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The Classic Marque Aug 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email: president@jdcsa.com.au Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: vicepresident@jdcsa.com.au Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: treasurer@jdcsa.com.au Secretary: Peter Holland Phone: 8271 0048 Email: secretary@jdcsa.com.au

Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) Regalia: Vacant Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle

0417882930 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597

0438 768 770 8387 0051

Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email: pktaylor@tpg.com.au

Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971

Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email: membership@jdcsa.com.au

Log Books: Sue Harrison:

Events Coordinator: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: events@jdcsa.com.au Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: info@jdcsa.com.au JDCSA Committee members Email: committee@jdcsa.com.au

8333 0057

Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA

Front cover Yes, it‟s that time of the year for your current club committee members to hang up their hats and provide an opportunity for other members to nominate themselves (or others) to do their bit for the club. All positions are up for grabs so, don’t be a pussy, Have a go – it‟s really great fun

A Class Metal Finishers

Fox Creek Winery

Sports Car Centre– Kent Town 1


Final accounts show a deficit of $5090.80 against a budget of -$5,800. This is brought about by Member benefits received of $6,145.70

Membership Fees for consistent at $23,525

FTD Balance $45,000

Main Trading Account balances $30,221.84


Meeting opened at 7.45pm Apologies, Ray & Barbara Offe, Evan Spartalis, Doug Harrison, Robin & Roseanne Bullock, Margaret Pfeiffer, Neil Murrie, Bill & Barbara Mayman Guests & New members: Peter Swindell, Peter Mountcastle Guest speaker: Grant Todd from Octagon Minutes from previous meeting on 5th October 20910 were accepted as published in the CM with the following change under Secretary: “Sue Harrison; acting Secretary presented the Secretarial Report. Peter Holland provided the Committee with information on the proposed changes by DTEI” Business Arising:




Membership Report: Noel Trew 

Currently 15 Life Members

382 renewals sent out to financial members with 259 renewals received to date and 5 electing to resign

Editor Report: Pete Taylor 

Thank you to all contributors

Looking for more stories from members.

Please use personal email for 100% success in receiving emails – pktaylor@tpg.com.au

None President’s Report: Rick Luff

Events Coordinator: Di Adamson

Rick has been unable to get a response from the principle contact John Cartwright at DTEI

Jag Day on the 16th October is well advanced – look for adverts in CM

Vice President’s Report: Bob Charman

Register Reports:

A get well wish to Margaret Pfeiffer who broke her ankle

SS & DAIMLER – 32 Cars registered for Border Run. Next meeting at Don Evans on 27th July

Dinner tickets available for the Annual Dinner on 5th November at the International Motel on Anzac Highway. They are $50 each

Secretary’s Report: Sue Harrison 

Various items suppliers

Climb to Eagle application form on 4th November

Bay to Birdwood applications close 6th August




E TYPE – V12: 

Combined meeting on 21st July at the Big Garage in Stirling

Combined run on 3rd July to Mallala. Cold, wet and a lot of fun

E-Type 50th anniversary posters ordered are now available from Roger & Di COMPACT. – Goolwa run on 18th September. Next meeting on 9th August at Phil & Sue Prior’s XK

Next meeting at Rob Smith’s on 6th July

Multi-Valve: Treasurer Report: Tim White

Barossa Valley Run on 31st July. Please advise if attending 2

October long weekend run is to Yorke Peninsular. Please advise Ron Palmer if wanting to attend

Next meeting at Brian & Sue Walker’s on 26th July

without properly acting on the information. This answers why the DTEI letter appeared “out of the blue” 

John Cartwright from DTEI only sent letters to 10 clubs with 6 responding and 3 supposedly advising they did not mind. DTEI took this as a 50% response and therefore proceeded with their proposed changes

Members attending General Meeting identified No Confidence in FHMC to represent members

There were many discussions on the approach and format of a response for JDCSA Committee which were taken on board. A clear recommendation was to consult wider particularly with Sporting Car Club and MG Club plus politicians

A huge thank you to Neil Murrie for his work in representing JDCSA at these meetings

XJ, 420G, and Mk10 

Great lunch with “Xmas in June”

