The Classic Marque June 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
Peter and Ros Holland’s beautiful 1954 Daimler Drophead Coupe
Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Rick Luff Mobile: 0411 426 913 Email: Vice President: Bob Charman Mobile: 0421 482 007 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Sue Harrison Phone: 8271 0048 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer
0417882930 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770 Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126 Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051
Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email:
Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971
Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email:
Log Books: Sue Harrison:
Events Coordinator: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: JDCSA Committee members Email:
8333 0057
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Bob Charman 8248 4111 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Don Tyrell 8371 0015 0417 818069 Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
Front cover 1 of 50 built in this very sporty looking coupe. Pete‟s car is the first of the Daimlers built (No. 1) which makes it especially unique. Look forward to printing the build photos in the upcoming editions of the CM - editor
A Class Metal Finishers
Fox Creek Winery
Sports Car Centre– Kent Town 1
Membership Secretary Noel Trew advised that all renewals are to be posted out by the end of the month – please return ASAP, same also with Log Books.
Meeting opened at 7.45pm
Editor: Nil report.
Apologies: Evan Spartalis, Pete and Kathy Taylor, Bill and Barb Mayman, Margaret Piper, Claire and John Evens, Doug Harrison, Ron and Rosie Bailey, Alan Baker, Ray and Barb Offe, Phillip and Sue Prior.
Webmaster: Nil report.
Guests and New Members: Tim Welbourne – looking for an E-Type, and Peter Mountcastle – looking for a Mk 2. Minutes From Previous Meeting – Accepted – Nil business arising. President’s Report President Rick Luff spoke of the excellent Vintage and Classic event at McLaren Vale since the last meeting, and the fantastic kite with the Jag flags proudly flying. Feedback from attendees received was that we should endeavor to remain until at least 3pm in future. Also SA Jag Day coming up – members should consider contacting Di Adamson re participation on organising committee. Letter from the Chair of the Classic section of the SCCSA congratulating the JDCSA on the 50th Anniversary of the E Type event at Birdwood and attendance at the SCCSA clubrooms - “Both venues spectacular”. Encourages further collaboration/participation between the two clubs in the future. Vice President Bob Charman spoke of the upcoming 2014 National Rally in SA. Need to look at coordinating events/planning committees – most States setting up two years ahead of event – members to consider Committee and role they may wish to play.
Event Coordinator: Di Adamson reminded members that there were a few events coming up. 50th Anniversary of the E Type prints available for orders - $30 hard mounted and $20 unmounted. Di also requested a representative from each Register for the SA Jag Day organising committee. Register Reports. SS and Daimler: Next meeting at John Lewis’. Border Run on 27-29 October. E Type: Next meeting at Alan Baker’s shed. Compact: Run to Hotel Victory (advertised on page 17 Classic Marque) – limited places available. Goolwa Run, flyers distributed at meeting. Next meeting in June. Multi-valve: Next meeting at Solitaire 24 May. XJ: Run to Mount Gambier has 30 people booked so far, deposits required next Wednesday – plenty of room for others. Next meeting at Shannon’s. Bob also welcomed Martin O’Dea back to the meeting following his knee replacement and subsequent difficulties. Martin had obviously made a supreme effort to attend the meeting as evidenced by the fact that he was still in his pyjamas. V12: Next meeting Friday 13th at Roger and Di Adamson’s. Run to Mallala on July 3, meeting for morning tea at Virginia Nursery. Librarian: Few books and DVDs, Magazines, also booklet on the Canberra National Rally.
