The authentic living wellness decision tree 2016 dec

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Mindful Eating Decision Tree – ALW When was the last time you ate?

Craving Hits Morning


Less than 2 hrs

What time of day is it?


More than 2 hrs

You are experiencing emotional or false hunger or you are thirsty. Grab a glass of water and take a moment to reflect on the events of the day so far. Maybe you need a hug, phone a friend, sleep, take a hot bath or shower, laugh, stretch or do yoga, walk for 10 minutes. Ask yourself what do I really need? Let yourself experience true emotions you can prevent

You just might be hungry. Ask yourself, “Am“Am I feeling physical Ask yourself, I Have a craving for more Healthy Living Made Easy hunger?” If the answer is “No” feeling physical hunger?” Tips? We start Dec you probably experiencing If theare answer is “No” you 3rd!! Why wait until emotional/false are probably hunger. If January 2nd to feel “Yes” as evidenced by a experiencing energetic, radiant and growling stomach or being emotional/false hunger. healthy? light headed, feeling shaky, If “Yes” as evidenced by a Let's get together and support one another irritable, or growling lacking stomachenergy, or through the next 60 days so having low headed, concentration it being light that we can enter into 2017 may beshaky, time toirritable, have a sensible feeling with a healthy, happy and snack fruit w/a lacking(protein energy,with or having energetic body, attitude, glass of water) or aitmeal low concentration may of and new passion for protein, vege, whole be time to have a grain and life! Click here to learn more fruit for dessert. sensible snack (protein overeating. with fruit w/a glass of If you are actually hungry and it is morning or afternoon you should be eating water) or asomething. meal. I like a protein/fruit snack like a Greek Yogurt w/fruit, Cottage Cheese w/fruit, or almonds and an apple with a big glass of water. If it is meal time there are thousands of delicious no sugar, processed-free food choices to make or buy. If it is evening, 2-3 hrs before bedtime and after your evening meal opt for a Join me on December 3rd. protein/fruit snack that will help you sleep soundly without putting on the pounds. Another great tip is Sign up at to try a warm bedtime tea. Learn more at m Property of Authentic Living & Wellness – all rights reserved. [2016] * @Authenticlivng * 331-625-5588

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