Champion 2024 Winter Macau Auction Catalog

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Sunday December 1, 2024

Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos Macau, 6/F Promenade
Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16




1897年陝西省造庫平三錢六 分銀質樣幣,喜敦版,NGC SP63,華人家族收藏 起拍價:200,000美元

1897年江南省造光緒元寶庫 平七錢二分銀幣,人字邊,NGC MS 62,席德柄/張南琛收藏 起拍價:60,000美元

1912年孫中山像開國紀念壹圓 銀幣,NGC MS66,席德柄/張 南琛收藏 起拍價:10,000美元

澳門錢幣學會年會開幕儀式暨澳門錢幣學會熊貓紀念章首發儀式 ( 索菲特酒店六樓會議室 )

澳門錢幣學會年會晚宴暨《中國機制幣精品鑒賞》(銀幣版)第四版活動發佈會 (嘉年華大酒店 )

冠軍澳門拍賣會預展、澳門錢幣學會年會展 ( 索菲特酒店六樓會議室 )

冠軍澳門拍賣會預展、澳門錢幣學會年會展 ( 索菲特酒店六樓會議室)

冠軍澳門拍賣會預展( 索菲特酒店六樓會議室)

冠軍澳門拍賣會(索菲特酒店六樓會議室) 取貨 ( 索菲特酒店六樓會議室)

1900年(庚子)京局製造光緒 元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,重鑄 版,NGC MS64,該版別最高分 起拍價:200,000美元

1898年陝西省造光緒元寶庫 平七分二厘銀幣,喜敦版, NGC SP66,張南琛收藏 起拍價:60,000美元

1907年光緒年造大清銀幣 丁未伍角,PCGS MS62 華人家族收藏 起拍價:10,000美元

1898年戊戌江南省造庫平 七錢二分珍珠龍銀幣,六根 尾鰭版,NGC MS66,該版別 最高分,YIF收藏 起拍價:120,000美元

1884年(光緒十年)吉林機 器官局監製銀幣厰平半兩, NGC AU DETAILS 起拍價:60,000美元

1850-1864年太平天國聖寶, 銀,正“天國”,反“聖寶” NGC AU58,該版別最高分 起拍價:10,000美元

1898年戊戌江南省造光緒元 寶庫平七錢二分珍珠龍銀幣, 八根尾鰭版NGC MS61,該 版別最高分 起拍價:60,000美元

1914年(民國三年)袁世凱 像中圓銀幣L. Giorgi簽字版, NGC MS63 起拍價:20,000美元

1897年江南省造光緒 元寶 庫平 七錢二分銀幣,齒邊版,NGC AU58,YIF收藏 起拍價:60,000美元

1914年民國共和紀念雙旗嘉禾圖 L. Giorgi簽字版,NGC MS64BN 張南琛收藏,該版別最高分 起拍價:20,000美元

L. Girogi簽名龍鳳銀幣手稿則出自張南琛收藏,上面除了有L. Giorgi簽名,同時簽有日期29-1-14,即1914年1月29日,下 方還有當時在財政部制幣局任內的徐恩元的名字拼寫Hsu Un Yuen字樣 起拍價:10,000美元

Programme 摘要

Important 重要條款

Foreword 前言

Terms of Sale 銷售條款

Instruction for Mail Bidders 郵寄競投須知

Liveauctioneers 注冊幫助

Ancient Coins、Vintage Coins、Chinese Modern Commemorative Medals、World Coins 、Modern Coins & Medals 古錢、機製幣、中國現代紀念章、世界幣、現代幣章

Category | 分類 Lots | 拍品號

Ancient Coins(古錢)

Vintage Coins(機製幣)

Chinese Modern Commemorative Medals(中國現代紀念章)

World Coins(世界幣)

Modern Coins & Medals(現代幣章)

As we are one of the leading dealers in East Asian numismatics. Champion has attended over 30 conventions and auctions annually in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. to buy and sell world coins. Collectors please send us your want lists. We are ready to assist you in the formation and location of items for your collection. We also serve as representatives for bidders at auction. When you are thinking of selling, we can assist in the appraisal and sale of your numismatic holdings for market value. Please contact us at our Shanghai office by email, phone, fax, letter, or meet us at conventions.

Champion Leilao Lda.

Flat/Rm219, 2/F Ho Mongkok Shopping Centre, No.169-173 Portland Street

Mongkok Kowloon, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: Saturday 13:30-17:00

Tel: 852-61650618


iAsure Japan K.K.

Computec Ichigaya Building 3F. 2-20 Honmuracho Ichigaya, Shinjuku, Japan 162-0845

Tel: 03-5225-7017

Fax: 03-5225-7105

Champion Shanghai Auction Room 1808, Bao Hua Building Lane 1211, Changde Rd, Shanghai, 200060

Opening Hours: Saturday 13:30-17:00

Tel: 86-21-62130771 Cell: 13701793363

Fax: 86-21-62130773


Champion Auction Taipei Office (appointment only)

First Floor Room 50, 163 Nan King West Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

Tel: (02) 2555-1761

Cell: 0903937338



6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos Macau

Time of Sale

December 01 10:00 Ancient Coins

12:30 Vintage Coins、Chinese Modern Commemorative Medals、 World Coins、Modern Coins & Medals

Viewing in Macau

6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

November 29 11:00 - 18:00 Preview

6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

November 30 11:00 - 17:00 Preview

6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

December 01 09:00 - 12:00 Preview

Pick up

December 02 09:00 - 12:00

6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos Macau

拍賣地點 澳門內港巴素打爾古街 澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室


12 月 01 日 10:00 古錢 12:30 機製幣、中國現代紀念章、世界幣、現代幣章


11 月 29 日 11:00-18:00⸺預展


11 月 30 日 11:00-17:00⸺預展


12 月 01 日 09:00-12:00⸺預展



12 月 02 日 09:00-12:00

澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 澳門內港巴素打爾古街


12/01 網上拍賣

Please contact us for other viewing arrangement. 如需安排特別預覽時間,請與我們聯繫。




Michael H.Chou

Bruce W. Smith

Dr. Tseng Che Lu (consultant)

Chou Chien Fu (consultant)

Ron Guth (consultant)

自 2019 年 9 月 1 日起,美國對中國內地原產的所有收藏品徵收新關稅,當中包括金條、錢幣及紙幣。此拍品於中國製造,並在關 稅頒佈後從美國境外徵集以進行拍賣。因此,任何希望在美國境內提貨及交付的客戶均將被徵收 7.5% 的進口關稅加 0.3464% 的 手續費(於編輯圖錄之時,手續費最低 26.79 美元 / 最高 519.76 美元,金額可能有變動)。這不是(亦無意成為)適用進口關稅的 完整描述,買方應承擔全部責任,並同意立即支付這些物品進口到美國所產生的關稅和相關費用。本公司及委託人沒有責任支付 任何適用的關稅或費用。如有任何疑問,請諮詢閣下的稅務顧問。

此外,任何需要徵收進口關稅的貨物均將直接從本公司的澳門辦事處發貨,而運送往美國的貨物將受本公司的國際運輸價目表 約束。


On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collector items of Chinese origin, including bullion and numismatic coins and banknotes. This lot was manufactured in China and was sourced from outside the United States for this auction after the tariffs were enacted. Accordingly, any client who wishes to take delivery of this item within the United States will be subject to a 7.5% import tariff plus a processing fee of 0.3464% (minimum $26.79/ maximum $ 519.76), at time of printing and subject to change. Please note, this is not, and is not intended to be, a complete description of the applicable import tariffs and buyer remains fully liable for and agrees to promptly pay all tariffs and fees relating to the import of these items into the United States and neither the auctioneer nor any consignor will have any responsibility to pay any applicable tariffs of fees. Please consult your tax adviser with any questions.

Furthermore, any lots subject to an import tariff will be shipped directly from our Macau offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.

2024 Champion Auction Catalog Is Available At:

Hong Kong: Champion Store

Rm. 219, 2/F Ho Mongkok Shopping Centre, No.169-173

Portland St. Mongkok Kowloon

Tel: 852-61650618


Singapore: Funan Stamp & Coin Agencyt

101 Upper Cross Street #B1_17L People Park Centre

Tel: +65 96387225、+65 98793237

Taiwan: Fu Chin Stamp and Coin Store

Room 11, 6/F, No. 110, Hankou Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

Tel:(02) 23121393、(02) 23115379

Fax:(02) 23119106

Macau : Macau Numismatic Society

AV. DR. Rodrigo Rodrigues. 600E-P105 First International Com. Center, Macau

Tel:(853) 2833 4556

Fax:(853) 2830 4772



香港:冠軍店鋪 九龍旺角砵蘭街 169-173 號好旺角商場 219 室 電話:852-61650618 郵箱


福南郵票錢鈔社 101 克羅士街上段珍珠大廈 17 號 101

電話:+65 96387225、+65 98793237

臺灣: 福君郵幣社

10044 臺北市中正區漢口街一段 110 號 6 樓 11 室 ( 漢口大廈 )



澳門: 澳門錢幣學會

中國澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室

電話:(853) 2833 4556

傳真:(853) 2830 4772


Welcome to the Champion 2024 Winter Macau Auction. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, this is an auction with no buyer’s commission. The last auction with no buyer’s commission was in April 2018.

The auction features Heaton Shensi coins, which were the most important silver coins in the 1930s and 1940s. The 50-Cent coin (NGC SP63) and the 5-Cent coin (NGC MS63) from the 1991 Goodman Collection Auction are from the Chinese Family Collection. In addition, there is a 10-Cent coin (NGC SP66) from the NC Collection.

Another highlight are the Kiangnan silver coins, including the Circlet-Scale Dragon Dollars and Old Kiangnan Dollars. The 6-tail variety from the YIF Collection is the finest known, graded as NGC MS66. The 8-tail variety, which is also from the YIF Collection and the finest known of the variety, is graded as NGC MS61. There are two Old Kiangnan Dollars. The reeded edge variety is from the YIF Collection, NGC AU58, and the ornamental edge variety is from the Hsi/NC Collection, NGC MS62.

The 1900 Peking Dollar Restrike to be auctioned is the finest known, NGC MS64.

Other highlights from the NC Collection include a unique 1914 Dragon and Pheonix Dollar Manuscript with L. Giorgi signature, a Taiping Rebellion Silver Half Tael (NGC AU58), a 1914 10-Cash Copper coin with L. Giorgi signature (NGC MS64BN), a 1923 Civilian Tsao Kun Silver One Dollar (NGC MS64), and a 1912 Sun Yat Sen Birth of the Republic Silver One Dollar (NGC MS66).

There is also a 1907 50 Cents Silver from the Chinese Family Collection (PCGS MS62), and a 1914 Hung Hsien Birth of the Republic 10 Cash Copper from the Charles Tanant Collection (NGC MS65RD).

Other vintage coin highlights include an 1884 Kirin 5 Mace Silver (NGC AU DETAILS), a 1914 Yuan Shih-Kai 50 Cents Silver with L. Giorgi signature (NGC MS63), a 1905 Sinkiang 5 Mace Silver (PCGS MS62), a 1923 Dragon and Phoenix One Dollar Silver Large Character (NGC UNC DETAILS), and a 1934 Soviet Szechuan-Shensi One Dollar Silver with small Rosette (NGC VF35).

As for the ancient coins, the auction features knife coins from the Nai-chi Chang Collection, with a 4-character knife and a 5-character knife, graded as high as GBCA EF85.

The modern coin part highlights Chinese modern brass medals with original outer boxes from the BWS Collection. Among these medals, a set of Shanghai Tourist Commemorative Medals is graded as NGC MS69.

Finally, the chopmarked coins in this auction are from the Frank Rose Collection. It has been 30 years since Champion auctioned the Frank Rose chopmarked coin collection in the 1990s. Most of these coins were purchased by Frank Rose in the 1960s. Champion purchased the whole Frank Rose Collection with over 3,000 chopmarked coins in 1994.

We hope every collector can find a coin of interest in this auction.

Michael Chou Champion Auction

歡迎來到2024年冬季冠軍澳門拍賣。本場拍賣是為了慶祝《東亞泉志》創刊30周年而舉辦的無傭金特別拍賣。而冠軍上次的無傭金拍賣是在 2018年 4月。

本次拍賣的拍品異彩紛呈,而最大的亮點之一是喜敦版的陝西省造銀幣,這是上世紀三、四十年代,中國泉界份量最重的銀幣。本次拍賣的 有庫平三錢六分銀幣(NGC SP63)和出自1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣的庫平三分六厘銀幣(NGC MS63),這兩枚皆是出自華人家族收藏。另外, 本次上拍的庫平七分二厘銀幣出自張南琛收藏(NGC SP66)。

本次拍賣的另一批亮點是江南銀幣,包括珍珠龍和老江南銀幣。本次拍賣的六尾版珍珠龍出自 YIF 收藏,經評 MS66,是已知最高分。八尾 版珍珠龍同樣出自 YIF 收藏,且是 NGC 首次認證該版別,經評 MS61,也是該版別的最高分。另有2枚老江南銀幣,齒邊版出自 YIF 收藏, 經評 NGC AU58,人字邊版出自席德柄 / 張南琛收藏,經評 NGC MS62 。 此次拍賣的1900年庚子京局銀元是重鑄版的中最高分,經評 NGC MS64 。 本次出自張南琛收藏的其他亮點包括一張獨一無二的1914年 L. Giorgi 簽字龍鳳銀幣手稿、太平天國半兩銀幣(NGC AU58)、L. Giorgi 簽字 1914年嘉禾雙旗十文銅幣(NGC MS64BN)、1923年文曹壹圓紀念幣(NGC MS64)、1912年孫中山像開國紀念壹圓銀幣(NGC MS66)。 而出自華人家族收藏的亮點還有1907年丁未伍角大清銀幣(PCGS MS62),出自查理斯 譚安收藏的1915年洪憲元年開國紀念幣當十(NGC MS65RD)。

其他機制幣部分的亮點有1884年吉林廠平五錢(NGC AU DETAILS)、L. Giorgi 簽字民國三年袁世凱像中圓銀幣(NGC MS63)、1905年新 疆餉銀五錢(PCGS MS62)、1923年龍鳳壹圓銀幣大字版(NGC UNC DETAILS)、1934年中華蘇維埃川陝省造壹圓銀幣小星花版(NGC VF35)。

古錢方面,本次拍賣最大的亮點是出自張叔馴舊藏的先秦刀幣,包括四字刀、五字刀各一把,分數均高到 GBCA EF85。 現代幣方面,本次拍賣有多套出自 BWS 收藏的中國現代黃銅紀念章,均帶有原始包裝,其中的上海風景紀念章的評分更是高達 MS69。 最後,這次拍賣也是出自 Frank Rose 的戳記幣收藏時隔30多年再次集中上拍。這些戳記幣大都是 Frank Rose 在60年代購買的。冠軍拍賣在 1994年買下了整個 Frank Rose 收藏,有超過3,000枚戳記幣,並在90年代的冠軍香港拍賣上首次集中上拍。 我們希望每一位藏家都有機會在本次拍賣中買到自己心儀的藏品。

周邁可 冠軍拍賣

1. This auction sale is conducted pursuant to the terms of sale by CHAMPION AUCTION, an iAsure Company.

2. Each bidder, by bidding in the sale agrees that a 5% BUYER'S CHARGE for online bids and 0% for other bids will be added to the winning bid of each lot. The BUYER'S FEE will be added to the invoice of each successful bidder over and above the actual sum bid or offered. Auction sales are strictly for cash and must be paid for promptly in U.S. funds.

3. All estimates are in US Dollars. All bids should be made to the nearest Multiple of US $5 or US $10.

4. All lots will be sold to the highest bidder.

5. We reserve the right to refuse or reject any bids.

6. All lots are put up for sale subject to any reserve price that may be imposed by the seller. The seller could be entitled to bid and withdraw any lot or lots either personally or though the sales firm.

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8. Successful bidders will be notified and sent an invoice for the lots awarded to them. Postage and insurance will be added to all invoices ($5 minimum). All lots will be sent via registered air. The insurance and risk of loss for all lots shipped outside of Macau are the responsibility of the successful bidder. It is agreed by bidding in this sale that CHAMPION will not he held responsible if the lots are lost in the mails. For all mail bidders, at the time the items are turned over to the postal service, RISK OF LOSS IS ON THE BUYER.

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13. Except as otherwise expressly stated in the terms of the sale, CHAMPION and its agents and employees make no warranties or guaranties or representations, and expressly disclaim all warranties and guaranties and representations, including, without limitation, a warranty of merchantability, in connection with any numismatic properties sold by CHAMPION.

14. All oral and written statements made by CHAMPION, are statements of opinion only, and are not warranties or representation of any kind, unless stated as a specific written warranty. The sales firm reserves the right in forming his opinion, to consult and rely upon any expert or authority considered by him to be reliable. If any lot should be proved by the buyer to be a forgery or reprint, or to have been wrongly described in any material respect, the buyer may reject the same, provided that he shall have given notice of his intention to do so and shall have returned the same lot the auctioneer within (14) days from the day of sale. Under no circumstances will the sales firm be liable for any costs, expenses or damages incurred by the buyer in respect of any lot, including, but not limited to, loss of any kind of profits whatsoever. Bidders are advised to scrutinize the lots they bid for.

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William D. Craig, Coins of the World, 3rd Edition, Racine, Wisconsin, 1976

E. Kann, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins (Gold, Silver, Nickel, and Aluminum.) Los Angeles, 1956)

Kim KNDA catalog 1993.

Krause and Mishler, Standard Catalog of World Coins, 2 Volume, Iola, 1985.

Alfred Pick. Standard Catalog of Paper Money, 2 Volume, Iola, Wisconsin 1995.

Albert Schroeder (Annam), Etudes Numismatiques, 2 Volumes, Paris, 1905.

R.S. Yeomen, Modern World Coins, 1950-1964, 13th Edition. Fort Lee, 1984.

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CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Pointed Foot Spade Coin with "Ban", BWS Collection

先秦尖足布-半,GBCA美78(07),BWS收藏 US $100-200


(1) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Xiang Yin",GBCA EF80, BWS Collection;

(2) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Xiang Ping",GBCA EF78, BWS Collection;

(3) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Ping Yin",GBCA EF80(07), BWS Collection




US $100-200


(1) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Zhai Yang",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection; (2) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Ling",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection;

(3) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Ling",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection




US $100-200


(1) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Ping Yang",GBCA EF80(07), BWS Collection;

(2) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Xiang Yuan",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection



US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Yu Yang",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Zhu Yi",GBCA EF82(07), BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Lang",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Bei Qu",GBCA EF80, BWS Collection


US $100-200



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Pi Shi",GBCA EF80, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Zi Yi",GBCA EF80(07), BWS Collection


US $60-120


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Zhong Du",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Nie",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Liang Yi",GBCA EF82, BWS Collection


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Bei Di",GBCA EF80(07), BWS Collection


US $60-120


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Bei Di",GBCA EF78, BWS Collection


US $60-120


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Foot Spade Coin with "Bei Bei",GBCA EF80(07), BWS Collection 先秦方足布-貝貝,GBCA美80(07),BWS收藏 US $60-120



CHINA-MING DYNASTY 1368 Hong Wu Tong Bao Cash Coin ,10 Cash/1 Liang, 46.6*4.1mm, 39.7g, GBCA EF 85, H.F. Bowker Collection 1368年明-洪武通寶,十一兩,46.6*4.1mm,39.7g,GBCA美85,包 克收藏 US $100-200


(1) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Shan Di Long),24.5*1.3mm, 4.3g, GBCA EF80; (2) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Shan Di Long),24.0*1.2mm, 3.7g, GBCA EF82; (3) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Shan Di Long),24.8*1.1mm, 4.6g, GBCA EF82; (4) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Shan Di Long),25.0*1.3mm, 4.4g, GBCA EF82; (5) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Yuan Shan Di Long),24.7*1.0mm, 3.8g, GBCA EF82

BWS Collection

(1)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉山底隆),24.5*1.3mm,4.3g,GBCA美80 (2)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉山底隆),24.0*1.2mm,3.7g,GBCA美82 (3)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉山底隆),24.8*1.1mm,4.6g,GBCA美82 (4)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉山底隆),25.0*1.3mm,4.4g,GBCA美82 (5)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶源山底隆),24.7*1.0mm,3.8g,GBCA美82 BWS收藏 US $60-120


(1) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Chu Tou Bao),23.0*1.4mm, 4.0g, GBCA EF82;

(2) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan Da Zi Da Man Wen),26.1*1.1mm, 4.0g, GBCA EF85;

(3) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan),25.3*1.0mm, 3.6g, GBCA EF82;

(4) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan),24.2*1.2mm, 4.0g, GBCA EF85;

(5) CHINA-QING DYNASTY 1736 Qian Long Tong Bao Cash Coin (Bao Quan),24.0*1.4mm, 4.6g, GBCA EF82 BWS Collection

(1)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉出頭寳),23.0*1.4mm,4.0g,GBCA 美82

(2)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉大字大滿文),26.1*1.1mm,4.0g, GBCA美85

(3)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉),25.3*1.0mm,3.6g,GBCA美82 (4)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉),24.2*1.2mm,4.0g,GBCA美85 (5)1736年清-乾隆通寶(寶泉),24.0*1.4mm,4.6g,GBCA美82 BWS收藏 US $60-120



CHINA-MING DYNASTY 1621 Tian Qi Tong Bao Cash Coin with "Shang Yun" on the reverse, 24.8*0.9m, 3.0g, GBCA EF78

1621年明-天啓通寶(背上雲),24.8*0.9mm,3.0g,GBCA美78 US $100-200 021


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Shoulder HollowHandled Spade Coin with "Shang" on the Reverse, GBCA GENUINE

先秦平肩空首布(背上),GBCA真品 US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Shoulder HollowHandled Spade Coin with "Bai" on the Reverse, GBCA EF 80

先秦平肩空首布(背白),GBCA美80 US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Shoulder HollowHandled Spade Coin with "Yu" on the Reverse, GBCA GENUINE


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Shoulder HollowHandled Spade Coin with "Jiao" on the Reverse, GBCA EF 82


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATE ND Ming Knife Coin, GBCA EF85, Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection


US $30-60


CHINA-WARRING STATE ND Ming Knife Coin, GBCA EF85, Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection


US $30-60


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Square Shoulder Hollow-Handled Spade Coin with "Gao" on the Reverse, GBCA GENUINE


US $100-200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Strait Knife Coin-Bai Ren Hua, GBCA EF 85


US $30-60


(1) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Strait Knife Coin-Bai Ren, GBCA EF 82

(2) CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Strait Knife Coin-Gan Dan, GBCA EF 82





US $60-120



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 181.0mm, 48.7g, GBCA

EF 82

先秦三字刀 齊法化,181.0mm,48.7g,GBCA美82

US $1,000-2,000


Choice Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection Qi Fa Hua Three-Character Knife Coin


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 185.0mm, 48.8g, GBCA

EF 85, Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection


US $1,200-2,400


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 183.0mm, 48.5g, GBCA

EF 80, Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection

先秦三字刀 齊法化,183.0mm,48.5g,GBCA美80,包克/方藥雨舊藏

US $1,000-2,000




CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 182.0mm, 47.0g, GBCA

EF82(07), Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection

先秦三字刀 齊法化,182.0mm,47.0g,GBCA美82(07),包克/方藥雨舊藏 US $600-1,200



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 179.0mm, 45.9g, GBCA

EF82(07), Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection

先秦三字刀 齊法化,179.0mm,45.9g,GBCA美82(07),包克/方藥雨舊藏 US $600-1,200



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua, 178.0mm, 46.5g, GBCA

EF75, Bowker/Fang Yao-Yu Collection

先秦三字刀·齊法化,178.0mm,46.5g,GBCA美75,包克/方藥雨舊藏 US $600-1,200


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Three-Character Knife Coin-Qi Fa Hua with "Tu" on the Reverse, 184.0mm, 47.7g, GBCA EF 82

先秦三字刀 齊法化(背土),184.0mm,47.7g,GBCA美82 US $1,000-2,000


CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Four-Character Knife Coin-Qi Zhi Fa Hua with "Hua" on the Reverse, 183.0mm, 45.5g, GBCA EF 82

先秦四字刀·齊之法化(背化),183.0mm,45.5g,GBCA美82 US $3,000-6,000



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Five-Character Knife Coin-Jie Mo Zhi Da Dao, 153.0mm, 38.3g, GBCA EF 80

先秦五字刀 節墨之大刀,153.0mm,38.3g,GBCA美80 US $3,000-6,000



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Five-Character Knife Coin-Jie Mo Zhi Da Dao, 160.0mm, 29.6g, GBCA EF 78

先秦五字刀·節墨之大刀,160.0mm,29.6g,GBCA美78 US $2,000-4,000


Knife Coins from the Nai-Chi Chang Collection 張叔馴舊藏刀幣

Nai-chi Chang (張乃驥), also known as Zhang Shuxun (張叔 馴 ), courtesy name Qizhai (齊齋 ), was a real estate tycoon who lived during the early Republic of China period. Chang was a native of Nanxun Town, Zhejiang Province, and he was the seventh son of Chang Shiming (張石銘). Born into a family of scholars, Nai-chi Chang was erudite through paternal teaching and influence. Since there were many stone inscription rubbings and ancient paintings in his family collection, Chang was imperceptibly influenced by what he saw in his childhood and became an expert at appraising art. Chang was particularly interested in ancient coins and eventually became a top collector of ancient Chinese coins. Ding Fubao (丁福保), a leading numismatic authority at that time, admired that Chang's collection was the most abundant in southeast China. Luo Boshao (羅伯昭), another great collector, commented that Nai-chi Chang's collection featured many unique coins, and it was quite impressive. In 1926, Chang invited many numismatists to set up the Ancient Coin Society, the first numismatic community in China. In 1927, he started the Ancient Coin Journal ( 《古泉雜誌》), which was the first published numismatic journal in China.

