1 Layton Jenna Layton Instructor Maari Carter ENC2135 15 February 2016 Keep America Bea utiful (KAB). Littering Behavior in America Results of a National Study 2009. 1-3. Print. Keep America Beautiful hired Action Research to perform an experimental study that observed littering habits and behaviors in individuals. They observed 10,000 randomly selected individuals from over 130 locations nationwide. (KAB 1) After this study, the researchers were able to conclude that cigarette butts seemed to be the most common form of litter found on the streets and about 81% of the time, the individual purposefully threw it on the ground. Action Research also concluded that the younger population seemed to care much less about littering, as they are the main culprits of committing this crime. After interviews, observations, self- reporting, and statistical gathering, the research suggested that littering could be found nearly everywhere, nationwide. The research done by Action Research is considered reliable because the text, Littering Behavior in America Results of a National Study, has been peer reviewed and edited by many people as this is stated on page vi. I plan to include this research in the beginning of my research as it sets the mood for the rest of the paper. It gives evidence of littering and who does it. “Littering Fa cts & Figures” Gwinnett Clea n a nd Bea utiful. Gwinnett Clea n a nd
Bea utiful, 2011-2016. n. p a g. Web. 3 Februa ry 2016.
2 <http ://www.gwinnettcb.org/resources/fa cts-figures/littering-fa cts-figures/>
Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful, another litter prevention organization, states many different facts on their page about littering. I want to use this quote, “the most likely person to litter, regardless of race, income, and education level is a male between the ages of 18-25.” (Littering Facts & Figures) to reiterate the fact that, in this case, young adults are the common criminals found guilty of littering. This also relates to my previous resource as well as future.
King, Luther. “9 Interesting Fa cts a nd Sta tistics a bout Littering.” Litter it Costs
you. 13 November 2013. n. p a g. Web. 4 Februa ry 2016.
<http ://www.litteritcostsyou.org/9-interesting-fa cts-a nd-sta tistics-a boutlittering/>
In an editorial titled 9 Interesting Facts and Statistics about Litter from Litter it Costs You. Written in November of 2013 by Luther King, this editorial reported that, “people who would deliberately litter are mainly those between the ages of 18-34 years old.” (King) After reading that young people were most often likely to litter many times, I became curious about other research. This fact, “1. 9 billion tons of litter ends up in the ocean every year.” (King) is sure to shock my audience as well as this quotation, “This is more than the amount of trash generated every year, weighing up to 250 million tons.” (King) With these quotes I want to stress how important it is to educate our community about littering.
3 Layton I plan to incorporate this information into the beginning of my research paper as it talks about the main topic of research, littering. This Source relates to many other resources I want to incorporate into my paper. This is because they have made it clear that with research they have all found similar facts about littering based on who is doing it or how they are doing it. Schultz, P. Wesley. "Littering in Context: Persona l a nd Environmenta l Predictors of Littering Beha vior." Environment and Behavior. Vol. 45.1, 28 July 2011. 35-59. Print. 8 Februa ry 2016. Littering in Context is a text that analyzed two different studies. One study focused on all forms of litter and behavior and the second study solely focused on smokers and their behavior towards littering. With this source, I will take more information and facts about littering from their research. Alexa ndria . “These Brillia nt Inventions Stop Peop le from Littering.” The Spirit Science. WordPress, 4 Sep tember 2015. n. p a g. Web. 7 Februa ry 2016. <http ://thesp iritscience.net/2015/09/04/these-brillia nt-inventions-stop -p eop lefrom-littering/> This source gives examples of street litter prevention by putting up billboards as games. I plan to incorporate these examples into the inventions section of my paper. These innovative ways to stop littering relates to the topic of how our generation is taking steps to prevent littering on the streets and I will talk about this further in my paper. Berman, Robby. “A Trash Can for the Sea.” Slate. The Sla te Group , a Gra ha m Holdings Comp a ny, 2016. n. p a g. Web. 7 Februa ry 2016.
