J u dy s Port folio
D esign
Edit ing Foodie
16 ● FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Growing produce at home is the new alternative Chris Alexander Staff Writer
This semester I learned h ow to use indesign efficien tly and I learned h ow mu ch it takes to g et my pag e done on time. I also learned h ow to effe cti vely communicate with th e w riters and oth er editors. It was a lot differen t than last year be cause w h en I was practicing indesign I wasn’t in charg e o f produ cing a pag e. It was th e same in th e sense that I had to w rite a lot o f stories w h eth er it was for oth er pag es or my own. Some challeng es that occur w h en editing stories are ha ving to rew rite larg e portions o f th e story be cause th ey couldn’t be used. A noth er problem was not e ven ha ving th e w h ole story w ritten so I would ha ve to finis h it. Th e most common mistakes I see in th e new staff w riters and some editors is that th ey don’t meet th e word coun t. Newer staff w riters also tend to not pu t th e full name o f th e person th ey in terviewed and don’t pu t th e credit eith er. New staff w riters also h ea vily struggled to find “ins piration” and didn’t understand w hat th ey were su p posed to be w riting abou t. I re commend th e editors make a sim ple ou tline for th e w riter so th ey know w hat th e editor wan ts to see and it can h el p th e w riter actually w rite th e story. For th e oth er smaller mistakes, editors s h ould ex plain to th e w riter w hat th ey did w rong , w hy it’s w rong , and h ow to fix it.
OR THOSE LOOKING for an alternative and relatively cheap solution to supplement produce, growing food at home is an effective job and hobby to pursue. Growing your own food shows encouragement for outdoor leisures and regulates sustaining a healthy diet. Diversifying someone’s personal diet with fruits and vegetables specific to the person’s liking and lack of vitamins shows better results than foods bought in the produce section at a regular grocery store. “I prioritize my vitamin deficiencies when picking the foods that I plan on growing,” said Cody Wold, an active gardener.
Farm to table
HOME GROWN. Stephen Hart, who has been gardening since his college years, shows off some tomatoes. Hart’s winter garden produced a bumper crop of tomatoes, some eggplants and peppers, and a large batch of broccoli. “This is the first year I have tried to grow broccoli, and I’m happy to say it worked,” said Hart.
Straight from the farm to the table foods can contain more vitamins and antioxidants than food that has been chemically modified and shipped across states just to get to the store. As far as affordability goes, the results are prevalent. According to the USDA, the
average price of store bought produce can typically weigh in between $0.71 and $3.62 per pound. Whereas seeds can average around $2.80 for a packet of 50 seeds can yield 10 to 30 pounds depending on the plant on one seed alone. “I think that having the opportunity to save money wherever we can without sacrificing our nutrition is important because we’re trying to pay for college and life expenses,” said Cait Bunkers, a junior.
Friendly to environment Taking into consideration environmentally friendliness, maintaining and growing plants in a garden at home can essentially diminish the carbon footprint one leaves behind when purchasing foods from grocery stories. Growing produce from home can also reduce fossil fuel emissions that come with the process of commercially transporting food products. Building a garden and awaiting yields of produce yet isn’t a simple task at hand. Easy starting gardens can simply contain pots or old cans, half cut milk containers, or ground beds filled with soil. The idea
is to have fast growing plants that contain high yields in produce with little effort. Due to Arizona’s fluctuating weather patterns, knowing the right foods to grow is key. Simple produce to grow in Arizona are tomatoes, peppers, corn, bean plants, basil, parsley and onion. The most ideal time to grow is in late winter to early spring in which the best time to harvest is before the summer heat kicks in, typically within a three month period. “Timing your garden properly is really important. If you don’t time it properly things won’t grow right,” Bunkers said. For more experienced gardeners, the plants that take long periods of time to grow are more ideal. Some long lasting plants are citrus trees which are the most acclimated to growing in Arizona climates and usually are harvested during the colder climates in winter. Results of home gardening show substantial increase in physical wellbeing and deluding rising changes in weather patterns. As also saving money at the grocery store.
milk alternatives expanding with new varieties David Lane News Editor
Since their inception, milk alternatives have been widely used across America. From those who are lactose intolerant to those who are just looking for dietary alternatives to regular milk, non dairy substitutes are a great choice. Oat Milk- Made by extracting milk from oats with water, oat milk is a healthy, non dairy alternative to milk. Oat milk is full of plant based proteins and is known to help with digestion. The milk has a very creamy complexion while also maintaining its distinct oat flavor. It can come in several flavors including sweetened, vanilla, and chocolate. Almond Milk- Almond milk has the fewest calo-
ries of any milk on this list. The exact amount varies depending on the brand, however, it usually lands around 40 calories per cup. The texture of almond milk is very thin compared to the creaminess of cow milk. Predictably, almond milk has a satisfactory, nutty flavor. The strength in taste of almond milk varies greatly on the brand due to some manufactures flavoring the milk to taste more like dairy milk. Coconut Milk- One of the oldest milk alternatives, coconut milk has been harvested from grating the pulp of mature coconuts for roughly 2000 years. Coconut milk has a rich deep coconut flavor and has a very creamy mouthfeel. While coconut has been made for thousands of
years, it has only been a viable replacement for milk as of recent scientific developments. Natural coconut milk is incredibly oily and has little to no nutrients in it. Most store bought coconut milk has nutrients fortified into it to make it healthier for the consumer. Soy Milk- The most common milk alternative, soy milk has remained popular in the U.S. since the 1980’s. Soy milk has remained popular for so long because the nutrients found in soy milk are very similar to those found in traditional cow’s milk. Soy milk has a mild flavor and is typically much sweeter than most other kinds of milks. Soy milk is known to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to a reduced risk for DON’T DRINK MILK? A little known fact about milk is that it can be good for the skin. Dairy milk contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin restoring antioxidant. 4Cooper Lake dementia and Alzheimer’s.
14 ● APRIL 8, 2022
to enjoy the day with family is by eating some colorful macarons. This little shop is located within California Adventure and can be found during the food and wine festival. 4peyton Marinelli
Cooking with flowers: spring’s newest fad David Lane News editor
Enjoying the many tastes of the world a meal at a time Jacob Golicz Staff writer
International dishes are loved and shared among the many people that make up our society today. International cuisine refers to the foods that are commonly made and eaten around the world. Countries such as Italy, France, Turkey, Korea and the U.S. have come up with some of the most famous international dishes. “I’ve tried many foods in my lifetime, but I always come back to the Margherita Pizza,” said Erin Golicz, a cooking enthusiast. The traditional Italian pizza is one of the most famous dishes eaten in the world. One of the reasons for its popularity is the wide variety of styles and methods that can be used to make pizza. The original ingredients of pizza consisted of tomato, mozzarella and basil which represented the italian flag colors red, white, and green.
“An international dish is a food dish that has culture and the country’s past tied with it,” said Sebastian Kond, a sophomore. France is home to many popular delights and the macaron is not an exception. The macaron is a meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond meal, and food coloring. A typical misconception is the thought that a macaron and a macaroon are similar. However, one originated in Italy and the other in France, they also look completely different. The Turkish Doner Kebab gained popularity due to the fact that it was a quick meal to make and because it was easy to travel with. This style of cooking dates all the way back to the Ottoman Empire, according to theculturetrip, a travel ecommerce brand. Most people think of meat and veggies on a stick when they hear the word kebab, which was the original idea. Until a man
named Kadir Nurman had the idea of making the dish more portable. In 1972, he put the usual kebab ingredients in a folded piece of bread and started selling them in west Berlin across from the Bahnhof Zoo. “I have never made a Kebab like that but it would be a fun dish to cook and I will try it,” Golicz said. Bulgogi, a widely known international Korean dish, is made of seasoned beef mixed with a savory sauce and mixed vegetables. In Korean, Bulgogi translates to fire meat, and is also known as Korean BBQ Beef. This dish is typically made with the tender parts of any meat such as chicken, pork, or beef. It is usually eaten with steamed rice and Kimchi, another Korean food. Every single country has dishes that are made world wide. International dishes are made to be shared with others around the world.
I am least proud o f pag e 15 f rom th e A pril issue only be cause o f its lack o f color. It was very dull and lacking in colors and w riting . I would ha ve not ch osen th e piz za smackdown and im plemen ted something more natural and earthy. Th e p h otos would ha ve been edited to be a lot brig hter and had more colors. I wis h I knew h ow to use p h otos h o p so I could edit my own p h otos and sa ve time. In indesign I was really g ood at kee ping my pag es organized and colorful. I definitely would like more training in h ow to chang e th e effe cts o f a passag e so it looks a certain way. I would also like to know h ow to make th e pag es look less clu ttered.
