Classic marque september 2013

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September 20132013


Marque The Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Jaguar XK 120 the world's fastest production car Celebrates 65 Years 1948—2013

JDCSA Annual Charity Day Sunday 15 September The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

Club Directory Management Committee

Club Services

Register Secretaries

President Peter Holland Phone: (08) 8271 0048 Email:

Technical Officer Geoff Mockford (08) 8362 5997 / 0438 768 770

XK, MK 7,8,9 Robin Ide 0428 816 678 Email:

Vice President Di Adamson Mobile: 0407 862 758 Email:

Regalia David Bicknall 0411 066 225

SS & Daimler Malcolm Adamson (08)82783002 Email:

Treasurer Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: Secretary Julian Lugg Mobile: 0417 882 930 Email: Editor Classic Marque Philip Prior Phone: (08) 8276 6136 Mobile: 0402 670 654 Email: Membership Secretary Daphne Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 Mobile: 0404 999 200 Email: Events Coordinator Bill Browne Phone: (08) 8355-1214 Mobile: 0429 169 798 Email: Web Editor Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: Club Web Site Club Postal Address PO Box 30, Rundle Mall SA

Librarian Tom & Marj Brindle (08)8387 0051 Log Books Julian Lugg: 0417 882 930

Inspectors—Historic Reg. North Don Evans (08) 8251 1575 Central Evan Spartalis (08) 8362 8116 Geoff Mockford (08) 8223 1997 South Onslow Billinghurst (08)8325 1971

MK 1, 2, S, 420 Geoff Thomas (08) 8374 3228 Email: XJ, 420G, MKX Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111 Email: E-Type. F Type and Grand Tourer Alan Baker 0429 097 729 Email: Multi-Valve Ron Palmer 0418 855 597 Email:

Club Representatives Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) Rick Luff 0411 426 913 Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (FHMC) Neil Murrie (08) 8431 4497 / 0412 735 548 Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) Barry Kitts (08) 8391 1759 All British Day Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111

Cover Story The XK120 was launched in open two-seater or (US) roadster form at the 1948 London Motor Show as a testbed and show car for the new Jaguar XK engine. It became the fastest production car of its day. This amazing sports car was the first of a series of models with a successful history on road and track for Jaguar. We are proud to present the XK 120 as our feature model in this month,s edition of Classic Marque.

Classic Marque Classic Marque is the official magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia. The magazine is produced calendar monthly with the exception of January. The Deadline for all copy is the last Tuesday of each month. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject or modify content submitted for publication. The opinions/views expressed in published articles are wholly those of the respective authors, and are not necessarily those of Jaguar, the Editor, the Club, or the Members. Advertisers and sponsors who place advertisements in the magazine do so because they value their association with the JDCSA. Placement of these advertisements should not necessarily be taken to mean the club endorses the services offered.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Club Torque period of time depending on their confidence and skill levels.

I will not be in attendance at the September general meeting of the club and therefore need to use this space to make a final plea for your support of our CATS & CANS Annual Charity Day on Sunday 15 September Our inaugural event last year was a great success with almost 2000 food and basic items collected for distribution by the Salvation Army at Ingle Farm. I am sure however that we are capable of much more this year.

It was amazing to hear of the success rate of the Ingle Farm Corp’s work with these young people and we can be proud to be associated with this program and other community based programs at Ingle Farm via our Cats & Cans Charity Day. I encourage you all to get involved and see just how many food items you can fit in the boot of the Jag. Don’t forget to bring your picnic lunch and enjoy some down time in the parklands with other members.

Last year we had twenty six cars participating with 2000 items collected. This means mathematically that if we can get 50 cars out on the day we should be able to gather together something like 4000 items of food for those less fortunate than ourselves.

At the September General Meeting you can pick up a copy of a letter that can be used to present at your local Super Market, most of whom will be pleased to provide you with donated food items or a voucher to be spent in store. Last year my local Coles gave us a voucher for 50 dollars with which we purchased 50 cans of food. So please make the effort.

At our July general meeting we heard from Major Paul Hateley about their work across the State. He spoke in particular about the Muggy’s program.

Philip Prior Editor (Full details Page 13)

Muggy's is a youth accommodation service funded by the Department for Families and Communities - Families SA and operated by The Salvation Army Ingle Farm in both the Northern and Southern regions of Adelaide.

(Pictures from JDCSA. CATS & CANS—Annual Charity Day 2012. at Bonython Park)

The program is named after youth worker Dave Mugford, who was involved in establishing accommodation services at The Salvation Army Ingle Farm and provides medium to long-term accommodation for young people aged 16-18 who are under the guardianship of the Minister and have experienced multiple previous placements. The staff at Muggy's work closely with Families SA case managers, other Families SA service providers, agencies and community organisations in supporting young people to develop their independent living skills and to access housing options The residential care home is staffed 24 hours a day and provides a safe environment for young people to develop their independent living skills and gain extra support in times of crisis. Young people in outreach housing will be supported for a

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Club Torque PRESIDENT’S REPORT This will be my final Presidents Report, as I will not be nominating for a further term on the Committee. First, I must thank my committees of the past two years for their wonderful support and dedication to the job. We have made a great team which has been able to enter into lively discussion on a range of topics, not always being in unanimous agreement, but always closing the meeting as good friends and leaving the business of the night behind where it belongs. Thank you to each of you. Secondly, I must thank Ros for her total support for not only the last two years, but the four before that in my role as secretary. She has allowed me to put untold hours into the club business, listened to my thoughts and ideas and offered wise counsel when I have become over involved in particular issues. I am looking forward to joining her as an audience member. The last club year has seen many excellent events and outings take place, too numerous to mention, but each of you will recall particular aspects of the club year that were special to you. Again, I must thank those many members who organised an event or attended, because without your support the club would soon begin to fade. There have been two special moments for me this year. The first was the confirmation of the appointment of our Patron, Ian Webber, at the last AGM. Ian came to the Club with a wealth of experience in engineering, industry, public life and a passion for the restoration of older motor vehicles. He has been actively learning about our Club, and I am sure that we will be seeing and hearing a lot more from Ian in the months and years ahead.

Club was formed. It has grown and matured over that time and yet most of the guidelines, constitutional structure and approach to Club life remains as planned by the founding five and the first committees-----modified in some parts or added to, to suit changing times, but essentially intact. A great tribute to the foresight of those early members. This brings me to the future. I am sure that we all hope the Club will be as strong, if not stronger in another forty years. The challenge for the next committee and those beyond is going to be to find ways to retain and grow the membership, which is not as easy as it sounds. Thus far the Club has been very fortunate in maintaining a high membership, which currently stands at around 650 including Family Members. As has been mentioned many times before, people’s lives are changing due to work and family commitments, greater demands on personal income and of course technology. Even the relevance of our cars in our lives is changing. In past years there was a great emphasis on the restoration of the older models, but now there is a greater shift to owning a more modern Jaguar and using it as a means of attending the social events of the Club. The Executive Summary presented to the ACJC and reproduced in last month’s Classic Marque provides a clue to how future planning might proceed. Your feedback and ideas are essential to the Club’s future. It has been said in many quarters that present owners are the custodians of our cars and one of the challenges is going to be to encourage our children, grandchildren and beyond to not only appreciate the modern Jaguar, but to also embrace those Jaguar and SS cars where it all started. This challenge is not unique to the JDCSA, but is being faced by all car clubs, one make and all make alike, and I believe one of the aids to ensuring survival will be found in sharing ideas between clubs as well as looking at individual club needs. Change in the way we do things is not only inevitable, it is essential if our great club is to celebrate its 80th anniversary and I wish the incoming committee every success in its endeavours and look forward to many more enjoyable years ahead.

The other significant moment has been the 40th anniversary of our club which was celebrated in great style on the weekend of 27th and 28th July thanks to the hard work of Di. It was made even more special due to the presence of two of the five people who started the Club and former committee members from the first year onwards.

