2013 May Classic Marque

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May 2013 2013 2013 1973 1973



The Monthly Magazine of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Buying your E type Jag on eBay

25 years of Jaguar R Performance Cars

Jaguar XJR with 404kW V8 for release in Oz late 2013

Club Directory Management Committee:

Register Secretaries

President Phone: Email:

XK, MK 7,8,9 Email: SS & Daimler Email: MK 1, 2, S, 420 Email: V12 Email: XJ, 420G, MKX Email: E-Type Email: Multi-Valve Email:

Peter Holland (08) 8271 0048 president@jdcsa.com.au

Vice President Di Adamson Mobile: 0407 862 758 Email: vicepresident@jdcsa.com.au Treasurer Mobile: Email:

Tim White 0419 809 021 treasurer@jdcsa.com.au

Secretary Mobile: Email:

Julian Lugg 0417 882 930 secretary@jdcsa.com.au

Robin Ide 0428 816 678 rdide@tpg.com.au Malcolm Adamson (08)82783002 daimlerss@jdcsa.com.au Geoff Thomas (08) 8374 3228 gemathom@adam.com.au Roger Adamson 0421 052 518 v12@jdcsa.com.au Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111 xj420g@jdcsa.com.au Alan Baker 0429 097 729 etype@jdcsa.com.au Ron Palmer 0418 855 597 multivalve@jdcsa.com.au

Editor ‘Classic Marque’ Philip Prior Phone: (08) 8276 6136 Mobile: 0402 670 654 Email: philipprior@bigpond.com

Club Services

Membership Secretary Daphne Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 Mobile: 0404 999 200 Email: membership@jdcsa.com.au


Events Coordinator Bill Browne Phone: (08) 8355-1214 Mobile: 0429 169 798 Email: wbrowne5@bigpond.com Web Editor Mobile: Email:

Tom Herraman 0423 214 644 info@jdcsa.com.au

JDCSA Committee Members Email: committee@jdcsa.com.au Club Web Site www.jdcsa.com.au Club Postal Address PO Box 30, Rundle Mall SA 5000

Technical Officer Geoff Mockford Ph. (08) 8362 5997 / 0438 768 770


David Bicknall 0411 066 225 Tom & Marj Brindle (08)8387 0051

Log Books Julian Lugg: 0417 882 930

Inspectors—Historic Registration North

Don Evans (08) 8251 1575


Evan Spartalis (08) 8362 8116 and Geoff Mockford (08) 8223 1997


Onslow Billinghurst (08)8325 1971

Club Representatives Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) Rick Luff 0411 426 913 Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (FHMC) Neil Murrie (08) 8431 4497 / 0412 735 548 Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) Barry Kitts (08) 8391 1759 All British Day Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111

Classic Marque The official magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia is produced calendar monthly with the exception of January. The Deadline for all copy is the last Tuesday of each month. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject or modify content submitted for publication. The opinions / views expressed in published articles are wholly those of the respective authors, and are not necessarily those of Jaguar, the Editor, the Club, or the Members. Advertisers and sponsors who place advertisements do so because they value their association with the JDCSA. Placement of these advertisements should not necessarily be taken to mean the club endorses the services offered. 2

Club Torque

Good Friends "There's nothing better than a good friend except a good friend with chocolate" I noticed this statement on the wall of a coffee shop at Adelaide Airport recently. We would all agree on the importance of good friends (and probably on the desirability of chocolate). Many of us I am sure have good friendships dating back to childhood that are still so important to us today. Having moved interstate in 1980 we left a lot of our best friends behind in NSW, but even though it can be months and even years between catching up it does not change the friendship, it is as if the time lapse is unimportant to the friendship itself. Whilst other friends we have met more recently are just as important to us. I recall hearing the saying, "A friend is a stranger you have not met yet" and it can be so true. So what is the point of this rambling about friends? It is not that I am just getting old and sentimental, although the 'getting old' bit is true. When I read the sign in the coffee shop my warped mind re interpreted the words a little to read, "There's nothing better than a good friend except a good friend with a Jaguar." Corny, I know, some would even say tragic, but it sums up my experience as a member of the Jaguar Drivers Club of SA. I have, since joining the club, met a lot of strangers whom I now regard as friends and I know this to true for so many others. It is the clubs 40th year this year and I wonder just how many lasting friendships have been formed through club activities in those 40 years? I guess we may never know. Philip Prior (Editor)

Letters to the Editor

Cats & Cans 2013 Hello Phil It was terrific to chat to you yesterday on the phone in relation to the Cats and Cans Day. As discussed we are delighted to be in partnership once again with the Jaguar Drivers Club SA in relation to this initiative. Also confirming that I along with Lin Goed (to be confirmed) to attend your General Meeting. As the day gets closer I am sure that we will have more communication on the subject. Thank you once again Phil for your kind generosity and consideration. Kindest regards Paul Hateley (Major) Corps Officer Ingle Farm

‘S’-Type Brake Lights Hi Philip I have been looking at the latest issue of "Classic Marque" and noticed your article regarding brake lights. I too had the same problem with my 1966 Mk2, and was constantly going to my repairer for a replacement switch which in some cases lasted only a couple of months. On the last occasion a mechanic suggested a complete drain of the brake fluid as sometimes it can become 'acidic' which can cause the switch to fail. This was done and to this day (touch wood) the problem seems to be fixed. This was about 3 years ago now, and so far all's well. Regards Ian Muir Jaguar Car Club Of WA It is good to have a contribution from a Jaguar enthusiast from WA. with another practical tip on this subject.—Ed.

Cover Story A montage celebrating 25 years of Jaguar R products, from the 1988 XKR-S to the recently announced 2013 XJR. Image printed from the JDHT April Newsletter. (Story page 10) The new Jaguar XJR will be the highest performance XJ sedan with 550-HP and a raft of other modifications (Story page 20) 3

Club Torque PRESIDENT’S REPORT (By Vice President Di Adamson) Peter has asked me to step in and take pen to paper in his absence. I hope everyone has their fingers and toes crossed hoping for good weather on Sunday the 28th April for the McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic. By the time you read this report it will of course be all over. Every year we have a great turnout of Jaguars, they seem to out number all other groups. This year will be our first year at Penny’s Hill Winery and we are looking forward to a great event. (see the report in this edition of CM) April was the time of year again when Jaguars gather nationally to preserve the marque and show their grace, space and pace. We were represented by 8 SA Jaguars/Daimlers who travelled the road to Wollongong for a very successful National Rally that was enjoyed by all. We are pleased they are all home safe and sound and look forward to hearing more about their travels. On the way home Geoff and Marg Thomas departed the entourage at Narrandera due to a fault with the water pump and endured a long trip home in a tow truck with Marg sitting on a cushion between the driver and Geoff for 10 very long hours. In July this year we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our club and have planned two events. On Saturday the 27th July we are holding an Anniversary Dinner in the Sunset room at Sfera’s Function Centre at Modbury. We have a band booked so don’t forget to wear your dancing shoes. On Sunday the 28th July we are having a 2 course Spit Roast Carvery in the park alongside Sfera’s where we have arranged for a large marquee, tables and chairs to be erected. Our Jaguars will be parked on the lawn area in front of the marquee and will feature “Celebrating 50 years of the S Type Old to New”. We have 6 motel rooms confirmed and several more on hold for members to book if you would like to stay overnight. The rooms are quite bright and modern and have secure under cover parking, so call Sfera’s on 83978600 to book your room before they run out. You can visit www.sferas.com to view the rooms. Tickets for both events are available from your Reg-

ister Secretary. I look forward to seeing you at one or both events. If you know of any past members that may be interested in our celebrations, please pass their details to me so I can ensure they are invited to join us at these events. Dave Bicknell has conducted a competition to create a logo for our 40th Anniversary Regalia. It was great to see the number of people that took a lot of time and effort to produce 6 entries of very high quality. Dave was very happy with all the entries which made his task of choosing a winner very difficult. The winning logo and regalia will be launched over the next few weeks. Don’t forget the May General Meeting where we will be entertained by the “Three/Four Tenors” from the XJ Register. I have been told it is quite entertaining. Hope to see you there. Regards Di Adamson

MEMBERSHIP AND HISTORIC REGISTRATION RENEWALS 2013 / 2014 DUE DATE: 31st July 2013 When you receive your renewal notice please complete and update all information, including details of current vehicles, contact information and email addresses HISTORIC REGISTRATION LOG BOOKS & STATUTORY DECLARATIONS When forwarding your renewal please supply:  Your current Log Books,  Your current registration papers (originals)  Your completed Statutory Declaration Form (NOTE: Copies cannot be accepted) Please supply a stamped self addressed envelope for the return of Log Book and Registration papers NOTE: Statutory Declarations Forms can be printed from the Club web site.

