The Classic Marque September 2012 Monthly Newsletter of the
Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
Jaguar Drivers Club of SA PO Box 30 Rundle Mall SA 5000 Your Management Committee President: Peter Holland Mobile: 8271 0048 Email: Vice President: Di Adamson Mobile: 0407862758 Email: Treasurer: Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary: Julian Lugg Phone: 0417882930 Email:
Register Secretaries: XK, MK 7,8,9 – Robin Ide SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas V12 – Roger Adamson XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman E-Type – Alan Baker Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer Club Services Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) Regalia: Vacant Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle
0428816678 8278 3002 83743228 0421052518 8248 4111 0429097729 0418855597
0438 768 770 8387 0051
Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor Phone: 8288 0220 Mobile: 0422 563 876 Email:
Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors: North: – Don Evans 8251 1575 Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford 8223 1997 South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971
Member Secretary: Noel Trew Phone: 8172 2071 Email:
Log Books: Julian Lugg:
Events Coordinator: Phil Prior Mobile: 0402670654 Email: Web Editor: Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: JDCSA Committee members Email:
Club Representatives: Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC Rick Luff 0411426913 Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC Neil Murray Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA Barry Kitts 8391 1759 All British Day: Neil Raw TBA
Front Cover Once again the JDCSA was first to put their hand up to support the Display section of the Supaloc Targa Adelaide for 2012. A fantastic selection of cats represented the club and even a few tested out the track. Look forward to next year.
A Class Metal Finishers
Fox Creek Winery
Sports Car Centre– Kent Town
Meeting opened by President Peter Holland at 7.45pm who welcomed those members present & hoped they had recovered from the Dinner Dance last Saturday night.
Guest Speaker. Peter Williams spoke to members regarding the latest motor vehicle air conditioning technology. He would need at least 1 to1.5 hrs & suggested a special Technical Meeting if that was possible. President Peter said that could be arranged through the Registers & called for a show of hands as an EOI. There was a positive response.
Present: Please refer to signing-in sheets
Vice President’s Report:
Apologies: Bob Hill-Ling, Bruce & Ann Fletcher, Evan Spartalis, Brian & Sue Walker, Clair Evans, Alan Baker, Dennis Pake, Bill Brown & Marg Piper Sue White, Ray & Barb Offie.
Di Adamson needs a couple more photographs for the Calendar, deadline end of August to be ready for SA Jag Day.
Welcome to New Members: George Calvert 420 4.2L & Mk10, John Gentilcore Daimler V8, Geoff Wilden & son David 1964 Mk 2 manual & Richard Slipway Mk2 2.4L. Welcome to Visitors: None Minutes from Previous Meeting: Taken as read by members. Business None.
President’s Report: See also August CM. Thankyou to Bob & Daphne Charman for organizing such a successful Dinner Dance & congratulations to the trophy recipients. Next meeting will be the AGM & we still need nominations for Membership Secretary & Events Coordinator, both important positions. All members should attend to be part of the Club. The McLaren Vale Classic & Vintage Event Venue for 2013 will move from Fox Creek to Penny’s Hill Winery. Targa Static Display 22 August. We now have all 20 positions filled representing a wide range of vehicles from an SS 100 through to XK8. We will also have 4 vehicles running in the Oval Event. Members are invited to come along & join in. National Rally 2013. JDCA has advised that the Event is to be held at Wollongong, NSW 29 March to 1 April. Interested members should check the JDCA Web Site, which is now live & there is now a link to our own site. The organizers are suggesting early Registration.
Di also seeks more interest in the 40 yr. Celebration & would like a Rep from each Register on the Committee. Di needs more members on the SA Jag Day Committee. Secretary’s Report: Julian Lugg will be o/s for the next meeting & the President wished him a safe trip. Julian thanked members for all the renewals & Historic Vehicle Registration Log Book details. Renewals next year will require a Stat. Dec. Tom Herraman has created a link to the Web site for access to the new “Code of Practice” Treasurer’s Report: Tim White reported that the Accounts were with the Auditor to be ready for the AGM. Next month is the 2012 AGM. Membership: Noel Trew reported that 369 renewal notices were sent out, of which 330 had responded with 26 resignations. CM Editor: Pete Taylor thanked members for general interest articles but please keep the contributions coming to support the new Editor. Events Coordinator: Phil Prior reported that the new ‘Code of Practice’ booklet was printable from the web site link. Mid-Week Picnic Run Thursday 20th Sept. Change of meeting place now Bonython Park behind the Police Barracks from Port Road at 10am & hoping for good weather. See Flyers. Actual numbers do not matter much but Phil would like to know from Register secretaries.
Bay To Birdwood 30 Sept. 2012. The Invitation from the Gumeracha Hospital Aux. Still stands, see CM.
Regalia: David Bicknell announced that he had fire extinguishers with metal heads available for $25.00 ea. until sold.
Phil explained that the Events Coordinator was not necessary the organizer of events but rather to keep the various records up to date.
MSCA: Barry Kitts. Next event this Sunday at Mallala.
Web Site Editor: Tom Herraman reported that the Club Web Site now had a link to ‘Face Book’ which hopefully will be appealing to younger potential members & the broader public. Library: Tom Brindle. Several new books to peruse plus magazines, DVDs etc. Tom will be away for the next meeting so anyone taking items tonight will have an extra month to read up before needing to return them. Club Register Reports: SS & Pushrod; Whilst Bob Kretschmer was taking the minutes, Malcolm Adamson advised that the next meeting on 29 August will be the AGM & any member not in attendance might be elected to a position. Registrations for the Border Run to Port Fairy Nov are currently 35 vehicles. XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9; Robin Ide. The last meeting was at Julian & Moira Lugg’s followed by a viewing of Julian’XK120 project. Next meeting Wednesday 5 Sept. Compact: Mks 1, 2, 420 & S type; Geoff Thomas. Next meeting will be at Alan Baker’s Tuesday 14 August. XJ, Mk10, & 420G. Bob Charman advised next meeting tomorrow 8th at Shannons, gather 5.30pm at Villies. The next event is the Pichi Richi Railway weekend 17 – 19 August, See the CM. Late starters see Bob. Email coming out. E-type; Roger advised next meeting will be at Alan Baker’s shed Thursday 16 August. Multi-valve; Ron Palmer advised that the Register AGM was held recently & he won! Next meeting Tuesday 25 Sept at John & Betty Castle’s. See next CM for details of October trip to Portland. V12: Roger Adamson advised next meeting this Friday 10 August at the Adamson’s home.
