mentioned that the Cruising Car Club is having a function for all jaguars on the 1st April, 2011. 

Compact register has NTR this month. Geoff Thomas commented on the visit to Hindmarsh Island to Noel Roscrow’s home and that a good time was had by all. Meeting to be held at Bill Browne and Margaret Piper Browne home at 8 Mawson Close, Tennyson on 12th April, 2011.

Multivalve register meeting on Tuesday, 22nd March, 2011 at Ray Smithers and Judy Langdon’s home at 40 Historic Drive, Highbury at 7.30pm for 8pm.

XJ, 420G, MK10 register meeting to be held at Shannon’s on South Road, Clovelly Park on second Wednesday in the month, 8th March, 2011.

V12 register meeting to be held at Di and Roger Adamson’s home on Friday next.

Barry Kitts is not present tonight so there is no NASCAR report for this month. There is a sprint meeting at Mallala on 27th March, 2011 and the next meeting will be on 3rd June, 2011. Rick advised that a garage at the track will be hired for people in which to shelter. Please see Di Adamson re the arrangements for the NASCAR Junior Driving Development for ages 14 to 17 at Tailem Bend. 3


One of the key aspects of any club is for members to share a common interest and to help each other where they can. By that yardstick I can say that we certainly are living up to the mark. I’m referring to the completion of my TWR XJ-S race car that I was proud to present at the recent E-type celebrations at Birdwood. Without the help and encouragement of a great many club members the car would still be an unrealised dream. While there are many members whose help and encouragement made this possible I’d like to make special mention of Alan Baker, Pete Taylor, Peter Holland, David Luff and Brad Hoare. I also very much appreciate the interest of members who come out to Mallala to watch Darryl and I race: it’s great to have such a supporter base. While I’m in the process of thanking people, the E-type event was a spectacular success thanks to Alan Baker, Di and Roger Adamson, Tom Herraman, Chris Lake, Paul Kuhlmann and a host of others, including those who marshalled on the day. The effort to bring together so many fantastic cars in the one location is not to be underestimated and is unlikely to be seen again. Well done to all. Next up is Vintage and Classic day at McLaren Vale; another event not to be missed. The calibre of club events this year is just amazing and I look forward to what there is to come. In keeping with our goal to give back to the membership the executive has arranged another freebee, but as usual you’ll need to attend a general or register meeting to pick yours up. See you at the next meeting (or maybe at the track).

Rick Luff


The all Historic Speed Week is on again “This Easter” On Saturday the 23rd April we are inviting all clubs and individuals to come out to Mallala to see the racing and display your cars. This year it’s a bit special because it’s the 30th one. We are reliving the spirit of the first events in the early eighties. We would like to make this one a bit special and need your help to make that happen. Here are some of the reasons why you can’t afford not to come.         

The 30th celebrations on and off the track. If you have a significant car or if you are a former competitor then we want to see you here. The usual relaxed atmosphere of our event with the return this year of the Dinner, Tour, Hill Climb and 400m sprint. As usual the large amount of track time for the entry fee that we can offer. For regularity entrants we have halved the entry fee to bring fees into line with other events. If your log book or racing licence isn’t up to date, then consider the hill climb, regularity and sprint This year is an extra long weekend with ANZAC Day on the Monday. We’ve got a Month between Phillip Island, Easter and Winton this year so there is plenty of time to fix your car. Interstate entrants get a huge discount on their garages (if you’re quick) and you can even camp in it! We will be giving prizes for the best club display and other informal categories We've reduced the price of the modern regularity event too so you can enter the main event in your road car if you like

And too important for a dot point: On the Sunday, we will be laying a plaque to commemorate the life and efforts of the great Kevin Shearer. I was 11 years old when he started organising this event so I rely on his reputation to appreciate all he has done for our sport. For all that knew him, I urge you to join his family and friends for this significant occasion. Finally if there is anything else you need to know, you can contact me or Abbie at the events office. I will have some information on accommodation options and am happy to do what I can with anything else. You also have the Liaison contacts in the Sup Regs for your class. Entry is $15 per car or $20 with the track run I hope to see you there. I’ll be in the pits with my legs sticking out from under a Sprite next to an ice-cream truck. Hard to miss, so come over. Cheers Troy Ryan On behalf of the Historic Racing Register and the Sporting Car Club of South Australia 0419 666 307 troy@solardepot.com.au or Abbie Taylor 08 82715689 specevents@internode.on.net or Go to the Sporting Car Club web site http://www.sportingcarclubsa.org.au/Documents.mvc 5

A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide‟s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don‟t forget the excellent customer service and advice.

