The Classic Marque July 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
JAGUARS NEVER FORGET But their owners sometimes do
Renewals have all been posted out so don’t forget to renew your membership
Members with log books who have not renewed by 31st July are no longer able to legally drive their Vehicles on Historic Registration. On the 1st August each year the Club is obliged to notify the Register of Motor Vehicles in writing of any Members with log books who have not renewed their Membership.
Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email: Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Sue Harrison Phone: 8271 0048 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer
0417882930 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770 Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126 Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051
Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email:
Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971
Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email:
Log Books: Sue Harrison:
Events Coordinator: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: JDCSA Committee members Email:
8333 0057
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
Front cover
A Class Metal Finishers
Fox Creek Winery
1 Sports Car Centre– Kent Town
Meeting opened at 7.45pm Acting Chairman; Vice President Bob Charman Apologies: Rick Luff, Tim & Sue White, Pete & Kathy Taylor, John Cartwright, Evan Spartalis, Ray & Barb Offe, Pete & Ros Holland, Don & Margaret Evans, Doug Harrison, John Stanley, Wendy Hall, Peter Clarke, Sue Walker.
Gawler Swap Meet 11 Sept. VP Bob read out an extract from the Minutes of the FHMC recent meeting. Treasurer: Tim White had advised in his absence that the financial situation was OK. Membership:
Guests & New Members: Gordon Guy, Warren & Beryl Bullock.
Noel Trew advised that 367 renewals had been issued with replies as follows - 109 members, 7 Life Members, 3 cancellations. Responses by 7 July.
Minutes From Previous Meeting – Accepted –
CM Editor:
Nil business arising.
President’s Report: Vice President Bob Charman read out an extract from President Rick Luff’s June 2011 Report – see CM p4, paras 3 through to 6 re Historic Registration. The Executive has already responded to DETI. Bob said that our Club expects to fight this issue & that he is aware that other Clubs share our views, Federation Delegate Neil Murrie also spoke on the matter.
Peter Taylor is presently in Canberra. Members are happy with the CM format & content. Contributions from members are always welcome. Webmaster: Nil Report. Events Coordinator: Di Adamson is still seeking a rep from each Register for the SA Jag Day organizing committee. Forthcoming Events include:
Compact Register Beaches, 19 June
Cats at Goolwa 17 – 18 Sept
V12 Register – Midyear Run to Mallala 3 July
Next meeting 10 June
MSCA - Driver Training Course at Mallala 19 June
SA Jag Day – New venue Civic Park, Tea Tree Plaza on 16 October 2011
Vice President’s Report: Bob Charman re-iterated his comments from last CM about an early start for the planning committee for the 2014 Nationals in SA. (WA had 20 on the committee). ACJC: It is not proposed to hold a concours d’elegance at the 2014 Nationals. Considerable & robust debate ensued. Those against concours reminded members present of the recent Member Survey which was opposed, vs those in- favour, who included the SS & Pushrod Engine Register members. Noted that the Survey of over 360 members canvassed, only 26 replied. It was decided to wait for response from ACJC. Secretary: Peter Holland is currently in the UK & emailed his Report to VP Bob – reminder re the Bay to Birdwood Classic Rally Sunday 25 Sept. Entries close 5 Aug so get in promptly as No’s are limited. The pre & post-Cruising Classic Program runs from 22 to 30 Sept.
Library: Tom Brindle tabled a selection of past ‘Australian Jaguar’ magazines to give away. 4 new books are now available –
Jaguar Mk1, Mk11 saloons
E-Type 50, 50years of a Design Icon
Jaguar E-Type, A Celebration of the World’s favourite ‘60’s Icon 2
Jaguar XJ 220 – The Inside Story
VP Bob praised the Club Library & our Librarian Tom with the comment that important information is often found right in our own Club.
XJ: Bob Charman advised next meeting tomorrow at Shannons with prior tea at Villies at 6.00pm.
Run to Mt Gambier 27-29 May.
Regalia: The Club still needs a ‘R’ Officer, but in the meantime, as another option, some items are available on-line. (garment sizes can be requested)
‘Christmas in July’ 25 June! tonight.
ACJC: Refer to President’s Report.
V12: Next meeting 10 June. Midyears run to Mallala 3 July.
