PRIME TIME | Purpose -
est. Christian relationships welcome non-Christians (further kingdom) entertain / bring joy to students’ lives gateway to other aspects of IV introducing forms of worship providing worship providing gospel & spiritual dialogue
More of gateway: Campus Christian Students
PT Gospel PT Christian Fellowship, Small Groups, Service Team, Sharks
What isn’t happening: - sustaining Christian Fellowship (breaching across social group borders; keeping newcomers & getting them involved) - Presenting Gospel to Campus (outreach events) - Encouraging attendance to other IV teams (service, small group, prayer, co-ed, men’s, women’s etc.) - Staying relevant to all age groups (ministry for upperclassmen as well as freshmen)
PRIME TIME | Action Plan At Prime Time - Shorter meetings 9-10 - Reach out to new comers (group ice breakers) (Follow-Up Team) - Skits (entertain & encourage) (Possibly est. Drama Team) - Advertise IV teams’ events (PTN: Prime Time News) - Allow teams to give reports of what’s going on (All Teams including C-Team) - Use of student testimony/other brief speeches (as advice for freshmen & dialogue w/ upperclassmen) - Allow for students from different churches talk about what is happening in their fellowship - Outreach events (Speakers, bands, worship events “as141”) - Dialogue among students (Speakers, videos, prompts) - Worship (encourage, inspire, give spiritual clarity) Before Prime Time - Prayer Team Event - Practice Skit & Organize Night’s schedule / flow - Record PTN After Prime Time - Encourage relaxed fellowship (music, food, games) (Co-Ed fellowship)