As the final days of my third semester in newspaper are winding down, I look back on all that I have learned. First off, this year has been easier on me regarding leadership roles. Last year, I was still an underclassman, so establishing myself as a leader proved to be challenging as many upperclassmen staff writers would disregard my comments and suggestions. This year, the majority of the staff writers are sophomores or juniors, which eliminates this problem all together. I have noticed that I am also receiving more respect this year, which I attribute to the fact that I was introduced from the start as an editor. Because they respect me, and they realize that I am a leader, it is easier to collaborate to finish what needs finishing. As an editor, working with staff writers has been easy, but in the shoes of a writer, when I must work with other editors, this can be a bit more challenging. When I do not receive edits on my rough drafts that ramble on and pass word count, it is hard to fix my own articles. Although there are challenges, being a leader can be rewarding. Working with other people can be quite exciting, and it’s nice knowing that others feel comfortable enough to come to me when they are stuck. For example, during the November issue of the paper, a new staff writer signed up for an article about what to wear to Thanksgiving. She did not understand how to pull it all together, I worked with her the entire time on it, checking in daily, and the end result was incredible. It was
so nice to see that hard work pays off for the both of us. She wrote one of her best articles yet, and I got to see her progress, and how great my page looked because of it. She now writes for my page often. There are many different types of leaders. I am a less abrasive, more laid back leader, but when work needs to be done, I am not afraid to step up. Often, this seems to work out, because I believe that when people, the writers in this case, think that they are in control of something, they most likely get it done. Rather than me breathing down their necks and nagging them to get their work done, which is not very motivating. The only thing I would change is potentially asserting myself more. Sometimes I do not speak up when I should, but this is often because I am so busy with my own articles, pictures, editing and design. When worse comes to worse and people fail to get their work done altogether though, I am not afraid to step up to the plate. A few examples this year include: having to write an opinion article about gun laws in school classrooms in a day (specifically in around an hour and a half,) rewriting an article about the fashion club almost completely, and re-making an entire Christmas events calendar in the last ten minutes of lunch. Already, this year’s paper as a whole has seen so much improvement in comparison to years past. Though we have had some punctual and grammatical errors, most of the time these are stylistic problems that the average reader would not recognize. I have seen so much improvement in actual design, and the paper is beautiful beyond belief because of it. I think this year I have begun to obtain design skills, thanks to Robert Adamson’s simplistic explanations and clear teaching. When I do not know how to make something look good, he goes through step by step and shows me how to do it. I also attribute some of this success to my peers. Watching what other editors put on their pages helps me create new concepts on mine. When I saw Lauren using color boxes to break up text, I thought that was such a great idea and started doing it too. This also helps the paper as a whole seem more consistent, almost as if one person designed the whole thing. In the future, I hope I stay creative and keep trying new things, as you never truly know what works until you try it. As for deadline difficulty, I generally have no issue. I very rarely turn in something late, and it is usually because an interview will not get back to me, or an event I am reporting on has not happened yet. I
have never not turned in a story eventually. I cannot stand when writers for my pages turn in things late or not at all, so I refuse to do the same to my editors. Though deadlines are not one of my struggles, they seem to be difficult for some people to master, this is mostly thanks to procrastination. Often times, at least for my page, stories are only a few days late, however, once I did have a larger problem. It was the day before production day, and my main article, with main photographs, had still not been seen by me. I had not even seen any progress or work on it whatsoever. It came down to the final minutes of our class, and bled into next period, but it was finally done. Luckily, it was an editor who was excellent in design, but had it been anybody else, I would not have had time to edit or make changes to it before production day. Though things have been turned in very late, I do not think I have yet had the pleasure of cutting something from my pages altogether and scrambling to find something to fill the gaps. Although we teach journalism ethics in the beginning of the year, and hash out to no end the consequences of plagiarism, (and we even watch Shattered Glass, a movie based on those exact consequences), it seems somebody is always trying to see what they can get away with. In years past, this has not been such an issue, the worst somebody had done was state a fact without the source in the opinion section. This year, though, we got to see all that unfolds when one chooses to plagiarize. For the first few issues of the paper, somebody decided to plagiarize two articles, one of which being the opinion piece on gun laws in schools that I offered to rewrite, but I only had a day to do it. We caught it very last minute. When we found out this person was plagiarizing, Ms. Hart was notified immediately, and all the editors, following. Even though the school is said to have “strict plagiarism and
cheating consequences,� they refused to take her out of the class upon finding out she had broken code. After finding this out, the writer was simply removed from the staff and downgraded to uploading already written articles to the website. Prior to this, it was considered the editors’ duties to do just this, along with reading, editing, designing, and so on. The writer will not be returning next semester. Plagiarism is no laughing matter, stealing the work that others have put so much effort in producing is never okay. Almost every editor is dedicated, because a good portion of them are returning to newspaper for the second year in a row. I consider myself dedicated because I love reading, writing and editing the stories, and taking necessary photographs. Last year, I even got an award for best new editor because I always read the articles on my pages at least four times before I place them on my pages. Then, when I am finished designing, I also double up as a copy editor, and read the rough draft copy of the entire newspaper. I attend events outside of school to take photos, and interview people on my own time. For instance, I went to an animal shelter opening on a Saturday morning because we needed photos. I went to a concert to write a review, and brought a camera to take photographs. I have gone out of my way to interview people who are not available on campus. For example, I went to the Cave Creek museum to interview the executive director for background information on Oregano’s when I wrote a story about the supposed hauntings there. Over the course of this semester I have faced the hardships of not only an editor, but of a writer and photographer as well. As an editor, I have had creative stories turn out absolutely dreadful, and photos go untaken. As a writer, I have written pieces I knew from the start would be a mess, and not recieve any edits on my work. I have been assigned articles I do not particularly want to write, and have interviewees not
show up to scheduled times. As a photographer, I have taken hundreds of photos without a single one being above average. All of these situations just come with the territory, though, and it all comes together in the end. As a team, editors will help each other out. When I was missing photos for the mixing and matching patterns article, Kiera offered to make a sidebar to go along with her decade fashion article. All in all, when facing challenges, communicating with editors and writers is often the best way to handle it. My greatest weakness is sharing and discussing ideas with peers. For example, when a writer types up a sidebar rather than design an infographic for me to upload, rather than ask them to do it, I would just make it myself. This is not always a weakness, as if it does not look good one way, I can go in and design it again without them getting upset that I changed it. But, to overcome this occasional weakness, I need to push myself out of my bubble. Do the uncomfortable until it is comfortable. The more I force myself to communicate with peers, the less stressed I will be. Though I am quite an introverted person, and do not see myself ever fully being or wanting to be an extrovert, I will brush off my communication creeps to better the newspaper.
After a long debate between the October and September issues, I have to go with October as the best spread I have created. While both spreads are designed beautifully, it came down to content. The September issue was written surprisingly well for a first issue, but the October issue incorporated timely events that matter to students rather than the usual fluffy articles that could be used anytime. For example, for the October issue, we wrote articles regarding Halloween, Homecoming and lanyards. All of the articles were well written and edited a lot before I placed them on the pages. Because there were only two true articles, the pages broke up nicely and kept readers engaged with fun pic-
tures and step-by-step DIYs. This spread included an article that I wrote titled, ‘project lanyard,’ regarding the new school rule that lanyards must be worn and how to style one to stand out. Another important school topic covered was how to dress according to school dress code while still looking good. This is a good article because it matters to students, especially because it was published early in the year to help guide freshmen. Another great article for the students was one on the homecoming theme and what to wear to it. We also included two articles about Halloween: easy, DIY, last minute costumes and a how-to guide on deer makeup. Tying in with the makeup, we compiled a list of brands that do and do not test on animals. With the changing colors of fall incorporated all over the spread, this one truly is well done, and one of my best pieces of all time. It did not come easy though. Because almost all of the pictures were cut outs,
it was a challenge trying to tie everything together without it looking like a kindergarten collage project. Another challenge, at first, was writing, as many writers were still new. There were often too many quotes, or the same thing was being written as was being said by the interviewees. But, after working with my writers, all was resolved. The only real unresolved problem was that I designed my spread to lay nicely together, but they were unfortunately printed on odd numbers, and therefore were on separate pages. Because I have just now started doubling up as a copy editor, I do not have any printed results yet to see if my editing has paid off. However, after the last issue, one filled with errors on every page, I found and corrected so many errors that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. I am excited to see my progress as I continue, and hope to help make the paper the best it can be.
the october issue Style
project lanyard
use PINs Buy pins, or dig out the ones you already have out of the dusty drawer they have been sitting in. Pin wherever you desire.
DecoRaTe wITh FuZZ
For a lanyard with both comfort and style, place a drop of hot glue on each ball, then place on the lanyard in any order.
Sprinkle glitter on a lanyard covered in glue stick, and let dry. Gather any flower, heart or star beads and hot glue in any order. Let dry.
It’s 7:20 a.m., you are on your way to your first class and the security guards are out for blood, hunting any student without identification down.You refuse to wear your lanyard because it is ugly and you have never gotten in trouble before, but no one is safe from the wrath of Jackie and Jill. Every day, students with a craving for risk and adrenaline, dare not wear their lanyards on campus, and could end up with a lunch detention, but there is another way. Utilizing these three easy ways to customize any I.D. will keep you in style and out of the dean’s office.
Usara windom
custom costumes
help students stand out from the crowd. GhosT Materials: white sheet, marker and scissors. 1. Put white sheet over your head. 2. With the marker, mark holes where your eyes are while wearing the sheet. 3. Take off fabric and cut out the holes for your eyes.
JeLLy BeaN BaG Materials: clear bag large enough to fit around your body, multicolored balloons, jelly bean logo, and tape. 1. Put clear bag around body. 2. Cut out holes for your arms and head. 3. Close off bag with tape. 4. Fill bag with colored balloons 5. Tape logo on the front of the bag 6. Add any additional wanted accessories
MeDusa Materials: flowy, big clothing, plastic snakes, hair ties, clips, or headbands. 1. Put on flowy clothing. 2. If you have long hair, put hair up with ties or clips. 3. Attach plastic snakes in hair by pushing them in or placing them underneath a headband.
yeeZy LINe Materials: brown fabric and scissors. 1. If using brown fabric, fold the fabric in half, cut head hole. 2. Cut small holes around shirt and distress shoulders, sleeves and bottom.
Umegan walker Nicole carr, a sophomore, dresses in a ghost costume she made herself this Halloween.
4megan walker
4sara windom
With the school’s various rules and regulations, students are learning how to
dress for dresscode By Hallie Wooldridge g staff writer
With the dress code violations getting more intense, it is important to dress in a fashionable way that sticks to the rules. “Having a dress code promotes and enhances a positive atmosphere on campus, increases student achievement, and decreases peer conflict and certain behavioral tendencies,” Aaron Pettinato, dean of students, said. One policy in the dress code is that no stomachs are allowed to be visible, so some students choose to wear tank tops underneath attire that would otherwise expose them. “I like to wear a tank top under shirts that are a little too short so that my stomach is covered and I don’t have to worry about getting dress coded,” senior Katina Mclaughlin said. Another rule is that strapless tops or camis are not allowed, so to cover up some students wear flannels. “I love to wear flannels over tank tops because they can be a cute addition to an outfit while still helping you stay in dress code,” Mclaughlin said. Leggings are also not allowed, but some students have developed a way to get around it. “I usually wear them with a shirt that goes down past my butt so I don’t get dress coded,” Mclaughlin said. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a shirt is a dress code violation. One recommendation is bringing a cover up in your backpack just in case. “I always have a cardigan or a jacket in my backpack so I have something in my backpack to cover up with just in case,” senior Meaghan Geiger said.
Another way to wear crop tops without violating the dress code is to wear them with high rise pants so your stomach will be covered. “I bought a ton of crop tops over the summer and I didn’t think that I could wear them to school until I realized I could wear them with high waisted shorts or jeans and my entire stomach would be covered,” senior Claire Musson said. Off the shoulder tops are also against dress code but
“I love off the shoulder tops, but one day I almost got dress coded for wearing one, so now I wear a tank top underneath so it covers some of my shoulder and I don’t get dress coded.” Claire Musson, a senior.
students can still wear them as long as there is a shirt on underneath. “I love off the shoulder tops, but one day I almost got dress coded for wearing one, so now I wear a tank top underneath so it covers some of my shoulder and I don’t get dresscoded,” Musson said. Students are not allowed to expose a large majority of their backs. “Put a jacket over anything with a open back,” senior Sharon Rudister said. If a code is violated, there are consequences, especially if it is a reoccurring offense. “If a student has three or more dress code violations, a lunch detention will be assigned. If the problem persists, then the consequences could be escalated to Saturday school detention,” Pettinato said. OCTObER 14, 2016 ■ 19
what to wear in wonderland By Emma RussEllo g staff writer
deer in the headlights Deer makeup is an easy way to dress up for that last-minute Halloween costume. The best part is, it only utilizes a few necessary
Homecoming is arriving, and many underclass- materials: brown, white, and black eyeshadow, mascara, thin makeup or paint brushes, eyeliner. Pair this look with a brown T-shirt men are wondering what they should wear to and leggings or a simple dress to get the perfect Bambi look. Umegan walker the dance. Some juniors share their opinion on what one should wear to look good, be comfortable, and stay in dress code. The dance, held in the blue gym, is packed with kids. Because of this, it tends to get very warm. “I really regret wearing jeans because they were a real struggle and I just wanted to rip them off. It was so hot inside the gym, so I would recommend wearing shorts,” Tara Prager, a junior, said. The same idea applies to boys, but some are more reluctant to wear shorts. “I usually wear jeans, so I would just wear a loose shirt that won’t show sweat stains,” Tyler Williams, a junior, said. Since there are so many students in a compact space, wearing closed-toed shoes would avoid getting one's feet stepped on. 3. Apply white eyeshadow on eyelids and 2. Thickly cover cheekbones with brown “I am wearing my Adidas sneakers this year, 1. Cover the bottom part of your nose in black underneath eyes. eyeliner and smear a lines upwards on each eyeshadow. because they are very comfortable and closed- side of your nose. Connect to eyebrows. toed. I do not think anyone should wear sandals, because you would get your feet stepped on and they would hurt very badly from all of the dancing,” Prager said. The security guards and administration will be monitoring the dance, and looking for students doing things they should not be. “What we are mostly looking for is that you are covered. We aren’t going to be as strict as we are at school, but definitely nothing too revealing,” Jackie Kelleher, security guard, said. Because this year’s dance theme is a white out, there are an abundance of clothing items that one can find 4. Apply liquid eyeliner on eyelid from to 5. Make a U-shaped line underneath your 6. Place five finger tip sized white dots in a at cheap prices make a cat-eye look. eye with eyeliner. Curve the end upwards to line. meet with the eyeliner, but do not connect. at stores such 4megan walker as Forever 21, H&M, American Eagle, Target, and more. The clothes are not all the While The UniTed STaTeS doeS noT legally reqUire animal dance is about testing on cosmetic products, some cosmetic companies still use animals to experithough. ment with makeup before it is released to the general public. These companies test “You should on animals to ensure the safety of their product if it contains an ingredient that has go with peonot been tested already. ple you like, and According to humanesociety.org, skin and eye irritation tests are given to rabbits have a good time. and chemicals are rubbed into their eyes to see the reaction. Also, there is something I would also reccalled a “lethal dose test” in which the animals are given large amounts of an ingrediommend drinking ent to see how much of it they can take before they die. a lot of water to stay There are also many other kinds of lethal tests that are done on these animals. A lot hydrated,” Prager said. of people do not agree with testing on animals, and only use cosmetic supplies that preparing for MAYBELLINE state they do not.
caged by cosmetics
the homecoming dance Saturday, Tara Prager, a junior decks out in all white.