MSCA: Barry Kitts spoke about the benefits of Driver Training Courses, esp for young aspiring drivers. Next at Mallala 19 June, details on the web. FHMC: Fed Rep Neil Murrie referred back to the President’s Report re Historic Registration. There is to be a Media Launch for the Bay to Birdwood Classic Rally in Rundle Mall on 28 June. The promoters seek a selection of suitable cars & motor cycles for display 9.00 to 5.00 pm. Neil sensed from his experience that FHMC was generally critical of many Clubs – they consider that Historic Registration is “Not a Right, it is a Privilege’. (with over 3,000 registered vehicles!!!) Neil has already replied to the Federation on behalf of another Club. Sue Harrison suggested that Log Books could include provision for an annual Declaration by the owner stating any change/mods made to the machine.
need names
XK: Next meeting 6 July.
General Business: Club Calendar; VP Bob asked for member feedback re the current format using member’s photographs, or change to a professional photographer. Leave as-is. Classic Targa Adelaide Rally; Robin Bullock advised that a new organization replacing Classic Adelaide had now been arranged. The event will be over 3 days 14-17 Sept & form part of National Targa Rally Championship. MSCA: Barry Kitts advised next meeting at Mallala 3 July. Solver Paints. Mark Goodwin reminded members of the special deal available, see CM. VP Bob Charman thanked the SS Register for providing supper & minute secretary. Meeting closed at 8.35pm.
(too hard for DETI) Responsibility should be on the owner. Discussion ensued. Register Reports. SS & Daimler: Next meeting at Brenton Hobbs 29 June. Annual Border Run #37 with the Victorians 27 – 29 Oct at Naracoorte. Starters approx 32 with more to come. E- Type: Alan Baker reminded members re next meeting as usual on third Thursday of the month at Al’ Shed unless advised. Compact: Geoff Thomas reminded members re the ‘Victory via the Beaches’ run 19 June. Last $10 dep tonight, plus the ‘Cats at Goolwa’ w/e 17-18 Sept – brochures at the table. Next meeting 14 June at the Thomas’s. Multi-valve: Next meeting at Brian & Sue Walker’s 26 July.
PRESIDENTS REPORT July 2011 There seems to be some confusion regarding the club‟s position on a few things, so this note is simply to clarify these items so that we are all singing from the same sheet. As I am sure you all know, there is much work involved in running our club and I would prefer our efforts went into organising new and exciting activities rather than rehashing decisions that have already been democratically made. SA National Rally The JDCSA will not be conducting concourse events at the next South Australian National Rally. This decision has been reached following extensive discussion at club, executive and especially at a personal level with members and in light of the results of a club survey. This has been a club position for at least the past two years. We have expressed this view to the ACJC in two documents, the first being the Post Rally Report some years ago and a more recent paper presented early this year. The President of the ACJC, Ken White, contacted me asking for feedback and comments on the ACJC and National Rallies literally at the same time as our discussion paper was in the mail to him. Ken has been open and supportive of our feedback and we await the ACJC‟s response after their next meeting. The next SA run Rally will not have concourse events run in parallel by any other party. The current ACJC requirement is that concourse and motorsport events must be run as part of the Rally program. Given our aforementioned position, discussions on ACJC/JDCSA options will occur in a timely fashion. The general consensus Australia wide is the Easter is not the best time to run a rally for a variety of reasons. This is our position too. Indeed, WA is hosting their rally at an alternative time of the year. Any correspondence, communication or surveys with the ACJC will be via the usual channels, that is, member‟s views passed through to executive via either their register secretaries or directly to a committee member. Outcomes will be relayed back to members in the opposite direction. Any other way simply doesn‟t get us anywhere. SA Jag Day SA Jag Day will be held at Civic Park on Sunday 16th October. This location has been chosen for its exposure and in keeping with moving the venue around every few years. The last two Jag Days will be hard acts to follow but building on the knowledge gained, this one will be a stunner. An organising committee has been formed, planning is well under way and the appropriate services have been booked. There will be a large marquee, tables and chairs, Trade Displays, Food Stalls, Wine and Cheese tasting, soft drinks and local eateries will open especially for us. There will also be a few cars on display too!
