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Jennifer Aguilar Martin Sixth Teaching

INCIDENTAL LEARNING VOCABULARY THROUGH STORIES T forms 4 groups in the classroom, Ss choose a representative and then T gives to each group newspaper and tape. Ss have to create a costume for the representative that they chose of a grandfather or grandmother using only the newspaper and tape. Finally the representative passes in front of the class and explains what he/she is wearing. T gives to the Ss some pictures of the story. T reads the story while the Ss put in order the pictures according to the story. (T reads the story 2 times) Each group is going to have a balloon, they have to blow it up and then explode it. The balloon has a strip of paper with a question that they have to answer. Then the T asks for the answer to one member of the group.

Coco can‟t wait By: Taro Gomi Coco lives on top of the hill, in the house with the purple roof. Grandma lives on the mountain, in the house with orange roof. One day Coco wanted to see Grandma very much. And Grandma wanted to see Coco very much. “Dear me! Coco is not here!” “I can‟t wait any longer.” “Oh, how I want to see Coco.” “Oh no! Grandma is not here!” “There isn‟t a minute to lose.” “Oh, how I want to see Grandma” “Hello, Grandma!” “Hello, Coco!” “Next time, Grandma, let‟s meet in the middle, right under this tree.” And Grandma and Coco ate all the apples in Grandma‟s basket.

♦Maybe, in the first activity, all the students of each group can give one characteristic of his/her representative. ♦Before a reading is necessary to give students new vocabulary to words that they don’t know. ♦Students can discuss the question together to answer it.

The purpose of this activity is that students learn new vocabulary accidently because of the repetition of the words in the story. It is important to take into consideration the new vocabulary it has to appear every 15 words.

ORGANIZING VOCABULARY IN „AD HOC‟ CATEGORIES This is the name given to collection of things put together on the spur of the moment e.g. Things to take on a picnic. A nice example of how this can be exploited for vocabulary practice comes from a Malaysian text book unit on the topic of equipping an office. The unit has a set of vocabulary items introduced through pictures: files, a typewriter, stapler, paper clips, envelopes, a filing cabinet, etc. Later in the unit, pupils are asked to look at the items and say which can be brought back from the shop and which will need to come later in a lorry. This is a simple activity, but one which requires pupils to think and use the new words, and thus helps those words become part of the learners' longer term vocabulary resources. Categories competition: Ss will get in 5 groups, each group is going to have one category, then they will go the hall to pick all the pictures that go in their category and the first group who finishes wins the competition and finally each group is going to say a sentence at loud using one picture of their vocabulary. Wall categories: T will use 2 walls, in each wall there is going to be a category e.g. fruits and vegetables, so T will say vocabulary of these 2 categories in order to get Ss run to the correct category where the word belongs. I went to the supermarket: T will give ss a category like “supermarket” and ss will say a vocabulary word that belongs to this category and repeat the word that his/her classmate before have said and so on until all ss have said a word. Jesus ordered Lazarus: The Ss will sing the song: Jesus ordered Lazarus, and each group will assign to the other group a category. The other group has to say in 5 seconds 5 words of the category that the other group assigned.

♦ Wall categories: T could paste the pictures that will be mentioned to Ss match the correct picture. ♦ I went to the supermarket: Students can use yarn to talk one by one to form a spider web. ♦ Jesus ordered Lazarus: Instead of Ss assign a category, they could select one from some envelops.

LEARNERâ€&#x;S CHOICE Students have the opportunity to choose the sub-item that the teacher will teach, the learner's choice we can say that it's like a brainstorm of a given topic, also here is allowed the translation from Spanish into English (foreign language), for example: theme = wild animals What do they know about these animals? And what animals they think that is wild and if someone does not know how to say it in English on the right side of the board we write the words and then we explain and translate to the child.

Activities: In these activities children have to match the letters to form the name of a lot of countries it could be in any order, the purpose is to form the name in Spanish and then we translate in to English.

♌ is important to give them the exercise in their native language; they have to answer it alone. Then give them the translation using the same activity but with the teacher and all the students. I think that is a good way to teach the translation and also pronunciation.

