Theme Standing together with One Spirit and One Purpose.
Verse Whatever happens conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the good news. -Phillipians 1:27b (Ref. NIV, NLT)
PWOC Pin Meaning P - stands for Protestant, our heritage and our choice. W - stands for Women who owe a great deal to Christ because of the level to which he raised them during His time on earth. C - stands for Chapel where we can carry out our beliefs. The metallic letters and olive branch stand for the precious metal of God’s love.
2014-15 PWOC Kickoff# The 2014-15 year kicks off with the first meeting of the PWOC at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17. The event begins with a mixer in the chapel annex. Take some time to get to know other women in the chapter with a special version of tic-tac-toe.
Come hungry! Sandwiches, salad and drinks, and desserts are provided by the chapel and PWOC. We will enjoy dinner together before continuing more activities.
We look forward to seeing you there. No reservations needed, just bring yourself and a friend.
The ladies of the PWOC board have a lovely skit planned to introduce this year’s theme and
Gail has the “diamonds” to put on your T-shirts. Please remember to bring them. It is easier if you are not wearing them. Imelda Shannon will give the devotion and we will discuss this year’s program.
In the meantime, you can get connected with the PWOC on Facebook. Search: Whiteman AFB PWOC to get connected.
A note from the president Hello ladies! I hope you all had a great summer, and are ready for a great year.
Meet the board President Liz Stafford 1st VP | Spiritual Life Imelda Shannon 2nd VP | Spiritual Life Melinda Mattingly
Your 2014-15 board has been busy working on our kick-off meeting, and we are excited to be able to share with you all the good things God has planned. I am blessed to be working with some awesome ladies who have such a great love for our Lord. My prayer for this year is that we can be a blessing and inspiration to all of you.
As Sister’s in Christ, we have a bond that cannot be broken. So, if you have a program idea, outreach opportunity, or need, please let us know. Our ear is always ready to listen to you, our heart to love you, and our mouth to pray for you. I can’t wait to see you Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 1830 in the chapel annex for fun, fellowship, and praising god.
- Liz Stafford, PWOC President
Administrative Coordinator Amanda Smelser Historian Gail Braswell Hospitality Janelle More Publicity Jennifer Mullins Get involved! There are a few positions open. If you are interested in serving as part of the PWOC team, please contact Liz Stafford at l_stafford@hotmail.com.
Have something for the newsletter? Have a recipe, helpful tidbit, link to a great blog, etc. that you’d like to share in the newsletter? Please contact Jenn Mullins at jenn.mullins@gmail.com
The PWOC mission statement The Protestant Women of the Chapel International is a resource network that unites, trains and encourages women in the military chapel community in their spiritual growth. PWOC is God empowered, Christ centered and Spirit led; exists as an extension of the
chapel; encourages women to grow spiritually within the body of Christ through prayer, the student of God’s Word, worship and service; is sponsored by the Army Chief of Chaplains and is recognized by the leadership of the Air Force, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Chaplaincy.
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Bible Studies
Tuesday morning, 9:30 a.m. Be Authentic by Warren Wiersbe
Our culture is filled with limitations posing as truth with compromise and fallacies. So how do we cultivate an authentic walk with God? The answers are found in the book of Genesis. This study examines the lives, experiences, and choices of three men who pursued a genuine relationship with God: Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Through the light study time you will discover how to pursue authentic relationships with others and God and how to live out your faith in an irresistible, compelling way.
Wednesday evening, 6:30 p.m. Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer
They shock you; they shake you; they compel you to change. You can’t escape life’s interruptions, but you can change your perspective on them. Dive into this DVD study of Jonah and discover that what you see as an interruption may truly be God’s divine invitation to a life so much bigger than you can imagine. This study will help you redefine interruptions and show you that they are actually God’s invitation to do something beyond your wildest dreams.
Prayers and Praises Prayers and praises is a a collection of prayer requests and praise reports from the Protestant Women of the Chapel. If you would like a request or praise included in the monthly newsletter, please contact one of the ladies of the PWOC board.
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Prayers Baby Deklan and his mommy, who is wearing down, need some extra prayers. Let’s uplift her!
Katie Meashintubby asks for prayers for her and her family as she works through postpartum depression.
When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. The daily 20-30 minute study time will enhance your growth in this study.# Childcare is provided!
Start A New Study Interested in hosting a Bible study in your home? Contact someone at email address.#
Spirit Cafe Bible Study Join the group every Wednesday night in Spirit Cafe at 6 p.m. for a Bible study.
Amish Friendship Bread Add these directions to any starter that you give to a friend.
Day 1: do nothing Day 2: mush bag Day 3: mush bag Day 4: mush bag Day 5: mush bag Day 6: add to the bag - 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk
Amish Friendship Bread Starter Recipe As we begin another year of PWOC and new friendships, this recipe only seemed fitting. The Amish Friendship Bread recipe is meant to multiply through its creation so that when it comes time to make the bread from the dough, you have enough “starters” to pass off to friends. Then they begin making “starters” of their own. Search the Internet for the multitude of recipes that can be made from the starter dough. Starter ingredients 2 cups warm water 2 cups flour 1 tsp. yeast Put warm water in a glass or ceramic bowl or, a large canning jar. (NO METAL). Add the year and stir. Add the flour and stir. Leave uncovered or cover with a piece of cheese cloth. Do not seal. It can explode. Leave out on the counter. Do not refrigerate. After a few hours it may look fermented. That is good. Just leave it alone until the next day. This is day 1. On days 2-5 stir your starter with a wooden or plastic spoon. On day 6, stir and add 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar. On days 7-9 stir. On day 10, feed your starter again with 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour and 1 cup sugar. Then stir. Measure out 1 cup of starter into 4 containers. Gallon zipper bags work great as you will be mushing your ingredients from there on. Keep one for yourself and pass 3 along to friends with a copy of the instructions in the column to the right. You could also keep one, bake on and pass two along. If you don’t pass it along the first day, be sure to tell your friend what day it is on when you give it to them.
Day 7: mush bag Day 8: mush bag Day 9: mush bag Day 10: follow these instructions
1. Pour your bag into a non-metal bowl. 2. Add 1 1/2 cups flour, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 1/2 cups milk 3. Measure out 4 - 1 cup servings into 4-gallon size zipper bags. Keep a starter for yourself and give 3 away along with a copy of the recipe and instructions. 4. Find recipes for the bread on the Internet. One great site to go to is: www.friendshipbreadkitchen.com/ recipe-box Make loves and freeze them for the next get-together or as gifts for a friend who is struggling.
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