Club Calendar Due to popular demand the club calendar will be an ongoing publication. For those of us involved in putting it together, acquiring quality pictures of members‟ cars has becoming increasingly difficult as pleas for good photos have gone largely unanswered. The best images from our own stocks have all but run out so I will be talking with a professional photographer to see what we can come up with. Proposed Historic Registration Issues Below is an extract from my last President‟s report which sums up our position: “The main topic of discussion since the last GM has been the letter from the Department of Transport Energy and Infrastructure. The DTEI is the department that controls the Historic Registration Scheme. You can read the details of this letter by using the link on the front page of the web site. Suffice to say that the response from Executive has been swift and strong. Their proposal that will require clubs participating in this scheme need to be members of the Federation of Historic Motor Clubs seems quite reasonable. Aligning Left Hand Drive with Right Hand Drive vehicles with respect to qualifying for historic registration is also appropriate and long overdue. The remaining two proposals are the ones that we take issue with. Firstly, the proposal that historic registration be ruled out for vehicles manufactured from 1979 onwards would mean cars such as later model XJ and XJ-S models or even more recent X300‟s would not qualify. While it may be debatable whether these cars are of historic value now, in 20 years time they most certainly will be. Of course the same goes for many other Jaguar and other make cars. You can‟t tell me a recent model Holden Monaro won‟t be of historic significance in 2030. Secondly, the other proposal is to change the inspection regime of all vehicles participating in the scheme. Instead of a one-off inspection at the time of the initial application, DTEI is suggesting that this inspection occurs annually. This ill thought out idea does not take into consideration the time and financial impost that would be created. The inconvenience to non-metropolitan members would be substantial. This, of course, assumes that there would be inspectors who would be willing to assess some 400 cars: each and every year! And that is only our club. Imagine the extra work needed for clubs such as Ford or GM. Some are wondering if these proposals are being circulated for discussion or whether decisions have already been made and that DTEI are merely going through the motions. We can only hope that the former is the case. I‟ll keep you posted on our progress.” I hope the above has clarified these issues. For most of you this would be old news because, as I said, this is just a summary of things already decided. If any member has any queries, whether on these items or any others, please contact me.
Rick Luff
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR SO DON’T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP I would like to thank those Members who have returned their forms and log books.
Note: After the 31st July, any member who has not renewed their Membership will incur a late payment fee of $30.00.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME…. Noel Trew – Membership Secretary Phone: 8172 2071 email:
A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide‟s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don‟t forget the excellent customer service and advice.
Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don‟t forget to mention the JDCSA
UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!! Editor
SS and Pushrod Engine Register – Held at the home of John and Jenny Lewis on 25th May 2011
Present: Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Malcolm Adamson, Don Evans, Bruce Fletcher, Brenton Hobbs Apologies: Ross Gogler, Brenton Cliff, Jack Richardson, Peter Forrester, Jo Lewis, David Adamson, Ross Rasmus GUEST: Vice President Bob Charman Business: SA & Vic BORDER RUN, 28 – 31 OCTOBER 2011. Bob Kretschmer reported; Response to the initial call for Expressions of Interest
Victoria - 8 more expected. Chaser 23 May
SS Register 11
Guests – Mk V 2 (E of I issued 25 May)
Modern -1 To date = 22
Draft Program in hand with assistance from Naracoorte Tourist Office VP Bob Charman suggested that our Register avail of the JDCSA Allocation for Registers to host such Rallies. Bruce Fletcher tabled a list of past SS & Jaguar Pushrod Engine Border Runs since 1975, our 3rd to Naracoorte & No. 37 this year. TECHNICAL & PARTS. Don Evans advised that Rover P4 steering boxes are not suitable for fitting to Mk 1V Jaguars & he is looking for a Rover P5 box. FEDERATION: Historic Vehicle Registration. Bob Lynch advised the Federation has been told that TSA is now considering 1979 as the cut-off date. Bob Hill-Ling suggested that owners should be required to specifically state what, if any changes they may have made since initial inspection & the Rules for permitted post-build modifications should be available for everybody. Long Discussion John Lewis (a licensed Inspector) advised that TSA no longer issues copy of the Code of Practice to all applicants. He quoted the General Requirements & the section dealing with permitted mods to Jaguars cars from his copy. The C of P should be available on the TSA web site. Bob Charman said that Victoria issues 90 Day Permits but was considering moving more towards the SA Model.
