Jeeyea Kim Recent Work, 2017-2022
2021, LaWaSo Ground
Public Art Installation, Exhibit Columbus
2021, Between Imitation and Arbitration
Indiana Limestone Wall Panel
2019, (un)bespoke
Table Object Design
2018, IU Bicentennial Medal
Bicentennial Mdeal Design Competition
2019, Myvatn Circle Museum
Iceland Volano Museum Competition
2017, FMRL Modular Panel
Indiana Limestone Wall Panel
2017, Shadow of Unknown Bird
BAAM 3D Printed Sculpture
2019, Bloomington Grand Barbincan
Bloomington Public Art Competition, Finalist
LaWaSo Ground
Project Year: 2021
Project Type: Public Art Installation
Project Designer: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design Studio
Project Status:
: Completed
LaWaSo Ground is a contemporary memorial and community ground of (La)nd, (Wa)ter, and (So)il designed to help bridge some of the cultural dichotomies of our time through the lens of material culture. The installation responds to several themes and questions, including: what is the future of “middle” cities, and how can we manifest the “betweenness” apparent in a place like Columbus, Indiana -- a city named after Christopher Columbus, in a state named after Native Americans. The installation was designed to acknowledge the silenced and suppressed voices of the past, and advocate for a more diverse chorus of voices in the future. LaWaSo Ground combines stone elements that echo the extracted topography of the limestone quarries found in the region with landscape mounds reminiscent of Indigenous earthworks along the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys. Indiana limestone plays a complicated symbolic role, referencing its use in the construction of civic monuments across the United States, while the mounds present an alternative interpretation of how civic space can be conceived and celebrated.
Water is the common element linking the two formal pieces of the installation and is manifested in several ways. In a primal sense, water is the elemental force that first carved its way through the bedrock of Indiana, exposing dramatic edifices of stone to the original inhabitants of the land and soil beneath our feet. More recently, water has been a critical tool in the quarrying and fabrication of the very stone exposed by the rivers and creeks coursing through Indiana. Thematically, water is present in the physically engraved patterns across the stonework. These pattern motifs were designed by the Indigenous artist Katrina Mitten, a citizen of the Myaamia Nation of Oklahoma.
Indigenous Ribbon Motif Pattern Sketch by Katrina Mitten
The Vertical Marker of LaWaSo Ground incorporates components that align the project with significant times in the solar calendar, such as the Summer and Winter Solstices, as well as geospatial indices, including the cardinal directions of North and South. The temporal and spatial alignment of the vertical figure loosely references similarly purposed vertical elements found in many cultures across the globe. In addition to a purposefully utilitarian metal structure supporting decorative limestone panels, the vertical marker also incorporates a metal bracket system that has been developed earlier in concert with the Advanced Manufacturing Team at the Cummins Technical Center. The pairing of CNC-milled limestone panels and the 3D printed metal brackets aims to fuse the practical and ornamental dimensions of material culture referenced throughout the installation.
Summer Solstice Sunset 21:13pm, Azimuth 301 °
Cardinal North
12ft x Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe Post
Summer Solstice Sunrise 6:17am, Azimuth 58°
14ft x Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe Post
10ft x Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe Post
Winter Solstice Sunset 17:23pm, Azimuth 239°
Cardinal South
Winter Solstice Sunrise 8:02am, Azimuth 120°
Exploded Axonometric Diagram SynLawn Turf Finish Gravel Stone Layer
Limestone Fabrication Waste Infill (Larger Stone Infill) Landscape Stake along Ground Edges
Plywood 3/4” Thickness Inner Structure for Astroturf
Plywood 1/2” Thickness ner Structure for Limestone
Composite Wood (MDF) 1” Nail Board Attached on Limestone Panel and Inner Structure
Detail Section of Installation
Between Imitation and Arbitration
Project Year: 2020 Faculty Fellowship, Platform
Project Type: Creative Research
Project Status:
: Completed
Between Imitation and Arbitration is a research project funded through a Platform Research Fellowship, which is an interdisciplinary research laboratory in the contemporary arts and humanities at Indiana University. The research aimed to identify a distinct material culture significance and its vernacular application styles present in the south-central Indiana region, along the “Stone Belt” of Indiana limestone. Indiana limestone has been utilized for some of the most iconic American architecture works in the last two centuries; however, it also has been used broadly and distinctively around the Stone Belt region, where the material is quarried and fabricated. The research aimed to identify vernacular architectural details found in Indiana limestone applications in residential architecture, including a plethora of styles and characters available to analyze. The study particularly focused on regional housing built during the mature period of Indiana limestone production (1890-1930), when the population was growing rapidly due to large numbers of incoming workers and their families. Among several subjects of this study, the foremost task was to explore the distinct application styles of Indiana limestone in residential architecture, based on the owner’s socio-economic status and professional resources.
