THE SCEPTRE Volume 27, Number 3
Summer 2018
A Publication of Christ the King School, Nashville, TN • A Primary Education Ministry of Christ the King Parish
A MESSAGE FROM MRS. WOODMAN Dear Families and Friends, One of the highlights of graduation night at Christ the King is the memory speech given by the president and vice president of the Class of 2018. Hearing which moments stood out for these young leaders, small snapshots of each year, gives insight into the unique culture of our school and the way we fulfill our mission. The message expressed by Michael O’Connell and Nora Doyle on May 25 clearly resonated with the relationships they formed with their classmates and teachers. They remember Mrs. Hassell dressing up as a centenarian in kindergarten for the 100th day of school, Garrett Goodrum’s dinosaur headgear on hat day, the fun they had making oobleck together in third grade science, friends who moved in or moved away, Ms. Unwin reading books to them, and Mr. Stephens sharing his new puppy with them. That is the nature of christianity, living in relationship with God and with those around us. The CKS Class of 2018 distinguished themselves with charitable service, academic honors, and athletic achievements, weaving it all together with lasting relationships formed through years of shared experience. Our school mission and purpose statements guide us to reach out with kindness, empathy, respect, and patience; appreciate each person’s unique gifts; and model our Catholic faith. This is a challenge that we strive to meet each day while going about the business of teaching and learning. During morning drop off this spring I began encouraging the arriving students with the mantra, “make something good happen today.” Each day we have an opportunity to take a positive action for ourselves or someone else that makes the day a better one. We honor our young students who epitomize this virtue with class citizenship awards, the Alice Valiquette Award (Matty Gomez, 6th grade), the Debbie Oldham Scholarship (Luke Meyer, 1st grade), and various other awards and scholarships to recognize character and service. Our graduates carry on this tradition of loving and serving others in relationship as they mature into adult Catholics. Catherine Bohren ‘14, a graduating senior at St. Cecilia this year, received the St. Rose of Lima Service Award and Olivia Coode ‘14, a Fr. Ryan graduating senior, received the Bishop David R. Choby Christian Service Award. I applaud them for bringing the light of Christ to others through their service work. This week we celebrated the life of one our most senior graduates, Hugh Michael Breen ‘43, whose daily devotion to God, his family, and Christ the King was a model and inspiration for living and serving in relationship. Mr. Breen firmly believed in caring for others, giving back to the community, and encouraging kindness. During his funeral liturgy we heard that he had three principles he constantly referred to: 1. Evil flourishes when good people do nothing. 2. I am my brother’s keeper. 3. To whom much is given, much will be required. Not only was Mr. Breen was a strong supporter of the school and its mission, he lived it and proclaimed it. His support, reassurance, and praise through the years that I knew him were a blessing to me. As Christ the King continues its tradition of sending out graduates prepared to make their mark in a world that often needs more love and kindness, may we be the spark that makes something good happen each day. Sincerely, Mrs. Sherry Woodman Principal
On the cover: PreK had so much fun with a visit from Mr. Richie, the Science Guy. All the students experienced a bubble from the inside; Noah Nady was happy to be first.
CKS HAPPENINGS Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Awards: Our CKS students never fail to disappoint, especially in regard to the ZanerBloser Handwriting Contest. Congratulations to the schoollevel winners: Liam Metzger (Kdg), Eva Solinsky (1st) - 2nd year running, Charlotte Buergler (2nd), Morgan Bryan (3rd), Emma Weisel (4th), Audrey Rose Hulse (5th), Kailey Nicholson (6th), Grace Holland (7th), and Kendall St. Charles (8th). We also had State Grade-Level winners: Audrey Rose Hulse (5th), Kailey Nicholson (6th), Grace Holland (7th), and Kendall St. Charles (8th).
We are once again putting together our Corporate Sponsorship Program for the 2018-2019 school year. Becoming a CKS sponsor is a great way to support the school while showcasing your family or business. Through various marketing and advertising platforms, your company or name will be visible at Christ the King Church and School events, our online auction, other fundraisers and printed and online communications. Christ the King is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. For more information on CKS sponsorship packages and how you can support this program, contact our Director of Development, Anna Beth Godfrey at or (615) 777-8975.