Secretary Peter Holland advised of the receipt of ANZ statements, Correspondence from the History Trust, Sovereign Autos relocation, SCCSA and various Club magazines. Also an advertisement from Andrew Byles re a 1995 X300 for sale for $16,000. Contact Andrew or Peter. Peter also thanked Sue Harrison for tasking on the role of Secretary and Log Book management for the next 3 months – he asked members to assist her in that role. And “see you at the August General Meeting”. Treasurer. NTR
XK, 7, 8, 9: Next meeting on 4 May. Julian spoke about earlier run to NZ and some intentions to repeating that event in the future, probably Easter 2012. Contact Julian Lugg or Richard Smith if interested – last event was well organised and everyone had a fantastic time. Regalia: President Rick advised that still looking for someone to take on the role of Regalia. Also asked for indication of interest in “Jaguar Racing” jackets available from overseas at reasonable cost – register intent with Di Adamson. 2
MSCA: Barry entertained the meeting as usual. Reminded all that the start-line crash at the Barbagello V8 event last weekend demonstrated that “motor racing is dangerous”. Next Super Sprint meeting 3 July Mallala. Asked for any Register interested in providing flag marshals at the September event. Spoke of excellent restoration work on the woodwork for his E Type steering wheel that was severely damaged as a result of his not being able to find a decent plumber. Historic Federation: Neil Moore outline a number of proposals that the Federation is considering such as annual inspections for Historic registered vehicles; cutout date for Historic registration to be 1978 (with those currently registered with a later date i.e. 1981, to be exempt from change). Bay to Birdwood – Classic (1956-1977) set for September 25th. ACJC: Vice President advised next meeting in August. General Business: Bill Jones looking for an indicator stalk switch for a Mk 2. Bill Browne told of recent problems arising from a temporary permit issued in Victoria to bring a vehicle back to SA. Recommended anyone doing the same to have a very close look at the conditions imposed “in the small print”. Rob Smith spoke of attendance with other members at the Easter Historic meeting at Mallala. Very good event and managed to get in 6 laps. Meeting closed at 8.20pm.
PRESIDENTS REPORT June 2011 Planning for Jag Day 2011 is underway, with this year‟s event being held at Civic Park on North East Road. “Where”, you say? Well you‟ve probably driven past it many times. It‟s the grassed amphitheatre opposite Tea Tree Plaza. We will have terrific drive by presence and the banners that will go up a fortnight before will be seen by 60,000 motorists each day. Catering will be in a similar form to the recent Etype extravaganza, with large marquee, wine and cheese tasting, coffee as well as adjacent eateries opening just for us on the day. But more from Di Adamson as the day approaches. The main topic of discussion since the last GM has been the letter from the Department of Transport Energy and Infrastructure. The DTEI is the department that controls the Historic Registration Scheme. You can read the details of this letter by using the link on the front page of the web site. Suffice to say that the response from Executive has been swift and strong. Their proposal that will require clubs participating in this scheme need to be members of the Federation of Historic Motor Clubs seems quite reasonable. Aligning Left Hand Drive with Right Hand Drive vehicles with respect to qualifying for historic registration is also appropriate and long overdue. The remaining two proposals are the ones that we take issue with. Firstly, the proposal that historic registration be ruled out for vehicles manufactured from 1979 onwards would mean cars such as later model XJ and XJ-S models or even more recent X300‟s would not qualify. While it may be debatable whether these cars are of historic value now, in 20 years time they most certainly will be. Of course the same goes for many other Jaguars and other make cars. You can‟t tell me a recent model Holden Monaro won‟t be of historic significance in 2030. Secondly, the other proposal is to change the inspection regime of all vehicles participating in the scheme. Instead of a one-off inspection at the time of the initial application, DTEI is suggesting that this inspection occurs annually. This ill thought out idea does not take into consideration the time and financial impost that would be created. The inconvenience to non-metropolitan members would be substantial. This, of course, assumes that there would be inspectors who would be willing to assess some 400 cars: each and every year! And that is only our club. Imagine the extra work needed for clubs such as Ford or GM. Some are wondering if these proposals are being circulated for discussion or whether decisions have already been made and that DTEI are merely going through the motions. We can only hope that the former is the case. I‟ll keep you posted on our progress. In the meantime there are plenty of club activities to enjoy including the XJ Register run to Mt Gambier on 27 – 29th May, Compact Register lunch at the Victory Hotel on Sunday 19th June and the Club Run to Mallala on July 3rd. See you at the next meeting. Rick Luff
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME…. Noel Trew – Membership Secretary Phone: 8172 2071 email:
A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide‟s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don‟t forget the excellent customer service and advice.