4emma russello
20 ■ OctOber 14, 2016
Uemma russello Wsara windom tHe cActUS SHADOWS PreSS
taff writer
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HE push for the legalization of recreational mari-
properties. juana has once again hit Arizona as it will be on the The amount of retail marijuana ballot this coming November. Proposition 205, or stores would be limited in their numthe Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative, will bers, their location and what they decide the future of marijuana use in the state. could sell to customers. Licenses to Proposition 205 is the movement to legalize the recre- sell would be limited at about ten ational use of marijuana. Similar to states like Colorado percent of the alcohol licenses in and Washington, if passed, the proposition will regulate Arizona, which is still under 180. the sale and use of marijuana like alcohol. This proposition Neighborhoods would also have the made it on the ballot in Arizona and will go to the public on right to limit when and where disNovember 8. pensaries were allowed. “It’s never hurt anyone, I don’t see the point in it being “People should understand that illegal and having people go to jail when it hasn’t killed any- marijuana isn’t some gateway drug. one,” said Matt Blackert, a junior. It’s a medicine and it’s here for a reaIn order to get on the ballot, petitioners need 225,963 sig- son. It helps us,” said Aless Zamora, natures by July 7th, 2016. This year, six initiatives were pro- a junior. posed involving marijuana, but prop 205 was the only one Packaging and labeling guidelines to make it on the ballot. would also be required for these disThe most recent poll surveyed individuals 21 and older pensaries, similar to the sale of medabout their stance on the issue. According to the Arizona ical marijuana. Businesses would Republic, 50 percent of voters support the proposition, 40 also be required to test marijuana SPOTLIGHT percent oppose the measure and 10 percent remain unde- products for safety and health reacided. sons. This does not definitively decide which way the vote As far as taxing goes, the state By SEAN GANNON staff writer will go. The margin of error is around 3.4 percent and with would implement a 15 percent tax on upcoming campaigns both supporting and opposing propo- marijuana. This would not change By SARA WINDOM style editor at least in this album, is that they can add middle. “Small Red Boy,” and “When I’m a Dead The much anticipated comic book movie COMING TO YOUR TOWN. Ann sition 205, undecided voters could go either way. the itexisting tax on medicinal Suicide Squad may have reeled in over $400 a lot of layers without being a chaotic Something Imarireally enjoyed throughout the Boy” were the last two. One was the worst Murray a clerk at Muffy’s Pot in Port Town-million in the box office, but it was actually a folk-punk band from Phoenix, Arizona, mess. However, Eagle” and “Junkie song, the other one of the best. “I would AJJ, be against legalizing any new drugs, I just don’t “Golden juana. Initially, the money will go towards the Department sand, Washington prepares for another busy just released highly anticipated eighth severely disappointing. Church” were exceptions. see the purpose,” saidtheir Chris Dodrill, history teacher. of Marijuana Licenses and andsounded other related ser-“Small Red Boy” didn’t seem to have any“The CDControl as a whole day in The a state legalized recreationalThis started out as a fantastic idea and studio album, The Bible 2, on August 19. To “Golden Eagle” wasn’t that bad starting out, thing going right in it. musicthat washas strange The regulations in hype proparound 205 covers issues vices.it got worse and incredible, each track’s build up the it, they held two like who better to direct DC’s masterpiece than but sale, as the possong progressed, and hard to follow, it felt completely marijuana. 4ROBERTunorADAMSON shows at Rebel Lounge and anIfacoustic pre- worse. passes, David Ayer, who also directed Fury and End Even though it was only two minutes ganized. And, with lyrics like, “His tongue session and consumption limits. the proposition “We spend millions placement of dollars on drugs so we’d wasthe sowar well on done of Watch. view atwill a Zia appoint Records inmembers Mesa two days long, I found itof hard to this one through. became a staircase, his uvula the knocker,” I Governor Ducey to prior the Department besitsaving money and itmaking money off weed being legalfelt like I had just read Margot Robbie did an outstanding job of to the date. The same went for “Junkie Church”, except felt uncomfortable the entire time. This five Marijuana Licenses and totheir monitor all dispensaries. said playing the maniac that is Harley Quinn. AJJ formed in Control 2004 under previous I found it even moreized,” dreadful thanBlackert. the first. minute long song was a nightmare, and I Bonnette’s memoir.” Will Smith and Jared Leto both played their name that Andrew Jihad, formed by It didn’t help that theseAll songs wererevenue back to almost turned it off altogether. “The most recent poll surveyed individuals It is also likely theJackson proposition will create a separate other would be split among the Department Sara Windom a Dead Boy,” however, was characters very well, but the one weak link singer/guitarist Sean Bonnette, bassist Benregulations. back. law enforcement team to enforce these new of Education and the Department of Health Services in“When I’m21 and about theirstanceonwas theCara issue. “The CD as a whole sounded incredible, It was the able to restore my loveolder for AJJ. Delevingne. Delevingne is not an Gallaty and drummer Justin James White. Distribution, cultivation, testing three each track’s placement was categories: so well done it school construction, maintenance and perfect closer. The minute long song had me actress, she is a model, so she should never Since then, White has manufacturing, left, and members and According to the Arizona Republic, 50 felt like I had just read Bonnette’s memoir.” begging for more, and was a great way to end have been cast for the role of Enchantress. Preston Bryant and Mark Glick have been entire record, was the songs were grainy and facilities will be required to be licensed and regulated. The operating costs, full-day kindergarten, and a public educaAfter several tracks, I encountered the album. I give the album 4 out of 5 stars. Unfortunately, Ayer’s newest film ended gritty,dangers in a really cool way. I felt like I was lis- and legal age toadded. use and grow marijuana will be the same asupbeat tion program about the of alcohol, marijuana percent of voters support the proposition, up letting audiences down everywhere. The CD as a whole sounded incredible, my favorite song on the CD. “No More Shame, tening to a local’s demo, like nobody knew While some of the songs were too strange alcohol, 21.each All users are limited onedone ounce areFear, onlyNo More other substances. No More Dread”, was the full who AJJ was, it felt like a secret only told to and creepy for me, that’s just how AJJ is, and While there was so much potential for this track’s placement was to so well it and 40 percent oppose the measure and 10 Theretoare many factors picking atitle, college, andislucky was onethe of the lon- me. It sounded that’s a part of why I love them. “No More film to be great, Ayer ruined it with several felt like I had just read Bonnette’s memoir. like real laws people just trying to posallowed consume the drug into private, public use stillfor me, itWhile legalization will change regarding ger songs on the album, approximately four many Shame,” “Cody’s Theme,” and several other Up first, was “Cody’s Theme”, an upbeat make music rather than over produced gar-same. identifying them is the first step percent remain undecided.” flaws. outlawed. session and sales, regulations will remain the songs were in my head weeks after, and it is The idea behind creating the Suicide song about a young boy constantly in trou- minutes. It was a really soft, emotional song, bage. “IKEELY think as far as it being legalized, I think goingdonePublic illegal along with a vehiBy DORAN staff parents writer almost entirely on piano.use will remainThe clear, AJJ has succeeded once again. Squad was to assemble a group of the worst ble with and teachers. The track was you’re last three songs of theoperating short, 30 minArizona Republic AJJ issmokknown for their over- ute CD villains in the DC Comics universe and take sweet, only lasting two minutes, were all very different from each to get into ashort lot and of trouble with people going out and cle usually underfunny, the influence, and selling the substance withoutThe Bible 2, is available for purchase on all the-top, ironic this song strayed other. platforms and for streaming on Spotify, or if on an even worse villain. These villains are and was paired with humorous lyrics andIS a impaired, CHOOSING A TO while ATTEND HARD, AND ing marijuana andCOLLEGE doing things they’re likelyrics,a but license. Employers are still granted the right to prohibit the strugnorm. There were no silly lyrics, prisoners serving several life sentences catchy Well done, AJJ. is even harder. from “Terrifyer” was eerie and intriguing, it’s you’re super impatient and need your hands choosing one thathook. meets expectations Seniors driving or committing crimes,” saidsongs Dodrill. drug use as well. no crazy layers, no strange structure, just a hard to go wrong with a good riff paired with on a copy right now, most Zia Record stores so they will do anything in their power to Unfortunately, the next gle with discovering what they reallyfew want outdidn’t of a higher education. slowed downin song perfectly placed in the ominous lyrics. have them in stock. shorten their time spent in jail. work soonly well. allowed One of AJJ’s best qualities, Users are also to grow 12 cannabis plants Compiling a list of requirements, or things to look for, helps narrow the
Suicide Squad : too much hype
september september september §
Been choices. teaching for 6 years. Used Taught First of all, figuring out when a good time to visit a college is dif- Has Teaches Geometry and to work at at Desert Mountain Has only been ficult. According to Mary Conger, founder of the college visit service he is a Special Education/ Fortune 500 High School for 2 years. been teaching for 3 Resource Teacher. He was Company. This Collegocity, the best time is during a family vacation Has that has already Teaches AP Government teaching years. Teaches surprised by the school spirit teaching for is his first year and Government. He is happy for 3 years. Has been planned. This way, it can function as a detour 6been Has bans, choir, guitar, and how helpful everyone is. years. Teaches as a classroom Taught with the great community of the Teaches Math been teachbeen Department and Jazz band. Has Fun Fact: “ I have a good rather than a separate road trip. Math. He is teacher. Fun World History and school. Fun Fact: “I am a Tucson at the school. ing Chinese teaching for 7 of the Interior Federal Surprised about been teaching Benefits getting sized shoe collection.” surprised at how of Fact: “I played English at Horseshoe native.” Another obstacle is visiting universities in difHe is surprised for 2 years. years. Teaches Government for 10 school pride and for 25 years. She helpful everyone professional Trails for ten years. Dean of about how big the She was surFrench at the Been teaching spirit. is Funthe Fact: is teaching ferent states. years. An easy fix is virtual tours English. through is. Fun a Fact: guided tour “I beach volleyStudents this year. Surprised at campus is. prised about the school. Fun Fact: “I since 2002. Fun Moved form is surprised rode my bike services like YourCampus360 orShe eCampusTours. ball.” the warm welcome from the stustudents. lived in France for Fact: “I used to have g style New York 2 honest feedback By SARA WINDOM editor about how great the from the Grand dents. Fun Fact: “My last name While you may not get the real students feel and hands2 years.” an Afro!” years ago. behavior Canyon to the office means beautiful reach with no cell theyhair.” know how to use them,” said side of classrooms can, in case of gencies ever, but it’s really good from a student or here. Fun Fact:flying “I ers to on experience you would, it is better than Mexico.” love teaching the With the start of a new 9th school reception,” Bebee explained. Bebee. emergency, display certain mes- they’re doing that… I feel like the blind. administrator at the grade.” “I likein touring because it's seeing somethingClassroom clocks, along with year sight, Cactus Shadows When in a dangerous situation, sages depending on the situation. clocks are adding a whole new college whose daily life physical, it’s the vibe you get from the campus,” stepped up the security on cam- the day to day functions of tell- teachers can push the button and Bebee explained because the level of security on the campus.” said Joey Britton, senior. is centered around the pus in several ways, even the ing the time, broadcasting the alert the office of their trouble, announcements are sometimes Besides the safety features, Benefits of getting a guided tour is the honest school grounds. clocks underwent adjustments. and ringing the even without cell reception. hard to hear, “In the event we have the clocks have also been able to feedback from a student or administrator at announcements, the college whose daily we life is centered around bells the to signify the beginning and “The systems had last year, Many students seem to be fine a lockdown, those digital clocks project the right time for the three school Brittoncalled also saysIntegra, on a scale of oneof to class, ten, visiting by agrounds. company end alsoisserve a safety with the change, such as junior will automatically tell you… a weeks they have been in use, as a “...nine or a ten because you’re getting to know the campus and the costed too much money [to repair], purpose. All of the timekeep- Allie Holt, “they always have the scrolling message will appear on opposed to last year’s, many of people there, and if they enjoy being there”. so we upgraded the new ones,” ersyouare with a red button right time, which is nice, and the screen.” which were broken altogether. “Figuring out if theto actual location is a place canwired live is super important,” says senior Becki Meils. If you don’t like the dorms, or how in the classsaid Principal Steven Bebee. hidden somewhere that’s really smart… safety first.” When informed about feaThe clocks are a district wide buildings organized,included it could be anew deal breaker. “I look for the The are upgrade rooms in case ofaesemergency. The hallway clocks are a dif- tures to make the campus safer, change. thetic, as well as the functionality,” Meils said. features such as, “call and emer“The teachers all know where ferent story. Large digital clocks Michael Chmura, a junior, said, Another criteria is the relevance to your major, or field of interest. allowcriminology teach- but they arenoinlab the and yes, seen around the campus out- “I never hope there’s any emerIfgency you arebuttons majoring that in forensic have to classroom stage crimes, maybe it isn’t the right university. Facilities specific to your major are crucial to your education, so make sure that every campus you visit meets the basic list of needs you put together.
Ayer focused on making this movie action-packed as possible and seemin forgot about the storytelling aspect of film. There were too many things happ ing at one time making it extremely d cult to focus on one specific event at a ti Character development was basically n existent to the point that audiences that the characters had not changed a throughout the course of the movie knew almost nothing about certain ch acters. While the film was well acted and w produced, it lacked one, solid, easy-tolow plot. There were too many subp that just felt a bit unnecessary to the m theme. Another issue was the extremely rep tive setting. The movie takes place in a g gantuan city, but it felt very confined a they had only filmed it on one set. Action scenes, the abuse of slow motio and the diverse sound track saved t movie from entirely crashing and bur ing. There were plenty of momen where action wasn’t necessary, but wh is a good superhero movie without fight scene or ten?
New to the faculty this year...
BY SARA WINDOM g style editor
HIS year many colleges and priCOX CUNNANE vate universities are slashing their prices to4the discounts LOGANhighest LARKIN seen yet, to attract students.
