The Classic Marque December 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
MERRY XMAS To all JDCSA members
Your Management Committee President: Peter Holland Mobile: 8271 0048 Email: Vice President: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Julian Lugg Phone: 0417882930 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Robin Ide SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) Regalia: Vacant Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle
0428816678 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
0438 768 770 8387 0051
Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email:
Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971
Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email:
Log Books: Peter Holland (temp):
Events Coordinator: Phil Prior Mobile: 0402670654 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: JDCSA Committee members Email:
8333 0057
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Rick Luff 0411426913 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Neil Murray Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
A Class Metal Finishers
Fox Creek Winery
Sports Car Centre– Kent Town
C ONTENTS MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE JDCSA ............................................................................ 3 PRESIDENTS REPORT ................................................................................................................................. 4 PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR 2014 NATIONAL RALLY, HOSTED BY JDCSA ....................................... 5 Just What is this ACJC!!! ............................................................................................................................. 7 ACJC Meeting – AUGUST, 2012 (latest meeting of the ACJC) .................................................................... 9 VALE HAROLD NOEL (NOEL) ROSCROW, AM ......................................................................................... 11 Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – 9th November 2011 ............................................................. 13 Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register - 11th October 2011 .............................................................. 14 th
Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) – 27 September 2011............................................... 14 MULTIVALVE REGISTER TRIP TO YORKE PENINSULA - OCTOBER LONG WEEKEND 2011 ................ 15 SS and Pushrod Engine Register meeting - 26 October 2011 .................................................................. 19 JDCSA Presentation Night 2011................................................................................................................. 22 FICKLE FINGER OF FATE AWARD 2011 ................................................................................................... 23 SS REGISTER 37TH ANNUAL BORDER RUN - OCT/NOV 2011 .................................................................. 24 Notice Board ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Minutes of the V12 Register – 11th November 2011 ................................................................................... 26 Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register - 3rd November 2011 ........................................................................... 27 CAT CLASSIFIEDS...................................................................................................................................... 30
Correspondence received:
Minutes from Federation of Historic Motor Vehicles.
Meeting opened at 7.30pm Apologies: Ros Holland, Marg Thomas, Evan Spartalis, John Stanley, Wendy Hall, Colin Rorlach, Marj Brindle.
Thankyou from Ali Roscrow
Information regarding Vintage and Veteran Mt Gambier Tour Jan 2012
Guests & New Members: Welcome to new members John Best and guest Ben Adler. Business Arising:
Vehicles required for Playford Cavalcade Jan 2012
Minutes accepted for previous meeting. There was quite a bit of interest in Regalia at JAG Day. The Club is still looking for someone interested in taking care of Regalia sales. President’s Report: Peter Holland
SA Jag Day with a sunny enjoyable day. The Parade added to the atmosphere and was informative. Thankyou to Di and the team for a great day. Several Club members with articles in magazines. Rick Luff has an article in the latest Jaguar magazine, there is also a picture of Phil Smart and Christopher Holland, who were the inaugural President of the Club and the first Treasurer. Alan Baker also has an article in the Unique Cars Magazine. Dinner Dance tickers are still available from Daphne Charman. The December meeting will be as informal as possible. Members can purchase meals which will be followed by entertainment and a supper of platters, tea and coffee. Can Register Secretaries to advise numbers for catering. An article written by Doug Tilley regarding the task of running a National Rally will be published in the Club Mag. He indicated it was time consuming but gave great satisfaction. The club will need a lot more people to satisfactorily run the National Rally.
Vice President’s Report: Di Adamson Thankyou to the committee and participants in SA Jag Day. Thankfully the weather held out for us. We had a great response to People’s Choice with 159 votes received. Thanks to Peter Clarke and Rick Luff for their commentary during the day. Thanks to Kathy Taylor for manning the Regalia tent most of the day taking in $590. The Club can be very proud of the fact we left the grounds cleaner than we found them
The Club Calendar will be available for distribution at the December meeting.
Climb to the Eagle is on Friday with a large number of Jaguars entered. Cars can be viewed prior to the event at Victoria Park Race course. Secretary’s Report: Julian Lugg
Treasurer’s Report: Tim White Current Balance $34483.62 – Tracking as per budget. Membership Secretary: Noel Trew 33 Memberships not renewed, memberships 11//12 year.
Editor: Pete Taylor Don’t forget to send in articles and pictures .Will be trying a new format soon. Web Editor: Tom Herraman Club is expanding into Facebook and Twitter. Register Reports: SS & Daimler – Returned yesterday from border run. 64 people in 35 cars Great time. E Type - Third Thursday of the month. November meeting at Alan Baker’s Shed. December meeting on 11 December at Christine and Chris Waldock’s. Compact – Xmas lunch at Mt Osmond Golf Club on 11 December. Planning a run to Humphrey’s Pump with the Multivalve Register in April or May next year. V12 – Next meeting 11th November at Roger and Di’s place. XK 7, 8, 9 – Next meeting at John Williams at Millswood tomorrow night. Border run to Morning Peninsula Thursday – Tuesday. Multivalve –Next meeting Nov 22 at Lesley & John Clarke’s house. Australia day will be celebrated at the Palmers at Goolwa. XJ – Meeting Wednesday week at Shannons. More to come regarding the December meeting. Librarian – Club has some free magazines and a couple of new books and DVD’s. MSCA – The year finished with no accidents or rollovers. ACJC – Rick Luff - NTR Historic Registration: – Neil Murrie Neil reported on the last meeting with the Federation and advised that the President had requested feedback from clubs prior to the next meeting. Peter and Neil will meet and create a response. General Business: Thanks to E Type Register for supper and minutes.