M a n y t
hanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don‟t forget to mention the JDCSA
UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!! Editor
SS and Pushrod Engine Register – Held at the home of Bob and Marg Kretschmer on 27th April 2011 The Minutes of the 30 March 2011 Meeting were accepted as being a true record of the meeting. Present: Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Malcolm Adamson, Don Evans, Ross Rasmus, Bruce Fletcher Apologies: Ross Gogler, Brenton Cliff, Jack Richardson, Brenton Hobbs, Peter Forrester, Jo Lewis. NEW MEMBERS: David & Debbie Adamson, 1946 Jaguar 11/2 l sedan. Events Update:
Nik Cirakovik (Vic) has been advised dates as Friday 28th to Monday 31st October & that the venue will be Naracoorte.
Event Centre – William MacIntosh Motel. 26 rooms reserved for 1 month before deposits are required
Over Flow - Country Road Motel. 6 rooms reserved, TBC. Not adjacent. Check further re Budget Motel close to Event Centre
Expressions of Interest now required because of tight accommodation situation.
Bob K to issue EOI to Register Members & Nik Cirakovik ASAP.
Est 30 vehicles total.
Draft Program to be prepared.
Malcolm Adamson reminded Bob to keep Events Coordinator Di Adamson informed.
If entrants exceed 30, priority will be given to pushrod engine cars.
Ross Rasmus explained his recent problems re the Event organizers to members not present at the last Register meeting.
Malcolm Adamson reminded that the ACJC President was coming to Adelaide in May & the subject was to be raised.
TECHNICAL & PARTS. 1. Don Evans advised that radial ply tyres can be fitted with tubes on rims designed for cross-ply tyres, but not the other way „round. Bruce Fletcher said that he has been running his Mk1V on RP tyres with tubes for some time without difficulty. 2. Bruce Fletcher advised that the new bumper bar for Malcolm Adamson‟s SS Airline is in 2 halves. It fits & looks good. He is still waiting on the upholsterer for a tonneau cover for Malcolm‟s recently restored Morgan. 3. Des Brown explained a problem with excess door movement on his dhc. Discussion ensued with the suggestion that the flexible grommet on the back of the striker wedge should be replaced. It is necessary to remove the latch plate taking care not to let the steel threaded backing plate drop down into the body, GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Bruce Fletcher has sent his Register of Mk IV & MkV vehicles to Alan Gibbins in England, who has since returned the MkV List with some corrections. 2. John Lewis advised that a „basket case‟ MkV was currently advertised for sale at $7,000 & he noticed in the photograph an impression of a SA number plate. 7
3. Federation (FHMC). Bob Lynch advised that he had attended the recent meeting- There is a proposal to introduce a „cut-off‟ date of 1986 for Historic Vehicle Registration. There are concerns about vehicle congestion of general public vehicles at Birdwood during the B to B Rally. 4. Members checked out Bob‟s shed & noted work in progress re fitting a steering damper. JDCSA: 1. Malcolm Adamson advised that the Executive had considered the matter of concours„d elegance but there will not be any change to current arrangements. Register members discussed the problems of comparing pushrod engine vehicles with later cars. 2. Malcolm advised that the JDCSA VP Bob Charman proposed to attend a meeting of each Register in the near future. 3. Malcolm distributed fire extinguishers as per the CM VP Report. NEXT REGISTER MEETINGS: Wednesdays 7.30pm Start 25 May - John Lewis 29 June - Brenton Hobbs (Apology Ross Rasmus) 27 July - Bob Hill Ling (TBC) 31 August - (AGM) Don Evans REMINDER: General Meeting Roster, Tuesday 7th June for SS Register Supper: Thank you Margaret R.J. Kretschmer Register Secretary
A Scottish pedophile has raised a dispute with eBay. He claims that the Wii GameBoy he received isn't what he was expecting.
Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 11th May 2011 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, Steve Attard, David Bicknell, Graeme Moore, Warren & Carolyn Bullock, James Mann, Don Tyrrell, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Borys Potiuch, Serge Stebellini, John & Claire Evans, Evan Spartalis, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Kevin Walsh, Roy Malandain, Martin O‟Dea, Neil & Andrea Raw, Pete & Kath Taylor, Apologies: Phil & Sue Prior, Peter & Ros Holland, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Ray & Barb Offe, Noel & Carmel Trew, Rick Luff, New Members: Nil General Business
A special thanks to Don Tyrrell and Serge Stebellini for their fantastic effort in hosting last month‟s meeting at their workshops in Marleston.