Daphne Charman (Membership Secretary)

Quote for the Month “The past should be left in the PAST otherwise it can destroy your FUTURE. Live life for what TOMORROW has to offer not for what YESTERDAY has taken away “ 4

General Meeting Minutes Minutes of the General Meeting of JDCSA—2nd April 2013 Meeting opened by Vice President Di Adamson at 7.45pm Noted that attendance was down due to many members including the President and other key members being at the National Jaguar Rally at Wollongong. No guest speaker has been arranged. Present: Please refer to signing-in sheets Apologies: Sue White, Reg Wymond, Bruce Fletcher, Ross Rasmus, Bob Hill-Ling, Peter and Ros Holland, Alan Baker, Tom and Marj Brindle, Ron and Claire Palmer, Brian and Sue Walker Guests & New Members: None Minutes From Previous Meeting – Accepted – Business Arising from the Minutes: Dane Wilden reported on the recent Movie Night being pleased with the Funds raised for Cancer Council The Shitbox Rally will be on 4 May. Details on Facebook. President’s Report: Di advised that President Peter had telephoned to say the National Rally was excellent all-round. The new Format of the General Meetings has had a favourable response. The May Meeting will have The Three Tenors, June will have Ozzie Petrucco (XK Register). who wrote the book ‘Fair Dinkum Aussie’. Alan Baker has offered to organize JAG Day on Sunday 27th October at either Civic Park or Brighton High School oval. Watch CM. Tickets for the 40 Yrs Anniversary Dinner Dance on

28 July at Sfera’s are $60 pp. Contact Register Secretaries. Lunch on Sunday 29th. See CM. Numbers for the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event on Saturday 27& 28 April are required for each lunch option- advise Register Secretaries. Di tabled an original 1986 issue of the Classic Marque. It discussed the possibility of a jaguar engine instead of Nissan going in the new VL (about to be released) Commodore and the possible repercussions “Jagador”, “XJ Calais” etc Secretary’s Report: Julian Lugg. Reminder re Logbooks, please send a sae by end June for best response.. Treasurer’s Report: Tim White Current balance is over $17,000 with new subs to start coming in from next month, a healthy financial position. CM Editor: Philip Prior Reported on some good contributions from members but submissions are always encouraged, especially for the Member’s Pride section for the May Edition, There is to be a static display of S-Types ‘Then & Now’ to celebrate 50 years. More info coming. Events; Bill Browne For the McLaren Vale event there is to be a dinner at Serafinos Winery Saturday night. The run on Sunday is to start at 11.00 am meet at the Victoria Hotel. Library: Tom Brindle is still away. Multi Valve Register: Peter Clarke Next meeting May 28 at Solitaire 7.30 for 8.00. Numbers please. General Business: Vice President Di Adamson thanked the SS & Pushrod Engine Register for providing the supper & for taking the minutes. Meeting closed at 8.05 pm.


Register Minutes SS and Pushrod Engine Register Minutes of Meeting held at the home of Ross & Jan Rasmus Wednesday 27th March 2013. The Minutes of 27th February 2013 were accepted as being a true record of the meeting. Prersent Bruce Fletcher, Ross Rasmus, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, Malcolm Adamson, Jack Richardson, Ross Gogler, Don Evans, Bob Lynch Apologies David Adamson, Bob Hill-Ling, John Lewis, Brenton Hobbs 1, SA and Vic Boarder Run Nov. 2012 Run No, 38 President Bruce Fletcher will prepare a Summary Report now that his computer is fixed. BF 2. Tri-State Run Dubbo NSW 12-14 Sept. 2013 Run No.39: Bob Kretschmer had relayed the message from Qld. to Register members with a reminder seeking full Run Registration details by return to him. President Bruce advised Fred Richardson (Qld) of our concerns about the over-use of busses vs own vehicles for local visits & no individual activity costs. Bruce to chase again. BF Those members intending to p a r t i ci p at e & h av e b o ok e d accommodationBruce Fletcher, Jack Richardson, Malcolm Adamson, Ross Gogler, Bob Kretschmer, Bob Hill-Ling. Bob Kretschmer to submit list to Qld. as at end March. RJK

contingent departs Wednesday 11 Sept. & travel via Broken Hill 510 km, staying o/night, second day to Cobar 459 km. o/n, leaving 269km for Friday to Dubbo.

4. JDCSA: 1. The Annual Dinner celebrating 40 years of JDCSA is to be on Saturday 27 July at Sfera’s Convention Center at Modbury.

The return trip will be the reverse. Agreed.

Malcolm will arrange a table for he, Don & Margaret Evans & Bob Kretschmer, any others wishing to attend advise Malcolm ASAP.

Bob Kret schm er accommodation.


arrange RJK

Malcolm Adamson has arranged window stickers for both Port Fairy & Dubbo. MA

2. Photographs are required for the Club 2013 Calendar

3. General Business 1. Bruce Fletcher advised that Ian Mullins of Melbourne had told him of a fleet of MkV wedding

4. McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 April. Numbers are required for the separate lunch options- see CM p18.

cars for sale in Victoria. There is an advertisement in the current ‘Unique Cars’ magazine. The fleet consists of 3 x sedans plus a dhc. for $239,000.

5. Special Celebrations;

2. Don Evans advised that he had recently been contacted per interstate telephone from his role as an inspector for Historic Registration vehicles, requesting a value for a Jaguar 1½ l sedan as part of a deceased estate. 3. Ross Rasmus enquired about progress with the proposed JDC General Meeting guest speaker on auto air conditioning systems. It has not happened yet. Don Evans said that there were several small portable evaporative systems available. 4. Des Brown mentioned that he believes a previous member Les Stewart (1948 Mk 1V) had rejoined the Club.

Possible late entries-

5. Ross Gogler advised that our September Dubbo Run coincided with the General Election & that members should arrange absentee votes.

Don Evans, plus Guests from JCCC but several previous attendees the have already entered the National Federation Run to Canberra.

6. Malcolm Adamson & Bob Kretschmer have been in contact with new member Bill Everett (1948 Mk1V dhc)

John Caskey has booked for the Dubbo Run & will join the group at Broken hill.

7. Don Evans asked about the proposed weekend in Port Lincoln Still on the back burner.

There is some additional interest for Dubbo subject to specific information coming from Qld.

8. Ross Gogler mentioned that Ian Mullins (Vic) had advised the Victorian Club had recently taken possession of a 2 ½ l sedan from the Pallis estate, as a Club car.