Punts & Bridges Run on 17th July

Next meeting on 13th July

4oth Anniversary of XJ40 Anniversary of Mark 10 in 2011



Club Services: Regalia: Looking for a Regalia Coordinator. ACJC - Bob Charman: No Report Library: Tom Brindle - Fantastic display of books, DVD’s and Magazines:

General Business: MSCA: Barry Kitts 14th August

Next Mallala meeting on

Historic Registration: Neil Murrie

The President thanked the Compact Register for setting up and for the supper and to Tim White for doing the minutes

Bay to Birdwood – Vintage Cars DVD available for the years 1980 – 2010

Octagon – Grant Todd

Ian Venning – Liberal Member is obtaining signatures to remove exorbitant fees for old number plate replacements

Special General Meeting called by FHMC to change constitution. Change is to allow elected members to run for 5 consecutive 2year terms. Currently they are limited to 2 consecutive 2-year terms. This will allow members who are happy to remain are able to given the low response to elected positions. The member must be elected each 2 years as a safety net

The meeting discussed the proposal and no objections were received. The Committee will provide a response to FHMC

Neil made a suggestion that the FHMC Representative should attend Committee meetings to ensure up-to-date decision making

It appeared that the FHMC committees have been sitting on information from DTEI

Grant provided an update on the new Targa Adelaide to be run 14th – 17th September and how it has been altered to ensure consistency and survivability. A short DVD was shown

The Prologue will be run around Tanunda similar to the Targa Tasmania event.

Web site at classictargaadelaide.com.au

The meeting was declared closed at 9.15pm


PRESIDENTS REPORT August 2011 The AGM is fast approaching, so if you’ve always wondered what goes on at the Executive meetings you can become part of it by getting a nomination form in for one of the many positions on offer. You get out of a club what you are prepared to put in and helping to run it is an extremely rewarding experience. The one ring circus that was Mallala lived up to the promotion of ‘spills and thrills’ when the club paid a visit on the 3rd of July. Pouring rain the week before (and the week after) allowed the previous day’s cars to leave plenty of mud on the track, which made the warm up sessions quite interesting. Thanks go to the V12 Register for organising the club run up to the track. Darryl Leyton, Ray Smithers and myself appreciated having a cheer squad on hand and it was great to see three Jags back on the circuit again. Ray, being the veteran racer that he is, was even able to arrange for his car to be washed during a race, although I think it was just posing that he had the outside and the inside cleaned at the same time. The next round is on the 14th August and everyone is welcome. Our response to the proposed changes to the Historic Registration Scheme mooted by the DTEI is still an ongoing issue and remains of concern to us. The JDCSA, along with many other clubs, has sent a letter to the department informing them that despite what the FHMC has indicated to them, we are not happy with the changes and want to open a dialogue with them to have them revisit their proposals. We’ll keep you posted on our progress. There have been a number of excellent club runs of late and as I predicted months ago it has been a busy year and will continue to be right up to the Presentation Dinner. See you all at the next meeting. Rick Luff


A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide‟s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don‟t forget the excellent customer service and advice.

Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don‟t forget to mention the JDCSA www.solverpaints.com.au

UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!! Editor 5

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING As required by the Constitution please be advised that the AGM of the Club will be held on Tuesday 6 September 2011 following the General Meeting.

Nominations for the coming year, 2011/12, are now being sought. All positions will be declared vacant and you are encouraged to consider standing for a position. Nominations close at the conclusion of the September General Meeting and should be submitted in writing to the Secretary.

This is an opportunity to be part of the running and future of the Club.

Nomination forms are available in Classic Marque (refer last page) and on the website for download.

Peter Holland Secretary


SS and Pushrod Engine Register – Held at the home of Brenton and Maryanne Hobbs on 29th June 2011

The Minutes of the 25 May 2011 Meeting were accepted as being a true record of the with the correction that Bob Hill-Ling was also present.