According10to■USNews.com, Albion College SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 in Michigan is 40,000 dollars or more a year, but as soon as a student is accepted, the school offers student aid. Albion is not alone, in fact, many colleges are following in their footsteps, private universities in particular. “The price of college is continually rising in this country and there are people in their forties and older who are still paying off student debt. If a discount offered by a college could prevent me from starting my life with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt I would certainly be tempted to attend,” said Summer Harris, a senior. And that is just what these colleges are testing out. As of right now, the method to this madness is that if colleges have high sticker prices, they project a certain value to students, then they offer discounts as high as 48.6 percent to those accepted. The big picture is that if students are aware a certain school dishes out deep discounts, it will help fix the decline in enrollment colleges have been seeing in
the past few years, specifically among private schools. “A discountDICK on any college tuition seems like BRADY a bonus to me, so I believe that it could make a lot of people's lives easier if their overall college tuition was cheaper than initially projected,” Orion Lauer, a senior said. While offering dramatic tuition discounts can be effective, many argue that simply cutting the sticker price would be the best way to go. “I wish they’d tell me right off the bat,” said Sheryl Evenson, chemistry teacher. Evenson, mother to two girls, one a junior, the other a senior, has been shopping around for discounts and scholarships for a while. “We're looking at if we're members of organizations… or maybe a sports type scholarship, and academics” said Evenson. “So, we're looking at that, and if there's any scholarships for a particular school.” Many colleges are afraid cutting their sticker price will destroy the value several students see in a university. The higher it costs, the better it must be. However, Harris points out one problem with this idea. “I think it's great that colleges who have high tuition are making an effort to give students discounts, but if students are unaware of those
Has been teaching Math for 17 years. She was surprised that she didn’t have a smartboard. Fun Fact:”I have two kids, they’re nuts.”
Has been teaching for 20 years. Teaches Health/ Fam at the school. Fun Fact: “I love The Walking Dead.”
Has been tea ing for years. She tea Science. Was prised at how po students are. Fun I was a Forensi Scientist.”
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 ■ 5
discounts that come once accepted, that high sticker price may bar them from applying at all.PETTINATO ” CARPENTER Insidehighered.com explained that these discounts started appearing after financial crisises, specifically, the Great Recession. People had to become more price conscious, so large discounts and just about any scholarship imaginable started appearing. In fact, there are so many scholarships now that many people, including Evenson, think scholarships are too easy to obtain. “I know last year one of my students got an academic scholarship… and all he had was a 2.5 GPA.” Julia Diede, a senior, said, “there's literally websites that generate scholarships, like I'm a female, I'm Hispanic, so here you go, here's a scholarship.” However, Diede pointed out, when college is ridiculously expensive, students will try anything they can to save money and still attend their dream school. This all ties back into what these universities are trying to fix: their price. The schools must consider if it is better to offer discounts to accepted students behind closed doors or to slash their sticker prices and offer less financial aid.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 ■ 13
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Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, it doesn’t this, it is possible to remain friends with someone who has matter. Every party or affiliation is guilty of vicious behav- different political ideas than you. The fact that people are ior towards the other side. Not only in the news, but in finding it a challenge to have a relationship with another everyday life, people can not remotely listen to or consider person because they feel one way or another on a political the other side of the story. issue is insane. It should not matter. Political conversations are often charged with anything It can be difficult when people you love disagree with but facts, it’s all spitfire and rage when anyone mentions you. Disagreements often evolve into fights and that coneither Clinton or Trump. There is flict can be hard to deal with. However, it is far less frussuch a high degree of division with trating to step back and respect their opinion. Agreeing to this election, it is literally tearing this disagree is better than cutting someone off based on their Style country apart. So the fact that people political viewpoints. can’t discuss their opinions in a civil It is important to hear diverse thoughts and opinions. manner is truly disheartening. Befriending people with differing viewpoints should be Since when is is a crime to disagree with someone? encouraged. It doesDecoRaTe not matter who you support, you should wITh use GLITTeR use PINs Having a peaceful political conversation is actually a lot not be attacking anyone FuZZ for any reason. Trump supporters Sprinkle glitter on a Buy pins, or dig lanyard in easier than everyone believes, all it takes is ears. Listen supporters don’t have any real reasoncovered to out the ones you as well as Clinton For a lanyard with glue stick, and let have out of both comfort and to the other side, consider their point. Don’t just already sit there, act so harshly to anyone that disagrees with them.dry. Gather any the dusty drawer style, place a drop of flower, heart or theyto have hot glue on eachbe willing to debate with staring at the other person with a smirk, preparing ripbeen Respect the opinions of others, star beads and sitting in. Pin ball, then place on hot glue in their argument apart with a slew of angry comments, someone wherever you them, but do not hate the lanyard in anypurely because they supany order. desire. order. harsh comparisons, and volatile names. port Trump or Clinton. We are all human, we all haveLet difdry. It isa.m., soyou important to to respect theand other side and to con- ferent thoughts, we all experience and perceive things in It’s 7:20 are on your way your first class the security guards are out for blood,of hunting anyRemaining student withoutcloseidentification sider their point view. minded has not different ways, this is life, this has always been apart of the down.You refuse to wear your lanyard because it is ugly and you have gotten anyone anywhere it is notofgoing to start human experience. never gotten in trouble before, but noand one isfrankly, safe from the wrath
AS WE SEE it thE EditoRiAl
project lanyard
Kevin B nest B
NEWS Jackie and Jill.
Bang! Bam!
The newly renovated Fine Arts Center is now handicap accessible and boasts many new upgrades.
Every day, students with a craving for risk adrenaline, dare not of the members of the Editorial Board. The EDITORIAL represents theand consensus view wear their lanyards on campus, and could end up with a lunch detenThebut Editorial Board Alex Laggren, tion, there is another way.members Utilizing theseare three easy ways to cus- Kiera Riley, Katelyn Reinhart, Lauren Haggar, Annalee Barnett, Madeline tomize any I.D. will keep you in Sara style and out of the dean’s office. Howard, Mia Gilling, Windom, Logan Larkin, and Olivia Stickel. Usara windom
As one door closes, another reopens Record Stores: Sara windom
custom costumes teachers with guns help students stand out from the crowd.
and choir, the Fine Arts Center has been com“If a gun is being carried by an adult pletely revamped. New carpets have been GhosT on campus, it should be by a trained smoothed floor,how and With the school’s various rules and regulations, studentson arethe learning to pristine paint has Materials: white sheet, marker and scissors. been slapped on the wall. 1. Put white sheet over your head. professional.” “We [drama club] don’t have to be worried 2. With the marker, mark holes where your eyes are while wearing the sheet.
3. Take off fabric and cut out the holes for your eyes.
aS rESult of thE many JeLLyaBeaN BaG
school the United Materials:shootings clear bag large enough to fit aroundStates your body, multicolored balloons, jelly bean logo, and tape. has seen across the board in the last 1. Put clear bag around body. few years, schools are fighting back… 2. Cut out holes for your arms and head. or3.shooting Close off bagback. with tape. 4.Oklahoma, Fill bag with colored balloons Ohio, Utah and sev5. Tape logo on the front of the bagalready choeral other states have 6. Add any additional wanted sen to arm their faculty in the case accessories ofMeDusa an emergency, according to the Washington Post. The reason for this Materials: flowy, big clothing, plastic snakes, hair ties, clips, or tends to be because the school has headbands. an open campus, 1. Put on flowy clothing. and would other2. If you longto hair, hair wise behave open anputattack at any given up with ties or clips. moment. 3. Attach plastic snakes in hair by pushing them in or While this may seem like a solution, placing them underneath a itheadband. is quite the costly one. On Cabella’s website, yeeZy LINethe average handgun costs Materials: brown fabric $300 to $1,000 dolanywhere from and scissors. lars. The typical, medium sized high 1. If using brown fabric, fold the fabrichas in half,approximately cut head school 100 teachhole. ers on campus. Arming every teacher 2. Cut small holes around shirt and distress shoulders, sleeves with a handgun would cost at least and bottom. $3,000 dollars, megan at the cheapest option. walker U This seems like a lot more work and Nicole carr, a sophomoney than closing that campus off more, dresses in a ghost costumeashe made herself with gate and this going over safety Halloween. measures every so often. 4megan walker
back in action?
By KEELY DORAN g staff writer
4sara windom
dress for dresscode
about things breaking on us, which is pretty said RiannatJohnston, a senior. For thoseBy Hallie who Wooldridge argue a staff gate with no cool,” ID on, pulling the writer will Another way to wear cropclasstops without violating the self-sustaining, is dress code isthat to wear with high risethe pantsbuilding so your not stop an armed intruder, there room door,Completely unaware itthem is locked. With the dress code violations getting more intense, dependent it stomach willon be covered. renter’sthink fees and participant is an even isbetter alternative: metal way The scared, important to dress in a fashionable thatstudents sticks “Iare bought a ton of they crop tops over the summer and for funding. to the rules. I didn’t think that I could wear them to school until I detectors. Many schools have imple- it is an donations intruder. The teacher sees “Having a dress code promotes and enhances a Recently, realized I could themCreek with high waisted shorts or thewear Cave mented metal detectors into the the student as a threat to everyone’sdistrict approved a positive atmosphere on campus, increases student jeans and my entire stomach would be covered,” senior bond to renovate the 25 year front entrances of the forcsafety and fatally killssaid. the new stu- old building that achievement, and school, decreases peer conflict and certain Claire Musson was in need of new flooring behavioral dean of stuOff the shoulder tops areroofing, also against dress codeand but sysing students who tendencies,” wish to Aaron enterPettinato, to dent. dents, said. tems. Not only did the updates serve as slight pass through One a device that will detect policy in the dress code is that no Police stomachs officers are being called cosmetic work on the facility, they arebombs allowed or to be visible, so some knives, guns, any other dan-students outchoose for to making decisions based on “I love off the shoulder tops, butalso one brought wear tank tops underneath attire that would otherwise the facility compliance the for Americans gerous weapons. racial and sexual bias, orgotsimply day I into almost dresswith coded expose them. With Disabilities According to Gothamist, because are hot headed. Now,I wear the a tank top wearing one,Act. so now “I like to wear a tankatopNew under shirts that are they a g
little put too short that my stomach covered and York school that thisso product to isanswer underneath so who it covers is giving teachers, havesome of my I don’t have to worry about getting dress coded,” RENOVATIONS THEgetTHEATER shoulder andIN Imistakes don’t dress place recoveredsenior 126 Katina potential weapbeen fired for these same a coded.” Mclaughlin said. Beforehand, the seating at the theater was rule is strapless tops or camis Instead of being fired for a ons in the first twoAnother months ofthat instalweapon? Claire Musson, a senior. are not allowed, so to cover up some students not suitable for those wheelchair bound or with lation. This removes most weapons racial slur, they will be fired for getwear flannels. other motor disabilities. The steep incline that on campus altogether, which ting a bit “I love to wearseems flannels over tank tops too upset and firing a round paved thecanpath between audience because they can be a cute addition to an students still wear them as long as there is aseats shirt was more effective than handing teachers, on somebody. outfit while still helping you stay in dress on underneath. a large issue due to the stulack of specially built most of whom have nocode,” actual training Instead of “I putting Mclaughlin said. love off the parents, shoulder tops, but one day I almost chairs. Tocoded fixschool’s this, ten chairs Leggings are also not dents, allowed, and but got dress for wearing one, so wear a tankto the using guns in a workplace, a weapon the entire staff atnow Iclosest some students have developed a way to top underneath so itauditorium covers some of my shoulder and I entrance of the so they can make a split decision in risk of being accidentally shot at, why have wheels that get around it. don’t get dresscoded,” Musson said. allow them to be removed to make room for an emergency. Even police not simply an on “I usuallyofficers, wear them with a shirt that hire Students are campus not allowed police to expose a large majority goes down past my butt so I don’t get of their backs. who, according to thinkprogress.org, officer? wheelchairs. dress coded,” Mclaughlin said. “Put a jacket over anything a open back,” seniorwhich Another safety hazardwith was the stage, shoot around 99 people per month, arebe hard to If tell a gun beingRudister carried Sometimes it can if a isSharon said.by an adult had itaIf should outathere portion towards espethe skirt. is aintended) dress code violation. One recahollowed code is violated, are consequences, coming under fire (noshirt pun on campus, be by trained ommendation is bringing a cover up in if it is offense. Thiscially cave ofa reoccurring sorts doing was called for killing innocentyour people. How are professional who has been this the pit and was backpack just in case. “If a student has three or more dress code violations, created todetention hostwho live orchestras orproblem bands.perInstead teachers supposed to make a teacher took theirIf the “I alwaysthis havecall? a cardigan for or a years, jacket in not a lunch will be assigned. tearing the concretecould foundation, my backpack so I have something in my sists, thenup consequences be escalated the to disImagine this: there’s a new student first shotofover springthe break. backpack to cover up with just in case,” Saturday school detention,” Pettinato said. trict decided to fill it in. senior Meaghan Geiger said. “It’s wasn't worth tearing up the concrete AT THE GRAND REOPENING OF THE FINE ARTS CENTER, Kameron Moore, and THE CACTUS SHADOWS PRESS OCTObER 14, 2016 ■ 19 foundation just to comply with the ADA, we Julia Horner, seniors rehearse lines for the upcoming show. 4LOGAN LARKIN
could use all the money to actually benefit the theater in a different way,” said Andrew Cupo, the school's theaterg style stagecraft teacher and By Sara windom editor drama club advisor. attempt to go back toofan almost forgotten about, record Cupo In is an at the FAC an average 20era to 25 hours a week.stores are on the rise again. “I have had records all my life, my first records were little 45s, I still Backstage, the dressing rooms and costume have them,” said Doni Nasr, a spanish teacher. room have all been organized, cleaned and Nasr has maintained her record collection for most of her life. Little painted.did What be sagging tablesagain. she used know to collecting wouldmakeup start trending in the dressing rooms are now of flawless marble Since the second coming vinyl, record shops have been popping upsurrounded just about anywhere, the younger counters by crispand white walls. generation is taking notice. Kate Rosenbaum, a junior, record shops because, “records have a
lotAND of character to them. ISPEAK feel like it’s kind of pure music.” ACTORS ACTRESSES OUT
“The dressing rooms are beautiful, but the 30 record stores in arizona white concerns me,” said actress Lauren Boley According to Yelp, there are over 30 record stores in Arizona, some who hasofbeen a part of drama club for two years. the best rated including Stinkweeds, the Record Room and Zia With allRecord the heavy makeup that stage lightExchange, all located in Phoenix. “I like Zia Records new records a lot, but I mainly ing requires, stains are abest. realI like risk.brand Because of buy used I’m very cheap, also broke,” said Rosenbaum. the money put ones into because… the renovations, Cupo has Zia isanywhere a chain vinyl shop that sells all things banned food backstage, except for music, whether it's new or used. They even buy used CDs, tapes, records, band t-shirts, or the green room, on stage and in the auditorium. any other memorabilia from its customers. Customers can then earn Most cast and crew members are not excited cash or in-store credit towards their next purchase. about thisZia new limitation how the weeksignings and acoustic is also known toseeing hold exclusive in-store before ashows production isacts put around on theythe are constantly with big valley, one of their most recent ones being Atmosphere on September 27. at the theater. “Myafavorite storefor is Stinkweeds,” said Alex Hummel, a senior, “It’s Formerly location small productions a really place cooler people and I like the location of only, the blackcool box is with noweven considered a flex it.” stage. Stinkweeds is an independently owned record store located in “We can do anything, could have seating Phoenix. This musicwe hotspot sells tickets to concerts around the valon all four on three sides or on onetickets side, it ley. sides, This allows concert goers to buy without all of the addijust depends we want to do,” said Cupo. tional on feeswhat and upcharges websites dish out, with no worry of the selling at the door.through When they are not selling tickets, they For aconcert building thatouthas been everyhave classic new and musicals used records, CDs, tapes, and to tees for sale. They even thing from like Footloose offer the occasional free sticker or button. rowdy shows such as Peter and the Starcatchers, the Fine Arts Center has survived and thrived Vinyl has better sound but the recent rehaul haslistening only exacerbated “I typically enjoy to vinyl morethe than any other media of beauty that used to hide faded walls and music because the behind experience of listening to records is very differdusty floors. ent,” said Hummel.
