Portfolio Irma Paucar

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Semestre aaaaa

Septiembre 2018 – Febrero 2 019


Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato................................................................................ 3 Misión ...................................................................................................................... 3 Visión ....................................................................................................................... 3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación ...................................................... 3 Misión ...................................................................................................................... 3 Visión ....................................................................................................................... 3 Perfil de Egreso ....................................................................................................... 4 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo .......................................................................................... 7


Trabajo Práctico ............................................................................................... 19


Trabajo Autónomo............................................................................................ 20


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ...............................................................21


Prácticas Preprofesionales .............................................................................. 25


Reflexión .......................................................................................................... 31

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Autor: Paucar Irma

Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión “Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.”

Visión “La Carrera de Turismo y Hotelería de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un Centro de Formación Superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.”

Aaa aa

Autor: Paucar Irma

Sílabo Programa Analítico https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/albaphernandezf_uta_edu_ec/EXBUVNic33BHuWQurok GFFUBrYqhXnuOdRWivP5NSc_xKw?e=ChvMZR

Guías PAE No Aplica


Perfil de Egreso ÁREA DE TURISMO Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa turística con base en sus competencias profesionales. Elaborar paquetes turísticos sobre la base de conocimientos del tráfico aéreo, contabilidad y técnicas de guianza. Desarrollar destrezas creativas, innovadoras y de liderazgo para promover paquetes turísticos nacionales. Conocer el manejo administrativo y operacional de las diferentes áreas de las agencias de viajes, operadoras, aeropuertos y aerolíneas. Estar en capacidad de administrar su propio micro empresa turística. Organizar, coordinar y operar las actividades relacionadas con el turismo de aventura y turismo ecológico. Aplicar técnicas de guianza de acuerdo con las diferentes necesidades del cliente. Garantizar la protección y conservación del medio ambiente. Dominar el conocimiento de la ecología y áreas naturales del Ecuador. Cuidar la integridad física y salud de los turistas a su cargo. Crear y mantener ambientes de confianza, amistad y amabilidad hacia los clientes. Dominar de forma eficiente el idioma extranjero para una mejor comunicación con el turista.

ÁREA DE HOTELERÍA Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa hotelera. Conocer los procesos de planificación, organización, dirección y control administrativo de los diferentes establecimientos de alojamiento. Desempeñarse en los niveles operacionales y de coordinación de acuerdo a la orientación de los niveles medios y las políticas empresariales. Conocer los procedimientos adecuados para una correcta aplicación de la auditoría hotelera. Dominar las técnicas de costeo y presupuesto inherentes a la administración hotelera.




1. Trabajo Colaborativo a) Reaction Essay OUTCOME 1 /15 October, 2018



ADVANTAJE OF TECNOLOGY TO GIVE ATTENTION AND SOLUTIONS IN CLAIMS GIVEN BY CUSTOMERS IN THE FIELD OF THE TOURISM. Technology is constantly evolving there are always old technologies that can be replaced by newer and more efficient technologies. Technology is present in all areas of everyday life. Advances in technology have impacted society in such a meaningful way. Man is in a constant search for new methods that simplify activities in any of the areas he proposes. This is how every day has had the ability to create new tools to meet human needs. In one way or another, almost all the activities we do throughout the day imply the use of some technological device. Some of the advantages of the technology that we can mention are the easy access of information, better communication and cost efficiency. Easy access to information: it has been possible thanks to modern technologies such as broadband Internet. A lot of information is being published and appended on online sites, many web pages have original content that can be used for research or entertainment. Small appliances, such as smart cell phones and tablets, allow users to easily access information, these computers currently use the Internet. These elements make it easier to access the network and this simplifies the way in which we obtain information. (Robles, 2013). In our opinion access to relevant information at anytime

and anywhere has become commonplace, which has provided the information to the staff in a quick way. Better communication: Modern technology has developed many advanced technology tools in the field of communication, including email, cell phones, video conferencing, text messaging applications and social networking applications. All these modern communication tools have simplified the way in which humans and businesses communicate. (Mattelart, 2013) In our opinion we can say that communication is like water for life, we cannot develop without communication and much better if it is an efficient and effective communication. Cost efficiency: Through technology it is possible to improve processes and execute new ways of carrying out jobs. This may result in machines producing the same results as humans or even better results in certain industries. This results in cost savings for business owners because it allows them to invest these resources in the growth of other areas of the business, which in turn has a positive impact on the economy in general. Within the service sector, tourist activities are noteworthy, with considerable economic and social relevance, comparable with any other. (OMT, 2006). In our opinion, we can say that the business used in tourism is an important source for the economic development of our company and even more so if they go together with the technology. In conclusion, some of the advantages of the technology that we can mention are the feasible access of research, good communication and cost development which are the most important that we consider, as a conclusion I can say that in the world of tourism the Technology has been something very important because thanks to the evolution of this has been simplifying the life of the tourists from the time of the great empires so far and in the future it will come to a point where everything is done on the Internet and with credit cards. Personally, I think tourism and technology go hand in arm.