PRESENT: Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, John Lewis acting chairman. APOLOGIES: Ross Gogler, Brenton Cliff, Jack Richardson, Peter Forrester, Jo Lewis, David Adamson, Ross Rasmus, Bruce Fletcher, Don Evans 1. SA & Vic BORDER RUN, 28 – 31 OCTOBER 2011. Bob Kretschmer reported; Response to the call for Expressions of Interest


SS Register: 11


Total to date:


9 32

Marg & Bob Kretschmer visited Naracoorte 20-22nd June & after initial disappointment with limited accommodation facilities, met with the Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club at their extensive Club rooms & adjoining vehicle collection display sheds. The NHVC has a history of welcoming & catering for visiting vehicle clubs. It was decided to accept their invitation to host two evening meals, one lunch & the feature vehicle display on their lawns. Other arrangements were made for supporting meals, country drives, site visits etc. 

Theme -

Keep it Simple.

Name tags - Similar to Wagga Wagga

Badges - No need

Entry Fees - Make one all-inclusive Event cost

Entry Fee receipts - Use JDCSA special A/c.

Accommodation booking - Direct by entrants at two motels

Commemorative window stickers - TBA

Entertainment - No need

Newsletter #1 has been drafted ready for issue next week TECHNICAL & PARTS. Nothing new to report GENERAL BUSINESS: Malcolm Adamson, Ann & Bruce Fletcher attended the recent funeral of the late Graeme Brown at Perth. Graeme was a Founding Member of both JDCSA & the SS Register & Malcolm has prepared a special Notice for inclusion in the next CM.


Attendance List for the 2010 4-State SS & Pushrod Engine Meeting at Wagga Wagga to be sent to Malcolm A.RJK Richard Hopkins (Moonta) has his Mk1V for sale Bob Kretschmer enquired if any member had attended the recent MGS Auction for Gavin SandfordMorgan‟s huge collection of parts, answer- no. His 3.8 litre Jaguar „Rapide‟ special was for private sale. NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: Last Wednesday each month; 7.30pm Start 31 August - Bob Hill-Ling (AGM) 28 September - Bruce Fletcher 26 October - Bob Lynch 30 November - Des Brown REMINDERS: 1. SA Jaguar Day Sunday 16 October at Civic Park opposite Tea Tree Plaza. Special features- Mk10 & 420G, 50 years & XJ 40, 25 years. 2. Bay to Birdwood Classic, Sunday 25 September Supper: Thankyou Maryanne (plus 2 helpers) Minute Distribution: R.J. Kretschmer Register Secretary

Late News: Shannons Auction at the Melbourne Motor Show includes a 1950 MkV dhc & a 1958 XK 150S 3.4 roadster. A member of the NHVC has asked for assistance in finding a good Mk1 compact. Contact Register secretary

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.


SA/VIC BORDER RUN 2011 No. 37 Dates: Friday 28 October through to Monday 31 October 2011 Venue: Naracoorte SA, previously visited for Border Runs in 1977, 1986 & 1999, none of which I had the opportunity to attend. From Melbourne approx - 450 km, From Adelaide approx - 365 km During May, the Victorian members were initially contacted via Nik Cirakovic while the SA lot were contacted per JDCSA SS Register & others direct. The purpose of that contact was to solicit firm Expressions Of Interest in order to assess the probable size of the event, especially considering the accommodation factor as we are not the only organization having a joint Vic & SA event at Naracoorte & Penola that weekend. Thankyou to those whom replied with the following responses Victoria:

12 vehicles

 SA, SS Register

11 Vehicles


9 Vehicles

Total = 32 Vehicles (Approx 64 persons) Accommodation: Here comes the tricky part; Naracoorte does not have motel, hotel or caravan park cabin facilities to accommodate us all in the same PLACE. I have reserved the following spaces:  William Macintosh Motel - Comfort Inn - 25 rooms  Country Roads Motel - Golden Chain - 10 rooms Unfortunately they are not adjacent, it is the best I could do. Room Rates are William Macintosh Motel; $ 50.00 dep  Standard dbl room - $ 118.00 /night ( the only family suite has already been booked by Simon Roberts, well done)  Exec room w/o spa $ 155.00  Exec room w/o spa $ 155.00  Exec room w spa $ 155.00  Country Roads Motel - $ TBA – (ask)  Standard dbl room - $135.00 pn ($120 pn for 1 person)  Executive suite - $155.00 pn  Family suite - $TBA pn (ask)  Twin beds - $TBA pn (ask) Apart from Simon, I suggest that any one preferring special bed arrangements, try the CRM first. Please note the neither motel has provision for breakfast in the rooms, nor a dining room large enough to take us all for a meal together. SO! That presents a challenge & WE (Marg & I) have arranged a rather special program by taking advantage of hospitality extended to us by the Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club. The NHVC has large premises immediately behind the local Visitor Information Center & the Sheep’s Back Museum within walking distance of the Town Centre. Many of the members keep their vehicles on site & the Club regularly caters for rallies & visiting Clubs. Draft Program: 9