Nai-Chi Chang took his place alongside Fang Yaoyu (方藥雨) of Tianjin and Luo Bozhao of Sichuan as one of the greatest numismatists during the Republic of China period, and they were called "Chang in the south, Fang in the north and Luo in Sichuan."

This auction has two knife coins from the Nai-chi Chang Collection, including a four-character one and a fivecharacter one. Both of them are graded as GBCA EF85.

張叔馴,名乃驥,字齊齋,南潯張石銘第七子,民國房地產鉅賈,泉界 稱之為“古錢大王”。先生家學淵源、家藏金石碑帖與歷代古畫甚豐, 自幼耳濡目染,精於鑒別。尤嗜古泉,不惜鉅資,廣為搜求,遂成大家。 時泉界泰斗丁福保稱其“藏泉之富,甲于東南”,羅伯昭曾感慨:觀其 珍藏,孤品異品,層見疊出,令人望洋興嘆。1926年,張叔馴邀錢幣收 藏者多人,創辦中國第一個錢幣研究團體古泉學社。1927年,他又創 辦了《古泉雜誌》,這也是中國最早正式出版的錢幣專業雜誌。

張叔馴與天津方藥雨,四川羅伯昭在民國錢幣界有“南張北方巴蜀 羅”之稱。

本次澳門拍賣中便有 2 把出自張叔馴舊藏的刀幣,包括四字刀、五字 刀各一把,評級皆達到了GBCA美85。

Choice Nai-Chi Chang Collection Jie Mo Zhi Fa Hua Five-Character Knife Coin



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Five-Character Knife Coin-Jie Mo Zhi Fa Hua with "Da Xing", 186.5mm, 55.7g, GBCA EF85, Nai-Chi Chang Collection

先秦五字刀 節墨之法化(大行),186.5mm,55.7g,GBCA美85,張叔馴舊藏 US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s):

11/2019, EF85, Realizing RMB 80,500 (USD 11,340).

7/2024, GBCA EF80(06) , Realizing RMB 62,000 (USD 8,730).


2019年11月,極美品 85,成交價80,500元人民幣(11,340美元)。

2024年7月,GBCA美 80(06),成交價62,000元人民幣(8,730美元)。

Choice Nai-Chi Chang Collection Qi Zhi Fa Hua Four-Character Knife Coin



CHINA-WARRING STATES ND Four-Character Knife Coin-Qi Zhi Fa Hua with "Ri" on the Reverse, 186.6mm, 41.2g, GBCA EF85, Nai-Chi Chang Collection 先秦四字刀 齊之法化(背日),186.6mm,41.2g,GBCA美85,張叔馴舊藏 US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s): 6/2017, EF, Realizing RMB 101,200 (USD 14,250 ).

拍賣記錄: 2017年6月,極美品,成交價101,200元人民幣(14,250美元)。

The fantasy cash coins from the Bowker Collection were purchased by Bowker in the 1920s to the 1930s when he was in Shanghai. These fantasy cash coins were made by imitating those very rare cash coins, which are of great value of collection.



CHINA-REPUBLIC Xian Feng Yuan Bao Cash Coin, 500 Cash, Casted by Aksu Mint, 56.2*3.7mm, 58.6g, GBCA EF 85, a fantasy made in the 1990s, H.F. Bowker Collection 20世紀民國臆造咸豐元寶,阿克蘇當五百,56.2*3.7mm,58.6g,

GBCA美85,包克收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-REPUBLIC Xian Feng Yuan Bao Cash Coin, 500 Cash, Casted by Yarkant Mint, 54.5*3.3mm, 48.8g, GBCA EF 80(07), a fantasy made in the 1990s, H.F. Bowker Collection 20世紀民國臆造咸豐元寶,葉爾羌當五百,54.5*3.3mm,48.8g,

GBCA美80(07),包克收藏 US $100-200




CHINA-REPUBLIC Xian Feng Yuan Bao Cash Coin, 1,000 Cash,Casted by Yarkant Mint,60.6*4.3mm, 82.7g, GBCA EF 82, a fantasy made in the 1990s, H.F. Bowker Collection 20世紀民國臆造咸豐元寶,葉爾羌當千,60.6*4.3mm,82.7g,GBCA美82,包克收藏 US $100-200



CHINA-REPUBLIC Xian Feng Yuan Bao Cash Coin, 80 Cash, Casted by Dihua Mint, 59.8*5.1mm, 81.3g, GBCA美80(05), a fantasy made in the 1990s, H.F. Bowker Collection 20世紀民國臆造咸豐元寶,寳迪當八十,59.8*5.1mm,81.3g,GBCA美80(05),包克收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-REPUBLIC Xian Feng Yuan Bao Cash Coin, 1,000 Cash, Casted by Ili Mint, 64.9*4.0mm, 80.6g, GBCA EF 82, a fantasy made in the 1990s, H.F. Bowker Collection 20世紀民國臆造咸豐元寶,寳伊當千,64.9*4.0mm,80.6g,GBCA美82,包克收藏 US $100-200


TAIWAN Bank of Taiwan One Tael Gold Bar, Purity:.9910, Weight: 1.000 Market Tael, purchased from Mei Yuan Jewelry Shop

台灣銀行紀重金片一兩1枚,成色:9910金,重量:1.000市兩,購自 美源銀樓 US $3,000-6,000


TAIWAN Central Mint One Tael Gold Bar, Number: BB46911, Purity:.99774, Weight: 1.004 Market Tael, purchased from Mei Yuan Jewelry Shop 中央造幣厰造一兩廠條1枚,編號:BB46911,成色:9977.4金,重

量:1.004市兩,購自美源銀樓 US $3,000-6,000


TAIWAN Central Mint One Tael Gold Bar, Spade, Number: BC64528, Purity:.9910, Weight: .998 Market Tael 中央造幣廠鑄廠徽布圖壹兩廠條1枚,編號:BC64528,成色:9910 金,重量:.998市兩 US $3,000-6,000


CHINA-REPUBLIC 5 Mace Gold Ingot, 19.3*4.7mm, 18.6g, GBCA AU53, Guangdong Province, TCL Collection 近代廣州生記祥金鋪五錢金錠,19.3*4.7mm,18.6g,GBCA AU 53,TCL 收藏 US $1,500-3,000




CHINA-Modern One Tael Gold Ingot, 25.0*4.7mm, 37.4g, GBCA MS63, Po Sang Bank, TCL Collection 現代寶生銀行金錠一兩,25.0*4.7mm,37.4g,GBCA MS 63,

TCL 收藏

US $3,000-6,000


TAIWAN Jin Rui Fang One Tael Pure Gold Bar, 25.4*17.1*5.7mm, 37.5g, NGC MS62


面值:一两,GBCA MS 62

US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s): 5/2023, GBCA MS62, Realizing RMB 23,000 (USD 3,240).

拍賣記錄: 2023年5月,GBCA MS62,成交價23,000元人民幣(3,240美元)。

Gem Qing Dynasty Henan Silver Ingot

CHINA-QING DYNASTY Silver Ingot, 41.7*36.1*22.1, 131.2g, 3-4 Taels, GBCA MS65+, Henan Province

清代河南銀錠:會鎮祥發-真,41.7*36.1*22.1mm,131.2g,面值:三~四两,GBCA MS 65+ US $100-200

Qing Dynasty Henan "Huizhen Zhen Xiangfa" three-tael merchant-cast sycee. "Huizhen" refers to Huixing Town, located in the northeastern suburbs of today's Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, at the junction of Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi provinces. It has historically been an important commercial and military hub, as well as a key distribution center for salt from Shanxi to various counties in Henan. Silver sycees bearing the name stamp of this town are typically associated with salt trade. This sycee is finely cast, with well-aligned stamps and clear characters. The surface of the sycee shines brightly, with a clearly inscribed "Zhen" character in the center, indicating high silver purity. Its condition is excellent, graded GBCA MS65.

清代河南“會鎮 真 祥發”三兩商鑄槽錠,“會鎮”即會興鎮,位於今河南省三門峽市東北郊,屬豫、陝、晉三省交界,自古為商業和軍事要地,也是 山西潞鹽分銷河南各縣的重要集散地,鑄打此地名戳記銀錠,通常與潞鹽交易有關;此錠鑄造精整,打戳端正,字口清晰,錠面銀光滿溢,中心 加刻“真”字,成色上佳,狀態完美。

Auction Result(s): 5/2023, GBCA MS65+, Realizing RMB 34,500 (USD 4,860).

拍賣記錄: 2023年5月,GBCA MS65+,成交價34,500元人民幣(4,860美元)。

Gem Qing Dynasty Henan Silver Ingot


CHINA-QING DYNASTY Silver Ingot, 42.4*34.5*23.9mm, 131.9g, 3 Taels, GBCA MS65, Henan Province 清代河南銀錠:會鎮和順-真,42.4*34.5*23.9mm,131.9g,面值:三两,GBCA MS 65 US $100-200

Huizhen refers to Huixing Town, located in the northeastern suburbs of today's Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, at the junction of Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi provinces. It has historically been an important commercial and military hub, as well as a key distribution center for Luliang salt from Shanxi to various counties in Henan. Silver sycees bearing the name stamp of this town are typically associated with salt trade.

“會鎮”即會興鎮,位於今河南省三門峽市東北郊,屬豫、陝、晉三省交界,自古為商業和軍事要地,也是山西潞鹽分銷河南各縣的重要集散地, 鑄打此地名戳記銀錠,通常與潞鹽交易有關。

Auction Result(s): 12/2021, GBCA MS65, Realizing RMB 46,000 (USD 6,480).

拍賣記錄: 2021年12月,GBCA MS65,成交價46,000元人民幣(6,480美元)。


CHINA-REPULBIC Guangxi Industrial Research Institute Meda, GBCA AU50, BWS Collection 民國廣西實業研究院證章,GBCA AU 50,BWS收藏 US $60-120


Very Rare Qing Dynasty Szechuan Industrial Exposition Medal



CHINA-QING DYNASTY Industrial Exposition Medal, GBCA XF45, BWS Collection 1910年宣統二年二月川東第一次勸業會紀念獎牌,GBCA XF45,BWS收藏 US $600-1,200

In 1910, the Nanyang Industrial Exposition was held in Nanjing, marking the first international exposition organized under the official auspices of the Chinese government. Lasting for six months, the event successfully attracted exhibitors from all 22 provinces of China, as well as from countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and several Southeast Asian nations. With approximately one million exhibits on display, the exposition drew over 300,000 visitors, both domestic and international, and was hailed as“an unprecedented grand event in China's 5,000-year history.” Awards were presented in various categories, with medals in different forms given to outstanding exhibits.


德、東南亞等諸國設館參展,展品約達百萬件,計有中外賓客三十餘萬人前往參觀,被稱之為“我中國五千年未有之盛舉”。此次展會還在參會 的百萬件展品中,評選出各類別獎項,並頒發了多種形式的獎章。

Auction Result(s): 12/2017, NGC MS61BN, Realizing RMB 36,800 (USD 5,180).

拍賣記錄: 2017年12月,NGC MS61BN,成交價36,800元人民幣(5,180美元)。


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 Shanghai Nanyang Senior High School of Commerce Medeal, GBCA AU50, BWS Collection 1933年上海南洋商科高級中學謹贈獎牌-熱心教育,GBCA AU 50,BWS收藏 US $100-200 057


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 Shanghai Nanyang Senior High School of Commerce Medeal, GBCA AU50, BWS Collection 1933年上海南洋商科高級中學謹贈獎牌-熱心教育,GBCA AU 50,BWS收藏 US $100-200

Shanghai Nanyang Commercial Senior High School originated from Nanyang A-Class Commercial School. In 1935, Yu Zuoting and Jin Runxiang, both from Zhenhai, Ningbo, founded Shanghai Commercial Night School on this basis, with Zhu Wenqi serving as the principal.

上海南洋商科高級中學前身是南洋甲種商業學校,1935年,寧波鎮海人俞佐廷、金潤庠在此基礎上創辦上海市商業夜校, 校長諸文琦。


CHINA 1929-DATED Sun Yat-Sen Large Commemorative Brass Medal for the Burial, #3141, Manufactured by Medallic Art Co. N.Y., NGC MS 62, BWS Collection 1929年(民國十八年)3月20日,孫中山先生安葬紀念大型黃銅紀念章,#3141,獎章藝術公司制,NGC MS62,BWS收藏 US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s): 7/2024, NGC MS63, Realizing RMB 43,700 (USD 6,155).

拍賣記錄: 2024年7月,NGC MS63,成交價43,700元人民幣(6,155美元)。


Heaton 1898 Shensi

Pattern 喜敦版1898年陝西省造樣幣

In the 1930s and 1940s, the Shensi Dollar was the most important silver coin in the Chinese numismatic community. At that time, the Hunan Dollar only had records in the catalogs, and the Fengtien Tael was even not recorded. Both of them only appeared overseas and Chinese people had not witnessed them. There was a saying in Shanghai where gathered half of Chinese collectors,“A great Chinese silver coin collector must have Shensi and Fukien Dollars." This shows the preciousness and importance of the Shensi Dollar.

When the background of the Shensi Dollar was unknown, Kalgan Shih (施嘉幹) believed that it was made in the 1920s, as Shensi Province did not have its own mint until that time. In the early days, some held that the Shensi Dollar was produced by Hubei Province. Because the machines ordered by Shensi from the Heaton Mint were transferred to Hubei when the Qing government reorganized mints. Now we all know that these Shensi coins are patterns made by the Heaton Mint.

The patterns were delivered to China with the machines, but they flowed out and scattered, making it difficult for collectors to collect an entire set. Eduard Kann only had a Half Dollar one, and he never had a Shensi Dollar. Kann used a rubbing in his catalog published in 1954. It was not until the 1966 edition that there was a photo included in the catalog. According to the statement in the catalog, no one in the Shanghai numismatic community had ever seen a Shensi 20 Cent Silver before 1948. When a Shensi 20 Cent Silver first appeared in Shanghai, a collector purchased it for USD 1,200. In the Shanghai Museum, there is a One Dollar Silver donated by Lee Wei-sen (李偉先) and a Half Dollar Silver donated by Kalgan Shih. At that time, the Heaton Mint had a complete set of five denominations in addition to the record. However, the mint did not have coin dies.

In the mid-1970s, the Heaton Mint sold Chinese coins (as well as coins for other countries around the world) to the established British numismatic company Spinks. Among these coins, there are many Shensi silver coins. Most genuine coins are proof-like. However, the fake coins appeared before World War II. The English letters on the fake ones are larger and the designs of fireball and cloud are different from the genuine ones.

There were also other trail coins of Shensi in England. For instance, there was a uniface Half Dollar alloy pattern on a board on the sales list of England Format company in 1981 (LOT 117). In addition, a 20-cent copper pattern appeared on the market as well. These rare trail coins might come from the workshop of the engraver.

It is worth noting that the rosette of the Half Dollar coin is different from that of other coins in this series. The rosette on the coins of other denominations common Hubei rosette, while the rosette on the Half Dollar is longer and made of three parts. It is strange that this rosette on the Half Dollar was also used on the Anhwei, Chekiang, and Hunan coins.

Most Heaton Shensi Dollars discovered in the 1920s were not preserved well and in poor condition, not as good as

proof-like Heaton coins of Hunan, Chekiang, and Kiangnan, which were graded as PF65 or above. In the Haru Chang Collection and Liu Gai-Zao Collection, there are Shensi coins in extremely good condition, but they were not graded.

In this auction, we have a Shensi Half Dollar Silver from the Chinese Family Collection, NGC SP63, and a Shensi 10 Cent Silver from the Nelson Chang Collection, NGC SP66. In addition, there is an 1898 Shensi 5 Cent Silver Fantasy from the Chinese Family Collection, NGC MS62, which was purchased by the Chinese Family at the 1991 Goodman Collection Auction.

上世紀三、四十年代,中國泉界份量最重的銀幣是陝西省造光緒元 寶。當時湖南省造光緒元寶七錢二分銀幣雖出現在譜上,但一直流傳 在外,不為國人注意;而奉天癸卯一兩未見於國內文獻記載,兩者國 人只是聞其名不見其蹤。在堪稱中國泉界半邊天的上海流傳著一種 說法:“藏銀幣大家,輒以有無陝西福建銀元為斷。”可見陝西省造銀 幣的珍貴與重要程度。

在其身世未明之時,施嘉幹曾認為陝西省造龍銀是20世紀20年代製 造的,這很有可能是因為陝西省直到那個時候才有了自己的造幣廠。

早期泉界亦有陝省銀幣為湖北代制一說。這可能是因為陝西向喜敦 造幣廠訂購機器後,適逢清政府整頓造幣廠,陝省列於裁撤名單中, 已運至上海的機器只有設法移交它廠使用。後因湖北銀元局擴充產 能須增添機器,這批機器便運送至湖北銀元局。我們現在都知道,這 些陝西龍銀錢幣實際上是英國喜敦造幣廠的試打幣。

樣幣當時隨機器運到中國,因保管不善而分散流出,使藏家難以集成 全套。如耿愛德只藏有一枚三錢六分,未能將七錢二分納入收藏。耿 氏1954年出版的書上用的仍是拓圖,直至1966年版才有實物圖。據 其表示,上海泉界在 1948 年以前沒有見過陝西一錢四分四銀幣,出 現後被某藏家以美金 1,200 元高價購得。上海博物館展品中有李偉 先捐贈的七錢二分銀幣一枚,施嘉幹捐贈的三錢六分銀幣一枚。而當 時,英國喜敦造幣廠除留有記載外還有實物,包含七錢二分、三錢六 分、一錢四分四、七分二及三分六銀幣,全套五種面值,但沒有幣模。

20 世紀 70 年代中期,喜敦造幣廠將多餘的中國錢幣(以及世界其他 國家的錢幣)賣給了英國老牌錢幣公司斯賓克(Spinks)。在這些錢 幣中,就有很多陝西龍銀。

市場上出現的絕大多數真幣均為鏡面製造。而為收藏家而造的贗品 在二戰前就已經出現。七錢二分贗品的英文字母均較大,火球及雲的 設計與真品均有所不同。

英國拍賣場還出現其他形式的試鑄幣樣。如英國錢幣公司Format的 錢幣銷售清單上曾出現過一枚僅龍面的三錢六分單面合金幣,號碼 117(1981 年),裝訂在一塊紙板上。此外還有一錢四分四銅質打樣 幣出現。這些可能是從雕刻師工作坊流出,非常罕見。

要特別注意的是,三錢六分的花星與該系列的其他錢幣不同。其他錢 幣都是普通的湖北花星,但三錢六分卻是長型的花星,由三部分組 成。奇怪的是,花星也出現在了安徽、浙江、湖南和湖北的錢幣上。

喜敦版陝西省造銀幣早在20世紀20年代的時候就已經被發現,但是 保存的都不是很好,因此大部分品相都較差,不似喜敦湖南、浙江和 江南省造鏡面錢幣那樣,品相都達到或超過 PF65 。張秀青藏品和劉 改造藏品中都有品相極佳的陝西銀幣,但是它們都沒有進行過評級。 本次拍賣有一枚喜敦版陝西三錢六分亮相。該幣出自華人家族收藏, 經評 NGC SP63 。另一枚是出自張南琛收藏的喜敦版陝西省造七分 二厘銀幣,經評為 NGC SP66 。此外,本次拍賣還有一枚 1898 年喜 敦版陝西省造庫平三分六厘銀幣臆造幣(NGC MS62),是華人家族 1991年在古德曼舊藏拍賣會上買到,並收藏至今的。

Extremely Rare Chinese Family Collection Heaton 1898 Shensi 50 Cents Silver


CHINA-SHENSI 1898 50 Cents Silver, Heaton, L&M-374, NGC SP 63, Chinese Family Collection 1898年陝西省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,喜敦版,L&M-374,NGC SP 63,華人家族收藏 US $200,000 -400,000

Auction Result(s):

5/2024, PCGS SP67, realizing RMB 6,900,000 (USD 971,000).

拍賣記錄: 2024年5月,PCGS SP67,成交價6,900,000元人民幣(971,000美元)。


Superb Hsi/NC Collection Heaton 1898 Shensi 10 Cents Silver


CHINA-SHENSI 1898 10 Cents Silver, Heaton, L&M-376, NGC SP 66, Hsi/NC Collection 1898年陝西省造光緒元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣,喜敦版,L&M-374,NGC SP 66,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $60,000 -120,000

Auction Result(s): 5/2023, PCGS SP64, Realizing RMB 2,645,000 (USD 372,500).

拍賣記錄: 2023年5月,PCGS SP64,成交價2,645,000元人民幣(372,500美元)。


Rare Chinese Family Collection Heaton 1898 Shensi 5 Cents Silver Fantasy from the 1991 Goodman Collection Auction


CHINA-SHENSI 1898 5 Cents Silver Fantasy Imitative Type, Heaton, NGC MS 63, Ex.Goodman/Chinese Family Collection

It was Lot 266 on 1991 Goodman Auction 1898年陝西省造光緒元寶庫平三分六釐銀幣臆造幣,喜敦版,NGC MS 63,古德曼/華人家族收藏 它是1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上的Lot 266 US $10,000 -20,000


Circlet Scale Dragon and Old Kiangnan Dollars

The auction highlights some rare Kiangnan coins.

The 1898 Kiangnan Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar Silver is known as“ Pearl Dragon ”as the dragon's scales on this variety are quite unusual, consisting of a dot within a ring. The Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar is of great rarity due to its small mintage.

Two Circlet Scale Dragon Dollars in this auction were purchased by the consigner over 30 years ago. Champion Auction is excited to offer the finest known 6-tail variety graded NGC MS66 from the YIF Collection. Last time, Champion sold an MS65 example from the NC Collection for USD 998,000 in May 2021. There is also the finest known 8-tail variety graded NGC MS61 from the YIF Collection. It is the first time that NGC has certified an 8-tail variety.

In addition to the Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar, the Old Kiangnan Series is also popular. Champion has an AU58 example with a reeded edge from the YIF Collection, with nice original toning. In May 2021, Champion sold two inkchopped Old Kiangnan Dollars with reeded and ornamental edges from the NC Collection at USD 468,000 and USD 612,000 respectively.

Champion might be the auction house that has sold the largest number of Circlet Scale Dragon Dollars.

Michael Chou, the president of Champion Auction, first got contact with the Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar at a Long Beach show in the early 1990s, where he purchased three Circlet Scale Dragon Dollars from the BK Collection purchasing them at the 1966 Glendening Auction of the Von Halle Collection.