Adding flowers to a dish can create a professional level of presentation, and add a unique flavor and texture to any dish or beverage. Flowers such as roses and pansies are often added to salads to give it a richer composition, as well as add a sweetness to the salad, while also leaving behind a vibrant flair of their own flavor. Flowers are not limited to salads, however. They are also common in desert foods as well. While in salads, the flower takes on a fundamental role in the composition of the cuisine, in a dessert, flowers are used almost exclusively as decor to bring the natural beauty of nature to the dish. “I mostly use flowers in salads, but from my experience with eating other people's cooking, adding a flower adds a garnish to any dish with a unique flavor. You have to make sure the flavor of the flower complements but if you do it right, the results are brilliant,” said Beverly Lane, a semi-professional cook with over 50 years of experience. Among the more unique uses of flowers in dishes, flowers have been fried, candied, and even frozen. Fried courgette flowers are a particularly popular form of fried flowers, giving a contrast of healthy green flavors with the crispy texture from being deep fried. “One of my favorite things to make over the summer is a flower popsicle using roses. It tastes so refreshing in the summer when it's really hot out,” said Emme Toso, a junior. While food is a large portion of the edible delicacies flowers can be used for, they also work well in beverages. Flowers are often used to garnish cocktails and sometimes as a unique flavor to bolden others in a drink. “I love seeing the flowers people use to accentuate the colors of the drinks and add an intriguing aroma,” said Martina Lopez, a junior. Flowers add something different to dishes of all varieties. They make a great way to spice up any dish that’s bland or needs something exotic to make it extraordinary.
BLOOMING FLAVORS. Flowers can be made into a multitude of hot and cold beverages. 4Cooper Lake
I am most proud o f pag e 16 f rom th e February issue and pag e 14 f rom th e A pril issue. I am e qually as proud o f th ese pag es be cause o f h ow mu ch time and effort I s pen t making th em. Both pag es ha ve a p h oto that I was h ea vily in vol ved with and th ey ended u p turning ou t great. Th e oth er p h otos were taken by oth ers, bu t also were very pleas ing to look at. I also am es pecially proud o f th e February pag e due to its o verall colorful look .
Pizza for all tastes
APRIL 8, 2022 ● 15
4Cooper Lake
The ultimate pizza smackdown.
Jaden Lea
There’s a plethora of places that come to mind when students are determining where to eat, specifically pizza. When regarding pizza chains, there happens to be a wide variety that are go-to spots for people that live in Arizona, such as Dominos, Barro’s, Pizza Hut, and many more. Underground pizza shops are rarely mentioned amid these popular franchises.
6 cups ripe blueberries ½ lemon’s zest 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup sugar 1 pre-prepared pie crust 1 sheet pie dough
Tech editor
Lorenzo’s is one of the less well know pizza places, even so there’s no doubt that they excel in quality and hospitality. The one and only Lorenzo’s Pizzeria rests within the United States and can be found right here in Arizona. Located in Scottsdale, Arizona at the crossroads of Pinnacle Peak and Scottsdale Road, it’s tucked into the back wall by the USPS store. It is a family owned Italian restaurant that provides dine-in, carry-out, and delivery services, as well as food catering for special events. They are open from 10 am to 9pm Monday through Saturday, and open 11 am to 9pm on Sundays. Lorenzos has a 4.4 star rating and has received multiple reviews claiming that the food, staff, and atmosphere was authentic and amazing. They offer over 16 pizza dishes as well as the ability to customize with a variety of toppings. Pricing ranges from $13 to $25 depending on the sizes and toppings.
TJ’s Pizza and Wings
TJ’s Pizza and Wings is the other ‘hole-in-thewall’ styled pizzeria. Located on the corner of 56th street and Bell Road, TJ’s offers a variety of pizzas as well as other entrees such as wings. With 11 different pizza styles offered and the option to customize your own pizza, the pricing ranges from $10 to $25 depending on sizing and toppings. Lorenzo’s pizzeria has a welcoming and comforting interior, with a neutral colored palette and quite a few seats and booths to accompany guests. The kitchen is protected by glass, but is seethrough, which allows customers to see what the chefs are up to. There are a variety of pizzas that can be ordered, however the most common orders are single slices of pizza that are fresh and warmed up before being served to the customer. Service is wonderful and the atmosphere is very cozy and comforting to new and returning guests. TJ’s is most definitely a step down in regards to atmosphere and environment due to the cheap looking tables scattered within a small hallway. The interior is covered with white floors and white walls which gives off a “cafeteria” feel. However, customer service is great at TJ’s, and the food quality is also high quality. As far as “hole-in-the-wall” pizzerias that have decent prices and delicious food, they both perform well, however, Lorenzo’s is the clear winner in this smack down. The authentic atmosphere created inside and the slightly better quality food and service, allows for Lorenzo’s to get the advantage and earn the top spot. Both are decently close and provide wonderful services and food, however if it were a competition, then Lorenzo’s would be the winner.
It is about time to eat some pie Johnathan Geare Staff writer
There’s a reason people perfer to bake their pies instead of purchasing a premade one. While a store-bought pie can suffice, there’s nothing that can compare to the warm, flaky, goodness of this simple, fresh blueberry pie.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit. Combine blueberries, lemon zest, lemon juice, and cornstarch in a large bowl. Taste a blueberry for tartness. Add more sugar for tarter berries, and less sugar for batches on the sweet side of the spectrum. Mix and mash ingredients until the sugar and blueberries combine into goo. Allow the blueberry mixture to sit and macerate for 30 minutes. Pour mixture into pie crust, before covering the top with pie dough and sealing with a fork. Poke holes in the top sheet to vent steam. Transfer pie onto baking sheet and set in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. Reduce the heat to 350 degrees fahrenheit, and remove when the blueberries start bubbling.
Food trucks becoming hot spots for eating Variety is one of the main attractions for fans of eating on the go Sarah Love Staff writer
Food trucks have been growing in popularity due to the easy accessibility and fast service. They can be found at catering events, carnivals, and on street corners. “I think food trucks are a very efficient way to get good, fresh, food while also getting fast service,” said Lexi Wright, a junior. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of food trucks operating in the U.S. nearly doubled from 2013 to 2018. The popularity of food trucks continues to grow rapidly for a number of reasons. One of the most obvious reasons is the food served from the food trucks tends to be fresher, and is typically made when you order it, not before. Food trucks tend to go where people are, events, fairs, farmers markets, offering a fresh, hot, and healthier option. The ingredients tend to be simpler and contain less unpronounceable chemicals that are put into a lot of the fast and convenient food that Americans consume. “Compared to a fast food joint that has the same efficient service, I think that food trucks are superior because you get the same fast service while also getting food that is cooked when served and is in a sense home made compared to how fast food
places prepare their food,” said Marissa to hotdogs to pizza, to seafood, any type of food that can be thought of can be proRaleigh, a junior. Another reason food trucks are growing vided by a food truck. One of the many pros to food trucks is in popularity is because they offer a much more personal experience, not only good the amount of variety that the industry has food but good service. When ordering from to offer. Many times, food trucks can be a food truck, the cooks have less orders found grouped together, offering choices to juggle compared to a restaurant, mak- to customers. ing for less room for error and food that is made just for the customer. More effort is put into the food being prepared. While getting crisp food, local businesses are also being supported, improving the atmosphere of the community as well as the local economy. “I like to support small businesses versus chain restaurants because the people that work in the food trucks have families too and they are trying to support their families,” said Paul Hendricks, the bookstore manager. ON THE GO. Claire Lazzaro and her family order a few The types of food drinks from one of the local food trucks, Señor Coffee. The served at food trucks vartruck serves fresh hot coffee and other cold beverages. ies drastically, from tacos
4Gianna Lazzaro
Writ ing Style
9 ● FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Complimenting body shapes made easy for teens Judy Silva Food Editor
There are countless different body shapes, but the most common include rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, round, and hourglass. “Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and you may find you don’t fit neatly into any of the four categories, or that your shape fluctuates with your weight. That’s completely normal,” said Shaw Academy, a public education provider.
Rectangular shape A rectangular body shape is typically when the shoulders and hips are nearly the same width, with an undefined waist. Dressing a rectangular body is all about balance. Fortunately, due to this body shape being the most common, all clothing tends to fit appropriately. Flare and boot cut jeans are efficient at slimming and elongating the rectangle body shape.