OCTObER 14, 2016 ■ 7
Students read original poems at Janey’s By SARA WINDOM g style editor
4 ■ NOVEMBER 14, 2016
LaVigne, determined which was the best of the night. Once they reached an agreement, the winner was announced and won the prize of taking home half of the money raised that night. “It was a little nerve racking at first, but now I’m glad I did it, because I was just surrounded by people who like the same things,” said Kiera Riley, a junior who read two pieces. This year’s winner was Maja Pierce, a sophomore, for her piece entitled ‘Fight or Flight.’ Though most readers choose to perform their original poetry, Hart encourages those who write short stories or other literature to read as well. “It was so cool to see so many people I knew showcasing their amazing writing or musical abilities that I would have had no idea about otherwise. Sitting around with your friends with a hot drink is always fun too,” said Annie Sogaard, a sophomore who has been in attendance
for two years now. “Seeing everyone reading their work and singing little songs made it 100 percent worth it.” Besides poems being read, there were musical performances by Sara Windom, Mia Gilling and Kate Rosenbaum, all juniors. The songs, however, were not judged. This is the seventh time Literary Magazine has hosted the event, and it has always taken place at Janey’s Coffeehouse in Cave Creek. For those who missed their opportunity to perform their pieces last Monday, Literary Magazine will be hosting their first monthly event called Third Thursdays on the 17th of November. Third Thursdays will be held in the lecture hall each third Thursday of the month, where poets will be reading their work during lunchtime. “Third Thursdays gives more people the opportunity to read poetry,” said Hart. Admission is one dollar or a submission to Literary Magazine.
Taking over Janey’s Coffee House once again, Literary Magazine hosted their seventh annual latte poetry event on the night of November 7. “We try to encourage kids to submit their work,” said Lori Hart, adviser, “so if they come to this cool poetry event, and they hear people reading their poems, it’ll inspire them to submit.” And inspire them it did. Starting out with twelve entries, more and more poets began signing up on the spot, ending in a total of 18 readings. This was one of the higher turnouts Literary Magazine has seen, typically the average is approximately ten to fifteen readers. “I always think it’s a really good success because we get people to come and express what they like doing, what they’re passionate about,” said Logan Larkin, president. After each poem was read, the judges; Hart, Drama teacher Andrew Cupo, and English teacher Scott
When starting a record collection, Rosenbaum suggests gathering slowly, rather than going to one shop and buying everything in it. There does not have to be one specific genre of music featured either, “My record collection is kind of a mixture of bands that are new,” said Rosenbaum, “and then I have a lot of records that are kind of old from the 50s and 60s that my grandparents gave me.” Hummel, however takes a different route, “for first time record buyers, I would say that it’s great to buy an album that you know you love.” Or, Hummel advises for the more adventurous type, “then it’s fun to shake it up and blindly buy an album that seems interesting.” Hummel encourages newbie record consumers to collect, but they must be prepared to spend more money to buy and maintain their vinyl.
AT THE ANNUAL LATTE POETRY EVENT, BLAKE BRADSHAW, a sophomore read her original poem entitled “A Patriarchy of
Gods, of Men.”
4SArA windom
at Cactus Shadow practicing before new band instruc tion. “He’s not fami hardest to help e year we didn’t pa us, and [Brady] is Previously, Bra He transferred to with the marchin the afternoon. “We’ve been try We will be learni experience, my m Over the past ten to as little as 16. M completely, no lo or playing at foot “It’s going to b have enough peo at games again. make the march fresh perspective Arias, clarinet pla
Morning pra
Members of th mances, which m “We’re learnin games currently, nals like the sch ing in a few extra But for now, it’s a Typically, high major, leading th six instrument p instruments. “Currently, we have two flutes, saxophones, one sions. This year major,” said Brad Absent from la band will be perf “We’re plannin ball, and some ga to be playing in Christmas parad concert to perfo showcase, where Each day at 6 a disperse to the tr tion. “There’s nothin Scott LaVigne, an work in the morn Brady may hav dents are happy hard to make it a “My favorite pa their part and I together like puz said Arias. “It’s ju morning.”
december december december Spirits spook Oregano’s Sara Windom investigates rumors surrounding the pizza joint’s inhabitants By sara windom g style editor
Doors slamming, glasses falling, and unexplained voices are all part of the job for employees of Oregano’s Pizza Bistro located in Cave Creek. “Sometimes I feel like I hear my name being called,” said Bobby Murphy, a senior and Oregano’s employee. Oregano’s, a pizza chain known to remodel buildings with unique pasts, has been open in Cave Creek since 2013. According to their website, during their renovation, many strange noises were heard below in the basement. The reason for all of these claims could quite possibly be buried within the building’s past. The Black Mountain Store was the first to take the lot in which Oregano’s now stands. It was a general store, selling groceries and things alike to the, at the time, very small Cave Creek community. “It was about half the size of the building that we now see, but it was a small, little country store then,” said Evelyn Johnson, the executive director of the Cave Creek Museum. However, Johnson explained, behind the building, “there were also five tuberculosis treatment cabins.” According to Johnson, these cabins were used to treat patients, some who would never recover, who had tuberculosis. The cabins went on into the mid ‘50s, even after the Black Mountain Store saw new owners, Jeff and Corolyn Cox, who transformed the building into a hotel and restaurant called the Cave Creek Inn. “There’s a very real probability that someone passed away in those cabins when they were used for [treating tuberculosis],” said Johnson. Johnson explained there was even one permanent resident at the time. “You could suggest that it was a rough-and-tumble area, if anyone was shot
or anything during our very early years, it could have happened there,” said Johnson. There are many possible explanations behind the reported hauntings, but it seems no one knows for sure who it could be. “I can’t imagine who would have had that close of relationship and it meant that much to them, because no one’s been there or owned the property for a very long time that they would have attached themselves to a building,” said Johnson. Though the case has not been cracked, Tara Welsh, a senior and Oregano’s employee, has grown quite used to the hauntings. “I’ve seen things fall from shelves and go missing,” said Welsh. “I just laugh and continue to work since this is an everyday thing.” Former employee Rees Bixler once witnessed his own encounter. “One time I was in the walk in where supplies are stored, and I heard soft knocking on the door. I looked out and there was nobody there and then it happened again. I looked outside of the walk in again and felt a cold wind, colder than it was inside the fridge.” Murphy, an employee of almost two years, has his fair share of ghost stories too. “There was once a little girl who asked why there was a lady sitting by herself outside. She drew a picture and it looked like the original owner of the building,” said Murphy. “Also, a lot of people say that they sometimes see an early 20th century woman sitting outside when no one is there.” It was hard to believe the rumors at first, Murphy said, because he is a skeptic. Prior to working at the pizza joint, like Murphy, Welsh said she did not believe in ghosts either. However, it seems Oregano’s, and the encounters witnessed there have made those self-proclaimed skeptics into believers.
Jamming the trunkofinto a new space Season giving Foothills Food Bank encourages By sara windom style editor donations to Adopt a Family program
EdgE modE
By Kiera rile
With Christmas lights dangling from the walls, balThe dreade loons covering the floor, and ribbons draping from the cal teen mo ceiling, the Trunk Space held their first Semi-Social A local charity, the Foothills Food Bank, has been providing assisconsist of o event inside their new permanent home at the Grace tance to families in need for many years. Their mission is “to assist ches and 3 Lutheran Church. the hungry and in need in the Foothills area.” This year, they are parading a Thea Trunk showcases giving out food and organizing an Adopt FamilySpace program to help the local art and music year olds. scene of Phoenix, and after closing down for a period struggling families during the holiday season. tions so far over summer, itaismonth,” up and running once again. “We give food to over five hundred families saidhouse Making a gingerbread from scratch so exhauste Upon entering, a few things Foothills Food Bank employee Linda Oughterson, a Foothills Food stood out: a giant cross, Sara Windom reviews fast food grilled cheese to find a mo prayers carvedstaffinto By zoie lamBesis writer wood, and an oversized American Bank employee. Grilled cheese, a favorite amonG picky eaters “We get around 1,100 people to getflag. to these da Approaching everything with an open mind proved gifts for, so we love when peoGinGerbread House inGredients and human vacuums alike. After years of trying to find the perfect grilled of age film to be difficult, as these subtle accessories just reminded ple help out.” 1 stick of butter at room temperature cheese at the right price, the case may have been solved. the miscon me ofBank where I was. Would God approve of my moshing? matches up clients First, to seek out the perfect— or in this case, the most digestible-- Founded in 1988, the Foothills Food ½ cup dark brown sugar hard to co Looking prom night in a high school gymnasium Adopt like a Family program. sandwich, I compiled a group of four friends, or judges I might say, towith volunteers in December for their ¼ cup dark corn syrup that’s why straight the ‘80s, even the slightest thing, such as Participants are given a family to buy gifts out for. of Donors then have help me make the final decision. 1 tablespoon cinnamon IN N OUT the choice of either delivering thegetting wrapped the foodpassing through balloons. Seventeen to presents the stagetorequired 1 teaspoon baking soda We started our search at the dearly beloved In-N-Out Burger who,bank yes, or to the family directly. tant for thi I loved it. Avoiding this trail conveniently winded you 2 cups all-purpose flour sells grilled cheese. Probably geared more towards vegetarian customers, “I have done Adopt a Family every yearatfor long as I can It’s compar up right theasmerchandise booths for all of the bands. IN-N-OUT 2 tablespoons water In-N-Out offers an option which includes everything you would find on a remember. It is one of my favorite things to do during the holiday Breakfast C Here, I scored free buttons and stickers, but T-shirts, $2 regular burger, just without the meat, or you can get just cheese and bread. season because I love the positive impact it has on others,” said Candles, an cassette tapes and EPs were available for purchase. We decided to go plain, as this seemed more fair to the other restaurants on Mix together the butter, brown sugar, dark corn syrup, cinnamon and baking soda senior, Meaghan Geiger. our list. Once the bands were set up, music started playing Gradually add in the 2 cups of flour, pouring a little at a time into the mixing bowl. sics may When our number was called and we received our sandwich, we realized Foothills will also be giving out food this holiday season, started such as closing up. It was like an fetched, but andcool gaps in the Let in fridge for crowd 30 min it was just cheese melted onto a hamburger bun. I did not mind this much, turkeys and hams for holiday dinners. Families in need goJools to theHolland, four bands lined episode ofcut Later… With Roll out and the shapes of your choice, and cook in oven on 375 degrees for be closer to but the others seemed to. food bank to get assistance. 15 until doughsides is firm.of the room and would switch off Nadine, upminutes against three “It’s kind of bland, they obviously put no effort into this, it’s just cheese There are a variety of ways for students to get involved. Hailee Ste every few songs. on a bun,” said James Hoag, a senior and grilled cheese expert. Oughterson suggested that interested students stop by the icinG inGredients This grilled cheese was not very crispy, but the American cheese junior in “For each round, all bands set up at the same time Foothills Food Bank and sign up there, or go online and sign up was gooey, and the inside of the bun had a nice crunch to it. It 3and cupswe powdered struggling go in asugar circle. No openers, no closers, non-stop through the volunteer coordinator. 2 egg whites was a bit on the bland side, but for only two dollars, it was worth self esteem music,” according to thetrunkspace.com. it. This scored a 3 out of 5 overall. “Volunteering at the food bank makes me feel really good, know¼ teaspoon cream of tartar combatting There were two rounds; the first being a more laid SONIC ing I am helping out someone who a isfew less fortunate then I am,” said drops of anyfeaturing food color sarcasm an back style, local bands Herbert Walker, Our next stop was Sonic, a drive-through restaurant known Leah Witzig, a junior. “It really puts into perspective how lucky I am for its greasy fast food. This seemed like just the place to get a best friend K Willetta, Nick Perkins and Kolezanka. and how I don’t have to worry about where my next meal comes CutHebert a little piece off of akicked corner ofoff a ziplock bag and place the icingjazz into the bag toby Haley Lu crispy, bad-for-you, grilled cheese everybody just needs once in awhile. Walker the show with groovy from like many other people in themake world.” decorating easier. After we placed our order in the parking lot, we were thoroughly disaphas been a tunesdecorate that reminiscent of Julian Casablancas’ aboutwere 10 percent Lastly,of the house withaayear. variety of candies and sprinkles. There is no such pointed. The grilled cheese came out so fast that there was no way theyThe food bank has seen an increase SONIC ride as Na early career. After thing assolo too much at this step.two songs, it switched to Willetta. made it fresh. It looked like a day old school lunch sandwich, already kind “Weof are also seeing more $1 people that are either living in their car est (and o When it was time to switch to the final act in Round 1, dented and mangled. The cheese was melty, and the bread crispy, but orinside out in the desert.” were some unidentified crumbs. Two out of the four could not even finish The major c closing my to eyes, I thought I was hearing the To sign up for an Adopt a Family,Kolezanka, or to find out how else help, their portion. when Na clever lyrics and beautiful voice of Annie Clark. They please go to www.foothillsfoodbank.com. “It’s really gross, I probably wouldn’t eat it again,” said Zachary Wolin, a Krista in b were most definitely my favorite. junior. brother, Da In the center of the floor, a large, homemade wres“It’s still satisfying though,” Hoag added. by Blake Jen tling ring sat, packing the crowd tightly, but was moved This one got a whopping 0.5 out of 5, but was only a dollar. FIVE GUYS Krista re later. For some reason, though, in the second set peoOur stop wasBennett my all time favorite fast food grilled cheese shop, g staff writer, additional reporting by Faith hasher Nadine, try in of wrestling gear announced a new band Bylast elizaBeth budget each year. They are ple alsoadorned in charge hiring the Five Guys. They do use a bun as bread, but they flatten it out so it gets the serve both each time they played. I am still unsure of the purpose Superintendent. perfect amount of crispiness. Then, layers of American cheese are melted In November, Creek elected threefive new For the past seven years,behind the IB program has so hosted ship with it, and why many of them went overboard in between. However, Cave this is the most residents expensive, selling at a whole dolForum, where thea candinow roman to the point where band even cut them off and just lars. school board members: Janet Busbee, Kathryn Hill, and a Governing Board Candidate James Rich. Busbee is a returning member, and Hill and dates are asked a series of questions. Community mem“I just don’t like that it costs five bucks, it’s literally bread and cheese, that ship with D started playing. probably like thirty cents,” Richcosts are them serving for the firstHoag time.said. bers are invited so that they have the opportunity to hear ultimately As soon as the first band, Sonoran Chorus, was This one scored a 3 out School of 5, but this mostly had do with price FIVEeach GUYScandidate has to announced, Thealso Cave Creek District hasto a five-memwhat say. The ideaitiswas thatobvious this willwhoever was running sound the count point. ber board with staggered terms, which means that not help voters $5 make educated cranked decisionsitwhen they choose stubbornne up. The crowd seemed to love this, and after All in all, In-N-Out and Five Guys seemed to tie for best. This was mainly all five spots are up for election at the same time. This who to vote for. This year’s aforum was help on were October lowing we mellow set, they clearly ready to let their hair due to price. In-N-Out had a cheap grilled cheese that tasted rushed, while there werebut three spots available. Four 18 in the Lecture Hall. All four candidates Five year Guys’ was yummy, a bit overpriced. Just do not go tocandidates Sonic. struggles down. A mosh running pit brokeparout immediately. The friend I ran. The only candidate who was not elected was Susan ticipated. ness over th was with finally reappeared to me after being swept up Clancy. Clancy served as a governing board member pre“I was the moderator for the debate and I basically read best friend in the crowd for a few minutes. viously. out the questions that the IB class created,” said Nicole ness over “At one point there were two bodies that I was inbe“Our district has three members that are on a two year Nabbaty, a senior. ble crush, a tween and I was just kind of suspended in the air,” he cycle, and two members that are on the other two year The moderator asked the questions and the candidates eral awkwa then shouted to me over the music. cycle, so that you are never electing roughly more than had a certain amount of time to answer. Student timers comes with Once the pit broke out, it did not stop, not even when half,” said Steve Bebee, principal. held up cards to let them know when their time was up. high school bands changed over. Playboy Manbaby, The Expos, and Most students do not pay attention to who is running The experience allowed the students who participated With littl The Mad Doctors kept the crowd engaged the entire for Governing Board, but these elected officials have a lot the opportunity to get a better understanding of the role her distres time, blaring punk music from wall to wall. of control over education. According to the district web- of the governing board. played by Ky This went know on until site, “a school district operates much like a small busi“Before attending the forum, I didn’t howaround our 11, and when the crowd Nadine turn started thinning out, front ness. Just as the Superintendent is similar to a CEO, school was organized, and how decisions originate,” said row was easier to access. tory teach However, since the bands were playing on the floor, I Governing Board Members are elected officials with spe- Jamie Guido, a senior. by Woody accidentally tackled cific roles and responsibility.” This year’s forum was notalmost well attended and the stu- The Expos mid-set. lead singeR of tHe band, The combin Even with few bumps Our governing board members set policy, approve dents discussed adding more publicity for afuture forums. here and there, this venue Willetta,is preforming during their set “counseling allows for more people to attend without it feeling educational programs, choose which textbooks the Governing board meetings are held on the 2nd and at Trunk Space. sense of h cramped, and with cutesy decorations that gave off vinschool can use, oversee the hiring and firing of teach- 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at 33106 N. 60th 4personnel, sara windom The gingerBread house in its final form. coaches Na tage the new space is better than ever before. EAT ers UP, and Zachary Wolin, a junior, and set James Hoag, a senior, try In N Outthe grilled cheese the first time. other salaries, and approve Street.forThe meetings are open to vibes, the public. By hallie wooldridge g staff writer
Say Cheese
candyland g
School board memberS elected
4 Sara windom
4 zoie lambeSiS
DECEmbER 16, 2016 ■ 19
DECEmbER 16, 2016 ■ 15
What is the healthiest Halloween candy?