After Michael purchased these three coins, Chinese vintage coin collector Dr. Osmond Chan stopped by his table and saw these coins. He offered to buy the lowest-grade coin with dull toning for USD 4,000, more than 5 times what Michael had paid. Michael agreed to the price and this coin was later graded by PCGS at MS64.

Hong Kong dealer Tony Lee found out from Osmond that Michael had these dollars and came to his table. Tony offered USD 6,000 to buy the second nicest coin which was white and might have been previously cleaned. Michael agreed. Later, Tony sold this coin to a Hong Kong collector who sold his collection at a Spink auction in 1996 at a huge loss except for this coin which realized USD, 15,000, a significant increase over the original price. Later in 2021, this coin was graded by PCGS as MS65 and sold for RMB 8,050,000 (USD 1,140,000).

The third coin was a fabulous rainbow-toned coin in superb condition. It was displayed in Singapore in March 1996 as the preview of Champion’ s first Hong Kong auction in June 1996 at the Holiday Inn, Golden Mile. Before the auction, Peter Chou, Michael Chou’s brother, came in contact with

Mr. Lee of W&B Capital. Mr. Lee saw the coin and wanted to buy it in a private purchase. Michael agreed to a price of USD 15,500, which was above the record for this coin. After the sale, some Hong Kong dealers familiar to Mr. Lee told him that he overpaid. However, in the summer of 1996 when the Hong Kong collector sold Tony ’s example for USD 15,000, Mr. Lee was quite happy, as his coin was much superior, and this coin became one of his favorite coins from the collection. The W&B Capital example realized USD 420,000 in 2015.

In 1996, a Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar was auctioned by Champion. It is from a group of Kiangnan coins from a Nanking source in the early 1990s purchased by Michael’ s friend Chen Yuan Ho.

It was many years afterward that Michael came into contact with the Kiangnan Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar again through his friend Nelson Chang.

Nelson had three examples of the Circlet Scale Dollars, with two of the regular 6-tail variety and one of the rarer 8-tail variety. The 8-tail variety was sold to a Taiwan collector, but it was not certified by the grading company as the 8-tail variety.

Later in 2021, one of the 6-tail variety Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar with wonderful rainbow toning graded NGC MS65 from the NC Collection was auctioned in Macau for a record USD 996,000 as mentioned above to a friend who earlier also purchased the W&B capital example. This friend also purchased the two above-mentioned ink-chopped 1897 Old Kiangnan Dollars from the NC Collection in the Champion May 2021 Auction.

Also, there is also another superb example with original envelope toning, NGC MS 65, from the Howard Bowker Collection, which was donated to the Shanghai Mint Museum through the help of Champion Auction.



首當其衝的是 1898 年戊戌江南省造光緒元寶“珍珠龍”版庫平七錢 二分銀幣。該種銀幣因龍鱗設計獨特,鱗片間嵌有顆顆圓珠,猶如珍 珠散落其中而得名。珍珠龍作為過渡品種,生產時間短暫,數量稀少, 夙為江南龍銀名品。

本次拍賣的兩枚 NGC 江南珍珠龍皆是賣家在 30 多年前買下的。其 中一枚是六尾鰭版的 1898 年戊戌江南省造庫平七錢二分珍珠龍銀 幣,YIF收藏,經評為NGC MS66,是該版別的最高分。2021年,在冠 軍拍賣“張南琛收藏專場”中,曾有一枚幻彩包漿六尾鰭版珍珠龍以 99.6 萬美元的價格成交,當時那枚幣評級為 NGC MS65 。本次拍賣 的另一枚則是非常少見的八尾鰭版 1898 年戊戌江南省造庫平七錢 二分珍珠龍銀幣,YIF 收藏,經評為 NGC MS62,也是該種版別的最 高分。這也是NGC首次在標籤上打上“八尾版”(8-Tail)。

除了珍珠龍外,老江南銀幣也廣受藏家喜愛。本次拍賣中有一枚出 自 YIF 收藏 1897 年老江南庫平七錢二分銀幣,人字邊,經評 NGC AU58。冠軍拍賣曾在2021年的澳門拍賣中,拍出兩枚出自張南琛收 藏的帶墨戳的老江南銀幣,人字邊版以612,000美元成交,齒邊版以 468,000美元成交。


冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可先生首次接觸珍珠龍是在 20 世紀 90 年代的長 灘展會上。他從BK收藏中買到了三枚珍珠龍。BK收藏則是在20世紀 60年代的英國格蘭登寧拍賣(Glendining Auctions)上買到的這些 錢幣(可能是從1966年的馮 霍爾專場拍賣上買的)。

周邁可先生的好友――資深收藏家奧斯曼 · 陳醫生( Dr. Osmond Chan)經過其展位時看到了這些錢幣,提出想要以 4,000 美元的價 格買下其中品相最為普通且包漿較為暗沉的那一枚。這個價格是周 邁可先生入手時的 5 倍,因此周先生同意了。陳醫生買下的這枚之後 經評PCGS MS64,並且可能收藏至今日。

香港幣商,新世紀錢幣鈔票公司的李漢民先生(Tony Lee)從陳醫生 處得知是從周邁可先生那裡買到的這枚幣,於是來到展位,提出以 6,000 美元的價格買下品相第二好的那枚。周先生也同意了。交易完 成後,一些和李先生相熟的幣商向其表示這個價格過高了。但是在 1996年的斯賓克夏季拍賣上,買下李漢民先生那枚珍珠龍的香港藏 家出售其藏品,其收藏錢幣大多損失慘重,唯有那枚珍珠龍最終以1.5 萬美元的價格成交,較之購入價格翻番。這枚珍珠龍之後經評 PCGS MS65,在2021年以8,050,000人民幣(1,140,000美元)成交。

而三枚中的最後一枚有著漂亮的幻彩包漿,品相極佳。該幣原計劃於 1996年6月,在冠軍首場位於香港金域假日酒店舉辦的拍賣上亮相。 而該幣於3月在新加坡進行了預展。拍賣前,周邁可先生的弟弟Peter 周先生聯繫了W&B Capital的李先生。李先生見到了這枚錢幣,並想 通過私人交易買下。最終,雙方達成一致,同意以 1.55 萬美元的價格 出售該幣,打破當時珍珠龍銀幣的價格紀錄。2015年時,這枚又以42 萬美元的價格拍出,再次打破珍珠龍的價格紀錄。

1996 年,冠軍拍賣在香港拍賣上首次拍出珍珠龍。這枚珍珠龍是 20 世紀90年代在南京出現的一批江南銀幣中的一枚。當時,將這批江南 幣買下的人正是周邁可先生的好友陳元和先生。

在 90 年代的這場緣分之後的十年,周邁可先生又通過其好友張南琛 先生再次見到了珍珠龍。

張南琛先生有三枚珍珠龍,其中兩枚是常規的六根尾鰭版,另有一枚 是非常少見的八根尾鰭版。其中,八尾版賣給了一位臺灣買家,但其 鑒定標籤上未寫明八尾版。

2021年,張南琛收藏中的一枚幻彩包漿六根尾鰭版珍珠龍在冠軍澳 門拍賣上以 99.6 萬美元的價格成交,該幣評級為 NGC MS65 。購買 了這枚銀幣的朋友也以 42 萬美元的價格買下了 W&B Capital 手中 的那枚珍珠龍。這位買家也在冠軍 2021 年 5 月澳門拍賣上買下了上 文提到的兩枚帶墨戳的齒邊版和人字邊版老江南銀幣。

而包克收藏中也有一枚精美的珍珠龍,原來一直收藏在錢幣信封中, 因此帶有原味包漿,經評 NGC MS65 。這枚珍珠龍和其他的精美江 南銀幣一起捐贈至上海造幣博物館包克收藏展廳,其中很多都是已 知品相最好的。


Rare YIF Collection 1897 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1897 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-210B, Reeded Edge, NGC AU 58, YIF Collection 1897年江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-210B,齒邊,NGC AU 58,YIF收藏 US $60,000 -120,000

Champion sold an Old Kiangnan Dollars with reeded edge from the NC Collection in Macau in May 2021. Champion also sold in a private treaty sale the finest known example NGC MS 64. The example in this auction is one of the best that can be acquired, and it is a great addition to any Kiangnan Dollar collection.

冠軍拍賣曾在2021年5月的澳門拍賣上拍出一枚出自張南琛收藏的齒邊版老江南銀幣。此外,冠軍拍賣曾 在私人交易中賣出已知品相最好的一枚老江南銀幣,經評NGC MS64。本次拍賣的這枚也是品相最好的老 江南銀幣之一,必可使藏家的江南幣收藏增光添彩。

Auction Result(s):

2021/5, NGC UNC DETAILS, Reeded Edge, NC Collection, realizing USD 468,000. 拍賣記錄: 2021年5月,NGC UNC DETAILS,齒邊,張南琛收藏,成交價468,000美元。


Choice Hsi/NC Collection 1897 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1897 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-210A, Herringbone Edge, NGC MS 62, Hsi/NC Collection

1897年江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,人字邊,NGC MS 62,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $60,000 -120,000

Champion sold an Old Kiangnan Dollars with ornamental edge from the NC Collection in Macau in May 2021. The example with superb toning and eye appeal in this auction is also from the Hsi/NC collection, as the finest example of the ornamental edge variety we have seen, and there is a great candidate for a grade upgrade.

冠軍拍賣曾在2021年5月的澳門拍賣上拍出一枚出自張南琛收藏的人字邊版老江南銀幣。本次拍賣的這枚 同樣出自席徳柄/張南琛舊藏,帶有精美的包漿,味道很好,是我們所見過的品相最好的人字邊版老江南銀 幣,有很大的升分機會。

Auction Result(s):

2021/5, NGC UNC DETAILS, Ornamental Edge, NC Collection, realizing USD 612,000. 12/2023, PCGS MS63, Realizing USD 504,000. 9/2021, NGC MS 64, Chinese Family Collection, USD 384,000. 8/2011, NGC MS63, Realizing USD 390,000.


2021年5月,NGC UNC DETAILS,人字邊,張南琛收藏,成交價612,000美元。 2023年12月,PCGS MS63,成交價504,000美元。

2021年9月,NGC MS64,華人家族收藏,成交價384,000美元。

2011年8月,NGC MS63,成交價390,000美元。


Finest Known YIF Collection 6-Tail 1898 Kiangnan Circlet Scale Dragon

One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-216, Circlet Scale Dragon with 6 Tail Spines, NGC MS 66, the finest of this type, YIF Collection 1898年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,六根尾鰭版珍珠龍,NGC MS 66,該版別最高分, YIF收藏 US $120,000-240,000

This example has superb surface with almost no contact marks with fabulous envelope toning. This is the finest known example either at NGC or PCGS. It is a unique opportunity to obtain the best and a great addition to any Kiangnan collection.

這枚珍珠龍銀幣版底精美,幾乎沒有接觸痕跡,因一直保存於信封中,帶有非常漂亮的包漿。其評分不論是 在NGC還是PCGS都是最高分。本次拍賣是將這枚最好品相的珍珠龍收入囊中的好機會,它的加入也必將 使藏家的江南幣收藏增光添彩。

Auction Result(s):

4/2024, PCGS MS63+, Realizing USD 480,000.

5/2021 Champion Macau Auction, Circlet Scale Dragon with 6 Tail Spines, NGC MS 65, NC Collection, realized USD 996,000.

11/2021, PCGS MS65, Realizing RMB 8,050,000 (USD 1,133,800).

3/2015, NGC MS65, W&B Capital Collection, Realizing USD 420,000. 拍賣記錄:

2024年4月,PCGS MS63+,成交價480,000美元。

2021年5月冠軍澳門拍賣,六根尾鰭版珍珠龍,NGC MS 65,張南琛收藏,成交價996,000美元。

2021年11月,PCGS MS65,成交价8,050,000元人民幣(1,133,800美元)。

2015年3月,NGC MS65,W&B Capital收藏,成交價420,000美元。


Finest Known YIF Collection 8-Tail 1898 Kiangnan Circlet Scale Dragon

One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-216, Circlet Scale Dragon with 8 Tail Spines, NGC MS 61, the finest of this type, YIF Collection

There is also a Circlet Scale Dragon with 8 Tail Spines in NC collection, but it is graded UNC DETAILS by NGC due to its ink chopmark

1898年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,八根尾鰭版珍珠龍,NGC MS 61,該版別最高分,


張南琛收藏中也有一枚八根尾鰭版江南珍珠龍,因有墨戳,評級為NGC UNC DETAILS

US $60,000 -120,000

The Circlet Scale Dragon Dollar is one of the rarest Chinese dragon dollars in uncirculated grade, and the 8 tail variety is much rarer than the 6 tail variety. Champion has handled more than 10 examples of the Circlet Scale Dragon Dollars in uncirculated grade. This is the only 2nd example and the finest known example. The other 8 tail example we have handled is the one from the NC Collection, NGC UNC DETAILS, that we sold in private treaty.

珍珠龍是未流通的最為稀少的中國龍銀,而其八尾版比六尾版更為稀少。冠軍拍賣經手過超過10枚未流通 品相的珍珠龍。而此次拍賣的這枚是僅見的第二枚八尾版,且是評分最高的一枚。而另一枚八尾版出自張南 琛收藏,經評NGC UNC DETAILS,由冠軍拍賣經手通過私人交易賣出。

Taiping Silver Cash Coin

Though issued by the Taiping rebels more than 150 years ago, the Taiping silver cash coins were virtually unknown until the definitive article on them by Bruce W. Smith was published in World Coin News for April 25, 1978. These coins are unique in Chinese numismatic history because they are neither cast nor struck, but are hand-engraved. Both the inscriptions and the borders are carved by hand. Two denominations are known, based on their weights –half tael (32mm 17.5 grams) and quarter tael (28mm 8.3 grams) – though the size and weight varies from coin to coin. Smith's article not only introduced the series, but proved that they were genuine coins used in the Taiping capital of Nanking in 1860. These coins had never been published in China, and collectors there were reluctant to accept them as genuine, until another article (based largely on the first article) was published in Chinese by Dr. Che-lu Tseng in Zhongguo Qianbi (1989 #1). Afterward they were included in the second edition (1994) of Ma Dingxiang's definitive catalog on Taiping coins, Taiping Tianguo Qianbi. It should be noted that the Taiping silver cash illustrated in the Kann catalog (Kann 8k) is a fantasy, possibly an ordinary brass coin which has been silver plated. His listing for Kann 8, however, is the half tael coin, but Kann was unaware that the coin was engraved.

Chinese collectors had been unable to find any written references to Taiping silver coins, but such references do exist in western language writings of the 1800's. The earliest numismatic reference to Taiping silver coins is found in an article by P. O. Van der Chijs published in the 1863 issue of the Revue de la Numismatique Belge. Chijs reported that Gustave Schlegel, a government translator of Chinese in Batavia (now Jakarta in Indonesia) had presented to the coin cabinet of the University of Leyden (in the Netherlands) some Ch'ing dynasty copper coins. He also sent a drawing of a silver Taiping coin, which belonged to an American missionary in Canton. The illustration published in that issue clearly shows one of the engraved silver coins, and from the description, we know it was a half tael. This same illustration appears in a four volume catalog of siege and necessity coins compiled by Prosper Mailliet, which was published over the years 1868-1873. A half tael coin was sold in the 1878 Berlin sale of the Fonrobert collection of world coins. In the 1880 issue of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (North China Branch), the prominent collector of Chinese coins, Stephen W. Bushell (1844-1908), who lived in China from 1868 to 1899, published a long article on Ch'ing Dynasty coins. In that article he writes: "Silver coins of different denominations were issued by the Taiping rebels with the legend Tien Kuo Sheng Pao." The half tael and quarter tael coins were in the George Glover collection (now at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC), and were illustrated in the catalog of that collection prepared by James H. Stewart Lockhart in 1895.

Among non-numismatic references to Taiping silver coins, in Mesny's Chinese Miscellany of June 18, 1896, William Mesny recounts his experience as a prisoner of the Taiping rebels during 1860. He ended up spending quite some time with them, and mentions that they minted coins in Nanking

in copper, silver and gold.

In addition, there is the account of Robert J. Forrest, British consul at Ningpo, who visited Nanking in March 1861. In Lindsey Brine's 1862 book, The Taeping Rebellion, Forrest wrote:"...the Taipings have a silver currency of a very convenient size and value. The common coin is of the size of a shilling, but worth rather more; it is exactly like a copper cash, and has an inscription engraved on it. A large silver coin of the value of a sovereign exists, but I have seen none." The coin about the size of a shilling (about 25mm) must be the quarter tael. The coin of the value of a sovereign probably refers to the Taiping gold cash coin. The most convincing evidence, however, is a letter preserved in the British Museum written to the same Robert J. Forrest mentioned above. Forrest had asked Li Ming-ch'eng, a high Taiping official, for some samples of Taiping coins. In a letter dated 19 June 1861, Li writes: "Herewith I am presenting to you the sacred money of our country, as you have requested. There are twenty dollars' worth of silver coins and ten dollars' worth of copper coins. Would you please kindly accept them and keep them for your pleasure." Li later sent Forrest some samples of the Taiping "flowery" money.

It is easy to understand why the Taiping silver coins are so rare today and why collectors in China were unaware of them. When Chinese government forces finally captured Nanking, the Taiping capital, they slaughtered the people there and left the city uninhabited. Afterwards it was too dangerous to possess Taiping coins, and they must have been melted. This would also explain why most of the known examples of these coins have been found outside of China, in the collections of foreigners.

In this auction, there is the finest known example from the NC Collection, NGC AU58.


雖然在 150 年前就由太平軍發行過太平天國銀幣,但太平天國的銀 幣幾乎是無人知曉的,直到有一篇關於此幣的權威性文章發表,該文 由史博録撰寫,發表在 1978 年 4 月 25 日的《世界錢幣新聞》。這些銀 幣在中國錢幣歷史上獨一無二,既不是翻砂鑄成,也不是機器打制, 而是用手工雕刻而成。幣上的文字及邊框均是人工雕刻。目前僅知兩 種面值,是依據它們的重量分為―― 1/2 兩(直徑 32 毫米,重量 17.5 克)和 1/4 兩(直徑 28 毫米,重量 8.3 克)――雖然每一枚錢幣的尺寸 和重量實際都不盡相同。史博録的文章不但對這些銀幣作了介紹,還 證明了這些銀幣是真實性的存在,在1860年太平天國于都城南京時 就已使用了。這些錢幣在中國從未公開發行過,中國的收藏家也不願 意相信它們是真品,直到曾澤祿撰寫的另一篇關於此幣的文章在《中 國錢幣》(1989年1期)上發表(此文主要基於史博録的第一篇文章)。 之後,它們被編錄在了馬定祥的第二版《太平天國錢幣》(1994年版) 中。需要注明的是耿愛德目錄中的那枚太平天國銀幣(Kann 8k)是 假的,可能是由普通黃銅幣鍍銀製成。耿愛德列出的 Kann 8 是一枚 半兩銀幣,但耿愛德並未意識到它是手工雕刻而成。

中國收藏家一直找不到有關任何此幣的參考資料,但是早在 19 世紀 的時候,這方面的資料就已經存在於西方文獻中。最早關於此幣的記 載是1863年P. O. Van der Chijs在《Revue de la Numismatique Belge》發表的文章。Chijs說,Gustave Schlegel是一位在 巴達維亞 (今印尼首都雅加達)為中國政府擔任翻譯的工作人員,將一些中國 清代銅幣贈送給了荷蘭萊頓大學(University of Leyden)的錢幣陳 列館。一起贈送的還有一張太平天國銀幣的圖樣,本屬於廣州一位美 國傳教士。文中還清晰地刊登了一枚雕刻的太平天國銀幣,從描述中 我們得知這是一枚半兩銀幣。這部分內容後來還被原封不動地刊登 在了Prosper Mailliet編譯的《Catalog of Siege and Necessity Coins》,此圖錄共分 4 冊,1868-1873 年間出版。1878 年,一枚半兩 太平天國銀幣在德國柏林的 Fonrobert 世界錢幣專場拍賣會上售 出。在1880年出版的《皇家亞洲文會北華分會期刊》(the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society)中,有位著名中國錢幣收藏家Stephen W. Bushell(生卒:1844-1908年,1868-1899年居住中國),發表了 一篇有關清代錢幣的長篇要文。他在文中寫道:“太平軍發行了‘天國 聖寶’字樣的各種面值的銀幣。”1/2 兩銀幣和 1/4 兩銀幣是 George Glover的藏品(現保存于華盛頓的史密森尼博物館),1895年被收錄 在駱哈特(James H. Stewart Lockhart)編寫整理的有關這個收藏 的圖錄中。

太平天國銀幣在錢幣學以外的資料中也有記載,例如在 1896 年 6 月 18日Mesny所寫的《中國雜記》中,William Mesny詳細敘述了他在 1860年身為太平軍囚犯時期的經歷。他跟太平軍共處了相當長的一 段時間,並提到他們在南京鑄造金、銀、銅幣。

此外,還有一篇由英國駐寧波領事Robert J. Forrest所寫的文章,他 在1861年3月訪問南京。在1862年Lindsey Brine出版的書《太平軍 起義》(The Taeping Rebellion)中,Forrest 寫道:“太平軍有一種 大小和面值都極易使用的銀質貨幣。常見的銀幣是一先令大小,但價 值要更高;確切的講更像是銅幣,其幣上之銘文是用手刻的。還有一 種大型銀幣如同一英磅的價值,但是我沒有見過。”一先令(直徑25毫 米)大小的那種錢幣應該是 1/4 兩。價值一鎊的那種可能是太平天國 發行的金幣。但是,最令人信服的證據,是一封上面提到的Robert J. Forrest 的信今尚保存在大英博物館。Forrest 請求李明成――一位 太平天國高級官員(注:忠王李秀成之胞弟)給他一些太平天國的錢 幣。在一封日期為 1861 年 6 月 19 日的信中,李明成寫道:“如茲將我 國聖錢如託付呈銀錢貳拾元,青錢拾元,祈麾下哂納,留為粗玩,是所 幸甚。”後來,李明成還送過一些太平天國“花錢”給Forrest。

太平天國銀幣在今天為何如此罕見,為何中國的收藏家們都未察覺 到它們,這是很容易理解的。當中國政府軍最終佔領太平天國都城南 京後,他們進行了大屠殺,致使城中荒無人煙。之後,又握有太平天國

錢幣者也是太危險的,必須把它們熔化掉。這也可以解釋為什麼大部 分已知的太平天國銀幣都是在國外被發現、而被外國人收藏。

本次拍賣有一枚已知品相最好的太平天國半兩銀幣,出自張南琛收 藏,經評NGC AU58。

Finest Known NC Collection 1850-1864 Taiping Rebellion Tian Guo Sheng Bao Half Tael Silver


CHINA-TAI PING REBELLION ND (1850-1864) Tian Guo Sheng Bao 1/2 Tael Silver, 18.05g, WENCHAO-1401, NGC AU 58, NC Collection, finest known 1850-1864年天國聖寳半兩銀幣,18.05g,WENCHAO-1401,NGC AU 58,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好 的一枚

US $10,000-20,000

Only a few Taiping silver coins have been graded by the grading services and this is the finest known 1/2 tael coin. Another 1/2 tael coin was from the Howard Franklin Bowker Collection graded by NGC and donated to the Shanghai Mint Museum through the assistance of Champion Auction. It is an important historic and financial document of the Chinese rebellion against the Ching government and brought back by British mercenary.

第三方評級服務僅評過幾枚太平天國銀幣,此次拍賣的是其中品相最好的半兩銀幣。另有一枚出自包克收 藏的半兩銀幣也在冠軍拍賣的幫助下,經由NGC評後捐贈至上海造幣博物館。該銀幣是中國起義反抗清政 府的重要歷史和金融資料,後由英方帶回。

1884 Kirin Province Arsenal Series 1884年吉林廠平龍銀

In 1884, the Kirin Armory produced a series of One Tael silver coins, opening the new era of machine-struck dragon dollars in China. The obverse of the Kirin One Tael silver Dollar was engraved with the Chinese character“Shou”in a round style, which means "longevity." The center features a box embraced by a pair of dragons. Within the box are twelve characters arranged in three rows, which read: “made by Kirin Armory in 1884." The reverse has a box with four characters inside that read:“ Chang Ping One Tael." Surrounding this box are four Manchu characters that read: “Kirin,”“Ping,”“One,”and“Tael.”Researchers believe that Wu Dacheng created the design and legends for this coin.

