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Modernism/Modern Movement is used to encourage a wide range of art movements and ideas during the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and was influenced and developed art, architecture and design. That started the declining standards of craftsmanship in the late 19th century and to the excesses of the Ar t Nouveau. Art Nouveau is a decorative style in architecture, furniture, consumer products, fashion and products in Europe and the USA. The significance of Art Nouveau is much better than just acknowledgement of its characteristic organic fluidity and motifs which contributed to the early starts of Modernism. Many practitioners and critics recognized the need for a new approach that would help the production of well made products for consumption. The Art and Design movements central to Modernism movements such as Cu b i s m , Fu t u r i s m , constructivism, De Stijl and Dada had a major influence in G r a p h i c D e s i g n , Ty p o g r a p hy a n d

p h o t o g r a p hy. T h e s e m o ve m e n t s created a strong link between art and industrial production and encouraged the move to geometric forms to the use of Asymmetric layouts Artists s u c h a s L a s z l o M o h o l y - N a g y, E l Lissitzky and Theo van Doesburg were of many that was active in the creative areas and they refused the acknowledgement of the boundaries in art and design. Bauhaus was a point in Modernist thinking with a number of staff being able to specialise in the different art and design movements which had a great impact on the greater good of the world. Legacy of the Modernist debates its apparent in the rationalism associated with the Swiss style post war of Switzerland. Modernist decline into the superficiality of style with ability to react and respond fast as possible to the changing consumer needs from reaction from a new generation of designers. 1950s artists, architecture ad designers challenge the constraints imposed by modernist idology in other terms Post Modernism.

Post modernism is a movement that was rejected by the m o d e r n i s t w h o ’s p a s s i o n w a s for the new and breaking the old rules that was in place at the time. It includes the same properties as modernism such as a r t , c u l t u re, p h i l o s o p hy, h i s t o r y, architecture and is oft en been known with the deconstruction and post-structuralism because round about the same time it gained p o p u l a r i t y. Postmodernism was described in different ways by different people who seen it differently the overall view of what postmodernism was applied to a host of movements in things such as art, music and literature which view was against modernism marked by elements and techniques. Starting in the 1960s post modernism evolved, post modernist used a variety of different styles and

techniques such as collages, anarchy and repetition as being known for breaking the rules postmodern broke every element of art and imagery that was about of that time and rejected everything to do with structure and they things were followed and they was free to combine any style of art adding drama to all sorts of areas. The International typographic style in Switzerland was the belief that follows form of function , but from the late 1960s a new gernation of swiss graphic desginers sought to challenge the limitations of this increasingly predictable style which to this present day in the design world.

I n t h i s b re i f I wa s I n t h i s b r i e f ‘s t re e t gra p h i c I co u l d c r its simplest and most literal form street graphic is little So in this Brief I thought the options to choose from w continuous production of evolving into more and mor who are there, the activities they can do which help people from one background many people who have ca

I n t h i s b re i f I wa s I n t h i s b r i e f ‘s t re e t graphic I could create anything I wanted to do with the streets it could be in many forms in its simplest and most literal form street graphic is little more than the layout of the town and the associated directional signage. So in this Brief I thought the options to choose from were many and began to produce a mind map to get ideas. Cities are in a continuous production of evolving into more and more modern places to be not just including buildings but also the people who are there, the activities they can do which help bring together a community of growing intelligent people and not just people

reate anything I wanted to do with the streets it could be in many forms in e more than the layout of the town and the associated directional signage. were many and began to produce a mind map to get ideas. Cities are in a re modern places to be not just including buildings but also the people bring together a community of growing intelligent people and not just ame from all around the world join together in the city working together

from one background many people who have came from all around the world join together in the city working together So to push off on my street graphic project I created a mind map where I could jot down all my ideas and thoughts of what I feel the city and the streets mean to me and because I come from Manchester I thought the best place for me to start it off it to go to Manchester to look at the building and take pictures of it, showing the old forgotten places where no one goes and to where all the popular places and new build productions are taking place. After taking the

photographs I feel it helped me a lot in my work to bring together an image representing growth development and the final product meaning the building. In my final I looked at two images and merged them together in a montage sort of image then I layed another image on top of the 2 main joint images then began to cut out the covering image in circle shapes to see the building underneath it showing the production and the final. However I thought this looked a little dull then began to add shapes of colour to bring it to life and I feel it really adds to the image and brings it to life.

In this Cabinet of curiosity brief I was asked to use my personal experiences to build a cabinet of c u r i o s i t y o r s h r i n e. Th e p i e ce d i d n’t have to be literal physical cabinet but it could be virtual, physical or static. In the brief it states that I could use a variety of different images in a collage type which can be used as research but not only that I needed a story or a meaning to my cabinet. It could be anything, it could be my own preoccupations and concerns or historical, political events. So in my case I thought a family member who traveled and was in the navy and began to collect and think of products that I could put in the cabinet Here is my final, this was produced virtually because It would of been to heavy for me to bring around uni, so I took a picture of the box its self and put scanned it on the mac and began to develop onto it where I produced my final. I feel it could look a lot different if I made a lot of the findings inside of the cabinet 3d effective to make it look more interactive and have more a living feel towards instead of it being a flat image. Overall I am happy with my final as I did a lot of development and quite happy of what it looks like and I think its quite easy for people to understand

In the brief I was asked to either write or submit a visual proposal for a new version of the ‘Golden R e c o r d ’ e n t i t l e d , ‘ E a r t h A r t i f a c t ’. I t d o e s n’t h ave to b e a re p ro d u c t i o n of the ‘Golden Record’ but could be a more contemporary version, which should be reflected in what ever I want to do as a final. I jotted down all my ideas and began producing I wanted to think of something that all people on earth would like to do and see so I began to think of the 7 wonders of the world, 7 main places to go in the world, and 7 main things that are exilerating and push the human race to the extreme. Then I began thinking of a bucket list and then it just clicked and I began to make thumbnail ideas of my icons that I wanted to use on my final list and I wanted to create it as it has just been found or been chalked onto a wall. After alot of development I thought overall that my final outcome looks well but I still feel if I did it again I would maybe change the layout to make it look realistic and less flat but even so I think it looks ver y strong as a Final.

To c r e a t e m y t y p e f a c e I created using the 3d effect and I really find the style and the final outcome very strong. I picked letters that I thought would look the best on the design because of how I could style it. Overall I could add colour towards it but I like the mono tone colours because it makes it stand out the most. However I feel with colour it will bring it to life of the page. To c r e a t e m y f i n a l i m a g e I was influenced by a bulding that used different levels and I found it levels contrasting well witht he image that I have created.

Here from my briefing in my lectures I was asked to create my own manifesto and do research to help me create my own one. When doing the research I did a lot of reviews of other highly viewed manifestos that are v a l u e d i n t o d a y ’s d e s i g n w o r l d . I u s e d w o r d s t h a t m e a n a lot to me which help motivate me when Im doing my w o r k a n d t h e y a l l c o n t r a s t w e l l w i t h e a c h o t h e r. c r e a t i n g the background I just wanted a rough texture that could mix well with my different type layout, I thought if it was just on a solid colour it was just look too bland. However I feel my final outcome looks really strong and I am very pleased with how it has come and what it looks like.

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