COD Library ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter: 03/11

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C.O.D. Library ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter March 2011

Resource of the Month Do your students have cell phones? Do you have access to a computer and screen projector? If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, you can organize instant polls, surveys and quizzes with Poll Everywhere. You may be familiar with audience response technology like the iClicker system we have here in the Library. Poll Everywhere does a similar job, but by using the technology we have at hand. The steps are simple. Just go to, click Create a Poll and then select the type of poll you'd like to take: Multiple Choice, Free Text or Goal. Let's say you pick "Multiple

If I'm this busy it must be mid-semester! I missed my deadline! I'm usually pretty good about sending out my ESL/ABE/GED Faculty Newsletter, if not on the first of the month, then at least the first weekday of the month. But the end of February seemed unusually hectic and the beginning of March is so far following suit. As we approach mid-term, the College does seem to buzz! The students I see in the classrooms and in the Library are starting to buckle down and immerse themselves in the more demanding work of this part of the semester. SOS Workshops start filling up with students who realize they really don't know how to find good information online, or get started on a research project, or cite their sources. Soon, spring break will be looming over them and the end of the semester will seem right around the corner. How are your semesters shaping up? And how can the Library assist you, your teaching or your students as we all head toward the midway point of the term? I would like to take a moment to reiterate the Library's A/V delivery policy, as there was some measure of confusion spread about in a spate of emails recently. If you need audiovisual equipment in a classroom, the Library will arrange for that equipment to be delivered in time for your class. If you need a DVD, VHS tape, CD or other audiovisual materials, the Library will be happy to set the item aside for pickup in a special no-wait window for faculty. If you don't teach in an East Campus classroom, I recommend taking advantage of the 30-minute parking spaces in front of the SRC when picking up materials. Did you know that you can checkout laptop computers from the Library? This is a great service for any faculty member on-the-go. Presenting at a conference? Attending an offsite meeting? Keep yourself connected with one of our many internet-ready laptops. Working on a research project of your own? Many of our faculty are pursuing additional degrees, publishing papers and books or just actively researching topics of interest. Our librarians can help you find the information you need to research curriculum or professional-related topics. Feel free to contact the division librarian in the area of your

Choice"-- your next step is to type in your question and then as many possible answers as you'd like. Save your poll and Poll Everywhere immediate creates a screen with a liveupdated graph for you to show your class. Students then text a code to a phone number to register their votes. Votes instantly appear on the graph where you can see your students' responses. Instant polling is a great, fun alternative to the question "Does everyone understand?" Instead of a room of nods and shrugs, you can see for yourself whether students understand the concepts you're discussing. And students can respond without the fear being identified as having the wrong information. Poll Everywhere is free for 30 or fewer users.

Your Librarian Jenn Kelley Reference Librarian Office: SRC 3043A Phone: (630) 942-2383 E-mail: Library Website: Find me on Facebook

studies! Interested in learning more about the services we offer for you? Check out our Faculty Services page for details. It's a busy time of year, but the Library is here to make things just a little easier!

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