There will be a static display of the vehicles RJK Don Evans proposed that SA

3. Cats & Cans. See CM

40 years of SS 1 Model April 2014 90 years of Swallow. 6. 2013 Jag Day Sunday October, Refer to CM


5. Technical 1. Ross Rasmus enquired about seat leather restoration. Try Guru Leather & Paint Supplies. 2. Bob Kretschmer reported that his Luvax-Girling shock absorbers have been sent to Qld through Peddars for service as there are no longer people available in SA or Victoria. Bob’s 1939 engine is due to leave Melbourne Thursday. The crankshaft rear seal mod will need to be done locally The W55 5-speed gear box at Newton is to be checked for having the correct extension Housing. Ross tabled his file on the same model gearbox from his earlier installation in his SS1. Jack Richardson’s MkV conversion is nearly finished. 3. Don Evans suggested new 89S radial ply 550 X 18” tyres for Mk 1V Jaguars. 4. Ross Gogler reported on progress of his ‘spare’ engine for his 2 ½ l car, particularly the line- boring currently being done by Chris Milton of Adelaide. 5. Hancock & Just north of Grand Junction Rd. can still do front wheelalignment on Jaguar Mk1V vehicles. (modern equipment can not cope with the spoke wheel hubs & spinners) 6. Parts 1. Des Brown has a pair of Mk1V


dhc sun visors for sale. 7. Reminders General Meeting Roster for SS Register – 2nd April 2013 8. Register Meeting Dates Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm April 24 Don Evans May 29 Bob Hill-Ling June 26 Bob Lynch July 31 TBA August 28 “ (AGM) Meeting closed at 9.30pm. Supper: Thankyou Minute Distribution: Email; Bruce Fletcher, Phil Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, David Adamson, Digby Thomas, Bill Everett.

Coming Events: British Classic Tour – leaving from Jolly Street Victor Harbor at 9:30 on 5th May, meet at the Victoria Hotel at 8:30. McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Day – 28th April, reminder from Ron to let him know if partaking of the $20 BBQue at Penny’s Hill Winery. Multivalve Hosting on the October long weekend – rundown provided by organiser, Tony Human. Note we will leave on Friday 4th October and return on Tuesday 8th October, that is a 5 day event. First night at Kimba, 2 nights at Streaky Bay with local bus tour, then returning by a more southerly route through Lock and Cowell and onto Pt Augusta for the last night. Please contact Tony 7 cars confirmed with bookings available for 12 to 14. Car Talk

————————————— Minutes of the Multivalve Register Meeting held at the home of Bill Browne and Margaret Piper on Tuesday 26th March 2013

A most entertaining and informative ‘discussion’ with some new members to the register with recent acquisitions. Note that Daphne has requested that members who have sold or purchased vehicles in the past 12 months to contact her with the details. This enables her to update the history records progressively and prior to membership renewal time.

Present: Peter Clarke, Bob & Daphne Charman, Tony Human, Glyn Jones, Geoff Clayton, Des Brown, Doug & Sue Harrison, Ian & Janet McDowall, Bill Browne & Margaret Piper, Tony & Kay Ellis and guests David & Judi Lindsey. Apologies: John & Lesley Clarke, Ray Smithers & Judy Langdon, Brian & Sue Walker, Tom & Marj Brindle and Claire & Ron Palmer - all at the National Rally in Wollongong, and John Castle, Ray & Barbara Offe and John & Wendy Stanley.

Doug & Sue – 1990 XJ40 4 Litre – 242,000 kms, NTR, “lovely car” Tony & Kay – new addition – 2005 3 Litre S-Type – 72,500 kms, bought in January from Melbourne, Tony had a hard time with vehicle transport, flights etc but IT WAS WORTH IT, another “lovely car” according to Kay but she has not driven it yet!. Much discussion re the pros and cons of changing the oil in the ‘sealed for life auto gearbox’. This is an expensive job only for experts – the correct oil is essential and the

Post; Don Evans. R.J. Kretschmer SS Register Secretary

process to achieve the correct level is complex. Bill has had it done at $1,000 and now has the modification to carry out future changes of oil and filter for $600. Des said he had it done on his previous S-Type, a couple of gear teeth were found and this led to a $7,000 repair bill. The wrong oil will have the same result. David & Judi Lindsey – guests – 2002 2.5 Litre X Type – 83,000 kms, owned 9 years, very little maintenance in this time, aircon repair the only large expense, the battery lasted 11 years. Bill & Margaret - 2005 S-Type 3 Litre – 84,000 kms, auto gear box service as mentioned. Advised to do every 40,000 kms. Ian & Janet – 1998 XK Convertible 4 Litre – 64,000 kms – War and Peace drama regarding a nonfunctioning fuel pump – entire rear of interior then diff dropped to access pump to find that it was only a loose clamp on the hose from the pump. Has damage to bonnet – dent knock job AND has lost his keys for the past 3 weeks, only has the valet key. Des – 2009 X Type 2.2 Litre diesel – 28,000 kms, the last update of the model and a stunner. Des purchased it in Adelaide last year and is very impressed with the responsive diesel (loves the 366 torque). Geoff - 2006 XJ 3 Litre (XJ350) – 49,000 kms, NTR, basically like new, still has original battery. Glyn – 2000 S-Type SE 3 Litre – only 33,200 kms, declared that the current battery is now 7 years old and OK despite frequent overseas trips, the original lasted only 2 years and the Jaguar replacement only 2 years. Last year he traded his very low k HSV on a new one only to have it side swiped in McLaren Flat by an inattentive driver, only 850


Register Minutes kms on the odo, now all patched up with new parts, at a cost of $15,000. Tony - 2012 XJ Diesel 3 Litre Premium Luxury – 10,000 kms, need 3 pages of magazine to print his adulations, absolutely unbelievable, a delight, a dream, exceedingly pleased, 10x expectations……sports car feel, more direct steering, 6 speed with paddles, economy 7.8 around town and 6.1 on a trip, just over 1500 revs at 110 kms/hour. Had oil changed at 3,000 and last week. He wrote to Jaguar Australia to suggest a change to the instrument panel and was pleased to receive a call from a technician who said he would pass the idea to Jaguar Cars. Rob & Daphne – S-Type 4.2 Litre – ‘Check engine’ comes on sporadically, otherwise all going really well. (also mentioned big red, the famous 420 G). Peter – 2012 XJ Diesel 3 Litre Premium Luxury – 5,500 kms – twin to Tony’s, ditto comments, very quick, especially at passing speeds, amazing economy. Pity that we cannot fully exploit the full performance potential of our cars. Next Meeting – Tuesday 28th May 2013


Minutes of the V12 Register Meeting Held on 12th April, 2013 Present: Rick Luff & Louise Pitt, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson, Richard & Margie Foster, Murray DeLaine, Allan Baker, Gary Dunn, Tom & Mardy Herraman, Scott Karina and Imogen Galloway Apologies: Brian and Sue Walker, Bruce Fletcher BUSINESS: Big thanks to Rick and Louise for opening up their beautiful home for this meeting Reminder: McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic on the 28th April Reminder to attend next month’s General Meeting and get entertained by the 3+1 Tenors from the XJ register Volvo Vikings about to head off (early May) and have raised well in excess of the $4000 required – Good Luck Dane!.

Don’t forget the 40th Aniversary Dinner 27th July and the Carvery lunch on the 28th July. Remember to start getting those Calender Photos in for next year’s Calender Any Members who are interested in becoming V12 register secretary please contact Roger as he no longer has a V12 and would like to pass the reigns to a V12 owner. CAR TALK Richard Some issue when the Xjs is left for a while it seems to leak fuel. Alan Baker outlined a couple of approaches to diagnosing. Sometimes when indicating there is a power surge through the Cruise control. Thoughts there could be some earth issues. Rick Had the XJS tuned and running very well. Race car seems to be running well, looking forward to the next run at Mallalla and putting her through her paces. New, 2nd hand, Jaguar racing suit bought looks really good. Scott A Has been working on the TR7 recently and becoming a very accomplished MIG welder especially on very thin car panels. Tom Very busy and not used the Etype much NTR. Murray Has had the cars tuned and they are running better than ever. Alan The Dtype is progressing very well. Very busy working on various Etypes there is not enough time to work on his own. Scott G XJS indicator stopped working. Had some interesting experiences trying to buy from overseas and the vendor adding exorbitant shipping fees. Eventually did not proceed with the purchase NEXT MEETING: Will be on 14th June, 2013. All welcome. (Please note: NO MAY MEETING) Roger Adamson, Register Secretary


Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10, & 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s, South Rd, Clarence Gardens on Wed. 10th April Present David Bicknell, George Calvert, Bob & Daphne Charman, John & Claire Evans, Fay Leyton, Graeme & Betty Moore, Martin O’Dea, Phil Prior, Evan & Andrea Spartalis, Merv Tucker, Steve Arthur, Walter & Beryl Bullock, James Mann, Ray & Barb Offe, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Richard Caunce.