Bob Charman confirmed that JDCSDA will not be including a C d‟ E for the foreseeable future.
Long Discussion which included the following topics-
The SS Register had 3 qualified & experienced Judges
The present Constitution requires C d‟ E to be regularly held
The C d‟ E at the recent Canberra National rally was over-subscribed
C d‟ E at State level is vital to train serious restorers for National events
Old restored push rod engine cars should not be judged against late model vehicles or ones like E-Types where virtually every replacement part can be purchased
If Classes along the lines of the existing Registers was introduced, 5 SS Register owners would enter
Bruce Fletcher advised that England C d ‟E has suitable Classes, the winners of which are then further judged.
Some previous judges have been pedantic in the extreme
One problem has been inconsistency between judges at both State & National level
Bob Charman suggested that the SS Register write to the Executive putting its views.
GENERAL BUSINESS: Malcolm Adamson said that he had recently met an old SS Register member Robert Patterson who had restored a 194811/2l sedan but is no longer an active member. NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: Last Wednesday ea month; 7.30pm Start 29 June - Brenton Hobbs (Apology Ross Rasmus & Bob Lynch) 27 July - Don Evans 31 August - (AGM) Bob Hill-Ling REMINDER: General JDC Meeting Roster, Tuesday 7th June for SS Register (app. Bob Lynch) Supper plus minutes taking Supper: Thank you Jenny R.J. Kretschmer Register Secretary
Refer tribute to Graeme Brown next page
On 16th June, 2011, Anne and Bruce Fletcher, together with Malcolm Adamson, travelled to Perth to attend the funeral of Graeme Brown, a founding member of the Jaguar Drivers’ Club of S.A. and the SS Register. Graeme attended the first meeting at the Brecknock Hotel and he had very fond memories of the activities of the JDC OF SA and the outings of the SS Register, including the border runs he and his family attended. In 1978 business activities saw Graeme return to Perth where he lived until his death on Saturday, 11th June, 2011. While in Adelaide, Graeme owned a 2 ½ litre 1937 SS Saloon, the engine of which had been increased to nearly 3 litres. It was a very proud day when the restoration of the SS was finally completed by Bruce Fletcher and handed back to Graeme after Graeme had done some work on the car in Perth. Graeme just sat in the car with a smile on his face and with a look of absolute joy. A few years ago a very bright yellow E Type stole Graeme’s heart so the SS went and the E Type took pride of place at the Brown’s home. The E Type was driven to the funeral by Graeme’s son, Cameron. His other jaguar, an XJ 40 Sovereign, was also driven to the funeral and both cars were paraded at the funeral parlour as well as at the crematorium. Graeme put up a great fight against his cancer and survived some six to eight months beyond the time given to him in the early diagnosis. Graeme – Rest In Peace.
Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 8th June 2011 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, Steve Attard, David Bicknell, Graeme Moore, Warren & Carolyn Bullock, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Fay Leyton, Borys Potriuch, John & Claire Evans, Evan Spartalis, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Kevin Walsh, Martin O‟Dea, Ray & Barb Offe, Dennis Peach, Phil Prior, Noel & Carmel Trew, Merv Tucker, Kerry Williams. Apologies: Pete & Kathy Taylor, Serge Stebellini, Darryl Leyton. New Members: Nil General Business
The Mount Gambier run on 27th, 28th & 29th of May was discussed and it was agreed that we do it again next year as a good time was had by all.
Our ”Xmas in July” at the „Three Brothers Arms‟ hotel at Macclesfield has been organised for Saturday the 25th of June. Bookings are now open so contact Bob if you wish to attend. 36 people are attending so far.
David Bicknell is organising a „Punts and Bridges‟ run with morning tea at Wellington and Lunch at the Community Club at Murray Bridge. A date has been chosen – Sat 17th of July. $10 each deposit to be paid to David.
Bob advised the details of the Compact run to the Victory Hotel and also the Goolwa run in September.
A brief discussion on the 2014 Nationals to be held in Adelaide.