ACJC: Rick Luff summarized the program for the Targa event 22 Aug. As part of the prologue, there will be 4 Club cars included in the circuit component. A street event the following Saturday will follow. General Business: There is a dark blue Daimler for sale at Rainsfords. Bob Charman described a successful seat leather restoration job he had recently done, see Bob for details. President Peter thanked the SS & Pushrod Engine Register for providing the supper & for taking the minutes. Meeting closed at 8.45pm.
PRESIDENTS REPORT September 2012 The Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months and to take a look at the future of the Club. The Club has had a very active year with a great variety of events. At Committee level, activity has been very hectic at times. In his report to this meeting last year, our outgoing President, Rick urged members to participate, and that is exactly what you have done. We have seen high and consistent attendances at General and Register Meetings, which is a measure of our enthusiasm. Participation in events other than the meetings is also a measure of our enthusiasm, and this has been seen in two ways. First, individual members have taken the initiative to organize an event in addition to outings arranged, perhaps, by a Register group and secondly, attendances by members have always been high, even when the weather has been quite uninviting. I will simply say thank you to all who have assisted in putting the events together and mention a few highlights, as I see them. First there was the SA Jaguar Day, enjoyed by our members and the general public alike. There have been numerous dinners, lunches, bakery visits that have allowed us to exercise our cars and sample the foods on offer. Border runs have come and gone with great success, providing an opportunity to meet with interstate friends. Then there was the Cats and Cans Charity Day, which proved to be a huge success, despite the cold weather. Another new idea has been mid-week runs, which seem to be gaining momentum. The Annual Dinner Dance was the best attended we have had for many years, suggesting the change of date to July was a key factor to your support. Finally, members participated in the Targa Adelaide and also provided a wonderful display of cars at the Wednesday night prologue session. With 24,000 members of the public attending, this was another opportunity to showcase the Club. July 25th, 2013 will be the fortieth anniversary of the JDCSA and this milestone will be marked with a number of fun celebrations and we look forward to even greater participation rates. It is hard to believe nearly 40 years have passed since the Club was formally established and it has continued to grow and mature because its members have participated. The coming year will be a good time to contemplate the future to ensure the club lives for another 40 years. We need to know what members expect from the club, how to encourage new younger members and what is the best way to reach out to members. The club is a living dynamic being, so committees of the future need your help to keep it alive. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my fellow committee members for their magnificent help and support over the past year. The committee, in addition to the dayto-day matters of the Club, has been faced with two quite significant issues. First, there were the changes to Conditional (Historic) Registration, which have now come into play and have been explained elsewhere. Secondly, the on-going discussions with the ACJC have
not provided an outcome to an agreed format for the hosting of the National jaguar Rally by our Club. As a consequence this has led to an indefinite deferment on our part until the two groups can agree. There is little doubt that there is gradual shift away from serious concours at club level in other states. It only remains to be seen if the ACJC can shake its total obsession with concours and judging methods and look at the National Jaguar movement in a far broader context. Only time will tell. In closing, I would particularly like to thank our retiring committee members, Noel Trew and Pete Taylor for their huge contribution to the JDCSA and its affairs over many years. This includes, of course, Carmel and Kathy who have both been an integral part of these roles. Thank you to you all. And finally, I must thank Ros who has supported me throughout the year and who has patiently listened to me “ramble on� about various matters and who, most importantly, has provided me with wise counsel on many ideas. The year closing has been a good one for the club and lets make next year even better! Peter Holland
THANK YOU I would like to thank all members who displayed their cars and helped to set up at the Targa Adelaide prologue night at the Wayville Showgrounds. You did the Club proud, with the public showing a lot of interest in our cars, in spite of the cold and wet conditions. It was a great pleasure to see some of our members driving on the night and a thank you must also go to them for promoting the Club. Congratulations also go to Doug and Sue Harrison for being awarded best Jaguar on display, by public vote, for their lovely Mark IX and to Rick Luff for best-presented competition Jaguar with his striking XJS Well done to all. Peter Holland
NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING As required by the Constitution please be advised that the AGM of the Club will be held on Tuesday 4th September 2012 following the General Meeting.
Nominations for the coming year, 2012/13, are now being sought. All positions will be declared vacant and you are encouraged to consider standing for a position. Nominations close at the conclusion of the September General Meeting and should be submitted in writing to the Secretary.
This is an opportunity to be part of the running and future of the Club and help shape its future.
Nomination forms are available in Classic Marque (refer last page) and on the website for download.
Di Adamson Secretary
JAGUAR DRIVERS CLUB OF SA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 6 SEPTEMBER 2011 MINUTES Opening: President Rick Luff opened the meeting at 8.26 pm. Apologies: As recorded for the general meeting held earlier this evening. President: Rick referred to his report provided in the general meeting and reiterated that the Club is well situated and in a sound position financially. Vice-President: Bob Charman advised that he attended a number of Register meetings and that he has enjoyed his time as Vice-President. Secretary: Peter Holland provided highlights of his report which appears in full in the September Classic Marque. Peter:
Talked about his 38 years in the Club and the reward of involvement in the executive in a variety of roles. He urged members ‘to give it a go’, Thanked Noel and Ali Roscrow for their hospitality and making their collection of cars and machinery available to Club members, Reported that the Club has issued approximately 340 log books for historic registration. He expressed concern for the changes proposed to the historic registration system and the implications of the changes for clubs’ inspectors and log book officers, Thanked Sue Harrison for deputising for him as Secretary and log book officer, Thanked Ros for her patience and support in Club matters.