Richard Caunce

Apologies Sue Prior, Darryl Leyton, Pete & Kath Taylor, John Best, Pete & Ros Holland, George & Red Hughes, Borys Potiuch, Noel & Carmel Trew. Missing Member One of our Register members is missing and we’re hoping this appeal will find him. He is described as White male, short, big red nose, white hair, constant frown, and a grumpy appearance. ( Does this sound like one of the seven dwarfs?) He goes by the name “Darryl” and he has a strange fetish with trains. If he should be spotted, please notify the Register Secretary or his Wife A.S.A.P. General Business Broken Hill Tour. May 24th to 26th. Numbers coming in slowly. Full details will be emailed to you shortly. Jag Dinner on the 27th July discussed. Daphne will have tickets soon. Di Adamson needs photos for our yearly Calendar. Spoke of the requirements etc. The Three Tenors floor show will be appearing again at the May General Meeting at the Police Club. Our Register’s Golf Day will be at the Glanville Par 3 on Sunday the 16th June. Hit Off about 2pm. This is a FUN day. Afternoon tea supplied. Victor Harbour Classic on the 5th of May. Entries must be in by the 16th April. McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic. Numbers for B.B.Q. Lunch. Approx 20.


Phil Prior gave details of run to Tanunda. 50 years of ‘S’ types. Old and new. However this is now to be replaced with a static display of “S”Types at the 40th Club celebrations at Civic Park Sunday 28th July and also at Jag Day 27th October Jag Day 27th October will be held at the Brighton Oval. (Editors Note: Up date on Jag Day—will now be at Civic Park same as last year) Xmas Dinner at the German Club is Friday the 6th December. Names are being taken now.

Car Talk Steve Arthur Series 2 on the road again. Sprung leak on gasket. Has to see Evan re warranty. Evan denies any knowledge. David Bicknell Gertrude window mechanism repaired. Has kick down cable for 420 Walter & Beryl Bullock N . T . R . Except spongy brakes. George Calvert Fuel gauge not working. Needs to change oil filter. $125 for one in Melbourne and about the same from California. Has had the car inspected by Onslow Billinghurst for Historic Registration. Bob & Daphne Charman Still trying to get the clock to work. John & Claire Evans Had a few runs this month. Car running a bit rough. Changed one of the spark plugs which was pretty rough. Car did not improve until he noticed two of the leads were on the wrong cylinders. Changed them over, car running like new. Fay Leyton Derek still rusting, sorry that should be resting. Sovereign taken to Victor harbor. All good. James Mann Worked brakes. Then realised he left locking wheel nut remover on wheel. Lost it so had to bash wheel nuts off.

on the the the

Richard Caunce 1975 XJ, Had it for 10 years. Took it to Evan to fix a few small things. Evan found plenty. Car resprayed ‘Champagne Bronze’ as per Vanden Plas. Would like the seats out of Merv Tucker’s car. Merv getting nervous. Graeme & Betty Moore H a v e n ’ t driven XJ for a month. X300 been out a bit. Still hard to start when cold. After that it’s all OK. Ray & Barb Offe XJS fine. Series 1 still working on. XJC not touched

Martin O’Dea Checked the fluids in the car. Couldn’t get the cap off the expansion tank. When he did he left the cap from the lubricant on top of the tank, so he couldn’t close the bonnet. When he found out what he had done, he found a small hole in the tank. Such luck, he thought he must have run over a chinaman. (That seems only bad luck for the chinaman) Anne-Marie Pijanka The Green Genie is running well. Took it to the beach. The patrol officers had a look at it and were impressed. Was pleased when they left before the car sank in the sand. Have ordered new door trims and leather seat covers from the U.K. $2700 including postage. Should be ready for Bay to Birdwood. Phil Prior S Type N.T.R. Coupe still for sale. Series 1 alternator rebuilt. May put air cond. in. Still looking at all the options. Evan & Andrea Spartalis Jags all going OK. Mk2 still on the hoist. Took the ‘E’ type for a run. The Merc has original wheels and had the paintwork done. Looking great. Merv Tucker N.T.R. as he had to keep going outside to make sure his front seats were still in the car. Meeting closed at 8.45pm. Next meeting: Wednesday 8th May, 2013, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm.


Minutes of the Mk 1, MK 2, S Type & 420 (Compacts) held at the home of Bill & Heather Jones on Tuesday 9th April 2013. Present: Colin & Margaret Haese, Di & Roger Adamson, Bill & Heather Jones, Richard Shipman, Bill Browne & Margaret Piper, Phil Prior, David Bicknell, Marg & Geoff Thomas, Tim & Sue White. Apologies: Doug & Judy Tilley, John Gentilcore, Peter & Ros Holland, Tom & Marj Brindle, Noel & Jo Orford & Ray Thomas. Welcome to guests Roger & Di Adamson Business Arising: 40th Anniversary Dinner at Sfera’s on Sat 27th July. Tickets available in April. See Classic Marque. (Car Display & Spit Roast on Sunday 28th

July at Tea Tree Gully Oval.) McLaren Vale Vintage numbers required for BBQ lunch & dinner in restaurant. Meet at Hotel Victoria (Top of Taps at8.30/9.00 if you wish to go down in group.) Banner for S Type anniversary discussed. British Classic Tour to be held on May 5 th to go inconvoy meet at Hotel Victoria.at 8.15 for 8.30 departure. Car Talk Colin; NTR Roger: NTR Richard: Brakes locking, master cylinder looked at. He would like an indicator switch Bill B: NTR Phil: S Type, all going well Dave; power window door switch replaced Tim; NTR Geoff; jamming power steering fixed. A tale of woe from the National Jag Rally. The car came home from Narrandera on the back of a tow truck because the water pump was leaking badly. Bill; NTR All adjourned to Bill’s garage to look at his GT 40, which should be finished by Christmas. Thanks to Bill & Heather for the supper and hosting the meeting Next meeting at the home of Phil & Sue Prior on Tuesday 11th June, 1 Salrak Ave, Marion. Reg Sec GEOFF

—————————————-Minutes of the XK 7 8 9 Register Meeting at the Goodales’, at Balaklava, Sunday 7 April 2013 Attendance: Present were: Peter and Judy Goodale, Robin Ide, Julian and Moira Lugg, Richard and Carla Smith, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, John and Lindsey Williams, John Dunning and Rob Smith. Apologies were received from: Peter and Ros Holland, Sue and Doug Harrison, Jack and Sally Metzer, Ossie and Rayeena Petrucco, Graeme and Fiona Schultz, Trevor Bywater, Peg and Rod Davis and Rob and Vicki Loffler. Previous Minutes: It was agreed Register Minutes Continued p.14


Idle Chatter One Plus One Equals One—D-type For many reasons – some legitimate, some dodgy – two competition cars can end up with the same chassis number. When key parts became too worn or damaged to be worth repairing they were replaced, and that would include everything from engines and transmissions to chassis and bodywork. So you can end up with a car that, through continuous history, retains its identity despite containing few of its original components. All is fine until someone gathers some of the discarded old parts and repairs them to form the basis of a second car with a greater claim to originality and the chassis number. With values tightly linked to period history owners can try to sort the matter out in court, but Gary Bart-

lett decided to buy both versions of Jaguar D-type chassis XKD530 to create one unequivocal version, and an honest copy. You can read the story in the May issue of Classic Cars, on sale now. For more information on this story www.classiccarsmagazine.co.uk

There are plenty of Jaguars with GMH V8 motors - but what about a Holden with a Jaguar Motor?