According to their records, the Kirin Armory produced a total of 4,380 pieces of the 1884 Kirin silver series, including 198 One Taels, 1,071 Seven Mace, 1,420 Half Taels, 866 Three Mace, and 825 One Mace, with a total weight of 1,996 Taels and 4 Mace.

In the March 2003 Champion-ebay Taiwan auction a Kirin Armory One Tael sold for USD 87,552 to Aki Linden; in June 2006, Beijing Guardian offered two versions of the One Mace from the Ma Dingxiang collection; the rarer version sold for RMB 580,000 (plus 10% commission) and the regular version sold for RMB 80,000 (plus 10% commission). In November 2006, the Beijing Guardian auction house sold a One Tael with a bald dragon for RMB 660,000. In April 2009, Hong Kong Champion Auctions sold a proof Half Tael for USD 45,000.

In addition, a unique set of spelter patterns of the 1884 Kirin Arsenal coins from the Woodward-Kann-NC collection was certified through PHOTO PROOFS by NGC. This extremely rare pattern set came from Huang Chang ( 張璜 ) of Hong Kong for USD 10,000 in 1976. This set of patterns was likely produced by a western minting official. These are unique pieces of minting history and China's first Western style coinage.

Champion sold an 1884 half tael in NGC MS62 and a one mace in NGC EF 40 from the NC Collection to a Taiwan collector by private treaty.

In this auction, there is an 1884 Kirin 5 Mace Silver, NGC AU58.

吉林機器局於 1884 年製造面值為壹兩、七錢、五錢、三錢、一錢等以 兩為單位的五種面值銀幣,由此開啟中國以機器製造龍銀的濫觴。壹 兩幣正面刻正圓“壽”字,中列方格,內書“光緒十年吉林機器官局監 製”三行共十二字,雙龍環繞;背面亦為方框,以當地慣用的衡量標 準,內書“廠平壹兩”四字;四周各有一個滿文,左為吉林、右為平,上 為一字、下為兩;地章飾有卷雲紋,正反邊飾均為圈點紋。三錢以下因 幣面空間不足,為“光緒十年吉林官局制”九字,據雲圖案與文字皆為 吳大澂手筆。

根據機器局呈文及所附清折,吉林廠平壹兩製作明細如下:壹兩 198 枚、七錢 1,071 枚、半兩 1,420 枚、三錢 866 枚、一錢 825 枚,共計 4,380 枚,總重 1,996 兩 4 錢。此幣一錢書法有“壹”與“弌”兩種,後者 罕見。也可依照龍背有無毛刺分“毛龍”及“光龍”兩種版式,兩者字 體略有不同。耿愛德也記錄有兩種類型,一種是龍的腳帶爪子,一種 的龍的腳為花紋狀,非常有趣。

2003年3月愛秀冠軍臺灣Ebay拍賣出品一枚吉林廠平壹兩,以美金 87,552萬元成功拍給Aki Linden。2006年6月北京嘉德馬定祥專場 一錢“壹”與“弌”兩版各出一品,前者以人民幣 8 萬元落槌,後者則賣 出人民幣58萬元,手續費外加一成。2006年11月北京嘉德秋拍出品 無毛刺光龍版壹兩一枚,以總價人民幣 66 萬元成交。2009 年 4 月香 港冠軍拍賣一枚未使用半兩,成交總價美金4.5萬元。

此外,NGC通過PHOTO PROOFS認證了一套出自伍德華-耿愛德張南琛收藏的 1884 年吉林廠平鋅樣。這套極為珍罕的樣幣是張南 琛先生在 1976 年時從香港著名幣商張璜處以 10,000 美元的價格購 得,可能自西方的造幣廠高管處流出。這套錢幣是那段造幣歷史中誕 生的孤品,也是中國第一套西式制幣。

冠軍拍賣曾通過私人交易將出自張南琛收藏的一枚 NGC MS62 的 1884 年吉林半兩,和一枚 NGC EF40 的吉林一錢賣給一位臺 灣買家。

本次拍賣中也將有一枚經評NGC AU58的吉林廠平五錢上拍。

Very Rare 1884 Kirin 5 Mace Silver


CHINA-KIRIN 1884 5 Mace Silver, L&M-505, NGC AU DETAILS, Plugged 1884年光緒十年吉林機器官局監製銀幣厰平半兩,L&M-505,NGC AU DETAILS,經填塞 US $60,000 -120,000

Kirin Province Arsenal Series is China's first machine struck coinage in 1884. Although it has is plugged, it still has great eye appeal.



1900 Peking Dollar 1900年庚子京局銀元

The 1900 Peking Dragon Silver Dollar series is famous among collectors of Chinese coins. Kann published information about the Peking Dollar for the first time in his 1954 catalog. In Kann's account of how the actual coining dies were bought and sold, it seems that the final sale of the Peking Dragon Dollar dies was to a Shanghai collector who moved to Hong Kong in 1947. Although the final sale date is unknown, it may have been during or after the anti-Japanese war. Most collectors agree the One Dollar and Half Dollar were not made by the Peking mint in 1900 but were probably made privately in the 1940s. The Ch'uan Pi ( 《泉幣》 ) magazine reported the first 10 Cents was believed to be a product of the Peking mint, in the 1940s. James Sweeny referred to the Peking 1900 series in an article published in the Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Both Richard Wright (who owned the original 20 and 10 Cents proofs) and Bruce Smith added information to the Peking series in JEAN.

New developments concerning the 1900 Peking series occurred in recent years. The British numismatic firm of Spink's offered two and a half piefort sets of Peking coins with matte proof finish and plain edges. A set of matte proofs with edge numbers was sold by private treaty. In the 1980s, the British Royal Mint tested Kann's specimen of the Peking Dollar and Sweeny's Peking set. In 1994 and 1995, Champion sold Kann's Peking Dollar and Sweeny's Peking set to two Chinese collectors in the United States. In December 2014, the James Sweeny-Kann collection Peking 1900 restrike set was auctioned again by Champion to a Chinese private museum for USD 414,000 in Macau.

“京局”庚子銀幣在中國近代機制幣收藏界中非常有名。該幣首次出 現是在耿愛德(Eduard Kann)1954 年的目錄中。根據耿氏關於京 局銀幣鋼模的文章,京局庚子鑄幣最後賣給了一位1947年去香港的 錢幣經銷商。可能因為戰亂,銷售的具體日期沒有注明。耿氏在文章 中以史實推導並得出結論,七錢二分或三錢六分的“京局”庚子銀幣 可能在 1940 年代由私人所鑄,而不是京局製造,大多數收藏家均同 意這一觀點。由京局原廠原鑄的七分二厘銀幣曾在 1940年代《泉幣》 雜誌上出現過。詹姆斯·史成尼(James Sweeny)曾在《東亞泉志》上 發表題為《“京局”庚子銀幣1900系列》(Peking 1900 Series)的文 章,詳細描述了庚子之亂以及清朝唯一以城市命名的錢幣系列。理 查 賴特(Richard Wright)和史博祿(Bruce Smith)後來在《東亞泉 志》上對《“京局”庚子銀幣1900系列》進行了補充。

近年來“京局”庚子銀幣的轉手流傳有了新的進展。英國錢幣商斯賓 克(Spink)曾有兩套半磨砂精製光邊的“京局”庚子銀幣,一套邊緣 上標有序號。那套磨砂精製邊緣帶序號的樣幣被通過私人交易賣 出。1980 年代,史成尼把耿氏的庚子京局製造庫平七錢二分樣幣及 自己的一套錢幣都提交給了英國皇家造幣廠進行測試。1994 年至 1995年,冠軍拍賣將耿氏的七錢二分和史成尼的套幣分別拍賣給了 兩位美國資深華裔收藏家。2014 年 12 月,冠軍拍賣在澳門拍賣上拍 賣了這套原詹姆斯 · 史成尼 - 耿愛德舊藏的“京局”庚子銀幣,最終以 414,000美元的價格賣給一家中國私人博物館。

Finest Known Restrike 1900 Peking One Dollar Silver


CHINA-PEKING 1900 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-6A Restrike, NGC MS 64, finest known 1900年庚子年京局製造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-6A重鑄版,NGC MS 64,已知品相最好的一枚 US $200,000-400,000

This is a famous 1900 Peking Dollar Restrike. Eduard Kann had two examples and we handle both examples in the 1990s. One One was sold to a Chinese doctor in 1994 JEAN Mail Auction at USD 24,200 and later graded by PCGS as MS63. The other Kann example from the Sweeny Collection was graded NGC MS 61 and sold by Champion in 1995 and again in 2014. Champion submitted to NGC the W&B Capital example which was graded NGC MS63 and later sold at auction for around US 150,000 more than 10 years ago. Champion once sold a complete set for USD 46,000 in 1995 JEAN Mail Auction, which was sold by Champion for USD 414,000 in 11/2014. This example is the finest known at NGC MS64 and a great opportunity to add this great rarity to any collection.

這項拍品是非常著名的 1900 年庚子京局銀元重鑄版。耿愛德有 2 枚該種銀幣,而冠軍拍賣曾在 20 世紀 90 年代經手了這兩枚銀幣。其中一枚在1994年《東亞泉志》郵寄拍賣以24,200美元的價格賣給了一位中國醫 生,後由 PCGS 評為 MS63 。另一枚出自耿氏舊藏的京局重鑄版出自史威尼收藏(Sweeny Collection), 經評 NGC MS61,由冠軍拍賣在 1995 年出售,並於 2014 年再次上拍賣出。十多年前,冠軍曾將一枚出自 W&B Capital 收藏的京局重鑄版提交至 NGC 評級,經評 MS63,並在拍賣會上以超過 15 萬美元的價格拍 出。冠軍拍賣還曾在1995年的《東亞泉志》郵寄拍賣上以46,000美元的價格賣出一整套出自耿愛德舊藏的 京局銀元。2014年11月,冠軍拍賣再次將該套銀元以414,000美元的價格成交。本次拍賣的這枚是已知品 相最好的重鑄版京局銀幣。本次拍賣是將這枚珍品納入收藏的好機會。

Auction Result(s): 11/2018, PCGS SP62+, Realizing 1,265,000 (USD 176,000), W&B Capital Collection. 3/2015, W&B Capital Collection, NGC MS63, Realizing USD 150,000. 拍賣記錄: 2018年11月,PCGS SP62+,成交價1,265,000元人民幣(176,000美元),W&B Capital收藏。 2015年3月,W&B Capital收藏,NGC MS63,成交價150,000美元。


Choice 1905 Sinkiang 5 Mace Silver


CHINA-SINKIANG 1905 5 Miscals Silver, Y-6, PCGS MS 62, YIF Collection 1905年新疆餉銀五錢銀幣,Y-6,PCGS MS 62,YIF收藏 US $3,000-6,000

This is a choice 1905 5 mace coin in an old PCGS holder with very nice surface and mint bloom. We sold an NGC MS66 example in 4/2024 for US 82,000. This example is very close to that example at a fraction of the cost, so it can be a great value acquisition.

這枚精美的1905 年新疆五錢銀幣封裝於老版的PCGS 盒子,版底精製,原光飽滿。冠軍拍賣曾在2024 年 4 月以 82,000 美元的價格拍出一枚 NGC MS66分的該種銀幣。本次拍賣的這枚品相與之接近,但價格卻更為實惠,很有入手的價值。

Choice Chinese Family Collection 1905 50 Cents Silver


CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 50 Cents Silver, L&M-21, K-213, PCGS MS 62, Chinese Family Collection 1907年(丁未)大清銀幣伍角,L&M-21,K-213,PCGS MS 62,華人家族收藏 US $10,000-20,000

This 1907 Empire 50 Cent coin was obtained by the Chinese Family collection more than 30 years ago and has excellent toning and eye appeal. It is in an old PCGS holder which we think can be an excellent candidate for a grade upgrade.


Auction Result(s):

7/2024, PCGS MS65+, Realizing USD 113,380. 6/2024, PCGS UNC DETAILS, Realizing USD 31,200. 9/2021, PCGS MS62, Realizing USD 55,200.


2024年7月,PCGS MS65+,成交價113,380美元。

2024年6月,PCGS UNC DETAILS,成交價31,200美元。

2021年9月,PCGS MS62,成交價55,200美元。



Finest Known Hsi/NC

Collection L. Giorgi 1914 10 Cash Bronze

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 10 Cash Bronze Pattern, CCC-686, with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC MS 64 BN, Hsi/NC Collection, finest known 1914年中華民國共和紀念雙旗嘉禾圖十文黃銅樣幣,CCC-686,L. Giorgi簽字版,NGC MS 64 BN,席德柄/張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚 US $20,000-40,000

This extremely popular L. Giorgi pattern comes in copper and brass variety. This coin has an excellent original red mint luster and eye appeal and is the finest known example of this rarity. It is a great addition to any Chinese copper coin collection. NC had a strong interest in Chinese copper patterns and this example was one of his favorites with the L. Giorgi signature.

帶L. Giorgi簽字的1914年嘉禾雙旗紫銅和黃銅樣幣一直非常受到藏家青睞。該幣帶有非常飽滿的紅色出廠原光,味道頗佳,是這一珍品中已 知品相最好的一枚。將其納入任何中國銅幣收藏都將是一大亮點。張南琛先生十分喜愛中國銅質樣幣,這枚銅幣是其 L. Giorgi簽字錢幣中最 喜歡的錢幣之一。

Auction Result(s): 4/2018, PCGS SP64, Realizing USD 43,200. 8/11, NGC MS63, Realizing USD 42,000.


2018年4月,PCGS SP64,成交價43,200美元。

2011年8月,NGC MS63,成交價42,000美元。

Very Rare L. Giorgi 1914 Yuan Shih-Kai 50 Cents Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 (YR3) Yuan Shih-Kai 50 Cents Silver, L&M-68, with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC MS 63 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱像中圓銀幣,L&M-68,L. Giorgi簽字版,NGC MS 63 US $20,000-40,000

This very rare L. Giorgi 50 cents silver pattern was obtained by the consignee in Hong Kong in 1997. The nice toning and eye appeal makes this a great opportunity to obtain.

這枚非常稀少的L. Giorgi簽字版中圓樣幣是委託人1997年在香港買到的。其包漿精美,味道頗佳,本次拍賣是將其收入囊中的好機會。

Auction Result(s): 7/2024, PCGS SP62, Realizing Realizing USD 116,620. 4/2024, PCGS SP61, Realizing USD 96,000. 5/2022, PCGS SP64+, Realizing USD 108,000. 9/2021, PCGS SP62, Realizing USD 240,000.


2024年7月,PCGS SP62,成交價116,620美元。

2024年4月,PCGS SP61,成交價96,000美元。

2022年5月,PCGS SP64+,成交價108,000美元。

2021年9月,PCGS SP62,成交價240,000美元。

1914 Dragon and Phoenix Dollar Manuscript with L. Giorgi Signature 1914年 L. Giorgi 簽字龍鳳壹圓銀幣手稿

The manuscript of the 1923 Dragon and Pheonix Dollar is the only original manuscript of the Chinese coin in a private collection. Previously, it was believed that this silver coin was issued to commemorate the wedding of Puyi, the last deposed emperor of China.

This mysterious manuscript first appeared in November 1993, when it was auctioned by Money Company. Chinese numismatic researcher Bruce W. Smith purchased this artwork for Nelson Chang (NC Collection).

We compared the signature on the manuscript with that on a document proving his work at the Tientsin Mint released by L. Giorgi’s grandson. We found that the two signatures are exactly the same.

However, why is the date on the manuscript 1914 instead of 1923 when the coin was officially issued? This is due to the fact that this design was originally made to replace the Yuan Shih-Kai silver coin, but it was not put into production at that time. In 1923, it was proposed to issue silver coins to replace Yuan Shih-kai silver coins again. This time, the Dragon and Phoenix silver coins were issued. The design on the coins symbolizes the country rather than an individual. Additionally, we can notice that there is the signature Hsu Un Yuen at the bottom right corner of the manuscript. This is the spelling of the name of the first president of the Bank of China. Hsu was also in his tenure at the Currency Bureau of the Ministry of Finance in 1914.

It is a good opportunity to acquire this unique manuscript.

目前已知的中國錢幣的藝術家原始手稿中只有 1923 年龍鳳壹圓的 手稿是在私人手中,之前人們一直認為這枚銀幣是為了紀念中國最 後一位被罷黜的皇帝溥儀大婚而發行的。

這張神秘的稿件最早在1993年11月面世,當時這些原始圖稿現身金 錢公司(Money Company)的拍賣會,中國研究者史博祿(Bruce W. Smith)為張南琛先生(NC收藏)買下了這張圖稿。

我們將設計稿上的L. Giorgi簽名與其孫子透露的L. Giorgi一份證明 其在天津造幣總廠工作的檔進行了仔細的對比,可以發現其在檔下 方的兩處簽名與手稿上的簽名完全一致。

但為何設計手稿幣面上的年份是 1914 年,而不是正式發行的 1923 年?這是因為這張圖稿原本是為了替代袁世凱像銀幣而設計,但當時 並未投入製造。第二次計畫發行銀幣以替代袁世凱肖像幣是在1923 年,期間發行了龍鳳銀幣,幣上的圖案乃是象徵國家,而非個人。 另外,我們可以注意到,整張設計稿的右下角有 Hsu Un Yuen字樣。 這是中國銀行首任總裁徐恩元的名字拼寫。1914年也正是徐恩元在 財政部制幣局任內。


Unique NC Collection 1914 Manuscript of Dragon and Phoenix Dollar with L.

Giorgi Signature


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 Manuscript of Dragon and Phoenix Dollar with L. Giorgi Signature with the Date and Name "Hsu Un Yuen" Who was from the Mint Bureau, NC Collection


Scarce Large Character 1923 Dragon and Phoenix One Dollar Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1923 (YR12) Dragon and Phoenix 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-80, Large Characters, NGC UNC DETAILS, Cleaned 1923年(民國十二年)龍鳳壹圓銀幣,L&M-80,大字版,NGC UNC DETAILS,經清洗 US $10,000-20,000

This scarce large character Dragon and Phoenix dollar is one of the most popular Republican dollars. This example has sharp strike and eye appeal. It is an excellent opportunity to obtain this popular coin at a very reasonable price.

這種稀少的大字版龍鳳銀幣是最受藏家喜愛的民國錢幣之一。本次拍賣的這枚鑄打深峻,味道上佳。本次拍賣是將這一頗受青睞的銀幣以合 理的價格收入囊中的好機會。

Auction Result(s):

7/2024, PCGS AU DETAILS, Realizing RMB 356,500 (USD 50,200).

4/2024, PCGS UNC DETAILS, Cleaned, Realizing USD 33,600.


2024 年 7 月,PCGS AU DETAILS ,成交價 356,500 元人民幣 (50,200美元)

2024年4月,PCGS UNC DETAILS,Cleaned,成交價33,600美元。

Gem Hsi/NC Collection 1923 Tsao Kun Civilian Clothese One Dollar Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1923 Tsao Kun Civilian Clothes 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-958, K-677, NGC MS 64, Hsi/NC Collection 1923年曹錕文裝像憲法成立紀念壹圓銀幣,L&M-958,K-677,NGC MS 64,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $10,000-20,000

It has superb original toning and wonderful envelop toning. This NC collection example is an excellent candidate for a large grade upgrade.


Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS MS 62, Realizing USD 72,000. 4/2023, NCG MS64, Realizing USD 66,000.


2023年4月,PCGS MS62,成交價72,000美元。

2023年4月,NGC MS64,成交價66,000美元。


Superb Hsi/NC Collection 1928 Sun

Yat-Sen Birth of Republic of China Memento One Dollar Silver



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1928 Sun Yat-Sen Birth of Republic of China Memento 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-48, 5 Pointed Stars, NGC MS 66, Hsi/NC Collection

1912年孫中山像開國紀念壹圓銀幣,NGC MS 66,上五角星版,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $10,000-20,000

This example has wonderful rainbow toning and superb eye appeal. It is one of the finest Republican dollars we have seen. It is a great opportunity to get this NC collection coin at the fabulous MS66 grade.

該幣帶有精美的幻彩包漿,味道非常好,是我們見過的品相最好的民國錢幣之一。本次拍賣是將這枚評分高達 MS66 分的張南琛舊藏錢幣收 入囊中的好機會。

Auction Result(s):

12/2022, PCGS MS65, Realizing USD 60,000. 7/2022, PCGS MS64, Realizing USD 43,200. 5/2021, PCGS MS64, Realizing RMB 402,500 (USD 56,700).


2022年12月,PCGS MS65,成交價60,000美元。

2022年7月,PCGS MS64,成交價43,200美元。

2021年5月,PCGS MS64,成交價402,500元人民幣(56,700美元)。


CHINA-REPUBLIC ND Sun Yat-Sen Birth of Republic of China Memento 10 Cash Copper, CCC-697, WOODWARD-1089, NGC AU 58 BN, Hsi/NC Collection 中華民國孫中山像開國紀念十文銅幣,CCC-697, WOODWARD-1089,NGC AU 58 BN,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS MS63, Realizing USD 11,400. 4/2018, PCGS EF45, Realizing USD 4,320.


2023年4月,PCGS MS63,成交價11,400美元。

2018年4月,PCGS EF45,成交價4,320美元。


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 (YR3) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-63, Triangle "Yuan", NGC MS 61, TCL Collection 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,L&M-63,三角“圓”,NGC MS 61,TCL收藏 US $100-200


CHINA 1914 (YR3) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver, Circlet in Ribbon Bow, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, BWS Collection 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,“O”版,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA 1914 (YR3) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver, Circlet in Ribbon Bow, NGC XF DETAILS, Cleaned, BWS Collection 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,“O”版,NGC XF DETAILS,

經清洗,BWS收藏 US $100-200

Superb Charles Tanant Collection 1915 Hunan First Year of Hung Hsien & Birth of Chinese Empire Memento 10 Cash Copper


CHINA-HUNAN 1915 The First Year of Hung Hsien & Birth of Chinese Empire Memento 10 Cash Copper, NGC MS 65 RD, Charles Tanant Collection 1915年湖南洪憲元年開國紀念幣,當十銅元,NGC MS 65 RD,查爾斯 譚安收藏 US $1,000-2,000

This is a superb example of Hung Hsien copper coins. Before this one from the Charles Tanant Collection, the finest known example of this popular coin was MS63. This fabulous example is in MS65RD. It is a wonderful chance to obtain one of the best. 這枚洪憲銅幣非常精美。在這枚查爾斯 · 譚安舊藏洪憲銅幣面世前,該種銅幣的最高分僅為 MS63,而這枚出自譚安舊藏的銅幣評分高達 MS65RD。本次拍賣是將這枚品相最好的洪憲元年銅幣納入收藏的極佳機會。

Auction Result(s): 9/2021, NGC MS65RB, Realizing USD 6,600. 8/2011, NGC MS64, Realizing USD 5,400.


2021年9月,NGC MS65RB,成交價6,600美元。

2011年8月,NGC MS64,成交價5,400美元。

Superb Charles Tanant Collection 1915 Hunan First Year of Hung Hsien & Birth of Chinese Empire Memento 10 Cash Copper


CHINA-HUNAN 1915 The First Year of Hung Hsien & Birth of Chinese Empire Memento 10 Cash Copper, Sharp Petals, NGC MS 65 RB, Charles Tanant Collection 1915年湖南洪憲元年開國紀念幣,當十銅元,大花版,NGC MS 65 RB,查爾斯·譚安收藏 US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s): 11/2021, PCGS MS66RD, Charles Tanant Collection, Realizing RMB 212,750 (USD 30,000). 拍賣記錄: 2021年11月,PCGS MS66RD,查爾斯 譚安舊藏,成交價212,750元人民幣(30,000美元)。

Gem Bowker Collection 1921 Yuan Shih-Kai One Dollar Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1921 (YR10) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-79, NGC MS 65, H.F. Bowker Collection 1921年(民國十年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,L&M-79,NGC MS 65,包克收藏 US $1,000-2,000

This 1921 Yuan Shih-Kai Dollar from the Howard Bowker Collection has superb toning and eye appeal.