M a n

y thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don‟t forget to mention the JDCSA www.solverpaints.com.au

UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!! Editor


Birdwood National Motor Museum Presents

The E Type 50th Anniversary On Sunday the 27th of March the National Motor Museum played host to a spectacle that may never be seen again. The E Type Register held the 50th Anniversary of the E Type Jaguar. 86 E Types presented themselves in spectacular fashion by club enthusiasts who love to show of their cats. The weather was kind and the sun gods tried to stay away but were unable to refrain from looking down and helping the lineup sparkle. The show was a huge success with E Types of every model displayed side by side for the public to drool over (especially the editor). There is definitely a heritage with the E Type that car lovers of all kind appreciate and respect.


But not only were there E types as far as the eye could see, we were blessed with a lineup of special interest cars who were invited to be part of the big day. These cars included: 1. The oldest known SS Jaguar (1932) at least in this part of the world! (Carl Lindner) 2. The Adelaide fire chief’s car (1948 XK120 Roadster) Rob Loffler) 3. Stewart Special (1934?) (David Stewart) 4. C Type racing car replica (Carl Lindner/Tim Lynas) 5. D type racing car replica (Digby Thomas) 6. 10 E Types of various incarnations from Ser.1 to Ser.3 (E Type Register) 7. XJ13 Racing car (Colin Sutton) 8. E Type Ser.3 Coupe Race car (6 Liter) Peter Guerse? 9. TWS XJS Bathurst Winner replica (Rick Luff) 10. XJS Magnum Coupe (Brian Walker) 11. XKE Convertible Di Adamson) 12. XKR (Rob Smith) 13. XKR (Christine Kirby) 14. XKRS (Latest Solitaire's new car) the JDCSA through


Alan Baker, Di & Roger Adamson along with Paul Kuhlman and a cast of others spent a considerable amount of time putting this event together. WELL DONE. We had plenty of support from our sponsors and the local community to ensure the day was a huge success.


Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) Held at the home of Ray Smithers and Judy Langdon on 27th March 2011 Present: John & Lesley Clarke, Ray Smithers & Judy Langdon, Brian & Sue Walker, Bob & Daphne Chairman, Reg Wymond, Glyn Jones, Ron Palmer. Apologies: Claire Palmer, Alf & Joyce Taylor, John Stanley & Wendy Hall, Tom & Marj Brindle, Tony Human, Peter & Tricia Clarke, Bill & Barb Mayman. Business 

Register Long Weekend run to Yorke Peninsula is planned for lst-3rd October, Peter Clarke to finalize detail.

Reg Wymond is to put together a day run to the Barossa, including lunch at a Winery in July. More information from Reg Later.

Lesley Clarke has researched a Saturday night at Globe Derby Park Raceway there is a Paceway Smorgasbord on the third level and has the best viewing. $40 P.P. including admission and Racebook. Date to be discussed next Register Meeting.

National Rally 2012 West Australia, April 26th – 29th.

We would like to hear from interested Parties to drive to WA (3 or 4 days over) do the Rally then come back by the Indian Pacific. Andrew Shouksmith is in contact with the WA Club and advises they are negotiating very attractive train fares, for the return trip east.

Car Talk: Bob & Daphne 2004 S type 4.2litre 102000km. Really nice car, very quick, very quiet. Daphne is impressed with the Memory Seats. John & Lesley 1997 X300 3.2 litre 90000km N.T.R. Still enjoys the usual pasty run. Ray & Judy XJ40 3.2 Sport 180000km Just enjoyed a 2500km trip including the Great Ocean Road. With four Adults and luggage averaged 27m.p.g. Ray is taking the XJ Sprinter to Mt.Alma Hill Climb early April. Reg X308 3.2litre 141000km Has had four Mags refurbished to as new condition. Sourced a steering wheel and timber trim from UK. Is now about to see Jeff Williams to renovate paint. Brian recommends Scuffs Mobile Paint Repair. Glyn: 2000S Type 28700km Going very well. Brian & Sue: 2002 X308 4 litre Sovereign just serviced, battery is disconnected car is in storage mode until their return from Europe. Brian spoke in detail re preventative maintenance for Jaguar v8‟s. Brian covered nikasil, tensioners, and cold start ups. Indeed a very informative talk. Ron: 2002 X308 LWB Sovereign 4litre 98000km. Just turned 9 years and had the appropriate service. A lovely Car. Meeting closed 9.15p.m. Thank you Ray & Judy for hosting the meeting Next meeting 24th May 2011 TBA July Meeting 26th July 2011 home of Brian & Sue Walker, 14 Ascham Road, Hope Valley S.A. Ron Palmer 0418 855597 Multi Valve Secretary 10