MK2 pictured recently in a quarry in North Yorkshire UK. Photo submitted by Richard Shipway

Jaguar ‘R’ Anniversary - 25 Years Another anniversary that is being celebrated this year is 25 years of Jaguar ‘R’ products. It was back in May 1988 that Jaguar teamed up with Tom Walkinshaw Racing (TWR) to create Jaguar Sport – building on the long standing motor sport relationship between the two companies that had led to European Touring Car Championship success with the XJS and a return to Le Mans (culminating with victory in the June 1988 race). TWR had been marketing some cosmetic and mechanical modifications for both XJ saloon and XJS sports models since 1983 under the TWR Jaguar Sport banner, but these products were not endorsed by Jaguar Cars. The new Jaguar Sport business was a 50/50 joint venture between TWR and Jaguar, and brought the talents of TWR and

Well it might have been. The following is an interesting quote from the March edition of the Classic Marque in 1986. “...it was recently reported in the press that the new Commodore VL could have had a Jaguar engine instead of the Nissan motor. Apparently GMH had discussions with Browns Lane about the supply of engines but no agreement had been reached. . . . . . . . Imagine some of the unfulfilled repercussions. . A “Jagadore” for under $20,000, a Walkinshaw / Brock entry at Bathurst! . . . . . The birth of a Holden Register in the club! . . . . The possibility of a Jaguar station wagon! . . . . An XJ Calais . . . . OK!?” Jaguar Engineering together to create some dedicated sports models that were distinguished by carrying the ‘R’ designation. The first products launched in 1988 were the XJR 3.6 saloon and the XJR-S 5.3 V12 sports car – the first 100 were limited edition models to celebrate the Le Mans victory. The products were produced at a new Jaguar Sport facility at Bloxham near Banbury that went on in subsequent years to be the manufacturing location for the XJ220 super car. Further models followed with an XJR 4.0 and XJR-S 6.0 V12 but Jaguar decided to bring production fully in house with the launch of the 1995 X300 XJR model with its supercharged version of the 4.0 litre AJ16 engine - and the Jaguar Sport name and the joint venture with TWR were discontinued. 10

Club Notices MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6(b-c) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this notice. Roland & Patricia Hogan 1967 420 Sedan Philip & Beverley Adams 1981 Daimler Sovereign Trevor & Claire Byrne1984 XJ6 Jaguar Sovereign Alexander Copeland 1968 E-Type Roadster James & Arcadia Komaromi 2008 Jaguar S-Type Penelope & Anthony Hogan1989JaguarSovereign The following applications listed in the February Classic Marque magazine have been accepted Bill & Paula Everett 1948 MK lV Drop Head Chris & Kath Sheehan 1978 &1981 XJS &1985 XJS Don & Julie Smith 2002 S-Type V6 Sedan Brian & Sandra Davies 1995 X300 Sedan Leslie Stewart 1966 MK ll & 1948 MK lV Saloon Richard Nitschke 1964 E-Type Roadster Stephen Nobes 1969E-TypeRoadster&1969 Coupe On behalf of the club I welcome these new members and hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. In particular I ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these new members welcome at meetings and functions.

Daphne Charman

GENERAL MEETING ROSTER 2012 –2013 Nov Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov

XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Multivalve Register E-Type Register SS & Daimler Register Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register

Duty Register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the President or Secretary so other arrangements can be made.

Make Your Mark by Contributing to

Classic Marque There are many ways members can contribute to this magazine thus making it more interesting to the widest possible readership as well as making the editor’s job a whole lot easier. These include:  Letters to the Editor.  Reports and photos from register runs.  Funny or interesting stories about members  Jaguar news and events.  Interviews with new members.  Tell us about your car MEMBER’S PRIDE.  Technical tips and ideas for the TECH FILE.  Information on up-coming register events.  A good joke for the Cat’s Giggle.  Stories & photos about “Sleeping Beauties”

members’ cars under restoration.  Recommend a good service or supplier.

QUICK REFERENCE REGISTER MEETINGS The General Meeting of the JDCSA is held on the first Tuesday of each month.

Register Meetings are as follows: Mk 1,2 & 420 & S Type (Compact) - Second Tuesday of every even calendar month E-Type—Third Thursday of each month Multivalve— Fourth Tuesday of each odd calendar month. SS & Daimler— Last Wednesday of each month XJ, Mk 10 & 420G—Second Wednesday of each month XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9— First Wednesday of each month V12— Second Friday of each even month For specific information call Register Secretaries from the Club Directory (page 1) 11

Jaguar Classifieds Jaguar 1976 XJC 4.2ltr S2 Auto – An amazing and unique motor vehicle. Converted in the late nineties to a convertible and fully restored at that time. Full engineers certificates, currently on full SA rego. The car is absolutely rust free and has been dressed with Series 3, bumpers, grill, boot lid, tail lights, door handles, side lights and mirrors, giving it a very modern clean appearance. 15” XJS starfish wheels with near new white wall tyres. Old Stromberg carbies have been swapped out for twin HS8 2” SU’s, manual choke and K&N filters, dyno tuned to ensure maximum performance. There are only five of these cars in Australia and about 50 in the world. $21,500 Contact Philip Prior 0402 670 654 or Email: philipprior@bigpond.com More information and pictures www.myjaguarstory.com 1966 Jaguar MK 2, 3.4L Auto This car has been a chauffeured wedding vehicle for the last five years, hence the need to be in perfect condition. Always maintained by Jaguar specialists. Olde English White duco, red Connelly hide interior, integrated A/C front and rear. Upgraded front disc brakes with late model power booster, sports muffler and Borg Warner 66 automatic transmission. Motor was rebuilt approx 8 yrs ago. Thermo fan, after market CD player and power steering makes this affordable classic suitable for daily use. $29,950 Contact: Tony Siciliano—(08) 8336 2380 or 0419 812 267 Jaguar 1966 MK 2, 3.4 Auto Travelled 71,000 miles. Must be without doubt the most original car of its type offered for sale. Finished in old english white with blue leather upholstery. I have owned the car since 1984. $21,000 ono Brian Buscombe 0414 617 123

Jaguar S-Type, 2002 An attractive car with a lively and economical 3.0 litre V6. With a modest 115,000 klms., a full Jaguar service history. Front and side airbags, good original paint, and great condition throughtout. $14,800, Phone Andrew Byles 83707261 or Mob. 0417 890 599

Phone 13 26 13

V.I.P. Home Services 12

How to Photograph Your Classic Car Achieving good photographs of your classic car is not difficult. The difference between good pictures and bland pictures is knowing a few simple tricks, and taking the time to do it well. WASH THE CAR! A clean car looks far better in a picture than a dirty one. Take the time to clean and dry the car, to clean the windows, & dress the tires. Make sure that there aren't any water spots. CHOOSE YOUR SETTING Where you photograph your car will make a big impact on how the pictures look. Try to find a setting that will make your car stand out. For example, a red car in a sea of green grass will jump out at you, whereas a white car against a light colored stone wall will get lost. A dramatic setting will make your car look great, and will make for a dramatic photo.

ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS When shooting the car, look for things in the frame that are distracting you from the car. Is there a telephone pole growing out of the roof? Is there an object in the background that draws your eye away from the subject? Remove all debris, such as trash, leaves, or sticks. Note the parking sign growing out of the roof (below)

UNCONVENTIONAL ANGLES Avoid the temptation to just take the picture from eye level. Try shooting up at a low angle, which will exaggerate the proportions a bit, and make your car seem more impressive. Try using a ladder for an interesting shot WIDE ANGLE LENSES The use of a wide angle lens, or by zooming your camera's built in lens to its widest setting, is a great aid to car photography. By using a wide angle and getting in close, you get a

different perspective. The area closest to the camera will seem larger than normal, while the area furthest from the camera will seem farther away. By using this technique when shooting automobiles, it can really make the car jump out of the frame.