Triangle A triangular body shape is defined by the hips being the largest part of the
body, the waist is narrower than the hips, and the shoulders are the smallest part of the body. Sometimes referred to as a pear shape or spoon shape. Fitted or cropped shirts are recommended to accentuate the waist and tops with deep necklines can help focus on narrow shoulders. Choosing longer cuts instead of cropped styles to elongate the legs and balance out your proportions. An inverted triangle body shape is when the shoulders are larger than the waist and the hips are narrow.
Round The round body shape is overall the largest in measurement. The hips will range from slightly smaller to around the same size as the rest of the body. Tops and dresses with an a-line cut and v-necks compliment the round body shape
Hourglass The hourglass figure is the most commonly recognized and sought after body shape. The hourglass shape forms when the shoulder and hip measurements
are similar, but the waist is significantly smaller. “Baggy pants and a small shirt is always a go to combination for me because it accentuates my waist,” said Bella Price, a senior. Fitted tops such as peplum, wrap tops, blouses, and tailored tops suit the hourglass frame. Flare jeans, skinny jeans, and leggings all balance out the larger hips and shoulders. Overall, these are generic body shapes that don’t apply to everyone, but they provide a general idea of what the body looks like. What someone wears is highly dependent on if that person feels confident in what they are wearing. “You need to find what fits you and what you feel comfortable in,” said Kristen Rotenberg, a government teacher. No matter what the body shape is, if they don’t like what they are wearing or feel uncomfortable they are not going to look how they want to. Measurements are a key component to body shapes and depict what their shape is.
BROWSING. Maya Camas, a sophomore, browses the
racks of Tilly’s in search for clothes to compliment her body type. Places such as Tilly’s are good places to look for clothes to faltter body shaped due to their variety and numerous options. 4Hailey Dent
A new look at sports wear
Personalize your car
This is m y m o st signic a n t p i e c e o f w ritten w o rk b e c a use o f h ow m u c h tim e and effort I p u t in to w riting that story. I wa n ted to w rite this “ it is ex t rem e ly hard for m e to nd story b e c a use as a larg er p e rson c l othing that I feel look s g ood on m e and c o m p l im e n ts m y b o dy ty p e . I t wa s ex t rem e ly difc u lt for m e to nd fac t ual in form a tion ab o u t b o dy ty p e s and ref rain f rom c o m i ng o ff as o ffensi ve to th e readers. I read m a ny artic l es and p i c k e d sm a ll w o rds and sen ten c e s that I th oug ht w e re ade qu ate to use. oF r in terv i ew s , I c h ose p e o p l e w i th differen t b o dy s ha p e s so that I c o uld g et p e rs p e c ti ve s f rom e ve ryone instead o f j u st one. I n th e b e ginning , th e draft wa s ve ry ba rren and struggled to ha ve a c o h esi ve p o in t. O ve r tim e , as I added m o re p o in ts to th e w riting it b e c a m e c l earer. I am ha p y w i th th e fac t that anyone c a n read this story, nd th eir b o dy s ha p e , and feel in c l uded. Owen Taylor sports editor
Sports jerseys are being seen more and more in everyday wear as there are many different ways that they can be styled. Since the weather has been colder lately, people are seen with jerseys over different types of tops. Things such as hoodies and sweaters are seen a lot under many jerseys to help with the cold. In the warmer months, jerseys can be worn over plain white or
In the winter I like to wear my jerseys over a hoodie but over the summer I usually wear one over a tee.”
Jacob Freedman
a senior
black t-shirts. “In the winter I like to wear my jerseys over a hoodie but over the summer I usually wear one over a plain tee,” said Jacob Freedman, a senior. There is not a certain amount of ways a jersey can be worn, It just depends on the person that is wearing it. Many people wear them under another long sleeve button down or a flannel. “I like to wear my basketball and foot-
ball jerseys over different colored sweaters and hoodies depending on the occasion,” said Taylor Lundquist, a student at the University of Arizona. Girls have been converting their jerseys into a crop top or a shorter shirt by tying a rubber band or hair tie around some of the jersey at the bottom. “I like tying my jerseys in the back and pairing them with jean shorts,” said Isabella Barlow, a senior. Many times different jerseys are seen with different types of bottoms. According to Cosmopolitan, soccer jerseys are seen with track pants and joggers, while basketball jerseys are usually seen over a jersey because of the way the jersey is fitted. Jerseys can be styled up or down. For a fancier sports event, a jersey could be worn with a nice pair of jeans and and heels. Fans are also often seen wearing jearseys stylishly for games and other events to show support. Hockey jerseys are usually a little bit bigger fitting because of the padding that is usually fitted with them, but nonetheless doesn’t stop them from wearing them over hoodies and large sweaters. Hockey jerseys are seen a lot when skiing or snowboarding, they are currently a trend to wear when on the mountain. “It’s cool to see students expressing themselves by showing the sports teams they like,” said Kristen Rotenberg, a government and economics teacher. There are many other ways to style one of your own jerseys, it is just up to the person and the rest of the fit they wear.
SPORTY VIBES. Senior Jacob Freedman wears a red Atlantica Hawks sleeveless jersey over a plain grey hoodie to show his support, while still being stylish. 4Hailey Dent
Get creative with your mirror
Any clipped object or tied object, can hang from your dash. I tied a bag of lavender around mine as an air freshener.
Don’t be afraid to sparkle
Stick on gems are a great way to bling out flat surfaces in your car. Joann’s usually carries a wide selection.
Improve your scenery
Gluing small trinkets to your dash is a fun addition to a drab dash. I’ve found that clear mounting tape keeps the trinkets secure and can be easily peeled off later.
Light up the night
With a string of colorful lights and a few pushpins, your backseat can transform into a disco. Securing the lights to the ceiling of your car using the pins ensures a sturdy hold.
Bring some friends
Whether small or large, stuffed animals make a great addition to any car. I put some miniature bears in my grab handles, and some larger Squishmallows in my backseat for comfort.
3Claire Geare
MAKIN’ FRIENDS. Claire Geare, a senior, keeps a Betty Boop and Hello Kitty plushie in her backseat to keep her company and add a pop of fun.
4Claire Gearre
Leading I like to en courag e th e staff members w h en w riting for my pag e and pro vide a guide so th ey are able to w rite easier. I feel that if you are more confiden t in w hat you are w riting th en it will be easier for th e w riter and quicker. I also try to hit th em with th e hard tru th be cause th ey don’t understand that th e news pa per has a deadline that can not be extended. One o f th e challeng es I face in a leaders hip position is that peo ple will begin to not listen to you. Th ey will think you are coming o ff as bossy and lose th e res pe ct th ey ha ve for you be cause th ey don’t wan t to be h eld accoun table. I think it’s more im portan t for peo ple to res pe ct you be cause th ey are more likely to do th eir work if it’s for you. Th ey don’t wan t to let you down if th ey res pe ct you. I like being a leader be cause it’s easier for me to dire ct h ow e verything is g oing than just ha ving to follow someone else’s idea. Howe ver, it can be hard at times be cause you ha ve to g o ou t o f your way to g et thing s done. I think that it takes a dedicated and hard working staff to create an award winning news pa per. I think that most o f our ideas are pretty g ood and rarely ha ve noth ing to w rite abou t that is uni que. I think we could all do better in th e actual effort categ ory. Th ere are not enoug h peo ple in our staff that are willing to gi ve th eir all. We constan tly struggle with not ha ving work done be cause someone was too la zy to w rite th e story th ey were assigned. I belie ve that quote means that to be a leader, means you ha ve to know w hat you are leading peo ple towards. I do agree with th e quote in th e sense that a leader is someone w h o must ha ve a clear plan so oth ers can follow. No one wan ts a leader that has no idea w h ere to lead. A leader is someone confiden t, mind ful, and plans for th e fu ture.
Tearsheet s
Students add modifications to cars Jaden Lea Tech Editor
Car modifications are becoming more popular amongst students due to the enjoyment and community that grows through a passion for cars, and aftermarket parts. There are a plethora of modifications that can be done to cars. Some for aesthetics, others for performance or noise. The most common car modification that is seen throughout vehicles is modified exhausts. These usually contain a smaller, and or no muffler.