Choice Bowker Collection 1921 Yuan Shih-Kai One Dollar Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1921 (YR10) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver L&M-79 Reverse of 1919 "Nien" with 7-Like Dot, NGC MS 63, H.F. Bowker Collection

1921年(民國十年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,L&M-79,“年”字點呈“7”狀,為1919年版“年”字,NCG MS63,包克收藏

US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s): 4/2021, PCGS MS64, Realizing USD 9,600.

拍賣記錄: 2021年4月,PCGS MS64,成交價9,600美元。

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1926 (YR15) Dragon and Phoenix 20 Cents Silver, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, BWS Collection 1923年(民國十二年)龍鳳貳角銀幣,每五枚當一圓,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗,BWS收藏 US $100-200

Rare Error 1927 Sun Yat-Sen Birth of Republic of China Memento One Dollar Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC ND (1927) Birth of Republic of China Memento 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-49, Y-318a, Triple Struck-2nd and 3rd 5% & 10% off Center, Mint Error, PCGS Genuine - AU Details, Environmental Damage 1927年孫中山像開國紀念壹圓銀幣,L&M-49,Y-318a,幣坯壓印三次,第二次、第三次壓印分別偏離中心5%、10%,造幣廠錯誤,PCGS Genuine - AU Details,環境損傷 US $3,000-6,000

This rare error 1927 memento dollar was triple struck. This is the only triple struck error we have seen on a Chinese Republican silver dollar. 這枚稀少的錯版1927年開國銀幣經過三重打制。這也是我們唯一見過的一枚經過三次打制的錯版中國民國銀幣。


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1932 (YR21) Sun Yat-Sen Birds over Junk 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-108, NGC AU 55, Hsi/NC Collection 1932年(民國二十一年)孫中山像背帆船壹圓銀幣,三鳥,L&M-108,NGC AU 55,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $1,000-2,000


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 (YR22) Sun Yat-Sen Junk 1 Dollar Silver, NGC UNC DETAILS, Stained, BWS Collection 1933年(民國二十二年)孫中山像背帆船壹圓銀幣,NGC UNC DETAILS,紫色墨戳,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1934 (YR23) Sun Yat-Sen Junk 1 Dollar Silver L&M-110, NGC MS 63, BWS Collection 1934年(民國二十三年)孫中山像背帆船壹圓銀幣,L&M-110, NGC MS 63,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SZECHUAN-TIBET ND 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, X-435, NGC MS 61 四川省造光緒皇帝像壹圓銀幣臆造幣,X-435,NGC MS 61 US $3,000-6,000



CHINA-EMPEROR ND Kuang Hsu 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B19, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned 清朝光緒皇帝遺像壹圓銀幣臆造幣,KANN-B19,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗

US $3,000-6,000


CHINA-REPUBLIC ND Sun Yat-Sen on the Horse Birth of Republic of China Memento 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B51, NGC AU 58 中華民國開國紀念孫中山騎馬像壹圓銀幣臆造幣,KANN-B51,


US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s): 12/2020, PCGS AU55, Realizing USD 9,000 拍賣記錄:

2020年12月,PCGS AU55,成交價9,000美元


CHINA-CHINESE EMPIRE ND Yuan Shih-Kai Birth of Chinese Empire Memento 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B45, NGC UNC DETAILS, Cleaned 中華帝國洪憲元年開國紀念袁世凱像飛龍銀幣臆造幣, KANN-B45,NGC UNC DETAILS,經清洗

US $3,000-6,000


CHINA-CHINESE EMPIRE ND Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B44, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned 中華帝國丙辰紀念袁世凱像銀幣臆造幣,KANN-B44,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗

US $3,000-6,000


CHINA-SOVIET 1931-Dated Lenin 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B73, NGC AU DETAILS, Bent 1931年中國蘇維埃造列寧像工農銀行壹圓銀幣臆造幣, KANN-B73,NGC AU DETAILS,彎曲

US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s): 10/2022, PCGS AU DETAILS, Realizing USD 14,400 拍卖记录: 2022年10月,PCGS AU DETAILS,成交價14,400美元


CHINA-SOVIET 1933 Lenin 1 Dollar Silver Fantasy, KANN-B73, NGC UNC DETAILS, Cleaned 1933年中國蘇維埃造列寧像壹圓銀幣臆造幣,KANN-B73,NGC UNC DETAILS,經清洗 US $3,000-6,000

Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS AU DETAILS, Cleaned, Realizing USD 14,400. 拍賣記錄: 2023年4月,PCGS AU DETAILS,Cleaned,成交價14,400美元。


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 5 Cents Silver, ANACS AU 55 DETAILS, Cleaned 1898年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三分六釐銀幣,ANACS AU 55 DETAILS,經清洗 US $100-200

Choice YIF Collection 1899 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1899 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-223, NGC UNC DETAILS, Cleaned, YIF Collection 1899年(己亥)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-223,NGC UNC DETAILS,經清洗,YIF收藏 US $10,000-20,000

Lightly clean example of this better date Kiangnan dollar has excellent strike and eye appeal.


Auction Result(s): 5/2022, PCGS EF45, realizing USD 65,000. 5/2022, PCGS EF40, realizing USD 36,000. 7/2021, UNC, realizing USD 12,000.


2022年5月,PCGS EF45,成交價65,000美元。

2022年5月,PCGS EF40,成交價36,000美元。




CHINA-KIANGNAN 1899 1 Dollar Silver, Y-145a.2, L&M-222 Old Dragon, PCGS Genuine , YIF Collection 1899年(己亥)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y-145a.2, L&M-222老江南龍,PCGS Genuine,YIF 收藏 US $600-1,200

Auction Result(s):


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1900 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-229, NGC XF 45, YIF Collection 1900年(庚子)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-229, NGC XF 45,YIF收藏 US $1,000-2,000 100 101

5/2022, PCGS AU DETAILS, realizing USD 5,250. 10/2020, PCGS AU DETAILS CHOPMARKED, realizing USD 10,000.


2022年5月,PCGS AU DETAILS,成交價5,250美元。

2020年10月,PCGS AU DETAILS CHOPMARKED,成交價 10,000美元。

Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS VF35, realizing USD 3,600. 5/2022, PCGS VF35, realizing USD 6,600.


2023年4月,PCGS VF35,成交價3,600美元。

2022年5月,PCGS VF35,成交價6,600美元。

Choice 1901 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-244 "HAH", Dot Eyed Dragon, NGC UNC DETAILS, Rev Spot Removed, YIF Collection

1901年(辛丑)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-244,有英文“HAH”,點眼龍,NGC UNC DETAILS,背面斑點擦除,YIF 收藏 US $2,000-4,000

This scarce dot eye dragon variety of 1901 Kiangnan Dollar has superb mint bloom and fully struck dragon scale, as one of the finest known we have seen. It is a great candidate for a grade upgrade.

這枚銀幣是 1901 年點眼龍版江南銀幣,有飽滿的原光,鑄打深峻,全龍鱗,是我們見過的品相最好的之一,很有 升分的機會。

Auction Result(s): 4/2024, PCGS MS64, realizing USD 48,000. 5/2020, ANACS MS64, realizing USD 24,000. 8/2015, PCGS MS62, realizing USD 24,000.


2024年4月,PCGS MS64,成交價48,000美元。

2020年5月,ANACS MS64,成交價24000美元。

2015年8月,PCGS MS62,成交價24,000美元。

Scarce 1901 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 1 Dollar Silver, Y-145a.6, PCGS AU 58, YIF Collection 1901年(辛丑)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y-145a.6,PCGS AU 58,YIF 收藏 US $3,000-6,000

This example has fully struck dragon scale, and it is a good candidate for upgrade. 該幣鑄打深峻,全龍鱗,很有升分的機會。

Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS AU58, realizing USD 9,000.

拍賣記錄: 2023年4月,PCGS AU58,成交價9,000美元。


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-244 "HAH", Dot Eyed Dragon, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, YIF Collection 1901年(辛丑)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-244,有 英文“HAH”,點眼龍,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗,YIF收藏 US $300-600 104



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 20 Cents Silver,Y-143a.6, PCGS MS64, YIF Collection

1901(辛丑)年江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,Y-143a.6, PCGS MS64,YIF收藏 US $300-600

Auction Result(s): 10/2020, PCGS MS65, realizing USD 2,260. 拍賣記錄: 2020年10月,PCGS MS65,成交價2,260美元。



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 1 Dollar Silver, No Dot "Tiger" Character, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, TCL Collection 1902年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,直頭寅,NGC

AU DETAILS,經清洗,TCL收藏 US $600-1,200



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1903 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-251, "HAH" with Rosette, NGC AU DETAILS, Stained, YIF Collection 1903年(癸卯)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-251,有 英文“HAH”及一點星花,NGC AU DETAILS,有污漬,YIF收藏

US $1,000-2,000 107

Auction Result(s): 5/2022, NGC VF35, realizing USD 7,800. 7/2020, PCGS AU50, realizing USD 12,000.


2022年5月,NGC VF35,成交價7,800美元。

2020年7月,PCGS AU50,成交價12,000美元。

Gem YIF Collection 1904 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-257, HAH CH, NGC MS 64, YIF Collection 1904年(甲辰)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-257,有英文“HAH”及“CH”,NGC MS 64,YIF收藏 US $6,000-12,000 108

This example has superb mint bloom and strike, as one of the finest example we have seen. It has an excellent candidate for a large grade upgrade.


Auction Result(s):

5/2022, PCGS MS65, realizing USD 60,000. 11/2021, NGC MS63, realizing USD 11,000.


2022年5月,PCGS MS65,成交價60,000美元。

2021年11月,NGC MS63,成交價11,000美元。

Choice YIF Collection 1904 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-258, HAH CH Dots, NGC MS 63, YIF Collection

1904年(甲辰)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-258,有英文“HAH”及“CH”,“甲 辰”下有點,NGC MS 63,YIF收藏 US $3,000-6,000

It has choice mint luster and surface. There is a good candidate for a grade upgrade. 该币原光饱满,版底精美,很有升分机会。

Auction Result(s):

10/2023, PCGS MS65, realizing USD 34,000. 4/2021, NGC MS64, realizing USD 18,000.


2023年10月,PCGS MS65,成交價34,000美元。

2021年4月,NGC MS64,成交價18,000美元。


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-256, Y-145A.16, NGC AU 55, W&B Capital Collection 1904年(甲辰)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-256, Y-145A.16,NGC AU 55,W&B Capital收藏 US $2,000-4,000

Choice YIF Collection 1905 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1905 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-262, "SY", NGC UNC DETAILS, Cleaned, YIF Collection 1905年(乙巳)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-262,“SY”版,NGC UNC DETAILS,經清洗,YIF收藏

US $3,000-6,000

This is a scarce date 1905 Kiangan dollar with light cleaning. There is a good chance to upgrade to a numeric grade.


Auction Result(s): 4/2024, PCGS MS62+, realizing USD 50,000. 4/2016, NGC MS61, realizing USD 13,200.


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1911 10 Cents Silver, Y-146, NGC MS 62, YIF Collection

1911年江南省造宣統元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣,Y-146,NGC MS

62,YIF 收藏

US $300-600

拍賣記錄: 2024年4月,PCGS MS62+,成交價50,000美元。

2016年4月,NGC MS61,成交價13,200美元。


CHINA-EMPIRE 1908 20 Cents Dollar Silver, L&M-12, NGC AU 55, BWS Collection

1908年光緒年造造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,L&M12,NGC AU 55,BWS收藏 US $300-600


CHINA-EMPIRE 1908 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-11, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, TCL Collection

1908年光緒年造造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-11, NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗,TCL收藏

US $100-200

Auction Result(s): 12/2021, PCGS MS62, realizing USD 3,960.

拍賣記錄: 2021年12月,PCGS MS62,成交價3,960美元。


CHINA-ANHWEI 1902-1906 10 Cash Copper, Redesigned Dragon Head, NGC MS 63 BN, Charles Tanant Collection 1902-1906年安徽省造光緒元寶銅幣,每元當制錢十文,王冠龍, NGC MS 63 BN,查爾斯 譚安收藏 US $300-600



CHINA-CHIHLI 1906 10 Cash Copper, Small Sitting Dragon, NGC MS 61 BN, Charles Tanant Collection 1906年北洋光緒元寶當制錢十文銅幣,小坐龍,NGC MS 61 BN, 查爾斯 譚安收藏 US $300-600 118


CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 (YR22) 5 Cents Dollar Silver, L&M-443, NGC XF 40, Chinese Family Collection 1896年(光緒二十二年)北洋機器局造半角銀幣,L&M-443,NGC

XF 40,華人家族收藏

US $800-1,600 116



CHINA-CHIHLI 1898 (YR24) 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-449, NGC

AU DETAILS, Cleaned, TCL Collection 1898年(光緒二十四年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,L&M-449,NGC

AU DETAILS,經清洗,TCL收藏 US $1,000-2,000

CHINA-FENGTIEN 1904 Copper Token, CCC-349 1 Dollar OBV, Fengtien 10 Cash REV, NGC VF 30, Hsi/NC Collection 1904年銅質代幣,正面當圓,背面奉天十文,CCC-349,NGC VF 30, 席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $3,000-6,000



CHINA-FUKIEN 1894 20 Cents Silver, L&M-292, NGC AU 55 1894年福建省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,L&M-292, NGC AU 55

US $300-600


CHINA-FOO-KIEN 20 Cents Silver, Value Reverse, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F. Bowker Collection 1923年福建官局造貳毫銀幣,背面印面值“20”,NGC AU DETAILS,有戳記,包克收藏 US $30-60 121

Auction Result(s): 10/2022, PCGS MS61, realizing USD 1,080. 拍賣記錄: 2022年10月,PCGS MS61,成交價1,080美元。



CHINA-HUNAN 1922 20 Cash Copper, "TWENTY CASH", Rosette above Flag, NGC MS 63 RB, Charles Tanant Collection

1922年湖南省造當二十銅元,Rosette above Flag,NGC MS 63 RB,查爾斯 譚安收藏

US $100-200


CHINA-KIANGSU-KIANGSOO 1901 2 Cash Brass Pattern, KM-PN2, NGC MS 63, Hsi/NC Collection

This is a very popular Republic coin in average grade. 1901年江蘇省造光緒元寶黃銅樣幣,每元當錢二文,KM-PN2, NGC MS 63,席德柄/張南琛收藏 雖然該幣品相不算拔尖,但該品種樣幣很受歡迎。

US $1,000-2,000


CHINA-KIRIN 1905 50 Cents Silver, L&M-558, NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned, TCL Collection

1905年(乙巳)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M-558, NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗,TCL收藏

US $100-200 124

Choice T.C.L. Collection 1906 Kirin One Dollar Silver


CHINA-KIRIN 1906 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-562, NGC AU 58, TCL Collection 1906年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-562,NGC AU 58,TCL收藏 US $10,000-20,000

The coin has strong strike with excellent dragon scale. This is one of the rarest Kirin dollars in high grade. This example is one of the finest we have seen and good candidate for an upgrade.


Auction Result(s): 4/2023, PCGS AU55, realizing USD 28,800. 4/2018, PCGS AU55, realizing USD 38,000.


2023年4月,PCGS AU55,成交價28,800美元。

2018年4月,PCGS AU55,成交價38,000美元。


1907 KIRIN 20 Cents Silver, L&M-569, Y-181, NGC AU DETAILS, Surface Hairlines, Italia Collection 1907年(丁未)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,L&M569,Y-181,NGC AU DETAILS,表面髮綫刮痕,Italia收藏 US $300-600


CHINA-SHANSI 1909 20 Cents Silver, L&M-501, NGC F 15, Hsi/NC Collection 1909年山西省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,NGC F 15,席德 柄/張南琛收藏 US $300-600


CHINA-SINKIANG 1878 1/2 Miscal Silver, L&M-678, NGC XF 45, H.F. Bowker Collection 1878年新疆光緒銀錢五分,L&M-678,NGC XF 45,包克收藏 US $100-200 128


CHINA-SINKIANG 1880 (AH1297) 5 Fen Silver, L&M-778, NGC VF 35, H.F. Bowker Collection 1880年(AH1297)新疆5分銀幣,L&M-778,NGC VF 35,包克收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SINKIANG 1903 (AH1321) 3 Mace Silver, L&M-791, NGC VF 35, H.F. Bowker Collection

1903年(AH1321),新疆迪化光緒銀圓三錢,L&M-794,NGC VF 35,包克收藏 US $300-600


1904 (AH1322) SINKIANG 3 Mace Silver, L&M-794, NGC

AU 50, H.F. Bowker Collection

1904年(AH1322)新疆迪化光緒銀圓三錢,L&M-794,NGC AU 50,包克收藏 US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s):

7/2022, NGC AU58, realizing USD 1,680. 9/2021, PCGS AU53, realizing USD 1,150.


2022年7月,NGC AU58,成交價1,680美元。

2021年9月,PCGS AU53,成交價1,150美元。

Scarce T.C.L. Collection 1907 Sinkiang One Sarang Silver



CHINA-SINKIANG 1907 (AH1325) 1 Sarang Silver, Y-26.1, NGC XF 45, TCL Collection 1907年(AH1325)新疆喀什大清銀幣湘平壹兩,Y-26.1,NGC XF 45,TCL收藏 US $1,000-2,000

This popular Sinkiang Tael has strong strike and original toning. It is a good addition for any Sinkiang collection.


Auction Result(s):

5/2023, PCGS AU DETAILS, realizing USD 22,000. 5/2021, PCGS VF35, realizing USD 10,000.


2023年5月,PCGS AU DETAILS,成交價22,000美元。

2021年5月,PCGS VF35,成交價10,000美元。


CHINA-TAIWAN 1893-1894 10 Cents Silver, L&M-328, NGC XF 40, Hsi/NC Collection 1893-1894年台灣製造光緒元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣,L&M-328, NGC XF 40,席德柄/張南琛收藏 US $1,000-2,000


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1937 (YR26) Commemorative Medal of Macau Tung Sin Tong, under the stewardship of Wong Chung Leong 1937年大中華民國二十六年紀念章-澳門同善堂黃仲良當年值理 US $100-200 134

Scarce 1934 Soviet Szechuan-Shensi One Dollar Silver


CHINA-SOVIET SZECHUAN-SHENSI 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-891, Small Stars, NGC VF 35 1934年中華蘇維埃共和國川陝省造幣厰造壹圓銀幣,L&M-891,小星花版,NGC VF 35 US $8,000-16,000

It is a nice example of this small star variety of the 1934 China Soviet Dollar. 該幣是小星花版1934年蘇區銀幣中的精品。

Auction Result(s): 4/2024, PCGS EF45, realizing USD 32,000. 7/2023, PCGS VF35, realizing USD 19,500. 7/2021, NGC EF45, realizing USD 24,000.


2024年4月,PCGS EF45,成交價32,000美元。

2023年7月,PCGS VF35,成交價19,500美元。

2021年7月,NGC EF45,成交價24,000美元。


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Close Island, Reeded Edge, NGC AU 58 BN, BWS Collection 1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,近島,齒 邊,NGC AU 58 BN,BWS收藏

US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Far Island, Reeded Edge, NGC XF 45 BN, BWS Collection

1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,遠島,齒 邊,NGC XF 45 BN,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Connected Island, Reeded Edge, NGC XF 45 BN, BWS Collection

1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,連接島, 齒邊,NGC XF 45 BN,BWS收藏

US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Close Island, Reeded Edge, NGC XF 45 BN, BWS Collection

1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,近島,齒 邊,NGC XF 45 BN,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Close Island, Reeded Edge, NGC XF 40 BN, BWS Collection

1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,近島,齒 邊,NGC XF 40 BN,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET 1932 5 Cents Copper, Connected Island, Plain Edge, NGC XF 40 BN, BWS Collection 1932年中華蘇維埃共和國五分銅幣,每弍拾枚當國幣壹圓,連接島, 光邊,NGC XF 40 BN,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-SOVIET SZECHUAN-SHENSI 1934 500 Cash Copper, NGC VF 35 BN, BWS Collection 1934年川陝省蘇維埃蘇維埃造五百文銅幣,NGC VF 35 BN,BWS 收藏 US $100-200


It is an American merchant advertising token at the end of the 19th century. It was made of a Qianlong Tongbao copper coin from the Baoquan Bureau of the Qing Dynasty. Its rim is inscribed with "CHINA-LYON-HALL&Co-JAPAN./BALTIMORE" and “CHINA-INDIA-JAPAN./MATTING IMPORTERS". It is extremely rare for Qing Dynasty copper coins to be repurposed as advertising tokens.

Lyon-Hall was a company registered in Baltimore, USA, in the early 19th century, specializing in the sale of rugs imported from various Asian countries. According to Russell Rulau's note on page 54 of United States Trade Tokens 1866-1889, the Lyon-Hall & Co.was originally called Lyon & Co.. It was founded in 1881 by J. Crawford Lyon and William A. Lyon, with its headquarter at 234 West Baltimore Street in Baltimore, Maryland. The company primarily dealt in the rug business. In 1884, John W. Hall became a partner, and the company was renamed Lyon-Hall & Co., expanding into the import trade, mainly importing rugs from Asian countries such as China, Japan, and India. The headquarter moved to 8 West Baltimore Street in 1887, then to 105 Hopkins Plaza in 1890, and finally to 6 South Street in 1892. In 1895, John W. Hall withdrew from the company, and its name was reverted to Lyon-Hall & Co. EF, RARE, BWS Collection19 世紀末美商廣告代幣一枚,採用清代寶泉局乾隆通寶銅錢打制,銅錢外廓分別打有:“ CHINA-LYONHALL&Co-JAPAN./BALTIMORE”、“CHINA-INDIA-JAPAN./MATTING IMPORTERS

”英文字樣,此種清代銅錢改為廣告幣使用非常少見 The Lyon-Hall 是 19 世紀初在美國巴爾的摩註冊的一家專營銷售從亞洲諸國進口地毯飾品的公司。據 Russell Rulau 在《美國貿易代幣 1866-1889》第54 頁注釋:Lyon-Hall & Co.公司最初叫Lyon & Co公司,由J. Crawford Lyon 和 William A. Lyon在1881 創建,當時總部 在馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市的巴爾的摩西街 234 號。主要經營地毯生意。1884 年,John W. Hall入股,公司改名為 Lyon-Hall & Co.,並開始從事 進口貿易,主要從亞洲的中國、日本、印度等國進口地毯。公司總部於 1887 年搬到了西巴爾的摩街 8 號,1890 年搬到了霍普金斯廣場 105 號,1892 年搬到了南街 6 號。1895 年,John W. Hall退出,公司名字又改回Lyon-Hall & Co. EF,RARE,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA 1980 Lake Placid Olympics Figure Skating 1 Yuan Piefort Brass, NGC PF 69


中國1980年寧靜湖冬奧會花式滑冰1元加厚黃銅紀念幣,NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO,BWS收藏 US $100-200


CHINA 1980 Lake Placid Olympics Biathlon 1 Yuan Piefort Brass, NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO, BWS Collection

中國1980年寧靜湖冬奧會冬季兩項1元加厚黃銅紀念幣,NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO,BWS收藏 US $100-200

1979 Shanghai Tourist Commemorative Medal 上海風景紀念章

In 1979, the Shanghai Tourist Commemorative Medal manufactured by the Shanghai Mint was issued, becoming the first set of brass coin shaped medals publicly issued by China, famous among Chinese brass medals. In two books introducing coin shaped medals in the 1980s, this set of medals was listed as the first set and was included in the catalog as a rarity. It has a high reputation among the collectors, as a rarity in the pursuit of collectors, hardly seen in auctions.

Four medals in the set have four different themes, including the Bund, Longhua Temple, Yu Garden and Jade Buddha Temple, with eight different patterns.

The government attached great importance to medals of this kind to earn foreign exchanges, which is shown on its exquisite design and craft. The medals were designed by three masters from the Shanghai Mint. Mr. Chen Jian, the father of Chinese panda gold coins, designed and engraved both sides of the Bund medal and the Buddha statue of Longhua Temple medal; Mr. Sun Qiling, a painter now living in Milan, Italy, designed and engraved both sides of Yu Garden medal; Mr. Tong Youming designed and engraved both sides of the Jade Buddha Temple and the temple side of the Longhua Temple medal.