THEMATIC ORGANIZATION OF VOCABULARY Ss go to the hall, and try to find a little circle with their name. When they have all the circles; they have to come to the class again. Inside of the classroom all the circles with the same colors are going to be a different group. For example: Mary






Mary and Mia are going to be the yellow group. Juan and Fer are going to be the green group, and Lucy and Less the pink group. Each group is going to be sitting on the floor with two pairs of scissors and glue. The teacher gives them poster paper, magazines or newspaper and a list of items. The list of items depends on which topic are you going to develop as a teacher. For example: It can be a list of clothes, food, seasons, and so on. The Ss have to look at the magazine and try to find all the items, and extra ones to complete the poster, but each time they find a new item, they have to show it to the complete group. Tape the poster on the wall. The main purpose of the thematic organization of vocabulary is that the Ss are going to be able to increase their vocabulary depending on the specific topic.

♌ After the activity, students can share their posters and repeat the vocabulary with their own group and with all their classmates.

ORGANIZATION OF VOCABULARY THROUGH RELATIONS OF WHOLES TO PARTS Ss have to make couples, students sit in front of their partner using their desks. Teacher plays song that allows students relax. When Ss hear the song, one member of the couple draw in a sheet of paper what he feels while is listening the song; then the other member draw what he feel while is listening another song. To finish with the activity, all couples have to color their pictures and write their names, and then they hang up their drawing in a loop. Including Yes No Questions, where students practice formulas to form questions and answers, the teacher may include the following activities: after hanging up the drawings, students will be separated in two groups and choose a representative from each group, the representative should get out of the class while the members of their group should choose one of the drawings that are in the loop. When representatives of the groups come to class, with the help of their group have to guess the picture that her classmates will describe, but using Yes/No Question. In this way the drawing will be discovered and by whom it was drawn.

ď ˝ The purpose of our work is to integrate different techniques to create a new method of student learning, they acquire their knowledge more easily, making the classroom a funny space integrating VAKT activities.

Students need to write their name on the paper and one group could paste their pictures first and then the other one. Students can discuss the characteristics of the picture to describe well to representative.

LABELING ACTIVITIES Divide the class in two groups. Teacher gave them a name and they have to look for the correct picture. The teacher checks if the answers are correct (comprehension) Teacher explains vocabulary. Second Activity: Teacher asks students to stand up. Each student is going to have picture and information. The students have to label each picture with their meaning.

Second activity could be in pairs and they could help by themselves to label the pictures with the correct meaning.

ORGANIZATION OF VOCABULRY THROUGH WORDS AND ANTHONYMS: Teacher can give the words to the students in a specific sequence. Antonyms: The teacher divides the class in couples. Each couple has a slide of paper. They have to write a sentence using the words that the teacher gives. Then they have to say the sentence and their classmates have to guess.

They could practice the sequences, writing one sentence of those sequences.


Activities to sort and categories will practice vocabulary through this type of organization. If food works are being learnt, children can sort real items into vegetables and fruit, naming the individual items as they go.

Teacher divides the class in two groups, at the end of the hall teacher will put in the flower pictures of vegetables and fruits but it will be mixed, then the two groups are going to make two lines and one group will have the category of the vegetables and the other the category of the fruits. The first person of the line will be given a slip of paper with the name of a fruit or a vegetable depends in category that they are, then they will run to the pictures of the fruits and vegetables are and have to find the picture of the word that they have, they will return to their group and the next person has to do the same and so on. Finally when they already have all the pictures of their category, they have to pass in front of the class and show the word with its picture to the other group. 2. Some language games also exploit this type of organization. The game "Shipwreck" puts pupils into teams with pencil and paper. They are given three minutes to list all the drinks they can think of, then all the food, the all the clothes. Then one team reads out their list item by item, and if another team has also written an item, it has to be crossed off everyone's list. Teams can only keep items that no-one else has listed. At the end of the game, teams have to imagine themselves landing on a desert island after a shipwreck, with only those items left on their list (usually an amusing selection of odd things) 3.

"Word Tennis" splits the class into two teams. The teacher names a category e.g sports, and teams take it in turns to give examples in a kind of tennis rally. The winner is the last team to find a word. The game then repeats with another category.

These kinds of games bring together previously learnt vocabulary in organized groups, recycling them and embedding them back more deeply in memory. Played at odd moments in lessons, they can help keep words active

I think that students could have a list of the Word that it will be categories to have knowledge of them.

STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING VOCABULARY: There are two strategies that proficient English learner-speakers use to acquire vocabulary: discovery and consolidation.