Loud for a reason Compared to factory vehicles, which contain a large muffler to keep noise levels down. Some may be curious about the importance of this and why someone would make their car louder on purpose. “My favorite mod on my car is my exhaust because it makes the car sound so much more aggressive and makes my driving experience much more enjoyable”, said
Matt Coggins, a senior. As far as exterior modifications and parts to increase the aesthetic of a vehicle, there are a variety of aftermarket parts that can change the entire look of a car. Some of these mods include side skirts, front lips, rear diffusers, new wheels/ tires, different hoods, etc.
Carbon fiber looks aggressive There are different textures/patterns that aftermarket parts can come in, the most common being carbon fiber. People replace stock parts (as in parts that the car comes with from the factory) for a more aggressive or nice looking part. For example, a stock hood is commonly replaced with a carbon fiber hood as it allows for better performance as well as looks more aggressive. Some find performance more important and modify components of their engine. Some of these modifications are a cold air intake, bigger intercooler, downpipe/
headers, charge pipe, also known as the ‘full bolt ons’. “ My favorite part about modding my car is getting the satisfaction out of working on it and finishing it “, said Hunger Larson, a car enthusiast. These are meant to make the car perform better as well as increase horsepower and torque, which are measurements for how fast/quick a car is. There are many different types of ‘builds’ at the school, some being built to look nice, and others built to perform well. There are also some builds that have both attributes. “I love to see the build finally come together and finally see all the time and effort I’ve put into making my car into my THE CSPRESS own”, said Nicki Dimitri, a drift performer. Modifying vehicles is a way to make the everyday driving experience much more enjoyable. Whether exterior, interior, performance, or aesthetic, there is a car community with enthusiasts all around.
2010s style ‘twee’ returns
FEBRUARY 4, 2022 17
February 10 8:00 p.m.
Judy Silva Food Editor
There are countless different body shapes, but the most common include rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, round, and hourglass. “Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and you may find you don’t fit neatly into any of the four categories, or that your shape fluctuates with your weight. That’s completely normal,” said Shaw Academy, a public education provider.
Rectangular shape A rectangular body shape is typically when the shoulders and hips are nearly the same width, with an undefined waist. Dressing a rectangular body is all about balance. Fortunately, due to this body shape being the most common, all clothing tends to fit appropriately. Flare and boot cut jeans are efficient at slimming and elongating the rectangle body shape.
Triangle A triangular body shape is defined by the hips being the largest part of the
body, the waist is narrower than the hips, and the shoulders are the smallest part of the body. Sometimes referred to as a pear shape or spoon shape. Fitted or cropped shirts are recommended to accentuate the waist and tops with deep necklines can help focus on narrow shoulders. Choosing longer cuts instead of cropped styles to elongate the legs and balance out your proportions. An inverted triangle body shape is when the shoulders are larger than the waist and the hips are narrow.
Round The round body shape is overall the largest in measurement. The hips will range from slightly smaller to around the same size as the rest of the body. Tops and dresses with an a-line cut and v-necks compliment the round body shape
Hourglass The hourglass figure is the most commonly recognized and sought after body shape. The hourglass shape forms when the shoulder and hip measurements
are similar, but the waist is significantly smaller. “Baggy pants and a small shirt is always a go to combination for me because it accentuates my waist,” said Bella Price, a senior. Fitted tops such as peplum, wrap tops, blouses, and tailored tops suit the hourglass frame. Flare jeans, skinny jeans, and leggings all balance out the larger hips and shoulders. Overall, these are generic body shapes that don’t apply to everyone, but they provide a general idea of what the body looks like. What someone wears is highly dependent on if that person feels confident in what they are wearing. “You need to find what fits you and what you feel comfortable in,” said Kristen Rotenberg, a government teacher. No matter what the body shape is, if they don’t like what they are wearing or feel uncomfortable they are not going to look how they want to. Measurements are a key component to body shapes and depict what their shape is.
TAMPA BAY COYOTES February 23 8:00 p.m.
February 28 1:10 p.m.
ENGINES READY. A student modified
gets ready for aa sophomore, eveningbrowses drive.the BROWSING. Maya Camas,
Salt River Fields at Talking Stick, Scottsdale, AZ
4Jaden Lea Schnorr, a nutrition consultant
racks of Tilly’s in search for clothes to compliment her body type. Places such as Tilly’s are good places to look for clothes to faltter body shaped due to their variety and numerous options. 4Hailey Dent
at Re:Vitalize Weight Loss and Wellness. According to Healthline, a provider of health information and the benefits of healthy eating, meal prepping is the concept of
Meal prepping is convenient, efficient, reduces waste, and reduces temptation to eat outside plans, whether the plan is a diet or going on a budget. When cooking every day is out of the question, meal prepping can allow for home-
days in a row, so if leftovers are not preferred or eating the same food repetitively becomes boring, meal prepping is probably not desirable. If having control over what is eaten, or maximizing time or
etables. These foods need to be stored and refrigerated before being eaten. Leftovers from previous lunch or dinner can work well to begin meal preparation, and the materials needed for meal prepping will be containers and
a David Lane
A new look at sports wear
Popular videogame, Minecraft, releases it’s new update which can be played by everyone. The game has expanded to allow more creative freedom for the players.
With the influx of fast fashion brands, resellers, and high inflation rates, thrift stores have had to adapt by increasing their prices. Goodwill, Savers, and Salvation Army are a few of many widely known thrift stores across the United States. Thrift store prices have been rising at noticeable rates due to many factors. As more and more people buy from these thrift stores, it causes there to be a larger demand resulting in prices being increased. The main contributor is the U.S. inflation rate being the highest it has been in nearly four decades. With the high inflation rates means high prices for everything. An increased amount of people are attempting to be frugal by buying secondhand products. “I shop second hand because thrift stores provide used and reliable products for cheap,” said Cara Waldum, a senior. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been persistent supply and labor shortages and strong demand. The sizable demand is the cause of consumers finally gaining the confidence to go back to stores again after being at home for most of 2020. This wave of people then start regularly shopping at local thrift stores or other local boutiques. With notoriety comes popularity, and that means exceeding amounts of new customers. Another large factor is the fact that buying from secondhand stores is trendalso maintaining its dis- pulp of mature coconuts flavor and is typically much and potentially spoil or rot. ing. Popular social media apps are littinct oat flavor. It can come for roughly 2000 years. sweeter than most other “I always write ahead in my in several flavors includ- Coconut milk has a rich kinds of milks. Soy milk is planner so I don’t forget what to tered with tips and tricks about thrifting. ing sweetened, vanilla, and deep coconut flavor and known to be rich in omega-3 pack,” said Riann Raygoza, a junior. “I always see short videos on my has a very creamy mouth- fatty acids which have been chocolate. Proven benefits of meal prepAlmond Milk- Almond feel. While coconut has linked to a reduced risk for DON’T DRINK MILK? A little known fact about milk is that it can be good for the skin. Dairy milk ping include saving money and feed about why I should thrift or where contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin restoring antioxidant. 4Cooper Lake milk has the fewest calo- been made for thousands of dementia and Alzheimer’s. time, and reducing stress. I should go to thrift at,” said Amanda Romain, a Goodwill shopper. social media like Instagram and Tiktok. These media outlets showThere are a multitude of videos on Max Hancock opinion editor cased how to properly style workwear, where to find it, and what how to alter clothes that can be found at thrift stores. Another trend on social Workwear, a genre of clothing praised for its ability to withstand pieces were the best to buy. Social media explore pages can oftenmedia is finding name brand clothing the intensity of blue collar professions, has recently gained atten- times be found flooded with outfits primarily constructed with said workwear. from second hand stores and reselling THE CSPRESS tion amongst the fashion industry for its rugged yet bold look. In addition to blue collar professionals, skateboarders have been them at inflated prices. Sites like Depop “I love workwear because it’s dependable and looks good. I also or Mercari make it easy to sell anything do a lot of hard work and I need clothing that can keep up with me,” found wearing workwear for years. Skateboarders take hard slams and slides daily, as it is a major part of the sport. To combat this, which encourages the fad of resellers. said Kade Doran, a senior. All over social media people can be seen It’s common knowledge that the fashion scene is host to a pleth- they have adopted the common use of workwear pieces such as carpenter pants and industrial jackets to protect their shins, knees, buying from