The Mount Gambier run on 27th, 28th & 29th of May was discussed in detail. Deposits of $100 per couple have now all been paid.
Our”Xmas in July” at the „3 Brothers Arms‟ hotel at Macclesfield has been organised for Saturday the 25th of June. Bookings are now open so contact Bob if you wish to attend.
David Bicknell is organising a „Punts and Bridges‟ run with morning tea at Wellington and Lunch at the Community Club at Murray Bridge, A date has been chosen – Sat 17th of July.
Bob advised the details of the Compact run to the Victory Hotel and also the Goolwa run in September.
Car Talk Steve Attard: The new Jag going well. Sold the Daihatsu. Now waiting to start on the 420G. David Bicknell: Gave a report on the Nationals in Canberra. 103 „E‟ Types. Bought auto trans kit for $38. Warren & Carolyn Bullock: Lonsdale.
Auto trans fluid coming out of the dip stick. Getting fixed at
Walter & Beryl Bullock: N.T.R. John & Claire Evans: N.T.R. Life too busy at the moment. Bob & Daff Charman: Clock in the 420g now working thanks to Evan and car serviced ready for Mt Gambier. „S‟ type beautiful. Darryl & Fay Leyton: Derek now has quick release latches on boot and bonnet. going well.
Series 3
James Mann: Running beautifully. Roy Malandain: All fuelled up ready to go. Graeme Moore: Took out Sunday and all OK. Borys Potiuch: N.T.R. Martin O‟Dea: Welcomed back after his recent knee problems, with a standing ovation. Went on to say – had a problem with a petrol pump he bought from Sprint Auto. Took it back and told they would send it to the manufacturer. On return with Jane was told that he had run with dirty fuel and that it wasn‟t designed for Jaguars. Secondly, he had problems with the Dept. of Registration. They sent his rego papers out without the apostrophe in his name. It was their fault but he still had to wait there for one and a half hours for them to fix their fault. Neil & Andrea Raw: Battery on the way out but ticking over nicely, and the heater not working correctly. Serge Stebellini: Gets better each time he drives it. Getting ready for the paint shop. Evan Spartalis: Head off the Series 3. Valve in four pieces. Mark 2 next. 9
Pete and Kath: XJC going well. XJS convertible is up for sale. Don Tyrrell: All cars going well. Kevin Walsh: Series 3 (Walter) going well. Meeting closed 8.30pm Next meeting: Wednesday, 8th of June, 2011 at Shannon‟s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens. 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: For those wishing to join us for tea first. We meet at Vilis from 6.00pm
Minutes of the Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S”type (Compact) Register NEXT MEETING AT GEOFF & MARG THOMAS’S. ON 14th JUNE. AT 7.30. 1 B. Hendon Street. Clovelly Park. Ph 83713228. Register Secretary Geoff Thomas
My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds.' I bought her some scales.
Minutes of the V12 Register – Held at Roger and Di Adamson’s home on 13th May, 2011 Present: Louise and Rick Luff, Pete and Kathy Taylor, Imogen and Scott Galloway, Mark O‟Brien, Amelia and Tim O‟Daly, Paul Elliott, Alan Baker, Lawrie Williams, Noel and Carmel Trew, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson Apologies: Alan & Sharon Dunsford BUSINESS: Welcomed new member Lawrie Williams with his 1986 XJ12 Sovereign. member of the club about 10 years ago.