Activity 1: Have Ss guess the meaning of the words by noticing links to similar words in the first language or noticing grammatical information about words from the way they are being used. Ss can also guess by using all the information available in a picture or text or predict the meaning within three options given by the teacher. Then, teacher gives the words in context for them to check their predictions. Examples: Neigh Gallop Wool

DIG A) A noun: a piece of metal that fastens the edge of a door, window, lid, etc. to something else and allows it to swing open or closed B) A verb: to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine or your hands or to form a hole by moving soil C) An adjetive: graceful and attractive in appearance or behaviour

Activity 2: Have Ss categorize vocabulary in four categories. Then, they check their predictions by watching the words in the correct category. Finally show Ss the words in category with pictures. School Food Animals Verbs

I really like this activity and I wouldn’t change anything

GOING OUT FROM THE TEXT BOOK There are some books which include a specific vocabulary for each lesson but it is important to take in consideration that you will need to extend the vocabulary when your students start to have doubts. That´s why you have to “extend” the vocabulary. ACTIVITY The teacher will do four stations and each one will have a picture of one outstand member of the community. Then the T will separate the class in four groups. Each group need to be in one station. In each station the ss need to do the following:

1.Unscramble the name of the outstanding member 2. Answer: Where does a ______ work? 3. Look in the dictionary the following word. 4. Ss will write a sentence using the three words *



Police officer


Fire station


Police station






Firefighter Fire station Hose

Teacher School Chalk

Police officer Police station Handcuff

Doctor Hospital Injection

For each activity the ss need to be rotated and tell the class what they did.*

Directions: Listen the sentences and mark whit a check what changes that exists in the verb.








1. 2. 3. 4.

She is cutting his poster. My daddy wrote a new story. She runs to the bus stop. Carla had swum since she was eight years.

A: Hi Carl‌How are you? B: hi‌ lily, Fine and you? A: Great thanks, it is jenn here? B: yes, she is cutting her new poster. A: Woow, mi dad wrote a good story about this poster. B: really? You have to show to me.. A: Yes, I will but kary has the story and she was late for school. B: ooh! She was the girl who was running to the bus stop? A: yes, I think.. She is always late because she goes to swim every day in the morning. B: ooh! Really! I had swung for 4 years when i was 8 years old, I really loved swimming.

WHAT ROBERTITO HAVE TO WEAR? Once upon a time there was a boy named Robert, but he preferred to be called Robertito. He liked very much to be organized. One day, he was cleaning his room when his father came and asked him: “Robertito are you ready? , and Robertito answered: "I do not know what I should wear in the summer" His father told him: “you should wear a tank top, shorts, and a hat to protect your skin from the sunlight” Robertito was very calm when his father told him what he had to wear… Robertito continue asking his father what he should use in each season of the year to know what he would wears in the right season. Robertito’s father then said, "For winter you should wear a hat, sweater, pants, boots, scarf, gloves, and everything to keep you warm and protect you from the cold" Robertito told his father: “and, can I wear a coat? “And his father replied "yes, that's what you should wear" Robertito told his father again: “and what should I wear for autumn and spring? And his father answered... “For autumn a sweater because of the wind, pants and sneakers. Oh, I Almost forgot to tell you Robertito that for spring you should wear t-shirts, jeans, and clothing that makes you feel comfortable. Finally Robertito told his father: "Thanks for telling me what I should wear; now I will feel ready for each season". What is the activity about? The teacher will give students a box, at the top of the box, students will have a category "The seasons of the year" and the right side will have clothing that can be worn at each station. When the students have their own table, the teacher will read a story when they hear one station and clothing should be worn, they must be marked with a check the appropriate box and so on. What is the purpose of the activity? Reinforce the audition, and interpretation of the students, when they hear the station and the clothes that have to wear, they will make connection with the two items and with a check mark the correct answer.


The teacher will use phrasal verbs several time using different things. For example: Take out your notebook Take out your pen Take out your pencil case Take out your ruler The teacher can change the command (phrasal verb) but she/he has to use it in different things or occasions. The Purpose of this activity is students without notice started to memorize that command so then they can use it in class. Activity #2 “CHARADES” The whole class select one representative and then student choose one strip of paper. Students read the word inside of the strip of paper and with that word he/she will make charades of that word. When the rest of students guess what is the word. The teacher is will ask: What she/he did? And the other students answer using past tense. Purpose: that students start using tenses, but it depends in how the teacher asks so the students can answer.

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