Mallala race day on the 3rd of July. Darryl and Rick both racing and perhaps Ray Smithers as well.
Jaguar Dinner on Saturday the 5th of November. Daphne has planning well in hand. Tickets should be available soon.
XJ6 series 3 body and parts were for sale and were bought by David Bicknell.
Kerry Williams from Port Pirie asked for his name to be added to email list and this has been done.
Saturday week – Jag Day committee meeting – see Phil Prior.
Phil Prior has 5 steel rims of „S‟ Type for sale.
Discussion by members at the meeting and it was decided to have a run to Picchi Richi railway next year as well as the Mount Gambier run.
Car Talk Steve Attard: Still waiting on garage. Light works on XJ8 now. David Bicknell: Bonnet on XJ staying locked. Playing with red XJ and may get it on track at Mallala for next year. Warren & Carolyn Bullock: Both cars going well. Purchased new mats on eBay for both. Walter & Beryl Bullock: Driving Warren‟s car and going well. John & Claire Evans: Haven‟t used car much. Just short trips. John‟s back is much better. 11
Bob & Daff Charman: Told the story of Big Red‟s clock. „S‟ Type great. Darryl & Fay Leyton: Great run to the Mount. Sovereign had new tail light globe. New boot pins fitted to Derek. New signage and new engine mounts to be fitted. Graeme Moore: New steering column fitted after Mount Gambier. Horn is not working. Car used bit too much petrol and oil. Borys Portiuch: Had great time at Mount Gambier and contributed a bottle of Butterscotch schnapps to Bob and Darryl. Car went well. Martin O‟Dea: Very little to report. Dash lights fading in the rain. Told by members not to drive it in the rain! Apart from that, car going well. Evan Spartalis: Head off the Series 3. Found and rebuilt another one and should be ready to put back together shortly. Ray & Barb Offe: N.T.R. Dennis Peach: Running well. Had thermostat problems, but now OK. Had new windscreen put in at Evans. Having small problem with boot latch. Ray Offe explained how to fix the problem. Phil Prior: Did 4000k in the X350. Got 10L/100Km fully laden. XJ going nicely – replaced the rear trans mounts. „S‟ type going well – brakes need looking at. Noel & Carmel Trew: Went to Hahndorf last Wednesday. Had trouble with starting. Coil given up the ghost. Put new transducer in Speedo. Got the part from the U.K. Merv Tucker: Getting rust done in mudguard on Daimler Van Den Plas. Don Tyrrell: X300 going well. Speaker needed for front door. Mk10‟s going OK at the moment. Went to Bendigo on the motor cycle but the weather not the best. Kevin Walsh: XJ to Evans for Historic Rego. Kerry Williams: Rebuilt carbies on XJ. New rubber in front windscreen. Bought distributor for MG. Meeting closed 8.55pm Next meeting: Wednesday, 13th of July, 2011 at Shannons, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens. 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE - For those wishing to join us for tea first. We meet at Vilis from 6.00pm
Paddy calls Easyjet to book a flight. The operator asks "How many people are flying with you?" Paddy replies "I don't know! It’s your bloody plane!"
Punts and Bridges Run
For those who like to have a drive. ALL REGISTERS WELCOME 17th July 2011 Morning Tea at the Wellington Court House CafĂŠ. Lunch at the Murray Bridge Community Club Most main courses about $20.00 A Deposit of $10.00 per person is required to confirm catering by 5th July General Meeting. Lunch time quiz to check your observational skills. (Just a bit of fun) Depart Burnside Town Hall 9:00 for 9:30 For more information Phone David on 0411066225
Minutes of the Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register held at the home of Geoff and Marg Thomas on the 14th June 2011 Present: Doug & Judy Tilley, Colin & Marg Haese, Noel & Jo Orford, Tom & Marj Brindle, Rob Smith, Phil Prior, Bill Jones, Bill Browne, Neil Murray, David Davidson, Tim & Sue White, Geoff & Marg Thomas and Welcome to new member Peter Mountcastle. Apologies: Marg Piper, Peter & Roz Holland, Carol Davidson, Sue Prior and Ray Thomas. Business:
Congratulations to David Davidson who received an OAM in the Queen‟s Birthday Honours List.