PRESIDENTS REPORT December 2011 What a night!! The only way to describe the Annual Dinner Dance, a night of good company, good food and good entertainment. We were entertained by the talented Linda McCarthy with many well-known classic songs and humorous talk in between. But then, our own Peter Clark teamed up with Linda to sing “New York, New York”, not once but twice, ensuring the seal of approval for the night. Congratulations also go to the recipients of the main Club awards: Club Person, Pete and Kathy Taylor; Presidents Award, Di Adamson; Most Enthusiastic New Member Phil Prior; People’s Choice, Jack and Jean Richardson; People’s Choice Runner-up, Bob and Daphne Charman. The surprise award was the Fickle Finger of Fate, which went to yours truly-----it is quite a worry that Ray Smithers knows more about me than I do!!! A big thank you must go to Daphne Charman and her helpers for a wonderful night. I would like to thank those members who have offered their assistance to organize the 2014 National Rally. In particular, a special thank you must go to Tim White who has taken on the role of Rally Director. You will hear more from Tim as the weeks and months go by. His task will be enormous and your help, whether it be ongoing or just a specific job will be much appreciated. As members would be aware, successive Executive Committees of the past 3-4 years have been looking at an alternative program that does not include the major concours events, in line with our member’s wishes. A letter outlining our final proposal has been included in this issue of CM and has been on our web site for the last two weeks. It has also been forwarded to our sister clubs around Australia for their information. This program was included in a letter to the ACJC outlining our proposal for 2014 and we await their response also in this edition of the CM. A letter has been sent to the Federation of Motoring Clubs reiterating our belief that some aspects of the proposed changes to the Conditional Registration scheme in relation to the cutoff date and annual inspections or statutory declarations are not practical. In addition, the letter has suggested that periodic reviews are essential and should extend to looking at the best aspects of interstate schemes. The JDCSA again offered its services to be part of any FHMC sub-committee established to review the scheme. The Committee will be looking at the introduction of “interest segments” at General Meetings in the new year. These could include, but not limited to, talks by members, guest speakers or films of interest. If you have any suggestions or can arrange a segment, please tell one of the Committee Members. They do not necessarily have to be car related. We look forward to seeing you all at the December General Meeting, which will be minimum formality and maximum fun and will include an entertainer and supper platters. Please note there will not be a meeting in January and the next meeting will be on 7th February 2012. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families and friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Drive safely as we look forward to a fun packed 2012. Happy Jaguaring Peter Holland President
JAGUAR DRIVERS’ CLUB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. PO Box 30 Rundle Mall, Adelaide ABN 54747435916 South Australia 5000 E-mail: web site:
21 November 2011
To All Members of JDCSA, The program outlined below has been forwarded to the ACJC and Jaguar Landrover Australia in a letter from Peter Holland, President and Rick Luff, ACJC Representative on behalf of the Executive Committee. The revised program has been discussed at length by the Executive Committee over the past few years and is considered to be the best compromise between the preferred JDCSA option of no concours and no sporting event proposal originally put forward and the complex concours event of previous National Rallies. We believe the revised proposal will meet the needs of the greater majority of members who attend a National Rally by providing a relatively informal display day with a judged section, without the angst of an all out concours. Every effort will be made to ensure a sporting related event can be included, but its style and final format will be very much cost driven as access to formal SA motoring venues is difficult and costs can be extremely high. DAY 1 FRIDAY Registration including sale of regalia and the provision of tea, coffee and cake. On-going from midday. Informal evening event with brief welcome and introductory speeches. Food provided. DAY 2 SATURDAY This is the display day and will be called “The National Jaguar Display Day” Drive in convoy to the display venue, provided that all legal requirements can be met Ensure that there are alternative activities. This may include a joint venue with another group (eg craft display), technical discussion workshops convened by experts in their given field and encouraging member participation and a fashion show to widen the interest of the day There will be a judged section that will be managed as follows: Rally participants will nominate their car for judging as part of the registration process Cars to be judged will be parked within the main body of the display and the judges will go to each car The judging will be based on the simplest possible means and devised by the JDCSA Organising Committee. It will look at the obvious major areas such as exterior, interior, engine bay, boot area, wheels and chrome and will take into account condition, cleanliness and general presentation. That is, the assessment will be impression based with a simple “x” out of “y” score rather than deducting points for each imperfection as per the current ACJC procedure The judges will be in pairs for each judged section and their individual scores averaged to give the final result The judge’s decision will be final and the scores will remain confidential at all time and will not be made available to the owner. The score sheets will be destroyed at the close of the Rally In the case of a tied score the judges will reassess the cars that have tied The cars will be judged in decades and will not be based on the existing class systems There will only be a single winner per decade plus the people’s choice which will be the car of the day An evening dinner. This will be relatively informal and its final format determined by available venues. It is anticipated, if appropriate, that transport will be provided. 5
DAY 3 SUNDAY Provided suitable venues at reasonable cost can be secured, a sporting event will be held. If not, consideration could be given to an alternative style event based on the original Classic Adelaide stages, which will be on open road conditions requiring compliance with all current road rules and posted speed limits In addition to the above, other social events entailing use of participant’s cars will be held. Such events will include a lunchtime stop and the opportunity to enjoy the attractions in the surrounding area. The formal dinner dance will be held on this night and will include appropriate entertainment. However, it is envisaged that formalities will be kept to a minimum. DAY 4 MONDAY A farewell brunch will be organised on this day. It will be open to all members and most importantly it will be an opportunity to socialise and say farewell to all our interstate friends. It will, as a natural conclusion of the Rally and the starting point for the Post Rally Tour. Start of the Post Rally Tour, which will be organised to showcase the tourist attractions of South Australia. We believe the above program should meet with the approval of the majority of our members and has been submitted to the ACJC for their endorsement. We believe this makes the National Rally more interesting and removes the intense rivalry and competition, which has been noted at previous rallies. The numbers of delegates who actually participate in Concours and sporting events is very small, with the majority of delegates actually subsidising the cost of these events. We want the National Rally to be attractive and affordable to a wider cross-section of Jaguar owners. Should you have any suggestions that you feel may further enhance the program, please feel free to forward them to me or the organising committee for consideration. In addition, as we believe it is important that all members “at the shop floor� are aware of the JDCSA proposal we have circulated this proposal not only to our own JDCSA members but also to all ACJC affiliated Clubs in Australia. In closing, I am very pleased to tell you that Tim White has agreed to take up the position of Rally Director. Tim brings with him a wide knowledge of National Rally planning, through his previous involvement with these events, as well as his experience with Club affairs as a long-standing member of the Executive Committee. Please support Tim by offering to help out in any way that you can. Thank you. Regards
Peter Holland President
To ensure all JDCSA members are familiar with the role of the ACJC, the following articles will help …..
IS THIS ACJC!!! As time moves on, and the membership changes within our Clubs, “Just What is this ACJC?”, is a question new members might well ask. It could also be that, amongst those members who have been in the Clubs for a long time, their knowledge of the ACJC, what it is and what it does, has been lost in the midst of time. The Australian Council Of Australian Clubs was first mooted at the Jaguar National Concours (as the National Rally was then known) back in 1983 and the first meeting was held in Sydney that year. Each Club regarded it as so important that they paid for their own representative to attend the two day meeting. It actually was “born” in 1984 when the Jaguar distributorship as it was then known, vis. Jaguar Rover Australia (JRA) agreed to sponsor the formation and running of a national association of Jaguar car clubs. Prior to this, the various Clubs had come together annually for a Concours, often in a country town, together with sporting activities ( such as a motorkhana), and a couple of dinners and a Summit meeting. The meeting, which can really be described as a “vigorous” chat between the various clubs’ committee members present, was held on the day after the event before they headed home . However, the arrangement had been a very loose one and it was fraught with difficulties as most Clubs had their very own ideas as to how and when to conduct a National get-together. The National Rally in Albury in 1983 saw the start of change. The consensus was reached that there needs to be a central body to coordinate communication between the state bodies and to start to standardise the running of