The Annual Spelling Bee: The spelling bee is held the last week of school and the winner of Division II moves on to the next level of competition. The winners from the CKS Spelling Bee are as follows: Division I: Eleonore Ness (3rd grade), 1st place; Daniel Nientimp (3rd grade), 2nd place; and Grant Tiburcio (4th grade), 3rd place. Division II: Henry Zenor (7th grade), 1st place; Faith Geshwiler, (7th place) 2nd place; and Carly Cavanaugh (6th place) 3rd place.
The Debbie Oldham Memorial Scholarship: This is the second year that this scholarship was awarded, due to the generosity of the Curran family and Mr. Danny Oldham. This scholarship was created in Mrs. O’s memory and awarded to a student with a gentle and generous spirit with a winning smile. This year’s recipient is Luke Meyer.
ALUMNI ACCOMPLISHMENTS The CKS Class of 2014 received many accolades their senior year and we are quite proud of their accomplishments. Just a few of those received by Father Ryan High School students - Thomas Hill - National Merit Commended Scholar, had a perfect ACT score in English, and will be attending George Washington University. Rachel Phan, National Merit finalist, Alice Gentry Award winner for her career in basketball, perfect ACT scores in Math, Reading and Science and will be attending Belmont University. Jeanne Meyer received many awards including the Fr. William J. Fleming Award and Olivia Coode earned the Bishop David R. Choby Christian Service Award. St. Cecilia student Catherine Bohren, received the Dominican Cross Award and the St. Rose of Lima Service Award, Alex Strobel received awards for dance and choreography, honor society and honor roll. All of our alumni continue to excel and make us proud, earning the highest scores in their classes, and continuing the Spirit of Service that is a part of the CKS Mission.
(Above) Father Ryan Graduation celebration; (above right) Catherine Bohren and Alex Strobel; (at right) Jeanne Meyer receiving the Excellence in World Languages Award at graduation.
Do you have news to share? Let us know! Email Jeanette Neuhoff Vogt, Class of 1976, at with any news or events. We would love to hear what our alumni are doing!
A long-time tradition at Christ the King returned with the May Crowning on May 8th. Our 2nd grade First Communicants and our newly-confirmed 8th graders led the ceremony. Representatives from each class - 2nd graders, Julia Head and Hank Long; and 8th graders, Marina Chiames and Alex Hamm.
STUDENT NEWS The Alice Valiquette Citizenship Award
The class recipients of the Citizenship Award for 2017-2018 are: PreK-Greta Slowey; Kdg-Thomas Casey; 1st-Stella Haddad; 2nd-Cassidy Smith; 3rd-Finn McGuinness; 4th-Ava Francescon; 5th-Matty Gomez; 6th-Maggie Niesen; 7thMaylin Ortiz-Andrade; 8th-Marina Chiames. The student chosen for the Alice Valiquette Citizenship Award, named in honor of former CKS principal, Alice Valiquette, is Matty Gomez.
It was a great turnout for the Class of 1968, including teachers - Miss Carol Davidson (Mrs. French), and Mrs. Betty Kerrigan Hailey. Go, Raiders!
The Taming of the Shrew, under the direction of Lina Wellborn and Chris Hofstetter, with set and costume design by Julie Stell, was an exceptional performance by the King’s Players.
DATES TO REMEMBER July 16-20 Vacation Bible School August 2 5:00p PreK Student Family Picnic 5 2-4:00p New Student/Family Ice Cream Social 8 9:00a-12:00p Registration Day/Open House 9 5:00p K Student Family Picnic 13 First Day of School - Full Day; Half Day for all Kindergarteners/Half Day for 1st half of PreK 14 First Full Day for all Kindergarteners; Half Day for 2nd half of PreK 15 First Full Day for all PreK
17 8:00a Head Room Parent Meeting 25 CKS Garage Sale 29 6:00p H&S Back to School Night September 3 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL 24 Diocesan Professional Dev. - NO SCHOOL October 5 Professional Development - NO SCHOOL 8-12 Fall Break - NO SCHOOL 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences 22 P/T Conference Holiday - NO SCHOOL 26 8:15a Drama Fall Play - “Pinocchio”
The Class of 2018 walked down the Christ the King halls one last time as CKS students with congratulations and farewell from the whole school.