Treasurer: Key points from the report given on behalf of Tim White were:
The club has $ 75 221 overall in various accounts, In the current year, benefits and subsidies of approximately $18 000, were delivered to members, The current level of fees should be OK for a few years, Stephen Mudie was thanked for auditing the Club’s book, It was agreed that S Mudie be approached to Audit the Club’s books in 2012.
Election: Rick Luff stood down as chair and Peter Clark assumed the role of returning officer by:
Declaring all positions on the executive committee vacant, Thanking out-going committee members and ex-officio office-bearers, Advising of single nominations for all positions except for that of Vice-President.
Positions for which there was a single nomination were therefore filled as follows: President, Peter Holland, Secretary, Julian Lugg, Treasurer, Tim White, Editor, Pete Taylor, Membership, Noel Trew
Web Coordinator, Tom Herraman, and Events Coordinator, Philip Prior. There being two nominations for the position of Vice-President a ballot was held and Di Adamson was elected.
The meeting noted that all except the V12 Registers recently elected secretaries. Register secretaries appointed prior to the AGM were: XK 789, Robin Ide, SS, Daimler, Bob Kretschmer & Malcolm Adamson, Compact, Geoff Thomas, XJ, Bob Charman, E type, Alan Baker, Multi-valve, Ron Palmer. Register Secretaries are also members of the executive committee. (Post meeting note: The V 12 Register has advised that Roger Adamson has been appointed as Register Secretary.) Peter Clark then handed over the meeting to new President Peter Holland. New President: Peter Holland:
Thanked everyone for their vote of confidence in him, Said that he wanted to continue the good work that had been put in place by the two previous Presidents, Tim White and Rick Luff, Thanked the outgoing committee, and welcomed the new committee.
Closure: Peter Holland closed the meeting at 9.10 pm. RBI 27/09/2011
JAGUAR DRIVERS CLUB OF SA, AGM S EPTEMBER 2012 SECRETARY’S REPORT Over the past 12 months as secretary I have had the privilege to work with a great executive committee of our club. It has been rewarding for me to both work with and to support fellow motoring enthusiasts in my role. I particularly wish to thank President Peter for his support.
One of my significant roles has been to take over as log book officer from Peter Holland, the previous secretary. There have been some recent changes to the Conditional Registration rules, most notably the new cutoff date for Historic Registration which was implemented on 1st July 2012. Conditional (Historic) Registration now only applies to vehicles manufactured before 31st December 1978 (unless previously on Historic Registration). Logbook renewals next year must also be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration from the owner. Thank you to the vehicle inspectors for the work they do on behalf of the club.
In processing approximately 340 log books, I have appreciated the care members have taken to ensure that all the necessary paper work is complete (in all but 3 cases). This greatly assists in a short turnaround time and in keeping club records accurate. I also wish to acknowledge the excellent work of Noel and Carmel Trew on membership as this links closely with the processing of log books.
I would like to encourage all members to consider an executive role in our club as it can be very rewarding working with a great group of people.
I look forward to another good year with our club.
Julian Lugg Secretary
September 30th 2012 An open invitation from the Gumeracha DSM Hospital Auxiliary is again extended to the Jaguar Drivers Club of SA to view the Bay to Birdwood Rally from the Grandstand Style Gumeracha Hospital Lawns. Meal tickets are limited and can be organised through the Register secretaries, or direct from the Hospital Auxiliary Members as listed below. This event could be organised as individual Register runs to the Hospital if the Secretaries wish, as it is a fabulous Club day. As the hospital car park size is not large it is advisable to get there early at SO, Have a great day and support a local Hospital Charity. BYO: Chairs, tables, & drinks (alcohol ok) and Jaguars. Lunch: As provided by the Hospital Auxiliary will be a B-B-Q with Salad, Dessert, Tea and Coffee at a cost of $14.00 pp (Children $6) The Auxiliary are only able to fund enough food for numbers pre-booked so you will need to make your reservation by advising your Register Secretary, or ringing the Auxiliary members listed below, advise them you are a Jaguar Club member, and this will allow you to pay on the day. Information is available from your Register Secretaries, the Events Co-ordinator (Phil Prior), or the Hospital auxiliary members direct for tickets and reservations: Hospital Auxiliary Members:
Jan: 8389 1179 Brenda: 8389 1010 Bru: 8389 1641
FICKLE FINGER OF FATE 2012 First recipient….