a National Rally. It wasn’t to be a new Club, but a federation of the eight major Australian Clubs which all have an interest in the marque started by Sir William Lyons, the Jaguar. Hence, the ACJC was conceived “as a central co-operative body but with equality in votes irrespective of the size of each constituent Club” and without power over any Club. But how to fund such a body? John Crawford, PR manager of JRA, was approached and was very supportive of the formation of the ACJC and agreed to cover the costs of the 2 meetings per year. But part of the arrangement was that the ACJC should become the one central body through whom communications were passed to JRA, rather than each of the clubs and others making piece meal direct approaches. This is still the expressed wish of Jaguar in Australia as recently as July this year. One of the first decisions of the ACJC was to hold the National Rally annually at Easter since all states shared that holiday break. After the demise of JRA in 1991, support of the ACJC continued through various distributors but waxed and waned. Following the 1998 Gold Coast Rally, at which Yokohama (not a Jaguar supplier) was the major sponsor, Jaguar offered to resolve this conflict by offering to resolve some sponsorship of the National Rally. Through this mechanism, these days every registrant of a National rally is indirectly subsidised in addition to the separate support Jaguar has chosen to provide on a case by case basis for the Friday night Welcome Party. “How does the Council function?”, you might wonder. The Council is an Incorporated Association under South Australian law and is a nonprofit body under the taxation law. Its twofold purpose is to be responsible for the procedures to be employed in conducting the annual National Rallies and to act as a conduit for communication between Jaguar Landrover Australia (JLRA - the recently renamed Jaguar distributorship) and the State Based Clubs. Each Club appoints or elects a member to be their ACJC delegate. It is through this person that the wishes of the individual Clubs, and their views on topics, become known. In most instances these delegates are full members of their own state Clubs Committee. They act as the voice of that committee at a National level. For a number of years meetings were held over two days over Sydney, the domicile of Jaguar. However, it was thought that, with more efficient management, the business could be done in one day (albeit rather long for some delegates), thereby containing costs of the Council and hence the membership contribution by each Club. Delegates now attend a one-day meeting in Sydney every six months in February and August, the latter being the Annual General Meeting. Jaguar is represented, usually by their General Manager, who brings members up to date on Jaguar matters. Delegates also need to have much more communication during the year between these meetings discussing the various matters that might affect the Council and the Clubs. It is helpful to the functioning of the Council that delegates are ( r have been recently) actively involved in the management within their own Club and within the Jaguar movement. An awareness of matters pertaining to concours and/or sporting activities also helps. Currently, we are fortunate to have as delegates people who have a history of participation and managerial involvement in their respective Clubs. Ken White (JDCA) is the current Chairman and Treasurer. He has been part of the JDCA for seventeen years. Serving on their Management Committee for thirteen years, including 3 as President. He was the Rally director 7
“Sydney Gold 2000”, including restoring an XK140 OTS that won the Sir William trophy at the 2004 Concours in Canberra, and has attended 13 National Rallies. He was formally Secretary/ Treasurer of the ACJC for 3 years and an alternate delegate prior to that. Rod Mathers (JCCWA) is the current Secretary of the ACJC, and member of the JCCWA for 12 years and a Jaguar owner for 50 years. He is active member of the motor sports fraternity serving on State Council of CAMS, as a Commissioner of the Marque, Touring and Enthusiasts Commission of CAMS and has served as an Official at many Club and State events. Rod served terms as Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President of the JCCWA and is the National Rally Director of 2012. Rod has restored six Jaguars and has recently completed building a Jaguar powered HWM. Bob Charman (JDCSA) is currently Vice President of his Club which he joined in 1974 not long after its commencement. He is also register secretary for the XJ, 420G, Mark 10 and has been ACJC delegate for the last 2 years. His first Jaguar in 1970 was a 1966 S Type, moving to a series1 XJ and then a 1970 420G. Subsequently he restored another 420G that won the People’s Choice award for the best car at last two SA Jag Days. Now retired, he and his wife are also the proud owners of a V8 2004 ‘S’ Type which they love using. Rod Force (JCCT) is President of the Club in Tasmania and was National Rally Director for the 2009 Rally in Hobart. He has served on the ACJC since 2008. Rod owns an XJ6 and an XK8 and is involved in social, sporting and Concours events within his Club. Rod achieved outright winner of their 2011 State Concours with his XK8, and has attended all the National Rallies since 2008. Geoff Hergt (JCCV) has been a member of his Club for 10 years, participating in many and varied Club functions and events. A past secretary of the JCCV for 2 terms under different Club Presidents, Geoff has been their delegate to the ACJC for 5 years, bringing a wealth of business experience to that role. When it was recognised that a better system of management was required to ensure the safety of the most valuable of the ACJC – its Perpetual Trophies – Geoff was instrumental in setting up and managing the current system which has proven so successful over three National Rallies. Ian Hissey (JDCHR), is a member of his Club for seven years and President for the past four years after some years as the Editor of their magazine. Ian has also been a member of the JDCA for sixteen years, serving as an Editor for a lengthy time. In 2006 he looked after Promotion and Administration for the JDCA organised National Rally in Newcastle after previously having handled Administration for the 2000National Rally in Sydney. Each year Ian organises the extended trips over 2-3 weeks the JDCHR undertakes to the National Rally and is very involved in social and sporting aspects of the Clubs with him XJ6 and his XJ6C. David McKnight (JDCQ) has served on the ACJC for the last six years and was Chairman in 2006 and 2007. Previously a member of the JDCA, where from 1999 -2004 he and his wife Kate were the Social Secretaries, since moving to Brisbane they have been JDCQ members. Currently the JDCQ Modern Register Secretary, David has served as Secretary, then President and was on the Committee for the 2003 Noosa Rally. He has completed in Concours d’Elegance events since 2000, having won seven state titles as well two national title in 2003 and 2010, and was the runner up in 2008. Larry Roux (JDCC) has been a member of his club for around 20 years, including holding the position of Vice President and, since 2009 that of President. He has been the ACJC delegate since 2009 was also the National Rally Director for 2011. Notwithstanding the name of the Club, he was without a mobile Jaguar for many years as his E-type restoration project fell victim to other priorities. However, it finally made its way to the top of the list and last year was again able to qualify as a jaguar driver. The ACJC has been fortunate to have such a group of people giving it the opportunity to draw on their extensive experience to maximise the role of the ACJC, a role defined as:
Promoting communications and cooperation between the eight major Jaguar Clubs in Australia, Acting as the focal point for the relationship between the Australian Clubs and Jaguar Australia, Providing a communication channel for matters of interest for all the Australian Clubs, and Seeking to promote camaraderie between Jaguar enthusiasts
Ken White
JDCSA Editors Note – Ex President Rick Luff is the current ACJC delegate for JDCSA.
Jaguar Australia Kevin Goult, Brand Manager, Jaguar again graced the meeting with his presence for an extended period. The Council provided him with a summary list of models owned by Club members and he expressed his appreciation, stating that such a list was a very helpful part of the club relationship into the future. Kevin spoke to delegates about the short and long term future of Jaguar in Australia and overseas. In order to promote the marques JLRA are putting out regular press releases and using electronic media to an increasing level with very early tweets, twitter and U-tube responses by reporters and auto magazine editors. JLR globally reported a healthy profit for the previous quarter with the Jaguar marque making a significant contribution to the bottom line. The XF range is slowing in sales – hurt by other releases and there are good discounts available for the 2011 model before the release of the 2012 model. The policy with the XF is to shift the range up a notch to retain value to customers. The new 2.2 ltr diesel is an amazing car. Jaguar’s aim is to both keep the residual value of cars up and will never depart from the theme “beautiful fast cars”. At present, 56% of the Australian car market is 4 cyl cars and globally the percentage is 49%. Jaguar are still aiming at a niche’ market with “value to the customer”. The opposition is still the German trio. JLRA are planning 40 new models in the next 5 years. When the CX-75 was announced, TATA shares jumped 6% on the stock exchange. 