Jeeyea Kim Portfolio, 2008-2022

MAD P-A-T-T-E-R-N-SArchitectshaptiK|B 2011, National Museum of China 2011, Rome via Boncompagni 2010, Harbin Labor Cultural Center 2012, Xinhee Design Center 2008, Chengdu Fluid Courtyard 2018, Turner Contracting Office International Design Competition Iceland Volcano Museum Competition Bloomington Trade District Public Art Competition Adaptive Reuse, Multi-Family Apartments Hotel, Commercial & Recreation Center Jorya Design Office Headquarter Office Headquarter Facility Business OfficeDESIGNENVIRONMENTAL+ARCHITECTURUE 2021, LaWaSo Ground Public Art Installation, Exhibit Columbus 2019, Myvatn Circle Museum 2019, Bloomington Grand Barbican

Project Year: 2008 Project Location: Chengdu, China Project Program: Office Headquarter
Project Role: Assistant Designer; in charge of drawing SD submission documents.
Project in Charge: Marcelo Spina, Georgina Huljich
Project Area: 10,000 m2

Zhixin Hybrid Office Park is part of a large new campus development situated in the outskirts of Chengdu in Sichuan Province that comprises about twenty new buildings. The program requested an innovative mixture of private residences, office space, and leisure facilities that allow a new startup company or a local headquarters to enjoy proximity and cooperate identity all at once. The project presented a perfect occasion to speculate in a context with very little context wherein despite the specificity of each new building, everything is also fairly generic.


1. Second Floor Plan 2. Ground Floor Plan 3. North Elevation Facade

1 2 3

1. Entrance Area GRFC Close-up Photo 2. Structure System Diagram

Photo of Core-Yard

2010 Project
Project in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun Area: Year: Location: Harbin, China Role: Assistant Project Designer; in charge of massing designing interior program and Program:
representation drawings. Project
77,000 m2 Project

program zoning, Multi-complex Entertainment Center & Hotel

Opera House Songhua River Rec-Center 31

> Exterior continues swirling into interior and creates lightwell dome space & interior walls Lightwell dome collects lights into the lobby and exhibition area > 内部形态概念3 Hotel/Office Main Lobby Courtyard Culture Training/ Restaurants Cinema/ Restaurants Interior Lightwell Dome Movement connectivity from Opera House allows a swirling gesture for the massing. Exterior surface dives into the interior space of the main lobby area. 1. Master Plan, Aerial View 2. Massing Design Concept Diagram 3. Interior Axonometric Diagram 2

1 2 3

1. Longitudinal Section 2. View from Lake Plaza 3. Exterior Cladding Details

Project in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun Project Area: 130,000 m2
Project Year: 2011 Project Location: Beijing, China Project Role: Assistant Project Designer; in charge of planning and designing interior program floor plans, and presentation drawings. Program: National


Temporary Exhibition Hall

天 人 地 SKY PEOPLE EARTH Forbidden City Tienanmen Square Bird’s Nest New Museum of China 天 地 人 Museum, Floating City Reflecting urban fabric of Beijing and space of Imagination SKY 天 Museum, for Everyone Urban landmark inviting everyone into floating city PEOPLE 人 Museum, Urban Carpet 20,000 m2 elevated urban plaza connects six museum districts and Olympic park area EARTH 地

3 1

1. Transverse Dome Section 2. Longitudinal Dome Section 3. Level 3 Floor Plan 4. Level 5 (Floating City) Floor Plan 4 2


1. Program Distribution Diagram 2. Circulation Diagram 2

Project in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun Project Area: 24,000 m2
Project Year: 2011 Project Location: Rome, Italy Project Role: Project Desinger in schematic design stage; in charge of designing main facade Project Program: Adaptive

facade and interior courtyard area Adaptive Reuse Multi-family Apartment

Renovation of 1970’s modern office building façade, interior organization for residential use and inner courtyard area. Building uniquely has ancient Rome ruins and parking ramps in the courtyard. Immagini corte esistente MAD Rome Via Boncompagni 71 2 1. View from Main Street 2. Existing Building Conditions