When it was release in the 1980s, this set of medals were only available at the Friendship Store which could only paid by foreign exchange coupons. The price of a complete set was only 7 USD. It was expensive for ordinary Chinese people at that time, so it was hardly spread in China. Those foreigners who purchased the medals might not be collectors, so they only collected them as souvenir. Therefore, these medals came to the market occasionally. Now the price has increased a thousand times.

During his time in China, collector BWS also collected a set of Shanghai Tourist Commemorative Medals in original hand woven brocade package which also shows the importance that the country attaches to this type of medal. This set of medals now graded as NGC MS69 will be auctioned this time.

All of these medals from the BWS Collection have original outer boxes amd have not gotten the NCS service, so there is a great opportunity for upgrade.

1979 年,上海造幣廠製造的“上海風景紀念章”發行,成為了中國對 外公開發行的第一套銅質幣形章,同時也是中國幣型銅章中的大名 譽品。在 80 年代兩本介紹幣型章的書籍上,該章均被列為第一套,是 收於圖錄的大開門藏品,在收藏圈有著很高的知名度,是藏家爭先收 藏的珍品,可遇不可求,在拍賣會中更是極其罕見。

“上海風景紀念章”一套四枚,主題分別為外灘、龍華寺、豫園和玉佛 寺,八個面圖案均不同。

不難看出當年國家非常重視此類銅章,除能賺取外匯以外,也以當時 最精堪的設計與工藝在國家造幣廠鑄造。其設計出自上海造幣廠的 三位大師之手。“中國熊貓金幣之父”陳堅先生設計雕刻了外灘正反、 龍華寺佛像;現旅居義大利米蘭的畫家孫奇齡先生設計雕刻了豫園 正反;童友明先生設計雕刻了玉佛寺正反、龍華寺雙龍頂。

該套紀念章80年代發行時,只供只收外匯券的友誼商店銷售,售價每 套 7 美元。對於當年的中國老百姓來說恐怕一件昂貴的紀念品,因此 它們在中國國內甚少流傳,而購買的外國人士也不一定是幣章愛好 者,所以大部份這樣精美絕倫的章就藏於高閣,等到多年後機緣巧合 才能重現市場。如今價格已是翻了千倍。

而國家對此類銅章的重視程度也體現在手工編織的鍛面錦匣上。 藏家 BWS 在中國期間也曾收藏到一套原包裝的“上海風景紀念章”, 更難得的是銅章保存至今仍然品相如初,經評 NGC MS69,將在本 次拍賣上拍。

本次出自 BWS 收藏的這些紀念章皆帶有原包裝,且未經 NCS 養護, 很有升分的機會。


Rare BWS Collection Shanghai Tourist Commemorative Medals with Outer Box



CHINA-SHANGHAI ND 39mm Brass Tourist Commemorative Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint: Yuyuan Garden, The Bund, Jade Buddha Temple, Longhua Temple, Total 4 Pieces with their original outer boxes and certificates, NGC MS 69, BWS Collection


黃銅旅游紀念章,上海造幣厰精製:豫園、外灘、玉佛寺、龍華古寺,共4枚附原包裝及證書,NGC MS 69,BWS收藏 US $1,000-2,000

Auction Result(s):

8/2023, Jade Buddha Temple, NGC MS67, without original outer boxes, Realizing RMB 7,182 (USD 1,000).


2023年8月,玉佛寺,NGC MS67,無原包裝,成交價7,182元人民幣 (1,000美元)。

Very Rare BWS Collection Hangzhou Tourist Commemorative Medals with Outer Box


CHINA-HANGZHOU 1980 27mm Brass Tourist Commemorative Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint:

(1) Ling Yin Chan Si, NGC MS 70

(2) Mu Dan Ting, NGC MS 70

(3) liu He Ta, NGC MS 69

(4) Fei Lai Feng, NGC MS 69

Total 4 Pieces with their original outer boxes and certificates, BWS Collection 1980年杭州27mm黃銅旅游紀念章,上海造幣厰精製:

(1)靈隱禪寺,NGC MS 70

(2)牡丹亭,NGC MS 70

(3)六和塔,NGC MS 69

(4)飛來峰-彌勒佛,NGC MS 69


US $1,000-2,000


Rare BWS Collection Guangzhou Tourist Commemorative Medals with Outer Box


CHINA-GUANGZHOU 1981 27mm Brass Tourist

Commemorative Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint:

(1) Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2) Zhenhai Tower, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(3) Haizhu Square, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO

(4) Friendship Store, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

Total 4 Pieces with their original outer boxes and certificates, BWS Collection


(1)中山紀念堂,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2)鎮海樓,NGC PF 69 CAMEO


(4)友誼商店,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

共4枚,附原包裝及證書,BWS收藏" US $100-200

Auction Result(s):

3/2022, NGC Brass Proof, without original outer boxes: (1) Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, NGC PF 68 CAMEO; (2) Zhenhai Tower, NGC PF 66 CAMEO; (3) Haizhu Square, NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO; (4) Friendship Store, NGC PF 63 CAMEO; Realizing RMB 5,778 (USD 815).

拍賣記錄: 2022年3月,NGC評級黃銅精製,無原包裝:

(1)中山紀念堂,NGC PF 68 CAMEO;

(2)鎮海樓,NGC PF 66 CAMEO;

(3)海珠廣場,NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO;

(4)友誼商店,NGC PF 63 CAMEO;


Rare BWS Collection Guilin Tourist Commemorative Medals with Outer



CHINA-GUILIN 1981 27mm Brass Tourist Commemorative Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint:

(1) Elephant Trunk Hill, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2) Camel Hill, NGC PF 70 CAMEO

(3) Fubo Hill, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(4) Hua Qiao, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

Total 4 Pieces with their original outer boxes and certificates, BWS Collection



)象鼻山,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2)駱駝山,NGC PF 70 CAMEO

(3)洑波山,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(4)花橋,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

共4枚,附原包裝及證書,BWS收藏" US $100-200

Auction Result(s): 8/2023, NGC Brass Proof, without original outer boxes: (1) Elephant Trunk Hill, NGC PF 69 CAMEO; (2) Camel Hill, NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO; (3) Fubo Hill, NGC PF 66 CAMEO; (4) Hua Qiao, NGC PF 65 CAMEO; Realizing RMB 12,960 (USD 1,825).

拍賣記錄: 2023年8月,NGC評級黃銅精製,無原包裝:

(1)象鼻山,NGC PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO; (2)駱駝山,NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO; (3)洑波山,NGC PF 66 CAMEO

(4)花橋,NGC PF 65 CAMEO


CHINA 1983 Cao Xueqin Rev. Grand View Garden 36mm Brass Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint, NGC PF 68 CAMEO, BWS Collection



US $30-60



US $10-20 150

CHINA 1983 Forever Love 33mm Brass Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint:

(1) Girl with Drum, NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2) Girl with Lotus Flower, NGC PF 68 CAMEO

Total 2 Pieces, BWS Collection


(1)敲鼓的女孩,NGC PF 69 CAMEO

(2)拿著蓮花的女孩,NGC PF 68 CAMEO


US $30-60

CHINA 1983 Lunar Series-Pig Rev. Calendar in Circle 33mm Brass Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint, NGC PF 68 CAMEO, BWS Collection

1983年農曆癸亥豬年紀念章,背天干地支、“壽”字,33mm黃銅章, 上海造幣厰精製,NGC PF 68 CAMEO,BWS收藏

US $10-20



CHINA 1983 5th National Games 32mm Brass Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint, NGC PF 68 CAMEO, BWS Collection

1983年中華人民共和國第五届運動會33mm黃銅章,上海造幣厰精 製,NGC PF 68 CAMEO,BWS收藏


CHINA 1987 The Great Wall 60mm Copper Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint, NGC MS 67 Antiqued, BWS Collection

1987年中國長城60mm紫銅紀念章,上海造幣厰製,NGC MS 67


US $30-60


CHINA 1988 Dragon-Great Wall 60mm Copper Medal, Manufactured by Shanghai Mint, NGC MS 69 BN, BWS Collection

1988年中國龍背長城60mm紫銅紀念章,上海造幣厰製,NGC MS 69 BN,BWS收藏

US $100-200


CHINA 2016 The 125th ANA Convention & Sino-American Relationship Tri-metallic Piefort Commemorative Medal, 30 mm in Diameter, made of Brass, White Copper and Copper, Mintage 20, NGC PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO


紀念章,直徑30mm,含黃銅、白銅、紫銅,發行量20枚,NGC PF 67


US $100-200


CAMBODIA 1860 2 Francs Silver, NGC AU 58, Chinese Family Collection

1860年柬埔寨2法郎銀幣,NGC AU 58,華人家族收藏

US $100-200


CAMBODIA 1860 50 Centimes Silver, NGC PF 65

1860年柬埔寨50分銀幣,NGC PF 65

US $1,000-2,000


CAMBODIA 1860 25 Centimes Silver, NGC PF 65

1860年柬埔寨25分銀幣,NGC PF 65 US $1,000-2,000


GERMANY 1800-DATED New Century Silver Medal, Loos(36mm), NGC MS 61, H.F. Bowker Collection 1800年德國新世紀銀章,Loos-(36mm),NGC MS 61,包克收藏

US $100-200


MEXICO 1750/40-MO MF 4 Reales Silver, NGC VF DETAILS, Cleaned 1750/40年MO MF 墨西哥4裡爾銀幣,經清洗

US $300-600


NETHERLAND 1640 City of Harrlem Municipal Presence Silver Token, NGC VF 35, H.F. Bowker Collection 1640年荷蘭哈勒姆市銀質代幣,NGC VF 35,包克收藏

US $100-200


SOUTH AFRICA 1926-SA 1/2 Sovereign Gold, NGC MS 65

1926年SA南非共和國1/2金鎊金幣,NGC MS 65

US $800-1,600 163


STRAITS 1910-B 5 Cents Silver, NGC MS 62, Chinese Family Collection

1910年B海峽殖民地5分銀幣,NGC MS 62,華人家族收藏

US $100-200


THAILAND 1974 (BE2517) Wild Life Conservation Silver Coins:

(1) Rhinoceros 50 Baht, NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO

(2) Brown-Antlered Deer 100 Baht, NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO

Total 2 Pieces, Chinese Family Collection


(1)犀牛50泰銖,NGC PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO

(2)坡鹿100泰銖,NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO


US $100-200


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Morgan Silver Dollar: (1) 1883-S,NGC XF 45 (2) 1888-S,NGC AU DETAILS, Cleaned (3) 1894-S,NGC AU DETIALS, Cleaned (4) 1899,NGC AU DETAILS, Rim Damage (5) 1899-S,NGC XF DETAILS, Cleaned (6) 1900-S,NGC AU 55

Total 6 Pieces, Chinese Family Collection


(1)1883年S,NGC XF 45

(2)1888年S,NGC AU DETAILS,經清洗

(3)1894年S,NGC AU DETIALS,經清洗

(4)1899年,NGC AU DETAILS,幣邊損傷

(5)1899年S,NGC XF DETAILS,經清洗

(6)1900年S,NGC AU 55


US $300-600


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 (YR3) 1 Dollar Silver, No Period-Extra Flame, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked, BWS Collection 1911年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,無點多燄,NGC XF DETAILS, 有戳記,BWS收藏

US $100-200


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 (YR3) One Dollar Silver, L&M-37, No Period-Extra Flame, NGC CHOPMARKED 1911年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,L&M-37,無點多燄,NGC CHOPMARKED US $300-600


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 (YR3) One Dollar Silver, L&M-37, No Period-Extra Flame, NGC CHOPMARKED 1911年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,L&M-37,無點多燄,NGC CHOPMARKED US $300-600 169


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 (YR3) Yuan Shih-Kai 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-63, NGC CHOPMARKED 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,L&M-63,NGC



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 1 Dollar Silver, 6 Fingers Left Claw, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, YIF Collection 1901年(辛丑)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,六爪龍,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,YIF收藏 US $600-1,200


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 1 Dollar Silver, No Dot "Tiger" Character, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, YIF Collection 1902年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,直頭寅,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,YIF收藏 US $100-200


CHINA-HUPEH 1895-1907 1 Dollar Silver, L&M-182, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, BWS Collection 1895-1907年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M-182, NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,BWS收藏 US $60-120


CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1890-1908 20 Cents Silver, L&M-135, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked 1890-1908年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,L&M135,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記 US $80-160


CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1909-1911 20 Cents Silver, L&M-139, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked 1909-1911年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,L&M139,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記 US $80-160

Chopmarked Coins from the Frank Rose Collection

Frank Rose 收藏戳記幣

Many of the chopmarked coins from the Frank Rose Collection in this auction were purchased by Frank Rose in the 1960s. Champion Auction purchased the entire Frank Rose Collection in 1994, with over 3000 chopmarked coins. It has been 30 years since the chopmarked coins from the Frank Rose Collection were last auctioned by Champion in the 1990s. The Frank Rose Chopmarked Coin Collection once won the Best Exhibition Award at the 100th Anniversary Exhibition of the ANA World’s Fair of Money, Chicago, in 1991.

This auction is a good opportunity for chopmarked coin collectors.

本次拍賣的Frank Rose舊藏戳記幣中很多是其在60年代購買的。冠 軍拍賣在1994年買下了整個Frank Rose收藏,有超過3,000枚戳記 幣。這是冠軍拍賣在上世紀90年代拍出其中部分後,時隔三十年再次 上拍。Frank Rose戳記幣收藏還曾贏得1991年芝加哥ANA國際錢 幣展銷會100周年展最佳展覽獎。


Scarce Frank Rose Collection 1868 Hong Kong One Dollar Silver Chopmarked Coin


CHINA-HONG KONG 1868 1 Dollar Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED, Collected by F.M. Rose on Oct 4, 1967 1868年香港壹圓銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED,F.M. Rose收藏 US $300-600

Scarce Frank Rose Collection 1903 Hong Kong 10 Cents Silver Chopmarked Coin


CHINA-HONGKONG 1903 10 Cents Silver, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, F.M. Rose Collection 1903年香港一毫銀幣,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose收藏 US $100-200


Very Rare Frank Rose Collection 1926 Venezuela Silver Bolivares Chopmarked Coin

Venezuela 1926 Silver Bolivares, Y 24, Chopmarked, NGC PRIVATE COUNTER-STAMP with XF DETAIL, F.M. Rose Collection 1926年委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾銀幣,有戳記,NGC PRIVATE COUNTER-STAMP with XF DETAIL, F.M. Rose收藏 US $300-600

The coin has a particularly unusual Yong Kim Hong mark. It was LOT 429 of Money Company Auction of May 20, 1985, where it waws sold for USD 120. There was a collection of 49 Yong Kim Hong pieces sold in this sale as the“Yong Kim Hong Assay Company Collection” , and this brought the highest price by far. Chopmark News Vol. 6, Issue 3 (July 2000) confirms that this coin does appear to be the same piece of the piece bought at the above-mentioned Money Company sales through the location of the marks.

該幣上有非常少見的“永金豐”戳記。該幣是1985年5月20日金錢公司拍賣的LOT 429,當時以120美元的價格成交。當時有49枚帶“永金豐” 戳記的錢幣在該場拍賣出售,價格頗高。根據 2000 年 7 月發行的《戳記幣新聞》第 3 期第 6 卷,我們可以通過上面戳記的位置確認,這枚似乎正 是Frank Rose在前文提到的金錢公司拍賣上買到的那一枚。

Rare Frank Rose Collection 1804 England 5 Shillings Silver Chopmarked Coin


ENGLAND 1804 Bank of England 5 Shillings Silver, NGC VF DETAILS, Graffiti, Kriz/Frank Rose Collection 1804年英格蘭銀行5先令銀幣,NGC VF DETAILS,經塗畫,Kriz/ Frank Rose收藏 US $300-600


F.I.CHINA 1895-A 1 Piastre Silver, "27 GR.", NGC AU DETAILS, Chopmarked, H.F. Bowker Collection 1900年A法屬印度支那1皮亞斯特銀幣“27 GR.”,NGC AU DETAILS,有戳記,包克收藏 US $50-100


F.I.CHINA 1930-A 20 Cents Silver, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked

1900年A法屬印度支那20分銀幣,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記 US $80-160 181


F.I.CHINA 1990-A 1 Piastre Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED

1900年A法屬印度支那1皮亞斯特銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160 182




1897年B英國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200 184



1896年B英國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160 185



1895年英國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200 183


GREAT BRITAIN 1897/1896-B Trade Silver Dollar, NGC CHOPMARKED

1897/1896年B英國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160 186

Extremely Rare Frank Rose Collection 1835 India 1 Rupee Silver Chopmarked Coin

INDIA 1835.(C) 1 Rupee Silver, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, F.M. Rose Collection 1835年(C)印度1盧比銀幣,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose收藏 US $100-200 187



JAPAN 1870 (M3) Silver One Yen, Gin Counterstamp (1897), Osaka Left on One Yen, NGC CHOPMARKED 1870年(明治三年)日本銀幣一圓,大阪左“銀”字戳記,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200



JAPAN 1870 (M3) Silver One Yen, Type 1, NGC GOOD DETAILS, Chopmarked 1870年(明治三年)日本銀幣一圓,Type 1,NGC GOOD DETAILS,有戳記 US $100-200


JAPAN 1870 (M3) Silver One Yen, Type 1, NGC CHOPMARKED

1870年(明治三年)日本銀幣一圓,Type 1,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200 190


JAPAN 1870 (M3) Silver One Yen, Type 1, NGC CHOPMARKED

1870年(明治三年)日本銀幣一圓,Type 1,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200 191


JAPAN 1870 (M3) Silver One Yen, Type 2, NGC CHOPMARKED

1870年(明治三年)日本銀幣一圓,Type 2,NGC CHOPMARKED US $100-200 192



JAPAN 1874 (M7) One Yen Silver, Counter-Clockwise Spiral, NGC GOOD DETAILS, Chopmarked 1874年(明治七年)日本一圓銀幣,火珠左旋,NGC GOOD DETAILS,有戳記 US $150-300



JAPAN 1875 (M8) One Yen Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED 1875年(明治八年)日本一圓銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $200-400


JAPAN 1877 (M10) Trade Silver Dollar, NGC CHOPMARKED 1877年(明治十年)日本貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $200-400 195


JAPAN 1878 (M11) Silver One Yen, Gin Counterstamp (1897), Osaka Left on One Yen, NGC CHOPMARKED 1878年(明治十一年)日本銀幣一圓,大阪左“銀”字戳記,NGC CHOPMARKED

US $100-200


JAPAN 1878 (M11) Silver One Yen, NGC CHOPMARKED 1878年(明治十一年)日本銀幣一圓,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160 197



JAPAN 1879 (M12) One Yen Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED 1879年(明治十二年)日本一圓銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $200-400


JAPAN 1879 (M12) One Yen Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED 1879年(明治十二年)日本一圓銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $200-400 199


JAPAN 1881 (M14) Silver One Yen, NGC CHOPMARKED 1881年(明治十四年)日本銀幣一圓,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-200

201 PERU 1805 LIMA-JP 8 Reales Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED 1805年LIMA-JP秘魯8裡爾銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $200-400

Extremely Rare Frank Rose Collection 1846 Peru Lima 8 Reales Silver Chopmarked Coin


PERU 1846-LIMA MB 8 Reales Silver, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked, F.M. Rose Collection 1846 年 LIMA MB 秘魯 8 裡爾銀幣,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose 收藏,購於 1970 年 10 月 28 日 US $300-600

Extremely Rare Frank Rose Collection 1832-1834 Philippines Lima 8 Reales Silver Chopmarked Coin


PHILIPPINES-PERU 1832-1834 Philippine 8 Reales T5 Counterstamped on Peru 8 Reales KM-83 Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED, Collected by F.M. Rose on Jan 2, 1967 1832-1834年菲律賓8裡爾T5加蓋於秘魯8裡爾KM-83銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED,F.M. Rose收藏,購於1967年1月2日 US $1,000-2,000

Rare Frank Rose Collection 1768-MO Mexico 8 Reales Silver Chopmarked Coin


MEXICO 1768-MO MF 8 Reales Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED, F.M. Rose Collection 1768年MO MF墨西哥8裡爾銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED,F.M. Rose收藏

US $200-400

Rare H.F. Bowker Collection 1772-MO Mexico 2 Reales Silver Chopmarked Coin


MEXICO 1772-MO MF 2 Reales Silver, NGC FINE DETAILS, Chopmarked, H.F. Bowker Collection 1772年MO MF 墨西哥2裡爾銀幣,NGC FINE DETAILS,有戳記, 包克收藏 US $100-200


MEXICO 1855-GO PF 8 Reales Silver, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked, H.F. Bowker Collection 1855年GO PF 墨西哥8裡爾銀幣,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記,包 克收藏 US $50-100

Very Rare Frank Rose Collection 1761-M Spain 4 Reales Silver Chopmarked Coin


SPAIN 1761-M JP 4 Reales Silver, NGC VF DETAILS, Chopmarked, Collected by F.M. Rose on Oct 28, 1970 1761年M JP西班牙4裡爾銀幣,NGC VF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose收藏,,購於1970年10月28日 US $300-600

Scarce Frank Rose Collection 1904-B Straits One Dollar Silver Chopmarked Coin


STRAITS 1904-B One Dollar Silver, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked, F.M. Rose Collection 1904年B海峽殖民地壹圓銀幣,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose 收藏 US $100-200

Scarce Frank Rose Collection 1905 Thailand 1 Baht Silver Chopmarked Coin


209 THAILAND 1905 (RS 124) 1 Baht Silver, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked, F.M. Rose Collection 1905年(RS 124)泰國1泰銖銀幣,NGC XF DETAILS,有戳記,F.M. Rose 收藏 US $100-200



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1874-S Trade Silver Dollar, NGC CHOPMARKED F.M. Rose Collection 1874年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED,F.M. Rose收藏 US $60-120


1875年CC美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $300-600 211




UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1876-S Trade Silver Dollar, Chopmarked, Altered Surface 1876年S美國貿易銀,有戳記,表面更改 US $100-200 215



1875年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $150-300 212


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1877-S Trade Silver Dollar, NGC CHOPMARKED 1877年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $150-300 216



1876年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $150-300 213


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1877-S Trade Silver Dollar, Chopmarked, Altered Surface 1877年S美國貿易銀,有戳記,表面更改 CHOPMARKED US $100-200 217



1876年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED DETAILS,有戳記 US $150-300 214

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1877-CC Trade Silver Dollar, NGC CHOPMARKED 1877年CC美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $300-600 218




US $150-300



1878年S美國貿易銀,NGC CHOPMARKED US $150-300



1904年-S美國-菲律賓1比索銀幣,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160


STRAITS 1903-B One Dollar Silver, Incuse Mintmark, NGC CHOPMARKED

1903年B英屬海峽殖民地銀幣壹圓,帶造幣廠標誌版別,NGC CHOPMARKED

US $80-160


STRAITS 1904-B One Dollar Silver, NGC CHOPMARKED 1904年B英屬海峽殖民地銀幣壹圓,NGC CHOPMARKED US $80-160


2023 Berlin World Money Fair Copper Gilt Panda Medal Sample, 40mm in diameter, 5 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label

2023 年柏林世界錢幣展覽會銅鍍金熊貓紀念章樣章,直徑 40mm,

鑄造量5枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆 簽名

US $300-600


2024 Journal of East Asian Numismatics 30th Anniversary Silver Panda Medal Sample #5, 1oz pure silver, 40mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 5 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label, “SAMPLE”is at the bottom of the edge.