 Friday Night; Stand up, finger food at NHVC rooms, meet & greet. BYO  Saturday, Breakfast, at the Naracoorte Hotel town centre  Morning - Vehicles assemble at NHVC rooms on lawned area  Lunch - Collect running-board lunch pack, Country drive est 30km,  Lunch at scenic area  Afternoon - Free time  Night - Sit down 2 course meal at NHVC. BYO  Sunday Breakfast at the Naracoorte Hotel. Country drive est 50km to Naracoorte Caves, Wonambi Fossil Centre etc,  Lunch on the Deck Café, refreshments available  Afternoon - Free time  Night, Dinner at the Naracoorte Hotel  Monday -Breakfast at the Naracoorte Hotel  Depart Free Time is intended to allow interested people to visit Penola, wineries etc & a multitude of other local attractions. I will issue another Newsletter soon as Details are finalized & which will include the Entry Form However, to ensure a bed, you MUST NOW personally contact the motel(s) DIRECT to BOOK your room. Contact Nos- William Macintosh Motel, Jean Ogilvy Manager, (08) 8762 1644, info@williammacintosh.com.au Country Roads Motel, Anne & Peter Coulter, (08) 8762 3560 Cheers for now, Bob Kretschmer, Secretary JDCSA, SS Register countryroads@rbm.com.au

I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."




Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 13th July 2011 Present: Bob Charman, Steve Attard, David Bicknell, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Don Tyrrell, Fay Leyton, Borys Portiuch, John & Claire Evans, Evan Spartalis, Martin O‟Dea, Phil & Sue Prior, Noel & Carmel Trew, Robin & Roseanne Bullock, Neil Raw, Serge Stebellini, Pete & Kathy Taylor, Ivan & Janine Cook. Apologies: Darryl Leyton, Daphne Charman, Graeme & Betty Moore, Ray & Barb Offe, Members not seen for a while: Welcome to Ivan and Janine Cook who have not attended a meeting for quite a while. General Business 

Christmas in July 37 people attended this luncheon at Macclesfield. A special mention goes out to Rob Smith who took two vehicles to get there but made it in the end. The food was great and everyone had an excellent time.

Punts and Bridges This run is on this Sunday 17/07/2011. We will be departing from the Burnside town hall at 9:30am. Morning tea, lunch and museum entry are as follows: coffee / tea with scones



Around the $20:00 mark

Museum entry:

$2:00 per person

See David Bicknell for further details 

Goolwa Run This event is coordinated by the Compact register. It will be on the 17-18th September 2011. Brochures are available for more information or contact Phil Prior. The cut off time to book is mid-August 2011 and the cost should be about $400 per couple.

Annual Jaguar Dinner Tickets for the 2011 Jaguar Club dinner are now on sale. The price is $50 per ticket. Because of the excellent feedback from last year‟s event, it will be held at the same location. Price includes 2 pre-dinner drinks and canapés, choice of 2 entrees, 3 main courses and 1 bottle of red and white wine on each table. Entertainment will be by Linda McCarthy and accommodation is available in the complex.

Mouth Gambier and Pichi Richi Run Because of the success of the Mount Gambier run this year we will be doing it again in 2012. The register is also looking to do a run to the Pichi Richi Railway in 2012. Stay tuned for further details.

New Club Stickers The Club has printed off new stickers to put on your pride and joy. Bob passed around a sample which met with general approval. The Club is still deciding if there will be a cost to members and will release details for members shortly.