250 limited edition CX-75s are to be produced. There is a JLRA factory in Pune, India which produces Freelanders and will later make other models for the local market. Jaguar will provide the sweep car for the fourth coming Targa Adelaide. JLRA is working to get all the dealers in on “specific” target activities such as national rallies and is supportive of sporting events although rumours of Jaguars going back into motor sport itself are just rumours. The luxury car market worldwide is shrinking. The CX-75 order book is open so if anyone wants to place an order, Kevin would be pleased to hear from them. JLRA expressed enthusiasm for both proposals forwarded re the national rally in Perth - the Saturday evening and sporting event. JLRA has already communicated this to Barbagallo. The forthcoming run from Sydney to Tasmania by an international group will include two XF diesel jaguars which aim to do Adelaide to Melbourne on one tank of fuel. ACJC Operations Following a recent change within our constituent members all delegates of Clubs now operate as part of the local Club Committee. This is regarded as appositive situation which assists the delegate in convoying the thinking at management level of their Club. Feedback has been that the recent letter to Club members outlining the history of the ACJC, and the setting the objectives and the structure of the Committee, has been well received and is seen as part of the process to improve the ‘knowledge’ of ACJC through the membership generally. The ACJC has been able to tap into the media process of JLRA and this has allowed press releases to be added to the website and forwarded to Club editors for passing to their members. This part of the meeting concluded with a request for all Clubs or their members to tell the ACJC what they need/ want. The ALO and duties. The National; Rally Manual sets out the protocol which was confirmed that the ALO does not need to get involved unless there is a debate or difference in views at Authenticity judging. The agreed approach is that the Authenticity judge gives the completed sheets to the Chief Judge who reviews with the Entrant. If there is a problem, the ALO is asked to join the discussion and to resolve the situation. National Rallies Reports were received re the Canberra Rally in 2011 and the scheduled ones in 2012 and 2013. Concern is expressed about the difficulty of predicting the numbers who might wish to attend Rally events and then obtaining venues with appropriate room. Perth have made a calculation based on a 15% increase over the 2005 numbers. 9
Members are encouraged to place registrations early to avoid missing out at particular events. The 2013 rally conducted by the JDCA, will be held a Wollongong, 80kms, south of Sydney, with the Novotel, which is on the beach, as headquarters. The 2014 rally is scheduled to be run by the South Australian Club. A submission has been received by the Council that the Rally not include a Concours event nor a Sporting event. Given a history of the National Rally, and the expressed wishes of the other clubs and JLRA, this request creates a challenge for the Council. The request is still under consideration/ review by the ACJC who would be interested in the views of members. Concours Judging Issues. It was agreed that, for d’Elegance class, windscreen stickers for registration, regularity compliance, service or road toll (including E-tags) would not attract a penalty. All other stickers, including advertising stickers of any sort, would attract a penalty. Number plate surrounds are not acceptable and will be penalised. With regard to mascots and other add-ons the agreed position reached was that “if it was original or optional at factory at authorised dealer level, for that particular model of car, in is acceptable”. Fire extinguishers are in the category as well. Window tinting was another point clarified. In some cars back as far as 1961, Sunglare window tinting was an option and would be allowed without penalty. Aftermarket stick-on film was not and will be penalised. In d’Etat class, authenticity is not an issue but any present will be judged for condition and cleanliness in line with the general rule that “if it is presented it is judged”. To avoid the position of presenting the car which has been stripped of items in order to avoid them being judges the delegates agreed on a rule which states” if it involves unclipping, unfastening or requires force to dislodge it from its normal position, or requires tool to remove or replace it , it is considered an essential element/ component and is to be judged”. If such components are missing they will attract the maximum defect count. For clarity, purposes this includes hubcaps, spare wheels, tool kits, door linings, seats, carpets and the like. Other suggested additions to the NRM were:
To insert a requirement for reference books to be available at judging. Reference books for each model entered in the concours d’Elelgance should be obtained and be available at time of judging. To insert a statement in the NRM to the effect that “owners are encouraged to provide documentation in support of any doubtful or questionable changes made to, or accessories fitted or used on, their cars”.
Delegates have been asked to take these suggestions to their Clubs for review and feedback. It was confirmed that judging of Cleanliness and Condition should be carried out under shade cover. Whilst Authenticity judging can be done anywhere to avoid delays in judging it is recommended that not be done within the Cleanliness and Condition area. An audit of the scores and the consequent allocation of trophies is important to insure correctness in line with the NRM. Concours. The council has been reviewing the methods of scoring at Concours in order to address the old problem of “the old car vs new car” comparison. Whilst a great amount of work needs to be done some agreement and consensus was reached. They include that the changes to the system must include simplification of the scoring; the incorporation of electronic scoring to speed the process and eliminate mistakes; and the creation of a level playing field for all cars and all models. Some members of the Club have their views as to what is wrong with the current system…the Council encourages their input as to what should be done to fix it. Financials. The Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2011, showed a surplus for the year $3,472.00. This was an improvement of the previous year and was occasioned by a reduction in costs and an improved level of interest earned. Good financial management has enabled the maintenance of the Members’ contribution at the same level of $1.50 per member for at least 5 years and no increase is predicted.
VALE HAROLD NOEL (NOEL) ROSCROW, AM Supplied sunglasses to astronauts Born: August 6, 1926; Heywood, Victoria. Died: September 14, 2011; Victor Harbor. NOEL Roscrow rose from humble beginnings to lead one of South Australia's most successful companies. He was a motivator, innovator and risk-taker who instilled confidence in those around him, and his energy and enthusiasm were contagious. The youngest of three brothers born to Nellie and Harold Roscrow, he lost his father and a brother at age five and grew up as a legacy ward in the care of a number of families in country Victoria. When aged 14 he was offered an apprenticeship at a Melbourne optical business by his legatee (or mentor). Noel was under age when he joined the AIF in 1944. He spent three years in the service before marrying his first wife, Pat, and returning to his apprenticeship. In the early 1950s he moved to Adelaide and joined Laubman and Pank as an optical mechanic, and was made a director in 1957. The following year, he launched Scientific Optical Laboratories of Australia (SOLA) in the Laubman and Pank basement in Gawler Place. SOLA was one of the first companies in the world to use a revolutionary plastic material called CR39 to make spectacle lenses that would challenge and ultimately almost completely replace traditional glass lenses. The early days were very much a hand-to-mouth existence, with everyone doing whatever it took for the company to survive. So good was the product, however, that by the late 1960s Noel was regularly visiting Houston, Texas, to fit America's astronauts with sunglasses. A piece of Apollo 17 given to him by NASA and a piece of the moon itself had pride of place in his amazing collection of memorabilia. In the first half of the 1970s Noel combined the demanding role of running SOLA and chairing SA's Industrial Development Advisory Committee. In the second half he celebrated two of his proudest moments - receiving an Order of Australia from the Queen in 1977 and marrying Ali in 1979. She was to be his partner, friend, travelling companion and sounding board for nearly 33 years. Noel sold SOLA to Pilkingtons in the UK in 1978 but stayed on to guide its growth. By the late 1980s the company employed more than 1000 people at its Lonsdale headquarters alone. Before its acquisition by Carl Zeiss in 2004 it was a multinational company with more than 8000 employees. Noel served on many leading industry bodies and was presented with an Advance Australia Award in 1986. After retiring from day-to-day involvement in SOLA, he applied his energy to all things automotive. He had eclectic taste in cars, from East German-built Trabants to Jaguars and Ferraris meticulously restored in "The Playpen", his Bowden workshop. He created a small museum of tractors, stationary engines and farm equipment on his Hindmarsh Island property. He was the first and longest-serving chairman of the Bay to Birdwood and remained patron of the Jaguar Drivers Club of south Australia until his death. Noel's business achievements were significant, but his gregarious nature connected him with a wide range of people. He was generous with his wealth and experience. Noel is survived by Ali, children Ken, Rob and Ann, six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide’s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don’t forget the excellent customer service and advice.
Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don’t forget to mention the JDCSA
UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!!
Editor 12
Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 9th November 2011
Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, David Bicknell, Borys Potiuch, Evan Spartalis, Phil Prior, Martin O’Dea, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Noel & Carmel Trew, Timothy Dunning, Chris Michael, Graeme Moore, Steve Attard, John Best, Walter Bullock, Warren Bullock, Fay Leyton, Chris Michael, Dennis Paech, Pete & Kath Taylor, Don Tyrrell. Apologies Beryl Bullock, Carolyn Bullock, Kathy Tyrrell, Peter & Ros Holland, John & Claire Evans, Darryl Leyton and Andrea Spartalis. Special Note - Sorry, but Andrea couldn’t be with us tonight. General Business NEXT MEETING. December 14th is our Xmas Meeting. Expect the unexpected. Please bring plate of supper. Carmel is in charge of Catering. Let her know what you are bringing so we don’t double up. The members discussed our Register Christmas Dinner to be held on Friday, 2nd of December, at the German Club, 223 Flinders Street, Adelaide starting at 7.00pm. The dinner will be 3 courses with 3 options for each course at $39.00 per head. This will be a fun night, not to be missed. Next year’s runs discussed. Ballarat and Mt Gambier will be 4/5/6 May 2012. Pichi Richi Railway visit, Quorn 24/25/26 August. We have approx. 24 people so far put their hand up for Ballarat. Booking will be made this week to secure the rooms.