2024 年《東亞泉志》30 周年銀質熊貓紀念章樣章 #5( 樣章字樣位於 正下方底部邊緣 ),重量 1oz,直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,鑄造量 5 枚, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名

US $600-1,200


2024 Journal of East Asian Numismatics 30th Anniversary Silver Panda Medal #020, 1oz pure silver, 40mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 100 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label 2024 年《東亞泉志》30 周年銀質熊貓紀念章 #020,重量 1oz,直徑 40mm,成色99.9%,鑄造量100枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO, 標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名

US $200-400


2024 Journal of East Asian Numismatics 30th Anniversary Copper Gilt Panda Medal #556 (8/30 Hong Kong Release Coin), 40mm in diameter, 1,000 pieces in mintage, NGC GEM PROOF with designer Yu Min's printed signature on the label

2024年《東亞泉志》30周年銅鍍金熊貓紀念章#556(8/30香港首發 章),直徑 40mm,鑄造量 1,000 枚,NGC GEM PROOF,標簽有設 計師余敏印刷簽名

US $100-200


2024 Legend of Chu Liu Xiang Silver Commemorative Coin Series III: Li Hong Xiu (3/8 First Strike Coin), Su Rong Rong and Song Tian Er (5/24 First Strike Coins), a set of #016, 1oz pure silver, 40mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 200 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label

2024 年《楚留香傳奇》銀質紀念幣系列 III :李紅袖(3/8 首打幣)、蘇 蓉蓉和宋甜兒(5/24 首打幣),一套三枚,編號 #016,重量 1oz,直 徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,鑄造量 200 枚,5/24 首打幣,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名

US $300-600




2024 Legend of Chu Liu Xiang Commemorative Coin Series III Beijing International Coin Exposition First Release Silver Commemorative Medal, 1oz pure silver, 37mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 200 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,Designed by Helmut Andexlinger of the Austria Mint and Yu Min, former senior designer of the Shanghai Mint

2024 年《楚留香傳奇》紀念幣系列 III 北京國際錢幣博覽會首發銀質 紀念章,重量1oz,直徑37mm,成色99.9%,鑄造量200枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,由奧地利造幣廠的赫爾穆特 安德斯林格和原 上海造幣廠高級工藝美術師余敏共同設計

US $100-200



2024 Legend of Chu Liu Xiang Commemorative Coin Series III Beijing International Coin Exposition First Release Copper Gilt Commemorative Medal, 37mm in diameter, 1,000 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO

2024年《楚留香傳奇》紀念幣系列III北京國際錢幣博覽會首發銅鍍金 紀念章,直徑37mm,鑄造量1,000枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO US $60-120

2024 Legend of Chu Liu Xiang Cards: Chu Liu Xiang, Hu Tie Hua, Wu Hua, Li Hong Xiu, Su Rong Rong, Song Tian Er, 6 pieces in total, 63mm in width, 88mm in height, 500 pieces in circulation, with Lee Chi Ching's autograph (limited to 10 pieces for each character), being graded by CGC

2024年《楚留香傳奇》粗閃卡:楚留香、胡鐵花、無花、李紅袖、蘇蓉蓉、 宋甜兒,共6張,寬63mm,高88mm,發行量500張,李志清先生親筆 簽名(每個角色限量10張),CGC評級中

US $200-400 229


2024 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo - 25th Anniversary of Macau's Return to China Silver Panda Medal, 50g pure silver, 40mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 150 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label 2024 年澳門錢幣學會 - 澳門回歸 25 周年銀質熊貓紀念章,重量 50g,直徑40mm,成色99.9%,鑄造量150枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名 US $200-400



2024 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo - 25th Anniversary of Macau's Return to China Silver Panda Medal, 25oz pure silver, 100mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 36 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label

2024年澳門錢幣學會-澳門回歸25周年銀質熊貓紀念章,重量25oz,直徑100mm,成色99.9%, 鑄造量36枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名 US $3,000-6,000



2024 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo - 25th Anniversary of Macau's Return to China Gold Panda Medal, 1oz pure gold, 32mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness, 15 pieces in mintage, NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO with designer Yu Min's signature on the label

2024年澳門錢幣學會-澳門回歸25周年金質熊貓紀念章,重量1oz,直徑32mm,成色99.9%,鑄 造量15枚,NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO,標簽有設計師余敏親筆簽名 US $5,000-10,000

PI CHIH HUI PIEN, the sixth issue - the monetary system, compiled by the Department of Currency of the Ministry of Finance, published in January 1919 (YR8), H.F. Bowker Collection

《幣制匯編》第六編-幣制論著上,財政部幣司編印,民國八年一月出版, 包克收藏

US $100-200


Chia Hsu Pohilatelic Journal, the first issue of the fourth volume, issued by Chia Hsu Philatelic Society on January 1st, 1937 (YR26), H.F. Bowker Collection 《甲戌郵刊》第四卷第一期,甲戌郵票會于中華民國二十六年一月一日 發行,包克收藏

US $10-20


MODERN COINS OF CHINA, by Kalgan Shih, M.S., the first issue in 1949 (YR38), BWS Collection 《中國近代鑄幣匯考》,施嘉幹編,民國三十八年六月初版,BWS收藏

US $100-200


History of Chinese Currency, by Peng Xin Wei, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House, the second printing in November 1965, H.F. Bowker Collection 《中國貨幣史》,彭信威著,上海人民出版社出版,1965年11月第2次印 刷,包克收藏

US $100-200


The Gold Bars of The Central Mints 1945-1950, by Stephen Tai, published by Iasure in 2024, with author's autograph 《厰條,1945-1950》,戴學文著,愛秀集團于2024年出版,帶作者簽名

US $50-100


(1) Champion June 22nd 2008 Hong Kong Auction Catalogue

(2) Champion August 22nd 2010 Hong Kong Auction Catalogue

(3) Champion December 1 2011 Hong Kong Auction Catalogue

(4) Champion November 18 2012 Hong Kong Auction Catalogue

(5) A LEGACY OF COLLECTION THE NC COLLECTION OF CHINESE COINS, by Nelson Chang, published by Iasure in 2021, ISBN:978-0-9905200-3-0(Paperback)

Total 5 books




(4)冠軍2012年11月18日香港拍賣目錄 (5)《收藏傳奇――張南琛中國錢幣收藏》2021年愛秀集團出版,ISBN:978-0-9905200-3-0(普裝) 共5本

US $100-200


冠軍 2021 年澳門錢幣春拍成交總額逾


一 概況

“冠軍此次澳門春拍是在中國澳門舉辦錢幣拍賣會以來人 數最多、場面最為火熱的一次,不亞於大陸幾家公司大拍時 的錢幣專場。很久都未曾見過如此之多精品機製幣雲集的拍 賣會了。”上海機製幣藏家沈雪明如是說。此次拍賣成績斐 然,據統計,拍品共 123 件,撤拍 1 件,成交 121 件,成交 率 99.18%;成交總額 20 479 432 美元(含傭金),折合人 民幣 1.3 億多元;單件機製幣平均成交價逾 100 萬人民幣;

1.3 億元人民幣

澳門 5 月下旬榖旦,陽光奪目。

5 月 30 日,冠軍 2021 年澳門錢幣春季拍賣會⸺張南琛中 國錢幣收藏專場在澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店舉行,現場坐無 虛席,拍賣會持續 8 小時,於下午 7 時落下帷幕。總成交額 喜創新高,逾 1.3 億元人民幣。共有 100 多枚來自張南琛收 藏貽贈的中國近代機製幣亮相拍賣會,其中 60 多枚打破拍 賣紀錄。

這場拍賣使冠軍拍賣聲名鵲起。總裁周邁可說,之所以那麼 多枚錢幣打破紀錄,主要是拍品出自名家藏集,包漿完好如 初,非常少見。談到對機製幣後市行情的預測,他說,近期 還會有小的漲幅,銅元因價格低,會成為下一波競爭重點, 行情會隨之走高。

成交價超過 100 萬人民幣者 37 件。以上四項均創歷史新高。

此次拍賣誕生了 3 枚價格百萬美元錢幣⸺LOT 023 - 宣統 三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS64,成交價 1 344 000 美元,摘取桂冠;LOT 017 - 宣統 三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 PCGS SP61,成交價 1 116 000 美元(該幣曾在 2011 年由冠軍拍

賣以 17 000 美元的價格拍出);LOT 018 - 1907 年北洋光緒 元寶一兩銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS63,成交價 1 104 000 美 元。值得一提是,本次拍賣的兩枚“長須龍”接連打破拍賣

紀錄,此前的拍賣紀錄是在幾周前於北京創下的 575 萬元人 民幣,而 2020 年,冠軍拍賣在澳門拍出的“長須龍”(NGC MS64)價格則為 312 000 美元。

LOT 023

宣統三年(1911年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS64,成交價 1 344 000 美元

LOT 017

宣統三年(1911年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 PCGS SP61,成交價 1 116 000 美元

LOT 018

1907年北洋光緒元寶庫平一兩銀質樣幣,經評NGC MS63, 成交價 1 104 000 美元

除了以上 3 枚錢幣外,還有 2 枚(套)錢幣的成交價超過 90 萬美元⸺LOT 008 - 1898 年江南省造戊戌光緒元寶珍珠龍 庫平七錢二分銀幣,經評 NGC MS65,成交價 996 000 美元;

LOT 019 - 1904 年“湖北一兩”銅質樣幣一套 3 枚經評 NGC MS64/MS62/AU50,成交價 912 000 美元。

1898年江南省造戊戌光緒元寶珍珠龍庫平七錢二分銀幣,經 評NGC MS65,成交價 996 000 美元

LOT 008 LOT 019

1904年“湖北一兩”銅質樣幣一套3枚經評NGC MS64/ MS62/AU50,成交價 912 000 美元

此次拍賣,成交價超過 50 萬美元的錢幣總計 8 枚,成交價 超過 30 萬美元的錢幣總計 18 枚。出自張南琛收藏的中國錢 幣成交總額超過 2 000 萬美元,打破冠軍拍賣在 2010 年中

國香港拍賣 Giant 中國現代錢幣收藏專場拍賣 1 000 萬美元 的紀錄(共計 200 件拍品),創下了中國錢幣單一名人收藏 拍賣紀錄。2010 年時,冠軍拍賣也締造了第一場成交總額

二 得標情況

本次拍賣除了現場競拍的買家外,還有很多收藏者通過電話 委託的方式進行出價, 因競投激烈,使價格屢創新高。拍 品 LOT 017 - 宣統三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質

樣幣(PCGS SP61)、LOT 018 - 1907 年“北洋一兩”銀質 樣幣(NGC MS63),及 LOT 023 - 宣統三年(1911 年)大 清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣(NGC MS64),均由電話委託 買家得標。

此次拍賣有 7 位買家的得標總額超過 100 萬美元,這也創造 了中國錢幣拍賣的另一項紀錄。

此外,值得一提的是,有一位來自華南的現場買家(130 號) 以 420 000 美元的價格買下 LOT 003 – 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC MS66), 以 996 000 美元的價格買下 LOT 008 – 1898 年江南省造(戊 戌)珍珠龍光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC MS65),以 612 000 美元的價格買下 1897 年江南省造老江南人字邊光 緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC UNC DETAILS),以 468 000 美元的價格買下 LOT 010 - 1897 年江南省造老江南齒邊 光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC UNC DETAILS),價格 皆打破拍賣紀錄。這位買家可以說是此次張南琛中國錢幣收 藏拍賣的最大買家,他說這是自己過去 20 年中參加過的拍 品品質最好的錢幣拍賣會,如果他有更多的資金,那麼一定 會買更多拍品。

超過 1 000 萬美元中國錢幣拍賣。

北京知名藏家葉繼業接受筆者採訪認為,“這場拍賣會是自 包克錢幣專場拍賣以來最好的一場,估計這樣高規格的集藏 以後很難再見到。平均單枚機製幣成交價紀錄近幾年很難被 打破。”

澳門錢幣學會理事長趙康池表示:“這場拍賣是澳門多年來 最紅火的一次,我們學會的錢幣文化推廣活動,希望能和冠 軍拍賣進一步聯手,搞得更好。”


LOT 001 - 清代 1853 年咸豐元寶當千,寶泉局,背星月母錢,

公博美 90,包克收藏,幾位現場買家和電話委託買家都對 這枚銅錢志在必得,最終來自華南的電話委託買家以 132 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 002 - 1934 年偽滿洲國龍圖勳功旌章,公博 MS65,施 嘉幹收藏,現場買家和電話委託買家紛紛對其出價,最終電 話委託買家以 33 600 美元的價格將其收入囊中。

LOT 004 - 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平 七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS66,席德柄 / 張南琛收藏,華南買 家以 360 000 美元的價格得標。

LOT 001

LOT 006 – 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平 一錢四分四厘樣幣,A.S.T.C. 版,NGC MS66,席德柄 / 張南 琛收藏,美國的電話委託買家以 43 200 美元的價格得標。

LOT 007 – 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平

七分二厘銀幣,A.S.T.C. 版,NGC MS66+,席德柄 / 張南琛 收藏,中國臺灣的現場買家專程從內地前往澳門參拍,以 62 400 美元的價格將其收入囊中。

LOT 014 – (光緒二十九年(1903 年)戶部光緒元寶庫平五 錢銀質樣幣,NGC MS65,張南琛收藏,中國臺灣的電話委 託買家出價超過一位現場買家,以 342 000 美元的價格得標。

LOT 015 – 光緒二十九年(1903 年)戶部光緒元寶庫平貳錢 銀質樣幣,厚坯,NGC MS67,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好 的一枚,電話委託買家以 126 000 美元得標,價格打破拍賣 紀錄。

LOT 016 – 光緒丙午年(1906 年)造大清金幣庫平一兩,光 邊大雲版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 462 000 美元的價格得標。

LOT 017 – 宣統三年(1911 年)長須龍大清銀幣壹圓,陽葉 版,PCGS SP61,W.L. 收藏,三位電話委託買家和兩位現 場買家競爭激烈,最終一位電話委託買家以 1 164 000 美元 的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 018 – 光緒三十三年(1907 年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平一

兩銀質樣幣,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏,諸多現場買家和電 話委託買家都對這枚已知品相最好的北洋一兩銀幣出價,最 終一位電話委託買家以 1 104 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍 賣紀錄。

LOT 019 – 光緒三十年(1904 年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平一 兩銀質樣幣一套三枚:(1)黃銅大字版,NGC MS64;(2) 紅銅大字版,NGC MS62BN;(3)紅銅小字版,NGC AU50BN,皆為張南琛收藏。這一拍品又吸引了很多現場買 家和電話委託買家出價,最終一位現場買家以 912 000 美元 的價格將這套孤品樣幣收入囊中,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 020 – 1885 年吉林省造光緒元寶廠平五錢銀質樣幣, NGC AU50,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 246 000 美元的 價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 021 – 咸豐六年(1856 年)上海縣號商王永勝匠萬全造 壹兩銀餅,NGC AU58,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 258 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 024 – 宣統三年(1911 年)伍角單面鉛質樣幣,L. Giorgi 簽字版,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 198 000 美元 的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 014
LOT 020
LOT 016
LOT 021

LOT 024


LOT 031

LOT 025 – 民國三年(1914 年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,L.

Giorgi 簽字版,NGC SP66,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的 一枚,一位現場買家以 504 000 美元的價格得標。

LOT 026 - 民國三年(1914 年)袁世凱像中圓銀幣,L.

Giorgi 簽字版,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏;LOT 029 – 1914 年袁世凱像中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓銀幣,L. Giorgi 簽字版, NGC MS63,張南琛收藏。分別以 234 000 美元和 240 000 美元的價格被同一位現場買家買下。

LOT 031 – 1916 年袁世凱像中華帝國洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣,L. Giorgi 簽字版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的 一枚,一位現場買家以 672 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣 紀錄。

LOT 025

LOT 029

LOT 032

LOT 032 – 1916 年袁世凱像中華帝國洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣,沖 天冠版,NGC MS64,耿愛德 / 張南琛收藏,多位電話委託 買家和現場買家都對其志在必得,最終一位現場買家以 504 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 033 – 光緒二十三年(1897 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平 三分六厘黃銅樣幣,A.S.T.C. 版,奧托 拜赫德製中國樣幣, NGC MS63,孤品,張南琛收藏,一位中國臺灣的電話委託 買家以 138 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 034 – 1897 年奉天省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分黃銅樣 幣,天天版,奧托 拜赫德製中國樣幣,NGC MS63,張南 琛收藏,一位中國香港的電話委託買家以 120 000 美元的價 格得標。


LOT 037

LOT 039


LOT 037 - 1896 年黑龍江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分黃銅樣 幣,奧托 拜赫德製中國樣幣,NGC MS62,張南琛收藏, 一位中國臺灣的電話委託買家以 168 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 039 – 1901 年吉林省造辛丑光緒通寶制錢十箇銅幣, NGC XF DETAILS,孤品,張南琛收藏,一位美國的書面委 託買家以 96 000 美元的價格將其收入囊中。

LOT 040 – 1909 年河南宣統己酉中心“汴”一文銅幣樣

幣,NGC MS63,戴葆庭 / 張南琛收藏;LOT 041 – 1909 年 (己酉)河南中心“汴”大清銅幣當制錢二文樣幣,NGC

LOT 042

MS63BN,戴葆庭 / 張南琛收藏。分別以 108 000 美元和 98 400 美元的價格被同一位現場買家買下。

OT 042 – 1932 年中華蘇維埃共和國俄文版壹圓銀幣,NGC XF45,張南琛收藏;LOT 043 – 1934 年川陝省造幣廠造中 華蘇維埃共和國壹圓銀幣,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏;LOT 044 – 1934 年川陝省造幣廠造中華蘇維埃共和國壹圓銀幣, NGC MS63,張南琛收藏。其中 LOT 042 和 LOT 044 分別 被同一位電話委託買家以 432 000 美元和 324 000 美元的價 格買下,LOT 043 被現場一買家以 312 000 美元的價格競得, 3 枚均打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 043


LOT 045

LOT 049

LOT 045 – 1912 年中華民國袁世凱像(舊譜程德全)開國紀 念銀幣壹圓黃銅試打幣,NGC UNC DETAILS,孤品,耿愛 德 / 張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 462 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 049 – 1916 年中華民國五年嘉禾中圓孔贰分銅幣樣幣, NGC SP64BN,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚;LOT 055 民國十三年(1924 年)中華銅幣背嘉禾十文樣幣, NGC MS64BN,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚。這兩 枚分別被一位現場買家以 120 000 美元和 78 000 美元的價格 買下,均打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 052 – 中華民國八年(1919 年)袁世凱像拾圓金幣, NGC MS66,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚,一位電話 委託買家以 210 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 057 – 民國二十一年(1932 年)孫中山像金本位幣壹毫 銀質樣幣,光邊,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好 的一枚,一位現場買家以 252 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍 賣紀錄。

LOT 060 – 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像布圖壹圓鎳質

樣幣試打幣,NGC MS64;LOT 061 - 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像布圖壹圓銅質試打幣,NGC MS61BN;LOT 062 - 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像布圖中圓銀質樣幣, NGC MS63;LOT 063 - 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像 布圖中圓銀質樣幣,薄版,NGC MS63。這四枚均為張南 琛收藏,成交價格分別為 126 000 美元、150 000 美元、234 000 美元和 198 000 美元,被同一位現場買家買下,均打破 拍賣紀錄。

LOT 066 – 1838-1850 年臺灣老公銀庫平柒弍銀幣,官局鑄 造,NGC AU DETAILS,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚, 一位中國香港的電話委託買家以 180 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 052
LOT 057
LOT 060

LOT 062

LOT 068 – 1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, NGC MS65;LOT 080 – 大清光緒二十四年(1898 年)奉天 機器局造一圓銀幣,NGC MS63。均為張南琛收藏,被同一 位中國臺灣電話委託買家買下,成交價格分別為 234 000 美 元和 246 000 美元,均打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 074 – 光緒二十二年(1896 年)浙江省造光緒元寶庫 平一錢四分四厘銀幣,NGC XF45,張南琛收藏,極為珍罕, 已知品相最好的一枚,一位中國臺灣的電話委託買家以 50 400 美元的價格得標。

LOT 083 – 1894 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, 背“本省”,NGC VF DETAILS,張南琛收藏,一位中國香 港的電話委託買家以 150 000 美元的價格得標。

LOT 087 – 1904 年吉林省造甲辰光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀

LOT 066

幣,中心太極,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位中國臺灣的 電話委託買家以 93 600 美元的價格得標。

LOT 089 – 1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分五厘銀 幣樣幣,七三反版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位內地的 現場買家和一位中國澳門的現場買家均對其志在必得,最終 內地的買家以 240 000 美元的價格將其收入囊中,打破拍賣 紀錄。

LOT 092 – 1878 年(AH1295)新疆光緒銀錢五分銀幣,

NGC MS62;LOT 093 – 1905 年(AH1323)新疆喀什 光緒元寶伍錢銀幣,NGC MS61;LOT 094 – 1906 年新 省光緒元寶市銀二分五厘銅幣,NGC VF DETAILS; LOT 095 – 1907 年(AH1325)新疆喀什大清銀幣湘平壹 兩,NGC VF35;LOT 096 – 1910 年新疆餉銀五錢銀幣,

NGC MS62;LOT 097 – 1910 年新疆餉銀一錢銀幣,NGC

XF45。這幾枚拍品均為張南琛收藏,來自張南琛最喜歡 的錢幣鑄造地區⸺新疆,成交價格分別為 12 000 美元、 24 000 美元、36 000 美元、43 200 美元、15 600 美元和 24 000 美元,價格均打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 103 – 民國三年(1914 年)甘肅省造袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,

NGC XF45,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 186 000 美元的 價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

三 特點


1. 拍品數量少品質好,參與人數多,拍賣持續時間長。本次 拍賣吸引了來自澳門、珠海、北京、上海、廣州、深圳、山東、 四川、河南、重慶、南京、瀋陽、杭州、蘇州、溫州的上百 名競拍者參與現場拍賣會,還有諸多海內外買家通過電話或 網路進行競價,以致於僅僅 100 枚張南琛收藏錢幣的拍賣時 間竟持續了 8 個小時。

2. 價格猛漲,呈井噴式行情。拍賣現場新老藏家齊聚,競拍 意願強烈,海內外賣家競相出價。不少抱有很大希望的買家, 在高價頻出面前望而卻步。成交價格出人預料,多為本次拍 賣底價的數倍乃至一二十倍。

LOT 107 – 1919 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念當銀幣 伍圓金幣,NGC MS66,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 117 600 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。

LOT 110 – 1859 年日本三分銀幣,PCGS AU DETAILS,一 位日本的書面委託買家以 6 000 美元的價格得標。

3. 買家相對集中,機製幣大玩家基本都來了。

4. 年輕人批量加入,不乏年輕女性,且敢於出價,大有志在 必得之勢。

LOT 094
LOT 103
LOT 107



張家第二代收藏家、 古錢大王張叔馴


家藏金石碑帖与历代古画甚丰,自幼耳濡目染,精于鉴别。尤嗜古泉,不惜巨资,广 为搜求,遂成大家。时泉界泰斗丁福保称其“藏泉之富,甲于东南”;罗伯昭曾感慨: 观其珍藏,孤品异品,层见叠出,令人望洋兴叹。1926 年,张叔驯邀钱币收藏者多人, 创办中国第一个钱币研究团体古泉学社。1927年,他又创办了《古泉杂志》,这也是中 国最早正式出版的钱币专业杂志。


說起齊齋號名,1925年古泉學 家戴葆庭在江西鄱陽收得南唐 徐知誥封吳王時所鑄“大齊通 寶”一枚,因孩兒踢毽嬉在錢 上鑿四孔因名“四眼大齊”,後 歸張氏,極為珍愛遂以“齊齋” 號之。張叔馴與天津方藥雨, 四川羅伯昭在民國錢幣界有“南張北方巴蜀羅”之稱。





張叔馴先生來滬挑選了1998枚古錢幣赴美,回美國3個月後 即當年5月份張先生去世。1950年時張先生夫人徐懋倩女 士找到友人盧芹齋(C. T. Loo,圖2),詢問如何處理這批 古錢幣的事宜。並請盧芹齋的合夥人弗蘭克 卡洛(Frank Caro)為每一枚錢幣都拍攝了正面單幅照片。其後張夫人 將這批古錢幣賣給了戴潤齋(J. T. Tai,圖3)。倆人原本就 認識,張叔馴在上海時就是戴潤齋的大客人,到紐約後,徐 懋倩也常與戴夫人一起打麻將。戴潤齋即戴福保,潤齋為其 字,無錫人。19世紀30年代,戴先生在上海開設古董店; 1949年4月南遷香港;1950年移居美國。