There were no other General Issues raised by members. Car Talk Steve Attard – The new jag runs like a dream. Still working on the new garage, now putting in a floor David Bicknell – bought a Series 3 for spare parts. Took it to Clayton on the back of a trailer and had multiple wheel / type problems (you had to be there) Robin and Rosanne Bullock - car was running rough, took it to Sovereign Motors who tracked down lots of interconnected minor issues including tuning, split hoses, etc. and now running well. 13

Walter and Beryl Bullock – Nothing to Report – all going well Bob Charman – changed from 95 octane rating to 98 octane rated fuel and now the 420G does not ping when cold. John and Claire Evans – Nothing to report – minor starting problem but think it was the cold and moisture in the air. Darryl and Fay Leyton – took Derek to Mallala on Sunday and managed to spend the whole day on the track. Tested out the new LSD and went well. New paint on Derek with Jaguar emblem on bonnet. Martin O‟Dea – replaced fuel idle cut out switch. Seemed to stop engine fade but came back again on the trip to Macclesfield. Have new switch – will fix (again) Borys Portiuch – Still has idling problem with Jag, but has great top end performance Phil Prior – S Type has new booster fitted next week. XJC Stromberg carbs to be replaced with SU carbs (as God intended) over next couple of days. Lots of useless bits removed from motor and placed into a box at the back of the shed. Neil Raw – XJ40 running well. Used on weekends now and greatly enjoyed.  Serge Stebellini – back seat back in. Goes well at 110+ km/h. Bought a door handle from the UK to fit to the Jag. Taking the Jag for a run to Mildura next month. Evan Spartalis – Nothing to report Pete and Kath Taylor – XJC going well. XJs on car sales and has received 5000 hits. One of the viewers called and asked lots of questions and now wants to see the vehicle so it may be gone soon.  Noel and Carmel Trew – Nothing to report – running well. Don Tyrrell – X300 going well. Mk 10 has had wheel cylinders re-sleeved. May be some by-pass in the master cylinder. Brake Booster playing up and may need to be re-built. Other Mk 10 has a flat battery Ivan and Janine Cook – Too many Jags to record, but surprisingly all going well for such a large fleet of vehicles. Bought a Mercedes Benz ML2 70 CDI 4x4. Very nice to drive Meeting Closed at Next meeting: Wednesday 10th August, 2011 at Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for tea before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 6pm.

Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) Next Meeting: 26 July at Brian and Sue Walkers - 14 Ascham Road, Hope Valley

Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register meeting Next meeting at Phil & Sue Prior's. 1 Salrack Ave .Marion. 82766136 at 7.30. Register Secretary Geoff Thomas



Minutes of the V12 and E-Type Register – Held at Garage Mahal on 21st July 2011

Present: Rick Luff and Louise, Imogen and Scott Galloway, Alan Baker, Peter and Carmel LeafMilham, Pete and Kathy Taylor, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson and many E Type owners BUSINESS: Around 30+ people were introduced to the creators of GarageMahal who explained that regardless of your reasons, whatever your lifestyle or hobby, your garage can be transformed to reflect your passion. Garage Mahal knows no barrier to creativity or design, no obstruction to construction or fit out.

This was displayed with their Streamliner garage. What started out as a large, ordinary iron shed became an entertainment area/shed/work area. The idea/theme came from an old fridge which is restored and sits pride of place behind the bar. The black and white large glossy floor tiles made an immediate impact and were offset by the red, black and silver features around the room. The bar supports were shaped like pistons and even the toilet walls were lined with memorabilia.

We enjoyed food/drinks/music and socialised in the awe inspiring shed and thought about the possibilities of our own drab/boring sheds. Sitting on the hoist to add to the effect on the night was Chris Waldock and Christine Kirby‟s stunning new Aston Martin. A terrific night was had by all. “The shed is every big boys dream” Di A “Brilliant”, Kathy T, “Bloody Amazing and Innovative” Peter LM and “a very special place be” Roger A


NEXT MEETING: Will be on 12th August, 2011. All welcome. Roger Adamson, Register Secretary


Yorke Peninsula Weekend October Long Weekend (Saturday / Sunday / Monday 1/10 – 3/10)

Saturday Take the Coast Road to Edithburgh we will be staying at the Edithburgh Seaside Motel. Saturday and Sunday Nights. $140 per couple per room per night including breakfast. On Saturday night a coach will take us to the Inland Seas Restaurant for dinner and return us to the motel.