Car Talk Steve Attard - New Jag has new second hand gear box from N.S.W. Painted the grill. 420G now in garage awaiting more restoration work. John Best - Car in garage. Not driven for a while. Trouble with carbies. David Bicknell - “Gertrude” headlights needed fixing. After hours of sweat and turmoil, got all four head lights working. Went inside the house, came out, tried them again and only one light works. Started work on 420 but ran out of time. Walter Bullock - Warren’s cars going well. Warren Bullock - Swapped the position of the two car’s in the garage. That has been the only activity on them for a while. Bob & Daphne Charman - Same problem with the clock. Bob’s pulling his hair out. Daphne says the ‘S’ type running beautifully. Tim Dunning - Has had the cracks in the Mufflers repaired. Manifold needs fixing. Fay Leyton - N.T.R. on the Sovereign. Derek has new mags as an extra special gift. Chris Michael - All fine. N.T.R. Graeme Moore - All fine as well. Borys Potiuch - Will take it out soon to try and find a problem. Has been going well (so far). Martin O’Dea - Still idles a little rough but OK. After the Xmas Dinner last Saturday, he is in love again. (What have you done, Linda?) Phil Prior - Took ‘S’ type on Climb to the Eagle, averaged about 20 m.p.g. Changing polarity to negative on Friday. XJ had final dyno tune and have fixed the problem. One of the needles was the wrong size. Now OK. Waiting to take it for a decent run. Evan Spartalis - Having his head looked at. (should have done it years ago) Will be back in the Series 3 soon. Anne-Marie Pijanka - Green Genie doing well. Took it on a Ford rally recently just to add a bit of class to the event. Dennis Paech - Going well. New switch for drivers door. Noise when car in a dip etc. Thought it might be mud flaps. Members thought it may be the tyres. Noel & Carmel Trew - Went on Climb to the Eagle. All went well except the air conditioner – blowing hot air.
Pete & Kath Taylor - Coupe going well. Changed the starter motor. Put in high torque starter and has made a big difference. He is rapt. Don Tyrrell - All cars going well. Meeting Closed at 8.35pm
Next meeting: Wednesday 14th December, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for tea before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 6pm.
Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register meeting at Phil and Sue Prior on the 11th October 2011
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. Next meeting at Mt Osmond Golf Club .Xmas break up.11th Dec( BOOKED OUT)
FEBUARY Meeting 19th Feb at Bill Browne's Hindmarsh Island. More details in Feb Classic Marque.
Reg Sect GEOFF.
Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) held at the home of Peter and Trish Clarke – 27th September 2011 Next Meeting 26th January 2012 – to be held at Ron & Claire’s Australia Day Thursday. Ron Palmer
Home at Goolwa ,
0418 8555 97
Multivalve Register Secretary EMAIL
MULTIVALVE REGISTER TRIP TO YORKE PENINSULA OCTOBER LONG WEEKEND 2011 Saturday morning, bright and chirpy, we all met at the Caltex Road House on the Port Wakefield Road around 9.00am for a 9.30am start. Whilst waiting for Ron and Claire to roll up, we were all having a chat, not really thinking much about the time that was marching on and still no sign of our “fearless Leader “ and his lovely wife. Fortunately Peter and Trish Clarke decided to do a bit of a reconnoitre after filling up with petrol and would you believe found Ron and Claire, who had been there since the” crack of dawn”, in the northern section of the big car park !! Anyway we were soon underway with our detailed instruction sheets and actioned packed itinerary in hand. All in all, 7 magnificent Jaguars and a resplendent Daimler belonging to Geoff and Marg Thomas travelled in convoy. We proceeded along Port Wakefield Road through Pt. Wakefield following the coast road to Ardrossan. We largely dodged a blustery dark rain cloud sweeping through as we made the turn around towards the top of the gulf. We did not perhaps realise it at the time that this event was to herald in beautiful weather for the whole of the long weekend. Clearly Ron and Claire had very influential contacts. Fluffy coffees and cake was the order of the day for a morning tea stop at Ardrossan and was welcomed by all (coffee stops always mandatory of course on all Multivalve runs-very civilised!!).We managed to steal ourselves away and met up with Brian Kaehne, a country Multivalve Member and Mike Osborne, Secretary and Publicity Officer for the Maitland Auto Preservation Society SA., which is the Historic Motor Vehicle Club of the Yorke Peninsula (go to to see newsletter and our visit being mentioned, including photos). We all followed Brian (Jaguar X308) and Mike (with his dog in the passenger seat of his 1966 Triumph TR4A) to see the rest of their cars, which they had very kindly arranged to display in front of their homes. After seeing Mike’s cars (1968 Bristol 409, 1951 Alvis TA 21 drophead and 1949 MGTC), Brian showed us his trophy winning car from the 2011 Maitland Show-a red 1969 MGB mark 2 with over-drive. It was hard for some of us to tear ourselves away, but Brian then took the convoy to see a few notable sites of Ardrossan, finishing at the Onesteel Dolomite Quarry Look out. We were all very impressed with this kind invitation of Brian and Mike and appreciated the time and preparation they had apparently taken for us to meet them and see their cars. 15
Port Vincent was the next stop and a light pre arranged lunch was provided at the Ventnor Hotel. This was another chance to have a good chat and discuss the morning’s events. It was then onto Stansbury and Wool Bay and finally ending at Edithburgh and settling into our Motel. Some members found the time to have a walk around and walk the Jetty and then onto the Happy hour which Ron and Claire were kind enough to host. As we were being picked up by coach from the Motel for our dinner engagement it was clear that a
very relaxed mood had engulfed some of the group by the time it arrived. Don was the coach driver and he took the opportunity to bring his lovely wife June, along to have dinner as well, which we all thought was wonderful (nothing like combining business with pleasure). Dinner was at the Inland Sea Restaurant and Inland Sea Foods, just outside of Warooka, approximately 36kms from our Motel. This is quite a unique place in what appears to be in the middle of nowhere, offering plenty of food choices such as char-grilled lobster, prime angus steaks, free range chicken dishes, local snapper, KG whiting and garfish, just to name a few of the dishes. Plus fine wines or byo. We all successfully reboarded the coach for a surprisingly quiet ride back to the Motel. Sunday saw another beautiful morning, with some members taking a walk before breakfast. Breakfast was at a respectable time of 8.00am (thanks to Ron), in which all members were grateful for, as day-light saving had kicked in overnight. This was a breakfast to write home about!! Dianne our hostess arranged the venue for breakfast in a special room in the main historic building adjacent to the Motel. All members were able to be seated together on one long table, with padded chairs (Chippendale-like furniture) for a sumptuous breakfast in the very “old World” room to an almost silver service hot breakfast and cereals(it was notable how one or two members couldn’t resist taking a liking to the spiral stair case in the room). We were certainly well looked after by Dianne and she was very knowledgeable about the town and also about the “goings on” (one story quite tragic) in some of the historic buildings nearby. Immediately after breakfast we headed for the “show and shine” on the nearby oval. As the organisers were still in the early throes of setting up and clearly had a way to go before things would be properly underway, it was decided to push-on to the Innes National Park. It was good to see the cars meander their way along the country road evenly spaced with John and Lesley making up the rear of the convoy in their X300 Jaguar. 16
For the next few hours we all had time to get a taste of what a wonderful Park it is. Beautiful views of the coastline and ship wreck stories at various points of interest, revealed the special history of this section of YP. A walk to the Lighthouse was popular and Ray Smithers was able to position himself just at the right time in a photo with Judy and Marj featuring in the foreground. A visit to the historic Township was very interesting with Emus and their off-springs running wild. Clearly another visit to spend more time exploring, would be very worthwhile and enjoyable. The next stop was Point Turton for lunch at the Tavern on Turton. This is a lovely spot overlooking Hardwicke Bay. Glorious views could be seen from the Tavern and the weather remained beautiful. Our timing was perfect, as by chance we met up with fellow Club Members, Ian and Cheryl Pascoe (of Humphrey Pump Club trips fame), also enjoying lunch whilst they were down staying at their holiday house nearby. It was lovely to catch up with them and their friends. After lunch a few of the group had a look around(great fishing spot here and a caravan park on the water’s edge to boot) and subsequently we all made our way back to Edithburgh to get ready for yet another happy Hour. Dinner had been arranged at the Troubridge Hotel within easy walking distance of the Motel. Plenty of food and drinks were consumed, but nonetheless, an ordered walk back to the Motel ensued. Polite goodnights were exchanged and once again the Motel cover-ways were silent as we all tucked in for a good night’s rest and sleep after another wonderful day out in the fresh air. Monday morning turned out to be another glorious day and Dianne excelled again in providing an exquisite breakfast for us all in the stately surroundings we had now easily become accustomed to. Noel and Carmel were particularly impressed with the surroundings and the courtesies we had all experienced in our stay. In returning to our rooms, cars were readied and luggage packed away. Farewells and grateful thanks to Dianne for making our stay so special were made, then once again we were on the road snaking our way to Minlaton. A visit to the Red Devil (Harry Butler Memorial) was a very interesting stop where a tiny, but historic World War I monoplane flown by one of Australia’s early aviators, Captain Harry Butler is on show.