Analytic Field Study
Housing Groups of Stone Belt Towns
Total 17
Total 33
Total 285
Clear Creek/ Sanders
Total 34
Total 34
Total 302 TOTAL 705
Township Along Stonebelt Analytic Research
Analytic Field Study
Housing Groups of Stone Belt Towns
Through extensive analytic research, we discovered various styles of limestone columns framing the public faces of private lives -- front porches. Among many limestone column styles, we reimagined three columns associated with some of the values and characteristics of the material culture that we studied – inherently Hoosier – through the imitation and arbitration of their silhouette and texture.
Column Texture and Silhouette
Styles of Limestone Columns of Residential Architecture Along the Stone Belt
Taxonomy Studies
Styles of Limestone Columns of Residential Architecture Along the Stone Belt
ose-up Photos of Exhibition Materials
Styles of Limestone Columns of Residential Architecture Along the Stone Belt
Project Year: 2019
Project Type: Product Design, Research
Project Status:
Project Designer: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design Studio
Un(bespoke) is an investigation in to the use of a local material, Indiana limestone, in the of a contemporary design object - a modular table accessory that can be arranged in formations. The design stems from a famous mathematical problem, the Haberdasher’s P solves for how to dissect a square into pieces that can then be reconstituted in to an equilat
The design is implemented through the overlapping of circles that are based upon dispositions in the initial square formation. Each intersection of these circles becomes ac vertical movement, eventually creating a continuous rippling effect on the surface of the p the pieces are rotated from the square configuration to the triangular configuration, the flat perimeter of the initial square become the interior edge conditions of the triangle, while th interior edges of the initial square are then revealed on the perimeter of the triangle. In ad simple square and triangle that result, the project allows for many other geometrical variatio experiments with the pieces.
: Completed
e production n a variety of Puzzle, which teral triangle.
geometrical ctivated by a pieces. When edges at the he undulated ddition to the ons as the user
Rotation Diagram
Haberdasher Puzzle Assembly Variation
Fish A
Fish B
IU Bicentennial Medal
Project Year: 2018
Project Type: Product Design
Project Designer: Jeeyea Kim
Project Status: Indiana University Bicent
The design of this medal reflects Indiana University’s strong network in the region of Indiana, trajectory towards our country and the world. The initial concept of the medal resides in two the image of water drops that create beautiful rippling effect on the surface of water. This im to think of the strong influence that each campus and center of IU create in the state of Ind represented by different sizes circles and their intersection, which indicates the collaborative the academic and medical campuses, and administrative centers.
The second is the image of aviation route that links all important gateways of the whole wo minded me of IU’s Global Gateway Network which connects the community of Indiana Uni and beyond. The trajectory of the circles indicates the idea of linkage/ connection to the w
tennial Medal Competition - Winner
, and its impact and o images. The first is mage connected me diana, and the idea is e relationships among
orld. This image reiversity to the nation wider world
ICeland Volcano Museum
Project Year: 2019
Project Location: Iceland
Project Designer: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design Studio Project Status: Bee Breeder Design Competition Proposal
Project Program
Project Area: 10
m: Iceland Volcanic Museum
0,000 m2
Roofscape Design Process Diagram
Section (through main lobby)
+ 0.00m
Recep Main Entrance
+ 0.00m
North Patio
- 1.00m
Multi Purpose Room
Cafe - 1.00m
- 1.00m
East Entrance + 0.00m
Meeting + 0.00m
Open Office
Exploded Axonometric Diagram
Interior Atmospheric
Shadow of an Unknown Bird
Project Year: 2017
Project Location: Columbus, IN
Project Program: Art Installat
Project Team: Jeeyea Kim, Jennifer Riley, Kelly Wilson; IU Faculty members and John Ru
upp, Philip Shelton; Cummins Engineer
Elevation View
SCALE: 1"=1'
SCALE: 1"=1'
Unfolded Polyhedron Diagram
SCALE: 1"=1'
Bloomington Grand Barbican
Project Year: 2019
Project Location: Bloomington, IN
Project Program: Public
Project Status: Trade District Public Art Competition, Finalist Project Team: haptiK|B (Jeeyea Kim and Dorian Bybee) and Jennifer Riley
Site Plan
Site Approach and Views
West Elevation View
Night Time Perspective
Closeup Perspective