Bibliographic references Caro, J. L., Luque, A., & Zayas, B. (2015). New technologies for the interpretation and promotion of cultural tourism resources. Steps. Tourism and cultural Heritage magazine, 13 (4). Mattelart, A., & Mattelart, M. (2013). History of communication theories. World Tourism Organization. (2006). New technologies for the interpretation and promotion of cultural tourism resources. Steps. Tourism and cultural Heritage magazine, 13 (4). M, De la Fuente Robles, Y., Hernández Galán, J., & Jiménez Martín, D. (2013). Madrid Accessibility Week: Tourism, Technology and accessibility: Edition 2015.

b) Rubric exposition OUTCOME 1 /15 October, 2018

c) Digital Magazine about exposition advantages of technologies OUTCOME 1 Date: 15 October, 2018



Research about how solve problems with costumers in a hotel Date: 29 October, 2018


OUTOME N°2 THEME: RESEARCH ABOUT HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS WITH CUSTOMERS IN A HOTEL TEACHER: LIC. MG. ALBA HERNANDEZ COURSE: 8TH (EIGHTH SEMESTER) DATE: 29/10/2018 STUDENTS: PAUCAR IRMA BORJA SANTIAGO How to solve problems with customers in a hotel Excellent customer service is vitally important in the hospitality industry. It´s the first point of contact, between the hotel guest and the representative of the hotel. It is the first opportunity an establishment gest to impress and creative a lasting great impressions. According to several authors manifest that a job as a hospitality service provider is to maintain customer happiness and satisfactions. This research will focus on how to service customers in hotels pretending solve many problems that can present in some case The people who work in hotels should know how to interact with a customers, so for this reason is necessary to know some things. Krender (2012), defines customer orientation “as the set of activities, behaviors, and beliefs that place high priority on customer interest and continuously create superior customers value” (p.195). In our opinion many customer services is an internal and integral part of the processes of each hotel. If there’s any place where customers are likely to be paying attentions to the type of service they receive, it’s within the hospitality industry. Browm (2011) study found the following, satisfied customers are looking for a memorable experience and an energetic service, where it matters the most. Businesses need to be aware

that it’s becoming ever more popular for guests to leave a review of their experience on a number of feedback sites, whether their experience was a good or bad one. Hospitality outlets need to me mindful of this as bad feedback can be extremely damaging (p.36). In addition to this, Sallow (2000) explained that “Happy customers are loyal customers. Repeat customers are vital for hotels” not only is it important for you to provide stellar service, but awesome products as well. Make it a point to be on the fast track for keeping up with trends that your customers or making special concessions for passionate repeat consumers. Keep customers loyal by focusing on them at all times. Likewise, reliability is about always keeping the promises we make to the customer, these promises can be made in many ways. For example, they can be spoken or written agreements or contracts made with a customer, part of our sales literature or even an aspect of our service that is provided and comes to be expected by most customers. Products and services are usually sold with certain implicit or explicit commitments about their sale. Additionally, the assurance relates to how confident the customer feels about doing business with an organization. Many consumers have some concerns when using a business, especially when it is for the first time. They need to be sure that the business knows what it is doing and is competent and capable in providing the required product or service just when it is needed and at the desired level of quality. For example, when using a restaurant for the first time customers may worry about the quality of the food, the atmosphere, value for money or how they will be treated. Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and attentive staff, and user-friendly systems can do a great deal to put them at case. This also implies that the employee delivering the service knows his/her product well (Cheung & Law, 2014).in our opinion one important thing is listen intently to the costumer, and do not interrupt them. They need to tell their story and feel that they been heard. Nevertheless, there are a lot of problems that can has the establishments, the ability to solve problems effectively is one of the most important skills you can learn. Regardless of who you are or where you work in the hospitality industry, you’ll come across obstacles that will need you to put on your problems-solving pants! How you deal with these challenges will often be a determining factor in how successful you are in your working life. An unhappy guest won’t