thrift stores and promoting ora of odd trends and movements. Practically wise, Jaden most of senior. the most affordable brand, and ity, itwithin is clear that the clothes Leathese and other joints susceptible to injury. The thick material it as the less wasteful way to be fashiontrends are virtually useless, with the clothes onlytechbeing editor worn Some of the most still have high quality mateworkwear serves as excellent armor forwell the known perform well during workouts. able. because they are visually appealing. The culture and fashion sur- clothing brands in the fit- They are thin, stretchy, and rial, which is why I wear it,” said “The purpose of a thrift store is to Because of the unique features of this clothing, such as the dura- average skateboarder. ness and industry are Lululemon, breathable, which allows for a Bradley Martin, a fitness influrounding working“The outpants hasare stiff sturdy, but they give clothes new life and prevent them ble canvas and other thick materials, the price tag can be notoriGymshark, andNick Nike. There are better feeling in the gym. encer. become trendy let over the pastI need me do what to do,” said Congr, from ending up in places like landfills,” ously high. One of the other top decade, which brings the ques- plenty of other brands that prosaid Tatum Ross, a senior. To combat this, a large portion of the population who actively a skateboarder. good quality clothes, brands for gym wear tion on what workout brands As time goes on duce and the never ending cycle how- Luluemon. According to Goodwill’s official webwears workwear turns to thrift stores in order to find such pieces ever theseitthree areentractypically the are the best to wear when attrends the continues, Lululemon has a variety of is Nike, which has of fashion will be site, thrifting is better for the environfor a cheaper price. top picks. gym. gym wear, from sports bras and always been focused ment because it causes less resource “I thrift in Goodwill’s clearance centers in order to find some ing to see what the future holds for workwear “Athleisure” hasasbeen a main-more apparent in student’s outleggings, to jogging pants and around athleticism. it becomes consumption, fewer things are getting of the best brands like Carhartt and Dickies, those sell the best at Nike has a large stream style of streetwear since Figure out your spend. gym shirts or shorts. thrown away, and it results in less chemflea markets and other vintage markets,” said Ian Hurst, a specialty fits everywhere. the 2010s, but as the trend “My favorite brand to wear and wide variety of It is important for most peoical pollution. Regarding resource conclothing reseller. different gear for all grows more companies create ple to determine the price range LINE EM’ UP. Carhartt denim, double knees, and while working out is Lululemon sumption, some natural resources are Besides it’s origins of being worn by blue collar professionals, athletic wear. that they are willing to spend for because they have very nice different fields of fitDickies carpener pants are essential to workwear. being used at a rate that’s faster than Workwear was formally introduced to the mass public through ness. While exercising or workmaterial that makes me feel sports wear. The more expen4Max Hancock they can be produced. Pricing for Nike isn’t ing out, it is thought that cot- sive the clothes, typically the comfortable during my worktoo much better than any ton and other heavier materi- nicer the material and fit is,. outs”, said Ong. als can be considered uncom- However, there are still plenty of Gymshark is a much more other top rated brands, as fortable or “restricting” to wear brands that produce affordable affordable option when it comes they have clothes rangduring a workout. This is why gym wear. to buying clothes, yet there ing from $20 all the way up most of these clothing brands Lululemon is one of the most is still no decrease in quality. to $150. There are cheaper use lighter and thinner materi- expensive brands for both men Gymshark is known very well options for Nike, howals such as polyester, spandex, and women, with prices rang- for both their male and female ever the material quality and nylon. These materials have ing from 60 dollars all the way clothing as they have sports starts to decrease as prica stretchy fit that can mold the to 180 dollars. It is definitely a bras, cut-off shirts, leggings, ing drops. The fitness industry shape of the body better than more high end brand, however it gym shorts, etc. cotton. Prices range from $25 to has a large variety of gear is still one of the most popular. “I always look for clothes that There is a sense of “hype” around $50, which can still be to choose from, and the give me freedom while work- around the brand as more and expensive, however much more choice all comes down ing out, and aren’t too tight or more people start to wear it, affordable than other brands. to preference and price restricting”, said Jacob Ong, a however when it comes to qual- “I typically think Gymshark is range of the buyer.
4Claire Gearre
prickly subject
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MARCH 4, 2022 ● 17
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There are roughly 150 species in the Opuntia family of cacti with prickly pear making up a subgroup. Most varieties of prickly pear cacti have lots of spines and flat, fleshy paddles. Certain species have no spines at all such as the Ellisiana prickly pears. Other members of the Opuntia genus are unique due to their clusters of fine, tiny, barbed spines called glochids. The Opuntia ficus-indica is the most commonly found prickly pear species, and it is a frequently seen plant amongst gardens in desert climates, as well as being habitually used as an ingredient in adobe for housing.
Sc ence
CUP OF YUM. A mug full of a delicious mug treat is being enjoyed by Matt McGregor. He is taking a nice heeping
Starting off the morning with an easy and cheesy meal Johnathan Geare Creeker editor
An easy to make single pan hash with cheesy goodness on top
12 oz. low-sodium SPAM 3 large eggs 1/3 cup shredded monterey jack cheese 1 pinch pepper
Cut 12 oz. low-sodium SPAM into ¼ inch cubes. Cut SPAM into strips, then cubes. Beat 2 eggs in a small mixing bowl until completely beat. Mix the eggs thoroughly, stop when the mixture begins to froth. Heat up a large nonstick skillet over medium temperature, and once hot begin adding eggs followed by the cubed SPAM.Stir constantly to avoid sticking. Divvy up the skillet into two halves, pushing the spam and beaten eggs to one side. Crack a third egg on the other side, being careful not to pop the yolk. Add pepper to taste. Cover the skillet with foil to allow the yolk to cook and the SPAM to brown. Serve on a plate or in the skillet. Pop the yolk and mix the SPAM and eggs to stop overcooking.
SPIKE OF FLAVOR. Prickly pears are apart of a plentiful species that have many spines and this specific variety of cactus has glochids. This photo shows a good example of how the prickly pear
4Darrick Proctor
Hudson Ellis
well-draining soil. For better results, low, allowing for it to grow in shalplant the cacti during the spring low or loose soil. The prickly pear The prickly pear, also known as the or summer time. Peaking in late plant is hearty, and can survive long pear cactus, is a family of flower- summer through early winter, the dry spells, which makes it perfect ing cacti that are native to the des- prickly pear’s fruit is ripe for harvest for the desert. “There have been erts of North America, particularly in September through December. multiple occasions where I have located in the Southwestern U.S. The root system is somewhat shal- actually witnessed the wildlife eating the little pink fruits, and and Mexico. The prickly pear usually the leftover pieces cactus produces a fruit that is can be seen on the ground,” usually red, green, or orange in said Dan Greenwood, a parcolor, depending on the species. ent. “I really am looking for- I really am looking forward Prickly pears provide ward to seeing my prickly pear to seeing my prickly pear a food source for a variplants actually produce fruit, ety of animals, including I have been growing it since plants actually produce fruit, birds, iguanas, and javelina. December,” said Cara Waldum, I have been growing it since Javelinas and other desert a senior. December” animals have hardened skin When growing a prickly pear said Cara Waldum tissue inside their mouths cactus, it is essential that the that protect them against plant receives full sunlight with a senior. Sports Editor
Keeping an eye out for E. Coli ily getting sick from the vegetables since they are all older,” said Shawn Kelm, a senior who has family in Alaska. E. coli 0157:H7 can be severe in young children, elderly individuals and those who have a weak immune system. Symptoms may include diarrhea, high fever, stomach cramps and vomiting.
the sharp needles. Along with these desert animals, humans have also been seen eating prickly pears for years. The fruit produced is edible, but the outer layer must be removed entirely before consumption. The outer layer can be easily peeled off after an incision with a knife. It is recommended when handling the pear cactus to wear gloves for protection against the needles. The fruit’s flavor is sweet and floral, sometimes compared to a melon. Other pear cactus fruits can be described as bitter depending on the species. When trying to pick the ripest prickly pear it is important to look for firm skin, and no signs of decay such as soft spots, mold, or bruises. For example, red cac-
tus fruit or tunas rojas, when ripe, should have a deep red color with no green. “One of my favorite things to do with prickly pears is to make them into jams for my neighbors,” said Molly Betcher, a senior. The prickly pear fruit can be prepared into a variety of foods, jams, syrups, and drinks. One of which is called Agua de Tuna, which consists of orange juice, prickly pear fruit, and agave syrup. The fruit can also be made into a jelly, using ingredients like fruit pectin, the prickly pear fruit, lemon juice, and white sugar. With winter coming to a close new prickly pears are expected to start poping up all over the desert.