In closing I would like to encourage you all to embrace and not fear change within our Club and leave you with this thought:

It is hard to believe that forty years have passed since the


“The changes of today will become the traditions of tomorrow”.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


General Meeting Minutes of General Meeting held at the Police Club on Tuesday 6 August 2013 Meeting opened 7.45p.m. Apologies: Evan Spartalis, Brian & Sue Walker, Ron & Margaret Shephard, John & Wendy Stanley, Pete & Kathy Taylor, Steve Francis, Bill Jones, Bob Charman, Bill Browne & Margaret Piper, Apologies for any omissions. Minutes of previous Meeting; Accepted Business arising – Nil Presidents Report: Peter thanked Di Adamson and her team for their efforts in organizing the 40th Anniversary Dinner and Carvery Lunch. Awards Presented at the Dinner were: Club Person; Philip Prior Most Enthusiastic New Member; Steve Arthur Presidents Award; Geoff & Marg Thomas Jaguaritis Trophy; Tom Brindle 40 Year Members were recognized and presented with Certificates. The Armstrong Siddeley Club have Invited interested Members to their ‘Drive your old car ‘ day 1st. September. Please contact Peter. Welfare Section; The passing of member Eileen Foenander Anne Fletcher is recovering Anne-Marie Pijanka is unwell Tim & Sue White have a new grand daughter. Ray Smithers & Judy Langdon have Wed. Guest Speaker: Peter introduced Bill McKenna of North Terrace Tyre Service Vice Presidents Report; Di reported on the 40th Anniversary Dinner and Carvery Lunch. 116 for the Dinner and 57 at the Lunch, which was a pleasing result. Di thanked her team for both events. Secretary Report; 1.Geelong Revival Motoring

2. Victor Harbor Rock N Roll Festival 14-15th Sept. 3. Interstate Magazines 4. Nominations received for the following Executive Positions ; Event Co-ordinator, Membership Secretary , Editor, President, Vice President, Treasurer. We still need a nomination for Club Secretary. 5. Role of Club Secretary; Mail, Correspondence, Minutes of Ex Meeting, Log Book Renewal, Signature of Bank Account 6. Federation Min utes Treasurers Report: On budget. Reports; Phil Prior spoke on Targa Adelaide and Cats & Cans. Detail in Classic Marque. Daphne Charman advised James Mann is organizing a run to Wallaroo 25th August. Tony Human advised the Multivalve Peninsular is fully booked.

weekend to Eyre

ACJC Rick Luff reported to the Members of our proposed changes to National Rally Concours Judging. The next ACJC Meeting is Sunday 11th August in Sydney. General Business: Des Browne noted that 40 year badges were not presented with the 40 year Certificates. President to rectify. Meeting closed 9.00p.m. Peter thanked Multivalve Register for supplying Supper.

Quote for the Month “Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” Charles Swindoll

Festival Nov30-Dec1st

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


AGM 2012 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the JDC of SA Tuesday 4th September 2012 President Peter Holland JDC of SA at 8:46pm.

opened the 39th AGM of the

Attendance was recorded in the attendance list. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Ray & Barbara Offe, Evan Spartalis, Neil Murray, Julian & Moira Lugg, Jo & Noel Orford, John & Claire Evans, Tom & Marj Brindle, Margaret Thomas, George & Red Hughes, Daphne & Bob Charman, Tricia Clark, John & Wendy Stanley, Kath Taylor, Doug & Judy Tilley Previous Minutes of 6th September 2011 were printed in the Classic Marque and were accepted as accurate records of those meetings. Business Arising None. President’s Report - Peter Holland: The Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months and to take a look at the future of the Club. The Club has had a very active year with a great variety of events. At Committee level, activity has been very hectic at times. In his report to this meeting last year, our outgoing President, Rick urged members to participate, and that is exactly what you have done. We have seen high and consistent attendances at General and Register Meetings, which is a measure of our enthusiasm. Participation in events other than the meetings is also a measure of our enthusiasm, and this has been seen in two ways. First, individual members have taken the initiative to organize an event in addition to outings arranged, perhaps, by a Register group and secondly, attendances by members have always been high, even when the weather has been quite uninviting. I will simply say thank you to all who have assisted in putting the events together and mention a few highlights, as I see them. First there was the SA Jaguar Day, enjoyed by our members and the general public alike. There have been numerous dinners, lunches, bakery visits that have allowed us to exercise our cars and sample the foods on offer. Border runs have come and gone with great success, providing an opportunity to meet with interstate friends. Then there was the Cats and Cans Charity Day, which proved to be a huge success, despite the cold weather. Another new idea has been mid-week runs, which seem to be gaining momentum. The Annual Dinner Dance was the best attended we have had for many years, suggesting the change of date to July was a key factor to your support. Finally, members participated in the Targa Adelaide and also provided a wonderful display of cars at the Wednesday night prologue session. With 24,000 members of the public attending, this was another opportunity to showcase the Club. July 25th, 2013 will be the fortieth anniversary of the JDCSA and this milestone will be marked with a number of fun celebrations and we look forward to even greater participation rates. It is hard to believe nearly 40 years have passed since the Club was formally established and it has continued to grow and mature because its mem-

bers have participated. The coming year will be a good time to contemplate the future to ensure the club lives for another 40 years. We need to know what members expect from the club, how to encourage new younger members and what is the best way to reach out to members. The club is a living dynamic being, so committees of the future need your help to keep it alive. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my fellow committee members for their magnificent help and support over the past year. The committee, in addition to the day-to-day matters of the Club, has been faced with two quite significant issues. First, there were the changes to Conditional (Historic) Registration, which have now come into play and have been explained elsewhere. Secondly, the on-going discussions with the ACJC have not provided an outcome to an agreed format for the hosting of the National jaguar Rally by our Club. As a consequence this has led to an indefinite deferment on our part until the two groups can agree. There is little doubt that there is gradual shift away from serious concours at club level in other states. It only remains to be seen if the ACJC can shake its total obsession with concours and judging methods and look at the National Jaguar movement in a far broader context. Only time will tell. In closing, I would particularly like to thank our retiring committee members, Noel Trew and Pete Taylor for their huge contribution to the JDCSA and its affairs over many years. This includes, of course, Carmel and Cathy who have both been an integral part of these roles. Thank you to you all. And finally, I must thank Ros who has supported me throughout the year and who has patiently listened to me “ramble on” about various matters and who, most importantly, has provided me with wise counsel on many ideas. The year closing has been a good one for the club and lets make next year even better! Vice President’s Report Di Adamson. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 12 months in my role as Vice President. I have learnt a great deal while in this role and am looking forward to contributing more to the club in the future. JDCSA has been an active contributor to changes in Historic Registration and to the ACJC. We are a club willing to implement change where necessary to ensure growth for the future and continue to nurture our love of Jaguars. We are planning an even bigger and better Jag Day this year with more catering options and some very special vehicles on display. With the 40th Anniversary of our club coming up next year we look forward to many of the past members along with all our current members of the club together to celebrate this great achievement. A thankyou to our membership and executive for supporting me in my role within JDCSA. I would also like to thank Pete and Kathy Taylor, Noel and Carmel Trew for the huge contribution they have made to the club over

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


the past years in their Editor and Membership Secretary roles.

wick assumed the chair to conduct the election of Club officers for the coming year.

Secretary’s Report - Julian Lugg (read by Di Adamson)

Andy reported on various Jaguar developments and that the new F Type Jaguar will be shown at the 2012 Sydney Motor Show.

Over the past 12 months as secretary I have had the privilege to work with a great executive committee of our club. It has been rewarding for me to both work with and to support fellow motoring enthusiasts in my role. I particularly wish to thank President Peter for his support. One of my significant roles has been to take over as log book officer from Peter Holland, the previous secretary. There have been some recent changes to the Conditional Registration rules, most notably the new cutoff date for Historic Registration which was implemented on 1st July 2012. Conditional (Historic) Registration now only applies to vehicles manufactured before 31st December 1978 (unless previously on Historic Registration). Logbook renewals next year must also be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration from the owner. Thank you to the vehicle inspectors for the work they do on behalf of the club. In processing approximately 340 log books, I have appreciated the care members have taken to ensure that all the necessary paper work is complete (in all but 3 cases). This greatly assists in a short turnaround time and in keeping club records accurate. I also wish to acknowledge the excellent work of Noel and Carmel Trew on membership as this links closely with the processing of log books. I would like to encourage all members to consider an executive role in our club as it can be very rewarding working with a great group of people.

The XF will receive a new motor with the V6 petrol motor phased out Jaguar Australia has been experiencing a high growth phase with the numbers for YTD 2012 from July of: Jaguar 26.8%; Lexus 16%: BMW 6.7% Mercedes 6.4% Nominations The following nominations have been received and their being no more than one person nominated the following were elected: Committee Members with voting rights President,

Peter Holland

Vice President,

Di Adamson


Julian Lugg


Tim White

Membership Secretary, Daphne Charman Events Coordinator,



Phil Prior

Committee Members with No voting rights will be endorsed by the new committee with the current nominations being: Web Editor,

Tom Herraman


Dave Bicknell

Treasurer’s Report Tim White It is my pleasure to present the audited financial accounts for the ear ended 30th June 2012


Tom & Marj Brindle


Barry Kitts

All British Day,


The profit & loss statement identifies a small loss of $117.90 which was consistent with our budget for the year (-630)


Rick Luff

I look forward to another good year with our club

Over the past couple of years we have continued to critically and priorities our costs which has allowed us to increase funding towards our Jaguar day, annual dinner, other social events and register specific costs which the committee believes are all extremely consistent with the ideals of the clubs active members.

Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs, Neil Murrie SS, Daimler Register,

Bob Kretschmer

XK, 7,8,9 Register,

Robin Ide

Compact Register,

Geoff Thomas

Multivalve Register,

Ron Palmer

We were again able to hold membership fees to the 2008 level and $25 below the fees from a decade ago - that is a 29% reduction and unprecedented through a global financial crisis; something the whole club should be proud of.

XJ Register,

Bob Charman

E-Type Register,

Alan Baker

V 12 Register,

Roger Adamson

The committee are unanimously committed to maintaining the string focus on the social and our cars activities which we believe would see us being able to maintain our current $60 membership fees for at least another couple of years.

Andy passed the meeting back to the new President Peter Holland

We still have reserves of $46,424.89 and a current account balance of $32,776.77. Proposal: That the audited accounts for the JDCSA for the year ended 30th June 2012 be accepted.- Accepted Proposal: That Simon Mudie be appointed as the Auditor for the year ended 30th June 2013 – Accepted

Peter thanked Andy as Returning Officer and the outgoing committee for all the discussions and debate over the year and for those leaving for their input and support. A welcome to Daphne who will be joining the committee. Closure Peter thanked Tim for doing the minutes and everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.09pm

Election of Officers Peter Holland & Di Adamson stood down and Andy MadgThe Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Register Minutes 2. A Register Run to Port Lincoln traveling via the Spencer Gulf Ferry is now at the discussion stage 3. Bob Lynch had a box of old Jaguar & Classic Car magazines to give away 4. JDCSA: (Malcolm Adamson reported) 1. Photographs are required for the Club 2014 Calendar

SS and Pushrod Register Minutes of Meeting Held at the home of John & Jenny Lewis Wed. 31st July 2013. The Minutes of 26th June 2013 were accepted as being a true record of the meeting. Present: Bruce Fletcher, Don Evans, Ross Rasmus, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, Malcolm Adamson, Bob HillLing, John Lewis, Bob Lynch. Jack Richardson (late.) Apologies: Brenton Hobbs, David Adamson, Ross Gogler, Bill Everett 1. SA and VIC Border Run Nov 2012 Run No.38 President Bruce Fletcher will prepare a Summary Report now that his computer is fixed. BF 2. Tri-State Run to Dubbo NSW 1315 Sept 2013 Run No. 39 Team: Fletcher, Adamson, Hill-Ling, Richardson, Gogler & Kretschmer. Dep. Adelaide am Wednesday , o/n at Broken Hill & Cobar Return, dep. Monday 16th, o/n at Cobar & Broken Hill Bob K to remit final Event Fee. Fred Richardson requires a good photograph of a Register SS, Mk1V & MkV ASAP Malcolm to arrange the Mks 1V &V, Bob his SS Jaguar. Don Evans may join us as far as Broken Hill

2. Cats & Cans, see CM, note change of venue. 3. Special Celebrations; SA Jag Day - Sunday October at Civic Park Modbury incl. 50 yrs ‘SType’ Suggestion for the 2 vehicles for Register Display – Ross Rasmus’s MkV dhc & BobKretschmer’s SS Jaguar. (why not the SS Airline as work in progress!) 40 years of XJ Series 11 40 years of SS Register April 2014 90 years of Swallow 2013 4. The December Christmas Dinner will be at the Police Club following the September General meeting Tuesday 3rd. Suggestions for Entertainment are sought from members. Bob Lynch’s suggestion as explained last meeting would not now be suitable because of space limits. 5.The Club seeks new Representatives for All British Day Committee & The Federation. Bob Lynch will consider and advise.

MkV’s overheating (again). General discussion ensued. Bob said that the thermostat bellows did not ‘open’ when immersed in near-boiling water. Don Evans stressed the importance of & back-flushing the radiator & sealing off the radiator by-pass line to the water pump. Bob Kretschmer suggested fitting a temporary clear plastic hose from the cooling water manifold rail outlet flange back to the radiator header tank in order the visibly check the coolant flow, the presence of physical debris & the change of flow rate with engine speed for impeller operation. Coolants were also discussed at length. Some members use ‘NULON additive with conflicting experience. 6. Parts: 1. Bruce Fletcher tabled a sample of a new exhaust pipe gasket suitable for Mk1V & MkV engines available ex Qld. Register members to check for size & contact Bruce direct for bulk order. 2. Don Evans has a set of Mk2 brake calipers for sale. 8. SS Register Meeting Dates: Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm August 28 Bruce Fletcher (AGM) Pre-meeting meal at a pub nearby September 25

Ross Rasmus

6. Malcolm Adamson represents the Register at the Executive Committee meetings on behalf of President Bruce & Secretary Bob & extended an invitation for a replacement.


Jack Richardson.

7. The Club has accepted an invitation to join with the Armstrong Siddeley Club for a picnic run as part of ‘Drive your Old Car Day’ on Sunday 1st September. Bill Everett (Mk1V dhc) has expressed interest.

Minute Distribution: Email; Bruce Fletcher, Phil Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, David Adamson, Digby Thomas, Bill Everett.

8. Malcolm Adamson advised having attended the Victor Harbor Historic Motor Vehicle Club inc.

3. General Business: 1. Annual Dinner & 40 year Anniversary Dinner. Some members attending were disappointed.

British Classics Tour last May and suggested that we consider incorporating next year’s Run into our Register events.

The Sunday Display of ‘S-Types’ featured 8 vehicles

5. Technical: 1. Bob Hill-Ling raised the subject of


November 27

Des Brown

Meeting closed at 9.30pm Supper: Thankyou Jenny & John

Post; Don Evan R.J. Kretschmer SS Register Secretary

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Register Minutes Sept. 1st. Day to Wallaroo – organised by James Mann. Sept. Meeting. Bob & Daff away. Claire Evans to host. October Meeting – Don Tyrrell’s Garage at Barwell Avenue, Marleston. British Classic Tour – Victor Harbour Sun. 4th May 2014. Targa Adelaide Night Stage Static Display– Wednesday 21st August. Old Car Day – Sept. 1st.

Minutes of the XJ , Mk X, 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s Rooms on 14th August 2013

Golden Jubilee Tour – 23 - 26 November.

Present Philip Adams, Ben Adler, Steve Attard, Steve Arthur, David Bicknell, Walter & Beryl Bullock, Miranda Brady, George Calvert, Bob & Daphne Charman, John & Claire Evans, James Mann, Graeme Moore, Martin O’Dea, Ray & Barb Offe, Dennis Paech, Phil Prior, Evan Spartalis, Geoff & Margaret Thomas, Merv Tucker, Don & Kathy Tyrrell.

Philip Adams—Family tragedy. Daimler not been used during this time.

Apologies George & Red Hughes, Betty Moore, Pete & Ros Holland, John Best, Borys Potiuch, AnneMarie Pijanka, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Andrea Spartalis New Members The Register welcomed Geoff and Margaret Thomas to our Register and also Miranda Brady for her first meeting. Special Mentions The Register wished to congratulate :-

A.G.M.—Tuesday 3rd September Car Talk

Ben Adler—Had a blow out on the Mannum to Swan Reach Road. Took short cut back to Adelaide through the fields and paddocks. Luckily no damage to car. Steve Arthur—“Lisa Jay” getting face lift. Finished paint work. Steve Attard—Finished the lights in the pergola and by the way, the cars are OK. David Bicknell—Gertrude has a reconditioned alternator. The 420 is getting there. Miranda Brady—Has an Old English While XJ Series 2. Needs to have it inspected to comply for Historic Registration. Evan to help her out.

Geoff & Margaret Thomas 2013 President’s Trophy winners.

Walter & Beryl Bullock—N.T.R apart from a Tail light globe out.

Phil Prior 2013 Club person of the year winner.

George Calvert—Trying to fix Rover. Pain to fix. The Jag is OK. It started tonight. Paint job is in the pipeline. (Mission Brown?)

Tom Brindle 2013 Editors trophy winner. General Business Jag Day 27th October will now be held back at Civic Park.

Bob & Daphne Charman—The clock is looking good. (Well almost) John & Claire Evans—Took car for a run. It flew like a bird. All OK.

Xmas Dinner at the German Club this year is Friday the 6th December and is now sold out.

James Mann—Had to jump start the Jag from a Ford. Jag OK now the Ford won’t start.

Mk 10 & 420G owners to get together for photo shoot for our calendar.

Graeme Moore—Series 1 dash lights did not come on after last meeting. The rest in the garage fixed the problem because now they work. X300 drive car starting to improve as well.