He was a
Up and coming runs listed. Rick gave an outline of the proposed changes to Historic Registration, particularly the setting of a date for historic vehicles and the proposed requirement for annual inspections. Discussion was held and the general opinion was that neither of these changes would be practical nor can we see any benefit coming from changes of this nature. Indeed the idea of annual inspections would be virtually impossible. Fire Extinguishers were distributed to members who had not already received them as a token of appreciation from the club. CAR TALK Rick: The Burgundy XJS has no bumpers as they are on the Race Car. While returning from the Sporting Car Club for the Etype 50th, the piston seized on the brakes. A new kit is being fitted tomorrow. Also looking for a wiper motor and a left hand headlight. Pete: XJS V12 Convertible has not been driven for 3 months but going well. Is up for sale on Carsales. Scott: No break downs on the XJS V12. Had a new windscreen fitted through Shannon‟s. The rear window is going to be changed also. Found the fuel float sender is the same as a Mini one and it costs $14. Noel: Nothing to Report except the speedo is not working. Alan: Type going well. Alan bought along a Caliper and a rotor to show. They had been manufactured for a Series 2 E Type by E Type Fabs. Lawrie: Recently bought a Series 3 XJ12 that had done 155,000. He is the 4th owner. It is hard to start at times but generally very happy with it. Tim: No Jags but has a variety of other cars (DB7, Bentley, Porsche GT3 and Boxter) all going well. Paul: XJS bought from Mark. Currently out of action due to Fuel Lines and Injectors. Roger: Nothing to report, E Type and XK8 going well. The meeting concluded with a BBQ, many discussions and a few drinks. NEXT MEETING: Will be on 10th June, 2011. All welcome. Roger Adamson, Register Secretary 11
V12 Register invites you to a JDCSA “Mid year run” on 3rd July 2011 Meet at Virginia Nursery (45 min drive from Adelaide) Browse through the gift shop and renowned nursery. Morning tea at Doncho’s Cafe, Virginia Nursery, Virginia at 10.00 am (Muffins, Croissants, Cakes or full breakfast)
Depart Virginia at 10.40 for a cruise of approximately 25 minutes to Mallala Raceway
Watch warm up laps featuring club members including our President, Rick Luff Bring along a picnic lunch,
tables and chairs, or buy lunch there (Hot
dogs, Hamburgers etc). The Club has hired shelter (Garages) in the pit area for club members
Watch the afternoon racing as engines rev, rubber burns and cars and minds spin
Return to Adelaide at your leisure
Your story or pictures could be here. Donâ€&#x;t miss out for next months edition of the CM. Send your articles etc to the editor. (ed)
Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) held at Solitaire Automotive on the 24 May 2011 Present; Bob & Daphne Charman, Alf & Joyce Taylor, Ray Smithers & Judy Langdon, Doug & Sue Harrison, Lesley & John Clarke, John Stanley & Wendy Hall, John Castle, Rick Luff, Glyn Jones, Reg Wymond, Tom Brindle, Bill Mayman, Chris Lake, Tim & Sue White, Ron & Claire Palmer. Apologies: Peter & Tricia Clarke, Tony Human, Brian & Sue Walker, Marj Brindle, The Ball Family, Andrew & Leanne Shouksmith, Ron & Margaret Shephard, Barb Mayman. General Business:
President Rick Luff spoke to the meeting about directions of the Club.
Reg Wymond is to confirm Day Trip to Barossa in July.
A Dinner Meeting at Globe Derby Raceway is planned for spring.
October long weekend run to Yorke Peninsula. Detail should be confirmed in next 2 weeks.
Jaguar Day 16th October, 2011.
Club Presentation Dinner Dance 5th November, 2011. At International Motel (same venue as last year) Anzac Highway, Glenelg.