WHEN TO SHOOT While you can certainly shoot your car at any time, the best light is typically found just after sunrise, or just before sunset. As the sun "travels across the sky" the lighting direction changes relative to your subject. Not only does the lighting direction change throughout the day, but the color changes as well, from cool before sunrise to warm just after sunrise to neutral at midday to warmer near sunset to cooler after sunset. Night shots of cars can also be very dramatic, particularly if you have the vehicle in a setting with interesting lighting. The shot of Bob’s 420G above is a good example of interesting lighting. LIGHTS ON? When you're shooting, try turning the parking lights on, maybe even the headlights if it's just before dusk, just to add a little drama to your photos. The most important rule to remember is that there are no rules! The best pictures are typically a result of experimenting, so shoot lots of pictures to get a few really good photos.

Di Adamson is now looking for great shots of your car for the 2014 Club Calendar. So grab your camera and have a go! 13

Register Minutes Cont. from p.9 that minutes of the March meeting which had previously been circulated were an accurate record. Business: Club Business. The attention of members was drawn to a number of matters:Robin again reminded members that he needed names of those attending the lunch at Penny’s Hill winery by 14 April for the McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic event on Sunday 28 April. Nominations are sought for people to join the organising committee for Jag Day in 2013. The 50th anniversary of S types will be celebrated with a run to Tanunda. A member’s pride article is needed for the May Classic Marque. 3 - 400 words and 2 or 3 pictures should be sent to Phil Prior by Tuesday April 29th. Images are needed for the 2014 club calendar. There was general agreement that we would support Register member Ossie who will be speaker at the Club’s June general meeting. (Post Meeting Note: After discussion amongst Register Members, it was agreed that our June Register meeting would be brief and held prior to the general meeting on Tuesday the 4th so that as many as possible can hear Ossie’s presentation.)

Register business: The 2013 Border Run will be hosted by Victoria on the weekend 25-27 October. Gerry Howell has advised Robin that planning would be based on Bendigo for accommodation. Six double rooms have been booked for SA participants at this stage. Three couples from the register have booked for the JOCCERS trip to Spear Creek on the 4-5 May. Spirit of Coorong trip will be in August. Approximately 16 people previously expressed interest in a midweek tour which will cost about $100 per person and include lunch and two walks. Final arrangements, which will be coordinated by Peg, will need to be settled at our May meeting. It was agreed to have the planned November half day run on the 17th. It was agreed that future Register meetings would be: Wednesday 1 May will be at Rod and Peg Davis’s.

and will focus on XKs 120 and R. John Williams has created room for another car with a hoist now in his shed. XK gearbox is beautiful! Onslow has all going ‘boringly well’. Ex Stan Mathews 150 spotted at Springton. Julian has made good progress on the 120. Back end on the body, doors in place, floor, seat frames and grille into bonnet. Rob Smith has discovered that XKR tyres are not cheap. John Dunning’s Mark 7 and S type are both now running well. Peter Goodale is making good progress on the 140 coupe and expects to have it on the road later this year. Robin’s Mark 9 is running well after recent tuning. Robin closed the meeting with thanks to Judy and Peter for hosting the meeting. A shed inspection of Peter’s meticulous work on the 140 followed.

Tuesday 4 June together with Club general meeting as noted above. Tuesday 2 July together with Club general meeting. XK 789 Register to set up and organise supper. Sunday 11 August at the Luggs’ at Springton. Onslow thanked members for their expressions of support over the last couple of months. Cars: Richard Smith has two cars for sale

SPECIAL DISPLY- 50 Years of the Jaguar “S”-Type (1963 - 2013)


Register Minutes SS and Pushrod Engines MINUTES OF MEETING Held at the home of Don & Margaret Evans Wednesday 24th April 2013. NOVEMBER 2012 MEETING: The Minutes of 27th March 2013 were accepted as being a true record of the meeting. PRESENT: Bruce Fletcher, Don Evans, Ross Rasmus, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, Malcolm Adamson, Bob HillLing, Jack Richardson (late) APOLOGIES: David Adamson, Bob Lynch, Ross Gogler 1. SA & VICTORIA BORDER RUN, NOVEMBER 2012, Run No. 38: President Bruce Fletcher will prepare a Summary Report now that his computer is fixed. BF 2. TRI-STATE RUN TO DUBBO NSW 12-14 SEPT. 2013 Run No.39: Queensland does not appear amenable to change their draft programme despite our reservations. Bob Kretschmer has arranged accommodation at Broken Hill & Cobar for trips over & return. MEMBERS MUST NOW BOOK DIRECT WITH THE MOTELS CONCERNED Six starters from here with the Caskeys joining us at Broken Hill Malcolm Adamson tabled window stickers for Port Fairy 2012 & Dubbo 2013. 3. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. There was no more information regarding the fleet of MkV Wedding cars for sale in Victoria. 2. President Bruce had recently returned from a drive to Melbourne for

the All British Day at Flemington Racecourse (yes in his newly acquired XJ6). He reported that there no MkV’s displayed & there were only four ‘old’ Jaguars but a general mix of older & late models. Disappointing that many European cars were also on display which detracts somewhat from ABD. 3. Des Brown tabled a new JDCSA Badge which had 2 small mounting holes but he has not been able to purchase suitable small bolts. 4. JDCSA: (Malcolm Adamson reported) 1. The Annual Dinner celebrating 40 years of JDCSA is to be on Saturday 27 July at Sfera’s Convention Center at Modbury. Malcolm will arrange a table for he, Bob & Rosemary HillLing, Des & Jeannie Brown, Jack & Jean Richardson & Bob Kretschmer. No takers for the Sunday BBQ. 2. Photographs are required for the Club 2013 Calendar 3. Cats & Cans. See CM 4. McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 April. Last call for Final numbers for separate lunch options- see CM p18. 5. Malcolm Adamson tabled copies of Statutory Declaration Forms for Conditional Registration. 6. Special Celebrations; 40 years of SS 1 Model April 2014 90 years of Swallow 2013 50 years of ‘S’-Type The September 2012 issue of the Jaguar Enthusiast Club magazine features three separate articles about Swallow & SS Vehicles By noted Jaguar author Paul Skilleter. 7. The March-April 2013 issue of the Restored Cars magazine No.217, includes a substantial feature on the ‘History of Lucas Electrics’.

8. Malcolm Adamson needs a copy of the current SS Register membership list. RJK 5. TECHNICAL: 1. The September 2012 issue of the Jaguar Enthusiast Club magazine includes an advertisement by Classic Restorations (Scotland) Ltd for ‘Jaguar Pushrod Engine Cars’ entitled ‘Oil Sealing with Dynamic Modern Seals’ [crankshaft front & rear seals]. The photographs show a method generally similar to that already developed in SA. Both Ross Gogler & Bob Kretschmer have modifications currently in hand. 2. Don Evans advised that Caulfield Jaguar of Melbourne offers a special kit for MkV gearbox conversions using Toyota Celica 5-speed boxes. 6. PARTS: Nothing to report. 7. REMINDERS: British Classics Tour to Victor Harbor Sunday May 6th. See CM 8.SS REGISTER MEETING DATES: Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm May 29 Bob Hill-Ling June 26 Bob Lynch July 31 TBA August 28 “ (AGM) Meeting closed at 9.30pm. Supper: Thankyou Margaret Minute Distribution: Email; Bruce Fletcher, Phil Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, David Adamson, Digby Thomas, Bill Everett. Post; Don Evans. R.J. Kretschmer SS Register Secretary


MEMBER’S PRIDE - Gary Dunn The story of cars owned and loved by our members

Buying your E type Jag on eBay—for the brave at heart I decided I wanted an E type Jag and started a number of months’ worth of due diligence on the internet to determine vehicle values and what was currently on the market and there price range. I searched a wide range of Jaguar websites for information on condition, restoration tips, problem areas on the various years and global recommendations on models. With all this accrued knowledge I set on my eBay journey to start bidding on various cars that came up for sale in North America over a period of months. Since I was looking for something that was relatively rust free I focussed on original California cars in the hopes that rust would be at a very minimum. (I don’t have an aversion to rust repairs but it can take over your life and I would prefer focussing my efforts on the mechanical and electrical issues.) I bid on a range of cars trying to keep my bidding under$30,000 but missed out on a lot of them due to other bidders using a ‘snipping tool’. I kept track of all the cars I missed out on as a reference. Finally on 4 July 2011 I won the bid on a matching numbers rebuilt and repainted 1969 Series 2 coupe 2+2 I had missed out on three months earlier. In fact the seller had used the exact same ad and pictures and just changed his email details. I called the seller after winning the bid and organised payment. Now the trepidation set in because I have now paid for something only seen in pictures, not sat in it, started it, driven it or inspected it. I asked the seller if he would be kind enough to hold onto it for another month (he agreed) because I was scheduled to be in the San Francisco Bay area within that time and I would pick it up then.