STRAIGHT OFF THE PAN. Johnathan Geare is topping off his toasty meal with a sprinkle of cheese. 4Johnathan Geare
S zz ng Summer Sk n G
ple tend to choose silver while warm toned people prefer the look of gold jewelry on their skin. Additionally, Whether they are a professional taking into consideration a person’s makeup artist or an avid makeup hair and eye color can be used to find user, knowing skin undertones is one out a skin undertone. Brown, black, of the foundations of using makeup. or blonde hair with blue, gray, or “Without knowing your undergreen eyes, correlate to cool undertones, choosing what makeup to use tones. will become harder than it already is,” Red, brown, black, or strawberry said Skylar Burnham, an avid makeup blonde hair with brown or hazel eyes user. are linked to warmer undertones. According to Beauty Bakerie, a After finding out what undertone black-owned makeup brand, “An color someone is, it can be used for undertone is the color from undercolor matching many makeup prodneath the surface of your skin that ucts. affects your overall hue.” Skin under“Finding the right shade of fountone is the permanent, underlydation for my skin was really hard ing color that the skin casts. Skin for me before I found out what undertone is different from a reguTHE CSPRESS MARCH 4, 2022 ● 5 my undertones were,” said Tiffani lar skin tone due to the fact that skin Turcotte, a senior. tone is the color someone sees first Makeup products such as founwhen viewing themself in the mirdation and concealer heavily rely on ror and it changes overtime. Where color if done in incorskin justice undertone remains constant Current Stephen Breyer announces retirement, opening the CDC lifts matching indoor maskand requirements rectly appear unnatural and traditional undertone many areascan around the country wayThe for three new justice pickskin to take over his vacant spot are cool, warm, and neutral. they retire. judge, appointed to the personal level. Hudsoncolors Ellis Thepatchy. CDC has begun lifting mask mandates across the sports editor Breyer, now 83 years old, United States District Court U.S. based on hospital bed can availablity and hospitalization Foundation come in the form A cool undertone generally involves “Nominating a supreme rates due to COVID-19 in a particular county. While mask for the District of Columbia court justice because she has served in the Supreme mandates have beencream, lifted in Maricopa county, they are still is of liquid, or powder and skin that contains of blue, pink, is black and a woman is a Court since 1994, nomithen-president Barack N JANUARY 26, by hints recommended for people that are at high risk or live with Supreme Court Obama in 2013. She has good idea because we have nated by then-president Bill applied face tocounty cover orJustice a red Stephen hue. Warm undertones have people with high to risk, the regardless of the status.blemnever had a black woman Clinton. Breyer made deciworked in law since 1996. on the supreme court. sions on several important “Evengolden, if Biden wants Breyer announced ishes or change the natural skin tone. more of a peachy, or anyelWinter Olympics results: Norway wins the his retirement from the African-American woman, This brings a new perspec- subjects, notably on airFoundations function low Court, coloring them. Neutral skin tive to the court and it is a line deregulation. He was the most qualified Supreme leav- toI think most medals, U.S.duly is fifth place as a daily associated with the more perspective that has been person should be the one ing President Biden with moisturizer or sunscreen. Concealer undertones can be seen as a mixture The Olympic committee totalled the scores of every the task of nominating that gets elected onto the missing on the court,” said left-leaning wing of the country and the results are in. Coming in first place is similar to foundation, but is was thicker of bothBiden warm coolCourt, tones or allneiAngela Thomas, a govern- Supreme Court, dissentSupreme but I’m a successor. has and Norway with 37 medals total and 16 gold. In a close second ing on cases over hot topic announced his nominee, for diversity in the Supreme ment teacher. and used ther. Determining what undertone wasin theconsistency Russian Olympic Committee with 32to totalhide and sixdifThe most recent jus- issues like abortion and said Xander Ketanji Brown Jackson, ful- Court,” gold medals. Coming in third place was Germany with 27 ferent pigments by blending impersomeone be found by a multice to be appointed to the lethal injection. Simmons, a sophomore. filling his promise to has nomi-can medals, 12 of which were gold. The United States came in SWATCHES. Senior Erika Potter “Bryer was one of the The current Supreme Supreme Court was Amy nate an African-American at fifth place with into 25 medals totalperson’s and 8 gold medals. fections the skin tone titude of tests. Court colors on her arm to moderate candidates Barrett, who three was more consists of nine jus- Coney swatches woman. appointed by President on the supreme court, including six for men my Republicans immedi- I tices, color. It can also be used “Whenever am checking administration for school year to of mask see which highlights her skin tone th The ately responded that the and three women. Clarence Trump on October 27, if Jackson does end up 2022-2023 has been dark circles, agechosen spots, large pores, undertone, I usually just end October up lookbest. Forobjected Potter replacing personally, pink is her him, she would 2020. Democrats Thomas, appointed nominee should be chosen Onand February 25th, a small letter wasblemishes sent out to parents to her nomination because make a faithful successor,” 23, 1991, the only blackdifbased on and veins other visible on ingqualifications at my arm toiscompare skin under tone. 4Gianna Lazzaro confirming who the administration will be for school year not race. That being said, man in the Supreme Court. of her previous opposition said Thomas. 2022-2023. Cyndi Black has been interim assistant principal the skin. ferenttocolor of addition makeup,” said While Jackson still has to to abortion legislation in A new to the it is important note thattones Erika Potter, a senior. The first test is to see what color your veins appear to be. Veins with a green hue are associated with warm undertones and veins with blue or purple hues allude to having cool undertones. Another test is comparing what color jewelry someone prefers to wear; cooler toned peo-
food editor
Know your vintage clothes
Prickly pear cacti are sprouting new treats for eating
On January 7th, the company Dole and Fresh Express issued a voluntary recall of packaged salad greens containing iceberg lettuce potentially contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. The CDC posted an outbreak warning of E. coli on January 6th, that was linked back to boxed
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Biden’s Supreme Court Justice pick News Briefs generates controversy Space
s a on s re urn o ear h
Jackson is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and has over nine years experience as a federal
Supreme Court will be vital, as the court thrives off of diversity among the justices on both a political and a
Kroger Foods recalled 5.5oz 50/50 Mix Clamshell 1lb Organic Baby Spinach Clamshell 10oz Baby Spinach Clamshell 24oz Garden Salad 10oz Leafy Romaine 5oz Chopped Kale 4.5oz Shredded Green Leaf 5oz Organic Baby Arugula
make it through the confirmation vote, her nomination alone has been a first for America.
Month of March dedicated to Women’s History Judy Silva food editor
WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH is celebrated every March by Americans all around the country to honor the contributions made by women in history. “Women have been seen fighting for decades and having a month dedicated to these brave people is the least we can do for representation,” said Amanda Romain, a woman who celebrates women’s history month.
Overcoming Barriers
10oz Tender Spinach (Teen) 12oz Garden Salad 10oz Italian Blend 10oz Premium Romaine Blend 16oz Organic Spring Mix Clamshell 10oz Hearts of Romaine 10oz Spring Mix Clamshell 12oz Veggie Blend
the past. There is no term limit for Supreme Court Justices, so many Justices serve until they die or until
Throughout American history women have faced a multitude of obstacles and prejudice, but continued to fight the patriarchy. In the beginning, Women’s History Month was only a week-long celebration starting on March 8 and it was intentionally planned to correspond with International Women’s Day. International Women’s day is a global celebration of the cultural, social, economic, and political achievements of women in history. Along with IWD, Women’s History Month is celebrated all over the globe by various different nations and communities around the world.
Celebrating Women
The day of celebration gained traction resulting in an increase in popularity amongst the states. Women’s
History Week was lengthened to a whole month after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project. The Library of Congress, a branch of congress designated for research, states that “Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month.” Presidents have issued a group of annual proclamations that continue to designate March as Women’s History Month. These proclamations from the President are to honor the contributions women have made to the United States. “It is really important that as a society we continue to spread the contributions of women that made the United States what it is for women today,” said Katie Lizarraga, a junior.
Feminism in America
Susan B. Anthony was an abolition activist, and a woman that will forever go down in history as someone who played a pivotal role in the Women’s Suffrage movement. It shows recognition about the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a multitude of other fields. Another important figure in the Women’s Suffrage movement was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Elizabeth was an author, lecturer, and chief philosopher
of academics since November of 2021, and will become the official assistant principal of academics for next year. Angela Pantilione has been interim dean of students since November as well, and will be taking on next year as the Assistant Principal of Student Activities. A new admin will also be joining CCUSD next year. Drew Ammon will be signing in next year as the Athletic Director.
