ch 10 Student Notes

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Chapter 10

Name: ________________________ Period: ________

Mollusks • Characteristics: –___________________________________ –Have soft, ______________ bodies that are protected by a ____________________

–Have a thin layer of ______________ called a _____________ that covers its internal organs

–An organ called a ___________

• Body Structure: –________________________ –Digestive system with ______ __________________ –_________________ are located together in _________  Have an ________________________

–Blood is _________________________ –Heart pumps blood into a ___________ that opens into the _________________ containing the __________________

–The blood _______________________ and returns ______________________

• Obtaining oxygen –Have ___________ (organs that _________________________) 1

–The gills have _____________________________________ called ________________ and a rich supply of blood vessels

–After the gills remove oxygen from the water, the oxygen __________________________________________ and at the same time __________________ moves _______________ of the ______________ and into the _________________

–Three major groups of mollusks: –1. _____________________ –2. _____________________ –3. _____________________ Gastropods –the largest group

–Includes ________________ –Live nearly ______________ _______________________ –Have a single ____________ or _____________________  Obtaining food:

–Can be _________________ ______________________ –Use an organ called a ___________ (__________ ______________________) to obtain food  Movement:

–Creeps along on a ___________________ foot –Foot my ooze a carpet of __________________ which makes it ___________________ for them to ____________________ 2

Bivalves **(remember bi means 2)** -Includes oysters, clams, scallops and mussels

–Have ___________________ that are held together by _____________ and _______________________

–Obtaining Food: –DO NOT HAVE A ______________________ –Are _______________________________ that strain ______________________________ from the _________________

–Most are __________________________  Movement:

–DO NOT MOVE ______________________ –Adults stay in one _________________ or use their ______________ to move _______________________

–Protection • Sometimes _________ gets stuck between a bivalve’ s ____________ and _____________ and this sand irritates the _________________

• The mantle produces a smooth __________ _________ to cover the irritating object

• Sometimes a ______________ around the object

Cephalopods -Includes octopus, squids, nautilus and cuttlefish


–Are all __________________ dwelling mollusks whose __________________ is adapted to form __________________ around its __________________

–Only mollusk with a __________________ circulatory system Obtaining food

• __________________ • Captures prey using muscular __________________ and then __________________ the prey in a beak and scrapes and cuts the flesh with its __________________

• Tentacles contain sensitive __________________ Nervous system

• Have __________________ eyes and __________________ • Have __________________ and can remember things they have learned –Some have even figured out how to __________________ from their tanks when living in __________________ Movement

• Swim by __________________ • They squeeze a current of __________________ out of the __________________ cavity and through a ________________. Then like rockets they shoot off in the __________________ direction

Arthropods •Members of the Phylum __________________ •__________________ •Have an __________________ skeleton •Have a __________________ body 4

•Have jointed attachments called __________________ •Have __________________ symmetry •Have an __________________ circulatory system •Have a __________________ system with two openings

•Classified into four major groups: –1. __________________ –2. __________________ –3. __________________ –4. __________________

•Arthropods are named after a distinctive physical characteristic: •“Arthros”means __________________ in Greek •“Podos”means __________________ Outer Skeleton

•Have an __________________ ( waxy waterproof outer covering that __________________ them and prevents __________________ of water)

•__________________ exoskeleton and __________________ new ones •This shedding process is known as “__________________” Segmented Body

•All have __________________ •Easiest to see in ____________________________________________ 5

Jointed Appendages

•Give animal __________________ and enable it to ______________ •Usually highly __________________ •Have __________________ which is an appendage attached to the head that contains sense organs


•Body Structure: –Have two or three body __________________, five or more pairs of __________________ and two pairs of __________________

•Examples are _______________________________________ Obtaining Oxygen and Food

•Have __________________ to obtain oxygen •Can be _________________________________________________________________ Life Cycle

•Begin as __________________ __________________ •Develop into _________________ by __________________ (a process in which an animal’ s body undergoes dramatic changes in form during its life cycle)


•Have two __________________, four pairs of __________________, and no __________________

•Examples: ______________________________________ 6

Body Structure

•First body section is a combined _____________________________ •Hind body section is called the __________________ which contains the ________________________________ and part of the __________________ system


•Have hollow __________________ through which they inject __________________ into their prey

•Spider venom turns the _________________ of their prey into _________________ •Examples of deadly spiders are ___________________________________________ Mites

•Examples include ____________________________________________________ •Most are __________________ Scorpions

•Have spinelike __________________ that inject venom into its prey •Usually live in __________________ climates Ticks

•Are __________________ that live on the outside of a host animal’ s body •Can cause ______________________________ Centipedes and Millipedes