Once I landed in the USA I called the seller and made arrangements to come and pick up the car and all the parts listed in the sellers eBay ad associated with the car. This is where it became

tricky because when I arrived at the seller’s home he said none of the spares listed in the ad came with the car. I informed him that it was a breach of the eBay contract and he either parted with all the listed items or I would contact eBay. He quickly decided to release everything listed from the eBay ad which I was very happy with. It turns out he never read the original eBay ad that he copied when he listed the car and thought he could keep all the spare parts for resell later on.

The car came with a spare rebuilt radiator and cooling fans, both front brake callipers, three radio’s (none of them fit the car), 4x spare curly hub wire wheels and a box of assorted bits and pieces that came off the car when it was being rebuilt. After I loaded everything in the car all neatly wrapped up I drove it to the pre-arranged designated shipping location in Oakland, California for it to be loaded into a container and sent to Australia. It took three months for the car to makes its journey in a container from the USA to its final delivery here in Adelaide. About twice as long as it was supposed to have taken, the ship with the container made a lengthy stopover in Singapore I was told but it made it in one piece. After putting some petrol in it my son and I picked the car up and drove it home (an uneventful journey, the car drove well and had no obvious issues). After a thorough inspection at home a list of about 132 items were created on things that were necessary before it could be taken to Regency Park for its roadworthy inspection. I spent just over a year of weekends and some evenings doing the work to tick off most of the necessary items on the long list of to do’s. Many things had to be resolved even though the Jag looked good from the outside. With the assistance of members of the E Type register and their collective knowledge the jobs ahead of me were not so 16

daunting of a task. First of all the car had been wired completely with a single colour of wire because the last owner chose this way instead of purchasing a factory re-production new wire loom for the entire car. This made it very difficult to figure out problems on electrical items that did not work or were never connected after the car was registered in California. Fortunately after a number of emails to the original owner I was able to get the hand wiring diagrams that were used to create this homemade wiring to fix all the electrical problems; it still was very challenging. The new wiring has its pluses since every circuit has its own relay and not just a small handful of fuses behind the instrument panel. At some point in the future I may install a factory wire loom but for now everything works and I will leave it alone. The car had exotic plywood installed on the door panels, the leading part of the dash pad, the console, the headliner and rear luggage space. All of this had to be returned back to the original vinyl covering requiring the windscreen to be removed for access to the various parts. The door and window rubbers were in very poor condition and had to be replaced. The entire dash had to be recovered since it was done in brown leather and not the black vinyl like original. All the instrumentation had to be removed for this to take place. New interior door panels were fabricated and then foam and vinyl covered. All the original interior door trim was missing except for the window winders and door opening handles, another group of items to be purchased along with many other small parts. I noticed also that the car sat unusually low in the

front, this turned out to be the torsion bars set out of spec for the car. They had to be removed and reset to the correct link spacing per the factory which raised the nose up considerable. The car is completely rust free and the paint is reasonable to make an excellent driver and not worry about all the little stone chips and other issues when driving the car. I have left the car LHD drive not wanting to go through the expense of converting the car especially since most everything on the car has been rebuilt. I have had one shot at roadworthy inspection already and was knocked back for a few items which have now been attended to so hopefully the next visit will let the car pass so it can be driven. Editor’s Note: Thanks Gary for your story. Now who will submit a story for our June edition of Classic Marque?


Calendar Notes MAY

Tuesday June 18, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Tuesday May 7, 7.45pm.

Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide. (Special Event—Entertainment by the Three (maybe four) Tenors) PLUS supporting acts.

Thursday June 20, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Monthly Meeting E Type Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Wednesday May 8, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Wednesday June 26, 7.30 pm

Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms - 863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: charman@bigpond.net.au Hm: 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

SS and Pushrod Register Meeting

Thursday May 16, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Monthly Meeting E Type Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Tuesday May 21, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Friday May 24, - Sunday May 26, XJ 420G Mk10 Register run to Broken Hill— Contact Bob Charman for details 0421482007 Meeting—Contact

Tuesday July 2, 7.45pm. Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide. Guest Presentation by Salvation Army promoting CATS & CANS Charity Day

Wednesday July 10, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms - 863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: charman@bigpond.net.au Hm: 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Tuesday July 16, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Tuesday May 28, 7.30 pm Multi-valve Register Palmer 0418 855 597



Wednesday May 29, 7.30 pm SS and Pushrod Register Meeting

JUNE Tuesday June 4, 7.45pm. Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide.

Tuesday June 11, 7.30 pm Compact Register Bi-Monthly Meeting Contact: Geoff Thomas 83743228

Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Thursday July 18, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Monthly Meeting E Type Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Sunday July 21, MALLALA JDCSA Rostered Day

Tuesday July 23, 7.30 pm Multi-valve Register Palmer 0418 855 597



Wednesday July 24, 7.30 pm SS and Pushrod Register Meeting

Wednesday June 12, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms - 863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: charman@bigpond.net.au 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Friday June 14, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Monthly V12 Register Meeting , contact Roger Adamson on 0421 052 518

Sunday June 16 MSCA Super Sprints Round 2 Mallala XJ Register GOLF DAY—Details Bob Charman

Saturday 27 July JDCSA 40th Year Celebration Dinner

Sunday 28 July Celebrations continue in Civic Park—spit roast luncheon. (Bring the Jag & park on Civic Pk. Includes a 50 Year Celebration of the ‘S’-Type 1963—2013) See Page 14 for more details 18

McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic 2013 Once again this event was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The change of venue to Penny’s Hill Winery was well received and our hosts put on a magnificent gourmet bar-b-que. The club was well represented with a huge variety of Jaguar cars that must have created a very positive impression amongst the spectators. We can look forward to another wonderful time next year.


Jaguar News Jaguar XJR 404kW V8 Arrives in Oz Late 2013 Jaguar will expand its R performance line up with the global debut of the 2014 Jaguar XJR Sedan at the 2013 New York International Auto Show. The new high-performance model - the dynamic flagship of the XJ series - will join the expanding Jaguar line up on display that includes All Wheel Drive sedans and the exciting Jaguar F-TYPE Convertible, which goes on sale this summer. The 2014 Jaguar XJR will be the highest performance XJ sedan with 550-HP and a raft of other modifications, but also an extraordinary opulent machine with more than expected levels of interior luxury. Jaguar R represents the highest levels of dynamic driving performance and attention grabbing design across Jaguar's luxury line up. Jaguar R models start with the brand's highest levels of power, backed by steering, suspension and braking enhancements, that have been tested at the company's Nurburgring Test Center. Final touches include interior and functional exterior design that

sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly, hints at the elevated dynamics that lie beneath the surface. According to Andy Goss, President, Jaguar Land Rover North America, "Jaguar is growing its product line up to meet a far wider spectrum of customer demands ranging from sedans with 2.0 litre and 3.0 litre engines and All Wheel Drive to the exciting new F-TYPE sports car. It is clear that performance will continue to lie at the heart and soul of the brand. To that end, the growing R performance line up offers our customers the truly elevated dynamics and design, but in a Jaguar luxury package. The Jaguar XJR is a British performance machine that delivers emotionally and dynamically on the road and on the track." Tim Nicholson, writing for GO AUTO NEWS wrote, “Featuring the potent 404kW supercharged V8 from the smaller XFR-S, the hottest XJ variant will join existing ‘R’ versions of the smaller XK and XF in the Jaguar Australia range from the end of 2013. A first local glimpse of the new wildcat was expected at the Australian International Motor Show in June, before show organisers this week pulled the pin on the Melbourne event.”