There is a man among us Who took on restoring Jags rather rusty One a Mark 5 the other a Daimler barely alive In his garage rarely used and quite dusty Now these two projects have gone on for years Requiring modifications to an alarming degree The shell of the Daimler Coupe’ was thrown away Restoration continuing as a Jaguar XJC The Mark 5 too has its share of the tin worm Its roof peppered with a myriad pin holes So that from inside at night under fluoro light The starry sky spectacularly revolves Though progress on the saloon has been slow One major transformation has to be seen As in what seemed madness and brought much sadness He painted it an alarming caterpillar green He has repeatedly advised, “Restoration almost complete It will be finished in a couple of days.” So for the Border Run it was thought another one And sure enough he announced, “In the garage it stays.” No Jag available so Wife’s red Porsche appeared On the entrants list as a UFO ring in As the SS’s were dashing with push rods thrashing The 911 raced past with flat 6 singing All seemed to be well for the ageing Porsche But as the SS peloton arrived at Keith The faded red UFO had begun to slow And had stopped rear lid up being checked underneath Never one to miss a chance to embarrass a mate Bruce Fletcher from his trusty Mark 4 Called out,” hey friend you’re looking in the wrong end.” As he drove up with a gleeful guffaw Fuel pump failure was the diagnosed problem Easily fixed if I had been there As years ago maybe seven on a Jag run I cured Dieter Loeb’s 911 With an expertly aimed bang on the fuel tank near the spare
Second Recipient….. There is a man among us Who hails from far off over the sea Born in the UK he is here to stay Says Adelaide is the place to be When he was young and virile he went A-courting Met a gorgeous you lady and tied the knot She had access to a Mark 5 in bits and had beautiful…..eyes With such attributes he’d proposed on the spot Now as the Mark 5 was completely disassembled He set about rebuilding it to its’ original regalia It had to sorted as it was to be transported With the family on their epic voyage to Australia Once in the Land of Oz it came apart again To be properly restored to its’ former glory Many long hours were spent until it finally went To his son in law to be painted, end of story? Not at all on its’ first outing with Register SS He proudly drove it heading for Victor Harbor But the mad mob drove fast, the new motor didn’t last It overheated and seized despite all his earlier labour So to the “Don” it went for another engine rebuild And was reborn yet again and made to purr With a new piston and rings and a few special things With much time spent as only a Master can endure Ready once more next trip was Border Run 2011 Where the track to the picnic lunch was short but dusty Our man was not happy in fact he was crappy His recently finished restoration appeared rusty Back at the motel the Vic’s were washing their Jags With a hose on a nearby lawn Then he cried “Ha that’s for me” and with great glee Parked the Jag and pulled on the hose with brawn But in his haste to clean up the car He had parked too far from the source The hose almost reached but then he screeched As the hose with tap attached arrived of course Saturated as water under pressure hit him square Our man sprinted to locate the mains tap But to no avail as he left a damp trail To the office in search of a plan or a map
Unfortunately as no such expertise was forthcoming None could be found so a plumber was called The Porsche was left behind in disgrace The couple in style drop dead travelled in the Adamson’s drop Who arrived but in rusted GI pipes was not au fait He turned off the water supply resulting to deny head Tea making facilities for the rest of the day Claiming, ”Malcolm needed company’ to save grace" Now there is a moral to this sad story Which is so obvious it’s a real synch? Forget the pleasures of bed and get out in the shed And finish your bloody restorations Bob Lynch Ray Smithers
And so while the thirsty horde waited A special copper fitting was machined The operation was complete and the Mark 5 finally looked sweet Having had the dust then the mud removed and finally cleaned This man of action with recent illness has had to contend But due to his happy disposition is a richer son He’s a great bloke who I know can cope With tonight’s gentle ribbing, Jack Richardson. Ray Smithers
XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register minutes– Held at Shannon’s, South Rd Clarence Gardens on the 8th August 2012 1
Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, David Bicknell, Evan & Andrea Spartalis, Steve Attard, Darryl, Fay & Sef Leyton, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Borys Portiuch, Phil Prior, Noel & Carmel Trew, Merv Tucker, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Ben Adler, George Calvert, Timothy Dunning, Peter Holland, Graeme Moore, Steve Arthur, John Best, Warren & Carolyn Bullock, John & Claire Evans, Peter Holland, and Louis Marafioti. Apologies: Barb & Ray Offe, Sue Prior, Betty Moore, Kathy & Pete Taylor, Ros Holland, Robin & Roseanne Bullock, Martin O’Dea, Richard & Margie Foster, Lee Hardman, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Neil & Andrea Raw, Dennis Paech, General Business
This year’s run to Pichi Richi Railway 17th, 18th & 19th August discussed.
Our Register Xmas Dinner discussed. Will be held at the German Club on Friday the 7th of December. Names are now being taken.
Bay to Birdwood – Gumeracha Hospital
Mid week run to Cudlee Creek Wild Life Park.
Targa display event.
Carmel Trew – Thanks to Daphne for the Annual Dinner.
Report on Martin O’Dea’s health – all good.
Car Talk Ben Adler - Has bought an ‘E’ Type. 1970 need work. Imported from the UK last year. Paid $25k plus was medals a rifle and an arm and leg. Steve Attard - Car OK. About to build car port for car. Problems with council re registered tree. John Best - New shockers on front. Battery keeps going flat. Needs to see auto electrician. David Bicknell - Gertrude in disgrace – Brakes locked on. Raz gone to auto trans people for kick down fix. Bob & Daphne Charman - Big Red all OK. ‘S’ perfect. Walter & Beryl Bullock - New oil sender and airflow meter. Warren & Carolyn Bullock - New battery isolator switch on eBay. John & Claire Evans - Driven today – 1st time in a month. Darryl & Fay Leyton - Sovereign Fine – In the shed. Derek has new exhaust. Borys Potiuch - Car normal. Still has slight starter motor problem. Going to Murray Bridge on week end. Phil Prior - Sold the 350. XJC is the daily driver. ‘S’ type OK. Have just bought a manual Series 1 with O/D. Evan Spartalis - Sold the Ser. 3. to Ray Thomas. Bought a 380 SL Mercedes Sports to play with. Noel & Carmelo Trew - The usual – N.T.R. Merv Tucker - New plugs and leads. Put hazard switch on and is working. George Calvert - 420G looking for a flex plate. Went on to tell humorous stories about his car. It will be a long night when he and Martin get together at our meeting. Graeme Moore - X300 going well. Taking Ser.1 to Pichi Richi Don & Kathy Tyrrell - Got new rear bumper from Steve Attard for Mk 10. 100% on the one he had. Changed oil pressure switch. Steve Arthur - Bought 1978 Ser 2. Had 2 owners. No rust, clean and tidy. Gear box OK. Good price. No oil drips so far. Louis Marafioti - Bought XJ Ser.3 from Victoria. Few electrical problems fixed by Evan. Meeting closed at 8.30pm. Next meeting: Wednesday 12th September, 2012, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for tea before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 5pm.
Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type (Compact) held at Alan Baker’s on 14 August 2012 Present; Phil Prior, Allan Carthew, John Centilcor, Peter & Ros Holland, David Bicknell Hugh Bogaerts, Tim & Sue White, Tom Brindle, & Richard Shipman. (New member. Welcome.) Apologies: Colin & Marg Haese, Noel & Jo Orford, Bill & Marg Piper-Browne, Bill Jones, Marj Brindle, David Davidson, Doug & Judy Tilley, Marg Thomas. Business arising:
Air Conditioning technical talk, interest required, date to be arranged.