Sunday Run to Marion Bay and Innes National Park. Explore Edithburgh, Yorketown and Surrounds. Dinner at local hotel.

Monday Head toward Adelaide via Minlaton, Maitland, Moonta and Wallaroo.

Please let me know if you are joining us. Ron Palmer 0418 855 597 Multivalve register Secretary Email ron@palmersadelaide.com


Check out these fantastic stickers for your CAT for JDCSA club members

These are available from your register secretary for the outstanding price of

$1 Available in British racing green, Silver and Maroon

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhoea, does that mean that one enjoys it?


Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Rob Smith on the 7th July 2011 Present: Rod Davis, Rob Smith, Doug & Sue Harrison, Robin Ide, John Dunning, Richard Smith. Apologies: Rob and Vicki Loffler, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Graeme and Fiona Schulz, Peter and Judy Goodale, Peg Davis, Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Jenny Hales & Russell Clarke, John and Lindsey Williams, Julian and Moira Lugg, Carla Smith, Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Roger and Lyn Hughes and Deidre Ide. Business: NZ run. Richard presented a draft itinerary which provides for about 4 000km of travel in four weeks. Arrival in NZ at Christchurch will be on 22 March and departure, also from Christchurch, will be on 19 April. The first half of the tour will be on the North Island, returning to the South Island for the Easter rally at Blenheim followed by a tour of the South Island. The itinerary was adopted. Richard will advise Di Adamson of the dates. There are about 11 possible participants from the Register. Richard confirmed that participants will need to organise their own air travel to NZ and suggested Pacific Blue. At the August meeting someone else will need to start planning accommodation based on the itinerary and accommodation guides that Richard has. There was no further update on the proposed visit to Australia in Feb 2012 by a group of UK XK and E-type drivers. 2011 Border run hosted by Victoria: Hotel:

Rosebud Country Club, 27 Boneo Road, Rosebud Vic 3939


Friday 14th October 2011,

Depart: Monday 17th October 2011 Bookings at Rosebud Country Club have to be finalized so require 3 months notice (numbers next meeting). Gerry Howell is the Victorian contact No one had any information on the proposal to change the dates for 2011. Post meeting note: The Victorian club has advised of new dates of 4 – 7 November. Spare parts travelling kit for register. Rob Loffler has circulated a list of suggested components. There was brief discussion about the list and it was noted that some of the items for the list may be available from members. Future Events: Sue advised that 4 December for the Register Christmas function is OK with Di Adamson. Rob Smith suggested that Kapunda would be a good place for a run. Sue will check with Di for a suitable date. Cars John Dunning – Mk 7 NTR Rod Davis –!40 was OK on a recent run Harrisons – NTR Richard Smith – XK short run recently. Engine is in the E – type. Robin Ide – NTR Rob Smith – 140 went well on recent trip to Kapunda Thank you to Rob for his hospitality. Future meetings: 3 August will be at Richard and Carla Smith‟s. 6 September (Tuesday) – The Register will set up at7.00pm for the JDC general meeting and organise supper. A brief Register meeting will be held before the JDC meeting. Meeting closed at 9.05pm followed by supper & a shed visit.


13 to 18 September 2011 Supaloc Classic Targa Adelaide is an exciting four day, competitive stage, tarmac rally across South Australia with some of the world‟s finest classic cars. In its inaugural year Octagon is anticipating that 200 of the world‟s finest classic cars and drivers will compete along South Australia‟s scenic routes.