4 <http ://www.sla te.com/a rticles/video/video/2015/12/a _clever_new_a utoma tic_ ocea n_tra sh_collection_system_ca lled_the_sea bin_is.html> To go along with inventions, an article written by Robby Berman focuses on the new Seabin and what it can do for our oceans. This bin sits on the side of a dock and filters debris out of the water using a vacuum. This information is credible as it is a real invention; this is just the only article I found that seemed scholarly enough. I intend to place this information in the part of my essay where I talk about the solutions to littering.
Johnson, Rutha nne. “The Dea dly Truth About Tra sh.” The Humane Society of the United States. All Anima ls Ma ga zine, July/August 2009. N. p a g. Web. 5 Februa ry 2016. <http ://www.huma nesociety.org/news/ma ga zines/2009/0708/the_dea dly_truth_a bout_tra sh.html> I found this quote and thought would be very effective in explaining how litter affects our animals. “Birds poisoned from lead weights, skunks with yogurt containers stuck on their heads, birds’ eyes poked out from fishing hooks. But the worst case she remembers was a raccoon whose paws were stuck in beer cans.” This quote will add pathos to my paper when I talk about negative animal and environmental affects of littering. “How Littering Kills Anima ls.” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA, 2016. n. pag. Web. 9 Februa ry 2016. <http ://www.p eta .org/fea tures/litter-kills-a nima ls/>
5 Layton “Animals often step in gum, which can become matted in their fur or feathers, making it difficult for them to move.” (Gum Header) I took this quote from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, as they are an organization solely based on protecting animals. I am going to implement this quote as well as more shocking facts into the section of my paper that will again use pathos and logos to talk about the negative affects of litter in our environment. Forbes, Gerry J. NCHRP Synthesis 394 Reducing Litter on Roadsides a Synthesis of Highway Practice. Wa shington D.C. Tra nsp orta tion Resea rch Boa rd, 2009. 68. Print. NCHRP is a text that talks more about litter research. I their research, they placed road signs on highways to see how effective these signs could be. These signs would say something like, “Don’t litter, it’s against the law.” They found that people actually listened to the sign and less littering was reported when the sign was present. This source will add more to the facts and research of litter prevention by talking about road signs and how they affect individuals. This source will be included in the section of my paper when I talk about ways we are currently preventing litter.
Works Cited Alexandria. “These Brilliant Inventions Stop People from Littering.” The Spirit Science. WordPress, 4 September 2015. n. pag. Web. 7 February 2016. <http://thespiritscience.net/2015/09/04/these-brilliant-inventions-stop-peoplefrom-littering/>
Berman, Robby. “A Trash Can for the Sea.” Slate. The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company, 2016. n. pag. Web. 7 February 2016. <http ://www.sla te.com/a rticles/video/video/2015/12/a _clever_new_a utoma ti c_ocea n_tra sh_collection_system_ca lled_the_sea bin_is.html> Forbes, Gerry J. NCHRP Synthesis 394 Reducing Litter on Roadsides a Synthesis of Highway Practice. Washington D.C. Transportation Research Board, 2009. Print.
“How Littering Kills Animals.” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. PETA, 2016. n. pag. Web. 9 February 2016. <http://www.peta.org/features/litter-kills-animals/> Johnson, Ruthanne. “The Deadly Truth About Trash.” The Humane Society of the United States. All Animals Magazine, July/August 2009. N. pag. Web. 5 February 2016. <http://www.humanesociety.org/news/magazines/2009/0708/the_deadly_truth_about_trash.html>
7 Layton KeepAmericaBeautiful (KAB). Littering Behavior in America Results of a National Study, 2009. 1-3. Print. King, Luther. “9 Interesting Facts and Statistics about Littering.” Litter it Costs you, 13 November 2013. n. pag. Web. 4 February 2016.
<http ://www.litteritcostsyou.org/9-interesting-fa cts-a nd-sta tistics-a boutlittering/>
“Littering Facts & Figures” Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful. Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful, 2011-2016. n. pag. Web. 3 February 2016.
<http ://www.gwinnettcb.org/resources/fa cts-figures/littering-fa cts-figures/>
Schultz, P. Wesley. "Littering in Context: Personal and Environmental Predictors of Littering Behavior." Environment and Behavior. Vol. 45.1, 28 July 2011. 35-59. Print. 8 February 2016.