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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2015 Panel and fold Ho Tsz Ying(Jeannie) 683692 Paul






protective Control

second skin

FemaleStrangers male family

Introduction This protective, telescopy design of second skin stands at view of female in order to protect their intimate spaces. The wearer is able to have a control of the distances between different audiences in diverse circumstances. The scenarios are mainly defined by the relationaship between the wearer and the others. Four scenarios were emphasised in this design, which are families, friends, female strangers and male strangers.





Module1 Paper Fan Analysis





Opening system

Digital Model

Module1 Reconfiguring model

This reconfiguring model is made by a number of unfolded rectangles. They were folded in a square shaped and stuck with each other by the edges. It had tired to use different numberof layers and materials, in order to test will it model bended or curved can be made. In the result, it indicates, it is easily to form shapes, that include curved, fan shaped, closed or opened. Besides, it is good for creating volume. Moreover, a double layers had tried to be made. It comes out the effect of limiting the extension distance of the paper, which may potential for a further development.


Module1 Sketch Design 1

Protection of female The design is mainly combined by two parts. First part: Using the idea of cutting a paper fan into section, in order to create space and volume. It is only coverng the front part which is a relatively intimate area for a woman. Second part: it is also used the idea of folding to form a circle shape. Rounded shape is sense of being friendly to the surrounding. Side view

Sketch Design 2

Protection for the weakest body part Different length of the paper sheet, in order to form a random or inregular shape. Cutting the middle circle to create sapce. It is putting on the neck which is our weakest part of the body for protection, and the object can be hold by the shoulder.

Both parts are designed in a rounded shape.

Sketch Design 3

space for right-hand person This design is formed by a number of bow shape. They are connected by the angle/point of the folded paper. It is taken the feature of the tradational paper fan, which fold a sheet repectly.


The design considers the right hand side , which include right ear, arm, chest and back.

Top view

Top view



Module 2 DESIGN


Design Development from Module 1 to Module2

Some agreement had made between the group mate and me. We had decided to take ideas of protection for woman, larger space for right-handed person, extension/ transformation design. Therefore, we tried to use the idea of applying different lengths and shapes to draw out first two drafts. One is considering the front and one is the back. One of the design stands at the view of women, provides layered spaces which covered the women intimate parts efficiently, and the wearer will be able to have the control of the layers in order to fit in different situations. Another design is formed by a number of pyraimd. by sticking the first layer of pyraimds together, the following extending ones are gonna follow the gravity and the whole shape will be able to perform the bendng type.


Module2 Model Design

After moudle one exploration, there is a integration of few ideas for the design, which include the uses of different legth, covering the intimate space of female and tranaformation of different situations. Therefore, a telescaope shaped deisgn is created. There are two separated parts, the front and back, in the module two idea. The front paper tubes can be extended when we are facing different circumstances, which is total in four. Yet, the back designing will has the sharp shard coming out.

Top view

Front view

A lighting effects is also applied to the design when the wearer want to get attentions from somebody or want to be wantched among lots of friends. The wearer is able to have a control of the lighting effects. furthermore, a red light effects will apply in this case of facing male strangers, that is trying to express a sign of warning.

Side view

Back view


Module2 Precendent Research FOLD/ TRIANGLE/ FORM CURVE/ This design is mainly form by a number of triangle shapes. A curve line/ shape can be created by folding the triangles. It is stretchable or tensible, which can open from a flat form to a volume shape, either vertically, horizontally or three dimensionally.

The design is mainly used paper as the material. Some thicker or heavier paper, such as 250gsm or above should be suggested in the model since light paper might not support the large voulme, and cannot work out the shape stably. It inspired us how polygon can form curve line and shape. Beside, it reminds us how folding can create space and voulme.


Module2 Personal space

100mm 250mm 250mm 140mm

Four personal spaces are measured. They are the personal space of facing family, friends, female strangers and male strangers. The distance of our personal space depends on the surrounding and the targets. It increases from family to male friends steadily, but raise dramatically in the situations of facing strengers.



100mm 330mm 330mm 190mm 280mm

Transformation, which include the front and the back, will be made when we are in one of the four situations.




360mm 360mm 190mm 330mm

240mm 200mm 400mm 420mm 240mm 380mm


Male stranger


Module2 How can it be extended Stage 1:

Stage 2:

It is suggested to put a cotton string between two pyraimd, and it is connected both ended point. Therefore, the object will drop when it is pulling out. This is the same theory as the stage one method, but the cotton string will be changed to a sticker paper string which is more secure in a rectangular shaped object. Problem of the stage one/two method: The previous folding methods are not stable, the upper parts will follow the move of the string, the shape is not buildable. Improvement: in prder to emphasize the stability of the whole shape, the panel was been folded as shown down, and two small connection panels will been connected with the upper and lower part become extendable.