SS and Pushrod Engine Register – Held at the home of Don and Margaret Evans on 23 February 2011

PRESENT: Bruce Fletcher, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Don Evans, Jack Richardson (late) APOLOGIES: Bob Hill Ling, Ross Gogler, Ross Rasmus, Brenton Cliff, Peter Forrester MATTERS ARISING: 

NATIONAL RALLY at WAGGA WAGGA 17-19 September 2010.

Bruce Fletcher to continue a Review of the Event for submission to an English Magazine


It was decided that the existing format of the Run should continue for the foreseeable future, ie; near the Border, rather than sighting the venue alternately on „Home State Ground‟

Timing to remain, first w/e in November. Our turn for 2011.

Because of high temperatures experienced during some recent Runs, it was decided to base the event in SA South East, possibly Naracoorte, Penola, Mt Gambia or Millicent.

Expected attendance 20 – 25 vehicles, 40 – 50 people, preferably all accommodated in the same place. Bob Kretschmer to collect info.

Keep the program simple.


Big success with both Clubs inter-mingling. Refer also to the CM.

Ross Rasmus took out the Shannons Choice Award with his 1934 SS1. Congratulations Ross.


Don Evans has several parts for MkV to sell. Contact Don direct.

Bob Kretschmer has purchased 3 x 11/2l. Pre-war wheels ex England which will complete the car with all SS type wheel centers.

Ross Rasmus needs a good Girling Brake tin (early type)

Bruce Fletcher to continue search for Mk1V & MkV head gaskets


The McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic is to be run on 9 & 10 April. A significant & growing event. Secretary has brochures & Entry Forms.

Bob Lynch advised that the current issue of „Classic & Sports Car‟ magazine #43 included an advertisement for new Mk V models. Discussion on models ensued.

Bruce Fletcher tabled an extract from the Qld. Classic Jaguar Enthusiasts Club entitled „Electrical Theory by Joseph Lucas‟ which explains why “smoke is the thing that makes electrical circuits work”.

Malcolm Adamson thanked Bruce Fletcher for restoring his 1940‟s F Type Morgan & taking it to the All British Day.

Bob Lynch has commissioned his new car hoist which also serves as a double level parking space.

Members thanked Malcolm Adamson for hosting the SS Register January BBQ.

Special guest‟s new member Peter Forrester & Jo Lewis, Peter & Ros Holland & Mrs Hobbs. 11

Membership List now requires revision to include Peter Forrester & Digby Thomas email No.

Ross Rasmus‟s Mk.V dhc is presently with the upholsterer


Malcolm Adamson reminded members of visit to Noel Roscrow‟s home Sunday 27 Feb. Make own arrangements. See also CM

Reminder for E-Type & Mk10 50 yr. Anniversary at Birdwood 27 March. NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: 30 March at Bob Lynch, to include the car hoist inspection (app Bruce Fletcher) 27 April at Bob Kretschmer 25 May at John Lewis 29 June at Brenton Hobbs 27 July at TBA 31 August at TBA (AGM) Supper: Thankyou Margaret

Mk 1.2.420 & “S ”type (Compact) Next Meeting at BILL BROWNE & MARGARET PIPER’S at 8 Mawson Close Tennyson PH 8355 1214 on 12th April 2011 Register Secretary Geoff


Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannons Clubrooms, 863 South Road, Wednesday 9th March, 2011 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, Steve Attard, David Bicknell, Graeme Moore, Phil Prior, Warren & Carolyn Bullock, Hayden Isaac, James Mann, Noel & Carmel Trew, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Peter & Ros Holland, Rick Luff, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Martin O‟Dea, Ray & Barb Offe, Borys Potiuch, Serge Stebellini, Brian Walker. Apologies: John & Claire Evans, Evan Spartalis, Pete & Kathy Taylor, Adham Davies & Rachel Curtis, Merv Tucker, Ron & Rosie Bailey. New Members: Serge Stebellini General Business New member Serge Stebellini was formally welcomed into our register. 