November Register meeting will be an Auction night. Phil Prior outlined Golden Jubilee Tour (S types) in November.

tane. Then his mates at the RAA said he had a crook distributor after having to push the car by himself. (could have done himself a mischief!) then only to find his mobile phone was made by Jaguar, because that didn’t work either. At this point the minutes taker almost had an accident and had to excuse herself, so we didn’t get any more minutes. But, I think we should enter Martin in Australia’s Got Talent. Ray & Barb Offe—Series 1 didn’t quite make it tonight. The XJS still in its Carcoon. Phil Prior—S type a dream. Series 1 not driven due to being stripped down ready for carpets to arrive. Slight problem with headroom in the Series 1. Have to adjust seats to fit. Dennis Paech—Was having trouble with interior lights not working. Found the problem to be fish oil. Cleaned lights and they work fine. Evan & Andrea Spartalis -E type has had the speedo fixed. Geoff & Margaret Thomas—Bought a Silver XJ Series 2 from the Classic Throttle Shop in Sydney. A lovely car but it would not start tonight. Possibly starter motor. Merv Tucker - Still having starting problems. RAA thought it could be inertia switch. Only touched the reset button and it started immediately. May have finally found the problem. Have ordered a new switch and hoping for the best. Don & Kathy Tyrrell—No problems. One Mk10 OK, the other waiting for clutch in air conditioner. Kathy’s car needs the cooling system flushed out, husband, Don to the rescue!! Meeting closed at 8.35pm. Next meeting: Wednesday 11th September, 2013, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. Claire Evans is the Guest Host while Bob and Daphne away skiing.

Martin O’Dea—Gone onto 98 oc-

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Register Minutes

Minutes of the E-Type F-Type and Grand Tourer Register Meeting held at Alan Baker’s Shed on 15th August 2013 Present Alan and Pam Baker, Chris Lake, Vin Pisconi, Frank, Alan Dunsford, Ivan Cooke, Mark and Heidi , Roger and Di Adamson, Ian Pringle, Steve and Helen, Garry Dunn, Paul Kuhlman, Peter Leaf-Milham, John Powell and Guest, Dan Jeffries, Martin Hawes, Chris Rankin Apology Alan Bartram Alan welcomed the V12 members to the meeting as well as invited guests. The meeting was very relaxed where people mixed and shared ideas. General feed back from people who went to the 40th dinner and carvery the following day were very positive. Nominations were called for a Register Secretary and A Baker was successful yet again Business Review of Alan’s shed very impressive as always He has acquired a gopher to power his full size Dalek Progress on the D Type is going well with strong possibility it could be ready for Jaguar Day Alan raised the importance of everyone participating in Jaguar Day on the 27th October Requested ideas for some future runs Meeting closed at 10pm Next Meeting This will be at Alan’s Shed at 7.30 pm on 19th September unless advised otherwise by Email. To get on Alan’s Distribution list

Minutes of the XK 7 8 9 Register Meeting at Julian and Moira Lugg’s, Springton, Sunday 11 August, 2013. Welcome: Julian welcomed everyone to the Luggs’ place at Springton and gave a brief introduction to the property. Register Secretary, Robin Ide thanked Julian and Moira for their hosting of our meeting and for the arrangements that they had put in place. In recognition of the number of visitors and previous members present, Julian impressed by introducing everyone individually. Brief Register Meeting: Members agreed with the suggestion from Robin to hold a brief register meeting before commencing lunch. ‘The emphasis on the meeting would be on providing information. Several items of business which needed member input before our September meeting would be resolved by e-mail and snail mail.’ Attendance: Present were: Richard and Carla Smith, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, John and Lindsey Williams, Doug and Sue Harrison, Peg and Rod Davis, Peter and Ros Holland, John Dunning, Robin Ide, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Peter and Judy Goodale, Julian and Moira Lugg, Jacques and Sally Metzer, Ossie and Rayeena Petrucco, Di and Roger Adamson, Bill and June Barker, Rob Smith, David and Sally Burton, David and Carol Seidel, Keith Ashby and Greg Fulwood. Graeme and Fiona Schultz arrived on two wheels at about 2.30pm. Apologies were received from: Deidre Ide and Trevor Bywater. Previous Minutes: Robin apologised for the July minutes not being available and advised that they would be circulated shortly. Business: Jag Day: Registers have been asked to choose their two best cars to be

judged at Jag Day and to provide a nominee for the judging panel. Robin passed on information from Alan Baker to the effect that the approach to judging in 2013 would be much the same as at the 2012 Jag Day. It was noted that Jag Day is on the Sunday of the weekend of the Border Run to Bendigo. Robin will arrange for nominations of cars and judges from the register by e-mail and post or phone. Border Run: Gerry Howell has confirmed that six rooms are currently booked for SA attendees in Bendigo for the weekend of the 26 to 29 October. Most events of a full programme have been confirmed and include a barbeque on Saturday night with the Bendigo car club, visits to a mine, a pottery, and the tram depot. Names are needed to confirm accommodation bookings and Wendy Billinghurst has agreed to liaise with Gerry in Robin’s absence for September. Robin will remind members to confirm their attendance. Peg confirmed final arrangements for the Spirit of Coorong cruise. Register Secretary for 2013/2014. Robin advised that the position was vacant and called for nominations. His was the only nomination and was subject to several qualifications. These were that it is likely that there will be times when Robin cannot give full attention to Register matters. For example, he will be out of the country from 2 September to 3 October. Robin has other commitments on the first Wednesday of the month and asked whether the Register meeting night could be changed. It was agreed that Robin would poll members to come up with a night that works for as many as possible. Future meetings: 8.00pm, Wednesday 4 September at Richard and Carla Smith’s at 38 Jerilderie Drive, Happy Valley, 8.00pm, Wednesday, 2 October at the Harrisons’ at 68 Vine Street, Magill 8.00pm, Wednesday 6 November TBA End of year lunch, Sunday 1 December at the Billinghursts’ at 286 Cox Hill Road, Onkaparinga Hills.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Register Minutes & Margaret Browne.Doug & Judy Tilley.Dave Bicknell.Tom & Marj Brindle.Carol Davidson.Sue Prior.

Bill Indicators fixed.Steering was binding just a touch now fixed.

General Business

Colin N.T.R.

Cats & Cans Run. September 15th on page 5 of C.M

Minutes of the Compact Register (Mk 1.2.’S’type.& 420) on Tues 13th August at home of Geoff & Margaret Thomas Present Colin & Marg Haese.Neil Murray.Phil Prior.Noel & Jo Orford.John Gentlecore.Richard Shipman.David Davidson.Bill & Heather Jones.Tim & Sue White. Apologies Peter & Ros Holland.Bill

British Classic Tour Sunday 4th May Targa Adelaide. Wayville Showgrounds 21st August. Drive your old car day.more details in C.M page 5. (Fathers Day) Jag Day.2 cars required for judging Phil/David ,back up Bill. Ex positions discussed. New Register Secretary Discussed. Car Talk Neil Camshaft out checking shims,

Tim N.T.R. Phil N.T.R. New mirrors for “S” type. David N.T.R. New spark Plugs. Richard Light under Dashboard. Globe Holder had fallen out. John Wire loom to back .fitted. Noel Brake cylinder fixed.Electronic Ing Fitted.New Alternator fitted ( Looks like the old Generator) Geoff Daimler sold now in Broken Hill.Now have a 1975 .X.J.6 Ser 2. Next Meeting October 8th at the home of Tim & Sue WHITE. Register Sec GEOFF. SIGNING OFF

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Jaguar XK 120—the world's fastest production car in its day . . . Celebrates 65 Years The XK120 was launched in open two-seater or (US) roadster form at the 1948 London Motor Show as a testbed and show car for the new Jaguar XK engine. The display car was the first prototype, chassis number 670001. It looked almost identical to the production cars except that the straight outer pillars of its windscreen would be curved on the production version. The roadster caused a sensation, which persuaded Jaguar founder and design boss Williams Lyons to put it into production. The "120" in the name referred to the aluminium car's 120 mph (193 km/h) top speed (faster with the windscreen removed), which made it the world's fastest production car at the time of its launch. In 1949 the first production roadster, chassis number 670003, was delivered to Clark Gable.

bonnet, and boot lid. The DHC and FHC versions, more luxuriously appointed than the roadsters, had wind-up windows and also wood veneers on the dashboard and interior door caps. With alloy cylinder head and twin side-draft Su carburettors, the dual overhead-cam 3.4 L straight 6 XK engine was comparatively advanced for a mass-produced unit of the time. With standard 8:1 compression ratio it developed 160 bhp (119 kW), using 80 octane fuel. Most of the early cars were exported; a 7:1 low-compression version, with consequently reduced performance, was reserved for the UK market, where th post war austerity measures then in force restricted buyers to 70 octane "Pool petrol". The Jaguar factory, with access to 80 octane fuel, provided roadsters with the higher compression ratio to the press. Journalists could then test the model's optimum performance in Belgium, on a long, straight stretch of road between Jabbeke and Ostend. The XK engine's basic design, later modified into 3.8 and 4.2 litre versions, survived into the late 1980s. All XK120s had independent torsion bar front suspension semi-elliptic leaf springs at the rear, recirculating ball stering, telescopically adjustable steering column, and allround 12 inch drum brakes that were prone too fade. Some cars were fitted with Alfin (Aluminium Finned) brake drums to help overcome the fade.

