2011 October Classic Marque

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The Classic Marque October 2011 Monthly Newsletter of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

“Cats on fire”

Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM Your Management Committee President: Peter Holland Mobile: 8271 0048 Email: president@jdcsa.com.au Vice President: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: vicepresident@jdcsa.com.au Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: treasurer@jdcsa.com.au Secretary: Julian Lugg Phone: 0417882930 Email: secretary@jdcsa.com.au

Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Robin Ide SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) Regalia: Vacant Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle

0428816678 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597

0438 768 770 8387 0051

Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email: pktaylor@tpg.com.au

Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971

Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email: membership@jdcsa.com.au

Log Books: Peter Holland (temp):

Events Coordinator: Phil Prior Mobile: 0402670654 Email: events@jdcsa.com.au Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: info@jdcsa.com.au JDCSA Committee members Email: committee@jdcsa.com.au

8333 0057

Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Rick Luff 0411426913 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Neil Murray Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA

Front cover A regular sight that will grace Mallala into the future. 3 members who frequent the track to push their cats a little harder than those of us just cruising around. Daryl Leyton (XJ6 S2), Rick Luff (XJS) & Ray Smithers (XJ6 S1). Well worth a trip to Mallala to support your fellow enthusiasts and even get the opportunity to wave a flag as a marshaller. It’s a great day out and a lot of fun.

A Class Metal Finishers

Fox Creek Winery

Sports Car Centre– Kent Town



Meeting opened at 7.40pm Opening: President Rick Luff opened the meeting at 7.45pm. Apologies: Apologies for non-attendance at both the General Meeting and the AGM were received from R & B Offe, C Pyman, G Bond, D Harrison, B Potiuch, R & C Palmer, T Clark, B & B Mayman, M Goodwin, J Dunning, T Herraman and T & S White. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the August meeting which appeared in Classic Marque were accepted as an accurate record. President: In his final report as President, Rick thanked the Club Executive and Members for their support. Rick noted that the Club is managed by the Members for the Members and the essential contribution made by the Registers to the Club’s management processes. Rick advised that the Club is in a healthy financial position. Vice-President: Bob Charman thanked members of the Executive and Club members for the part they played in making his two years as Vice-President a good experience. Secretary: Peter Holland advised: Inwards correspondence was received from, ANZ, the Federation, CAMS, All British Day, Shannons and in the form of various magazines. Nominations for Club positions for election at the AGM were on the whiteboard and would be accepted until the closure of the general meeting. Membership: Noel Trew advised that total membership was slightly increased compared with the en-d of August 2010. Editor: Pete Taylor advised that September Classic Marque was now available and thanked members for stories and support. Webmaster: The report provided on behalf of Tom Herraman indicated that the Club’s site has consolidated in the last year and

reminded members that photos can be posted – just ask. The site is a valuable window to the club and has had more than 50 000 hits. Events: Di Adamson reminded members of September events and Jag Day on 16 October. Registers: It was noted that Register reports were provided in Classic Marque. MCSA: Barry Kitts reported a member’s sprint car landed on the roof at a recent event. Next event will be 16 September. JDCSA is rostered to provide flag marshals in October. ACJC: Bob Charman reported: Details of Jaguar’s new sports car will be revealed on 7 September and the launch will be at the Frankfurt motor show on 10 October, The 2.2 litre diesel Jaguar is currently discounted in Australia, A UK tour group will travel to Australia in 2012, An XKRS will run in Targa Adelaide, 2013 national rally will be in Wollongong. Federation: Neil Murrie reported: Federation AGM and GM were held on 20 August. Not much from DTEI at the moment about their proposal for changes to conditional registration, There is disagreement about some aspects of the DTEI proposal. Representatives of some clubs at Federation meetings seem not well informed. General Business: There were no items of general business. Awards: Thirty years of membership was recognised for Bernard Chamberlain, Maurie Rana and Jonothan Harry. John and Betty Castle were recognised for 20 years membership. New Zealand Trip 2012: Please direct enquiries to Richard Smith. Supper: The meeting adjourned (without closing) for supper at 8.10 pm. -