Our planned trip to Mount Gambier has been put back to 27, 28, & 29 May as the date picked was the Mothers Day week end.

„E‟ Type day at Birdwood on 27th March discussed. Four marshalls volunteered, David Bicknell, Peter & Kathy Taylor and Bob Charman. Bob will obtain details for marshalls from Di Adamson at the Executive meeting.

Our”Xmas in July” at the „3 Brothers Arms‟ hotel at Macclesfield has been organised for Saturday the 25th of June.

David Bicknell is organising a „Punts and Bridges‟ run with morning tea at Wellington and Lunch at the Community Club at Murray Bridge, A date is yet to be chosen in either July or August.

Don Tyrrell and Serge Stebellini have offered their workshop at 56 Barwell Ave, Marleston as the venue for our next register meeting. They have only recently purchased the business and have made huge improvements. They will be supplying a B.B.Q. tea and salads and we will supply the sweets. So there will be no need to have tea before you come. (Or Villis). The B.B.Q. will start at 6.30pm. Followed by our regular meeting and finishing with coffee and sweets. Don has arranged to have the head taken off an XK motor for us and also a talk from an expert in the field of coolants etc.

Ray Offe wished to thank Mark Goodwin for his efforts in getting the Solver Paints discounts. Ray has tried it and it was excellent.

Darryl Leyton will be taking Derek to Mallala on the 27th of March. He would appreciate any helpers. The next meeting after that will be on the 5th of June.

It has been brought to our attention that this year is the 50 year anniversary of the Mark 10 model. It was thought it would be appropriate to feature the car at this years‟ Jaguar Day. Bob will pass on the idea to the Executive.

Car Talk Steve Attard: Has just purchased a 1999 XJ8 from Queensland. Black in colour. Sunroof with 3.2 litre V8 motor. Paid $14,500 for it and $500 to have it transported to Adelaide. Is undecided what to do with the 420Gs. Possibly keep one as a long term hobby. David Bicknell: Took „Gertrude‟ to A.B.D. all OK, but on the way home the air con switch stayed on heat, so he had to sweat it out all the way home. Also the electric windows are stuck. Warren & Carolyn Bullock: N.T.R. both cars going great. Hayden Isaac. N.T.R.


Peter & Ros Holland.: All quiet. Restored Daimler now drivable. Done 400 miles and very happy. Rick Luff: Drove the XF from Solitaire Motors to A.B.D. Most impressed. Race car going well. Has painted car and now waiting for stripes etc. Needs a pair of bumpers. Darryl & Fay Leyton: Sovereign in the shed. Derek ready to have electrics fixed by Ernie. Derek has also had a new paint job. At least they will see him coming. James Mann: All OK. But needs a new „J‟ on the back. Graeme Moore: N.T.R. Martin O‟Dea: Not a lot to report – except! – the car developed a rough idle since having it serviced so he thought he would go to Sprint Auto and get some new plugs. The guy behind the counter suggested that he put the car on gas. Martin says if it wasn‟t for his recent knee replacement he would have hopped over the counter. But, upon cooling down and explaining to this guy that he was in fact, a world authority on „air flow meters‟, then between the two of them, they solved the problem that he was having before. Not bad for someone with not a lot to report! Ray & Barb Offe: N.T.R. Borys Portiuch: N.T.R. He figures that the less he uses it the less that can go wrong. Phil Prior: XJ8 going well. XJC going like a dream and doing a full engine bay detail in July. „S‟ type on the road and is fine. Serge Stebellini: Just acquired a 1988 XJ40. One owner 106.000Kms. Bit of sun fade on rear of car but it drives beautifully. Embarrassed to say he only paid $1275 for it. We should all be so embarrassed! Noel & Carmel Trew: N.T.R. Don & Kathy Tyrrell: All cars going well. Brian Walker: All cars going well. Bob & Daphne Charman: Took the 420G out for a run last Sunday and it is purring like a kitten. S Type a dream. Meeting closed 9.00pm Next meeting: Wednesday, 13th April, 2011. PLEASE NOTE Our April meeting will be held at 56 Barwell Ave, MARLESTON. Starting at 6.30pm. B.B.Q. Tea, sweets tea and coffee will be provided.