Maitland was the next stop, where arrangements had been made by Ron and Claire for the Markets to be especially opened for us. To have exclusive access to the markets was quite something and a number of special purchases were made, much to the delight of the wonderful two ladies who had opened the market for us. There were no takers however, to sit on the magnificent statue of the horse at the entrance to the car park of the market, as it did not have a saddle!!!
The drive to Wallaroo via Moonta for lunch was the final leg of the trip. Lunch had been pre-booked at the Boatshed on the wharf where we all sat down together for a lovely meal over-looking the jetty in a glistening sea. It was a good chance to reminisce of what we had done over such a beautiful weekend.
After lunch most of the members decided to slowly make their way home. Ray, Judy, Rob, Tom and Marj decided to linger on a bit more and walk the long jetty and subsequently Rob along with Ray and Judy went off to see an historic building Rob had painted on canvas way back in the nineties, to see how it now compared with what he had
painted. This was one of those special weekends and a big thank you Ron and Claire from all of us who went, for organising such a wonderful time for us all. Tom Brindle
SS and Pushrod Engine Register meeting held at the home of Bruce and Anne Fletcher, Wednesday 26 October 2011
Present: Bruce Fletcher, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, John Lewis, Don Evans, Ross Rasmus, Jack Richardson, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Ross Gogler Apologies: Bob Hill-Ling, David Adamson, Brenton Cliff, Peter Forrester, Jo Lewis Business: SA & Victoria BORDER RUN, Victoria
28 – 31 OCTOBER 2011. Run #37. Bob Kretschmer reported-
Final Entry List-
15 ,
SS Register 11,
JCCC 9, Total 35
Jack & Jean Richardson will join the 3 breakfasts
Newsletter #3 was issued 19 October
Everything else is under control.
Ross Rasmus cautioned about checking that hungry people do not crowd the food serving door.
Malcolm Adamson handed out ‘2011 Naracoorte Rally, window stickers
Bob K handed out Rally Packs which included a consolidated a list of Runs since 1975, plus a supplement for the SA convoy contingent
Technical Bob Lynch tabled a new hand-held Infra-Red Thermometer designed for automotive applications Bob Kretschmer advised having just had the flywheel for his 1939 SS engine fitted with a new ring gear by Fraser Engineering of Adelaide. Bruce Fletcher tabled the latest copy of ‘Aust Restored Cars’ which included an advertisement for replacement ring gears (Noted that the dowel pins to the crank shaft flange differ from the post-war engines) Bob Lynch provided additional information re the soda-blasting cleaning process.
Bob Kretschmer reported on his recent trip to Englando The 3 advertised SS 11/2l wheels posted on E-Bay proved to be post-war, o Rather a disappointment after travelling 12,000 miles to pay for them! o A successful morning was spent with Alan Gibbins of SS Spares, St Albans (Jack Richardson’s old hangout! & Alan seems to host a stream of Australian SS Jaguar people passing through.) The visit concerned mostly parts needed for the 1939 SS engine rebuild. What a knowledgeable & helpful man.
NOTE: Did you know that the 21/2l & 11/2 l valves have different stem lengths? o The proposed visit to David Davenport, who offers a changeover gearbox service for Mk1V’s using a Ford Sierra S3 box, was cancelled when he advised not having ever changed a 11/2l model. (so much for Web site advertisements!) o The proposed visit to Allan Crouch was also cancelled as Allan had just accepted an offer to attend the annual Goodwood Revival Meeting.
AC is the author of the definitive book on SS Cars & is nearing completion of his new book on SS Jaguar Cars. He advised that only 161 of Bob K’s car, (officially a ‘1940’ model but June 1939 Build) were made & very few survive. Bob to send details of model variations noted during his restoration, plus current photographs to AC. Parts:
Ian Mullins is to make a run of Mk1V rod brake screw type clevis pins. Contact IM direct
Bob Lynch requires a temperature gauge for a MkV
JDCSA: Malcolm Adamson advised; Photographs are still sought for the 2012 Club calendar. The Executive has floated an idea of holding some form of Charity Even, eg; Toy Run, Boot of Food &c. Ideas sought A Committee has been formed to organize the 2014 National Rally The December/Christmas Dinner will be preceded by a very short General Meeting, See CM. The 2012 All British Day will be on Sunday 12 Feb with close of entries 30 November. The Birdwood Motor Museum will be holding a ‘Eurofest 2011 European Car Show’ on Sunday 20th November. First in 8yrs. More details on Shed Talk: An inspection of Bruce’s workshop was made. Noted especially was the complex timber (coach built) framework on the SS Airline presently being restored by Bruce.
NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: Last Wednesday each month; 7.30pm Start. 30 November
Des Brown
No Meeting
REMINDERS: 1. JDC General Meeting Tuesday 8th October 2. Club Dinner Saturday 5 November, see also CM 3. General Meeting Roster for SS Register Tuesday 14 Feb 2012
Supper: Thankyou Ann.
Copy of September minutes Held at Judy and Bob Lynch’s home in the heart of lovely Reynella Present: Bruce Fletcher, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Don Evans, John Lewis, Brenton Hobbs & Bob Lynch. Apologies: Malcolm Adamson, Ross Rasmus, Ross Gogler, Jack Richardson & Bob Kretschmer. Business Arising: Border Run to Naracoorte appears to be all in hand with final presentation and finalisation of proceedings to be organised on Bob Kretschmer return from overseas. New Business: It was sadly noted that our long standing patron, Noel Roscrow had passed away. His involvement and interest in the Club will be greatly missed. The thoughts and condolences of the Register are extended to his family. Tickets are still available for the Club Dinner to be held at the Adelaide International Motel on Anzac Highway, Glenelg on the 5 November 2011. The cost of a ticket is $50.00per head. For further details contact Daphne Charman on 8248 4111 or 0421 482 006. Additional detail can be obtained from the Club Magazine. The Club wishes to remind Registers that if organising an event to please advise the Club Cocoordinator of the activity. See the Club Magazine for contact details.
