Paper visiting teacher 2015

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Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo



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Countries around the globe involved in the 2015 visiting teacher program


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo

INTRODUCTION After spending three (3) weeks in the corridors and stairs of the Architectural Association in London with other seven (7) teachers from around the world and being hosted by Hugo Hinsley, I have to say; it has been an interesting experience full of reflections. In one hand having the chance to know the AA structure of teaching which breaks most of the standards and paradigms of Architecture education in contrast with our institutions, and in the other hand, the chance and permission to dig out into all the educational and administrative spheres of the AA which I found an open and generous attitude towards us as visiting teachers which we really appreciated. The whole idea of this paper is to raise questions, reflections and impressions about architectural education based of the discussions of eight (8) teachers representing their universities and institutions and having the AA as a moderator to share that dialogue in addition to examine the response from my perspective of the AA model, pointing out the pros and cons according to our experience and practice.

The group of teachers visiting one of units in the AA.

The group of teachers & Hugo around the table in the AA.


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo

ABOUT THE ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION. Working as an architecture teacher the questions about how to do it and what are the best practices for doing it are always an issue to consider if you really want to do it right for yourself and for the students who trust your methods and experience. After having the chance to discuss it in the AA with other visiting teachers from around the world and of course with some of the AA teachers, a lot of questions and reflections came up among us as teachers during these years of technical and digital revolution and rapid changing atmosphere to what we all are exposed to. According to my point of view, these are some points I would consider important for architectural education: The creation of an innovative environment is essential for capturing the interest and attention both students and teachers, meaning with that: -

Projects with high components of questioning and unresolved matters. Complex sites (plots, cities, regions, universes) full of elements and variables that challenge everyone involved. The idea of flexibility, in order to explore and experience the problem with different perspectives and possibilities to be seen, solved, and materialize. To have all the resources possible at your fingertips in order to shape the ideas, meaning: software, workshops full of manual and digital machines, experts, etc. Inspirational spaces to work full of natural light, working and collaborative atmosphere.

AA prototyping laboratory full of equipment to shape students ideas.

First year AA Students waiting on the roof terrace a turn to explain their work to the juries.


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo

AA Students Class room where everyone share and spend time working their projects.

View from an internal window where a student finishes her work before showing it to the juries.

Field trips to unknown places as a way of escaping from the everyday life environment, which let us as teacher and students see, feel and live other climates, geographies, cultural, social and political points of views, even spots in our own cities that we never imagined it existed, just to create a state of shock in our preconceived visions of the space and time. Trial and error, as a method of reaching knowledge may be sometimes, a good way to apprehend the experience, making it personal and significant, which I think will remain in our brain long enough to remember it.


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo To identify the personality of the group of the students, the individuals and the dynamics of each other among the group, in order to make the most of each and the group itself, knowing when a work must be done in groups and when must be done individually. This method of course makes the class room as big as 12 students at the most. Reflecting trust and confidence to the students; have them feel they are in good hands, where everyone is learning, but in some way you may lead and guide them to paths they would never consider to take or to approach the project they are overtaking. Having them always question their work, their results, their approach, their way of looking at the problem, so they can built a sense of self-criticism which will help them through all their studies and their professional practice. Pushing them to experience new materials, techniques, methods, shapes, let them try approach from unconventional ways the project and raise questions they will have to solve. Having clear what is the type of architect the school is trying to shape inside their teaching method, and a good balance of technical, conceptual and theoretical matters giving the students tools to go out and have a sincere practice for themselves and for the environment they are working for. Stimulating the student to experience cross disciplinary work with other students from different areas, which give them tools to empathize with needs and problems from another points of view.

ABOUT THE ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION. The AA has become a myth in architectural education among architects, universities, institutions and organizations. Having the chance to share their knowledge with other architects and with the AA itself, I think was an unquestionable privileged. After navigating through some of the units, postgraduate programs, administrative staff and teachers, one, as a teacher always asked oneself so many questions that lead us to reflect about your own work experience and the institution you work for. A lot of questions were asked during those days for us as visiting teachers and for the AA as a host. For us, those questions were related or trying to figure out all the units system and no degrees evaluations, for others about technical and design issues about those “ethereal and reflecting� subjects of the units which always kept us thinking at the moment we saw the title, the students work in jury tables and within the units classrooms. In that sense, if all those issues made us think and reflect in just three (3) weeks of our experience, I am sure for the students must be a difficult puzzle to solve throughout the whole students years and for the teacher a challenge to have the units comes alive. Still, in my mind rest lots of question and reflections about the whole system in a positive and susceptible way to be revised and reflect. I will try to address some of them which I consider are still fresh in my mind, but surely, when times passes, will come up others that I hope with the rest of the seven other teachers hopefully we will discuss.

What I found Positive: London as a Headquarter, and the location of the AA, no question about that!