Congratulations also to the new Mr & Mrs Doug Tilley.
There was an interesting discussion on the topic of a concourse at the National Rally.
Geoff reminded members about the run to the Victory Hotel on the 19th June and the weekend at Goolwa on the 17th/18th September. Also the V12 run to Mallala on the 3rd of July.
Please remember pictures of your car for the calendar.
Solver Paints discount. Members urged to use.
Car Talk Colin: NTR Noel: NTR Tom: Mk 2 serviced all well Rob: Squeal in brakes, possibly a sticking pad Phil: Problem with brake pedal, booster suspect Bill. J: Carburetor‟s tuned all going well. Bill. B: NTR Neil: Hope to finish car in 2 weeks. Talked about new number plates for sale from EzyReg. Square plates for the rear of Mk 2‟s seem the way to go. Doug. Speedo now works, thanks to adapting an Allen key & a 2 cent coin. Peter. (New member) 2.4 manual. Needs re-upholstering & new rubbers. Happy with it. Drove it from N.S.W. no problems. David. Woodwork finished, new front seats, speedo cable replaced. Tim. N.T.R. Geoff. N.T.R. Please note it is The Compact‟s turn for supper at the JULY General Meeting. Next Meeting at Phil & Sue PRIORS. 9th. AUGUST at 1. SALRAK .Avenue .MARION. 82766136.
Register Secretary Geoff Thomas
Queen's Birthday Honours. Dr David Davidson of Glenalta has been honoured with an OAM for his services to medicine in the field of orthopaedics. Dr Davidson thought he had reached the highlight of his career when a ward was named after him at the Calvary Hospital. But that achievement has been trumped after he received an OAM in this years Queen’s Birthday Honour List. Dr Davidson, 74, has spent large chunks of his career training other orthopaedic surgeons through his roles as former president of the Orthopaedic Association, chairman of the Clinical Review Committee and director of the Medical Defence Association of South Australia. He says training other doctors is the most rewarding part of his career. Dr Davidson has been a member of the JDCSA since 1995. He originally drove a red 420 compact, then an XJ6 (which was sold to Noel and Carmel Trew) and he now owns an X300 and a Daimler 250 (1968). The members of the JDCSA would like to congratulate Dr Davidson on this outstanding achievement. Ed Acknowledgment to Nadine Bishop from Hills and Valley Messenger.
Minutes of the V12 Register – Held at Roger and Di Adamson’s home on 10th June, 2011 Present: Rick Luff, Imogen and Scott Galloway, Alan Baker, Peter and Carmel Leaf-Milham, Bob Charman, Tom Herraman, Bruce Fletcher, Murray Delaine, Brian and Sue Walker, Tom, Mardi and Sophie Herraman, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson Apologies: Alan & Sharon Dunsford, Pete and Kathy Taylor BUSINESS: Welcomed guests and reminded everyone of run to Mallala on 3rd July. Celebrating 40th Anniversary of the V12 at Jag Day and asked for suggestions for a run to celebrate CAR TALK Rick - The Burgundy XJS bumpers are still on the Race Car. Windscreen wipers have an intermittent problem which could be an earth switch. Peter – E-type 2+2 is going well. Series 2 Roadster is being prepared by Alan Baker. Coming along well. Scott - Had front windscreen repaired. rubbers.
Wrong rubber for rear. Discussions re windscreen
Alan - Trying to get head off Series 3 motor. Borrowing a head puller. Bob - S Type is a pleasure to drive and the Mount Gambier run went well. Tom - Been too busy to drive the E Type. Brian - Saw some nice jags in Switzerland. Fuel was $2.50 a litre which is probably why they use donkeys. Bruce - Finished the Morgan and now working on SS Airline. XJS under cover. Murray - Had the XJS Coupe tuned and serviced, new shockers, and new power window switches. Series 2 Daimler serviced at Mt Barker, now on market reluctantly after 14 years as it is running beautifully. Had the 6 Ltr Daimler out a few times. Roger - E Type going well and XK8 under wraps. NEXT MEETING:
Will be on 8th July, 2011. All welcome.