Western Australia National Rally 26th- 29th April 2012. We have expressions of interest from 8 couples to date
Car Talk: Tim & Sue S Type: 140000km recent major service. Very happy with car. Bill X Type: 62000km Excellent car. John & Lesley X308 90000km not much use. Lovely car. John & Wendy: X308 67000km everything okay John XJ40: 160000km Power steering leak .All else okay Reg X308: 141000km running beautifully. Doing a tidy up Doug & Sue: XJ40 233000km running very well. Sue has been tidying up interior. Used Vinyl Weld to repair Console with excellent results. Ray & Judy XJ40 Running very well. Took XJ sprinter to Mt Alma Hillclimb. Performed without fault until late Sunday when it blew a welsh plug. Alf & Joyce: XJ40 135000km Recent trip to Mildura went very well-had been serviced by Solitaire. Alf reported some rust around fuel filler cap. Members suggested Jeff Williams Rick XJS x 2: The burgundy one needs a front bumper to be road worthy. The racing XJS (TWR-010) is now complete fitted with side pipes and ready for Mallala 3rd July, members are meeting at Virginia Nursery for morning tea then off to Mallala for the day. Bob & Daphne: S Type 4.2V8 106000km very happy with car, looking forward to the XJ run to Mt Gambier, Glyn: S type 29000kms still like new Ron & Claire X308: 102000kms just returned from Great Ocean Road trip. Did the road both ways. 2000km average 10.3litres per 100km was without fault, until we arrived home with a chafed transmission cooler line. Conrad Fletcher (Solitaire) Welcomed the members to Solitaires beautiful New Showroom. Conrad described in detail the sensational Salsa Red XKR Performance Edition Coupe on display. Also, The beautiful XF-S Diesel in Black/Black, and the new XJ Model, all were there in the Showroom and tried on by most Members. Conrad spoke briefly about Future Models in the pipeline. 14
Meeting closed 8.45pm followed by Supper and refreshments generously hosted by Solitaire Thank you to Nigel Von Sanden, Conrad Fletcher, and Solitaire Automotive. Next Meeting July 26th at the home of Brian & Sue Walker, 14 Ascham Road, Hope Valley. Ron Palmer MULTIVALVE REGISTER SECRETARY 0418855597
National Rally 2012 The Jaguar Car Club of WA (JCCWA) is very pleased to be hosting the Jaguar National Rally in 2012. The Rally Program runs from April 26-29th 2012 with the post rally tour taking place in the week thereafter. In the meantime please note those dates in your diary. Please also note that these dates are not during Easter. We have avoided coinciding with Easter, which is always a time of the year when accommodation is at a premium and venues very busy Rally planning is well advanced and full details shall be posted onto the website during February 2011.
Considering going to the WA National Rally in 2012? What about…… Driving over – 3- 4 days Participate in the National Rally event Take the post rally tour, and Return to Adelaide via the Indian Pacific
If you are interested, please contact: Ron Palmer – 0418855597 email:
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Robin and Diedre Ide on the 4th May 2011 Present: Doug & Sue Harrison, Robin & Diedre Ide, John Dunning, Julian Lugg, John Williams, Richard Smith, Peter & Ros Holland. Apologies: Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Rob & Vicki Loffler, Onslow & Wendy Billinghurst, Peter & Judy Goodale, Jenny Hales & Russell Clarke, Lindsey Williams, Rob Smith, Moira Lugg, Carla Smith, Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Rod & Peg Davis. Business:
Ray & Marian Larsen – Richard gave an update on his recent trip to NZ where he visited Ray & Marian – they are well and cars are OK. Goodales were there too.
XJ racing at Mallala (Di) 3rd July 2011 (V12 Register invites us on this event)
Meet at Virginia Nursery (45 min drive from Adelaide) - Morning tea at Doncho‟s Cafe, Virginia Nursery, Virginia at 10.00 am.
NZ run proposed (Easter 2012 April 6th). Coincides with Jaguar event in Blenheim. Ray keen to help in NZ. Richard has started planning. Richard/Ossie to organise. Any interest to Richard (4 members interested already).
Proposed visit to Australia in Feb 2012 by a group of UK XK and E-type drivers – no further update.
2011 Border run hosted by Victoria
Hotel: Rosebud Country Club, 27 Boneo Road, Rosebud Vic 3939
Arrive Friday 14th October 2011, Depart Monday 17th October 2011
Bookings at Rosebud Country Club have to be finalized so require 3 months notice (numbers next meeting). Gerry Howell is the Victorian contact. Interest from 3 members but several others away & prefer early November. Julian has contacted Gerry to discuss dates – email will be sent to members when more information available.
New events dates to be checked with Di as events coordinator.
Fox Creek run – a great day.
Club Calendars, First Aid Kits, Key rings, Fire Extinguishers available from Julian. List to be kept of members receiving extinguishers.
Spare parts travelling kit for register (Rob Loffler) – idea supported – suggestions of what to include are welcome.
Updated register list was circulated by email.