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo The Multicultural environment, having students & teachers of all races, religions, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds, this subject enriches the work and makes the world as tiny as their fingers. The knowledge about the past history of the school, the preservation of students work. The continuously changing Brief of the units, forcing the students to experience always something different, and to encourage the teacher to be always innovative. The atmosphere of architecture and design in every corner of the AA, you cannot forget why you are there for! No degrees, by not forcing the teacher having to label a student with a certain degree. Spaces for every unit and program, is absolutely amazing how the students and teachers takes over the place and transforms it as a “unit cave”, shaping that space in something unique and personal. The AA Bar, having the chance as a student or teacher to have a drink (wine, gin, beer, etc) in the middle of the working day and indirectly sending the message to the students how to manage alcohol with no mystery at all. Having external juries on the tables that can dictate and share their professional experience with the students besides their tutors. The flexibility of the Units system, making possible to create subjects and briefs as complex and sublimes with off course a discourse and theory behind them. Laboratories of all kind, giving the students to experience with all kind of materials, techniques they may imagine or need. The visiting programs including our program giving a chance to expand and spread knowledge and experience, which I considered a crucial attitude of the AA toward the outsiders. The enthusiasm of the teachers involved in the units and the level of commitment toward the AA and the students. The size of the class room, not making them bigger than ten (10) or twelve (12), which adds an immense advantage to the students to get proper feedback. The archives, library material and digital media resources on the web page. What I found susceptible of thinking: In contrast to what was written in last paragraphs, some of the positive practices may have sometimes things that might be, according to my point of view, and of course motivated by my own experience, issues to reflect. The multicultural environment and the sense of having “elite” students refereeing to their economic background could carry some issues, although I know there are scholarships of various kinds. What would happen if the AA made sure that some percentage of their students has to have other economics background and some specific nationalities?


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo What about English as the only language for the visiting programs in other countries? Having so many teachers that speak other languages, why not employ the local language in those programs sometimes? The Unit system is under no doubt an unique, cutting edge and flexible as any other system, but, by having that flexibility does some of the students miss some core and

structural knowledge of the architecture principles? For instance, what about some Design or Urban theories that does not cover the unit chosen for the student?, or, some technical issues (structure, M&E issues, etc). There is no doubt about the architecture atmosphere of the AA, you can breathe it all over the place, but sometimes, although I asked myself that question at some point at the table, Is the presence of other type of students from another areas missing in the everyday life of the school?, Would not be helpful for the students to have others students perspectives different from an student of architectural field inside the school?

ABOUT THE VISITING TEACHERS PROGRAM. After any comments or suggestions about this topic, I only have a great gratitude for Hugo Hinsley commitment and disposition toward the program, witnessing him to walk around the stairs and halls trying to catch and gather us is just a small prove of that. Thank you Hugo! As I did before, I will classify the positive things and other ones to be considered. What I found Positive: The idea of the program itself, creating the space and time to discuss about the architectural education is a proper thing to do at any moment in any faculty or schools that is in charge of teaching architecture. The walking tours with Benny O’looney around London, they were full of amazing stories, knowledge and tips that helped us to understand and asses where we were, and help us to confirm how great London is. The time of the year, having the chance to see the student results, the tutors and juries on the tables, and the final review is crucial to understand the process and to construct a better opinion about the AA system, and of course London in this time of the year, although is not certain, give us the beginning of a “pseudo summer�. The membership included in the program for one year, it sure give us a sense of belonging in some way to the AA. The coincidence of the program with the London festival of architecture. Having the chance to talk with the students as well with the tutors helped us understand the unit from both perspectives. Choosing visiting teachers from all around the globe with different backgrounds is a valuable element to bring to the discussion.


Architectural Association - Visiting Teacher Program 2015 Critical Paper - Juan Garces De Vivo What I found susceptible of thinking: An arranged tour to the Hooke park project, where I am sure visiting teachers will enjoy the work and projects made by students and people involved in it. I could say the length of the program could be maybe at least 3,5 weeks in order to include the Hooke park visit, which can help us think and reflect of what we are evidencing in the AA. The time to discuss every visiting teacher University program or proposal could be a bit longer with a time arranged feedback for every visiting teacher in order to ensure that everyone can have the same amount of time to speak about it. Having the chance and time to prepare the final paper in the AA by the visiting teachers, in order to discuss it as well among everyone, and make sure that every program of the year could have a final document as an evidence of the exercise in digital format. The presence of an UK teacher of another architectural institution of UK would be helpful in order to have the view of a local university or institution in contrast with the AA. The creation of a community of the visiting teacher programs of all years in order to check previous experiences and follow the next ones, in shape of blog, or any other internet tool attached to the AA web page. Arrange meetings with students without the tutors, so they may feel free to speak about it without the presence of their tutors, it can be made as an informal chat by having a drink in the bar. Finally, without any doubt, I had the chance to witness during three (3) weeks an environment where the architecture and design is the core and goal of everyone involved, I could evidence in each person I meet within those walls the will and illusion to get out and change, question and shape spaces, ideas, and worlds we inhabit, and, for me, at least, it is worth the visit because it made me confirm how much I like and enjoy my work as a teacher and how much I would like to keep learning.

The group of teachers in one of the field trips arranged by the AA and led by Benny O’looney.


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