Roger Adamson, Register Secretary
Compact Registers’ “Victory via the Beaches Run” The day started out cold but the sun was shining. 15 Jags and an MG gathered on the Anzac highway ready to take on the coastal challenge to Sellicks Beach. After a quick chat and a head count, we were on our way. I was amazed at the number of roads that actually run by the beach. Some were closed off but the challenge was overcome by some crafty “make it up as you go skills” by the host. A special comment must be made about Steve Attard and his clever thinking in providing an easy access to 16 Cats onto Brighton Road by putting on his hazard lights and letting all cars through. The guy behind him was not too impressed when Steve just drove off after the last car. The run was without incident but that was until the weather began to turn. We arrived at the Victory Hotel just before God unleashed nature‟s fury. It was great to watch the weather role in whilst being cosey and warm in the hotel. The food was outstanding and the chit chat a plenty. I would highly recommend the victory Hotel for future runs as there is plenty of parking and the views are magnificent (on a clear day). Thanks to Geoff and Marg Thomas for organising another great run. Seems like everything they organise just works!!! - Editor
Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) Next Meeting: 26 July at Brian and Sue Walkers - 14 Ascham Road, Hope Valley
National Rally 2012 The Jaguar Car Club of WA (JCCWA) is very pleased to be hosting the Jaguar National Rally in 2012. The Rally Program runs from April 2629th 2012 with the post rally tour taking place in the week thereafter. In the meantime please note those dates in your diary. Please also note that these dates are not during Easter. We have avoided coinciding with Easter, which is always a time of the year when accommodation is at a premium and venues very busy Rally planning is well advanced and full details shall be posted onto the website during February 2011.
Considering going to the WA National Rally in 2012? What about……
Driving over – 3- 4 days
Participate in the National Rally event
Take the post rally tour, and
Return to Adelaide via the Indian Pacific
If you are interested, please contact: Ron Palmer – 0418855597 email:
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Rob and Vicki Loffler on the 1st June 2011 Present: Rob and Vicki Loffler, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Graeme and Fiona Schulz, Peter and Judy Goodale, Rod and Peg Davis, Doug & Sue Harrison, Robin & Deidre Ide, John Dunning, John Williams, Richard Smith. Apologies: Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Jenny Hales & Russell Clarke, Lindsey Williams, Rob Smith, Julian and Moira Lugg, Carla Smith, Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Roger and Lyn Hughes. Business:
NZ run. Coincides with Jaguar event at Easter (good Friday is 6 April 2012) in Blenheim. Ray keen to help in NZ. Richard has started planning. Richard/Ossie to organise. Any interest to Richard (4 members interested already). Richard advised that dates would be 19 March to 14 April and that the ideal number would be no more than 10 couples. Richard will organise the itinerary and shipping. By early July someone else will need to start booking accommodation based on likely numbers, the itinerary and Richard‟s suggestions for accommodation.
There was no further update on the proposed visit to Australia in Feb 2012 by a group of UK XK and E-type drivers.
2011 Border run hosted by Victoria Hotel: Rosebud Country Club, 27 Boneo Road, Rosebud Vic 3939 Arrive Friday 14th October 2011, Depart Monday 17th October 2011 Bookings at Rosebud Country Club have to be finalized so require 3 months notice (numbers next meeting). Gerry Howell is the Victorian contact No one had any information on the proposal to change the dates for 2011. There was good support for the suggestion that the Border Run take place every second year. Wirinna and Anlaby were noted as a possible base and day visit site respectively for the next SA hosted border run.
New events date to be checked with Di as events coordinator.
Fire Extinguishers were given to those who did not already have one. List to be kept of members receiving extinguishers.
Spare parts travelling kit for register. The Club supports the proposal and may provide some funds to establish the kit. Rob Loffler agreed to circulate an initial list of components with suggested sources of supply so that we can sort out what needs to be purchased. Members should provide Rob with suggestions for the list.
There was discussion about arrangements and venue for the Register Christmas gathering for 2011. Sue will check the suggested date of 4 December with Di Adamson.