3Jacob Golicz
of women’s rights; she formulated the agenda for women’s rights that guided the movement. One of those accomplishments that women fought for and earned is to have all rights and responsibilities of citizenship. “It is important to recognize the trials and tribulations women have gone through to get where we are today, but we still have a lot more to do regarding the patriarchy,” said Isabella Goldberg, a senior.
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MARCH 4, 2022 ● 15
Sunglasses an essential as summer makes its return
Jacob Ong, a senior, wears a Steel lightweight workout shirt paired with basketball shorts and Nike socks. To make the look more casual, Ong wears a pair of Converse. 4Cooper Lake
I always look for clothes that give me freedom while working out and aren’t too tight or restricting,” Jacob Ong
a senior.
Discover your skin’s undertones Judy Silva
Peyton Marinelli spotlight editor
S eam powered e ec r c ypopular s n roduc ng a students a nab e a erna ve o among rad ona me hods o genera ng energy across he wor dway o pro ec sk m
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Everyday Workwear
Athletics popular in everyday wear
Mojang’s main goal was to expand the world to allow more creative liberty for the players. “Any generation can play the game and express themselves freely without the game telling them what they are allowed to do,” said Hoveeg Boyadjian. Minecraft is made to be used in a multitude of different ways and it is up to the player to choose how they want to play.
and add a pop of fun.
SPORTY VIBES. Senior Jacob Freedman wears a red Atlantica Hawks sleeveless jersey over a plain grey hoodie to show his support, while still being stylish. 4Hailey Dent
salad greens sold in Washington, Oregon, Ohio and Alaska. The power greens have Use-By-Dates through December 20th, 2021, which means products will not be in grocery cases but could still be in home fridges. They were sold at Fred Meyer, QFC and Giant Eagle grocery chains and should be thrown away immediately. “I am worried about my fam-
Food Editor
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Sty e Nuclear energy s Marc importance inSPFArizona New Jacobs makeup a good
P zza or a tastes
Judy Silva
ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS SPRING Start TRAINING off the week with a fresh pre-made meal
ball jerseys over different colored sweaters and hoodies depending on the occaSports jerseys are being seen more and sion,” said Taylor Lundquist, a student at the Get creative with your mirror more in everyday wear as there are many University of Arizona. Any clipped object or tied object, can Girls have been converting their jerseys different ways that they can be styled. hang from your dash. I tied a bag of lavSince the weather has been colder lately, into a crop top or a shorter shirt by tying a ender around mine as an air freshener. people are seen with jerseys over different rubber band or hair tie around some of the types of tops. Things such as hoodies and jersey at the bottom. Don’t be afraid to sparkle “I like tying my jerseys in the back and sweaters are seen a lot under many jerseys Stick on gems are a great way to bling to help with the cold. In the warmer months, pairing them with jean shorts,” said Isabella out flat surfaces in your car. Joann’s a senior. on a single server. Minecraft jerseys can be worn over plain white or Barlow, usually carries a widecaves,” selection. said Hudson Barr, a student at new multiple players Judy Silva Many times different jerseys are seen food Editor Black Mountain. can bewithplayed on ofmany such as your different types bottoms.platforms According Improve scenery to Cosmopolitan, soccer jerseys are seen Gluing small trinkets to your New cave shapes will now appear for playWindows, PlayStation 4, Mobile, On November 30th 2021, a new update was Microsoft with track pants and joggers, while basketdash is a fun addition to a drab ball jerseys are usually seen over a jersey dash. I’ve found mountersthatinclear the shapes of cheese, spaghetti, and released Minecraft, and it’s audience had and Xbox. way the jersey is fitted. ing tape keeps the trinkets secure In the winter I like to noodle caves. Ore distribution and larger ore Withbecause theof the new update came many and new mixed reviews. Jerseys can be styled up or down. For a can be easily peeled off later. my jerseys over additions fancierto sports event, a jersey couldworld. be worn The main veins were implemented and can be found the Minecraft “I like playing minecraftwear because I can be with a nice pair of jeans and and heels. Fans Light up the night hoodie over new lights levels. to often theseen game the styllarger scaled as creative as I want to beaand playbut with mythe addition are also wearingisjearseys With a stringat of colorful and Another reason for ore being summer I usually wear ishly forand gamesin anddepth other events to show a few pushpins, your backseat can located at new levels is due to the increase mountains cave systems. Cave friends,” said Wyatt Courtney, a senior. support. transform into a disco. Securing the one over a tee.” world also jerseys now are have new ores such as copMinecraft is a video game where players systemsHockey usually a little bit biglights to the in ceiling of yourheight car using and depth. It is now possible Jacob Freedman ger fitting because of the padding that is the pins ensures a sturdy hold. to build all the way up to y320 and also dig per. can build, battle mobs, and mine for ore. usually fitted with them, but nonetheless a senior themabout from wearing friendsto y-64. “Thedoesn’t beststop part the them newover update isBring the somedown The game can be played alone, or with hoodies and large sweaters. Hockey jerseys Whether small or large, stuffed aniare seen a lot when skiing or snowboarding, black t-shirts. mals make a great addition to any car. “In the winter I like to wear my jerseys they are currently a trend to wear when on I put some miniature bears in my grab over a hoodie but over the summer I usu- the mountain. handles, and some larger Squishmallows “It’s cool to see students expressing ally wear one over a plain tee,” said Jacob in my backseat for comfort. 3Claire Geare themselves by showing the sports teams Freedman, a senior. There is not a certain amount of ways a they like,” said Kristen Rotenberg, a governMAKIN’ FRIENDS. jersey can be worn, It just depends on the ment and economics teacher. Claire Geare, a senior, There are many other ways to style one of person that is wearing it. Many people wear keeps a Betty Boop them under another long sleeve button your own jerseys, it is just up to the person and Hello Kitty plushie and the rest of the fit they wear. down or a flannel. in her backseat to “I like to wear my basketball and footkeep her company
Travel Editor
is to have fast growing plants that contain high yields in produce with little effort. Due to Arizona’s fluctuating weather patterns, knowing the right foods to grow is key. Simple produce to grow in Arizona are tomatoes, peppers, corn, bean plants, basil, parsley and onion. The most ideal time to grow is in late winter to early spring in which the best time to harvest is before the summer heat kicks in, typically within a three month period. “Timing your garden properly is really important. If you don’t time it properly things won’t grow right,” Bunkers said. For more experienced gardeners, the plants that take long periods of time to grow are more ideal. Some long lasting plants are citrus trees which are the most acclimated to growing in Arizona climates and usually are harvested during the colder climates in winter. Results of home gardening show substantial increase in physical wellbeing and deluding rising changes in weather patterns. As also saving money at the grocery store.
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Thrift prices on the rise
milk alternatives expanding with new varieties
Gila River Arena, Glendale, AZ
Owen Taylor
Paul Wernes
average price of store bought
sports editor
cactus has paddle like flesh instead of the typical cylindrical cactus.
