The alw mindful eating decision tree

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Mindful Eating Decision Tree – ALW

Craving Hits When was the last time you ate?



Less than 2 hrs

Have a craving for more Healthy Living Made Easy Tips? Join me on December 7th at noon central time for a free webinar to learn how to Win the Holiday Battle; Dieting versus Eating with Abundance. Sign up at www.AuthenticLivingWelln

You are experiencing emotional or false hunger or you are thirsty. Grab a glass of water and take a moment to reflect on the events of the day so far. Maybe you need a hug, phone a friend, sleep, take a hot bath or shower, laugh, stretch or do yoga, walk for 10 minutes. Ask yourself what do I really need? By letting yourself experience true emotions you can prevent overeating.

What time of day is it?


More than 2 hrs

You just might be hungry. Ask yourself, “Am I feeling physical hunger?” If the answer is “No” you are probably experiencing emotional/false hunger. If “Yes” as evidenced by a growling stomach or being light headed, feeling shaky, irritable, lacking energy, or having low concentration it may be time to have a sensible snack (protein with fruit w/a glass of water) or a meal.

If you are actually hungry and it is morning or afternoon you should be eating something. I like a protein/fruit snack like a Greek Yogurt w/fruit, Cottage Cheese w/fruit, or almonds and an apple with a big glass of water. If it is meal time there are thousands of delicious no sugar, processed-free food choices to make or buy. If it is evening, 2-3 hrs before bedtime and after your evening meal opt for a protein/fruit snack that will help you sleep soundly without putting on the pounds. Learn more at

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