This enthralling international event sees the best from Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Lotus, Ford, Holden, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Nissan and Toyota. You name it and you can see it at Supaloc Classic Targa Adelaide. In response to a huge demand for participation in tours at the four Targa events, Octagon has now decided to provide them in line with the tour held at Targa Tasmania since 2004. The Targa Tours create an opportunity to experience the thrill of driving on some of Australia's greatest driving roads when they have been closed for competition without the pressure of competing or having to modify your pride and joy. Not everyone wants to drive their vehicles hard and this Tour is just what a large number of people have been asking for – to be part of Targa but as a tourist. THE TOUR: The Supaloc Classic Targa Adelaide tour is an amazing experience, but not a race. It is exactly what it says it is and designed to display a cavalcade of motor history, giving owners an opportunity to use them safely, while enjoying the thrill of riding past, literally, thousands of spectators all watching the South Australia‟s largest tarmac rally. Along with the tour, street stages are the part of Targa that make it truly unique. The event sees a number of street stages including prologue in the famous Barossa Valley Wine region, in town of Tanunda where thousands will line the streets to cheer participants on. It‟s an experience money can‟t buy. The Targa Tour follows the same course as the competitive sections, driving in convoy ahead of the competition field over the closed road Targa stages at the normal road speed. Participants get to preview the course in 'packets' of up to 15 vehicles, lead by an organiser‟s course vehicle, usually driven by a retired competitor or official who knows the roads. And although the normal speed limits apply, you really do get the racers eye view and some of the roads you drive on vie for the title of the greatest driving roads in the world. South Australia still enjoys a 100 kph speed limit on its winding mountain passes that most competition cars would struggle to break, leaving plenty of opportunity to enjoy your classic in a very “spirited” manner. Walther Roehrl, voted the best ever rally driver by Europeans, says that there is nothing to compare with Targa roads. From the driver‟s seat of you can feel what it's like coming down the Gorge Road using both sides of the road, cresting Mt Lofty or driving past the crowds watching from the end of their driveways on Coromandel. WHAT HAPPENS IN THE TOUR? Participants in the tour have the opportunity to mix with the competitors and get to showcase their pride and joy at the vehicle expos which accompany each event and where a crowd of surprisingly knowledgeable people will want to talk about your car. Each Tour participant is invited to attend the events' social functions.


Although the Tour is designed for people who want a chance to experience something unique in the enthusiast world, it also provides a way for anyone who fancies having a go at Targa one day, to get up close with the event, feel the roads, the camaraderie, the sense of challenge and achievement and answer the question: "how would I go at this?". Tour cars are not required to have roll over protection systems but are required to travel with fire extinguishers and safety triangles. Participants are required to hold a CAMS Level Two Speed Licence and your vehicle needs a CAMS Log Book - both easy to get and we are here to help. Each tour car is issued with the same Road Books as the competition cars which provide comprehensive details of the course. It is important that the crew member in the left hand seat learns how to read the Tulip diagrams in the Road Book so you can follow the touring route between the closed special stages. Crews are required to report to the security park - that's where all the competition cars have spent the night, while you will have been able to use yours to go to and from your hotel or to dinner - 20 minutes before their due time of departure. They are then to report to their vehicle and prepare to leave when instructed to do so by the Tour Leader. It will be a very early morning start because the Tour goes at the head of the field, but it does mean an early return, allowing plenty of time for an afternoon rest before the evening's entertainment. At the start of the Targa Stages, participants are to queue behind the Tour Leader vehicle on the side of the road as directed. The Tour Leader vehicle will give two minutes warning prior to departure when participants must be in their vehicles, with seat belts done up. During the stages participants are to follow the Tour Leader car through the stage in convoy and normal safe driving practices are to be adopted at all times. Speed will be as per the posted limits, even though the road has been closed to public traffic. Overtaking is not permitted, unless a vehicle in front has slowed down and the driver has given a clear signal. At the finish of stages participants must slow down and be prepared to stop, and then continue to follow the Tour Leader vehicle into the next transport stage. THE COURSE: The tour leaves from the city each day, varying in landscape from open farm land to Adelaideâ€&#x;s beautiful vineyards and large mountain ranges. You will get to ride on iconic stages including, Montacute, Upper Hermitage, Piccadilly and Tanunda. Please see the 2011 provisional course map above to give you a good idea of the 2011 Supaloc Classic Targa Adelaide tour route. Level 4 121-125 King William Street Adelaide, SA, Australia 5000 T: 61 8 8463 4640


Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Robert Elliston Ron & Zthne Baker Doug Norrie

1979 XJ 5.3L 1968 420 4.2L 1999 S Type 3 L

The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Harold Prince & Marcia Stillwell Ted & Rose Jacobson Peter & Wilma Mountcastle

1967 240 1962 MK11 3.4L , 1969 E Type 2 + 2 4.2L & 2009 XF 2.7D 1966 MK 11 2.4L

We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary

I should've known it wasn't going to work out between my ex-wife and me. After all, I'm a Libra and she's a bitch.


GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb Jul

V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register TBA SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact)

Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 23

Club & Other Events 13 –to 18 September:

SUPALOC Classic Targa Adelaide (refer this edition CM)

17 & 18 Sep:

Compact Register – Cool Cats At Goolwa

1 to 3 October:

Multi-Valve - York Peninsula weekend

14 to 17 October:

Hosted by Victoria – Border Run

16 October:

SA Jag Day - (Refer this issue of CM)

28 to 31 OCTOBER:

SS & Pushrod Register - SA & Vic BORDER RUN,

5 November:

Annual Dinner Dance – (refer this month‟s CM)

Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12

Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 10th August Wednesday, 3rd August Friday, 12th August



CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale (new) X300 – Sovereign, 4.0 ltr (rare) Flamenco red – Oatmeal leather 129,000km $16,000 ono Ph: 0417890599

For Sale Steel XJ6 wheel complete with Bridgestone 205/70/15 tyre 95%+ tread. $50 - Price includes 5 wheel nuts and securing bolt/washer for boot storage. Robin Bullock 8389 6185

For Sale 1972 Series One. 70,847 genuine miles only. No Rust, New Tyres, New brakes. Has all books from new. Some spares, might need a little T.L.C. (carpets) Drives like new. Owner going overseas on April 1st. $6,000 Contact Dave Heslop - 85221189 or mob 0422567579

For Sale 1985 XJS Jaguar Coupe V12 HE Red with Beige interior. Genuine 142,000 on the clock Car is in excellent condition, definitely NO rust. $18,500 ono Contact Jack or Carol: 8289 1847 or 0427171847 (28 Apr 2011) 26

For Sale 1996 X300 4ltr twin cam 6 cylinder. 160k Ex Condition inside and out. Price $12,000 Ring Evan on 83326357

Wanted Steering wheel and Horn (Jaguar MKII) Lindsay Pears is looking for a steering wheel: OEM 1960 Jaguar MKII, complete with horn button Contact Details: Lindsay Ph 7225 4359 (26 Jan 2011) Wanted Club Car XJ40 or XJ6 (Series 3) Not needing restoration Contact Nigel on (08) 8333 1347 or 0401 045 167 or nigelscoombe@aol.co.uk

Wanted XJS Parts - Set of front and rear bumpers to suit XJ-S. Need to be the HE version with the chrome tops. Contact Rick Luff on 0411 426913, 08 8358 6292 or rickluff@bigpond.com

Open to Offers V12 (I think it is an XJS). Motor is fine, the trans/gearbox needs work if not sold it’s off to the wreckers contact Andrew Admiral Ph: 8296 2581 email social@sdcc.asn.au


The Cat’s Giggle

Three ladies in a sauna Three women, two younger, and one senior citizen, were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The young woman pressed her forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at her questioningly.. 'That was my pager,' she said. I have a microchip under the skin of my arm. A few minutes later, a phone rang. The second young woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, 'that was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand. The older woman felt very low -tech. Not to be out done, she decided she had to do something just as impressive. She stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her rear end. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her. The older woman finally said…… ”Well, will you look at that, I'm getting a fax!!”

Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM




We, the undersigned, being financial members of the Jaguar Drivers Club

of SA Inc. hereby nominate:_________________________

for the position of__________________________________

on the Executive Committee of the Club . (Proposer: name) (Signed)_________________________________________________

(Seconder: name) (Signed)_________________________________________________

I hereby accept the above nomination:

(Signature of nominee)

Completed nomination forms must be lodged with the Secretary before the close of the September General Meeting on 6 September 2011. Only financial senior and adult family members can hold office


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