Articles for the Club Magazine were discussed with a strong feeling that a simplified printed format is preferred to the electronic system with more bias to club historical events/personalities and in particular technical information/new model releases etc. The Club has requested that each Register provide 5 Marshalls for the Jaguar Day to be held on the 16 October 2011. A Marshall is required for only 1 hour per shift starting from 8 am till 3 pm. The following have indicated they can assist: Don Evans (preferred time 9-10am), Bruce Fletcher (preferred time 10-11 am), Malcolm Adamson (preferred time 1-2pm) and Jack Richardson (preferred time 2-3pm). Due to the small numbers at the meeting plus the unavailability of members to attend the Jag Day, no further names could be put forward at this time. The Register has been asked to provide 3 cars as a display for the Jag Day. Ross Rasmus’ SS1 (subject to confirmation on his return from overseas), Des Brown’s Drophead MK4 (subject to weather conditions eg not raining) and Digby Thomas’ SS100 (subject to his concurrence) were nominated. A committee is to be formed to assist with the organisation for the National Rally to be held in Adelaide. A representative from the Register is requested for this function. Don Evans accepted to take on this role. Spare Parts: None mentioned. Social matter: Comment was made on the progress, or not, of Bob Lynch’s MK V restoration. It was suggested that a backhoe would provide a quick solution to the problem. Not all agreed. Bob Lynch’s 4 post hoist was examined especially as it had Bruce Fletcher’s XJS neatly resting high off the ground on it. A quick search for the key to lower the hoist was not fruitful and it appeared that the car would have to remain where it resided. Again not all agreed. Bob was delighted that he finally may have a Jaguar that actually runs. The XJC was fired up but ran like a woolly goat. You just can’t trust those Daimlers. Next meeting will be on the 26 October 2011, at Bruce and Ann Fletcher’s home, 25 Jane St, Willaston. For any apologies please contact Bruce or Ann 8522 4043. The Register thanks Judy for providing supper. Bob Lynch, Acting Minutes Recorder
Why isn’t there a special name for the tops of your feet?
JDCSA P RESEN TATI ON N I GH T 2011 What a great night this was. (More pics on the website)
The winners were: Presidents Award – Di Adamson Club persons of the year – Pete and Kath Taylor Most Enthusiastic New Member – Phil Prior People’s Choice – Jack and Jean Richardson (absent) People’s Choice Runner Up – Bob and Daphne Charman Fickle Finger Of Fate – Peter Holland
FICKLE FINGER OF FATE AWARD 2011 There is a man among us Who has Jaguar blood in his veins He’s a dedicated club man whenever he can And has recently taken over the reins He was there at the inaugural club meeting When the JDC of SA was formed At the Brecknock Hotel which as we all know well As the “Breckwok” has now been reformed He has owned in his time a Jaguar or two And at one period had the 120 market cornered With a fixed head or two and of roadsters a few His feline pride grew larger and prospered Now this Electronic Engineer of great renown Is addicted to anything radio phonic His cars are impounded and completely surrounded In the garage by old radio sets – that’s a tonic? But his electronic prowess has not been wasted As owners of early V 12’s have discovered When their infamous Opus systems died he indentified The mysterious problems and they recovered But Jaguars are not his sole desire As other British marques have his interest too Having restored an early post war Bentley once owned by gentry In gleaming black and now just like new Many years ago he acquired an early 50’s Daimler A two seat drop head coupe’ and very rare This he would restore but not before It was dismantled and back to metal bare When this was done the decision was made To repaint in a colour appropriate So pigments were blended and the result that ended Was that the owners were on some sort of opiate Instead of a sombre blue or green To his horror the colour was not to his liking A sort of iridescent plum and I give you the drum It was kind to say it was striking
Now with such a magnificent beast to behold To the assembled enthusiasts it had to be presented So it would come out to play at the All British Day And was duly prepared and entered On the day in the early morning Both he and trusting wife were ready Bursting with pride they rode side by side Excited but his nerves were steady With great aplomb through the “burbs” they glided Waving nonchantly to less fortunate peasants The Daimler purred and without a word They exuded a most regal presence Into the hills they climbed without effort The straight six pulling like a train But as they approached the top the revs began to drop His attempts to proceed were in vain So up with the bonnet and in he dived On his electronic skills he called But whatever he tried a start was denied And the RAA had to be called The Daimler was ignominiously towed Back home in disgrace to its shed But our hero applied skills previously denied And dug out a capacitor from under the bed Once this cherished rare part was installed The Daimler once more came back to life So away he roared flat to the board To pick up the patiently waiting wife So it came to pass after all That the Daimler had its Grand Debut At the All British Day and he had to say It wasn’t such a bad day in review Now this hard working JDC stalwart Has recorded another remarkable feat His achievements abound its third time around As our leader, El Presidente’ Pete RAYSMITHERS
The unfortunate Daimler was then laid up For many a year in the shed Until one day he decided it could no longer stay In such a state so new colours went through his head A glorious “Old English Cream” was chosen To compliment such a British classic So without delay it was given a spray And the final result was just magic 23
SS REGISTER 37 T H ANNUAL BORDER RUN OCT/NOV 2011 The run this year was to Naracoorte where we were to be hosted by the local Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club. We were to meet at the bakery in Tailem Bend, on the way the first problem we had Don Evans had a blow out, after morning tea Bruce Fletcher went 100 yards and pulled up with a fuel problem. After this was repaired we proceeded to Keith for lunch, on leaving Keith Bob Lynch also had a fuel problem in Judy’s 911 Porsche (having the engine in the wrong end none of us knew how to fix it!) and after the car was dispatched to Bordertown with the RAA they proceeded to Naracoorte with Malcolm where we met up with the Victorians. Our meal that night was excellent finger food held in the NHVC club rooms. This club has several very large steel sheds joined together where members can keep their cars and tractors on display plus two large clear areas for entertaining. Saturday morning saw us back at the club for a line-up of our cars for the usual photo shoot. The first row was made up of pre-war, second row Mk 1Vs and V’s with the third row MK2’s and modern Jaguars. In total 25 Jags and 1 Wolsely Hornet. During the morning the Club provided morning tea and issued us with a picnic lunch. The area for lunch “Black Cockatoo Bush Camp” was via a scenic route set up by Bob Kretschmer out through Kybybolite and was taken by the first 15 cars, but unfortunately the rest took a wrong turn and arrived before the leader! (a navigational error!!!). After our enjoyable lunch the afternoon was free. That night we sat down to a roast dinner in the club rooms – another excellent meal put on by their club members who all volunteered their time. Sunday morning we formed up in front of the show grounds for a drive over the border into Victoria and back to Naracoorte Caves where the Café was set up for our lunch – this drive was through some of the nicest farm areas in South Australia. That night we had a formal dinner at the Naracoorte Hotel and entertained by the Kretschmer comedian team. Nic Cirakovic presented Margaret Kretschmer with the Jag Nut Trophy which we will in future present to the driver who has the most trouble for the Run…… (Marg received it for all the help she gave Bob in organizing the Event) The trip home was divided. Malcolm took the Lynch’s to Bordertown to check the Porsche and then met up with Graham, Bruce & Bob at Keith. We then set off for home but unfortunately Graham’s MKV became terminal at Tailem Bend and had to be trailored. The rest of the group came home via the Coorong where Don decided to have another flat tyre. All in all, a successful Border Run. Victoria’s turn to organize 2012. Bruce Fletcher 24
N OTICE B OARD The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Bill & Julie Barker Brian Cleghorn & Charmaine Michalak Peter & Carol Williams
XK 4.2L S1, .S2 & S3 XJ6 1985 Sovereign 4.2L
The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. John & Lee Best 1976 XJ6 4.2L & 2006X Type 2L George Hughes & Carlene Hancock 1985 Sovereign 5.3L We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary
What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long? Polaroids
Minutes of the V12 Register – Held at Roger and Di’s on 11th November 2011 Present: Rick Luff and Louise Pitt, Brian and Sue Walker, Colin Rorlach, Tom, Mardi and Sophie Herraman, Scott and Karina Galloway, Steve and Helen Hutchison , Greg Pittway, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Apologies: Peter and Kathy Taylor, Alan Dunsford, Peter & Carmel Leif Milham, Imogen Galloway,
BUSINESS: Reminder re the December club meeting on the 6th December. Please come along. Discussion regarding V12 December meeting. Decided to have an informal BBQ Meeting on Friday 9th December. All welcome. The Dinner Dance on 5th November was excellent. Everyone should consider coming along next year. CAR TALK Brian & Sue Took the XJ8 away. Travelled 1400 kms on trip, very happy. Rover recently added to the shed. Greg Having trouble with the Air Conditioner on the XJS. members suggested Air Conditioner Amplifier. Colin Air Conditioner hardware/gas.