The ex-Clark Gable XK120 at the 2012 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.

The XK120 was ultimately available in two open versions, first as an open 2-seater described in the US market as the roadster (and designated OTS, for open two-seater, in America then also as a (DHC) from 1953; and also as a closed, or (FHC) from 1951.

The roadster's lightweight canvas top and detachable sidescreens stowed out of sight behind the seats, and its barchetta -style doors had no external handles; instead there was an interior pull cord which was accessible through a flap in the sidescreens when the weather equipment was in place. The drophead coupé (DHC) had a padded, lined canvas top, which folded onto the rear deck behind the seats when retracted, and roll-up windows. The flat glass twopiece windscreen was set in a steel frame that was integrated with the body and painted the same colour.

A smaller-engined version 2-litres, 4 cylinders, intended for the UK market was cancelled prior to production. On May 30 1949, on the empty Ostend-Jabbeke motorway in Belgium, a prototype XK120 timed by the officials of the Royal Automobile Club of Belgium achieved an average of runs in opposing directions of 132.6 mph with the windscreen replaced by just one small aero screen and a catalogued alternative top gear ratio, and 135 mph with a passenger-side tonneau cover in place. In 1950 and 1951, at a banked oval track in France, XK120 roadsters averaged over 100 mph for 24 hours and over 130 mph for an hour. and in 1952 a fixed-head coupé took numerous world records for speed and distance when it averaged 100 mph for a week. The first roadsters, hand-built with aluminium bodies on ash frames mounted on modified Jaguar MkV chassis, were constructed between late 1948 and early 1950. To meet demand, and beginning with the 1950 model year, all subsequent XK120s were mass-produced with pressed-steel bodies. They retained aluminium doors,

XK120 Drophead Coupe

Dashboards and door-caps in both the DHC and the closed coupé (FHC) were wood-veneered, whereas the more spartan roadster's were leather-trimmed. In addition to wire wheels, upgrades on the Special Equipment, or SE, version (called the M version in the United States) included increased power, stiffer suspension and dual exhaust system.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Sunday Sept. 15 YES it is on again and we need you involved. Last year we gathered together almost 3000 items of food and other basic items for distribution by the Salvation Army. This year we can do even better.




Do you enjoy being creative? Do have at least a basic knowledge of Microsoft Programs? Are you looking for a way to give something back to the club? Would you be willing to learn more about Desktop Publishing? THEN THIS COULD BE YOUR

BIG OPPORTUNITY. I am eager to find someone else in the club who will work with me as an assistant in proding this monthly Classic Marque magazine. Clearly there will be occasions during the year when I am not available to produce the magazine and clearly I do not intend to be Editor forever. Philip Prior 0402 670 754

Enjoy the day out with other members and their cars. Collect a boot full of canned food for those less fortunate than ourselves. Gain some PR and publicity for the club. All canned food and donations collected on the day will once again go to the Salvation Army to be distributed to those in need. NOTE—CHANGE OF TIME! Due to road closures for the City Bay Fun Run 



The Meeting Point—will be the old netball courts on the western side of Anzac Highway between Greenhill Road and West Terrace. The Drop Off Time— for food items will be 11.00 am -12.00 pm. Picnic Lunch—to follow, bring a BYO picnic lunch and enjoy some down time with other club members in the parklands.

APPROACHING YOUR LOCAL SUPER MARKET See Julian Lugg for a letter of authority which you can use to approach your local store for a contribution

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia




Make Your Mark by Contributing to

The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6(b-c) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, these membership applications will be ratified one month from this notice.

Classic Marque There are many ways members can contribute to this magazine thus making it more interesting to the widest possible readership

Steve and Cecilia Schubert

1994 Jaguar XJ8

 Letters to the Editor.

Rory Sweeney & Marion Modra

1966 Daimler 250

 Reports and photos from register runs.

Keith & Mary Ashby

1957 XK150 FHC

 Funny or interesting stories about members

1963 Mk 2, 2.4 /1961 Mk 2, 3.4 / 1966 420G 4.2 Geoffrey & Lynda Gough Steven Savage

1977 XJ6 Series 2 4.2 1950 XK120 DHC

On behalf of the club I welcome these new members and hope you will take advantage of the benefits of the club and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. In particular I ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these new members welcome at meetings and functions. Daphne Charman Membership Secretary

 Jaguar news and events.  Interviews with new members.  Tell us about your car MEMBER’S PRIDE.  Technical tips and ideas for the TECH FILE.  Information on up-coming register events.  A good joke for the Cat’s Giggle.  Stories & photos about “Sleeping Beauties”

members’ cars under restoration.  Recommend a good service or supplier.


The General Meeting of the JDCSA is held on the first Tuesday of each month.

Register Meetings are as follows:

Feb Multivalve Register

Mk 1,2 & 420 & S Type (Compact) - Second Tuesday of every even calendar month

Mar E-Type Register

E-Type—Third Thursday of each month

Apr SS & Daimler Register

Multivalve— Fourth Tuesday of each odd calendar month.

May Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register Jun XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register July XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Aug Multivalve Register Sept E-Type Register Oct SS & Daimler Register Nov Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register Duty Register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm

SS & Daimler— Last Wednesday of each month XJ, Mk 10 & 420G—Second Wednesday of each month XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9— First Wednesday of each month V12— Second Friday of each even month For specific information call Register Secretaries from the Club Directory (page 1)

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Instructions for Participating Jaguar Drivers Please assist us in making this a great day for all participants and the public by following the instructions below  Enter Civic Park from North

East Road via the carpark (see map below)  Please obey instructions

given by the marshals  You are requested to arrive

between 9.00am and 10.00am  All cars are to be in place at

the latest by 10.30am.  No car is to leave the park

before 3.00pm.

On display will be the fabulous new Jaguar F Type Kindly supplied by Solitaire Automotive

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Cats Classifieds Jaguar 1959 Mk 1 - SA 52-974 3.4 Litre 6 cylinder Automatic 4 disc brakes Original white, wood grain interior Lots of rust but not beyond restoration Complete car. Adelaide Metro Area. Price $ 4 900 negotiable Contact John Pilla 0417 088 305 Jaguar XJ6 1986 series 3, 6 cylinder, unleaded fuel. White, very straight body, pepper pot wheels.. Motor original, has a reconditioned head by Jag specialists. Travelled 229,000 Kms Have heard a little rumour that a company used to own this car and used it in film making and advertisement previously.

Price $10,000 Please contact Jo Keenan on 0466 842 640

PLEASE NOTE All Classified ads in Classic Marque automatically expire after 3 Editions. To renew your ad for a further 3 months please contact the editor. If your car sells or you wish to withdraw your ad please contact the editor by email. Philip Prior: For Sale 1988 Daimler DS420 Limousine A once in a life time opportunity to own a rare piece of history. Only 4141 cars were built with a further 903 chassis for the funeral industry (Hearse's) Hence many have been lost over the years through various means, and the old 'tinworm' has taken its toll on many others. This vehicle has a regal history, has done only 86,000 Km in its life time, and most importantly is 100% rust free with the all body panels being dent and blemish free. Always garaged. Electric windows including partition, grey/blue leather interior front and back, new tyres, AC, power steering etc. Those who know these cars aand followed there history through out the world will know the purchase price for one of these can vary from as little as $15,000 to around $60,000. (a similar car sold in NZ about 2 years ago for $73,000). so this will give you an idea of the cars worth and has been valued as such by the insurance company. However, I am negotiable to any sensible offers VERY reluctant sale due to ill health, so needs a good home. $ P.O.A. So no curiosity calls or tyre kickers please. Genuine enquiries only