Writer produce can typically weigh 70s and 80s,” said Kaylee Staff Black, a senior. in between $0.71 and $3.62 OR THOSE LOOKING for photo editor Fashion is constantly evolving, an alternativeand and per pound. Whereas seeds relatively solu- can average around $2.80 for overcheap time. The latest style fad is a modern twist trends are repeatedly recycled tion to supplement a packet of 50 seeds can yield produce, growing of food has hints theat 10 to 30 pounds depending on on the eclectic fashion scene of the For example, Twee fashion home is an effective job and the plant on one seed alone. 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Thesehobby old fads combine 2010’s, called “Twee”. “I think that having the to pursue. Growing food shows encourandown from there is opportunity to save money The official definition of the word Twee, with our modern society your agement for outdoor leisures wherever we can without according to the Oxford dictionary is: born a new sub genre of fashion. and regulates sustaining a sacrificing our nutrition is important because we’re tryhealthy diet. “To do “excessively or affectedly quaint, pretty, Diversifying someone’s per- ing to pay for college and life sonal diet with fruits and veg- expenses,” said Cait Bunkers, or sentimental,” and that’s precisely what the style etables specific to the per- a junior. right you the style emphasizes on. son’s liking and lack of vitamins shows better results Friendly to environment to Twee is mainly known for its cutesy, have than foods bought in the proTaking into consideration duce section at a regular gro- environmentally friendliquaint appeal. The contrast twee style add your To do the style cery store. ness, maintaining and growhas with modern fashion gives it a own crazy right, you “I prioritize my vitamin ing plants in a garden at home have to deficiencies when picking the can essentially diminish the sense of originality, and the seemingly funky turn foods that I plan on growing,” carbon footprint one leaves own said Cody Wold, ancrazy active gar- behind when purchasing foods otherwise outdated vintage touches on it,” said add your dener. from grocery stories. Growing Elizabeth become novel and charming. funky turn on it.” produce from home can also reduce fossil fuel emissions Farm to table Cox. Straight from the farm that come with the process Eliz abeth C ox to the table foods can con- of commercially transporting Other “I think patterns and bright colors tain more vitamins and anti- food products. I have seen a lot of, and a lot of essential senior Building a garden and awaitoxidants than food a that has been chemically modified and ing yields of produce yet isn’t mid length dresses and polka dots,” clothing of shipped across states just to a simple task at hand. Easy get tocollared the store. shirts starting gardens can simply says senior fashion club member, Alana this style include Peter Pan HOME GROWN. Stephen Hart, who has been gardening since his college years, shows As far as affordability goes, contain pots or old cans, half off some tomatoes. Hart’s winter garden produced a bumper of tomatoes, some eggand crop dresses, often paired jane cutIT’S Zajic. milk containers, or ground thewith resultsmary are prevalent. BACK. plants and peppers, and a large batch of broccoli. “This is the first year I have tried to grow According to the USDA, the beds filled with soil. The idea headbands, and According tobroccoli, ¨Lavers Law¨ created byHart. style Dr. Martens. Berets, and I’m happy to say it worked,” said Senior Elizabeth fashion historian and theorist, James knit beanies are headwear used to top off Cox wears a long skirt paired with a Laver, fashion trends are typically seen these outfits. Popular patterns range from patterned blazer to circle back around every two to three gingham to plaid, and patchwork to floral. as a throwback to decades. In today’s society, as seen with Accessories include bows, ribbons, lace, David Lane ries of any milk on this list. years, it has only been a viathe iconic Twee Editor and flowers. the revival of News Twee, trends are The coming exact amount varies ble replacement for milk as PREPARATION IS KEY.Tawny Schnorr, a parent at the school, is preparing her meals for the upcoming week of working out and doing her college schoolwork. Schnorr adds mixtures of fruits, style. 4Gianna Since theirever inception, Shopsof recent thatscientific selldevelopthis type of style back faster than they havedepending before.on the brand, crackers, and a variety of vegetables to each of the meals. “It makes having meals throughout the day way easier when I am busy with work and my family,” said Schnorr. 4Katelyn pinkham milk alternatives have been however, it usually lands ments. Natural coconut milk Lazzaro a bit hardoily to come by nowadays. This is due to the of social media around 40 caloriesare per cup. is incredibly and has litwidelyaddition used across America. From those who are lac- The texture of almond milk tle to no nutrients in it. Most Amazon and Anthropologie also sell in society. tose intolerant to those who is very thin compared to store bought coconut milk the creaminess milk. accessories has nutrients fortifiedand into it a few clothing just looking for dietary came some The originalareTwee aesthetic into of cow alternatives to regular milk, Predictably, almond milk to make it healthier for the items compliment this style. around 2010, with satisfactory, nutty fla- that consumer. non dairy substitutes are icons a has a such Katelyn Pinkham preparing whole meals or dishes cooked meals to be made without budget is more valuable than eat- possibly ziploc bags. Someexistence tips Style Editor vor. The strength in taste of Soy Milk- The most comgreat choice. ahead of schedule. It’s particularly having to dedicate time each day ing something different every to help beginners, according to With the return of Twee, it leaves the as Zooey Deschanel, Alexa Chung, Twiggy, Oat Milk- Made by almond milk varies greatly mon milk alternative, soy single day, meal prepping can Healthline, are to write in a calenMeal prepping is a popular trend popular amongst busy or working for preparation. on the brand due world to some wondering milk has remained what popular will come back extracting milk from According to Budget Bytes, a work. dar to not forget, start simple, and Wes Anderson amongst foodies and gym nuts people because it can save a lot of and shaping itsoats image. With with water, oat milk is a manufactures flavoring the in the U.S. since the 1980’s. “For me, meal prepping has use dependable recipes. Usually, that consists of planning and pre- time. This way of preparing food food blog that encourages food the media blogging milk toapps taste more next. like dairy Soy milk has remained pophealthy, non dairy alternafor help of social paring meals ahead of time, often can help people stay on track with budgeting, meal prepping is not helped to keep balance in my food is kept in refrigerators ular for so long because the tive to milk. Oat milk is full milk. their health or eating goals. for everyone. It is ideal for people diet,” said Kendyll Riley, a senior. around 4 days. However, dependby days or weeks. such as Tumblrof and Pinterest, Twee style Coconut Milk- One of nutrients found in soy milk plant based proteins and Any foods that hold up well who value convenience and effiFoods that are often used in ing on the food, it can be stored “Meal prepping makes it easy is known to help with diges- the oldest milk alternatives, are very similar to those most. dominating to stay on track with your nutri- in storage and can taste palat- ciency more than variety. With prepared meals include nuts, for up to one week at the was the internet. car tion. The milk has a very coconut milk has been har- found in traditional cow’s tion by having quick, easy access able after a few days of sitting in meal prepping, the same food seeds, and grains, along with After being stored for too long, “Twee fashion is kind of a twist of the vested from grating the milk. Soy milk has a mild creamy complexion while off to healthy meals,” said Tawny the refrigerator can be prepared. is consistently eaten for a few cooked meat, beans, and veg- food can change texture, taste,
Personalize your car Minecraft drops new update with new caves and mobs
16 ● MARCH 4, 20221
Chris Alexander
Gianna Lazzaro
Gila River Arena, Glendale, AZ
Complimenting body shapes made easy for teens
16 ● FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Growing produce at home is the new alternative
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February 22 7:30 p.m
TPC Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ
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February 7 7:00 a.m.
Birds Nest Phoenix Open, Scottsdale, AZ
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Calendar of events
Footprint Center, Phoenix, AZ
9 ● FEBRUARY 4, 2022
FEBRUARY 4, 2022 ● 13
February 10 3:30 p.m.
Tearsheet s m w
Fashion Week returns to Milan Cait Bunkers guest writer
Milan fashion week spotlighted 2022’s fall and winter styles from February 22 through 28. “I’m looking forward to seeing fall and winter trends this year because I have a feeling there will be new items of clothing that are going to pop up from years before and they will become big again,” said Kailin Silbert, a junior. Fashion weeks provide new, unique trends that contribute new ideas to the fashion industry. This provides excitement to an industry that some are concerned may suffer from overexposure. While fashion critiquing used to be reserved for a limited audience, celebrity outfits are now examined by tabloids and the general public. One of the unique collections revealed during fashion week is Matthieu Blazy’s first collection for the brand Bottega Veneta. Blazy began his career as the men’s designer for Raf Simons, and built his portfolio with Maison Martin Margiela, Céline, and Calvin Kline before replacing Daniel Lee as Bottega Veneta’s creative director. Bottega Veneta bags and shoes are handcrafted in Italy by artisans. The brand has a local store at the Scottsdale Fashion Square mall. Fashion weeks offer opportunities for the world to connect through their passion for style. Each style showcased during fashion week highlighted designers’ personal styles and inspirations. Fashion has the capability to inspire wearers. “Fashion is the freedom to wear whatever you want because it is your body and your canvas to paint… I think that is just lovely and where the true beauty lies,” said Celeste Dodd, a Starbucks barista. All in all, Milan fashion week spotlighted seasoned designers, those new to the industry, and everyone in between.
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Patriarchy Today
The beliefs that the patriarchy has ingrained into the minds of people today still affect women currently. Up until 1920, women were treated as property by white males and were viewed to only be of value if they remained an obedient wife and a mother who produced offspring. In the 1900’s, a woman’s legal standing relied on their marital status. She had no control over her biological reproduction, and no right to sue or be sued due to having no separate standing in court. A woman had no right to own property in her own name or to pursue a career of her choice. Women could not vote, serve on juries, or hold public office. In the eyes of the Supreme Court members, women were not “persons” under the Fourteenth Amendment.
ROSIE KNOWS BEST. This iconic poster features fictional
character Rosie the Riveter. Rosie was meant to represent women joining the work force during World War 2. Since then, she has been a symbol for women’s independence. \ Dawn Hudson
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Seniors shattered confidence G
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