Car Talk Richard – was away in NZ, book of NZ historic racing features his car. Julian – making progress, front of body on chassis. Sue & Doug – nothing to report Robin – nothing to report John Williams – XK went well to Phillip Is, Mk7 going beautifully. Peter Holland – going overseas – will attend Daimler Rally in UK. John Dunning – Mk7 not used, S Type not running well. Thank you to Robin & Diedre for their hospitality. Robin and Sue to share register secretary duties for next two months. Next meetings June 1st – Rob & Vicki Loffler - July 6th – Rob Smith August 3rd – to be decided next meeting - September 6th (Tuesday) - JDC general meeting supper Meeting closed with supper & visit to garage.
FARE: E NTRテ右 & M AIN . $44-00 P . H . DESSERT: EXTRA COST IF REQUIR ED . PLACES ARE LIMITED. A Deposit of $ required.
Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Harold Prince & Marcia Stillwell Ted & Rose Jacobson Peter & Wilma Mountcastle
1967, 240 1962 MK 11, 3.4L, 1969 E Type 2+2 4.2L & 2009XF 2.7D 1966 MK 11, 2.4L
The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Gordon & Marlene Guy Tim O’Daly & Amelia Elme Rod Bauer Timothy Welburn Miranda Brady Mark & Geraldine Bloustein
1964 MK 11 3.4L TBA 1984 XJ6 4.2L TBA 1972 XJ6 4.2L 1969 E Type F H C 4.2L
We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary
Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, and the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.
GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register TBA
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 19
Club & Other Events
XJ Register:
Saturday, 25 Jun – Xmas in July (although it is actually in June) –all welcome
Compact Register:
Sunday, 19 June – Victory via the beaches. Refer CM for details – all welcome
V12 Register:
Sunday, 3 July - Mallala Run – all welcome
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12
Tuesday, 7th June 2011
Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 8th June Wednesday, 1st June Friday, 10th June
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale Steel XJ6 wheel complete with Bridgestone 205/70/15 tyre 95%+ tread. $50 - Price includes 5 wheel nuts and securing bolt/washer for boot storage. Robin Bullock 8389 6185 For Sale 1972 Series One. 70,847 genuine miles only. No Rust, New Tyres, New brakes. Has all books from new. Some spares, might need a little T.L.C. (carpets) Drives like new. Owner going overseas on April 1st. $6,000 Contact Dave Heslop - 85221189 or mob 0422567579 For Sale 1964 Jaguar Mark II - Excellent Condition Old English White / Red Interior 2.4L Auto A Bargain at $14,950 Contact Nigel: 0408 890 174 (8 Jan 2011)
For Sale 1985 XJS Jaguar Coupe V12 HE Red with Beige interior. Genuine 142,000 on the clock Car is in excellent condition, definitely NO rust. $18,500 ono Contact Jack or Carol: 8289 1847 or 0427171847 (28 Apr 2011)
Wanted Steering wheel and Horn (Jaguar MKII) Lindsay Pears is looking for a steering wheel: OEM 1960 Jaguar MKII, complete with horn button Contact Details: Lindsay Ph 7225 4359 (26 Jan 2011) Wanted Club Car XJ40 or XJ6 (Series 3) Not needing restoration Contact Nigel on (08) 8333 1347 or 0401 045 167 or
Wanted XJS Parts - Set of front and rear bumpers to suit XJ-S. Need to be the HE version with the chrome tops. Contact Rick Luff on 0411 426913, 08 8358 6292 or
The Cat’s Giggle Not a joke as such but a story from an anonymous member – Can you guess who!!!!
The owners of a quite nice 420G had been having trouble with the car's clock. With a helping hand from Evan Spartalis and a new battery they finally got it working again. So, with the clock now working and the car cleaned they thought they would take it out for a Sunday drive. Several minutes into the journey the passenger said to the driver, "That clock is a bit loud isn't it?" the driver replied "Yes it is, it wasn't that loud before". The clock continued to click away annoyingly. The passenger then said, "Maybe we should get Ernie (Evan's auto electrician) to have a look at it. The driver said, "Yeah, I think you're right. If it's no good, I have a couple more at home; I'll try one of those". A short time later they had to stop at a traffic light and another car pulled up alongside, as they sometimes do, to have a look at the car. The driver of the 420G looked over with a proud smug look on his face and the passenger of the other car put her window down and said, "Excuse me mate, but your indicator light is still on". The red-faced 420G driver said, "Thanks", and turned off the indicator and the clock has been fine since!
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