Please contact Andrew on 0488 363 863 or email The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Restoring “Bessie” - a story about how “a fool and his money are soon parted” By our Patron—Ian Webber I suppose that it’s not unusual for restorers of old cars to be faced with the dilemma of where to store their pride and joy, but in my case the solution to this problem proved as challenging as the restoration of the car itself. This truly was a case of the “tail wagging the dog” – but let me go back to the beginning. In 1957 I joined Chrysler Australia as a design engineer. In those days the Australian Government required that all cars sold in this country must incorporate a high percentage of Australian content and no “luxury” cars were imported from the USA. As part of my training I was assigned to the Chrysler Institute of Engineering in Detroit, where I undertook a postgraduate degree in automotive engineering. During my stay in Detroit I owned three cars - a 1948 Chrysler Windsor convertible (for which I paid $70), a 1948 DeSoto sedan and a 1955 DeSoto Fireflite convertible. I bought the Fireflite, which had started life as part of the fleet of Central Engineering Division, in November 1957 for $1300. As mentioned earlier, “luxury” cars weren’t available in Australia at that time, so the purchase of the DeSoto was a major event for me. I used it in Detroit, and then in July 1959 I drove it to San Francisco as part of my return journey to Australia. The DeSoto, which I had named “Bessie”, accompanied me on the “Mariposa” and we both arrived in Sydney in September 1959. Even today a large convertible (the colour is salmon pink, described as Emberglow in the sales brochure (and “Nipple Pink” by my rude friends) causes eyes to turn and eyebrows to be raised. In 1959 in car-starved Adelaide it was a sensation. Automatic transmission, power steering and power brakes were novelties in those days, to say nothing of the power top and the Highway High Fi record player! I sold Bessie in 1962 after losing my heart to an S Series Valiant. The DeSoto had given me enormous pride and pleasure, but it was time for my new love. How fickle young men are!

Life moves on, and the year is 1994. After a career in the automotive industry, during which I was the last Managing Director of Chrysler Australia and the first Managing Director of Mitsubishi Motors Australia I returned to my old home town of Adelaide. When moving into our new house I came across a file on the DeSoto, and I decided to try and find the old car again, since it was the only one of its type in Australia. After nearly a year of searching I discovered it in a warehouse in Queensland.

Over the next three years I fully disassembled the car, down to the last nut and bolt, renewed or replaced every mechanical component and completely restored the body and trim. I was even able to obtain a length of the original interior seating material! Wherever possible I did the work myself, but the body was badly rusted after the years of driving on Detroit’s roads, requiring the services of a sheet metal specialist to restore panels that had rusted away. Another problem was that the car had been badly converted to RHD by a subsequent owner. I decided to restore it to LHD, the way I had always driven it, and that meant obtaining parts that I didn’t have. So I imported a clapped-out parts car from the US and that car also supplied useful replacement sheet metal items. After 1200 hours of my time the car was restored to its original splendour.

As found in the warehouse in Queensland Almost finished. Complete and better than new (which isn’t saying much!)

Starting again – ready for re-assembly I learned that the DeSoto had spent nearly twenty years in a museum, which explains why it survived for so long in the absence of spare parts, and its very poor state of repair. To say that the car had experienced a hard life is an underestimation, and it was a very different car to the one I remembered. Nevertheless I decided to buy it, and paid more than it was worth (for its sentimental value, I explained to my wife). On closer inspection I realised that I had bought a “basket case” and if it had just been another car I would have given up the idea of a major restoration. But sentiment runs deep, so I persevered.

Today the DeSoto feels and drives like a new car - and so it should after the time and effort that went into its restoration! Young people love the colour and all that chrome, and older people remember their younger days when they see the old car driving by. As they say, nothing succeeds like excess! A story with a happy ending, you might think. Not quite! The restoration had been carried out, and now I was faced with the problem of where to house Bessie – and this is the point where the tail begins to wag the dog! However I’ll keep that story for my next article.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Jaguar XJ220 prototype has sold for a bargain £72,800 at auction BY MURRAY SCULLION

Printed from

An XJ220 prototype has sold for a bargain £72,800 at auction on the 24 July. The 1990 Jaguar XJ220 with chassis number ‘002’ sold for £100,000 less than its estimate at H&H Auctions. It is thought that the ultra low price can be attributed to the fact that this Jaguar was used as a test mule during the design process for the XJ220. 002 had also failed to sell at auction in April this year, which also goes some way to suggesting what a hard sell this car was. It is however, the oldest XJ220 in existence and had recently had £69,690 spent on restoration work. Although powered by the same MG 6R4 derived engine that would go on to feature in XJ220 production cars, the interior is very basic and comes with charming stickers on it saying: “Any person who travels in the vehicle without authority does so at their own risk”.

Geoff Mockford—JDCSA Technical Officer

80 King William St Kent Town SA 5067

ph: (08) 8362 5997

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Club Calendar SEPTEMBER Tuesday September 3, 7:45pm. Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide

JDCSA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will follow with Guest Speaker Ken Messenger—President SCCSA

Wednesday October 9, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms 863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Tuesday October 15, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr.

Wednesday September 11, 7:30 pm

Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms -

Thursday October 17, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Monthly Meeting E Type F Type Grand Tourer Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Thursday September 12-15,

Strathalbyn Swap Meet—Strathalbyn Racing Club

Sunday October 20,

SS & Daimler Register run to Dubbo NSW

Sunday September 15, From 11:00am

Wednesday October 23, 7:30pm SS and Daimler Register meeting contact Malcolm Adamson on 82783002

JDCSA Annual Charity Day—Details page 13

Tuesday September 17, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

SA Jag Day 2013 To be held at Civic Park Modbury Sunday 27th October 2013

Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Thursday September 19, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Monthly Meeting E Type F Type Grand Tourer Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

NOVEMBER Friday November 1, Sporting Car Club ‘Climb to the Eagle’

Tuesday September 24, 7:30—9:00pm

Tuesday November 5, 7:45pm.

Multivalve Register Meeting

Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police

contact Ron Palmer 0418 855 597

Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide

Wednesday September 25, 7:30pm

Wednesday November 13, 7:30 pm

SS and Daimler Register meeting

Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms -

contact Malcolm Adamson on 82783002

863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman Email: 82484111 Mob: 0421482007

Sunday September 29 Bay to Birdwood (Classic)

Tuesday November 19, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr.

Tuesday October, 1, 7:45pm.

Thursday November 21, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police

Monthly Meeting E Type F Type Grand Tourer Register Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive

Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide GUEST SPEAKER—Ed Ordynski—Champion Australian Rally Driver (See Ed,s profile page 25

Tuesday October, 4—8,


Multivalve Register West Coast Run

Contact Philip Prior 0402 670 654 for details. ALL CLUB MEMBERS WELCOME.

Tuesday October, 8, 7:30 pm

Tuesday November 26, 7:30—9:00pm

Compact Register Bi-Monthly Meeting

Multivalve Register Meeting contact Ron Palmer

0418 855 597 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Jaguar News Jaguar Land Rover Invests in the Future Reaffirms its commitment to the future of manufacturing in the UK through sustained investment in skills and innovation.

 275 Engineering, Product Design and Marketing Gradates will join Jaguar Land Rover  Taking the total number of graduates to almost 1,000  Jaguar Land Rover invests more than £150m to accelerate innovation through academic collaboration

Jaguar and Team Sky Celebrate Second Historic Tour De France Victory Maillot Jaune Chris Froome is presented with a Jaguar F-TYPE in a unique Team Sky Pro Cycling celebratory livery.


"The XKR-S GT is the most extreme iteration of the Jaguar R Brand's performance focus. Utilizing race-car derived technology, all-aluminum construction and an uncompromised approach to aerodynamic efficiency, the result is a car as capable on the track as it is exhilarating on the road."


Adrian Hallmark, Global Brand Director, Jaguar At A Glance

 The 2014 Jaguar XKR-S GT is  

 

a track-ready and street legal version of the XK Coupe Developed by the Jaguar ETO division, an in-house specialty vehicle group Constructed on an all-aluminum body structure, assembled using aerospace derived aluminum bonding and riveting techniques A limited production run of just 30 cars for North America; 25 for the US and 5 for Canada The XKR-S GT features bespoke aerodynamic components

to increase down force, and has new suspension and steering systems designed to maximize high-speed cornering ability2  Achieves a maximum down force of 145kg (320lbs) through the addition of aerodynamic aids including a carbon-fiber front splitter, dive planes, extended wheel arch spats, an elevated rear wing, rear diffuser and an aluminum undertray  The XKR-S GT reaches 60 mph in 3.9 seconds with an electronically limited top speed of 186mph (300km/h)2  Powered by a 550hp, 502 lb/ft


 

supercharged 5-litre V8 engine coupled to a six-speed ZF automatic transmission and active electronically controlled rear differential Equipped with a carbon ceramic brake system which features 398mm (15.7-inches) and 380mm (15.0-inches) (380mm) discs front/rear gripped respectively by six- and four-piston monoblock calipers. This is the first time such a brake system has been fitted to a production Jaguar vehicle Suspension changes include: a wider front track, increased camber, revised bushings, a new steering system and faster steering ratio Height-adjustable adaptive dampers feature a race-derived twin spring system, spring rates increased by 68% at the front and 25% at the rear Active exhaust system for reduced backpressure and enhanced aural character Wider 20-inch lightweight forged alloy wheels are designed to maximize brake cooling and are shod with 255/35-20 and 305/3020 Pirelli Corsa tires

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


The Cats Giggle A man goes to a party and has too much to drink. His friends plead with him to let them take him home. He says no - he only lives a mile away.