As hAlloween gRows neAReR students like to bring candy with them to lunch.
Say Cheese 4sara windom
Sara Windom reviews fast food grilled cheese
By zoie la
Grilled cheese, a favorite amonG picky eaters
and human vacuums alike. After years of trying to find the perfect grilled Style cheese at the right price, the case may have been solved. First, to seek out the perfect— or in this case, the most digestible-sandwich, I compiled a group of four friends, or judges I might say, to DecoRaTe wITh use GLITTeR use PINs help me make the final decision. FuZZ Sprinkle glitter on a Buy pins, or dig lanyard covered in IN N OUT out the ones you For a lanyard with glue stick, and let already have out of both comfort and We started our search at the dearly beloved In-N-Out Burger who, yes, dry. Gather any the dusty drawer style, place a drop of flower, heart or they have been hot glue on each sells grilled cheese. Probably geared more towards vegetarian customers, star beads and sitting in. Pin ball, then place on hot glue in IN-N-OUT wherever you the lanyard in any In-N-Out offers an option which includes everything you would find on a any order. desire. order. Let dry. $2 regular burger, just without the meat, or you can get just cheese and bread. our first class and the security We decided to go plain, as this seemed more fair to the other restaurants on student without identification our list. because it is ugly and you have SPOTLIGHT one is safe from the wrath of When our number was called and we received our sandwich, we realized It’s Halloween night, and the loot has been it was just cheese melted onto a hamburger bun. I did not mind this much, or risk and adrenaline, dare notThe healthiest candy of the bunch is gathered. Battle of the Bands ould end up with adifferent lunch detenthan one would think. but the others seemed to. g these three easy ways to cus“It’s kind of bland, they obviously put no effort into this, it’s just cheese nd out of the dean’s office. Performing at alice grace haycraFt-mckee WoLivia stickeL cooPer’s Proof is in Every year, local singers and bands U sara windom U on aparticipate bun,” said James Hoag,comPetia senior and grilled cheese expert. the Pudding in Alice Cooper’s Proof is in the Pudding comtion, Alexis Brown, a junior, 100 students surveyed on October 4. gives the crowdnot a solo concert. petition. During the next several weeks, a cou- cheese This grilled was very crispy, but the American cheese 4 Lauren haggar pleW of bands from Cactus Shadows will be pre1 being the healthiest. was gooey, and the inside of the bun had a nice crunch to it. It forming,. The competition is over nine weeks starting September 27th, and endwas on the bland side, but for only two dollars, it was worth ing November 18th. Each week there is a different themea thatbit the participants have to perform, such as a cover, Christmas song, and an original. ut from the crowd. it. This scored a 3 out of 5 overall. Some famous singers have won this competition before, such as 4sara windom Jordan Sparks and Destinee Quinn. The prizes are not only money and scholarships, but also chances SONIC SPOTLIGHT to perform in local festivals and opportunities to practice with famous musicians. Our next stop was Sonic, a drive-through restaurant known With the school’s various rules and regulations, students are learning how to Sara Windom, a junior, is the singer and guitarist in the band Sunlaand. ssors. This is the first time Sunland will be performing in the Battle of the for its greasy fast food. This seemed like just the place to get a By Keely doran staff writer While some irreplaceable holds a title of one of the most Bands, but not Windom’s first time. “Last year, I participated as a soloist and thought I did really good, but relics of the old Buffalo Chip authentic dance halls and grilled cheese everybody just needs once in awhile. I didn’t make it past the first round. The other crispy, two years I didbad-for-you, it, I made your eyes are while it to the semi-finals. So, I feel pretty confident, but I have not seen the Originally a feed will be missed like the arm- saloons in the country. other bands,” said Windom. After we placed our order in the parking lot, we were thoroughly disapfor your eyes. There is a variety of genres that come out to play, not just rock and roll. and bait shop on the way to wrestling machine andBytradi“I miss being able to go “Sunlaand is kind of punk, but not really scary. I’d say skate-punkish,” sara windom pointed. The grilled cheese came out so fast that there was no way they By Hallie Wooldridge staff writer Another way to wear crop tops without violating the said Windom. SONIC By Kiera riley her problems. Nadine Bartlett and Horseshoe Lakes tional red and white checkevery Friday night and watch Junior, Katelyn Reinhart’s band, Homestretch, is more in the country dress code is to wear them with high rise pants so your made it fresh. It looked like a day old school lunch sandwich, already kind of t around your body, With Christmas lights dangling from the walls, balgenre, but trying to get more into rock. also finds refuge with a $1 built in 1951, theWith Buffalo Chip ered getting tablecloths, new bull riding and two-stepping the dress code violations more intense, it decor stomach will be covered. “We have been talking about getting together for about a year, but and tape. The dreaded stereotypiloons covering the floor, and ribbons draping from the sweet, but equally awknothing really ever worked out. We ended up dented having our firstand practicemangled. The cheese was melty, and the bread crispy, but inside is important dress inhas a fashionable that sticks “I bought a ton ofdance crop tops over the summer and cal teen movie tends to the Trunk Space held their first Semi-Social ward new friend, Erwin, Saloon has come a long to way, been way donated andceiling, dison the floor” said senior the same day as the audition,” said Reinhart. to the rules. I didn’t think that I could wear them to school until I were some unidentified crumbs. Two out of the four could not even finish Since there a large number of bands comingby outHayden to perform,Szeto. there consist ofareoverdone clievent inside their new permanent home at the Grace played ad. boasting a large and loyala cuscovered. photographs Katie who is enthuis a lot of anticipation. “Having dress code promotes Signed and enhances a Lutheran realizedChurch. I could wearPusateri, them with high waisted shorts or ches and 30 year olds Thewill be turbulent situ“Everyone that is there is really good, so it their really cool to see portion. positive atmosphere on increases and my entire stomach would be covered,” senior tomer base. ofcampus, athletes, Civilstudent War erajeans peg siastic aboutthe the restaurants parading around aswe16 The Trunk Space showcases local art and music ations her how everyone ends up. I hope do really good,” saidinvolving Reinhart. AUTUMN PLAYLIST Many of these students and people playing in this competition have gross, I probably wouldn’t eat it again,” achievement, and decreases peer conflict and certain scene ClaireofMusson said. year olds. With situaPhoenix, and after closing down for a period brother, her best friend, “It’s really said Zachary Wolin, a “If I could live and breathe legs and other priceless arti- full recovery. a special love for music. Jacob Bombaci, a history teacher, who is a conbehavioral tendencies,” Aaron Pettinato, dean of stu- overOff the shoulder tops are also against dress code but tions far fetched and thisher summer, it is up and running once again. and her tract bassso guitarist, and also shares love formother, music, is able to relate junior. at Buffalo Chip, dents, I would.” facts have taken up residence withstood theout:difficulty said. said toso theexhausted, student musicians. it is hard crush all snowball into Upon entering,Even a few things a giant cross,of have to practice a lot, and play music because you love it, not just to“You find a movie to relate a relatable, still into wood, and an oversized American thoughtOneCarr, policywho in the dress code is that no stomachs prayers carved satisfying though,” Hoag added. sophomore Nicole inside. operating only on a patio with to be on stage or to have something to do. Music has“It’s to be a part of who to are, these Approaching everything with an open mind ful, wella lot done teen are allowed to be visible, so some students choose to flag.“I you if youdays. want to beComing good at it. You haveand to devote of time to love aoff the shoulder butproved one has been a regular at Buffalo Not only do people leave mobile kitchen,tops, Buffalo Chip This one got a whopping 0.5 out of 5, but was only a dollar. practice,” Bombaci. of agesaidfilms that skip movie. One of the thing wear tank tops underneath attire that would otherwise to be difficult, as these subtle accessories just reminded day I almost got dress coded for the misconception are that really stood out is me of where I has was. Would God approve of mywill moshing? Chip for several years. pictures and paintings, but flourished and conexpose them. FIVE GUYS hard to come by and that the story line avoids Looking like prom night in a high school gymnasium A bull RideR wearing one, so now I wear a tank top “I like to wear a tank top under shirts that are a Last year, a devastating fire they also leave their shoes. tinue to host live music from that’s why The Edge of making Our out of the ‘80s, even the slightest thing, such as her brother last and stop was my all time favorite fast food grilled cheese shop, little too short so that my stomach is covered and straight wAits his tuRn at underneath so it covers some of my Seventeen is so impor- her best friend into vilto the local stage required passing through balloons. burned through years ofhave hard Nailed alongdress a support beam bands, bull riding and I don’t to worry about getting coded,” getting They do use a bun as bread, but they flatten it out so it gets the a tant localforrodeo hosted bylainsFive this generation. loved it. Avoiding thisI don’t trail conveniently winded as soGuys. many teen shoulder and get dress coded.” senior Katina Mclaughlin said. work on Thanksgiving mornare various pairs of Iboots, dancing because it is hardyouto Buffalo Chip. to The movies It’s comparison up right at the merchandise booths for all of the bands. often do.amount of crispiness. Then, layers of American cheese are melted perfect Another rule is that strapless tops or camis Claire Musson, abut senior. ing, destroying the main res- some autographed andHere, otha good down. Breakfast Club, Sixteen I scoredkeep free buttons andchip stickers, T-shirts, It’s refreshing as it are not allowed, so to cover up some students in between. However, this is the most expensive, selling at a whole five dol4Candles, keeLy doran and other clas- attacks cassette tapes and EPs were available for purchase. the teenage taurant and severely impactwear flannels. ers left anonymously. This is sics may seem far- experience in a new, Once the bands were set up, music started playing lars. “I love to wear flannels Chip over tank tops andthat ing business. a Buffalo tradition fetched, but it could not modern way. Nadine’s gaps in the crowd started closing up. It was like an because they can be a cute addition to an episode students can still wear them as long as there a shirt be closer to the truth. of Later… With Jools Holland, four bandsis lined story may some- like that it costs five bucks, it’s literally bread and cheese, that “I not justbedon’t “It took about six months dates back to the beginning outfit while still helping you stay in dress uponagainst underneath. Nadine, played by thing that happens to three sides of the room and would switch off costs them like thirty cents,” Hoag said. to get all the permits code,” for Mclaughlin in 1951,said. when cowboys every would “I few lovesongs. off the shoulder tops, but one day I almost Hailee Steinfeld, is a everyprobably young person, Leggings are also not allowed, but got dress coded for wearing one, so now I wear a tank junior in high school but the This each round, all bands set up at the same time way she everything, and then it took come to drink. Instead of “For payonefeels also scored a 3 out of 5, but this mostly had to do with price FIVE GUYS some students have developed a way to and topwe underneath so itNo covers some my shoulder and I struggling with major through the movie and go in a circle. openers, noof closers, non-stop another four months to actuing their bar tab, they music,” would point. of dealing get around it. don’t get dresscoded,” Musson said. self esteem issues and her methods according to thetrunkspace.com. $5 combatting it with major with it hit home. There were are twonot rounds; the to first beinga alarge moremajority laid ally build it.” said owner Larry ride off, sowith ina order to make “I usually wear them shirt that Students allowed expose All in all, In-N-Out and Five Guys seemed to tie for best.UThis was mainly sarcasm and satire. Her back style, featuring local bands Herbert Walker, “I feel like it’s just goes down pastthey my butt so I paid, don’t get of their backs. Wendt about reconstruction. sure were bartendbest friend Krista, played showing Willetta, Perkins Kolezanka. this girl’sIn-N-Out had a cheap grilled cheese that tasted rushed, while duewhat to price. dress coded,” Mclaughlin said. “Put aNick jacket over and anything with a open back,” senior During that time, Wendt ers itstarted insisting if Rudister by Haley Lu Richardson, life is like and this is Hebert Walker kicked Sometimes can be hard to tell if a that Sharon said. off the show with groovy jazz Five Guys’ has been along for the something were reminiscent Julian Casablancas’ you was can yummy, but a bit overpriced. Just do not go to Sonic. shirt is a dress code violation. One rec- tunes If athat code is violated, thereofare consequences, espe-
ect ard
By Emma RussEllog
staff writer
Sara windom
Can’t keep a good chip down
dress for dresscode
Jamming the trunk into a new space g
EdgE of SEvEntEEn : a modErn tEEn rEality
style editor
opinion editor
The Paper kites
Sweetheart, What Have You Done To Us
keaton Henson
Blue Bucket of Gold
Alex Turner
Rogue valley
Autumn Tree Blood Bank
½ cup dar
¼ cup dar
1 tablespo
1 teaspoo
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2 tablespo
Mix togeth Gradually
Let cool i
Roll out a 15 minute
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3 cups po
2 egg whi
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Cut a little make dec
Lastly, dec thing as to
Sufjan Stevens
The Wolves and the Ravens
1 stick of
It’s hard to get around the wind
I Remember it Now
fossil collective
The lumineers Milo Greene Bon Iver
mia gilling,
14 ■ OctOber 14, 2016
purchased a 53 foot trailer you had to go grab money ride as Nadine’s clossolo career. After two songs, it switched to Willetta. ommendation is bringing a cover up in early is a reoccurring offense. to serve as a makeshift from your saddlebag, youcially hadifititwas est (and only) friend. When time switch the final in Round 1, your backpack just in case. “If a student hastothree orto more dressact code violations, The major conflict starts Kolezanka, closing my eyes, I thought I was hearing the kitchen, but once construcleave yourorshoes them “I always to have a cardigan a jacketwith in a lunch detention will be assigned. If the problem perwhen Nadine finds clever lyrics and beautiful voice of Annie Clark. They mybe backpack I have something in my sists, then the consequences could be escalated to tion is finished, there will as so insurance. Krista in bed with her were most definitely my favorite. backpack to cover up with just in case,” Saturday school detention,” Pettinato said. brother, Darian, played In the a brand new kitchen with an When it first started out, it center of the floor, a large, homemade wressenior Meaghan Geiger said. by Blake Jenner. tling ring sat, packing the crowd tightly, but was moved expanded menu. was only 800 square feet on Krista reaches out to later. For some reason, though, inOCTObER the second14, set2016 peo- ■ 19 Nadine, trying to preadorned in wrestling gear announced a new band “We’re going to be adding about two-thirds of anpleacre. serve both her friendeach time they played. I am still unsure of the purpose Results of a poll of 100 Cactus Shadows students more fun, exciting food, like As of today, it is over 6000 ship with her and her Haley lu RicHaRdbehind it, and why so many of them went overboard the buffAlo a bull rider tries to stayrelationon the bull bar tavern food but upscale,” square feet, encompassson for plays Nadine’s best now romantic to the pointAt where a band even cut themchip off and just friend, Krista, in the edge ship with Darian, but it started playing. as long as he can. UFaith hasher Wkatie ButLer 4 keeLy doran said Wendt. ing roughly five acres. It also of 17. 4 david siegel THE CACTUS SHADOWS PRESS
lead singeR of tHe band, Willetta,is preforming during their set at Trunk Space.