Pianta piano quarto MAD Rome Via Boncompagni Existing Catholic Church Existing ApartmentType B- 2BR Type A- 1BR TYPE C- 3BR TYPE D- Two Stories, 3BR31

MAD Rome Via Boncompagni 71 - Giugno 2011 1542 1. Typical Floor Plan 04 2. Blow-up Floor Plan 04 3. East Elevation 4. South Elevation

Stone Cladding on Ceiling Aluminum Panel Enclosure Existing Structure Curved IntegratedGlassGreenGlassRailingStoneCladdingon Floor 1 1. Facade Design Materials 2.View from Main Street
Façade Design Materials 2

Project Role: Assistant Project Designer, in massing design, planning interior organization, Project Year: 2012 Project Location: Xiamen, China Project Program: Office Headquarter Status: Construction, Completion
2019 1
Project in Charge: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun Project Area: 65,000 m2

Xinhee Design Center has the central atrium space at its core; from there, six long spanning structures extend out to different directions, and become a star-shaped layout which formalizes a solid “bone” structure frame. A mix of office spaces and green gardens compose each of the organically-formed arms. A translucent and sun-shading envelope of PTFE hangs slightly off the vertical garden, and provides ventilation during the hot season. At the same time, it lightens the building to be elegant and floating, just likes a piece of delicate thin, soft, skin covering the “bone” structure of the building body. in charge of internal building organization, and core design.
1. Bird-eyes View Atmospheric Render 2. Site Plan 2


1. isometric Render Floor Plan

1 2 3

1. Fifth Floor Plan 2. Terace Area Detailed Section 3. Terace Area Skin Structure Attachment Detailed Section

3 1 4

1. Longitudinal Section 2. Transverse Section 3. Office View Looking down Pine Tree Garden Terrace 4. Pine Tree Garden Terrace View 5. Executive Deign Office View 2 5

1-2. Exterior Construction Photos 3-4. Interior Atrium Construction Photos 1 3 4


OfficeContractingTurner Project Team: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design (Dorian Bybee + Jeeyea Kim) Project Year: 2018 Project Location: Bedford, IN Project Program: Business Project Status: 50% DD Proposed Project Area: 6,800

Business Office 6,800 sqf Program RequirementProgram Requirement Break RoomOffice Area Supproting AreaEntry Area Public SupportingPrivateAreaAreaArea Exectutive Office Suite Eric’s Office Office TruckingSafetyBookPayrollManagerHRKeeperDirectorCompanyManagerDOTSuperIntendent MechanicalResourceServerRestroomsStorageRoomRoomRoomChangingDiningKitchenetAreaRoomShowerRoomEntry/ReceptionLobby Fleet Manager General ExecutiveAdminsAdminsTech.Admins


Public SupportingPrivateAreaAreaArea OPTION 1 SECOND FLOOR COLOR CODEDSupportingPrivatePublicPLANAreaAreaArea OPTION 2 SECOND FLOOR COLOR CODED PLAN 1. Option Study 1 (L-Type) 2. Option Study 2 (Rectangle Type) WAREHOUSEEXISTINGWAREHOUSEEXISTING