'My blood pressure pills make my dizzy,' commented the fourth, adding, 'I guess that's the price we pay for getting old.'

About five blocks from the party the police pull him over for weaving all over the road, ask him to get out of the car and take the breathalyser test. Just as he is about to blow into the bag, the police radio informs the policemen of a robbery taking place in a house a short distance away.

'Well, it's not all bad.' piped up the first, 'We should be thankful that we can still drive.

The police tell the partygoer to remain where he is, they will be right back; and they run down the street to the robbery. The guy waits and waits and finally decides to drive home. When he gets there, he tells his wife he is going to bed, and to tell anyone who might come looking for him that he has 'flu and has been in bed all day. A few hours later the police knock on the door. They ask if Mr. X lives there and his wife says yes. They ask to see him and she replies that he is in bed with 'flu and has been there all day. However, the police have his driver's license. They ask to see his car, and she asks why. They insist on seeing his car, so she takes them to the garage and opens the door where they find the police car, lights still flashing. A group of pensioners were discussing their medical problems at the Day Centre coffee morning. 'Do you realise,' said one, 'My arm is so weak I can hardly hold this coffee cup.' 'Yes, I know.' replied the second, 'My cataracts are so bad I can't see to pour the coffee.' 'I can't turn my head,' rejoined the third, 'because of the arthritis in my neck.'

Dwayne is recovering from surgery in St Peter's, Chertsey, UK, having had a local anaesthetic when a nurse asks him how he's feeling.' I'm O.K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used in surgery'. 'What did he say?' asks the nurse. 'OOPS!' A short Polish immigrant went to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters. On the bottom row were these letters: 'C Z W I N O S T A C Z.' 'Can you read this?' the optician asked. 'Read it?' the Polish guy replied - 'I know the fellow.'

A speeding motorist was caught by radar from a police helicopter in the sky. An officer pulled him over and began to issue a traffic ticket. "How did you know I was sp e e di n g? " t he f ru st r at e d d riv er a sk ed . The police officer pointed somberly towards the sky. "You mean," asked the motorist, "that even He is against me?"

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


ACJC MEETINGS – AUGUST, 2013 The latest meeting of the delegates to the ACJC, together with the Annual General Meeting, took place on Sunday, 11th August, 2013 and here are some of the key points from those meetings. Jaguar Australia An apology was received from Jaguar as their staff were either running in the Jaguar Team entered in the “City to Surf” fun-run or involved with delegates from Asia Pacific in the launch of FType. The following report was received. Sales - sales are up 24% year to date, with both XF and XJ seeing terrific growth. For XF this is on the back of the repositioning at 13MY and introduction of 2.0litre turbo petrol engine, both actions happening at the start of the year. XJ is reflecting a growth in the segment volume - although it is on the back of a very low segment in 2012! Product / Brand - the biggest news is the launch of the all-new F-TYPE. As per above, we've just completed a series of ride and drive events to launch the F-TYPE to the local media, dealers, corporates, and next week to the Asia-Pacific Importers. The Australian dealers received their initial demonstrator car this week, and the advertising campaign beings Sunday 11 August. The initial media reviews of the car have been overwhelmingly positive, and we're very encouraged by the reception it's getting from customers as well. We have also recently announced the XFR-S and the XJR (the first time we've had an "R" model in this generation of XJ). Both these cars feature the 550hp engine previously seen in XKRS. And while volumes will be fairly low, both models further increase the performance credentials of Jaguar. We have an XFR-S in Australia that we will be using as a support car at Targa Adelaide in late August, before then being leant to media for reviews. And we plan to have an XJR on the press fleet by late in the year. Meantime, I'm hosting six key media next week (13-17 August) to Seattle to partake in a global media ride and drive program for both XFR-S and XJR, so we should see some reports on both models in the local media in the coming weeks. There has been a considerable effort over the last couple of years on product development, and we are really starting to see the fruits of all these labours. For example, in the last 12 months we've launched new 2.0 turbo and 3.0 supercharged engines along with F-TYPE, and all-wheel drive in North America and Europe (its left hand drive, so not possible for Australia). The product development continues, so future continuing to look extremely bright - it's a brilliant bus to be on why would you want to be anywhere else? National Rallies A Report was received re the Wollongong Rally held earlier this year. The Rally was a great success with approximately 300 registrations and all events and activities being well supported. Twenty-one cars entered Concours and 29 took part in the sporting day whilst 64 people took the Post Rally Tour around NSW. Who will forget the sight throughout the 4 days of four magnificent cars, the C-, D-, E- and F-Type, reflecting the past and the future of Jaguar, most notably on the headland overlooking the harbour? The Rally organisers paid tribute to the great support provided by Jaguar. The National Rally in 2014 will be hosted by the JCCV with accommodation at the Novotel Glen Waverley, off the Monash Freeway to the East. Friday registration will be at the Club’s rooms in Springvale where there will be car cleaning facilities for interstate visitors. The Concours and Display Day will be at nearby Jells Park whilst the sporting day will provide an opportunity for a drive around Sandown Raceway. The Post Rally tour, for which great interest has already been expressed, will be of the Mornington Peninsula. Full details are shortly coming to a website near you. In 2015 the National Rally will be held in Tasmania. The delegates to the ACJC have struggled with an unenviable task following the request from the JDCSA to conduct a National Rally without a Concours. For over two years they have worked with their Clubs to decide whether having an NR without a Concours was acceptable.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


The JDCSA proposed a Rally, in similar format to those enjoyed by members over many years, but without a Concours. Instead they proposed that on the Display Day there would be a judged section based on parameters devised by the JDCSA Organising Committee and with scores remaining confidential and not being provided to entrants. The cars were to be judged based on decades and not in the model groupings which have been developed by the Club delegates. The majority of the Clubs represented on the Council believe that the inclusion of a full Concours event at an NR is an important aspect of the maintenance of the marque. This is consistent with the NR Manual where it states: These mandatory requirements are aimed at ensuring consistency of events, judging, categories of vehicles (where applicable) and awarding of trophies from one Rally to the next. It is believed that without these imperatives the Rally will change over time to become purely a social activity (nothing wrong with social activities) and the reason behind the original creation of the rules surrounding the NR, designed to achieve the aims stated above, will be forgotten. It is also thought it is important to offer Concours at a National level to those of our members who are interested in this aspect of being in a Club. In this context the delegates decided that, for the time being at least, the JDCSA would not be invited to conduct an NR. The Council is encouraged by the resolve of the JDCSA to remain an active part of the ACJC and will continue to work to see how an NR hosted by them is possible. One interim suggestion has already been received and the Council would welcome any other suggestions which would lead to a consensus arrangement for a National Concours. Financial Report The Council sustained an operating deficiency for the year ended June, 2013 although interest earnt turned that into a small surplus. The budget for 2013 indicates a small loss. Whilst costs of the meetings have been trimmed over recent years, airfares and meeting room hire continue to rise, and the costs for maintenance of trophies in a good state of repair is ever present. The income to maintain the ACJC comes from fees based on membership numbers of the Clubs and support from Jaguar. The meeting decided to increase the fees for the first time in over six years, and to speak to Jaguar. Revised Concours Judging System Your Council has been cognisant of comments surrounding the scoring at the Concours events and the divergent views as to what should be done to ensure a level playing field. There is no easy answer to balancing a system to be as close to perfect as possible, fair and simple so that it encourages members who have previously felt disenfranchised to now participate. Consequently for two years a project has been underway to address the issues arising. Clubs have been circulated with proposals and input sought. Divergent views still remain as to the best way to move forward but the Council has made a decision. The new system developed by the JDCA has been tested at their State Concours and at the Victorian State Concours and was trialled at the NR 2013. The aim of the new system is to make the process simpler and to remove the current disparities which exist between cars which were technically simpler but hand-built compared to cars which are more complex but have the benefit of computer technology in their construction. Whilst the Council recognises that any scoring system needs ongoing review it was decided that the new system would be utilised at NR14 in Victoria. The Council is keen to receive constructive feedback from any members after experiencing it in operation. Jaguar Media. Jaguar Australia has released the package of media and publicity rules and formats which govern the use and reproduction of logo and all print / presentation media from now on. A disc has been given to each delegate and is to be applied by editors, regalia designers and others who have Club authority. Clubs are not prevented from continuing to display old logos / formats at this point but all new material must comply with the new rules. Jaguar Australia Communications. JA has a team of three at present so time is critical for them. Discussions on the ACJC coordination and communications role have been held with JA. Annual General Meeting The delegates elected Ken White to be Chairman and Treasurer, Rod Mathers as Secretary and Rick Luff as Public Officer. Editors Note: Members of the JDCSA will be aware that the issue of the format of the National Rally and in particular JDCSA’s desire to run a National Rally without a concourse event has been an on-going dialogue with the ACJC over the past 5 or 6 years. Our club’s executive committee has sort to encourage the ACJC to consider changes to the format for the National Rally that will encourage the widest possibly participation of members, in particular with the needs of the younger generation of members in mind. Clearly from the above report you will see that we have not yet been successful. However we are encouraged by very positive responses from at least three other clubs who are supportive of JDCSA’s position and recognise the need to consider changes whilst specific members of ACJC also accept that it is time to start “thinking outside the square”. The Executive Committee intends to continue to engage in positive and constructive dialogue both within our club and with other clubs to ensure the long term viability and relevance of the Jaguar Club movement in Australia.. It is important that we recognise the significant amount of time that has been committed to this ongoing dialogue by the Executive Committee and in particular past and present Presidents and our ACJC Representatives.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia



A big THANK YOU to those members who supported this outing. Despite the total lack of organisation in relation to access to the grounds it was a good night enjoyed by all.—Ed. The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


Ed Ordynski—A Profile Ed will be special guest speaker at our October General Meeting Ed Ordynski began rallying in 1974 in a Toyota Corolla he bought for $200 while he was attending Flinders University in South Australia. In 1975 he entered his first Australian Rally Championship event, finishing 14th overall and first in class. He began school-teaching in 1977 and spent most of his weekends pursuing rally driving until he became South Australian Rally Champion in 1986, driving a Subaru RX Turbo. In 1989 he became the first Australian to win at World Championship level when he took victory in Group N (the category for showroom production cars) in a privately entered Mitsubishi Galant VR4 at Perth's Rally Australia. With support from Pedders Suspension, he went on to win the Australian Rally Championship outright and contest Group N World Championship rallies in New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Australia, taking nine wins in all.

defeated both the 2001 World Champion, Gabriel Pozzo and 2000 Champion Manfred Stohl. In early 2005, Ed retired from professional rally driving when Mitsubishi withdrew its factory Ralliart teams globally. At 50 years of age, it was time for a break from more than 30 years at the forefront of the sport. However Ed soon found great demand for his services as an exceptional, fuel-efficient driver. In the 2009 Global Green Eco Challenge from Darwin to Adelaide, he and codriver John Cadogan won the SUV category with an amazing 5.1 litres/100km (56.5 mpg) from a Hyundai Santa Fe, a two-tonne 4WD. Now 57 years of age, Ed lives in South Australia with wife, Kathy on their 2.5 hectare hills property. He is Patron of the MG Club of South Australia having owned a 1972 MGB for many years. Other ‘classic’ vehicles in the stable include, three Datsun 1600s, a Suzuki LJ80 4WD, Holden HG ute and a Yamaha TY250 trials bike. Although primarily known as a factory rally driver, Ed has also specialised in conducting promotional events, training seminars and new product launches within the automotive industry. He has been a member of the Rally Advisory Committee to the SA Motorsports Board; Competitor Adviser to the Australian Rally Commission; and Chairman of the Australian Rally Commission.

The Holden VR Commodore in which Ed Ordynski and Ross Runnalls won the 1995 Mobil 1 Trial Ed is indeed best known for his amazing record in Group N - he has had eight Group N wins from eleven starts at Australia's round of the World Rally Championship, winning six consecutively from 1991 to 1996 - and has won the Australian Group N Rally Championship four times.

Ed has trained and coached many rally competitors both in Australia and overseas including the winners of the Asia-Pacific Rally Championship; the Australian Rally Championship; the Japanese Dirt Trial Championship; the Indonesian Rally Championship; the Thailand Rally Championship; the Thailand Rallycross Championship; the Malaysian Rally Championship; the runner-up in the RAC Rally of the UK; the Classic Adelaide tarmac rally; and the state rally championship winners in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia. Motorsport Highlights 1st Group N, Rally Australia, World Rally Championship, 1989, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, 2001. 1st Group N, Rally New Zealand, World Rally Championship, 1994.

He has also competed in several Asia-Pacific countries; made sixteen trips to China as a race instructor; raced V8s at Bathurst and Sandown; in 12 Hour races at Eastern Creek and Bathurst with George Fury and Win Percy; and in 1995, in a two-car team with Peter Brock, won the Mobil 1 Round Australia Trial, a 20,000km event.

Australian Group N Rally Champion, 1990, ‘93, '94, '95.

In 1998 Ed was awarded the prestigious, "Columnist-ofthe-Year" at the Magazine of the Year Awards, for his motorsport articles in Fast Fours & Rotaries Magazine.

Winner, 1995 Mobil 1 Round Australia Trial.

He rates this as one of his best wins alongside the special gold plate awarded by Mitsubishi Motors for six consecutive wins in their worldwide, "Driver-of-the-Year" award. At the 2001 Telstra Rally Australia, Ordynski took one of his strongest World Championship Group N wins when he

Australian Rally Champion, outright, 1990, in a Group N car. Winner, 1993 Esanda International Rally of Canberra. Winner, 2002 Subaru International Rally of Canberra Winner, 1986 South Australian Rally Championship. 2nd outright, Australian Rally Championship, 2003. 9th outright, Sandown 500 V8 Touring Car Race, 1995. 3rd outright, Rally of Thailand, 1994. Winner, Mitsubishi Ralliart Driver of the Year, eight times.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia



problem is to remove and rebuild the rear calipers (or replace them with rebuilt units). Keep in mind that if brake fluid changes were not done per Jaguar recommendations you may find quite of bit of internal corrosion in the calipers, making them difficult or impossible to rebuild.

One of the most unusual aspects of the Jaguar XJ6 Series 1 through Series 3 sedans and the XJ-S coupes is the inboard rear brake setup. On these cars, the rear brake calipers and rotors are not located out by the rear wheels, as they are on 99% of all cars, but are located alongside the differential. This arrangement is more usually found on pure racing vehicles, where it is frequently used in order to lower the car's unsprung weight (i.e. weight not supported by the car's suspension). In general, the lower the ratio of unsprung to sprung weight, the better the suspension will operate.

Third, the handbrake calipers, which are separate mechanical calipers mounted above the hydraulic service calipers, are frequently seized due to corrosion and deterioration/hardening of the factory grease. These must be removed to enable removal of the service calipers and it is a good idea to disassemble them to clean and to free up. Glass-beading and relubing will normally restore the calipers and self-adjusters to proper operation.

The inboard brake arrangement brings with it a number of considerations in servicing and maintenance. First of all, this design makes it very difficult to replace the rear rotors, in most cases requiring the dropping of the rear subframe to accomplish rear rotor replacement. As this is a great deal more work than rear brake rotor replacement on an outboard brake vehicle, it is important to keep an eye on the rear brake pad thickness to prevent going metal to metal and ruining a rear rotor. On an inboard brake Jaguar, it is always better to toss rear pads with a bit of lining left than to replace one's rear rotors. Second, the placement of the rear brake calipers puts them in close proximity to the exhaust pipes as they kick up over the rear axles. This, along with the lesser airflow which exists under the car (compared to calipers in the outboard position) and the normal heat generated by the brakes in operation, places an elevated heat load on the rear calipers. This in turn affects the service life of the rubber seals in the brake calipers. They harden and the calipers begins to leak brake fluid from around the caliper pistons. This condition should be suspected if inspection of the rear caliper dust boots reveals that they are badly deteriorated and falling apart. Additionally, rear brake pad replacement, and the requirement to push the caliper pistons back to allow insertion of the thicker new pads, will frequently cause brake fluid leaks to occur even if the calipers were sealing before. The only solution to this

Fourth, it is always a good idea to replace the rubber brake hoses when they are more than ten years or so old. Old brake flex hoses generally look fine externally but over time the internal passage tends to swell closed and act as a one-way valve. Because most disc brake system do not have positive pad retraction mechanisms to pull the pads away from the rotors after brake applications, this can cause the brakes pads to drag lightly on the rotors resulting in excessive wear and rotor overheating. (Lateral run-out of the rotor and seal hysteresis account for brake pad knock-back in most disc brake designs.) The above information also applies in general to XKEs, Mk 10s, and 3.8S Jaguars, which use basically the same inboard brake independent rear suspension.

This article is reprinted from the web site of Coventry West with kind permission.

The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


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