•Have two ________________________ and many pairs of __________________ 7

•Centipedes have more than ____________ segments and are swift predators that inject venom into their prey

•Millipedes are __________________ that graze on decaying leaves Insects

•Body Structure: have three __________________, six __________________, one pair of __________________, and usually one or two pairs of __________________

•Can identify them by counting their _________________ and ________________ Head •__________________ (eyes and antennae) are located here •Have: –Two large __________________ eyes that contain many lenses which focus __________________ to form __________________

–Also have small __________________ eyes that distinguish between light and dark


•The section to which __________________ are attached (an insects midsection) Abdomen

•The __________________ organs of insects are located here •Small holes on the outside of the abdomen lead to a system of _______________ in the insect that allows _____________to enter the insect’ s __________________ DRAWING OF AN INSECT


Obtaining food

•An insect’s __________________ are adapted for a highly specific way of getting food

•Each insect eats slightly different from another one Life Cycle

•Each insect species undergoes either _________________ or _________________ metamorphosis

•________________________________________________ –Has four different stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult

•_________________________________________________ –has no distinct larval stage Life Cycle Stages

•Complete Metamorphosis –Egg hatch into __________________ –Larvae are specialized for eating and growing and eventually become __________________

–Pupa stages is when the insect is enclosed in a ___________________________ –Pupa grows into an adult __________________ Draw Complete Metamorphosis 9

•Gradual Metamorphosis –Egg hatches into a stage called a __________________ –The nymph looks like the adult insect __________________ wings –A nymph may __________________ and then become an __________________ Draw Gradual Metamorphosis

Insect Ecology: Insects and the Food Chain •A food chain is: a series of __________________ in which __________________ eats __________________ and obtains __________________

–Made up of producers, consumers and decomposers •Ecology is the study of food chains and other ways that __________________ __________________ with their __________________

•Producer –an organism that ____________________________________________. Use energy from the _________________ to make their food

–Example is a plant 10

•Consumer –an organism that obtains energy by __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

–Example is a caterpillar •Decomposer –breaks down the __________________________________________ –Example is a Carrion beetle Insects as Consumers of Plants

•Insects play key roles in food chains because of the different ways that they _________________________________ and then become _____________ for other organisms

•Many insects are consumers of _______________________ (they eat plants) Insects as Prey

•Insects are __________________ for many organisms –Many ________________________ eat insects to survive Insects as Decomposers •Insects break down the wastes and bodies of dead organisms –For Example: In tropical food chains __________________ may break down up to _________________________________________________________________

Insects as Food for Humans

•Did you know that insects were an important source of nutrition for prehistoric humans?

•In some Mexican villages today, _______________________________________ are ground up and mixed with __________________________ to make _____________ 11

Other insect roles

•Two ways insects interact with other living things are by: –1. Moving __________________ among plants • Example is __________________ as __________________ –2. Spreading __________________ causing organisms • Example is __________________ Controlling Pests

•To try to control pests, people use __________________, traps and living things –Chemicals that kill pests are called __________________ –__________________ controls is a natural predator or disease released into an area to fight a harmful __________________

Echinoderms Characteristics

•__________________ •Have an __________________skeleton •Have a system of fluid-filled tubes called a __________________vascular system •All live in __________________ Body Structure

•__________________is stretched over an internal skeleton (__________________) that is made of __________________ plates 12

•Adult echinoderms have __________________ symmetry Movement

•Have a __________________vascular system which is an internal system of fluid filled tubes

•Portions of the tubes can __________________ (squeeze together) which forces water into __________________

•The tube feet are __________________ on the ends and when filled with water they act like small __________________ cups Reproduction and Life Cycle

•Are either __________________ •Eggs are __________________in the water __________________a female releases her eggs and the males release their sperm

•The fertilized eggs develop into ____________________________________ •The larvae eventually undergo metamorphosis and become __________________ Diversity of Echinoderms

•There are four major groups of echinoderms –1. ______________________________________________ –2. ______________________________________________ –3. ______________________________________________ –4. ______________________________________________


Sea Stars •Are __________________that eat __________________ •Use their tube feet to move across the bottom of the __________________ and to __________________ their prey

Brittle Stars •Have long and slender arms with __________________joints •Their tube feet do not have suction cups and are used for __________________ __________________but _______________ for __________________

Sea Urchins

•Have __________________ • Moveable __________________ cover and protect their bodies so they look like a __________________

Sea Cucumbers •Look like __________________ •Under their leather-like skin their bodies are __________________, soft and muscular

•Have ___________________________________ on their undersides which allows them to __________________ slowly on the __________________floor

•Are ___________________________________________


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