UP UP A201 2 REF MW VM1C34 0"14' 0"10'5"0'0"10'5"0'0"10'5"0'0"10'5"0' A2 6 D G H 3' 0" 12' 8 5/8" 5' 5" 14' 8 5/8" 9' 10" 11' 3 3/8" 7' - 6 1/2" 20' 6" 2 C 5' 0" 214 SF ENTRY/ LOBBY 100 120 SF HR 104 120 SF BOOK-KEEPER 105120 SF GYM/ EXERCISE 106286 SF EXECUTIVE SUITE 108 115 SF STORAGE 111 428 SF BREAK ROOM 116 97 SF CHANGING ROOM 117 53 SF SHOWER 1185/8"10'3/8"10'3/8"13'5/8"12'5/8"812'0"2'0"3'5'5"5'0"5 10' 0" 0' 5" 17' 9 7/8" 1' 0 1/4" 20' 0" 0"10' 120 SF MANAGEROFFICE 101 328 SF LARGEROOMMEETING 103 87 1/4"1030' B E F 13' 11 7/8" 1A A1 1B 196 SF EXECUTIVEOFFICE 109 120 SF PAYROLL 110 208 SF CFO OFFICE 112 168 SF RESOURCEROOM 107 3/8"39'0'5"23'5"0'5"12'0" A3023 A2021 2 0"14'0"5' A301 51 SF WC 51115SF WC 114 A3021 R @ 6 7/8"21 A3027/8"6@21 12' 0 1/8" A301 A401WESTCOR2 A4013COR 2 SOUTH 4 COR 2 NORTH EAST1COR1 A4022LOBBYNORTH 85' 6 3/8" CORRIDOR 102 ST. 0"8'10"1'0"6'7"13'12' 1 1/2" 0' - 5"6' 9 1/2" 101 103 102 105 106 107 108 104 101B104105 101A 106 107103B 102 109108A 111 110 112 115114 120 121 118 116B 108B 7/8"72' 100 DOORSEXISTINGTO SHOP RIVER ROCK FINISH PLANTER BED RIVER ROCK FINISH PLANTER BED STAIR 2 STAIR 1 122 EASTLOBBY1 3HR FIRE WALL, 2HR RIVER ROCK FINISH PLANTER BED4' 5 7/8" 0"3' 0"4' 3' 0" WALL, TYP. WALL, TYP. DRAIN A A AAAA 106 AA 20' 0" DROPPED CEILING ABOVE DROPPED CEILING ABOVE 3' 0" www.haptik b.com ProjectScale number DrawnDate CheckedbybyConsultantAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxemailAddressAddressPhoneFaxemailConsultantAddressPhoneFaxemailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxemail Client Turner Contracting Inc. Address 1044 Old Hwy 50 E. Phone 812.834.5954 Fax 812.834.5954 mail info@turnercontractinginc.com1/4" = 1'-0" PM1:29:598/30/2018A102 FIRST FLOOR PLAN012 Turner OfficeConstructingIssueDateAuthorChecker 1/4" = 1'-0"1 FIRST FLOOR No. Description Date FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'0"ROOF24'0" A2DGH C BEF LOWER PARAPET26'0" TOP PARAPET28'0" A1A3011 SHADOWS ARTIFICIAL A302 A3024 201 202102 201103101 INDIANASHOTVARIEGATEDSAWNFINISHLIMESTONE WOOD SIDING WOOD TYPE TBD. RIVER ROCK FINISH PLANTER BED ENTRY SECONDFIRSTDESIGNCANOPYT.B.DFLOOR0"FLOOR12'-0"ROOF24'-0" 1C 3 4 62 5 7 8 LOWER PARAPET26'-0" TOP PARAPET28'-0" 1A 1B A3023 MAY 12, 3 PM A3021A3012 A3025 104 106203 105 103 204 205 101 105 INDIANASHOTVARIEGATEDSAWNFINISHLIMESTONE INDIANASHOTVARIEGATEDSAWNFINISHLIMESTONE RIVER ROCK FINISH WOOD SIDING WOOD TYPE TBD. ENTRY DESIGNCANOPY,T.B.D. www.haptik b.com ProjectScale number DrawnDate CheckedbybyConsultantAddressAddressPhonemailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressPhoneFaxmail Client Turner Contracting Inc. Address 1044 Old Hwy 50 E. Bedford IN 47421 US Phone 812.834.5954 Fax info@turnercontractinginc.com812.834.59541/4" = 1'-0" PM1:30:258/30/2018ELEVATIONSA201 012 Turner OfficeConstructingIssueDateAuthorChecker 1/4" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION No. Description Date

FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'-0"ROOF24'-0" 1C 3 4 62 5 7 8 LOWER PARAPET26'-0" TOP PARAPET28'-0" 1A 1B SMALL MEETING ROOMOFFICE/SHARED OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE EXECUTIVE SUITE GYM/ EXERCISE BOOK-KEEPER HR MANAGEROFFICE ENTRY/ LOBBY A301 6"21'1/2"56"0'2'6"9'6"2'6"9' CANOPY 0"0"2'2'0"12'0"12' 0"9' FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'0"ROOF24'0" A2DGH C BEF LOWER PARAPET26'0" TOP PARAPET28'0" A1 A301 MECH. INTENDENTSUPER DOT BOOK-KEEPEROFFICERESOURCEROOM PAYROLL CFO OFFICEBREAK ROOM PLANTER SHOT FINISHLIMESTONESAWN EXISTING BUILDING 6"2'6"9'6"9' 2HR FIRE RATEDWALL STORAGE 0"0"2'2'0"12'0"12'CORRIDORCORRIDOR www.haptik b.com ProjectScale number DrawnDate CheckedbybyConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxemailAddressAddressPhoneFaxemailConsultantAddressPhoneFaxemailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxemail Client Turner Contracting Inc. Address 1044 Old Hwy 50 E. Phone 812.834.5954 Fax 812.834.5954 mail info@turnercontractinginc.com1/4" = 1'-0" PM1:30:368/30/2018SECTIONSA301 012 Turner OfficeConstructingIssueDateAuthorChecker 1/4" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING SECTION N-S 1/4" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SECTION E-W No. Description Date FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'0"ROOF24'0" DC LOWER PARAPET26'0" TOP PARAPET28'0" 7/8"60' 1' 0" FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'-0"ROOF24'-0" 1C2 LOWER PARAPET26'-0" TOP PARAPET28'-0" 1A1B FIRST FLOOR0" SECOND FLOOR12'0"ROOF24'0" A2 LOWER PARAPET26'0" TOP PARAPET28'0" A1 1/2"0'2'6"9'7"2'11"0'0"6'0"1" SECOND FLOOR12'-0" 1C 1B 2' 0" 6"0'OVERFLOWSCUPPERCONTINUOUSWATERPROOFMEMBRANEPLANTER SECOND FLOOR12'0" A2 A1 RAINSCREEN WOOD SIDING WRAP WOOD SIDING ON TO SOFFIT FURRING ATTACHMENTCHANNELSSPACERS LIMESTONE PANELS www.haptik b.com ProjectScale number DrawnDate CheckedbybyConsultantAddressAddressPhonemailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressFaxmailConsultantAddressAddressPhoneFaxmailConsultantAddressPhoneFaxmail Client Turner Contracting Inc. Address 1044 Old Hwy 50 E. Bedford IN 47421 US Phone 812.834.5954 Fax info@turnercontractinginc.com812.834.5954Asindicated PM1:30:378/30/2018SECTIONSA302/DETAILS012TurnerConstructingOfficeIssueDateAuthorChecker 1/4" = 1'-0"1 STAIR 1 SECTION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 STAIR 2 SECTION 1/2" = 1'-0"3 WALL SECTION 1 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 SECOND FL PLANTER 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 SECOND FL SOFFIT No. Description Date

MuseumVolcanoICeland Project Year: 2019 Project Location: Iceland Project Status: Bee Breeder Design Competition Proposal Project Designer: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design Studio Project Program: Project Area: 10,000