As soon as the first band, Sonoran Chorus, was announced, it was obvious whoever was running sound cranked it up. The crowd seemed to love this, and after a mellow set, they were clearly ready to let their hair down. A mosh pit broke out immediately. The friend I was with finally reappeared to me after being swept up in the crowd for a few minutes. “At one point there were two bodies that I was inbetween and I was just kind of suspended in the air,” he then shouted to me over the music. Once the pit broke out, it did not stop, not even when bands changed over. Playboy Manbaby, The Expos, and The Mad Doctors kept the crowd engaged the entire time, blaring punk music from wall to wall. This went on until around 11, and when the crowd started thinning out, front row was easier to access. However, since the bands were playing on the floor, I almost accidentally tackled The Expos mid-set. Even with a few bumps here and there, this venue allows for more people to attend without it feeling cramped, and with cutesy decorations that gave off vintage vibes, the new space is better than ever before.
ultimately implodes on the count of Nadine’s stubbornness. In the following weeks, Nadine struggles with loneliness over the loss of her best friend, hopelessness over an impossible crush, and the general awkwardness that comes with existing in high school. With little help from her distressed mother, played by Kyra Sedgwick, Nadine turns to her history teacher, played by Woody Harrelson. The combination of his “counseling” and dry sense of humor subtly coaches Nadine through
relate to. Everyone takes something a little bit different from it,” said Haley Lu Richardson, an actress. The themes of insecurity, high school crushes, and awkward situations make it an unapologetic and realistic movie. It strays away from cliches. It’s the teen movie this generation deserves. With a 94% freshness rate on rotten tomatoes and positive reviews from the majorZachary ity of critics, this movie is a hit.
OCTObER 14, 2016 ■ 17
Wolin, a junior, and James Hoag, a senior, try In N Out grilled cheese for the first time.
DECEmbER 16, 2016 ■ 11
4 Sara windom
The gingerB
4 zoie lam
n the blue gym, is packed of this, it tends to get very
earing jeans because they nd I just wanted to rip them de the gym, so I would recorts,” Tara Prager, a junior,
DuDs from DecaDes past
plies to boys, but some are ar shorts. ans, so I would just wear a t show sweat stains,” Tyler By KIERA RILEY g opinion editor id. many students in a comclosed-toed shoes would Whether it be a catastrophic eet stepped on. world war, or a killer pair of bell bottom jeans, Adidas sneakers this year, 1. Cover the bottom part of your nose in black smear a lines upwards on each history has a eyeliner funnyand way of repeating itself. ry comfortable and closedside of your nose. Connect to eyebrows. nyone shouldTrends wear sandals, from decades past take their place in et your feet stepped on fashion, and modern heavily influencing the way badly from all of the danc-
into the genius of many designers. Trends from the ‘50s include fur coats, circle skirts, pastel colors, polka dots, and the infamous Danny Zuko-esque greaser Apply white eyeshadow eyelids and look. Women’s fashion in3.the ‘50s aimed to beonmore modest, 2. Thickly cover cheekbones with brown underneath eyes. eyeshadow. but it was one of the first decades where fashion really took off and more people began to express themselves through their clothing. people dress themselves today. The ‘60s brought forth a whole new level of fashWhat goes ion, gracing the world with trends such as the mini ds and administration will around comes around, and fashion isfor nostuexception. Stylists draw inspiraskirt, psychedelic patterns, fishnets, skinny pants, ance, and looking hey should not be. from past designers regularly and tion and much more. This was the first decade where ly looking formake is that you are that were widely popupieces women began wearing pants. ing to be as strict as we are lar decades ago just as exciting once Borrowing from the boys was big, men’s suits ely again. This recycling of old trends has were taken on by women and the rise of the g,” been taken on by worldwide fashion power suit began. Men also began to break fashukingpins such as Prada, Yves Saint ion norms and going toward a more rebellious r’s Laurent, and Marc Jacobs. look with military style, skinny pants, and boots. “I feel like people draw influence There was also the rise of hippie style, giving from multiple decades. And I think way to different textures and fabrics. you’re seeing people’s fashion from “Velvet is beautiful, silk and suede as well. “The avocado is a tree that is south central Mexico all different eras, likeliquid everything Fabrics number one thingwhite you should 4. Apply eyeliner on eyelid from to 5. Make a U-shapednative line to underneath your are the 6. Place five finger tip sized dots in a and it isthe classified as a memberto make a cat-eye look. eye with eyeliner. Curve end upwards line. from the sixties to the seventies pay attention to when you’re dressing,” said Riley the flowering family meet with the eyeliner,ofbut do not plant connect. 4megan walker called Lauracea.Debellis, Avocados are a junior. and the eighties, especially, and interesting because they are cool maybe now it’s the nineties,” said The ‘70s introduced a wave of different and and also smooth. I have a brother in fifth gradeunique and that relates to Jacob Bombaci, a history teacher. styles. Hippy, disco, punk, and bohemian all avocados because he looks like Revival of decade fashion has been grew and sometimes intermingled with each other to an avocado. I have a mission to save avocados because there going on for, well, decades. In 2016, create a truly eclectic style. Earth tones, bright prints is an avocado oppression. I am going to fight until avocadossuede, fringe, high waisted pants, and bell ‘90s fashion in particular is on the and patterns, are apart of the human kind, radar. The current trends, such as chokbottoms jeans avocados are people too.” were some of the few iconic trends of the The UniTed STaTeS doeS noT legally reqUire animal ers, DoctorWhile Martens boots, flannel, denim decade. Chase dodson, a freshman testing on cosmetic products, some cosmetic companies still use animals to experijackets, crop tops and scrunchies take ‘80s and ‘90s fashion build off each other. Animal ment with makeup before it is released to the general public. These companies test center stage, but it is not their first time in print, crop tops, power suits, scrunchies, floral dresses, on animals to ensure the safety of their product if it contains an ingredient that has the spotlight. platform shoes, mom jeans, and overalls are all making not been tested already. logan larkin to humanesociety.org, skin and eye irritation tests are given to rabbits “I definitelyAccording know that things like chokers a comeback in42016 and 2017. ‘90s fashion in particuand chemicals are rubbed into their eyes and jean jackets or denim have come back, asto see the reaction. Also, there is something lar has made the biggest impact on the typical dress called a “lethal dose test” in which the animals are given large amounts of an ingrediwell as chunky shoes and overalls. I’m thinkof young people. ent to see how much of it they can take before they die. y ing that layering might comeother back along withtests that are done on these animals. A The There are also many kinds of lethal lot newest trends are also beginning to transition d. “High School into is great because 2000s style as well. Such as jean on jean plaid skirts and turtlenecks get bigger,” of people do not agree might with testing on animals, and only use cosmetic supplies thatearly it’s awesome. I’ve been a MAYBELLINE they do not. said Julia state Smutny, a junior. bucket hats. freshman for aand semester, I like russello it, because people can drive Uemma‘90s Just because fashion is all the rage right you. You can be like, ‘Eh can decked out in ‘90s gear, Aless now does not mean it’s the only decade impactI get a ride?’ and people are always like, ‘yeah.’ There’s a lot Zamora, a junior, wears a windbreaker and mom ing fashion. Clothes and accessories rangof weird freshman here.jeans I always staple items in past decades. Wsara windom ing back to the ‘50s have woven their way hug everyone, I like it because
caged by cosmetics
zoie it’s my thing. I like hugging. I lambesis hug everybody, all the time. Except if you start the hug and I don’t want the hug, but if i start the hug, that’s cool.”
Cole ChadwiCk, a freshman
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4 logan larkin As the holiday season rolls around, so does the question, what one should give their significant other. “I always try not to spend more than fifty or a hundred, if it’s thoughtful, the price doesn’t really matter,” said Josie Brzenk, a senior. “I try to get my work done on
Thoughtful gifts that do not break the bank are surprisingly easy time to come and try to by. make For sure nohim, a sweater of his favorite sports team, or a basket of his favorite candies and one pushesismeeasy, over theaccessible edge because Ithat do have appreciated. Other, slightly more expensive gifts could be video games hea short has had his eye temper. It’s been hard to manage on for a while.
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my temper in my fourth block,
because there arethis a lot ofis a Something funny to give is the Man Crate. While requiring a bit more money, guys in it. I am excited personalized wooden crate with combinations like pizza grillingannoying equipment. to see my family from New York
and Colorado during “I usually make a budget with my girlfriend, but I definitely went overboard lastwinter year,” said break.” Austin Cordero, a senior. valerie higginboth, a
There are timeless gifts for her, which include things like earrings, a freshman necklace or perfume. Some shops like Urban Outfitters offer stocking stuffers, which are affordable, small gifts like a binge watch survival kit or fragrant candles. Useful, stylish gifts can be wallets, a cross-body bag or even a new phone case. a junior, keeps locks short.
To make a personal gift, you can hand paint a coffee mug or give her string 4 logan lights with clips on them. Print out nice photos of the two of you and cliplarkin them on, then hang them in her room.
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Ukeely doran
Wsara windom
Wsara windom
DECEmbER 16, 2016 ■ 9
project lanyard
use PINs Buy pins, or dig out the ones you already have out of the dusty drawer they have been sitting in. Pin wherever you desire.
DecoRaTe wITh FuZZ
For a lanyard with both comfort and style, place a drop of hot glue on each ball, then place on the lanyard in any order.
By Emma RussEllo g staff writer
Sprinkle glitter on a lanyard covered in glue stick, and let dry. Gather any flower, heart or star beads and hot glue in any order. Let dry.
It’s 7:20 a.m., you are on your way to your first class and the security guards are out for blood, hunting any student without identification down. You refuse to wear your lanyard because it is ugly and you have never gotten in trouble before, but no one is safe from the wrath of Jackie and Jill. Every day, students with a craving for risk and adrenaline, dare not wear their lanyards on campus, and could end up with a lunch detention, but there is another way. Utilizing these three easy ways to customize any I.D. will keep you in style and out of the dean’s office.
Usara windom
custom costumes
help students stand out from the crowd. GhosT
4sara windom
With the school’s various rules and regulations, students are learning how to
dress for dresscode
Materials: white sheet, marker and scissors. 1. Put white sheet over your head. 2. With the marker, mark holes where your eyes are while wearing the sheet. 3. Take off fabric and cut out the holes for your eyes.
JeLLy BeaN BaG
By Hallie Wooldridge g staff writer
Materials: clear bag large enough to fit around your body, multicolored balloons, jelly bean logo, and tape.
With the dress code violations getting more intense, it is important to dress in a fashionable way that sticks to the rules. “Having a dress code promotes and enhances a positive atmosphere on campus, increases student achievement, and decreases peer conflict and certain behavioral tendencies,” Aaron Pettinato, dean of students, said. One policy in the dress code is that no stomachs are allowed to be visible, so some students choose to wear tank tops underneath attire that would otherwise expose them. “I like to wear a tank top under shirts that are a little too short so that my stomach is covered and I don’t have to worry about getting dress coded,” senior Katina Mclaughlin said. Another rule is that strapless tops or camis are not allowed, so to cover up some students wear flannels. “I love to wear flannels over tank tops because they can be a cute addition to an outfit while still helping you stay in dress code,” Mclaughlin said. Leggings are also not allowed, but some students have developed a way to get around it. “I usually wear them with a shirt that goes down past my butt so I don’t get dress coded,” Mclaughlin said. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a shirt is a dress code violation. One recommendation is bringing a cover up in your backpack just in case. “I always have a cardigan or a jacket in my backpack so I have something in my backpack to cover up with just in case,” senior Meaghan Geiger said.
1. Put clear bag around body. 2. Cut out holes for your arms and head. 3. Close off bag with tape. 4. Fill bag with colored balloons 5. Tape logo on the front of the bag 6. Add any additional wanted accessories
MeDusa Materials: flowy, big clothing, plastic snakes, hair ties, clips, or headbands. 1. Put on flowy clothing. 2. If you have long hair, put hair up with ties or clips. 3. Attach plastic snakes in hair by pushing them in or placing them underneath a headband.
yeeZy LINe Materials: brown fabric and scissors. 1. If using brown fabric, fold the fabric in half, cut head hole. 2. Cut small holes around shirt and distress shoulders, sleeves and bottom.