Mid week picnic run to The Gorge Wildlife Park, 20th September details in C.M.
Targa Adelaide at Wayville Show grounds 22nd August Nighttime meeting.
Bay to Birdwood Lunch at the Gumeracha Hospital September 30th Bookings ring the Hospital,Jan,83891179 or me at 83743228.See details in C.M.
Jag National Rally at Wollongong 29/3/13-1/4/13.Entries on line at web site.
40 th Anniversary rep required for Compact Reg. Required.
Jag Day rep for Compact Reg Required.
Register Secretary also required, I seem to have won them all.
Car Talk: Phil: X350 sold, New toy S1 XJ6 Manual. All cars going well. Allan: N.T.R. John: Daimler fired up & driven. Peter: XK has been driven on road go’s well after sleeping for 23 years approx. Dave: Going O.K. Hugh: Mk 2.nearly ready after 30 years, hopeful of Jag Day. Tim: Fuel pump now O.K. Tom: N.T.R. Richard:2.4.Mk 2. Had low oil pressure now fixed, Distributor vacuum advance replaced. Geoff: Power steering box likely to go to U.K. for parts & repairs, may be light at end of tunnel. Thank you to ALLAN & PAM for hosting the meeting. NEXT MEETING AT GEOFF & MARG THOMAS’S 1B HENDON STREET CLOVELLY PARK. 9TH OCTOBER AT 7.30. Register sec Geoff.
W ELCOME FROM THE 2013 N ATIONAL R ALLY D IRECTOR I would like to invite and welcome members and friends of all Jaguar car clubs in Australia and New Zealand to the 2013 National Rally to be held at the Novotel Northbeach Hotel in Wollongong, centre of the Illawarra Region of NSW. Visitors from all nations are also most welcome. Wollongong is situated in one of the most beautiful and interesting locations in Australia and is the largest regional city on the south coast of NSW, just 82 km south of Sydney. With a population of 300,000 it has an established heritage and culture all of its own. Wollongong is the gateway to the stunningly beautiful South Coast, the Kangaroo Valley and the famous Southern Highlands of NSW. All offer scenery and special tourist treats to be cherished long after one’s visit to the area. Our Rally hotel and headquarters is situated a few minutes north of the centre of Wollongong on a beautiful beach with stunning views of the mountains behind and the sea in front, with numerous beachside cafés, bars and restaurants nearby. The 2013 National Rally will have a format very similar to those of the past but with a few things just a little bit different, especially for the ladies, to ensure everyone takes away some very special memories. We shall start with a Meet and Greet Cocktail Party on the first night (as we all like the opportunity to catch up with old friends) followed by a Concours/Display day, a themed Saturday Night Party, a Sunday sporting event or alternative special interest runs, a formal Presentation Dinner and a Farewell Brunch. Of course, we will have a fabulous Post Rally Tour that will take in some breathtaking and historic regions of NSW. The year 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the C-Type’s win at Le Mans using disc brakes. Disc brakes enabled the C-type to be the first car to exceed an average of over 100 mph for the entire race. This significant technology enabled Jaguar to dominate at Le Mans throughout the 1950s. Come and Celebrate Jaguar’s Racing Technology in Wollongong over Easter 2013. We would ❤ you to be there! Bob Adby Rally Director
Minutes of the Multivalve Register (XJ40 to current series) No Minutes for august from Multivalve Next Meeting September 25th 2012 at the home of John and Betty Castle Flora St Prospect SA 7.30pm for 8.00pm RON PALMER 0418 855597
Minutes of the V12 Register held at Roger and Di Adamson’s on the 10th August 12 Present: Peter and Roz Holland, Sharon and Alan Dunsford, Tom and Sophie Herraman, Steve Taylor, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Apologies: Richard and Margie Foster, Pete and Kathy Taylor, Rick Luff, Noel and Carmel Trew, Alan Baker, Peter Leaf Milham BUSINESS: This year’s Annual Dinner Dance was excellent with over 90 attendees and a good time was had by all. Next year will be the 40th Anniversary for the Club. Reminders: Annual General Meeting will be held on 4th September. Events Coordinator and Membership Secretary positions currently have no nominees. Thankyou again to Noel and Carmel for all the work they have put in over the years as Membership Secretary. On the 22nd August the club will have 20 cars on display at Targa Night Event, Showgrounds. Should be a good night. Bay to Birdwood – Gumeracha Hospital are again offering a lunch at the Hospital with a great viewing area on the lawns for $14 per head. If you are on Facebook be a friend of JDCSA. Car Talk: Alan:
Car hasn’t been driven for a while but I run it every week.
Steve: The E Type has finally arrived in Melbourne Peter:
Fuel Pump wasn’t working on the XK120. Replaced it with a rebuild. Will take it for a run.
Tom H: Getting car ready for Targa - New wheels/tyres. Looking forward to Wednesday night and Saturday. Roger: Haven’t driven either much lately. Will get E Type out for Wednesday night Targa event.
NEXT MEETING: Will be on Friday 14th September 2012. 7.15pm. Byo drinks and a plate to share All welcome.
Roger Adamson, Register Secretary
Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at Julian and Moira Lugg’s on 1 August 2012
Present: Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Julian and Moira Lugg, Robin and Deidre Ide, Peter and Ros Holland, Peg and Rod Davis, John and Lindsey Williams, John Dunning, Richard and Carla Smith, Peter and Judy Goodale, Sue and Doug Harrison, Graeme and Fiona Schultz and Rob Smith. Apologies were received from: Ossie and Rayeena Petrucco, Lyn Hughes and Jenny Hales and Russell Clarke. Business: Club 40 year celebration. Members were asked for suggestions for the list of special guests. Club Calendar – deadline for photos is end of August. Club AGM is Tuesday 4 September. Peter Holland asked for nominations for Events Coordinator and Membership Secretary. Jag Day will be at Civic Park on Sunday 14 October. The Club will be at Penny’s Hill winery for the McLaren Vale Classic and Vintage Day in 2013. 20 cars have nominated for the Targa Adelaide display and 5 for the night stage.