Minutes of the V12 Register – Held at Roger and Di Adamson’s home on 11th March, 2011 Present: Rick Luff, Brian and Sue Walker, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Richard & Margie Foster, Carmel & Noel Trew, Murray DeLaine, Allan Baker Apologies: Alan & Sharon Dunsford, Pete & Kathy Taylor BUSINESS: Reminder: E Type 50th Anniversary at Birdwood Motor Museum 27th March 2011. Reminder to register for the Veteran and Vintage on 10th April. JDCSA Members have also been invited to attend the Sporting Car Club on 1st April 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the E Type. Details on the JDCSA website. CAR TALK 

Brian & Sue: Going to bring the E Type out of retirement for the E Type 50th Event.

Rick: TWR painted and looks great. Stickers being prepared. Exhaust is to be moved to the side. Other XJS needs transmission service.

Roger: E Type great. XK8 has a small leak. Hose to throttle body replaced and all ok.

Richard: Since the last meeting the Starter Motor has been replaced on the XJS C. It has also been missing a bit. Cleaned some corrosion in the injector cap and all seems to be OK. Still a problem with the Aux Air Valve. I‟ll work on it this week.

Murray: Went to get the Series 2 Daimler out for the third time in 12 months and nothing. RAA were called out. They hit the starter motor with a hammer and it started. XJ Coupe has been gutless so had it serviced by a guy in Mt Barker. It is now the best it has been in 14 years. It was only 10 degrees retarded. Haven‟t driven the other two.

Allan: Took the E Type to All American Day and it was very popular. It is just waiting to be cleaned after the wet run.

Carmel & Noel: 4.2 running well.

NEXT MEETING: Will be on 13th May, 2011. All welcome.

(Please note: NO APRIL MEETING) Roger Adamson, Register Secretary


Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Peter & Ros Holland – 2nd March 2011 Present: John Williams, Sue Harrison, Rob & Vicki Loffler, Robin & Deidre Ide, Julian & Moira Lugg, Richard & Carla Smith, Peter & Ros Holland, Rob Smith. Apologies: Doug Harrison, Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Peter & Judy Goodale, Roger & Lyn Hughes, Onslow & Wendy Billinghurst, Jenny Hales & Russell Clarke, Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Lindsey Williams, Rod & Peg Davis, John Dunning. Business: 

The register passed on best wishes to Doug for a speedy recovery.

Christchurch earthquake – Richard reported that Ray & Marian Larsen were safe.

Visit to Patron Noel – went well, enjoyed by all.

Run to Meningie March 20th - Robin prepared & circulated a draft. Robin needs to know numbers for catering arrangements. The 20th is also Clipsal weekend.

Note – the 27th March is the E-type 50th anniversary function (see website). Everyone is encouraged to support the E-type function at Birdwood Mill. Di advertised 1st April Sporting Car Club function with invites to JDSA members. 

Future events: Other events? - Bungaree station – possible venue for next border run to SA (Sue to investigate), XJ racing at Mallala (Di to check) – flag marshals needed for events – JDC is host club 18th Sept, ideas also included Cornish Festival, Music in Bundaleer Forest event, and a run to Kapunda (Rob Smith).

NZ run proposed (maybe Oct 2011 or Easter 2012). Any interest to Richard.

Proposed visit to Australia in Feb 2012 by a group of UK XK and E-type drivers. (Maybe the club will organise a function to meet them in Adelaide).

2011 Border run hosted by Victoria -

Hotel: Rosebud Country Club, 27 Boneo Road, Rosebud Vic 3939

Arrive Friday 14th October 2011, Depart Monday 17th October 2011

Bookings at Rosebud Country Club have to be finalized so require 3 months notice (numbers next meeting). Gerry Howell is the Victorian contact.

New events date to be checked with Di as events coordinator.