Program: Iceland Volcanic Museum 10,000 m2

Our proposal for an Iceland Volcano Museum is inspired by various well known tourist circles in Iceland, such as the Golden Circle (Gullni Hringurinn) in the South, and the Diamond Circle in Northern Iceland. While these prominent tourist circuits connect most of the popular national attractions, we propose a regional tourist circuit - the Mývatn Circle - for promoting regional attractions around Lake Mývatn. The new museum at the heart of this competition would anchor this new regional tourist circle, and would be called the Mývatn Circle Museum, or Mývatn Hringurinn Museum. The new museum would be a natural starting point for touring the beautiful attractions scattered around the region, and would help tourists understand the wide variety of destinations available nearby, as well as the history and culture of the region.
The formal aspects of the architectural design of the Mývatn Circle Museum are inspired by “pseudo craters” that are scattered around Lake Mývatn, while the green roof system references one type of vernacular architecture on Iceland – the “Turf House”. Our design proposes two circular buildings –one dedicated to parking, while the other is the museum itself - which are partially imbedded in the ground and blended into the surrounding landscape. The subtle topographic changes and the rounded geometries of the “pseudo craters” at Lake Mývatn are reinterpreted in our project through topological manipulation of the roof structure of each building. In some places, the building edges are perfectly blended with the surrounding landscape, but at the main entry points connecting the parking structure and the museum, the roofs are lifted up and allow for the experience of a dynamic entry sequence in to the museum.

1. Site Plan, NTS 2. Night Atmospheric Render View Museum Parking 1

Roofscape Design Process Diagram

The museum program dictates the locations of a series of circles within the site, which are then superimposed and intersected, in order to develop an intriguing roofscape. This is then manipulated by blending the tufted roofscape into the surrounding landscape along the edges of the building, and creates several roof access points from the ground level. The Internal edges of the circle intersections on the roof are sheared, in order to provide natural light to the main lobby and reception area in the museum.

1. Exploded Axonometric Diagram 2. Interior Atmospheric Render Views 2

Project Year: 2019 Project Location:
Program: Public Project Status: Trade
Project Team: haptiK|B (Jeeyea Kim and Dorian Bybee) and Jennifer Riley Bloomington, IN Project District Public Art Competition, Finalist


Limestone seating, table height plinths and seating at the base of the beacon invites a range of activity from meeting up for tea and picnics during the workday to exercise, lounging and dreaming. The nearby larger area left open for flexible use; activities such as yoga, children’s birthday parties, athletic group meeting points, etc.
West Elevation View
Bloomington Grand Barbican is a public work of art that is a manifestation of the unique community from which it takes its name. Its character is aspirational, yet firmly rooted in local values. The Barbican is situated in a way that it acts as both a community beacon, as well as a public destination. As a beacon, its height, bright colored panels, and glowing light make it easily discernible from a distance, and thus provides public way-finding within the new Trades District. As a public destination, it provides a playful and inviting space of community in the heart of the new district.

As the site is visible and accessible from many directions, it can serve as a reference point for where you are in the city. The purpose of the design is to reflect the artwork as a focus for pivoting around the site, while the shaping of the beacon itself suggests dynamic centrifugal force. Curved sheets of perforated steel stretch skyward as a bright, colorful, optimistic expression of renewal, hope and faith in a shared future. The Indiana limestone pedestals speak to the history and landscape surrounding Bloomington.

These materials are taken directly from the waste of local fabrication processes - had they not been used in the work of public art, they would have been consigned as scrap. This acts as a public expression of sustainability - demonstrating Bloomington’s commitment to preserving a better world for future generations - and it is a bold statement that powerfully connects this work of public art to the actual lives of the community that it will serve.
1. Site Plan at Trades District 2. Design Materials and Site Approaches 2


1. Night Atmospheric Render View 2. Close-up Atmospheric Views 2

GroundLaWaSo Project Year: 2021 Project Type: Public Art Installation Project Designer: haptiK|B, Kim Bybee Design Studio Project Status:

Status: Completed


2. Aerial View of LaWaSo Ground (Photo Credit, Hadley Fruits)
LaWaSo Ground combines stone elements that echo the extracted topography of the limestone quarries found in the region with landscape mounds reminiscent of Indigenous earthworks along the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys. Indiana limestone plays a complicated symbolic role, referencing its use in the construction of civic monuments across the United States, while the mounds present an alternative interpretation of how civic space can be conceived and celebrated.
1. Finall Installation View of LaWaSo Ground (Photo Credit, Hadley Fruits)
LaWaSo Ground is a contemporary memorial and community ground of (La)nd, (Wa)ter, and (So)il designed to help bridge some of the cultural dichotomies of our time through the lens of material culture. The installation responds to several themes and questions, including: what is the future of “middle” cities, and how can we manifest the “betweenness” apparent in a place like Columbus, Indiana -- a city named after Christopher Columbus, in a state named after Native Americans. The installation was designed to acknowledge the silenced and suppressed voices of the past, and advocate for a more diverse chorus of voices in the future.

1 3
Water is the common element linking the two formal pieces of the installation and is manifested in several ways. In a primal sense, water is the elemental force that first carved its way through the bedrock of Indiana, exposing dramatic edifices of stone to the original inhabitants of the land and soil beneath our feet. More recently, water has been a critical tool in the quarrying and fabrication of the very stone exposed by the rivers and creeks coursing through Indiana.
Thematically, water is present in the physically engraved patterns across the stonework. These pattern motifs were designed by the Indigenous artist Katrina Mitten, a citizen of the Myaamia Nation of Oklahoma.

1. Limestone Texture Close Up (Photo Credit, Hadley Fruits) 2. Engraved Pattern of Myaamia (Photo Credit, Hadley Fruits) 3. Engraved Pattern motif Design by Katrina Mitten2


14ft x Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe Post 12ft x Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe 10ftPostx Ø 2.875 (O.D) Metal Pipe Post Cardinal South Cardinal North Summer Solstice Sunrise 6:17am, Azimuth 58° Winter Solstice Sunrise 8:02am, Azimuth 120° Winter Solstice Sunset 17:23pm, Azimuth 239° Summer Solstice Sunset 21:13pm, Azimuth 301 ° 1. Night View of LaWaSo Ground (Photo Credit, Hadley Fruits) 2. Top Plan of Vertical Marker 2
The Vertical Marker of LaWaSo Ground incorporates components that align the project with significant times in the solar calendar, such as the Summer and Winter Solstices, as well as geospatial indices, including the cardinal directions of North and South. The temporal and spatial alignment of the vertical figure loosely references similarly purposed vertical elements found in many cultures across the globe. In addition to a purposefully utilitarian metal structure supporting decorative limestone panels, the vertical marker also incorporates a metal bracket system that has been developed earlier in concert with the Advanced Manufacturing Team at the Cummins Technical Center. The pairing of CNC-milled limestone panels and the 3D printed metal brackets aims to fuse the practical and ornamental dimensions of material culture referenced throughout the installation.

Landscaping Edges 3/4” OuterPlywoodEgg-Crate Frames (Part 11) 1 2

1/2” InnerPlywoodEgg-Crate Frames (Part 11) 3/4” Plywood Horizontal Plates 3/4” OuterPlywoodEgg-crate Frames 3/4” Plywood Horizontal Plates 1/2” Plywood Inner Egg-crate Frames 1. Egg-crate Frame Structure Fabrication System 2. Fabrication and Site Installation Photos

Limestone Panel Joinery 3D Printed Metal Bracket American Earth Anchors 2 1/2” or 3” Round Post Sleeve CNC LimestoneFabricatedPanel Primary Structure 2 3/8” (or 3”) Diameter Metal Pipe Tube21

1 5/8” - 1 5/8” Unistrut Connection Connected with Pipe Clamp with Bolt StructureDiameter Secondary Structure 1 5/8” - 1 5/8” Unistrut Unistrut Pipe Clamp Tertiary Structure 1 1/2” Metal Strip Bolted or Welded 1 1/2” Metal Bar Connection Attached to Unistrut with Bolt or Welded 1. Vertical Marker Structure System 2. Site Installation Photos