Stage 3: 1.1


Templete of the first layer:




Fold it inside




Fold it inside

Templete of the middle layer: Two extar areas for stucking the both side


Fold it It has to fold in opposite direction. One is for the last payer, and one is for the coming layer.

It will be stuck and won’t drop out.


Module2 Refined Sketch model


Module2 Phototype

A half size phototype was made in module two stage. The front and the back are two separated parts. Front can be opened up and extended in four layers, which work in our phototype testing, however, we concerned a problem that pull out the inside layers one by one is not too efficiency. Besides, we also have to consider how to support a double weight of this phototype, since it is heavy and not under control when it is an half only. On the other hand, the pulling problem of the back is more controllable. Nonetheless, the front design and the back design seem like two totally individual design.






Fabrication introduction

After taking the feedback from module two, we conclude a summary of our previous design which is too regular. It is in regular size and length, covering regular area, and with a single colour. Therefore, in module three, make it more various is the first we have to concern Besides, we will put more focus onto our personal space, which may have little changes, in order to make the system of the design less complicated. Lastly, the pulling method and supporting system also have to exploit more.


Module3 Design development


Mainly four production strategies were frequently used in nowadays two dimentional designs, these are contouring, unfolding, developable surfaces and triangulation. In order to increase the variabilities of the design, more strategies should be used. And in the design process, laser cutter was been used to do subtractive procedure to produce patterns.

Left Back

Therefore, we applied several strategies into our design. Firstly, tessellation, is a collection of pieces that fit together without gaps to form a plane or surface. secondly, trangulation. Thirdly, folding, turns a flat surface into a three-dimensional one.



Flat Surface

Three- demensional


Module3 Design development We have considered three puuling methos, which include droping the second layer by gracity, pulling it by a hard stick. object and draffing along the track. The last idea was tooken at last. The concept: By making a moving track on the outer bigger element, connecting the two pieces by one piece of fabric, dragging the fabric along the track and it will be able to stucked by the end and finish the dragging process. The dragging process was smoothly, and it is easy to control the dragging distance. it is also possible to move in rows by just dragging out two sides fabrics. HOW DOES THIS METHOD WORK WHEN THE ELEMENTS ARE MORE THAN ONE ? Classify the whole system of elements into different rows, and dragging the elements in unit of rows, The fabric works as the connecting bond betwwen each other and also be able to control the dragging distances.



End End

Module3 Design development A. Changes in covering area

More specifically defined the personal space, in this stage, right hand side were emphasized and also the personal intimate spaces were analysised more realistically.

B. Bring two pieces into one pieces

The seperated two pieces didn`t show the connectivity of the design supposed to be, and the connecting bond was to weak as a support. Therefore, using small and short objects to creart a bridge, but the shoulder area still will not be covered. Shoulder can be seen as the bridge of us with the strangers. Everyone must have the experiences of the shoulder been touched by a stranger who wanna seek for some help. The expose of the shoulder space shows that we are glad to help and talk with strangers.

C. Changes in colour and materials

Instead of the previous design`s variabilities only in transparency, this time, the new design also uses different colors to increase the variabilities. And the transparent cards were still been used, but only on the firsst two layers in order to prevent view block. Besides, black and white colour are considered to be used in our second skin project, as people will be looked silmer in black, which is a effect that a female wants.


Module3 Phototype testing

First try with different sizes


Black and White, mix color testing

Smaller pieces easier to bend and more flexible.

Module3 Design development

A opening system for the back has developed in this stage. Using Transparent plastic tubes and thin strings to connect on the upper part and bottom part of the back respectively. Therefore, when the strings are pulled down, the back can be opened up. Meanwhile, the plastic tubes can be used as a supporting tool on the body.

Opening Sequence



Module3 Final Design Arm


Right Back

Top view

Front view Back view


Left side view

Right side view

Module3 Assembly drawing Back (Paper)

Shoulder (Paper) Right arm ( Paper)

Support ( Plastic tube)



Module3 Fabrication Sequence

Make a laser cut temple Send them to print When laser cut done, take every single one out Arrange them by the size and length Fold them Get pins and pin them Form each part, which includes front, back, shoulder and arm connect them into one piece


Module3 Phototype

90%of the phototype was done. All over the product is quite satisfied, especially; the opening system of the back is work. It looks more interesting in black and white, and in different sizes. An irregular shape and joining front and back into a piece also make the whole product looks more developed and various. However, the size of the product was seem a little but big, and not fit the body shape perfectly, and therefore, a number of paper tube be removed. Moreover, the front cannot be opened to its large extend by our chest/ body movement, thus, a modification for the front part also have to consider.