Club Calendars available from Julian. Cars Peter – going to Daimler rally in UK in June, Daimler back on the road. Richard – cars going well, still working on E-type. John – XK going well, new steering arm bush & new fan belt. Julian – making progress, ordered stainless steel exhaust from UK. Sue – paint touch up on Mk 9 ready for wedding, working on leather interior. Rob Smith – cars going well, went to All British Day. Rob Loffler – recently drove E-type for first time, cars going well. Robin – overhauled brakes, timber interior back in car. Thank you to Peter & Ros for their hospitality. Next meetings April 6th – Roger & Di Adamson May 4th – Robin & Deidre Ide June 1st – Rob & Vicki Loffler Meeting closed with visit to garage & supper.


Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Gordon & Marlene Guy Tim O’Daly & Amelia Eime Rod Bauer Timothy Welburn Miranda Brady Mark & Geraldine Bloustein

1964 MK 11 3.4L TBA 1984 XJ6 4.2L TBA 1974 XJ6 4.2L 1969 E Type F H C 4.2L

The following applications listed in the June magazine have been accepted. Louis & Nella Marafioti Mervyn Tucker Andrew & Sibylle Sutherland

TBA 1983 Daimler V P 4.2L 1974 E Type Roadster 5.3L

We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary

National Rally 2012 The Jaguar Car Club of WA (JCCWA) is very pleased to be hosting the Jaguar National Rally in 2012. The Rally Program runs from April 26-29th 2012 with the post rally tour taking place in the week thereafter. In the meantime please note those dates in your diary. Please also note that these dates are not during Easter. We have avoided coinciding with Easter, which is always a time of the year when accommodation is at a premium and venues very busy Rally planning is well advanced and full details shall be posted onto the website during February 2011.


GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

E-Type Register XJ, Mk10 & 420G / V12 Register SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, S Type & 420G Register V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 18

Club & Other Events  7th April – XJ & 420G - Mount Gambier Run  10th April - McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic

Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting

Tuesday, 5th April 2011

Register Meetings Compact E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, 7, 8, 9 V12

Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 12th April Wednesday, 6th April Friday, 15th April


CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Brand new Mark 2 splines for wire wheels PLUS 5 (used) wire wheels (curly) $1,000. 1962 Mark 2, 3.4 Manual. Rebuilt in 2008 with Supra 5sp gear box. All moving parts overhauled. New hood lining and insulation. Many updates. Excellent club car. Ring Tim White 0419 809 021 (April 2011)

For Sale Steel XJ6 wheel complete with Bridgestone 205/70/15 tyre 95%+ tread. $50 - Price includes 5 wheel nuts and securing bolt/washer for boot storage. Robin Bullock 8389 6185

For Sale 1972 Series One. 70,847 genuine miles only. No Rust, New Tyres, New brakes. Has all books from new. Some spares, might need a little T.L.C. (carpets) Drives like new. Owner going overseas on April 1st. $6,000 Contact Dave Heslop - 85221189 or mob 0422567579

For Sale 1964 Jaguar Mark II - Excellent Condition Old English White / Red Interior 2.4L Auto 20

A Bargain at $14,950 Contact Nigel: 0408 890 174 (8 Jan 2011)

Wanted Steering wheel and Horn (Jaguar MKII) Lindsay Pears is looking for a steering wheel: OEM 1960 Jaguar MKII, complete with horn button Contact Details: Lindsay Ph 7225 4359 (26 Jan 2011)

Wanted Club Car XJ40 or XJ6 (Series 3) Not needing restoration Contact Nigel on (08) 8333 1347 or 0401 045 167 or nigelscoombe@aol.co.uk (8 Jan 2011)


The Cat’s Giggle A little silver-haired lady calls her neighbor and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started." Her neighbor asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The little silver haired lady says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster." Her neighbor decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster." He takes her hand and says, "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then," he said with a deep sigh ............. "Let's put all the Corn Flakes back in the box.."

A magician worked on a cruise ship. The audience was different each week so the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: The captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the Magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show, "Look, Its not the same hat!" or, "Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table!" Or "Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?" The magician was furious but couldn't do anything. It was, after all, the Captain's' parrot. Then one stormy night on the Pacific, the ship unfortunately sank, drowning almost all who were on board. The magician luckily found himself on a piece of wood floating in the middle of the sea, as fate would have it ... With the parrot. They stared at each other with hatred, but did not utter a word. This went on for a day... And then 2 days. And then 3 days. Finally on the 4th day, the parrot could not hold back any longer and said... "OK, I give up. Where's the bloody ship?"

Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM 22

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