Zoie Lambesis 2018
Reflection #1
Self-Analytical Essay Senior year in newspaper as an editor was a great way to end high school for me. For instance, I have learned a lot about myself, and how to work with other efficiently. With working with others it is important to be realistic when you go to agree to do something. For example, agreeing to do a task that you know you probably can not complete hurts the whole team in the end. Something I would do differently is talking to the writers for my page more, and making sure that everything is on the road of getting done. By meeting with them more, if the writer has run into a problem, the editor can easily think of another option or give advice to help them find a solution. This makes sure that editors on production day will not run into unnoticed problems and panic last minute. Being an editor this year, and having more responsibility has been eye opening. It is a little weird, because I know exactly how the staff writers feel since I was in their position last year. But, I have learned that being a reasonable and personable leader works better for me, than being a harsh and irrational. I feel like it has worked out for me since I have had a good variety of writers choose stories on my page. The only thing I would improve on for next semester would be, being a little more straight forward. Reasoning for this, is because I feel like the quality of work will be better from the writers if you straight up tell them the direction, or what is wrong with their story right away. I do believe that this leadership opportunity in newspaper has taught me a lot. I did not notice I do lack being straightforward with people until I was placed with this opportunity. However, I am open to learn more about being an effective leader, and being able to tell someone constructive criticism without feeling guilty. Being an editor I have learned so many new things that I am grateful for. First, I have learned how to use indesign. Now, not to get ahead of myself, I am still learning new things everyday. However, I do feel like I have the basics down now, and I respect people who can do impressive designs even more now. With talking newspaper I feel that I have learned more in this one class than all my classes combined. For instance, in other classes students are not required to work with others. So, taking this class prepares students for future jobs, since working with others is a requirement for 95% of jobs. Also, for someone like me who is going to college for business and fashion merchandising, I believe that this class has not only taught me how news gets around, but how effective the news can be to grow businesses. Now, if the news is good about your business, it can be used as free advertisement. But, sadly if the news is something bad about a business, the attraction and reputation of a business can decrease immensely. Therefore, being open to interviews, and news reporters for my future self when and if I try to start my own business, I will always try and say yes, since now I understand all the benefits a simple article can affect a business. This year with deadlines was a little different as an editor. Not only did we have to get our articles done on time, with interviews and photos for some. We also have to make sure our pages are done on time. This was new for me, since I am a first year editor. Production day is crucial to getting my page all put together. With Mr. Adamsons help I was able to get my page done on time, so that the paper can get sent to the copy center. I knew that if I did not get my page done on time, that I would push back the printing process. So, getting everything done on time is just the better option, so that I do not cause extra stress for everyone else. If freshman year someone told me I was going to be an editor for the CSPress my senior, I really did not know what to expect going into this class, I knew nothing about journalism and all the “rules� that went along with it. However, I have learned that it is crucial to get your work done. It is extremely important to not only get your stories done, but also to get photos because an editor is relying on your work for their page. The stress of people depending on your work pushed me to plan a day to write my story and to get the photos. However, having the motivation to get my work grew hard as I developed senioritis. I wish I could have pushed myself more towards the end of the year.
The donut smackdown was one of my favorite articles to write. Not only did I get the chance to write the article, but I also got to design it on my page. The whole process of getting the information for the article was extremely fun. It first started with going to all the places. Maddie and I traveled all over Phoenix to taste the donuts, and we deffinitely got full. We had a little photo shoot of each donut at the shops, and then it was time to write the smackdown. Being the donut lover that I am, it was pretty hard to crtique these donuts because they all were mouth watering. However, if I had to choose just one Local Donuts took the win, because they were not too sweet for me. If it was not for newspaper I probably would have never gone to Local Donuts or Bosa Donuts. I feel like the design of the story was some of my best work. The layout was something I have never done before. The layout was one of my favorite spreads to do.
February Tear Sheets
Feb. Spread
Feb. Story: Climbing to Connect
March Tear Sheets
March Spread March story did not get published
April Tear Sheets
April Spread April Story: Donut Smackdown
May Tear Sheets
May Spread
May Story: Coachella Forever