20世紀60至70年 代,他活躍於世界各地古董拍賣場,已成為戰後中國古董藝 術界中最知名的古董商人。戴先生身後留下了近3 000萬元

近2 000枚古錢帶去美國。在他生命的最後幾年裏,他在美 國紐約市曼哈頓東57街125號開了家東方藝術品公司。張叔 馴於1948年5月30日在紐約哥倫比亞長老會醫院病逝。張 先生去世後,其帶至美國的近2 000枚古錢的去向,現有報 道稱:張夫人將它們出讓給了美國一家慈善基金會。

對這批古錢的下落以及最終的歸宿,是許多錢幣研究者和愛 好者關心的事。冠軍拍賣總裁、《東亞泉志》總編輯周邁克 先生,2014年在美期間對這批錢幣的下落作了細緻深入的 調查,並與相關人員接觸聯繫通信,對發現和瞭解這批古錢 幣,做了開拓性的工作。承蒙他的信任,提供了調查經過與 相關資料,使我得以將這段過程敘述如下:

美金的巨額遺產 , 組成了一個由他的名字命名的戴福保基金 會(J. T. Tai & Company Foundation, Inc.),總部位於美 國紐約市東67街18號。

圖2 盧芹齋

圖3 戴潤齋


戴潤齋將張夫人賣與他的這批古錢幣,通過電話交易的方式 賣給了亞瑟 薩克勒(Arthur Sackler)。亞瑟 薩克勒,美 國醫學博士,國際著名的收藏家。在華盛頓史密森國家歷史 博物館佛瑞爾美術館的樓下,建有“亞瑟 薩克勒”冠名的 美術館,並在哈佛大學及北京大學捐建博物館,紐約大都會 及普林斯頓大學也都為其藏品專設展覽(圖4)。佳士得、蘇 富比也都為薩克勒博士的收藏品,舉辦過無數次專場拍賣。 亞瑟 薩克勒從戴潤齋處買下張叔馴這批古錢後寫下一張交 易備忘錄。時至1975年,薩克勒又寫了一張備忘錄,記錄 還沒有去拿走1967年交易的錢幣。戴先生於1992年去世, 張叔馴那批錢幣從戴潤齋的辦公室轉移到了基金會辦公室。

張叔馴的兒子張南琛先生,從弗蘭克 · 卡洛處找到當時為 1998枚錢幣拍的照片複印件,並交給了來美國加利福尼亞 家中探訪的周邁可。《東亞泉志》高級顧問曾澤祿其後也看 到了這些照片複印件,並對其中的幾枚錢幣寫文點評。同 年9月,在美國紐約舉辦的慶賀嚴幼韻女士110歲生日的宴 會上,張南琛的友人徐景燦女士遇到戴潤齋的前秘書 Y.C. Chen(陳女士)。嚴幼韻女士是“民國第一外交家”顧維 陳女士致郵件給張南琛,確認其父張叔馴先生的錢幣已由其 母親賣給了薩克勒,戴潤齋基金會裏的這批錢幣只是代為保 管,而不是基金會的財產。同時,她希望能找到戴潤齋將錢 幣賣給了亞瑟 薩克勒的交易證明。信中還表示,錢幣擁有 人亞瑟 薩克勒已於1987年去世,生前一直未曾來取過錢 幣。2015年8月12日,陳女士再次發郵件給張南琛,告訴他 可以尋求周邁可的幫助,從薩克勒家族中找到接受這批錢幣 的合適人選。2015年10月,在征得陳女士同意後,周邁可 2014年

圖4 1965年紐約大都會博物館薩克勒展覽館開幕式上(左起) 戴潤齋、保羅 辛格爾(資深中國藝術品藏家)、薩克勒三人合影。

鈞先生的太太,她的生日宴在紐約皮埃爾酒店舉辦,徐景燦 女士作為其侄女應邀參加生日宴。徐女士在與 Y.C. Chen 的交談中得知張叔馴的錢幣保存在戴福保基金會地下室。同 年12月,徐女士與周邁可見面時告知了陳女士的聯繫方式。 12月18日,周邁可致信張南琛,告訴他陳女士通訊地址, 並建議張將自己的身份和父親的收藏情況寫信與之聯繫。


帶上加州知名錢幣攝影師陶德 波洛克(Todd Pollock,圖 5)前往存放地為張叔馴古錢幣拍照時,發現當時1998枚錢 幣只剩下1 300多枚,有1/4下落不明。1950年全部藏品相 片(單面)與2015年的相片(雙面)相比,共缺少500多 枚,其中包括那枚“四眼大齊”。之後,薩克勒的女兒伊莉 莎白 薩克勒(Elizabeth Sackler)找到了1967年的交易證 明,以及1975年的備忘錄,因此,她擁有了這批錢幣。同 年12月,伊莉莎白 薩克勒前往戴潤齋基金會取走了錢幣。

圖5 2016年,攝影師陶德(左)與《東亞泉志》高級編輯史博 祿在加州見面


陳女士與周邁可先生再次見面,跟進相關事宜。在此不得不 敬佩陳女士的敬業精神,如果沒有她對此事的關心與熱心幫 助,張叔馴攜美的這批古錢幣,至今仍是泥牛入海。

張叔馴剩留在上海的其他古錢,也幾經轉手歷經滄桑,有文 記載的經歷是:大部分留存的錢幣歸張先生的姐姐張智哉女 士保管。1956年她去日本時,委託給了自己的女兒徐景淑 與女婿顧正言;1961年徐景淑與顧正言去美國時,轉由女

婿家族的一位親戚代管。1966年開始的“ 無產階級文化大 革命”中被查抄,運動後發還了3 000枚錢幣。最後大部分 由上海博物館收藏。張先生的內兄徐懋齋手中也曾有一些張 先生的古錢,後也歸上海博物館收藏。

周邁可先生瞭解的情況是,從張智哉女婿親戚家抄走的張叔 馴先生的古錢幣,大部分作價捐獻給了上海博物館,後有部 分錢幣退還,如齊法化三字刀、齊之法化四字刀、節墨之法 化和安陽之法化五字刀,其後交由周先生處理。另有部分錢 幣由徐景淑帶到日本,存於日本銀行保險櫃。後徐景淑往美 國將保險櫃鑰匙交給張叔馴遺孀。但張太太並沒有去日本取 回這些錢幣。銀行在保險櫃租用到期後清理保險櫃,這部分 錢幣在日本流出。

周邁可先生拍攝的留存在戴潤齋基金會的1300多枚古錢的 照片,得以使我們見到了張叔馴這批錢幣真面貌。也從其中 發現的珍稀錢幣,《古錢大辭典》拓圖原物與一批宋代母錢 中,反證了這批錢幣是張叔馴先生的藏品。現將所見照片中 的錢幣分述如下:

很多的珍稀中國古錢,如:壹當百錢(圖6)、乾封泉寶背 天府鐵母(圖7)、永安一千、保大元寶背天、應天元寶背萬、 皇宋通寶九疊篆、慶元通寶背永大錢(圖8)、紹定元寶大 錢(圖9)、趙興重寶背當三、乾統元寶折十鎏金大錢 ( 圖 10)、篆書泰和重寶背巴斯巴文、窻國通寶等。

丁福保先生編著的《古錢大辭典》書中拓圖的錢幣原物。 如:開元通寶背穿上星大錢(圖11),見左圖中華書局1982

年12月第一版《古錢大辭典》上冊989頁;乾德元寶大錢, 同書930頁;應聖元寶背拾(圖12),同書1066頁;保大元 寶背天(圖13),同書909頁;鹹平元寶楷書折十大錢,同


圖6 壹當百錢

圖7 乾封泉寶背天府鐵母

圖8 慶元通寶背永大錢

圖9 紹定元寶大錢

圖10 乾統元寶折十鎏金大錢

圖11 開元通寶背穿上星大錢

圖13 保大元寶背天

圖15 大定通寶折十大錢

圖17 靖康通寶


通寶折十大錢(圖15),同書710頁;阜昌重寶篆書當五錢, 同書836頁;招納信寶背使押文錢(圖16),見同書842頁。 包括上述的那枚慶元通寶背永見同書1055頁等錢幣。


圖12 應聖元寶背拾

圖14 泰和通寶楷書折二钱

圖16 招納信寶背使押文錢

圖18 政和重寶鐵母錢

就有15 枚之多,包括小平折二,隸篆真書,元寶、通寶、 重寶文,品種齊全,蔚為大觀(圖17)。北宋鐵母有:宋元 通寶、太平通寶、康定通寶、慶曆重寶、至和重寶、熙寧通 寶、元豐通寶、元祐通寶、紹聖通寶、元符通寶、崇寧通 寶、崇寧重寶、大觀通寶、政和通寶、政和重寶(圖18)等 30 餘枚。

南宋建炎元寶一對,隸書為鄭丈松舊物,篆書得自戴葆庭藏 泉,都是丁福保《歷代古錢圖說》原品。南宋鐵母有建炎通 寶小平(圖19),紹興通寶背利,乾道通寶背正、同,嘉定 通寶背漢十五,嘉定元寶背利壹五,嘉定之寶背正五、利壹 五、利州二、利州行使,嘉定崇寶、永寶、通寶,端平通寶 背惠五西中、定伍北下、定伍北中、定伍東下,嘉熙通寶背 五惠下、十東二,淳熙元寶背利、同、同捌、春十五,嘉泰 通寶背春三、同三,開禧通寶背春元,紹熙元寶背漢二,紹 定通寶春五,聖宋元寶,慶元通寶、川三六、春五等40餘枚。 其時有人稱張先生藏“鐵母”錢以串示眾令時人驚訝,今所 見此言不虛。

這批存錢中明代大中、洪武錢占一定的比重。其中大中錢 有70餘枚,有背鄂、濟、北平、京、豫、廣、廣二、廣五、 桂桂一、桂二、桂三、福、二福、三福、五福等。洪武通寶 背有星月紋,三文、三、五,福、二福、三福、五福,桂、

桂一、桂二、桂五,廣、廣二、廣五,北平、浙、濟、豫、京、 鄂(圖20)等80餘枚。證實了張先生記載中曾有段時間極 嗜明代錢幣的史實。

清錢見有滿文天聰通寶大錢,咸豐重寶寶浙當四十(圖21) 等。

藏錢中有大朝通寶、太平元寶、永樂通寶銀質小平錢數枚。 見有天正通寶、銀代通寶和慶安通寶(圖22)外國銀錢。 還有一些日本、安南、朝鮮等周邊鄰國錢幣。發現的壓勝錢 大都為錢文錢。如周元、政和、崇寧、大觀、靖康、大定、 正隆、泰和等。圖23為政和通寶背“太平小打”壓勝錢。

從目前尚存的1 300餘枚的古錢中,我們看到了以錢幣收藏 名聞中外的張叔馴先生的珍貴藏品,見到不少的孤品異品, 得以見證民國錢幣界巨擘的實力,從中體驗集藏中的不易與 付出。令人遺憾的是,1948年張叔馴先生帶至美國這批錢 幣不知原由丟失了一部分,令國內錢幣界矚目的那枚南唐 “四眼大齊”也未在其中。但從張南琛先生收藏的1950年拍 攝的照片複印件中,“大齊通寶”赫然在目(圖24),可見 它被張叔馴先生帶去了美國,遺憾的是“四眼大齊”又在丟 失的錢幣之中,行蹤成謎。歲月滄桑,時過境遷,張叔馴先 生藏錢的最終歸宿得以清晰,尚存的藏品得以展示,將這段 歷史記錄成檔是件極有意義的事。

圖22 慶安通寶銀錢


◎ 瑞克·斯特拉爾〔美國〕

回首我這一生的錢幣之旅程,這是一段美好的回憶。我的 旅程始於一枚為紀念 1909 年首次鑄造林肯像一美分硬幣 50 周年而鑄造的1959 年美國林肯像一美分紀念幣。這枚硬幣 的背面是林肯紀念堂,它激發了我收藏錢幣的興趣,並且 在這個的過程中發現了自己對歷史的熱愛。在我兒時,母 親在南達科他州蘇福爾斯市的警察局工作。每個星期五晚 上,她都會從停車收費處給我帶來一袋總額為50 美元的硬 幣,從中讓我去找自己喜歡的錢幣。有一天晚上,我發現了 一枚 20 世紀10 年代的一分硬幣。那時我還是個小男孩,那 種興奮之情至今仍縈繞在我心頭。在高中和大學期間,只 要經濟條件允許,我就會收集錢幣。大學畢業後,我曾在 蘇福爾斯市的城市規劃及分區署短暫工作過一段時間,後 來我遵從自己的意願,成為了一名幣商。20 世紀70 年代末, 我在蘇福爾斯市開了一家錢幣店,這家店至今仍然存在。像 許多收藏家和幣商一樣,我的興趣最初是從收藏硬幣開始 的,但很快擴展到了紙幣收藏領域。20 世紀 80 年代和90 年代,我參加了許多錢幣展,這些錢幣展中有地區性的, 也有全國性的,我也因此結識了許多錢幣行業同仁,並成 為終身的好友。這些好友中有包括來自北達科他州魔鬼湖 的全國知名紙幣經銷商和收藏家格倫 · 喬德(Glen Jorde), 他也成為了我的終身好友之一。從 20 世紀90 年代中期到 2004 年,我開始參加越來越多的全國性錢幣展覽,並開始 擴展我對美國和外國紙幣的知識和興趣。在此期間,由於 ANACS 、PCGS 和 NGC 等公司所做的努力,錢幣的第 三方評級在收藏界變得更加流行,並為人們所接受。由於 人們非常歡迎錢幣第三方評級,因此收藏品行業也出現了 對錢幣的第三方評級的需求。認識到人們的這一需求後, NGC 的馬克 薩爾茨伯格( Mark Salzberg )和史蒂夫 艾森鮑姆 (Steve Eichenbaum) 找到了格倫 喬德和我,詢 問是否有可能創辦一個第三方紙幣評級服務機構,也就是 現在的紙幣擔保公司“ PMG”。2005 年1月,格倫 · 喬德和 我搬到佛羅里達州薩拉索塔,幫助創辦了 PMG,從而開啟 了我人生的下一個篇章。

在成立之初的幾個月裏,我們的重點是美國紙鈔,但當我 們將工作範圍擴大到為加拿大紙幣和其他外國紙幣評級 時,情況很快就發生了變化。大約在 2006 年底,外國對第 三方紙幣評級產生了濃厚的興趣,尤其是韓國。這一過程

由居住在芝加哥的韓國著名幣商 Nam Chong Cho 帶頭。

2007年和 2008 年韓國錢幣評級的蓬勃發展真正將 PMG 和第三方評級引入了亞洲錢幣和紙幣市場。此時,我遇到了 冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可,他意識到第三方評級紙幣在韓 國市場的受歡迎程度和潛在影響,並希望通過在其香港和 澳門的拍賣會上展示 PMG 評級的紙幣,將這種受歡迎程 度擴大到亞洲其他市場。冠軍拍賣公司成為首家在中國和 新加坡紙幣拍賣中使用 PMG 評級的亞洲拍賣公司,從而 繼續擴大 PMG 評級在亞洲市場的版圖。在周邁可的推動 下,我於 2009 年首次前往香港,參加了澳門紙幣收藏家張 安生的研討會,並就第三方評級和 PMG 的紙幣評級過程 作了介紹。自2009 年我第一次到香港旅行以來,在過去的 15 年裏,我又多次到亞洲旅行,足跡遍佈香港、澳門、新 加坡、上海、北京和曼谷。2012 年整個夏天,我都在上海 和北京與當地的亞洲幣商和收藏家進行交流。2014 年,我 第一次參加了澳門錢幣展和研討會。在這些旅行中,我結 識了許多亞洲錢幣界的朋友,其中包括周邁可、魏亨泰、 Nam Chong Cho 、陳景林、趙康池、張文嘉(Charlie Chang )、黃志誠、溫斯頓 小池(Winston Koike)、林青 禾、張安生、馮乃川、楊彼得(Peter Yeung )、喬伊 · 朗(Joe Lang )、吉姆 安德森(Jim Anderson)、亞當 比亞吉(Jim Anderson)、高林(Colin Gullberg )、袁水清等等。

自2005 年幫助創建 PMG 以來,我見證並參與了 PMG 和 第三方紙幣評級的全球擴張。這些變化包括在香港、上海、 韓國、新加坡、泰國、英國、德國等世界各地開設 PMG 辦事處和約 20 個提交錢幣的中心。我很自豪地看到並參與 了 PMG 在全球市場上擴大第三方評級的過程,並期待看 到這一趨勢繼續下去,取得更大的進步。

A Reflection on the Founding of PMG and the Early Days of Paper Money Grading

◎ Richard Stelzer〔USA〕

It is with fond memories that I look back and reflect upon my lifetime journey in the world of coins and currency. My journey started with the finding of a 1959 U.S. Lincoln Memorial Cent which marked the 50th Anniversary of the Lincoln Cent that was first minted in 1909. That coin spurred me to get interested and discover a love of history in collecting numismatic items. During my childhood, my mother worked for the local police department in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and every Friday night she would bring me a $50 bag of pennies from the parking meters to search. One night I remember finding a 1910-S penny and the excitement of that as a young boy still carries with me to this day. Through my high school and college years, I would collect coins and currency as my funds permitted. After graduating from college, I had a brief employment period with the City Planning and Zoning Department of Sioux Falls before following my heart to become a coin dealer. I proceeded to open up a coin shop in Sioux Falls in the late 1970s and that shop still exists today. Like many collectors and dealers, my interests started as a coin collector but quickly expanded to include currency. During the 1980s and 1990s, I attended numerous local, regional and national coin shows where I met a number of lifelong friends in the numismatic industry, including Glen Jorde, a nationally known paper money dealer and collector from Devil's Lake, North Dakota, who became one of those lifelong friends. From the mid-1990s through 2004, I started to attend more and more national shows and began to expand my knowledge and interest in both United States and foreign currency. During this time, third-party grading of coins became much more popular and accepted within the collecting community due to efforts of companies such as ANACS, PCGS and NGC. Due to the popularity of the third-party grading for coins, a need arose for the third-party grading of currency within the collectibles industry as well. Recognizing this need, Mark Salzberg and Steve Eichenbaum of NGC approached Glen Jorde, who then approached me about the possibility of starting a thirdparty grading service for paper money which is now known as the Paper Money Guarantee company "PMG". In January of 2005, Glen Jorde and I then moved to Sarasota, Florida to help start PMG, thus beginning the next chapter in my life.

During the early months of PMG our emphasis was on U.S. currency, however this changed very quickly when we expanded our efforts to grading Canadian as well as other

foreign currencies. Around late 2006 a major interest in the third-party grading of foreign notes occurred, specifically in Korea. This movement was spearheaded by the efforts of Nam Chong Cho, a well-known currency dealer from South Korea living in Chicago. This boom in the grading of Korean currency in 2007 and 2008 really introduced PMG and thirdparty grading into the Asian numismatic market for coins and paper money. At this time, I met Michael Chou, President of Champion Auction, who recognized the popularity and potential effect that third-party graded currency had on the Korean market and wished to expand this popularity to other Asian markets by featuring PMG graded notes at his auctions in Hong Kong and Macau. Champion Auction became the first Asian based auction company to use PMG for Chinese and Singapore notes, thus continuing to expand the PMG footprint in the Asian market. At the urging of Michael Chou, I made my first trip to Hong Kong in 2009 where I attended a seminar with Macau banknote collector Zhang An Sheng and gave a presentation on third-party grading and PMG's process of grading currency. Since my first trip to Hong Kong in 2009, I have made many more trips to Asia over the past 15 years spanning from Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing and Bangkok. I even spent the entire summer of 2012 in Shanghai and Beijing interacting with Asian currency and coin dealers and collectors from the area. In 2014 I attended my first of many Macau Coin and Currency Shows as well as seminars. During these trips I have made many friends in the Asian numismatic industry including Michael Chou, Jeffrey Wai, Nam Chong, King Lam Chan, David Chio, Charlie Chang, C.S. Wong, Winston Koike, George Lim, Zhang An Sheng, Alex Fung, Peter Yeung, Joe Lang, Jim Anderson, Adam Biagi, Colin Gullberg, Yuan Shuiqing and many others just to name a few.

Since helping to start PMG in 2005, I have witnessed and participated in the global expansion of PMG and third-party paper grading. Those changes include opening PMG offices and approximately 20 submission centers all over the world ranging from Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, England, Germany just to name a few. I have been proud to watch and participate in PMG's expansion of thirdparty grading in the global markets, and look forward to seeing this trend continue and progress even further.

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly

In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history.

Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 1974-1977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, and the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including Peking Coins of 1900 by James Sweeny, More on the Hsu Shih-Chang Pavillion Medalswithengravednames and ThetruestoryofChina's1936and1937

Silver Dollars by Bruce Smith, TheApparentRelationshipbetween1897 Chekiang5CentsPatternand1899Anhwei5-CentsCirculationStrike by Tom Keener, andAForgeryofTaiwan'sOldManDollar by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be Chinese chief editor. He is a member of the China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi'an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece TheEliteofMonetaryHistoryofChina. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, Steve Feller former international banknote society editor, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic researches, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 1,000, including over 3,000 in Greater China region.

Starting in 2017, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in World Money Fair, Berlin. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2025 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

The JEAN 30th Anniversary Medal (1994-2024)

12.1.2024 Champion Macau Auction

No Buyers Commission Auction

Macau Numismatic Society Annual Show Opening Ceremony and Macau Show Panda Medal Launch (6F, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

Macau Numismatic Society Receptional Dinner & Top Chinese Coins - 4th Edition (Silver Coins) Announcement (Restaurante Ka Nin Wa)

11:00-18:00 11:00-17:00 09:00-12:00



1897 Heaton Shanxi 50 Cent Silver, NGC SP63, Chinese Family Collection

Starting Price: USD 200,000

1897 Kiangnan 1 Dollar Silver, Herringbone Edge, NGC MS 62, NC Collection

Starting Price: USD 60,000

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1912) Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, 5-Pointed Upper Star, NGC MS 66, NC Collection Starting Price: USD 10,000

Champion Auction Preview & Macau Numismatic Society Annual Show (6F, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

Champion Auction Preview & Macau Numismatic Society Annual Show (6F, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

Champion Auction Preview & Macau Numismatic Society Annual Show (6F, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

JEAN 30th Anniversary Auction (1994-2024) & Champion Auction Preview (Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

02/12—— Pickup (6F, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16)

1900 Peking Dollar Silver, Restrike, NGC MS64, Finest Known Starting Price: USD 200,000

CHINA-SHENSI ND(1898) 10 Cents Silver Proof Pattern NGC SP66, NC Collection Starting Price: USD 60,000

CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 50 Cents Silver, PCGS MS62, Chinese Family Collection Starting Price: USD 10,000

1898 Kiangnan Circlet Scale Dragon One Dollar Silver, 6 tail, NGC MS66, Finest Known, YIF Collection Starting Price: USD 120,000

1884 Kirin 5 Mace Silver, NGC AU DETAILS Starting Price: USD 60,000

CHINA-TAIPING REBEL (18501864) Silver Coin, Tian Guo Sheng Bao, NGC AU58, NC Collection, Finest Known Starting Price: USD 10,000

1898 Kiangnan Circlet Scales Dragon One Dollar Silver, 8 tail, NGC MS61, Finest Known Starting Price: USD 60,000

1914 Year 3 Empire Half Dollar Silver, with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC MS63 Starting Price: USD 20,000

1897 Kiangan Dollar With Reeded Edge, NGC AU58, YIF Collection Starting Price:USD 60,000

1914 Republic 10 Cash Bronze Pattern, with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC MS 64 BN, NC Collection, Finest Known Starting Price: USD 20,000

Manuscript of Dragon and Phoenix Dollar Signed by L. Giorgi with the Date and Name 'Hsu Un Yuen' who was Starting Price: USD 10,000

AV. DR. Rodrigo Rodrigues. 600E-P105 First International Com. Center, Macau

Tel: (853) 2833 4556

Fax: (853) 2830 4772


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