enjoy his or her stay, and they probably won’t return to the hotel-so it’s your duty, as the hospitality professional, to make sure this doesn’t happen. More common problems in a hotel Discomfort /Dirt in the facilities of the hotel Between one of 10 quality dimensions more valued by the tourists in the hotel facilities as an investigation realized in the ambience of the hotel trade is the cleanliness, that's why an analysis of this one will be done. Cano (2010) a hotel must be characterized by its cleanliness, since the tourist is for the hotel a visitor, who must find everything impeccable, so that the person feels as in her own house or better than in her. What the tourist to simple dresses perceives how cleanliness, and as such it names it, it is a deeper problem, that sometimes, it escapes of what the tourist manages to see, up to where it is allowed to him to gain access in the hotel. The cleanliness, according to medical terms “It is the elimination of the extra material or (dust, ground, organic detritus and others) of the inert or living surface and that in its sweep effect eliminates also the superficial biological agents. The water, soap or detergent and the later drying are the basic elements of the process.” In our opinion the cleanliness of the hotel they are in hands of the personnel, to offer an excellent attention will bring benefits for the company it is necessary to apply all the skills to polish a room and the different facilities of the hotel Little variety in the menus of the hotel He normal feeding must be sufficient, completes, suitable, balanced and changed to maintain the health. To achieve it, there must be taken into consideration the age, sex, activity, and the physiological state of the person. The balanced feeding, it consists of determining the food rations that must be consumed in one day. Closed joint menu of plates that an establishment offers to the client. The letter is the compendium of all the plates that offers the restaurant and in which the menu of the day is usually included. Basic things in the complaints management: Calmness.












Safety and bluntness. If you offer a solution, do not doubt. If you doubt, the client (many certainly)





will go for more.


He is grateful for the complaint. Always. It thanks, because a complaint is a gift, they are giving us the opportunity to rectify. Then there is that they do not complain but they do not return. Apologize to him, even if it is not a problem of the hotel. To have weekly meetings with the personnel, where I spoke about the quality of the service that is lending, will help you to obtain very valuable information and to reorient what it is trumping. To qualify them professionally: The persons entrusted to attend to the needs of the guests of the hotel must have the professional knowledge adapted to be able to give a quality service.

Bibliographical references Krender (2012). Service, atmosphere and quality of restaurants in Bogota. A study of family business








Browm, De Vega, L. Ă . A. (2010). Quality Management. Universidad de La Sabana. Sallow, Trujillo Baquero, K. J., Mora, P., & Yulieth, L. (2000). Financial feasibility Study of the








Cano de Rota and Monter, J. A. F. ( 2010). Betanzos, XVI-XX centuries: Dirt





2. Trabajo Prรกctico a)Formal and informal email Date: 29 September, 2018


3. Trabajo Autรณnomo a)Oral lesson Unit 2 about the polite paragraph Date: 01 October 2018


4. Componente Teรณrico a) Quiz about The importance of teaching English in the field of tourism Date: 24/09/2018

c)Quiz Curricular Unit N.1 15 October 2018


d)Quiz Curricular Unit N.2 19 October 2018

e)Finaly exam 19 October 2018

5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) No Aplica

6. Prรกcticas Pre profesionales Informe Final de Prรกcticas pre profesionales




1. Trabajo Practico Graphic Organizer Date 23 November 2018


Poster the holiday (oral lesson) Date 07 Devember 2018



2. Trabajo Autรณnomo Technical vocabulary related to objective 3 Date 09 December 2018



3. Trabajo Colaborativo Oral Lesson (mental maps) Date 14 December 2018


4. Componente Teรณrico Evaluation Date 14 Juanuary 2019



5. Reflexiรณn The tourism industry is the fastest and most growing area in our country, as well as an important source of income, this, not only in Ecuador, but in several economies of the world, This industry is very diverse, because it includes workers and clients with different languages, ethnicities and cultures, which makes the English language essential for effective communication, and that will result in an experience of better quality and efficiency For tourists who visit us. Finally, to conclude, it is necessary that all the people involved in the tourism sector have a good instruction, use of the English language and management of the communication skills necessary to meet all the requirements of the sector, As this will generate excellence, faster services and increase long-term benefits. Also speak other language can travel a round the word and known different city, town, other people and establishment dialogue with other people.

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