Umegan walker Nicole carr, a sopho-
more, dresses in a ghost costume she made herself this Halloween.
4megan walker
Another way to wear crop tops without violating the dress code is to wear them with high rise pants so your stomach will be covered. “I bought a ton of crop tops over the summer and I didn’t think that I could wear them to school until I realized I could wear them with high waisted shorts or jeans and my entire stomach would be covered,” senior Claire Musson said. Off the shoulder tops are also against dress code but
“I love off the shoulder tops, but one day I almost got dress coded for wearing one, so now I wear a tank top underneath so it covers some of my shoulder and I don’t get dress coded.”
OCTObER 14, 2016 ■ 19
Deer makeup is an easy way to dress up for that last-minute Halloween costume. The best part is, it only utilizes a few necessary
the homecoming
Uemma russello
dance Saturday, Tara Prager, a junior decks out in all white.
4emma russello
Wsara windom
20 ■ OctOber 14, 2016
Style Talented students sell and design their own...
custom clothing By dominic davies g staff writer
with a one of a kind shirt, senior Ryker Jarvis represents his own clothing brand, ONE OF, around school.
4kate rosenbaum
By dominic davies g staffwriter
Some people find purchaSing knock-
offs to be more beneficial than purchasing the real thing, but knowing the knockoffs that are actually worth the buy can make the decision easier. As a high school student, problems with not having enough money can result in buying a knockoff that is cheaper than a name brand product. According to money.cnn.com, the ‘fakes’ industry is worth $461 million. “Name brands are way too expensive, I don’t understand why handbags cost so much. I have a perfectly fine knockoff Chanel handbag and it works just fine,” said senior Megan Divis. Divis’s knockoff hand bag costed her $295, while the original was $5,500. Divis also stated that her handbag was worthwhile because she had it for two years and it has not fallen apart yet. “I can’t even tell the two apart, the only difference I can see is in the stitching of the fabric,” said Divis. Senior Maggie Morant’s Puma, by Rihanna, Women’s Creeper knockoffs were worthwhile in her opinion. “My knockoff Creepers are so comfortable and they look just like the actual Creeper, no one has noticed yet,” said Morant. The shoes costed $21.90, even though the real thing goes THE CACTUS SHADOWS PRESS
“It’s easy that I only have to sell a limited amount of T-shirts but it’s hard because I can only sell that amount, so I can’t make any more money after that,” stated Jarvis. A certain amount of T-shirts can be sold because only the demand can go up while the supply stays the same. For Jarvis, it is important for the customer to have a one-of-a-kind product. To do this, only one design is sold in four sizes. “Having something that no one else has is being you, yourself, you are ONE OF,” said Jarvis. So far, he is happy with his company’s success and is looking to create five other brands that connect to this brand and to make a monopoly of clothing in the future. To anyone thinking about creating their own clothing company, Jarvis advises to start making needs into wants. John Thompson, a business
Knockoffs help students save money without compromising on the looks they love. for $140. Morant sees only a slight difference in color between the two pairs of shoes. The knockoffs were ordered online. Morant wears the shoes at least once a week and they are still in good condition. Destiny Serviss, a senior, purchased a knockoff Omega Ladymatic black and silver watch. The price of the real watch was well in the thousands but Serviss only paid $175 for hers. “The watch feels like it’s really high quality, I wasn’t going to spend so much money since all watches can show the time, so one that was cheaper will still get the job done,” said Serviss. Worthwhile knockoffs are a way to save money, but art teacher Deborah Wales has a different opinion about them. “I love Louis Vuitton purses, I have two, both of them have lasted for 20 years. Although they were expensive, I love them because they last forever,” said Wales. Wales understands the affordability but she would prefer to spend the extra money for higher quality and name brand products. Replicating blake bRadshaw, (right)
a sophomore’s high-end bomber jacket, Mia Gilling, (left) a junior, sports her cheaper version from Forever 21. “The jacket and the patches made it around 30 dollars in total,” said Gilling. 4mia gilling & logan larkin
OCTOBER Owning a clothing company can be difficult to handle at a young age, but senior Ryker Jarvis manages to do just that. With the interest in fashion that teenagers have, unique clothing can stand out. Jarvis wanted to start his own clothing company, ONE OF, to create something that no one else has. To make sure everything was done right, Jarvis had been preparing his company for two years. “The goal for my company is to make art in the clothing, more than just an opinion, but to actually make it have meaning,” said Jarvis. He describes his products as rare quality and high fashion. The company consists of three other people; a designer, a social media expert, and an investor. Clothing is sold from www.fwoneof.com.
deer in the headlights
Homecoming is arriving, and many underclass- materials: brown, white, and black eyeshadow, mascara, thin makeup or paint brushes, eyeliner. Pair this look with a brown T-shirt men are wondering what they should wear to and leggings or a simple dress to get the perfect Bambi look. Umegan walker the dance. Some juniors share their opinion on what one should wear to look good, be comfortable, and stay in dress code. The dance, held in the blue gym, is packed with kids. Because of this, it tends to get very warm. “I really regret wearing jeans because they were a real struggle and I just wanted to rip them off. It was so hot inside the gym, so I would recommend wearing shorts,” Tara Prager, a junior, said. The same idea applies to boys, but some are more reluctant to wear shorts. “I usually wear jeans, so I would just wear a loose shirt that won’t show sweat stains,” Tyler Williams, a junior, said. Since there are so many students in a compact space, wearing closed-toed shoes would avoid getting one's feet stepped on. 3. Apply white eyeshadow on eyelids and 2. Thickly cover cheekbones with brown “I am wearing my Adidas sneakers this year, 1. Cover the bottom part of your nose in black underneath eyes. eyeliner and smear a lines upwards on each eyeshadow. because they are very comfortable and closed- side of your nose. Connect to eyebrows. toed. I do not think anyone should wear sandals, because you would get your feet stepped on and they would hurt very badly from all of the dancing,” Prager said. The security guards and administration will be monitoring the dance, and looking for students doing things they should not be. “What we are mostly looking for is that you are covered. We aren’t going to be as strict as we are at school, but definitely nothing too revealing,” Jackie Kelleher, security guard, said. Because this year’s dance theme is a white out, there are an abundance of clothing items that one can find 4. Apply liquid eyeliner on eyelid from to 5. Make a U-shaped line underneath your 6. Place five finger tip sized white dots in a at cheap prices make a cat-eye look. eye with eyeliner. Curve the end upwards to line. meet with the eyeliner, but do not connect. at stores such 4megan walker as Forever 21, H&M, American Eagle, Target, and more. The clothes are not all the While The UniTed STaTeS doeS noT legally reqUire animal dance is about testing on cosmetic products, some cosmetic companies still use animals to experithough. ment with makeup before it is released to the general public. These companies test “You should on animals to ensure the safety of their product if it contains an ingredient that has go with peonot been tested already. ple you like, and According to humanesociety.org, skin and eye irritation tests are given to rabbits have a good time. and chemicals are rubbed into their eyes to see the reaction. Also, there is something I would also reccalled a “lethal dose test” in which the animals are given large amounts of an ingrediommend drinking ent to see how much of it they can take before they die. a lot of water to stay There are also many other kinds of lethal tests that are done on these animals. A lot hydrated,” Prager said. of people do not agree with testing on animals, and only use cosmetic supplies that preparing for MAYBELLINE state they do not.
caged by cosmetics
Claire Musson, a senior.
students can still wear them as long as there is a shirt on underneath. “I love off the shoulder tops, but one day I almost got dress coded for wearing one, so now I wear a tank top underneath so it covers some of my shoulder and I don’t get dresscoded,” Musson said. Students are not allowed to expose a large majority of their backs. “Put a jacket over anything with a open back,” senior Sharon Rudister said. If a code is violated, there are consequences, especially if it is a reoccurring offense. “If a student has three or more dress code violations, a lunch detention will be assigned. If the problem persists, then the consequences could be escalated to Saturday school detention,” Pettinato said.
what to wear in wonderland
teacher, also gave some advice to those thinking about starting a company or business. “The most important thing to know is who you are going to be marketing to, the second is your location, and the third most important thing would be putting together your business plan,” said Thompson. For Thompson, putting together the business plan is the hardest thing to do, managing the business is the easiest. “If my friend started their own clothing company I would probably buy something from them because everyone has different ideas and I would want to wear something that most people wouldn’t have,” said Emily Miller, a senior. Miller would prefer to buy clothes at an actual store but would be willing to buy clothes from a friend’s company if they looked different and creative.
bOys brINg ON The blINg By FaiTH HasHeR g staff writer
Wallet? Check. Cellphone? Check. Watch? Check. Though accessories are often marketed toward women, men, too, are becoming fashionable. As men get older they start to find their style, which includes the way they dress themselves and how they accessorize. Currently trending styles are bandanas, long scarves, slip on shoes and backpacks. Currently, the most popular backpack trend are those with leather canvases. These are not used for the typical school day, but to go out on weekends when there is not enough room in pants pockets. “I like to be in style for the seasons,” said Jake Benci, a sophomore. When the seasons change, so do wardrobes. This includes changes in shorts and pants. “I hate cargos, they are big and bulky,” said Adam Penzone, a senior. According to TrendsPotter.net, cargo shorts have been out of style for several years. “They would be useful if you were out building a house, but not anything else,” said Justin Burns, fashion club adviser. Wearing a certain style or accessory expresses the person’s characteristic traits. “They show who you are, and what you like,” said Benci. Slip on shoes that are easy and convenient to wear are now in style. Men’s Loafers have been out of style for many years, but recently have come back into style as they have become casual and laid back. “One of my least favorite things that guys wear is mandals,” said Penzone. Contrary to Penzone’s beliefs, mandals are becoming more popular as a slip on shoe. Even though some accessories are currently trending, guys are allowed to have their own unique fashion. “I just got a nose ring and that completes some of my outfits,” said Penzone. Males, just like females may get piercings or tattoos to compliment their look and express themselves. “I shop for a more specific outfits than a certain style,” said Penzone. As Penzone goes shopping he shops for a particular item instead of a wardrobe style. Everyone is there own human being and can rock their own look and still be in style. NOvEmbER 14, 2016 ■ 17
killing the (clothing) game this thanksgiving
by grace haycraft-Mckee g staff writer
Dressing casual does not always mean sweatpants and hether it is formal or casual, a T-shirt. Thanksgiving dinner requires an attire “I think dressing formal is great, it’s just not my style,” to match the way one spends their day. said DeRaffaele. “I don’t really put a lot of thought into Some girls actually do not bother to what I wear. I want it to be clean and neat so it’s not like put on makeup or do anything with their hair. They keep sweatpants.” it casual because it is just with their family and they do On the other hand, some families dress up for not feel the need to get all dressed up. Thanksgiving dinner. On the other hand, when families want to dress up, “I fly out to NewYork with my dad’s family and my both guys and girls like their hair to look presentable. grandma makes dinner for everyone. We usually dress Girls will also usually put more effort into their makeup formal because it’s what my grandma likes,” said Katie than what they wear on the average day. O’Connor, a junior. “I usually dress in a nice T-shirt and a pair of jeans, Some would think dressing formal is a hassle and takes nothing too fancy. My family likes to keep it casual too much time, but O’Connor is able to manage both. because we’re very messy eaters,” said “I don’t really put too much Kierstin Seaback, a senior. thought or time into my outfit, “I fly out to New York with my However, what is or is not extravaI just grab a dress and go,” said gant is up to the family. dad’s family and my grandma O’Connor. “For Thanksgiving we get the whole People like O’Connor, who makes dinner for everyone. family involved and just eat at my dad’s dress formally, enjoy it but We usually dress formal house or one of his brothers,” said would rather dress casual. Seaback. “[We] like to dress casual to “I think dressing formal is because it’s what my grandma keep it in light spirits. We don’t want to fun but it’s a little bit harder to likes.” do a lot and we just like to have fun on keep everything clean,” said this day. It’s a lot of family bonding.” O’Connor. Katie O’Connor, a junior. Some families like to celebrate this Seaback believes it is nice to day by being with their families, so dress fancy but, “there is just they do not put a lot of thought into what they wear. something about casually being with your family that’s “I dress casual, typically because all day I am cleaning fun,” said Seaback. the house, and in the morning I play mud football with DeRaffaele, agreeing with Seaback, is simply looking the kids. I just like to relax and spend the day with my forward to the, “warm atmosphere, football on the TV, family,” said Michael DeRaffaele, a math teacher. and kids running around the house.”
from the RUNWAY to your CLOSET
Silence + Noise Chrissy Mesh Tee, Urban Outfitters, $34
18 ■ November 14, 2016
YEEZY Cargo Joggers, H&M, $35
Ringer Tee, Amazon, $6
by Mia gilling § creeker editor
Imitation Leather Pants, H&M, $35
4grace haycraft-mckee
Affordable dupes for looks from the most popular high end fashion designers.
Pleated Tie-front Top, Forever 21, $20
with thanksgiving dinner attire on, junior Katie O’Connor and senior Kierstin Seaback make their way through a Target.
Sweatshirt, H&M, $30 Button Through Mini Slip Sundress in Dark Floral Print, Asos, $43
Dr. Martens 2976 Chelsea Boots, Urban Outfitters, $130
CPO Nylon Bomber Jacket, Urban Outfitters, $79
Echo Long Sheer Scarf, Etsy, $16
Twill Shirt, H&M, $25
Rothco Jungle Boot, Urban Outfitters, $75
Garden Embroidered Mom Jean, Topshop, $130 Single Button Tweed Coat, Romwe, $32
Black Vertical Striped Trousers, Shein, $15
Style Style
long story short
Keeping it long or cutting it short, both guys and girls are straying from the norm. Recently, many guys have been spotted growing out their hair, while girls have been seen doing the exact opposite. Some guys, like Mark Lauch, a science teacher, just like long hair more than a shorter look. “Personally, I like it longer rather than shorter. It just seems more natural to me,” said Lauch. Since the trend is just coming back, odd stares are a part of Lauch’s everyday life. Many people are still not used to seeing boys with their hair past their shoulders. “At work a lot of people think I look like a girl when I have it up, and some even mistake me for one,” said Lucas Mark, a junior. Men who keep their hair long also risk criticism. Hearing mean remarks has happened before. “I was asked to cut it for a consulting job in 2002, which I did. Funny thing. The company owner had a very respectable hair cut, but was one of the most dishonest persons I have ever had the pleasure of working for,” said Lauch. On the other hand, girls, like Sada Tubbs, a senior, are shortening their hair, which is often more common for males. “I’ve gotten really positive feedback. I think a lot of people think it’s cool because it’s not something a lot of girls do,” said Tubbs. Often times the real reason behind cutting hair or letting it grow is because of how low maintenance it is. “Not a lot of girls have short hair, they mostly have it long so I just wanted change. I’ve never had short hair until now. It is a lot less of a hassle,” said Alexa Hokanson, a senior.