Members viewed
It is cold then roasting.
Several modern
Tom Had a flat tyre on the E Type during Climb to the Eagle. It seems the tyre was an old 1970’s vintage tyre from France. Got a new tube in Victor and back on the road. Had a great day. Rick Got Motor oil cheaper from Melbourne for the XJ8 and a new transmission filter kit. Looking for transmission oil in larger quantities. The Race has finished the season. Will now look to solving the “fuel issue” which has now been an ongoing problem. Scott Another Air condition not working. Did a lot of work to get ready for Jag Day but still not running well when cold. Bought replacements wipers/quill unit from UK on eBay at a great price. Discussion regarding wiper park location. Steve Recently bought a 1974 E Type Roadster (Mustard/Tan). Had for 6 months and loving it. It is a left hand drive from California. Still has the original manual box. Roger
XK and E Type great. Getting ready for E Type run this weekend.
Will be a BBQ meeting on 9th December, 2011. BYO Drinks and meat.
All welcome.
Roger Adamson, Register Secretary
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it’s called a shipment, and when you transport it by ship it’s called cargo?
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of John and Lindsey Williams on the 3rd November 2011 Present: Present were: Julian and Moira Lugg, , John and Lindsey Williams, Richard and Carla Smith, Rod and Peg Davis, Peter Holland, Deidre and Robin Ide, Wendy and Onslow Billinghurst, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Peter and Judy Goodale. Apologies: Rob Smith, Ros Holland, Graeme and Fiona Schultz, Sue and Doug Harrison and John Dunning. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the October meeting were previously circulated and it was agreed that they were an accurate record subject to noting that Richard Smith’s XK is a 120. Club Business The Register agreed to meet with UK participants in the Australian tour by XKs and E types. The tour will be in SA in March 2012. The plan is to have a barbeque lunch with the visitors at Birdwood. Robin has had contact with the organisers and will liaise with people at the Birdwood Mill. Club President, Peter Holland provided a summary of discussions relating to the planning for the 2014 National Rally which will be hosted by JDCSA. Register Business Spare parts.
Rob Loffler passed on prices of some typical parts. General discussion followed:
Suggested items for a group ‘kit’, suggestions for what individuals should carry, how we pay for group bits, is it just about ‘what’s needed to get you home?’ Some members already have useful bits.
It was agreed that members would provide their lists of suggested items to be carried by individuals, for the group kit and items they have that could form part of the group kit, to Rob.
General Business Peter Holland summarised the Club’s position on changes proposed by the government to the Historic Vehicle Registration system. Events Rob Loffler in the XK 120 recently participated in a display of historic fire appliances arranged by the Burra branch of the National Trust. Future Events 7 March 2012 – proposed barbeque at Birdwood to meet with UK visitors. Richard reported on plans for the NZ tour in March – April 2012. Next Meetings:
4 December - Christmas at Billinghurst’s. Wendy’s e-mail of 7 October gives details.
1 February - Tennis and BBQ at Ossie and Rayeena’s
7 March – this is the date of the Birdwood barbeque and a brief Register meeting may be held at Birdwood.
April – no meeting because of the NZ tour.
May – possibly at Goodales’
Closure: Robin thanked Lindsey and John for their hosting and closed the meeting at 9.35pm. Supper and a shed visit followed. Robin Ide Register Secretary 27
GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
TBA NO MEETING SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register
Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 28
Club & Other Events 11 December:
Compact Register Xmas “lunch� meeting
More information regarding future events can be found on the website
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12
Tuesday, 6th December 2011
Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 14th December Wednesday, 1st February Friday, 16th December
When you are in a vehicle travelling at the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale 1978, fuel injected XJ V12 - Grey Minor damage on left corner (slight damage), Original badges, minor rust otherwise in good condition as it was kept under the carport. Interior wood grain dash, navy blue velvet seats, driven 12 years ago, started a couple of years ago Diff gone - spare one available in yard! Phone no 0402 317 694 (Woodcroft) For Sale S Type 3.8 MOD in excellent condition. Have owned this car since 1996. See details and pictures on CAR SALES.COM. Phone Tony Ellis - 0423 596 397 Member 1264 For Sale XJ6 Series 1 - 4.2 (6 cyl) 3 speed auto Red Original condition $7000.00 ono Ph: V.R. Wyld – 85 412 524 or 0429412524 For Sale 1989 XJ40 Navy Blue, good condition, 143000Km $7000.00 Contact Bill 8445 7060 For Sale 1960 Jaguar Mk IX Old English White with red interior. Good looking (beautiful) and reliable. It has been used as our Club Car for the last 16 years and has travelled extensively throughout S.A. and interstate. Doug Harrison - (08) 8333 0057 or 0407 711 351 Wanted Roof canes for securing roof lining on 1965 Mark 2 Please contact Tom Brindle on 83870051 or 043 881 8780 or 30
The Cat’s Giggle An elderly man walks into a confessional. The following conversation ensues: Man: 'I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years, many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday, I picked up two college girls, hitch-hiking. We went to a motel, where I had sex with each of them three times.' Priest: 'Are you sorry for your sins?' Man: 'What sins?' Priest: 'What kind of a Catholic are you?' Man: 'I'm Jewish.' Priest: 'Why are you telling me all this?' Man: 'I'm 92 years old ..... I'm telling everybody!'
A woman was having a passionate affair with an Irish inspector from a pest-control company. One afternoon they were carrying on in the bedroom together when her husband arrived home unexpectedly. 'Quick,' said the woman to the lover, 'into the closet!' and she pushed him in the closet, stark naked. The husband, however, became suspicious and after a search of the bedroom discovered the man in the closet. 'Who are you?' he asked him. 'I'm an inspector from Bugs-B-Gone,' said the exterminator. 'What are you doing in there?' the husband asked. 'I'm investigating a complaint about an infestation of moths,' the man replied. 'And where are your clothes?' asked the husband. The man looked down at himself and said, 'Those little bastards!'.
Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM 31