Summary of design development




Personal space

Pulling method


Right >Left

Right >Left

Right >Left



Right >Left ( more random)

Colour and Materials





135 gsm white paper


135 gsm white paper



Exterior: Single Tracing paper

Perspex Interior:Three

Ivory paper


Exterior: Three

Interior: Three Black Optix Card

Ivory paper


37 Two

There are number of things can be taken away from studying digital design and fabrication course. Firstly, some digital design software, such as Rhino, Indesign and 123Dcatch are introduced. It is a very good experience to learn and practice our skills of using these tools, as they can improve the quality and efficiency of the work. For example, a detailed and accurate design can be drawn in Rhino, and it is easier to make changes or modification. Besides, it is also a precious opportunity for us to start using school resources, fabrication laboratory. In module one, I was still making the configuring model or prototype by hand. It takes time and with a lower quality, since consistent object cannot be made by our own hand. On the other hand, a better product was done at the module two stage by using laser cut. It is a very good technology for the design students, though it only works in two dimensional. In this project, we did not have the opportunity to use 3d print and CNC, but we have started understanding them, and it will be useful for our future fabrication. Meanwhile, my groupmate and I recognize time management is also important in a making process. It is because outcome is always different from what we expected. Working from ideas to the making of physical product is the most challenging thing in the whole program. Sometimes, our idea looks workable in the principle or theory, but some minor elements, such as the sizes, the materials, or the force, can lead your work fail. For instance, we only concerned what kind of the folding method can lock the second, third and fourth layer, but forgot to consider how to pull the second layer out easily and all together. It all relates the sizes and materials we have chosen. Hence, we have to make sure there is enough time for us to make some trials.


Moreover, problem solving skills is one of the significant things that I learnt from this course. Failures is always happen in a design project, however, we cannot throw the whole idea away and start everything again, since it takes time to investigate a new idea, and questions and difficulties come out in every single idea indeed. Thus, problem solving is the only way to heading to success. As I remember, there is a big change from module two to module three, which is work with a regular size to various sizes of the folding object. However, some unwanted spaces were created by these different sizes since they cannot stick with each other perfectly. Fortunately, we solve them by using the triangular grid and created some ‘negative spaces’ eventually. If we gave up at that stage, a less interesting product will be made instead of this successful final outcome. Nonetheless, there are several things I believe I can do better. The most significant one should be regarding to the durability of our work. As we chose paper as our main material, it is comparatively fragile. A number of areas had been broken and split off during the making process, and we were only using tapes and stapler to maintain it, which is not good looking and sustainability. Therefore, I will consider a better material and folding method to enhance its durability, or think about how to spread the force more evenly, in order to lower the burden of one point or the only few points. Lastly, there is a thing that I feel pity about it which is the effect of the final product. Although we modified the front, that remove a number of rolls of the paper objects, in order to fit our body shape more, and opened up the front by putting a hat in front of our chest, the second layer was not pulled out impressively and the design of back was not work as good as the front. We design a pulling method to open up the back, but it cannot last long, and sliding back easily. When I saw a similar design of another group, I think they are more successful of doing it, which everything goes smoothly and under their control. This is very impressive, and I agree a good product have to keep reading and learning more knowledge, and try to absorb the advantages from others, in order to make improvement.




Biboligraphy Architecture in the Digital Age - Design and Manufacturing /Branko Kolarevic. Spon Press, London, c2003 Building the Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture/ Philip Bernstein, Peggy Deamer. Princeton Architectural Press. c2008. pp 38-42 Cheng, R. (2008). Inside Rhinoceros 4 / Ron K.C. Cheng. Clifton Park, NY : Thomson/Delmar Learning, c2008. Digital fabrications: architectural and material techniques / Lisa Iwamoto. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, c2009. Introduction - Paneling Tools Manual, Rhino Mcneel Sommer, R. (1969). Personal space : the behavioral basis of design / Robert Sommer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1969. Surfaces that can be built from paper / In H.Pottmann,A.Asperl,M.Hofer, A.Kilian (eds) Architectural Geometry, p534-561, Bentley Institute Press, 2007 The third Industrial Revolution / Jeremy Rifkin. Palgrave Macmillan, C2011.pp107-126


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