Jaguar News JAGUAR HERITAGE NEWS – APRIL 2013 REPORT Once again it has been a busy month with cars from the Jaguar Heritage collection appearing at events large and small, both at home and abroad. And of course none of this would be possible without our team of trusty volunteers! F-TYPE Launch Events: The big Jaguar news this month – which can’t have escaped many people – is the launch of the new FTYPE! Since early April, the world’s leading automotive journalists have been flying into Pamplona in Northern Spain to take part in the F-TYPE Press Launch event. With the embargo for publishing their first impressions of the new car set as April 17, the initial delegates had to maintain a discrete silence although the informal feedback from the Jaguar hosts was very encouraging. The verdicts are now out and the media seem to be of a single mind – the new F-TYPE is brilliant!

To set the scene at the press launch venue, an impressive display of classic Jaguars had been linedup to put the new F-TYPE in its rightful context as part of Jaguar’s continuing bloodline of outstanding sports cars. These included an original Ecurie Ecosse C-type from 1952 (chassis XKC-042) that belongs to Dick Skipworth, the Jaguar Heritage 1956 long nose D-type and an immaculate Series 1 E-type belonging to Peter Neumark of CMC, thought to be the first right hand drive coupé model sold. The latter two cars also featured in last month’s newsletter as they took part in the run from Jabbeke to Geneva in early March – proving that they are still in fine mechanical condition despite being over 50 years old! As the press embargo was lifted, the F-TYPE also went officially ‘on sale’ and to coincide with this, the Jaguar UK team decided to organise a special Dealer Drive-away event. The inspiration for this was a similar event 52 years earlier when Jaguar dealers came to Browns Lane

to collect their first E-type demonstrators. For the restaging of this event in 2013, the mighty Ricoh Arena in Coventry was chosen as the venue – providing plenty of parking space and the extensive Jaguar branded hospitality facilities.

Greeting the dealers on arrival was an array of 60 new F-TYPEs parked up in an ‘F’ formation, with a combined value of around £4.7 million! In recognition of the inspiration for the event, Jaguar Heritage was asked to provide its 1974 E-type V12 roadster – the last of the line produced at Browns Lane - which was duly parked outside the entrance to the Ricoh stadium alongside its spiritual successor. As one of the last 50 Commemorative models, the E-type is painted black which fitted well with the F-TYPEs which were all either black or red. After a welcome reception and presentation from JLR UK Marketing Director, Kenneth Forbes, the dealers were ready for their drive-away. The Jaguar Heritage E-type was moved into position to lead off the parade with guest of honour Robin Sturgess riding in the passenger seat. Robin was chosen for this honour because he came to Browns Lane in 1961 to collect the first E-type for his Jaguar dealership – although his son Chris bagged the driver’s seat this time for their return journey to Leicester in the FTYPE! Headed by the E-type, the parade of F-TYPEs made their way into central Coventry to do a lap of the ring road creating a head-turning spectacle – with not just the sight but also the amazing sound of 60 excited dealers blipping the throttle and accelerating hard! (Printed from the April edition JDHT Newsletter with permission) 21

The Cat’s Giggle An Indian and a Chinese entered a chocolate store. As they were busy looking, the Chinese stole 3 chocolate bars. As they left the store, the Chinese said to the Indian: "Man I'm the best thief, I stole 3 chocolate bars and no one saw me. You can't beat that." Indian replied: "You want to see something better? Let's go back to the shop and I'll show you real stealing." So they went to the counter and the Indian said to the shopkeeper: "Do you want to see magic ?" The shopkeeper replied: "Yes." The Indian said: "Give me a chocolate bar." The shopkeeper gave him one, and he ate it. The Indian asked for a second bar, and he ate that as well. He asked for the third, and finished that one too. The shopkeeper asked: "But where's the magic?" The Indian replied: "Check in my friend's pocket, and you'll find all three bars of chocolate� Elsie, an elderly lady, stopped to drive into a parking space when a young man in his brand new red XK8 drove around her and parked in the space that she had been waiting for. Elsie was so angered that she approached the young fellow and enquired, through gritted teeth, 'I was about to park there.' The man looked at her with disdain and replied, 'That's what you can do when you're young and smart and drive a Jaguar.' This annoyed Elsie even more, so she got back in her car, backed it up and then she stamped on the accelerator and rammed straight into his XK8.

The young man ran back to his car and shouted in a stunned voice, 'What did you do that for?' Elsie smiled at him and said, 'That's what you can do when you're old and rich and drive a 4x4.' To My Darling Husband Before you return from your overseas trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not to bad and I really didn't get hurt, so please don't worry too much about me. I was coming home from Asda, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up fortunately came to a halt when it bumped into your car. I am really sorry but I know with your kind hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you my sweet heart. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again. Your loving wife. Tracey XXX


-TECH FILESTHE SEALED TRANSMISSION MYTH I regularly hear people say that the automatic transmission in their car is sealed for life and therefore does not require servicing. Most experts would disagree with this claim for the following reasons. Firstly, the actual term is filled for life – not ‘sealed’. We need to ask ourselves the question – what is life? Is it your life, the life of the Universe? No, it is the life the transmission manufacturer wants their product to have! In this day and age manufacturers have the ability to make components capable of lasting a very long time, but this is obviously not in their best interests, as they make their money from selling more of what they produce. The Japanese government legislate cars off the road after just 5 years so that their factories can maintain economy of scale. In Europe the harsh weather conditions and the salt spread on the roads in Winter cause cars to have very short lives compared to those that are used in our lovely warm climate. Years of data collection and computer modelling means that manufacturers can determine with a reasonable degree of accuracy how long their product will last. They have worked out that if they can make a car that gives good reliable service for say 6 – 8 years and then needs a fairly expensive repair, such as a transmission rebuild, then people will often opt to trade up to the latest model. This may sound a bit cynical but it is true. Getting back to the transmission servicing issue, modern cars have very complex 6, 8 and even 9 speed transmissions with multiple clutch packs controlling the ratios. As these clutches wear, the oil becomes contaminated with the debris. This dirty oil then causes further wear to the metal components that it lubricates and also causes the valves that control the whole thing to become sticky. Oil also deteriorates due to excessive heat generated when towing or driving in hilly conditions – we have a good combination of both in some areas of Adelaide. Transmission specialists all agree that regular ser-

vicing of your automatic transmission will greatly extend its life. This is normally beyond the capabilities of the average DIY mechanic now as transmissions are not usually fitted with drain plugs or filler tubes, and consequently specialized equipment is often required. Also, there are many highly specialized oils and if the wrong product is used it can have disastrous consequences.

The transmissions used in most current Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles are supplied by the German ZF company and ZF oil is the only product that is currently suitable to use in them – naturally it is expensive at around $36 a litre. In summing up, if you are one of the fortunate few that are able to buy a new car every three or four years, then you can ignore this advice and let it be the next owners problem. But if, like most of us, your car is long-term investment then you would be wise to have your transmission serviced regularly. It is cheap insurance and if you wait until a problem starts to develop then it is too late. Geoff Mockford – Technical Secretary

‘S’-Type Brake Lights For those who found the article in last months CM on this subject interesting or helpful, you may wish to read the note included in ‘Letters to the Editor” of this addition. Another helpful and practical solution to the problem from a WA Jaguar enthusiast.—Ed.

Geoff Mockford—JDCSA Technical Officer

80 King William St Kent Town SA 5067

ph: (08) 8362 5997 23


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