JAGUAR DRIVERS CLUB OF SA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 6 SEPTEMBER 2011 MINUTES Opening: President Rick Luff opened the meeting at 8.26 pm. Apologies: As recorded for the general meeting held earlier this evening. President: Rick referred to his report provided in the general meeting and reiterated that the Club is well situated and in a sound position financially. Vice-President: Bob Charman advised that he attended a number of Register meetings and that he has enjoyed his time as Vice-President. Secretary: Peter Holland provided highlights of his report which appears in full in the September Classic Marque. Peter: talked about his 38 years in the Club and the reward of involvement in the executive in a variety of roles. He urged members ‘to give it a go’. Peter thanked Noel and Ali Roscrow for their hospitality and making their collection of cars and machinery available to Club members and also reported that the Club has issued approximately 340 log books for historic registration. He expressed concern for the changes proposed to the historic registration system and the implications of the changes for clubs’ inspectors and log book officers. Thanked Sue Harrison for deputising for him as Secretary and log book officer, thanked Ros for her patience and support in Club matters. Treasurer: Key points from the report given on behalf of Tim White were: 

The club has $ 75 221 overall in various accounts,

In the current year, benefits and subsidies of approximately $18 000, were delivered to members,

The current level of fees should be OK for a few years,

Stephen Mudie was thanked for auditing the Club’s book and it was agreed that S Mudie be approached to Audit the Club’s books in 2012.

Election: Rick Luff stood down as chair and Peter Clark assumed the role of returning officer by declaring all positions on the executive committee vacant and thanking out-going committee members and ex-officio office-bearers. Peter also advised of single nominations for all positions except for that of Vice-President. Positions for which there was a single nomination were therefore filled as follows: President: Peter Holland,

Membership: Noel Trew

Secretary: Julian Lugg,

Web Coordinator: Tom Herraman, and

Treasurer; Tim White,

Events Coordinator: Philip Prior.

Editor: Pete Taylor, There being two nominations for the position of Vice-President a ballot was held and Di Adamson was elected. The meeting noted that all except the V12 Registers recently elected secretaries. Register secretaries appointed prior to the AGM were: XK 789: Robin Ide,

XJ: Bob Charman,

SS, Daimler: Bob Kretschmer & Malcolm Adamson,

E type: Alan Baker,

Compact: Geoff Thomas,

Multi-valve: Ron Palmer.

Register Secretaries are also members of the executive committee. (Post meeting note: The V 12 Register has advised that Roger Adamson has been appointed as Register Secretary.) Peter Clark then handed over the meeting to new President Peter Holland. New President: Peter Holland thanked everyone for their vote of confidence in him. Peter said that he wanted to continue the good work that had been put in place by the two previous Presidents, Tim White and Rick Luff. Peter thanked the outgoing committee, and welcomed the new committee. Closure: Peter Holland closed the meeting at 9.10 pm.


PRESIDENTS REPORT October 2011 I was saddened by the recent news of the passing of our Patron, Noel Roscrow who has been a great supporter of our Club and a friend to its many members. Noel always regarded it an honour to have been made Club Patron but was happiest when he was able to mingle, talk cars and share a drink. A number of members attended his funeral and it became very clear, as the eulogies were presented, how highly respected he was in business and how much he was loved by his family and friends. I am sure that all members join with me in extending condolences to his wife Ali and Family. I feel honoured to be given the opportunity to be President of this great Club and look forward to working with the highly talented committee that you have elected to oversee the management of the JDCSA for the next year. But, be sure it is you, the members of the Club that make it great and the committee’s real task is to try to meet your needs. Please let us know what your ideas are so that we can meet those needs. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rick and his team for all the hard work they have put into the committee over the last year and there is no doubt they have set a very high standard for us to follow. However, it is important to look to the future and one issue that remains on the table is the discussion with the ACJC regarding the proposed National Rally to be hosted by the JDCSA in 2014. Whilst there are some points of differing opinion between the two parties, I am confident that we will find the necessary common ground to be able to move on as planned. It is therefore essential that we start to formalise the planning of the 2014 event and I take this opportunity to seek expressions of interest from members to be on the planning committee, which will be run independently of the Executive. It will work to guidelines set by the Executive and report progress from time to time. It is also important to note that this is a commitment for the next two years and will involve considerable time over the period. I am assured that there is a lot of personal satisfaction in achieving a successful and memorable Rally and the time given is well worth the effort. Please give this plea serious consideration and if you wish to be involved please let me, or one of the committee know as soon as possible. It is the Executive’s objective to have a Rally Committee in place by no later than February but preferably sooner. This is an opportunity to display our skills to the Australian Jaguar fraternity and showcase the JDCSA and South Australia. Peter Holland


VALE H. Noel Roscrow AM Club Patron It is with great sadness that we learnt of the recent passing of Noel Roscrow, much loved and highly respected Patron of our Club, a position he held for over 25 years. Noel has been a friend to all members of the Club and was always only too happy to sit down and have a chat whenever he came to an event. His generosity was shown in so many ways to both individuals and the Club. For example, he willingly attended SA Jaguar Day although he had planned to leave for Melbourne the next day to attend the Motor Classic event with his award winning SS100. The Club visit that he hosted last February at his home will be remembered by all those who attended. It was a relaxing day of chat with Noel taking centre stage as he related many stories and showed off his marvelous collection of cars, farm machinery and memorabilia. Indeed, he had his family and friends working the week before to ensure everything was prepared and ready for the day. These are just two instances of many that illustrate Noel’s willingness to support our Club.

Noel’s cheerful and friendly participation will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

The Jaguar Drivers Club of SA extends its condolences to his wife Ali and Family and will be forever grateful for his longtime support and encouragement.

Peter Holland


A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide’s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don’t forget the excellent customer service and advice.

Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don’t forget to mention the JDCSA www.solverpaints.com.au

UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!!

Editor 6

SA/VIC BORDER RUN 2011 N O . 37 Dates: Friday 28 October through to Monday 31 October 2011 Venue Naracoorte SA Thankyou all for responding so positively to our Expression of Interest per Newsletter No.1 Accommodation: Marg & I were at Penola last week on other business & took the opportunity to call in to Naracoorte again to finalise details of the Saturday & Sunday runs, menus, costs etc. We understand that most people have now booked their rooms direct but if not, then please do so ASAP. Please be aware of the Room Cancellation Policy for your particular Motel. Host Club: The Naracoorte Historic Vehicle Club is preparing for their own 11th ‘Upper South East Combined Clubs Tour’ at the end of August with over 100 entries & then they look forward to welcoming us just a month later. Talk about gluttons for punishment. Official Entry Form: Please see following an ENTRY FORM (Located at the back of the CM) for you to complete & return. For simplicity & fellowship, we have decided to make a single & complete TOUR ENTRY FEE which includes ALL meals, Picnic Park entry fee etc. You will be sent a town map before the Tour to help you find your Motel & the NHVC Rooms. Arrival: Each vehicle will be issued a RALLY PACK at the Motel.

Contents will include:

 Final Program  List of Entrants  Personalised name badge(s)  Scenic Drive route directions for both days  Entrant No. for the vehicle  Rally rear window sticker  Acknowledgements  Brochures for local places of interest

Program Update: The Saturday schedule after the static vehicle display will be a 35km. scenic drive to The Black Cockatoo Bush Camp for a bush picnic with a running-board lunch pack. BYO chairs, refreshments etc.

Attached: Official ENTRY FORM (Refer back of CM for Entry Form)

Cheers for now, Bob Kretschmer Secretary JDCSA SS Register



Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register – Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 14th September 2011

Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, David Bicknell, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Darryl Leyton, Borys Potiuch, John Evans, Evan Spartalis, Phil & Sue Prior, Martin O’Dea. Brad Hoare, Peter & Ros Holland, Merv Tucker, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Pete & Kath Taylor, Noel & Carmel Trew, Kevin Walsh, Allan & Sharon Dunsford. Apologies: Fay Leyton, Neil & Andrea Raw, Claire Evans, James Mann, Steve Attard, Robin & Roseanne Bullock, Ray & Barb Offe, Graeme & Betty Moore, Rick Luff. New Members Welcome back to members Allan & Sharon Dunsford General Business The members discussed our Register’s Christmas Dinner, and it was decided that we will have it on Friday the 2nd of December, at the German Club, 226 Flinders Street, Adelaide, starting at 7.00pm. The dinner will be a 3 course with 3 options for each at $39.00 per head. Those wishing to attend can give their names to Bob A.S.A.P. The new car stickers were passed around to allow members to purchase at $1 each. Members were reminded that the Annual Dinner Dance tickets were now available from Daphne. $50 per ticket The Goolwa run coordinated by the Compact register was discussed. It will be on the 17-18th September 2011. Brochures are available for more information or contact Phil Prior. Because of the success of the Mount Gambier run this year, we will be doing it again in 2012. It was also decided that on the Friday we will drive to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, where we will stay on that night and attend the light show. The register is also looking to do a run to the Pichi Richi Railway in 2012. Stay tuned for further details. A car cleaning day has been organised. It will be at Don Tyrrell’s Workshops, 56 Barwell Ave, Marleston, on Sunday the 9th October. (A week before Jag Day) Engine steam cleaning will be available and you will have ample space to clean or polish your cars. A free B.B.Q. breakfast will be provided at 8.30am. A detailed email will be forwarded to you all. Jag Day. Phil Prior provided an update to the meeting. Steve Attard has been in Hospital for a gall bladder operation, and the XJ Register wishes him all the best for a speedy recovery. Car Talk David Bicknell Finally got the bonnet to open and close on Gertrude. Had to use crowbar and a lump of wood. Walter and Beryl Bullock - Changed the battery on Warren’s car and it’s now OK. Bob & Daphne Charman - Took ‘Big Red’ out last week end and it’s purring. Allan & Sharon Dunsford - Not used for a year. Start it up every week, but it’s covered in dust. John Evans - Not much use in the last month (the car, that is!) Tim Dunning - So far so good, need door rubbers and seals to cut out the whistles of noise. Darryl Leyton - Darryl racing this Sunday at Mallala. Fay still in Melbourne looking after her sister. Brad Hoare - Not used for months. Only used 10 days last year. Replaced shockers, brakes and hand brake. Peter & Ros Holland - XJ40 replaced top spring pan. 4 new discs and pads to go on when they can work up enthusiasm. Borys Potiuch - Starter motor solenoid contacts need cleaning. Going well. Martin O’Dea - Went well on Punts and Bridges but only got 25Ltrs per 100ks. Make sure tyres are pumped up in future. Flange gasket blew in exhaust. Don’t get car fixed by ‘friend of a friend’. As 9

the air conditioner was serviced and it cost $220 and it was a little better and now it doesn’t work at all. The bad knee is now good and the good knee is now bad. Phil & Sue Prior - Phil’s happy, cars going well. XJC had dyno tune and she is flying. Sue says it cost the price of a new dress. ($400 for half day at Kent Town Autos). Evan Spartalis - He had finally cleared the bench to start on the XJ6 S3. Problem is now he can’t move for all the stuff he put on the floor. Merv Tucker - Having trouble with the fan. 4 speed control in dash. Will have it looked at next week. Anne-Marie Pijanka - Green Genie doing well. An original aerial from English Wreckers works fine. A.E.D ‘s now working. Hard to start when sitting. Has no oil leaks. Auto Trans done, 2 broken engine mounts done. New W/wiper bottle. Wipers don’t work. Rear mud flaps and is now ready for Bay to Birdwood. Pete & Kath Taylor - Sold the XJS to a person in Sydney. He was very happy with the car and drove it home. The coupe going well. Noel & Carmel Trew - Took out last week end, no problems. 89,000ks on the clock. Kevin Walsh – ‘Walter’ the XJ6 S3. now on historic rego. Bought heat sensor alarm from America. Should give temp readout before temp gauge kicks in with the news. Meeting Closed at 8.50pm

Next meeting: Wednesday 12th October, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm.

PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for tea before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 6pm.

Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) No minutes for hard copy version of CM for September. Refer On line version for register minutes Ron Palmer

SS and Pushrod Engine Register –

No minutes received prior to publishing


MOUNT GAMBIER RUN 27TH -29TH MAY On Friday morning the 27th May, all Jag Club members who were going to the Mount met on the Freeway, just past the Toll Gate, in the “trucks only” parking area. There were 12 Jags of different series and one ring-in BMW (a car bought because they can’t spell). At 9.30 am we headed off in convoy to Tailem Bend for a fuel stop, plus coffee and biscuits or for some, cake. After being refreshed we set off again, this time for Border Town and lunch at the bakery in the old Police Station. Everyone’s cars were going well and after we finished our lunch, off we headed with our XJ 6 Sovereign in the lead. With no train tracks to follow we took a wrong turn with everyone else bar one doing the same, so we all had to do a U-turn, with Big Red lucky not have been collected by a semi which had taken the same turn as us. New leader David Bicknell also took a wrong turn at Padthaway so we ended up following Big Red into Naracoorte for a half hour Pit Stop and then on to our motel in Mount Gambier. We arrived about 4.30pm and everyone adjourned to our allotted rooms which were in various parts of the motel. We all indulged in drinks and nibbles in Bob & Daphne’s upgraded room before adjourning to the motel restaurant for dinner. The meals were excellent and enjoyed by all. Bob, Geoff and myself tried a few schnapps, then we were joined by Bob’s friend Vince and Graeme decided he would try one as well. After an enjoyable evening, we all retired to our rooms for a good night’s sleep. Next morning everyone met for breakfast in the “breakfast room” with the Leytons arriving as everyone else was just about finished. About 9.00 am we headed off to the Lady Nelson Centre, in which is a replica of the ship that Lieutenant James Grant was on when in 1800 he sighted and named Mount Gambier. The centre is full of information about local history, geology and culture. It also shows how the limestone was formed.


After about an hour we headed off to a Retirement Village owned by Bob’s friend, Vince, for morning tea with some of the residents in their community centre. What a lovely place and such friendly people. One couple showed a few of us their home. It was very nice and had plenty of room. Rob Smith took a couple for a ride in his XKR and Marj Brindle thoroughly enjoyed her ride in the motor bike side car. Bob & Daphne also went for a ride on a motor bike. I must be mellowing, I could see myself living in a place like that. Before we knew it, it was time to hit the road again, this time to a small place called Nelson, just over the Victorian border. Nelson is on the Glenelg River and we were going for a lunch cruise on the Nelson Endeavour that would last roughly 2 ½ hours. The river wound its way through the countryside and we found ourselves back in South Australia. One person, who shall remain nameless, was so tired that he went to sleep on Geoff’s shoulder and nearly missed his lunch. After enjoying a lovely meal we found ourselves heading back to Nelson, with shack after shack on either side of the river , some grand some not so grand. We left Nelson and headed back, some went to look at the Blue Lake, and others went their own way. Pre dinner drinks were once again held in Bob & Daphne’s room, this time we had some light entertainment. Bob the Magnificent was at hand. As this great magician had left his magic bag at home by mistake he had to improvise with store bought items. He put on a really good show, the young Bullocks were amazed and Marj was astounded at the level of expertise of this magician. After the show we waited for the buses that were taking us to “The Barn Steakhouse” for dinner. When we arrived we had a quick look around then went into the dining room to our tables. Our fellow traveler, Graeme, showed everyone what a real meal was. He made short work of an 800g steak while some were having trouble eating a 400g one. Everyone had a good time and were ready for the bus ride back and bed. 12

Sunday morning we all had breakfast together and decided what they were doing and which way they were heading back to Adelaide. Fay & I headed to Robe where we had morning tea then a quick walk around the streets. Rob Smith and Warren & Carolyn, & children, Walter & Beryl also went to Robe. We left & went to Kingston where we had a quick drive around the town, finding Bob & Daphne, Evan & Andrea, Geoff & Marg, Tom & Marj , Noel & Carmel, David & his wife and Rob Smith in the servo having coffee. When everyone had finished we left and headed for Meningie. Tom & Marj and James and Evie were having such a good time, they decided to stay on for a few extra days. Boris came home via Naracoorte as he had left his wife, Helen, there visiting relatives. Bob & Daphne went to visit the old Police Station as Daphne used to live there when she was a girl, as her father was the town policeman. The station is now a private residence, and after talking to the current owner he kindly showed them through.

Arriving at Meningie we found David and his family patronising one establishment, the rest of them were eating and drinking in the bakery. We didn’t stay long and headed for Tailem Bend where we waited for Bob & Daphne. Rob arrived as well and we all had coffee before heading for Adelaide and home. Over all it was a great trip, a good time was had by everyone. Only one car had some trouble, and it wasn’t a Jag. A BMW owned by “two dogs” had some trouble with a stone becoming wedged behind the calipers. The planning is in the pipeline for a similar trip next year and many thanks from all those who went to Bob & Daphne for arranging a wonderful trip. Darryl Leyton 13

Notice Board The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: John & Lee Best 1976 XJ6 4.2L & 2006X Type 2L George Hughes & Carlene Hancock 1985 Sovereign 5.3L The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Robert Elliston 1979 XJ 5.3L Ron & Zthne Baker 1968 420 4.2L Doug Norrie 1999 S Type 3 L We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary

If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan?

If our knees were on the back of our legs, What would chairs look like?


Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register meeting at Phil and Sue Prior on the 9th August 2011

Present: Geoff & Marg Thomas, Phil & Sue Prior, Bill Browne, Colin Haese, Peter Mountcastle, Ray Thomas, Tim White, Peter & Ros Holland, Tom & Marj Brindle. Apologies: Noel & Jo Orford, Bill Jones, Marg Haese, Marg Piper, Sue White, Doug & Judy Tilley.

Business: 

Run to Goolwa in September.

Multi valve run to Yorke Peninsula on the October Long Weekend.

Club run to the Barossa in October for calendar photos

New Business: 

New transfers for J.D.C.S.A. $1-00 each Silver/Green/Maroon.

Xmas Breakup, Mt Osmond Golf Club. Sunday Carvery.(Dec 11th??) Geoff to follow up.

Phil discussed a new badge for the compact reg (as per XJ & General club badge) Phil to follow up & get a price.

Question asked about one day for all historic registrations to be handled. Discussed.


Car Talk: Phil.”S”Type N.T.R. X.J. carby transplant S.U”s for Strombergs. Also auto upper cylinder lubricant fitted. Bill.Mk 2.N.T.R. “S” Type .Oil leak in back of motor. Colin.”S’Type.N.T.R. Peter M. Mk 2. Replaced rubbers on ¼.windows.and indicators. Peter H. Mk 2. N.T.R. Ray. Mk 2. New Ignition switch and new overriders. Tim. Mk 2. Small leak in radiator, to be fixed on return from holidays. Tom. Mk 2. Brakes flushed and fluid changed. Geoff. Daimler Mk 2.Power steering valve sticking, to be fixed. Thanks to Phil & Sue for their hosting.

NEXT MEETING - 11th OCTOBER at PETER & ROZ HOLLAND’S 104 Angas Rd, Westbourne Park. Ph. 8271 0048


COOL CATS AT GOOLWA The Cool Cats went to Goolwa on the 17th & 18th of September. We ( the CATS) went up the freeway for Morning Tea and a photo shoot at Auchendarroch House before motoring through Strathalbyn and on to the Currency Creek Winery for a wine tasting and a delicious lunch.

Later in the afternoon they travelled to Goolwa and were parked at the Goolwa Motel. The owners of the Cool Cats either went for a stroll d own the main street (ladies) or tinkered polished or wiped the Cats. Another alternative was an afternoon nap. For the old ones. After a Happy Hour at Bill & Margaret’s home on Hindmarsh Island the cats were returned to the motel and the owners went out to dinner, at the local hotel, with another good meal. On Sunday morning the owners left the cats sitting quietly in the motel car park where they were joined by more cats from Adelaide. The handlers then went on a magnificent Murray River cruise for the day. This cruise was a wonderful experience because at this time the river is looking the best is has for many years after a long drought. We saw many different varieties of birds (some who have not been seen for a number of years) and also plenty of seals. There was a walk from the river to the sea and all who went on it thought it was well worthwhile. We also enjoyed a great lunch ( pity airlines can’t do cold meals as good.) and returned to the wharf about 4 o’clock when it was time to take the cat’s home to bed. Thank you to Phil Prior for organizing such a great weekend. Geoff Thomas From the editor - Great pics Geoff. Please look at how Geoff has taken these pics. Subjects are clearly visible and not too far away. These types of photos are great for the CM.



Minutes of the V12 Register – Held at Roger and Di’s on 9th September 2011 Present: Rick Luff, Brian and Sue Walker, Scott and Imogen Galloway, Colin Gerlach, Richard and Margie Foster, Peter and Ros Holland, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson Apologies: Peter and Kathy Taylor BUSINESS  AGM had a huge turnout. Congratulations to all elected members. Welcome to new President, Peter Holland.  Jag Day 16th October – 40th Anniversary V12, 50th Anniversary Mk 10 and E Type  Classic Targa – Jag display in Gouger St Fri 17th Sept  E Type / V12 run to Mallala on 18th September. Meet at Virginia Nursery for Breakfast/Morning tea.  Bay to Birdwood – Rick has the V12 race car entered  23 October Mallala – Marshalls required. May be a “come n try” day (TBA).  Climb to the Eagle on 4th Nov 2011.  Dinner Dance 5th November 2011

CAR TALK Scott - Not much to report. Wipers won’t work. Looking for replacement wiper motor. Brian & Sue - All cars OK. Bruce had a new top for the convertible made. There was a delay in fitting it and it had shrunk. Apparently common problem if not fitted. Richard - XJS is very low. Had a problem with constant missing, Manifold gasket replaced and appears to have fixed it. Got 24.7 mile to the gallon on way back from Qld. Colin - Has a Dec 88 XJS with TWR body kit. Has done 132,000 kms. Discussions regarding seat refurbishing. Will get Heritage Certificate for info. Fractured wiring loom caused small fire. All repaired now. Previous owner has lowered vehicle too much. Replaced springs and added Caulfield Jag Suspension so now great. Peter - 1955 Daimler Conquest Drop Head Coupe is finished. Restoration took 3.5 years. It’s 1 of only 54. Was in London Motor Show in 1955. XJ40 has new break discs and pads. Bristol and XK120 will be next projects. Rick - Has bought 2000 X308 with 43,000 kms. Drives beautifully. The race car has had a new fuel filter fitted and has solved the problem. Roger - XK8 and E Type going well. Looking at replacing leather on E Type seats. NEXT MEETING: drinks.

Will be on 14th October, 2011. All welcome. BBQ Meeting, BYO meat and

Roger Adamson, Register Secretary

How come wrong numbers are never busy!!


Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Richard and Carla Smith on the 6th September 2011

Present: Julian and Moira Lugg, Lyn Hughes, Sue Harrison, Di Adamson, Robin Ide, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Peter Goodale, Richard Smith, Rod & Peg Davis, Rob Smith, Peter & Ros Holland. Apologies: Steve & Val Weeks, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, John Dunning, Graeme and Fiona Schultz (late), Deidre Ide, John Williams, Judy Goodale, Doug Harrison, Carla Smith, Jenny Hales & Russell Clarke. Business: Executive positions. Elections to be held tonight. Please consider nominating. Minute taker needed – thanks Robin. Thanks to Sue & Moira & others for organising supper. Cub Wares - Club stickers $1, fire extinguishers available from register secretary Calendar 

Targa Adelaide 16th Sept display in Gouger Street

25th Sept Bay to Birdwood Classics

16th Oct Jag Day

Nov 4th climb to Eagle, 5th Nov Dinner Dance, Nov 4th -7th Border Run to Vic

NZ run. Richard updated members on the NZ trip – numbers are now needed. Robin will collate accommodation. Arrival at Christchurch 22 March and departure, also from Christchurch, will be 19 April. The first half will be on the North Island, returning to the South Island for the Easter rally at Blenheim followed by a tour of the South Island.

2011 Border run hosted by Victoria: 

Hotel: Fairways Resort, Rosebud on the Mornington Peninsula.

Arrive: Friday 4th November 2011, Depart: Monday 7th November 2011

Gerry Howell is the Victorian contact.

Final numbers needed urgently to secure accommodation.

Spare parts travelling kit for register. Rob Loffler has circulated a list of suggested components deferred. Register Secretary Robin Ide nominated and elected unopposed - congratulations. Cars Deferred to next meeting Next Meetings 5th October – Julian & Moira 2nd November – John & Lindsey Williams Sunday 4th December – Onslow & Wendy 1st Feb – tennis & BBQ – Ossie & Rayeena Meeting closed followed by JDC general meeting and AGM.


GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Oct Nov Dec Feb Mar Apr May

Multivalve Register E-Type Register TBA SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register

Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting. 20

Club & Other Events 14 to 17 October:

Hosted by Victoria – Border Run

16 October:

SA Jag Day - (Refer this issue of CM)

23 October:

MSCA - Mallala

28 to 31 OCTOBER:

SS & Pushrod Register - SA & Vic BORDER RUN,

4 November :

Climb to the Eagle

5 & 6 November:

XK, 7, 8 & 9 - SA Border Run

5 November:

Annual Dinner Dance – (refer this month’s CM)

2 December:

XJ, 420G & MK 10 – Xmas Dinner

11 December:

Compact Register Xmas “lunch” meeting

More information regarding future events can be found on the website

Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12

Tuesday, 4th October 2011

Second Tuesday of every second month Third Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month Wednesday, 12th October Tuesday, 5th October Friday, 14th October



CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale (new) S Type 3.8 MOD in excellent condition. Have owned this car since 1996. See details and pictures on CAR SALES.COM. Phone Tony Ellis - 0423 596 397 Member 1264 For Sale XJ6 Series 1 - 4.2 (6 cyl) 3 speed auto Red Original condition $7000.00 ono Ph: V.R. Wyld – 85 412 524 or 0429412524 For Sale (new) 1989 XJ40 Navy Blue, good condition, 143000Km $7000.00 Contact Bill 8445 7060 For Sale X300 – Sovereign, 4.0 ltr (rare) Flamenco red – Oatmeal leather 129,000km $16,000 ono Ph: 0417890599 Wanted Club Car XJ40 or XJ6 (Series 3) Not needing restoration Contact Nigel on (08) 8333 1347 or 0401 045 167 or nigelscoombe@aol.co.uk Wanted XJS Parts - Set of front and rear bumpers to suit XJ-S. Need to be the HE version with the chrome tops. Contact Rick Luff on 0411 426913, 08 8358 6292 or rickluff@bigpond.com Open to Offers V12 (I think it is an XJS).Motor is fine, the trans/gearbox needs work if not sold it’s off to the wreckers contact Andrew Admiral Ph: 8296 2581 email social@sdcc.asn.au


The Cat’s Giggle On their way to get married, a young couple was involved in a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting they began to wonder; could they possibly get married in Heaven? When St. Peter arrived, they asked him if they could get married in Heaven. St. Peter said, "I don't know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out," and he left. The couple sat and waited for an answer... for a couple of months. While they waited, they discussed the pros and cons. If they were allowed to get married in Heaven, should they get married, what with the eternal aspect of it all? "What if it doesn't work? Are we stuck in Heaven together forever?" Yet another month passed before St. Peter finally returned, looking somewhat bedraggled. "Yes," he informed the couple, "You can get married in Heaven." "Great!" said the couple. "But we were just wondering; what if things don't work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?" St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard on the ground. "What's wrong?" asked the frightened couple. "OH, COME ON!" St. Peter shouted. "It took me 3 months to find a priest up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it'll take to find a lawyer

Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM 24

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