DuDs from DecaDes past
Do it yourself s’mores ornaments are a great way, this season, to...
into the genius of many designers. Trends from the ‘50s include fur coats, circle skirts, pastel colors, polka dots, and the infamous Danny Zuko-esque greaser look. Women’s fashion in the ‘50s aimed to be more modest, but it was one of the first decades where fashion really took off and more people began to express themselves through their clothing. The ‘60s brought forth a whole new level of fashion, gracing the world with trends such as the mini skirt, psychedelic patterns, fishnets, skinny pants, and much more. This was the first decade where women began wearing pants. Borrowing from the boys was big, men’s suits were taken on by women and the rise of the power suit began. Men also began to break fashion norms and going toward a more rebellious look with military style, skinny pants, and boots. There was also the rise of hippie style, giving way to different textures and fabrics. “Velvet is beautiful, silk and suede as well. Fabrics are the number one thing you should pay attention to when you’re dressing,” said Riley Debellis, a junior. The ‘70s introduced a wave of different and unique styles. Hippy, disco, punk, and bohemian all grew and sometimes intermingled with each other to create a truly eclectic style. Earth tones, bright prints and patterns, suede, fringe, high waisted pants, and bell bottoms jeans were some of the few iconic trends of the decade. ‘80s and ‘90s fashion build off each other. Animal print, crop tops, power suits, scrunchies, floral dresses, platform shoes, mom jeans, and overalls are all making a comeback in 2016 and 2017. ‘90s fashion in particular has made the biggest impact on the typical dress of young people. The newest trends are also beginning to transition into early 2000s style as well. Such as jean on jean and bucket hats.
By KIERA RILEY g opinion editor
Whether it be a catastrophic world war, or a killer pair of bell bottom jeans, history has a funny way of repeating itself. Trends from decades past take their place in modern fashion, heavily influencing the way people dress themselves today. What goes around comes around, and fashion is no exception. Stylists draw inspiration from past designers regularly and make pieces that were widely popular decades ago just as exciting once again. This recycling of old trends has been taken on by worldwide fashion kingpins such as Prada, Yves Saint Laurent, and Marc Jacobs. “I feel like people draw influence from multiple decades. And I think you’re seeing people’s fashion from all different eras, like everything from the sixties to the seventies and the eighties, especially, and maybe now it’s the nineties,” said Jacob Bombaci, a history teacher. Revival of decade fashion has been going on for, well, decades. In 2016, ‘90s fashion in particular is on the radar. The current trends, such as chokers, Doctor Martens boots, flannel, denim jackets, crop tops and scrunchies take center stage, but it is not their first time in the spotlight. “I definitely know that things like chokers and jean jackets or denim have come back, as well as chunky shoes and overalls. I’m thinking that layering might come back along with plaid skirts and turtlenecks might get bigger,” said Julia Smutny, a junior. Just because ‘90s fashion is all the rage right now does not mean it’s the only decade impacting fashion. Clothes and accessories ranging back to the ‘50s have woven their way
stay toasty
1 Gather the supplies: two pieces of cut square cardboard, two pieces of cut brown felt, two cotton balls, a hot glue gun, scissors, a brown marker, and 10 inches of ribbon.
Throughout the holidays, many stores sell standard Christmas tree ornaments and decorations, however, making your own adds a touch of personality to it. Pineterest, an arts and crafts app, offers many different DIY activities for holiday ornaments, or basically anything holidayrelated. These are the steps to making a s’more ornament to warm up any chilly night without using the actual fire or food ingredients.
2 Draw graham
cracker accents on one piece of cardboard.
Uemma russello 3 Then, using the hot glue gun, glue a piece of felt on the piece of cardboard. Do this with the other cardboard as well.
4 Glue the two cotton balls side by side to one of the pieces of felt/cardboard. And then glue the other piece of graham cracker to the cotton balls.
decked out in ‘90s gear, Aless Zamora, a junior, wears a windbreaker and mom jeans staple items in past decades.
6 Then, tie the ribbon into a bow so the ornament can hang on the Christmas tree.
5 After the s’more is made, hot glue the middle of the ribbon to the middle of the top cracker.
4zoie lambesis
4emma russello
Mixing and Matching patterns Makes students’ style stand out
Ugrace haycraft-mckee
By ZOIE LAMBESIS g staff writer
As the holiday season rolls around, so does the question, what one should give their significant other. “I always try not to spend more than fifty or a hundred, if it’s thoughtful, the price doesn’t really matter,” said Josie Brzenk, a senior. Thoughtful gifts that do not break the bank are surprisingly easy to come by. For him, a sweater of his favorite sports team, or a basket of his favorite candies is easy, accessible and appreciated. Other, slightly more expensive gifts could be video games that he has had his eye on for a while. Something funny to give is the Man Crate. While requiring a bit more money, this is a personalized wooden crate with combinations like pizza grilling equipment. “I usually make a budget with my girlfriend, but I definitely went overboard last year,” said Austin Cordero, a senior. There are timeless gifts for her, which include things like earrings, a necklace or perfume. Some shops like Urban Outfitters offer stocking stuffers, which are affordable, small gifts like a binge watch survival kit or fragrant candles. Useful, stylish gifts can be wallets, a cross-body bag or even a new phone case.
breaking social norms, Lucas Mark, a junior, keeps his hair long, while Sada Tubbs, a senior, cuts her locks short.
To make a personal gift, you can hand paint a coffee mug or give her string lights with clips on them. Print out nice photos of the two of you and clip them on, then hang them in her room.
4grace haycraft-mckee
16 ■ December 16, 2016
Ukeely doran
Wsara windom
ixing patterns is once again becoming a trend amongst many students and teachers. This popular craze has people mixing different prints that would not normally be seen together. According to www.thefashionspot.com, mixing prints has been known to be one of the trickiest trends to master. “I started because I like patterns and I like the way things collide with one another,” said Aless Zamora, a junior. Patterns like plaid, stripes, and checkers are some popular fabrics to mix this season. Even though they are not known to be worn together, when styled right, the patterns com-
pliment each other and can pull an entire look together. “I think it adds a lot of dimension and it strays away from what everyone else is doing,” said Kate Rosenbaum, a junior.
“Sometimes when I put something on and I go to look in the mirror and laugh, that’s when I know it’s a winner.” Jacob Goulder, a math teacher.
Mixing and matching patterns can be accomplished without having to spend money on new clothes. All it takes is picking out two different patterns, whether it is plaid and
stripes, or cheetah and checkers. “If you're confident with what you wear, people will get the sense that you know you might look weird but you’re rocking it,” said Rosenbaum. It is rare to see someone wearing different prints together because we are used to everything matching and basic pieces being worn. But, sometimes pants with animals on them and a funky top is the way to go. “Sometimes when I put something on and I go to look in the mirror and laugh, that's when I know it's a winner,” said Jacob Goulder, a math teacher. It is all up to personal preference on how much is too much when it comes to mixing patterns. However, a way to avoid overdoing it is by incorporating a solid color item that
matches the patterns trying to be mixed. “I definitely think you need to have the same color scheme, or having a neutral piece,” said Rosenbaum. Some popular textures like velvet, suede, silk and mesh can also be mixed and matched in an outfit as well. Adding different textures and fabrics to an outfit can really spice it up. A more subtle way to jump on the trend is to incorporate patterned accessories. Some popular ones are printed chokers, socks, and headbands. This is an easier way for those who do not want to stand out as much to still partake in the trend. Adding a cheetah print choker to a black and white striped top is still mixing and matching, but without drawing too much attention towards the outfit.
DECEmbER 16, 2016 ■ 17
Style GET RID OF OLD CLOTHES Over time, trends wear out, and new trends come in, but that doesn’t mean throwing away out of style clothes is the way to go, donate them. According to Goodwill Arizona, there are 40 donation centers across the state that take used clothes, one of which is located on Tatum and Dynamite. Arizona is also home to four Buffalo Exchange thrift shops that will purchase last year’s trends. Often times, clothes are donated to the homeless, or people who cannot afford new clothes on their own. This provides people who don’t have the finances to be clothed and warm for the for the chillier months. Little kids grow up quickly, meaning they are constantly outgrowing their clothes. Small donations such as footwear allow for children to have comfortable attire for their everyday lifestyles. Most donated clothes are usually resold, however. Goodwill and Buffalo Exchange both resell used clothing.
Fashion Forward or Fashion Fail? Olivia Stickel grades the good, the bad and the ugly trends fashion has seen.
Many high school students want a job, but do not know how to dress for the interview, or why they need to dress that way. “Dressing nicely shows that you care about the position you are applying for. It also shows maturity and readiness for a job,” said Shari Henry, the restaurant manager for The Creek Patio Grill. Henry makes sure the restaurant runs smoothly, and interviews most of the potential employees. This includes hiring student workers for positions such as hostess, busser and runner. Students are not particularly taught in school, how to dress for a job interview or how to act on one. While a lot of students have a general idea of what they should be wearing, they do not know why. Also, some students think that they should dress differently for different types of jobs, but according to Henry this is not the case. “I would dress as nice as possible for any position. I have considered someone for a higher position before based on the way they dress. Your dress makes a great first impression and shows you are serious about getting any position,” Henry said. The attire for boys and girls will be different, but according to Henry, both require a certain amount of professionalism. Henry recommended, “A nice dress for girls 14 ■ SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
start transitioning into pumpkin spice lattes, the denim shorts and fashionable crop tops are pushed to the back of the closet to make way for trendy combat boots and cable knit sweaters. The perfect, customizable accessory for autumnal outfits is a do it yourself flower crown. Materials Needed: Artificial flowers in various sizes Scissors Hot glue gun Thick, firm headband Ribbon
U KEELY DORAN 6Trim any excess, and remove any wayward hot glue strings.
5Make sure to overlap, tuck some in and cover the ribbon completely.
FORWARD Overalls are an easy way to be inspired by 80’s and 90’s fashion. InStyle.com reports that celebrities have taken the childhood trend and made them look like, “really chic grown ups.”
According to Sun Sentinel, bermuda shorts were mandatory on Bermuda island because women’s thighs were expected to be covered. The shorts didn’t become popular in international fashion until the late 1940’s, because of the unsuccess.
Leopard prints were popular during the 1960’s, according to Harpersbazzar. Animal prints in general were a staple during the Bohemian Movement.
and nice shirt for guys. Do not wear clothes that look sloppy or that could get you dress coded at school.” Alyssa Hipschman, junior and hostess at Babbo’s, has a similar view when it comes to what not to wear for an interview. “Obviously if you dress like a scrub it will influence it [the outcome of the interview] negatively. But even if you wore jeans and a nice top, it would probably be fine,” said Hipschman. Hipschman wore a maroon halter dress with a cardigan over the top and black sandals to her interview. This look supports school dress code, and is similar to the dress code of the job she was applying for. “I figured because it was an interview, it’s always nice to look professional. The dress code for the job is to wear a dress anyways, so I figured that would be good,” Hipschman said. Junior Lucas Mark, busser at The Creek Patio Grill, decided to stay professional for his interview look also. “I made sure I wore some nice khakis, and a plain black long sleeve T-shirt,” Mark said. “I think that it is a very big factor in getting a status as an employee,” said Mark when referring to how much the clothes one wears to the interview can influence the interviewer's opinion. The internet is a good resource to do some research about what you should wear for your interview, Mark recommended.
put a crown on it
Cropped tanks are a great item to pair with the high waisted trend. They are another 80’s trend that has come back, and theeverygirl.com calls them, “a chic fashion staple.”
By HALLIE WOOLDRIDGE g staff writer
TUDENTS of all ages have
discovered thrift shopping as an alternative to more expensive stores, with the added benefit of finding old items to refurbish into their own style. “I love thrift shopping because it is a way for me to find cute, unique outfits and I am able to buy a lot more because of the low prices,” senior Katina McLaughlin said. The prices are cheaper than purchasing the same article of clothing from the original store for full price, which is why many people choose to buy clothes from thrift shops. Many people visit thrift shops when they do not want to break the bank for certain events. “I tend to use it for homecoming week and football games because I like to go full out,” senior Kourtney O’Connor said, “it is a great way to get funny outfits that you are probably only gonna wear once.” “I like thrift shopping because I like finding more unique things and being able to buy more things because it is cheaper,” sophomore Ana Steinhilber said. It is usually cheaper to make a full outfit at thrift store than regular department
store. “I like thrift shopping because there is only one of each item so I can wear it without worrying that someone else will have the same outfit as me. I also can say it was the last one and it won’t be a lie”, senior Claire Musson said. Thrift stores very rarely have the same item which makes it difficult for others to have the same clothes. “I would never purchase hats or underwear from a thrift store, it just doesn't seem sanitary to me, like you don’t know who was wearing that. But everything else I’m totally cool with,” McLaughlin said. Everything clothing wise that can be purchased at a thrift store has been sanitized prior to trying it on or purchasing it. One of the main reasons why people don't shop at thrift stores is because they think the clothes might be dirty, but that is truly just a misunderstanding. “I always have an interesting experience just about every time I go to a thrift store. There is this one cashier and every time I go to the check out he gives me a lollipop and tells me to have a swell day,” junior Coey McLaughlin said. Besides the price, people go for the experience. THE CACTUS SHADOWS PRESS
1 Wrap the headband in your choice of ribbon and hot glue as you go.
2 Trim the head of the
flowers off of the stems.
3 Think of how you want the final product to look, then arrange them accordingly on the headband.
4.Place a drop (or more if needed) of hot glue on the bottom of each flower and press into the desired location .
With the increasing use of online stores...
ing nice pictures of the clothes to make them look better to shoppers. Once a fitting website is found, it is time to create an website is a way for anyone to make money and gain recog- account. With Poshmark, an account can quickly be set up nition. with an email and other basic information. When creating an online store, the first thing to consider After an account is created, make sure to take high qualis the type of product to sell. Both store-bought and hand- ity pictures of the items to be sold and provide a simple but made items are acceptable. Anything such as artwork, mer- accurate description to make the product look appealing to chandise or old clothes that are no longer needed can be sold customers. online. An online store doesn’t just have to be Second, finding the right platform “I wanted to get rid of about fashion. Luke Scott, the Film and TV for an online store is crucial. An entire teacher, buys film products for his classes. clothes that I don’t wear website can be created, or using a web“I prefer online shopping because it’s a site to host the store along with others anymore but I also wanted convenience, I like to be able to spend as is not only cheaper, but gives access to to make money off of it, so much time looking for what I want and I other people's stores online. Dedicated can do it whenever,” said Scott. He also sells I started using Poshmark.” cars online and shops on Amazon. websites like Etsy are used for selling handmade items only, while Poshmark As an online shopper, junior Aidia Morgan Kallusky, a senior is exclusively aimed towards women's Nielson likes to purchase posters, handwho sells her clothing online. fashion. made patches for her backpack and lots of “I wanted to get rid of clothes that I shoes. For fun, Nielson shops online at least don’t wear anymore but I also wanted to make money off of it, once a week on Amazon, Ebay, and Wanelo. so I started using Poshmark,” said Morgan Kallusky, a senior. “I love online shopping because it lets me see custom made She says the overall process was simple and only took a cou- products from people all over the world that I never would’ve ple of minutes. To her, the most challenging part was tak- gotten to see if I just went to a store,” said Nielson. By DOMINIC DAVIES g staff writer
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 ■ 15