Cars John Williams – XK is OK, Mk 7 has no clutch John Dunning – Mk 7 NTR, S type is still in disgrace Rob Loffler – Both XK 120s running well. Plans to attend a fire appliance rally at Burra in October. Onslow Billinghurst – XK 150 OK. Making hood bows for Austin 7 20
Graeme Schultz – Engine re-build underway Rod Davis – NTR Harrisons – NTR Peter Goodale – body now on chassis for 140 fixed head, needs wiring loom, window winders. Richard Smith – XK run recently. Is on p114 of book „Jaguar Racing in NZ‟ Robin Ide – 300mile run recently to Burra and Terowie. Thank you to Rob & Vicki for their hospitality. Sue reminded everyone to renew their membership and submit logbooks for authorisation. Next meetings 6 July at Rob Smith‟s. Sue will tell him attendance will be down because a number of people will be away. 3 August will be at Richard Smith‟s. September 6th (Tuesday) - JDC general meeting supper Meeting closed with supper & shed visit.
Two Irish couples decided to swap partners for the night. After 3 hours of amazing love, Paddy says "I wonder how the girls are getting on". .
Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Peter & Jacqueline Swindale Ian & Suzanne Thornquest Shaun & Roseanne Corcoran Edward David & Myra Joan Beaven Laurie Williams
1961 MK11 3.8L 2005 XJ 4.2L XK8 4L 1974 XJ6 4.2L 1986 Sovereign 5.3L
The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Walter & Beryl Bullock Lynda Jane Raseigh Roland Burrell & Angela Broadstock Kevin Walsh & Anne Cabourden
TBA TBA E Type 1981 & 1984 XJ6 4.2L
We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary
Mick and Paddy are reading head stones at a nearby cemetery. Mick says "Crikey! There's a bloke here who was 152!" Paddy says "What's his name?" Mick replies "Miles, from London
GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb
Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register TBA SS & Daimler Register
Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 23
Club & Other Events SS & Pushrod Register - SA & Vic BORDER RUN, 28 – 31 OCTOBER 2011 XJ Register - „Punts and Bridges‟ run – Sat 17th of July (Refer this issue of CM) SA Jag Day - 16 October 2011 (Refer this issue of CM)
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12
Tuesday, 5th July 2011
Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 8th July Wednesday, 6th July Friday, 10th July
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Steel XJ6 wheel complete with Bridgestone 205/70/15 tyre 95%+ tread. $50 - Price includes 5 wheel nuts and securing bolt/washer for boot storage. Robin Bullock 8389 6185
For Sale 1972 Series One. 70,847 genuine miles only. No Rust, New Tyres, New brakes. Has all books from new. Some spares, might need a little T.L.C. (carpets) Drives like new. Owner going overseas on April 1st. $6,000 Contact Dave Heslop - 85221189 or mob 0422567579
For Sale 1985 XJS Jaguar Coupe V12 HE Red with Beige interior. Genuine 142,000 on the clock Car is in excellent condition, definitely NO rust. $18,500 ono Contact Jack or Carol: 8289 1847 or 0427171847 (28 Apr 2011)
For Sale 1996 X300 4ltr twin cam 6 cylinder. 160k Ex Condition inside and out. Price $12,000 Ring Evan on 83326357
Wanted Steering wheel and Horn (Jaguar MKII) Lindsay Pears is looking for a steering wheel: OEM 1960 Jaguar MKII, complete with horn button Contact Details: Lindsay Ph 7225 4359 (26 Jan 2011) Wanted Club Car XJ40 or XJ6 (Series 3) Not needing restoration Contact Nigel on (08) 8333 1347 or 0401 045 167 or
Wanted XJS Parts - Set of front and rear bumpers to suit XJ-S. Need to be the HE version with the chrome tops. Contact Rick Luff on 0411 426913, 08 8358 6292 or
The Cat’s Giggle Four old guys were playing golf. The first old guy said, "Wow, I had three riders today." The second old guy said, "I had the most riders ever. I had five." The third old guy said, "I had 7 riders, the same as last time." The last old man said, "I beat my old record. I had 12 riders today." After they went into the locker room, another golfer who had heard the old guys talking about their game went to the pro and said, "I have been playing golf for a long time and thought I knew all the terminology of the game, but what's a rider?" The pro said, "A rider is when you hit the ball far enough to get in the golf cart and ride to it.�
A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish." The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want." The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind." The biker thought about it for a long time finally he said, "Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand our wives. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy." The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"
Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM