The Classic Marque March 2012 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
2012 - All British Day
Jaguar Drivers Club of SA PO Box 30 Rundle Mall SA 5000 Your Management Committee President: Peter Holland Mobile: 8271 0048 Email: Vice President: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Julian Lugg Phone: 0417882930 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Robin Ide SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) Regalia: Vacant Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle
0428816678 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
0438 768 770 8387 0051
Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email:
Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971
Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email:
Log Books: Peter Holland (temp):
Events Coordinator: Phil Prior Mobile: 0402670654 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: JDCSA Committee members Email:
8333 0057
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Rick Luff 0411426913 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Neil Murray Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
A Class Metal Finishers
Fox Creek Winery
Sports Car Centre– Kent Town
Vice President’s Report:
Di Adamson welcomed members back to 2012 & called for a show of hands for entrants for the ABD.
Club Marshalls are required- see Peter Taylor.
Chase Hi viz jackets.
Regalia & Calendars will be available.
Not known if both Clubs will be parked together.
Meeting opened at 7.45pm Apologies: Tim White, Bob Hill-Ling, Ron Foenander, Des Brown, Bruce & Ann Fletcher, Evan Spartalis, David Bicknell, Bill Jones, Brian & Sue Walker. President Peter Holland welcomed those members present to the year 2012. Guests & New Members: Welcome to new members Peter & Carol Williams (1985 Sovereign S3 4.2L), Steven Taylor (1974 EType ex USA in transit to Aus).
Secretary’s Report: Julian Lugg
Minutes from Federation of Historic Motor Vehicles
Flyer from McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event 29 April.
Nil Business Arising as the meeting was informal.
Flyer from Vintage Sports Car club of SA for their Historic Motor Vehicle Display 18 March (pre 1931).
President’s Report: See also Feb. Classic Marque.
Club magazines see the Librarian
Club newsletters see the Librarian
Highlights included-
Ron Foenander is in Hampstead re-hab Centre following a stroke.
New Application-Brendan Rogers, returning member after 15 yrs, (Daimler S3). Minutes From Previous Meeting – Accepted
Use your new Calendars to fill in a busy event year.
Phil Prior organised a successful mid week run & he seeks suggestions from members for future events.
Treasurer’s Report: Tim White Tim is presently away but has advised that the Club finances are in order.
Guest Speakers are sought for occasional meetings & the topics need not be car-related.
Membership: Noel Trew
Club Regalia; we need some degree of control, esp at the ABD. VP Di Adamson will speak at the next meeting about a new on-line purchase system.
Non-renewals, 37 new members ie, a net gain of 4 to 370 excl 20 Life Members, 8 current applications, ie a slow but steady increase over recent years.
Suggestions for a new Club Patron are sought from members
CM Editor: Pete Taylor
Historic Registration; the proposed new cut-off date of 31-12-1978 looks like being passed.
Contributions from members are always welcome esp. from new members.
Police Club; A new manager has commenced work & the introduction bottle of wine will be raffled at a later date.
Webmaster: Tom Herraman & Training Scott Adamson Events Coordinator: Phil Prior See also the Club website. Always seeking info from Register secretaries. 2
Phil spoke about a probable Charity Event as the Executive has endorsed the concept in principle.
V12: Roger Adamson. Next meeting Friday 10 Feb at Di & Roger’s home.
He outlined multiple suggestions plus many benefits.
MSCA: Barry Kitts There will be a Presentation Lunch at Seraphinos McLaren Vale on 26 Feb.
Library: Tom Brindle
ACJC: Rick Luff will represent the Club at a meeting at Sydney this Sunday 12 Feb.
Several new books magazines, DVDs etc.
Historic Vehicle Registration. Neil Murray. Do not delay any new applications for 1982 vehicles before new Legislation.
Register Reports. SS & Pushrod Engine: Bob Kretschmer advised next meeting Wed 29 Feb at Ross Rasmus’s home. E- Type: Roger Adamson reminded members re next meeting as usual on third Thursday of the month at Alan Baker’s home. See also CM XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9: Robin Ide advised that 20 UK visitors with XK’s & E-types would be in Adelaide again soon. Contact Robin for details of combined events. Needs final acceptances. Compact: MK’s 1, 2, 420 & S type. Geoff Thomas ABD- meet at truck stop after Toll Gate at 8.45am Renmark 18-20 May. Book accommodation Pascoe. See Feb CM Friday, stop at Blanchtown Hotel,
Federation of Historic Motoring FHMC,
There is an obligation on Clubs to notify un-financial or retiring members. Some recent proposals for change were not passed. There is a current review of performance enhancing equipment. For the recent Survey, only 19 Clubs from 132 responded. In the absence of a Guest speaker Neil told a story about a recent experience of a friend buying & testing a Mk2 car in England. General Business: President Peter thanked the SS & Pushrod Engine Register for providing the supper & for taking the minutes. Reminder for the ABD on Sunday.
at Meeting closed at 8.35pm.
Saturday, Loxton Historic Village $20.00 inc lunch Sunday, Humphrey Pump $30.00 inc m. tea & lunch Next meeting 19 Feb for BBQ at Bill Brownes home on Hindmarsh Is. BYO salads & drinks. Advise Marg or me by 15 Feb. Meet at Hotel Victoria at top of Tap 10.30am. E mail to follow. XJ, Mk10, & 420G: Bob Charman away. Clair Evans advised that the next meeting will be 8th Feb, not as shown in CM, advise Shannons. Multi-valve: Ron Palmer. Next meeting 27 March at Brian & Sue Walker’s home.. 3
PRESIDENTS REPORT March 2012 Have you thought about purchasing a brand new Jaguar? I do not wish to give away all the secrets, but in the next few days all members of Jaguar clubs around Australia will be receiving an exciting offer for the purchase of new 2012 Jaguar cars at a significantly reduced cost (in addition to the usual dealer tradeins and discounts). Jaguar Land Rover Australia and the ACJC have agreed to make this once off offer to members, which is not available to non-members and the general buying public. This may just be that opportunity needed to realize that long held dream. So why not talk to your home treasurer. I have just been reading some interesting facts and figures in the latest Jaguar Enthusiast magazine. During 2011 The Federation of British Historic Vehicles undertook a survey on historic vehicles in the UK. Some of the facts are quite astonishing. The findings indicate “that the amount of money changing hands in the British economy each year as a result of the hobby of owning and maintaining historic vehicles exceeds 4.3 billion pounds�. This money is spread across businesses offering specialist goods and services to owners, club events involving other services (eg hospitality), museums, auctions and private sales. In addition, many of the specialist businesses have a healthy export trade and some expect to take on apprentices who will learn the special skills required to repair, restore and maintain historic vehicles----skills that are fast disappearing in the modern motor industry. Why mention this survey? It brings home the thought that similar surveys conducted in Australia through bodies such as our Federation have often not been well subscribed to by owners of historic vehicles. Whilst we cannot match the money turnover and number of specialist business groups in the UK, Australia never the less has a thriving historic car movement. Yet, there is always that thought in the back of many owners minds that the powers to be and other vested interests do not necessarily see or want to see the economic benefits that accrue from our hobby. Rather, they might prefer that old cars were off the road. So perhaps next time a survey is conducted we should be a little more diligent and complete the survey. It has certainly kept the old car movement alive and well in the UK. The recent Compact Register run to Hindmarsh Island for a Sunday lunch meeting, brought home to me, yet again, what a wonderful club we have. While proceeding up Willunga Hill in the old Daimler I suddenly became aware that it was raining green raindrops. Fortunately I was able to turnoff onto the lookout road, followed by a number of cars, including an MGB, Mark 2 and an S-type. All club members of course. The problem was quickly diagnosed as a small split in the top hose and fortunately the car had not really started to boil. It was then all hands on deck---Phil Prior, Tom Brindle and Noel Orford, while yours truly stood to one side and hardly got his hands dirty!!! A temporary repair was effected using traditional country boy know-how (thanks Phil) and we were on our way again. A quick stop was made to the Goolwa auto parts shop to purchase a few bits and pieces to ensure a more permanent fix for the trip home. After lunch and with the help of Bill Browne and his comprehensive workshop and the same group, willing to get their hands dirty the repair was finished, followed by an uneventful trip home. Thank you to all for your help. And finally, back to Phil Prior. Phil has proposed a charity event, Cats and Cans, to be run by the JDCSA, which has been fully supported by the Executive and enthusiastically received by the members at our February meeting. Please support Phil as this is all for a very good cause as well as just being a good day out with our friends and their cars. See you at the March meeting.
Peter Holland President
A Special Deal for JDCSA Members Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide’s Solver Paint stores and you will receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office with a quality product and don’t forget the excellent customer service and advice.
Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don’t forget to mention the JDCSA
UPDATE A number of JDCSA members have already taken advantage of the fantastic offer from Solver. Go get some!!!!
Editor 5
Organising a run this year!!!! I received the following invitation from the Adminstrator of the Enfield Plaza………. Hi, My name is Kristina and I am an Administrator of the Enfield Plaza Markets. We are based at the Enfield Plaza Shopping Centre 449 Main North Road, Enfield. The purpose of sending this email to all car clubs is to let you know that we have the perfect site for you if you have shows or public viewings or meets for your cars. Swap meets would be ideal here. We are on a hugely busy road, probably 100m from Gepps Cross (towards the city) with massive passing traffic. We are looking for ways to attract the community and customers into the centre. And we are planning to host many events in 2012 including Music Days, Multicultural Days, Car expo's etc. You may be looking for places to showcase your cars? Should this be the case, we may be able to assist. Aside from having a front carpark - our rear carpark is absolutely massive and totally undercover - great in summer and winter. What do you think? Can you use our venue for some public show/meet/run/swap meet? Please let me know Cheers Kristina Market Administrator M: 0424000780 E:
NOTE from editor The location is the old Harvey Norman site on Main North Road.
NATIONAL RALLY – PERTH 2012. Roll up ,roll up – Be in it to win it! The slogan says it all but trust us, this Rally is not a circus. Registrations are still being received and some events are nearing the ‘full’ mark but there are places remaining and we do have flexibility to increase numbers at most venues. Some Post rally Tour places are currently being held for interstate visitors so if you are holding back on your registration thinking that the world economy is going to improve, think again and just lodge your registration – ‘Just do it’. (thanks Nike). Numbers for the Concours from interstate entrants are quite low. The expectation and hope is that these will increase in March registrations. Here again, don’t leave it too late because we will need time to arrange photos / car details etc., and prepare the judging books. The Indian Pacific Rail reduction of train runs to one per week has put a few people off and this is most unfortunate but don’t forget – these Jaguars love to run – give them some exercise. Jaguar Land Rover Australia is supporting this Rally with a lot of enthusiasm and some very practical support. There will be two new XKR-S cars here as part of a new, exciting and wide ranging worldwide advertising program commencing in April. Kevin Goult, Brand Manager Australia for Jaguar is really supportive of the Club movement and is working through Barbagallo our local WA Dealer to ensure effective involvement over the weekend. Our theme is Salute the past, Embrace the future. The Club members and many supporters are looking after the salute part. JLRA is proactively promoting an exciting future. The sporting day is shaping up well with a wide variety of events ranging from participation in laps with the family on board through to just cruisin’ at your own pace and all the way to competition laps of course. Don’t forget that three participants are required for the team event. If you cannot muster a ‘team’ don’t worry, we may even be generous and allow one or two WA members to join your team and therefore boost your chances of a win!! – no prizes for ’boosted’ teams of course, but good fun nevertheless. The Perth Rally Committee and all the members of the JCCWA are all geared up ready to give you the best WA can offer – we look forward to welcoming you to the 43rd National Jaguar Rally. Registrations via the web at click the national Rally link or phone any of the published numbers. If you have lost them call Rod on 0419 904 914.
Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) Register meeting held at Bill Browne’s & Margaret Piper’s on 19th Febuary.2012. Present: Bill & Margaret, Geoff & Marg, Tom & Marj, Noel & Jo, Peter & Ros, Tim & Sue, Phil & Sue, Ian & Cheryl, Bill & Heather, Fred & Michele, David, Margaret & Alison. Apologies; Doug & Judy. Business Arising; None. New Business; Can Rally was discussed. Ian talked about Humphrey Pump. Details and prices in Classic Marque in March. Wine Bottling at Lobethal was discussed (need to have a tasting first).
Car Talk: Bill; N.T.R. Tom; Radiator flushed & cleaned, also brakes flushed. Noel; N.T.R. Peter; Daimler had a pin prick in water hose at top of Willunga Hill, temp repairs onside of road .Full repair at Hindmarsh Island at B.B.Q. ( all males around bonnet ) Tim; Radiator repaired, new rear shockers fitted. Phil; N.T.R. Ian; Serviced & Running sweetly. Bill; Wire wheels now powder coated and new tyres fitted. Fred; New fuel pump kit fitted. David; Rebuilding Engine. Geoff; N.T.R. Thank you to BILL & MARGARET FOR THEIR HOSTING AT HINDMARSH ISLAND. Next meeting at Tim & Sue WHITES. 5 Rangeview Rise Aberfoyle Park. On April 7.30.
Register Sec GEOFF
SS and Pushrod Engine Register minutes No Minutes received Next Meeting - (Last Wednesday each month; 7.30pm Start). Malcolm Adamson Register Secretary
Harry's wife says, "Harry, do these jeans make my ass look like the side of the house?" He says, "No, our house isn't blue." 8
XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register minutes– Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 8th February 2012 Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, David Bicknell, Borys Potiuch, Evan Spartalis, Phil Prior, Steve Attard, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Warren & Carolyn Bullock, Pete & Kath Taylor, John & Claire Evans, Brad Hoare, Merv Tucker and Martin O’Dea. Apologies: Peter & Ros Holland, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Andrea Spartalis, Ray & Barb Offe, AnneMarie Pijanka, Noel & Carmel Trew, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Graeme & Betty Moore. General Business Firstly an apology for tonight’s meeting. Bob and Daff have arrived home from overseas only 6 hours ago and discovered on their email that the meeting is tonight. Also, to the people who thought that the meeting was next week as this is one of those months that the 1st Wednesday falls on the 1st week of the month. Bob wishes to thank all the members who attended our Christmas Dinner at the German Club. 56 people had a wonderful night. Special thanks to the German dancers and what about our own dancers – Wow. Not to forget our own yodelers. People had tears in their eyes. I’m not sure if it was laughing or crying. Just wait for this year’s dinner!!! And what about the December’s register meeting. Very few people knew that Jaguar invented flight. A contest in long distance, maneuvering and landing was held with amazing results. To top the evening off, we had ‘Grace Bawden’, who has been accepted into the top operatic school in Rome, sing for us. I don’t think we have seen the last of Grace. Bob spoke about the 2012 World Concept Car Show which he went to in Paris. The highlight was a spectacular new Jaguar. Bob will have the D.V.D. of it at our next meeting. Have attached a photo for the magazine. This year’s runs discussed. Ballarat and Mt Gambier will be 4/5/6 May 2012. Pichi Richi Railway visit, Quorn 24/25/26 August. We have approx. 24 people so far paid up for Ballarat. Bookings can still be made with the RAA to secure the rooms. Ring Bob for the number. Claire Evans spoke about the new regulations for historic registration that were discussed at the general meeting. Pete and Kath looking for marshals for All British Day. Phil Prior spoke about the possibility of an Annual Charity Day to be held this year. He’s come up with the idea of a ‘Cats and Cans’ day. The meeting supported his ideas and agreed to support. Phil also mentioned he had forms for McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic. The Annual Jaguar Dinner to be held in July was discussed with several venues talked about. Biggest problem being the secure parking. Martin O’Dea went into hospital to have his left knee operated on. This will give him two good ones. We have heard that he is thinking about the New York Marathon. GET WELL SOON from all of the XJ Register. Car Talk Steve Attard - Done timing chains on XJ8 and fitted a new leaper. The water pump has retired. He is ringing England. David Bicknell - Gertrude headlining to be replace by David. Razz has dropped cylinder liner, will cost about $2000. Will have a go at the headlining in that one as well. Walter & Beryl Bullock - N.T.R. Warren & Carolyn Bullock - N. T.R. Bob & Daphne Charman - Just saw Big Red briefly in the Garage. ‘S’ type is at Rob Smiths. Borys Potiuch - Uses the car almost every weekend. Still the same.
Phil Prior -350 is in Hospital. Losing coolant, checked thermostat housing and water pump housing. Did not like Ramsey filters on the XJ. Got a set of K & N polished filters. May have to adjust carbies on ‘S’ Type. Running well at about 20 m.p.g. John & Claire Evans - In process of getting Historic Rego for the Jag. Cost of repairs and staying in Horsham - $5000. Luckily they have the Volvo as a drive car. Brad Hoare - Brakes done on both cars at Evans. Both cars went well for a wedding at Oakbank. Solved alternator problem. Putting Ser. 3 on Historic registration. Evan Spartalis - Purchased set of extractors from the U.S.A. for the E Type. Pete & Kath Taylor - Going to change coil on Coupe. Running beautifully. Thinking of putting on Historic registration by decommissioning the gas conversion. Merv Tucker - Fan on air conditioning fuse was weak and melted plastic. Had the back half done and looks quite nice. Needed a new battery.
Meeting Closed at 8.45pm
Next meeting: Wednesday 14th March, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for tea before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 5.30pm onwards.
Minutes of the Multivalve Register (XJ40 to current series)- Held on Australia Day 2012 at Goolwa Present; Tom & Marj Brindle, John & Betty Castle, Bill Browne & Margaret Piper-Browne , Bill & Barb Mayman, Brian & Sue Walker, Tony Human, Dan Anderson, Doug & Sue Harrison, Ray Smithers & Judy Langdon, John& Lesley Clarke , Peter & Tricia Clarke, Ron & Margaret Shephard, Ron & Claire Palmer. Apologies: Alf & Joyce Taylor, Tim & Sue White, John Stanley & Wendy Hall, Alan & Lorraine Davis. Australia Day register saw a beautiful Goolwa day, approx. 26 deg compared to Adelaide’s 34 deg. Refer next page for the story and pics Thank you to all for making Australia Day a day for Celebrating, as it should be. Ron Palmer 0418 855597 Multivalve Secretary Email;
NEXT REGISTER MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 27TH AT THE HOME OF SUE & BRIAN WALKER - 14 Ascham Road, Hope Valley - PHONE; 8264 7128 Please consider events for the Register Day trips, weekends away etc. For discussion at this meeting.
A great way to spend Australia Day “GOOLWA 2012” (Multi-Valve Register Run) Thirteen Jaguars on our front lawn including Ron & Margaret Shephards stunning Red E Type V12 Roadster, and Bill Browne and Tom Brindle both brought their Mark 2’s. Both beautiful examples of the Marque.
At lunchtime, entrees of meat pies and vegemite sandwiches (with White bread of course) prepared by Claire and sausage rolls made by Margaret Shephard, started the day.
The Barbecues were fired up and the men got to work. The barbecue lunch included a salad table followed by a dessert table and lamingtons. Lesley conducted an Australia Quiz. This was won convincingly by Ray Smithers. Well Done. Tea and coffee concluded the day for some, others chose to stay with Red, White, Bubbles or Amber Thank you to all for making Australia Day a day for Celebrating, AS IT SHOULD BE. Ron Palmer
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco’s - Wednesday, 1st February 2012 Present: Richard and Carla Smith, Julian and Moira Lugg, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Di, Roger and Scott Adamson, Rob Smith, Peter and Judy Goodale, Sue Harrison, Robin and Deidre Ide, Peg and Rod Davis, Graeme and Fiona Schultz. Apologies were received from Lyn Hughes, Russell Clarke and Jenny Hales, John and Lindsey Williams, Helen Smith, Doug Harrison, Peter and Ros Holland and John Dunning. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the December agreed that they were an accurate record.
meeting were previously circulated and it was
Business Robin advised that the next step in the discussions with the ACJC Club on issues relating to the 2014 National Rally would be the ACJC meeting on 12th February. Future Events 12 February is All British Day. 7 March 2012 is the barbeque at Birdwood to meet with UK visitors from Classic Jaguar Touring. 48 visitors will be present in twelve XKs, eight E-types and four crew cars. Robin has circulated a flier to XK and E type registers asking for firm bookings by 23 February. Robin advised that after discussion with Richard it had been decided to not proceed with the NZ tour because there were now only two historic cars planning to attend. Julian thanked the Smiths and Ides for work done so far. Robin has had discussion with Gerry Howell from Victoria about the general approach to the 2012 border run. Sue Harrison, Peg Davis, Wendy Billinghurst and Rob Smith nominated to work on the planning for the border run in 2012. 15th April - A cavalcade of Jaguars and Daimlers used by the Royal Family will celebrate the Queen’s diamond jubilee. Future Meetings Sunday, 1 April – Goodale’s at Balaklava. Further details will be provided to Register members by e-mail. Tuesday, 1 May – Register to set up at Club general meeting. Register business will be conducted prior to the Club general meeting. General Business There was general discussion about the Register’s 2012 programme of meetings and events with particular reference to the Club calendar. The pattern of meetings seems to be OK. It was agreed that we should consider a weekend-away event based at somewhere like Bungaree just north of Clare. Sue Harrison agreed to investigate. Another suggestion was for a day run along the beaches with lunch at the Victory Hotel. Cars - Members noted that: Chris and Liz Lugg have joined the Club with two Mark sevens, one of which is a special An Adelaide XK 150 has been advertised for sale in Classic Marque.
Closure: Robin thanked Ossie and Rayeena for their hosting of the barbeque, tennis and shed visit. Next Meetings: - 1 February - Tennis and BBQ at Ossie and Rayeena’s 7 March – this is the date of the Birdwood barbeque and a brief Register meeting may be held at Birdwood. Robin Ide Register Secretary 13
Minutes of the V12 Register held at Roger and Di Adamson’s on the 10th February 12 Present: Brian and Sue Walker, Scott Galloway, Greg and Pauline Pittway, Pete and Kathy Taylor, Murray DeLaine, Steve Taylor, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Apologies: Rick Luff, Alan Dunsford, Alan Baker, Peter & Carmel Leif Milham, Imogen Galloway,
Business: Reminder to get entries in for Classic and Vintage on 8th April. Members preparing their vehicles All British Day. Promotion for Cash for Cans. Discussions regarding possible runs. BBQ/Picnic run to central location and a run to Aviation Museum for Engine Startup.
Car Talk Brian & Sue - Took a few of the cars for a good run up Ansteys Hill. All going well. Greg - Air Conditioner still not fixed. It worked for a while and when the car went over a railway line it stopped again. Currently working on the Corvette. Steve - Recently purchased a Silver V12 E Type in the US. Picked it up in Arizona and did Route 66, Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Left it in Los Angeles to be shipped. It hasn’t arrived yet. Murray - Going to sell the XJS Coupe. Recently has new window switches fitted, new shockers and a tune up. All cars running well. Scott - Hasn’t been run for since Jag Day. Both windows have stopped working. Will check fuse. Recently purchased a new toy. MGB. Having fun with it. Pete XJC hasn’t been driven much lately but running well. Roger - XK and E Type great. Not driven much lately.
NEXT MEETING: Will be on 9th March, 2012. 7.15pm byo drinks and nibbles. All welcome.
Roger Adamson, Register Secretary
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. 14
A Brilliant D
Once again the weather fairies were kind for this year’s ABD. An impressive turnout of 800 cars graced the oval and surrounds whilst those with the fever for British cars enjoyed the event. This year was extremely well organised so many thanks and a big WELL DONE to the organising committee. For our club, regalia was once again a winner with Di and Kathy selling over $700 worth of club wares. The interest in jaguar clothing and badges proves that regalia is extremely important to more than just jaguar lovers. The regalia position is still vacant so if you want a real interesting position within the JDCSA, let one of the exec members know.
Thanks also to those club members who helped park the club cars in the morning. Cheers - editor
HERE’S HUMPHREY 18-20 MAY 2012 Roam to the Riverland & experience the one and only mighty Humphrey Pump & relive those ‘good old days’ at the Loxton Historical Village. What is the Humphrey Pump!! Read the article on the next page ******************** Friday 18 : Saturday 19: Sunday 20:
Morning tea at Truro Bakery, inspect the Fish Ladder at Weir & Lock 1, lunch at the Blanchetown Hotel, visit Morgan Water Treatment Plant and overnight at the Renmark Golf & Country Club. Visit and lunch at the Loxton Historical Village. Group dinner at Renmark Golf & Country Club. Enjoy the operation of the Humphrey Pump, steam traction engines & steam locomotive at the Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum including morning tea and lunch.
APPROXIMATE COSTS: 1. Morning tea at Truro - your choice 2. Lunch at Blanchetown Hotel - your choice (price range 1 course $13.00 - $24.00 pp). 3. Renmark Golf & Country Club: Friday night $175/double in deLuxe inc. hot breakfast, excluding dinner. $160/single in deLuxe inc. hot breakfast, excluding dinner. Saturday night
$256/double in deLuxe inc. 3 course group dinner & hot breakfast. $200.50/single in deLuxe inc. 3-course group dinner & hot breakfast. 7 Standard rooms are available for Sat night only. Costs are:
$206/double inc. 3 course group dinner & hot breakfast,
$151.50/single inc. 3 course group dinner & hot breakfast
4. Loxton Historical Village - $19.50pp (including entry, lunch, tea/coffee in the Institute building). 5. Cobdogla Museum - $30.00pp (including morning tea, lunch and Humphrey Pump operation). Note* Intending participants are urged to register interest ASAP to hold accommodation currently reserved and finalise catering arrangements. Contact: Ian Pascoe on 8278 3327 or 0418 819 786 or Marg Thomas 8374 3228 16
What’s ‘Humphrey’? ‘Humphrey’ is the world’s only operating four-stroke, internal combustion pump! The pump was invented by Herbert Alfred Humphrey (1868 –1951), an eminent British Gas Engineer and Chemist. His aim was: “to produce a pump of great simplicity and strength of construction in which the explosive force is exerted directly on the water and in which no rotating flywheel, solid piston, rotating crank, connecting rod, bearings or glands of any sort are required”. The Humphrey Pump is basically a U-tube in which in which water is made to oscillate by periodically exploding a mixture of gas and air at one end. The oscillating column of water (approximately 300 tonnes) acts as a ‘flywheel’ and the inlet mixture valves, scavenge air valves and exhaust valves are interlocked to ensure the correct working sequence. A mechanism operated by the combustion head pressure automatically performs the valve interlocking and spark plug ignition timing.
The period of a complete cycle is determined by the length of the U-tube or play pipe. The static head and stroke determine the cushion and compression pressures, the volume of gas admitted and the explosive force obtained. The latter is dependent on the calorific value of the gas and the mixture ratio. The pump is powered by Producer Gas which is generated on site. The two Humphrey pumps were installed to serve the Cobdogla Irrigation Area in 1922 and were decommissioned in 1965. They were the only pumps of their type in the Southern Hemisphere. One was restored to operating condition by the Engineering & Water Supply Department as a Sesquicentenary Project in 1985/86.
The specification of the pumps are as follow:
Diameter of Combustion Head (internal) Weight of Combustion Head Diameter of Play Pipe (internal) Diameter of top of water tower Diameter of Siphon Pipe from tower Diameter of containing Caisson (internal) Length of Play Pipe (c to c) Number of Scavenge Air Valves Number of Mixture Valves Number of Exhaust Valves Number of Spark Plugs Number of Water Inlet Flap Valves Average discharge from pump Average cycles per minute Average Pumping Head
6ft 6in (1.98m) 18 tonnes approx 5ft 6in (1.68m) 14ft 0in (4.27m) 4ft 0in (1.22m) 36ft 0in (10.97m) 61ft 9in (18.82m) 6 x 4.75in dia (121mm) 6 x 4.75in dia (121mm) 12 x 4.75in dia (121mm) 12 (8 in use) 448 1.4Mg/hour (6.35Ml/hour) 8.8 27ft 5in (8.35m)
The Cobdogla Humphrey Pumps are well awarded! 1985—An Item of State Heritage. 2010—Institution of Engineers, Australia—National Engineering Heritage Landmark. 2011— Institution of Mechanical Engineers (U.K.) -Engineering Heritage Award. The Humphrey Pumps are in good company! The Jaguar E-Type also received an Engineering Heritage Award from the IMechE in November 2011—the only motor vehicle so recognised in the 72 Awards to date. The IMechE Award plaque for the Humphrey Pump will be unveiled at Cobdogla during our visit on 20 May.
Ian Pascoe
What four animals does a woman like to have in her house? A tiger in bed, a mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage and a jackass to pay for it all. 18
Classic Jaguar Touring Group to visit SA in March Update…. Twenty classic Jaguars from the UK, and their drivers and passengers, will end their four week tour of Australia in Adelaide on Friday 9th of March. The tour is lead by Ricardo Galvani. Thirteen XKs and seven E-types have been touring the eastern states since mid-February when they began their tour in Sydney. On the last leg of the tour on Wednesday 7 February, the cars will come from Renmark and stop for lunch at the National Motor Museum at Birdwood. The XK 7,8,9 Register has organised a ‘traditional Aussie barbeque’ for the visitors at Birdwood to meet with XK and E-type owners from SA. After lunch the tourists will drive to Adelaide where their cars will be loaded on a ship for the trip home. Regards, Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
N OTICE B OARD The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Nick Hodgson Stephen Taylor Doug & Linda Weinert Vic Carter Peter Davey Alan & Kathryn Bartram Terry & Erna Whitburn
1988 XJ 6 1974 E Type DHC 5.3L 2002 S Type 3L 1983 XJ 6 4.2L 1960 MK 11 3.8L 1967 E Type 4.2L 2+2 2009 X Type 2L & 1962 E Type 3.8L FHC
The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Bill & Julie Barker Peter & Carol Williams
XK 4.2L 1985 Sovereign 4.2L
We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary 19
GE NE RA L ME ET IN G ROSTER The Roster for the General Meeting is:
preparation of supper for the
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Type (Compact) V12 Register
Mk1, 2, 420 & S XJ, MK10 &420G / XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register SS & Daimler Register
Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting.
Club & Other Events
April 26, 2012 - Sunday April 29, 2012 - Hosted by the Jaguar Car Club of WA May 4, 2012 - Sunday May 6, 2012 – XJ register – Tentative Only -Ballarat / Mt Gambia (map) May 18, 2012 - Sunday May 20, 2012 – Run to the Humphrey Pump – Compact Register More information regarding future events can be found on the website
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12
Tuesday, 6th March 2012
Second Tuesday of every second month 3rd Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month 2nd Wednesday of every month Wednesday, 7th March 2nd Friday of every month
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale (New add) 1990 XJ12, V12 engine, Colour blue, Registration No: WNN 505 until April, drives beautifully and well maintained Selling due to illness Price: $11,000 Please contact Joy Jones (on behalf of Roy Malandain), on 83382598 or 0402585701 For Sale (New add) Jaguar XJS 1978 5.3 ltr V12 collectors car. Totally original 149,00 klm all books including delivery dockets and service records. Silver with black trim, velour seats, Regularly serviced by quality mechanic. Nothing to spend, very good rust free car. Will sell to best offer Reg Number SXJ 053 Phone Trevor Sharp 0415820719 For Sale (New add) XJ40 Sovereign 3.6 L. Year: 1988 Australian plated Delivered on 26/8/1988. 133400 Kms. to date. Condition is very clean. No rust or damage. With all books and service record intact. Serviced regularly by Sovereign Motors. (both Geoff and Graham can vouch for this car}. Colour: Tungsten. Registered until 24/5/12. Price: $7000 ONO. Contact: James Harradine. 5 Hurcombe Street, West Beach. Phone: 83561087 For Sale Jaguar XKI50 Roadster Chassis No. 835291, Engine No V5696-9 Ex Californinan car shown in Black etch Overdrive, Body off chassis restoration by to date. All has been completed by Finch Restorations at Mt Barker using USA import panels. Bulkhead converted to take RHD. Comprehensive range of photos to show mechanical, body abd trim parts available via E-mail or can send photos Price: $77,000 Phone Doug Short 8364 6244 OR 0417883037 22
For Sale XJ6 Series 1 - 4.2 (6 cyl) 3 speed auto - Red Original condition $7000.00 ono Ph: V.R. Wyld – 85 412 524 or 0429412524 For Sale 1989 XJ40 Navy Blue, good condition, 143000Km $7000.00 Contact Bill 8445 7060 For Sale 1960 Jaguar Mk IX Old English White with red interior. Good looking (beautiful) and reliable. It has been used as our Club Car for the last 16 years and has travelled extensively throughout S.A. and interstate. Doug Harrison - (08) 8333 0057 or 0407 711 351 For Sale A large number of jaguar motor magazines Magazines #1-122 Australian Jaguar Driver (NSW) from 1977, Jaguar World (UK) from 1991,Jaguar Driver (UK) from 1974, EJAG (US) from 1983, Jags Unlimited (US) from 1984 plus Motor (UK) from 1940’s. Also Road and Track, Car and Driver, Australian Motor Sport and thousands more 0414 887 492 or For Sale 1987 XJS Coupe V12 Solent Blue with cream interior. Low 160,000 kms Owned last 14 years Excellent original condition Very reluctant sale Price: $15,000 ono Contact Murray De Laine 8388 0899 or mob 0419 806 045
For Sale XJ6 Jaguar 1971 Series 1 Interior Beige / Exterior Red Engine 4.2 ltr 6 (re' condition engine) Transmission 3 sp Automatic / good tyres. Rego RGY 978. expire 3/2012. Condition good. Have had car for 22 years. Ex-member of the JDC of SA. $ 6.500 ono Phone 8278 1646 For sale Puma Compressor V Twin 13 cfm as new. $475 complete with hoses drier gun etc.New $700. MK11 Bonnet complete two side chromes $65. Engine Stand $50 will hold a Jaguar engine. MK 11 Hub Caps [4] $60. M11 Rim Embellishers [5] $15each. Phone Tony 0424 596 397 Wanted Roof canes for securing roof lining on 1965 Mark 2 Please contact Tom Brindle on 83870051 or 043 881 8780 or
The Cat’s Giggle Two guys are drinking in a bar. One says, "Did you know that Lions have sex 10 to 15 times a night?" "BUGGER !" says his friend. "I just joined Rotary!!!!!!!"
A guy goes into the confessional box after years being away from the Church. He pulls aside the curtain, enters and sits himself down. There's a fully equipped bar with crystal glasses, the best vestry wine, Guinness on tap, cigars and liqueur chocolates nearby, and on the wall a fine photographic display of buxom ladies who appear to have mislaid their garments. He hears a priest come in: "Father, forgive me for it's been a very long time since I've been to confession and I must admit that the confessional box is much more inviting than it used to be". The priest replies, "Get out, you idiot. You're on my side".
A married man decided to work late to be with his sexy secretary, so he called his wife to make up an excuse. After work he invited his secretary to dinner. It soon became obvious that he was going to get lucky, so the two went back to her apartment and had great sex for two hours. Afterward the fellow went to the bathroom to straighten up for the trip home and noticed a huge hickey on his neck. He panicked, wondering what to tell his wife. After the man unlocked his front door, his dog came bounding to greet him. Aha, the man thought, and promptly fell to the carpet, pretending to fight off the affectionate animal. Holding his neck with one hand, he said, “Honey, look what the dog did to my neck”! Hell, she answered, ripping open her blouse. “Look what he did to my boobs”!!
Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM 25