Register business It was agreed that $100 from the $400 available for register activities would be used for the register end of year lunch in December. Border run, 26-28 October. 34 booked. Rob Loffler previously circulated details of a run and visit to a private motor museum at Victor Harbor on Wednesday 29 August. Members confirmed attendance. Rob also provided information for a proposed overnight visit to Bungaree. Suggested timing is now after Easter 2013. Peg provided indicative costs for a ‘Spirit of Coorong’ trip. Suggested time is now August 2013. After brief discussion, it was agreed that there would be no further action on the proposal for a register spares kit. Robin Ide was elected as register secretary for 2012/13.
Closure and Next Meeting: Robin closed the meeting at 9.10pm with thanks to Moira and Julian for their hospitality. A shed visit followed. The September meeting will be on Wednesday 5th at Doug and Sue Harrisons’, 68 Vine Street, Magill.
N OTICE B OARD The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Martin & Julia Wallace Brian & Brenda Campbell Dane & Geoffrey Wilden
1965 E Type 4.2L Coupe & 1988 XJS 3.6 L Coupe 1968 E Type 4.2L 2+2 Coupe 1964 MK 2 2.4L
The following applications listed in this month Classic Marque magazine have been accepted. Arndrae & Bobbie Luks Kevin & Helen Meese Ian & Jenny Rowley Lee Finlay Hardman John & Ina Gentilcore Grant & Margaret Ashby George Calvert Frank Kaczman Richard Shipman Arndrae & Bobbie Luks Rommel & Annette Nyberg
1994 Sovereign 4.0L 1981 XJ6 4.2L 1982 XJ6 4.2L 1985 XJ6 4.2L, 1985 Merc Coupe 3.8L & 1974 Holden Ute & 1937 Bruick 2.8L 1967 Daimler 2.5L 1968 420 4.2L, 1979 XJS 5.3L & 1974 Daimler VP 5.3L 420.42L 2012XF 2.2D 1966 MK 11 2.4L 1994 Sovereign 4.0L 1978 XJ Sedan 5.3L
We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome at meetings and functions. Noel Trew Membership Secretary
SS and Pushrod Engine Register minutes held at the home of Don & Margaret Evans on the 25th July 2012 The Minutes of the 27 June 2012 meeting were accepted as being a true record subject to the dates of the next meeting being corrected. Present: Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Don Evans, Brenton Hobbs, Bob Lynch, Jack Richardson, Bob Hill-Ling, Ross Rasmus. Apologies: Bruce Fletcher, Malcolm Adamson, Ross Gogler, David Adamson, Brenton Cliff.
SA & VICTORIA BORDER RUN, 2nd – 5th NOVEMBER 2012. Run #38 John Beaumont has issued the Entrant List as at 19 July. Victoria 19 vehicles, SA 13 SS Reg; Gogler, Kretschmer, Lewis +Guests, Fletcher, Adamson, Evans, Richardson, Rasmus, Caskey Guests (JCCC); Scott, Mott, Tenby, 2 more expected The SA group will take 2 days to travel with an over-night stay at Mt. Gambier.
TRI-STATE RUN TO DUBBO NSW 12-14 SEPT 2013: The Qld Club has just issued an initial Notice of Date, City & Accommodation venue. Secretary Bob to acknowledge & set up correct communication procedure. More discussion is required at the next meeting. The use of the term ‘Rally’ is not acceptable for SA. Pushrod engine cars should still be a priority although the Qld. Club is for vehicles having a chassis which includes the XK series. General Business: MV Registration Dept. not recognizing SS, SS Jaguar & some other makes of vehicles & also several body configurations- matter now taken up by the Executive. Several members having 6 digit Number plates would like to have their Historic Reg. Vehicles in joint –names. Unfortunately if they do that, they will lose the numeric plates. Don Evans offered to arrange a visit to Carl Linder’s collection of Jaguar cars at Tanunda. Malcolm Adamson asked if Bruce Fletcher’s Report on the Naracoorte Border Run was reported in the CM. (Sec. note Yes, December 2011)
JDCSA: 2014 National Rally, Refer to the CM
Special Celebrations; 40 years of SS Register 80 years of SS1 Model 90 years of SS Motor Company 40 years of Daimler Mk2
SA Jaguar Day 14 October planned to include several special features. Venue not yet clear. Secretary Note. Subsequent to the meeting, venue now confirmed as per last year at Civic Park. The Annual Dinner will be on Saturday 28 July at the Grand Chiefly Motel on South Tce. City. Fickle Finger of Fate – late entries, be quick! Photographs are still required for the 2013 calendar. Contact Di Adamson. TARGA Adelaide Night Stage Wed 22 August. SS Register Entrants are Malcolm Adamson Mk.1V dhc, Bob Hill-Ling SS 100, & Bob Kretschmer SS Jaguar 1 1/2L. The Executive has written to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles re the ‘Cosmetic Review of Conditional Registration’ See also CM. Phil Prior has called for interest in a 2nd Mid Week Picnic run to The Gorge Wildlife Park at Cudlee Creek Thurs. 20 Sep. Advise Phil direct. See also next CM. TECHNICAL: Bob Lynch tabled an ERG valve he had recently removed from his (diesel vehicle) & claims increased performance. Bob, since when have pushrod engine Jaguars had ERG valves? Des Brown reported difficulty in starting his 31/2 L Mk.1V dhc after some time un-used. The engine would not turn over. He received heaps of advice, beginning with turning the engine over with the manual crank handle & with the spark plugs removed, followed by a 14 step procedure. Stay tuned. Malcolm Adamson had previously advised he is considering having the steering box on his 31/2 L Mk.1V following the success of the recent job done on David’s 1 1/2L car. Brenton Hobbs reported that the August issue of ‘Jaguar World’ contains contact details of an English Co, Holman Engineering which offers ‘repairs & remanufacture of classic, vintage & veteran vehicles incl. steering boxes, water pumps & much more for SS & Jaguar vehicles up to Mk9, plus a parts finding service for pre 1950 SS Jaguar cars. Jack Richardson sought advice on the correct alignment of the gear lever for his MkV gearbox exchange. Ross Rasmus described that problems with starting his Mk. V were solved by fitting a new but smaller ignition coil inside the original casing. PARTS: Don Evans wants both front & rear bumper bars for his Mk2 currently under restoration to replace the original badly pitted units. Brenton Hobbs advised that the aluminium water up-take manifold elbows on the post-war 1 1/2l engines (which he has just had new ones machined from the solid) are now available from England. Don Evans tabled a headlight rim from a MkV which he has for sale. Members suggested it was probably from a later model. Bob Kretschmer sought advice re the better thermo-plastic material to use for headlight protector covers – poly carbonate or acrylic. Jack Richardson needs a right-angle speedo drive unit. REMINDERS Bay to Birdwood Rally Sunday 30 Sept will be for older cars. General Meeting Roster; SS Register Tuesday 7 August Meeting closed at 9.40pm & adjourned to Don’s garage to inspect the Mk. 2 currently being restored REGISTER MEETING DATES Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm August 29 - Bob Hill-Ling (AGM)
[5 Wednesdays in August]
GENERAL MEETING ROSTER The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb Mar
Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register TBA (XMAS function) E-Type Register SS & Daimler Register
Duty register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm start.
Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting.
Club & Other Events 4 September (Tuesday), 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM AGM - Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide 8 September (Saturday) Sporting Car Club - Come and Try - Collingrove Hillclimb 20 September (Thursday) All Day Cudlee Creek SA ({HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank"}). This
event will follow a similar format to the mid-week run held earlier this year to Clarendon. Contact Philip Prior Phone: 0402670654 2 November (Friday) - Climb to the Eagle 2 November (Friday) SS Register - BORDER RUN
More information regarding future events can be found on the website
Quick Reference for Register meetings General Meeting Register Meetings Mk 1,2 &420& S Type (Compact) E-Type Multivalve SS & Daimler XJ, Mk10 & 420G XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 V12
Tuesday, 4th September 2012
Second Tuesday of every second month 3rd Thursday of every month 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months Last Wednesday of each month 2nd Wednesday of every month Wednesday, 5th September 2nd Friday of every month
Car of the month If you are looking for an XJ40 that is one of those “extremely nice cars”, then look no further. This 1989 Jaguar XJ40 owned by Brenton Tamm is available exclusively to JDCSA club members for a short time before it hits the broader market. The vehicle is original Jaguar Arctic Blue and has travelled a mere 196,867 kilometers. The vehicle is in immaculate A1 condition and has all the classic features in this model. It’s also optioned with an electric sunroof & has variable vertical power tilt throughout. This car needs to be seen to be appreciated.
It comes with excellent references & has full Sovereign Auto Services history including original books / workshop manuals etc. Geoff Mockford @ Sovereign Auto Services 08 8362 5997 can be contacted to discuss the vehicles service history / condition. Brenton is reluctantly selling this car to fund his other baby, a“1985 Signal Red Daimler Series 3 Double Six Sedan” (this one is not for sale). Brenton will be joining the JDCSA in the very near future and is looking forward to the benefits and camaraderie the club boasts. He is keen to sell to a buyer who has a passion for this model. Asking $13,750.00 negotiable. Brenton can be contacted on 08 8333 1590 ( home ) 0419 818 469 ( mobile ) or { HYPERLINK "" } Reg No. UUK-099
CAT CLASSIFIEDS For Sale (New Add). Long time club members, Ivan & Janine Cooke have decided to reduce their collection of cats and pursue other interests. This page is dedicated to their beautiful jags, sadly, up for sale. CAR ONE - XJ12 sold new by Annande Thompson Pty Ltd in Queensland on 30/09/1977. As new red paint with black vinyl roof, Tan interior interior also close to new condition. Body in ecxellent condition. New radiator, rebuilt rear end including brakes and discs, rebuilt tail shaft and transmission mounting. All hoses and belts replaced, transmission filter and fluid replaced, new battery. A very reliable vehicle. All service books and records are included. Price $15,000 CAR TWO - 1971 rare and genuine 4.2 litre manual overdrive XJ6. 153,639 miles. For the first 61,000 miles it lived in the Bathurst area. Burgundy and tan. Interior needs restoring. Body in good condition. A very original vehicle with every thing in its correct place. Air conditioned with main air vents below instrument panel. Price $7,750
CAR THREE - 2001 X308 Sovereign, Platinum with Oatmeal Interior. 157,700klm. With log books, owners manuals, CD, spare keys etc. Engine oil & filter replaced at 5,000 klm to 7,000klm. intervals. Transmission serviced, Filter changed and fluid drained 4 times. Timing chain tensioners replaced, every coolant and heater hose replaced. Water pump replaced, thermostat and and housing replaced. These are the things which should be done for longevity. The body is unmarked and the interior is excellent. Price $25,750 CAR FOUR -1984 XJS Coupe Cobolt Blue, Doeskin leather interior. 167,300Klm, sold 7/12/1984 by New Rowley Motors NSW. Paint and body in unmarked condition. Totally rust free. Best body on any XJS which I have seen. Absolutely no accidents or damage. Excellent interior. Very economical and extremely responsive if required. One look or drive and you will want this classic. This XJS has been over serviced. I have known this car for over 20 years and owned it for 10 years. All service books and records are included. Price $22,000 Phone Ivan Cooke Ph 82809119 Mob 0407719203 Club member 292
For Sale (New Add) Jaguar XJ6 Car Bra As new $200 Contact Mark – 0407 663 350 or
For Sale (New Add) Jaguar XJ300 Sovereign 1997, LWB, Ice Blue/Beige, 159 000 km, Adelaide delivered, Two owners, All service records $20,000 ono Contact Geoff Clayton 8336 4770 or 0410 904 300
For Sale 1977 XJ Jaguar -6 cyl Vehicle currently does not run. Previously serviced and Fuel pump and battery replaced but it stopped working shortly thereafter. Has been left idle for 18 months. One fuel tanks is leaking, roof is faded and some rust throughout. Upholstery excellent condition. Door trims are missing however original timber style battens and some assorted spare parts are located in the boot. 85038 klms. Price: $1,500.00. Contact Peter on 0435 131 474.
For Sale 2004 Jaguar XJ8 X350 - 3.5 Ltr V8 with 6 Speed Automatic Alloy bodied. Last of the classic Jaguar XJ styling Charcoal grey with luxurious sandalwood leather interior Includes all the Jaguar standard luxuries and is sure to impress. A/C / dual climate control, power steering, remote entry 112,000 kms Price: $37,900 Philip Prior Mob: 0402 670 654 / Hm: 08 8276 6136 or Email
For Sale 1987 Sovereign V12 Series 3 Local Delivery 138,120 klms – Lovely car 2 Owners from new with unmarked interior Midnight Blue/Fawn Trim Books and delivery cassettes still in car NOTE: Car Has a head gasket problem and owber will consider all offers (Picture sample only) Contact Des Woolley Ph: 88922128 For Sale 1985 XJSC 5.3 Lt 140,000 kms Nothing tospend and ready to drive and enjoy. Can send more photos should anyone require more. Asking price around $25k Ph: Alan Dunsford - Mob 0429082419, Hm 0885763081 For Sale ‘For sale 420G, good interior, damage on LHS front. Contact Gerry on 0418 857 938’ For Sale (New Add) 1999 Jaguar S Type (SE) – (Rego XBO 269) Midnight Blue - Fawn Interior 3 ltr V6 - Full Service history with receipts for various works. 5 speed auto with Glass Tilt/Slide Sunroof 10 way Power Seats – with memories and Comprehensive Trip Computer, Heated front windscreen Electric “Tilt Away” Steering Column 6 CD Stacker etc Very good condition and worth inspection 136,000 klms Price $14,800 Contact Des Brown 8338 6753 mob 0402306097 For Sale 1988 XJS. 161,000 km. Bordeaux colour with Oatmeal leather Excellent condition throughout. New A/C compressor, Electric Fans, Superlite GTR wheels plus lots more $21,000, less for members. Contact Rick Luff Phone: 0411 426913, 8358 6292 or {HYPERLINK ""}
For Sale 1990 XJ12, V12 engine, Colour blue, Registration No: WNN 505 until April, drives beautifully and well maintained Selling due to illness Price: $11,000 Please contact Joy Jones (on behalf of Roy Malandain), on 83382598 or 0402585701 For Sale Jaguar XJS 1978 5.3 ltr V12 collectors car. Totally original 149,00 klm all books including delivery dockets and service records. Silver with black trim, velour seats, Regularly serviced by quality mechanic. Nothing to spend, very good rust free car. Will sell to best offer Reg Number SXJ 053 Phone Trevor Sharp 0415820719 For Sale XJ40 Sovereign 3.6 L. Year: 1988 Australian plated Delivered on 26/8/1988. 133400 Kms. to date. Condition is very clean. No rust or damage. With all books and service record intact. Serviced regularly by Sovereign Motors. (both Geoff and Graham can vouch for this car}. Colour: Tungsten. Registered until 24/5/12. Price: $7000 ONO. Contact: James Harradine. 5 Hurcombe Street, West Beach. Phone: 83561087 For Sale Jaguar XKI50 Roadster Chassis No. 835291, Engine No V5696-9 Ex Californian car shown in Black etch Overdrive, Body off chassis restoration by to date. All has been completed by Finch Restorations at Mt Barker using USA import panels. Bulkhead converted to take RHD. Comprehensive range of photos to show mechanical, body abd trim parts available via E-mail or can send photos Price: $77,000 Phone Doug Short 8364 6244 OR 0417883037
For Sale XJ6 Series 1 - 4.2 (6 cyl) 3 speed auto - Red Original condition $7000.00 ono Ph: V.R. Wyld – 85 412 524 or 0429412524 For Sale 1989 XJ40 Navy Blue, good condition, 143000Km $7000.00 Contact Bill 8445 7060 For Sale 1960 Jaguar Mk IX Old English White with red interior. Good looking (beautiful) and reliable. It has been used as our Club Car for the last 16 years and has travelled extensively throughout S.A. and interstate. Doug Harrison - (08) 8333 0057 or 0407 711 351 For Sale 1971 - 4.2LITRE 6CYL Colour Grey REGO NO WGXO24 (Last registered in March 2011) Duel fuel Phone: 08.85704117 OR Mobile 0427862996 For Sale XJ6 Jaguar 1971 Series 1 Interior Beige / Exterior Red Engine 4.2 ltr 6 (recondition engine) Transmission 3 sp Automatic / good tyres. Rego RGY 978. expire 3/2012. Condition good. Have had car for 22 years. Ex-member of the JDC of SA. $ 6.500 ono Phone 8278 1646 For sale MK11 Bonnet complete two side chromes $65. MK 11 Hub Caps [4] $60. M11 Rim Embellishers [5] $15each. Phone Tony 0423 596 397 Wanted Roof canes for securing roof lining on 1965 Mark 2 Please contact Tom Brindle on 83870051 or 043 881 8780 or {HYPERLINK ""}
The Cat’s Giggle
Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM
We, the undersigned, being financial members of the Jaguar Drivers Club
of SA Inc. hereby nominate:_________________________
for the position of__________________________________
on the Executive Committee of the Club . (Proposer: name) (Signed)_________________________________________________
(Seconder: name) (Signed)_________________________________________________
I hereby accept the above nomination:
(Signature of nominee)
Completed nomination forms must be lodged with the Secretary before the close of the September General Meeting on 6 September 2011. Only financial senior and adult family members can hold office