ch8 student notes

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Chapter 8

Name: _____________________________ Period: ______

What is a plant???

• They are: –Eukaryotes- __________________________________________________________ –Autotrophs- __________________________________________________________ Plant Cells

• They have: –Chloroplasts = _______________________________________________________ –Cell Walls _______________________________________________________ –Large vacuoles that __________ many substances including __________ ________________________ Obtaining Water and Nutrients

• Plants that live

in _____________ are surrounded by _______________


• Plants that l ive on

___________ need ______________________ for obtaining

______________________________________________ from the soil Retaining Water

• Plants need adaptations to ________________________ –One common adaptation is a ____________________________ called the ____________ that covers the _________________ of most plants


Transporting Materials

• Plants need to transport __________________________________________________ from one part of its body to another

• Water and minerals are taken _____ by the __________ and __________ is made in the _______________ of the plant Vascular Tissue

• Plants have transporting tissue called _________________________ • Vascular Tissue = a system of tube-like structures inside a plant which ___________________________________________________________________________

–it’ s called the ____________ and ______________ Draw the xylem/phloem pathaways


• Plants on land must _________________________________________________ • _________________________ and _________________________________ strengthen and __________________ the large bodies of plants 2


• All plants undergo _________________________ that involves __________________ • Fertilization = __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

• The fertileized _________ is called a _________________ Plant Classification

• Scientists group plants into two major groups –1. ______________________ –2. ______________________ Nonvascular Plants

• They are plants that ______________________________________________________ for transporting ________________________

• _____________ and ___________ for absorbing _________________ from their surroundings

• Examples: mosses, hornworts and liverworts Nonvascular Plants

• They have ____________ which are ____________________________ that absorb water and nutrients from the ______________________ Vascular Plants

-Better suited to live in __________________________ -Are able to transport materials by ____________________________ throughout the plant’ s body

-Vascular tissue also provides ______________________________________________ -they can grow really tall!! 3

Origin of Plants

• Oldest plant ________ are approx. __________________________ • Scientists believe that ancient ______________________________

are the

ancestors of today’ s land plants

• Example: Rock fossils dating about 300 million years old look extremely ______________________ to today’ s ________________________________ Complex Life Cycles

• Plants have complex _______________________ that include two different stages: –1. ______________________ –2. ______________________ Sporophyte Stage (1st)

• In this stage, the plant produces ________________

which are tiny cells that

grow into _______________________________________

• A spore _____________ into the plant’ s other stage called the _________________ Gametophyte Stage (2nd)

• In this stage, the plant produces two kinds of sex cells (______________): –1. __________________ –2. __________________ • 1. A ________________ cell and an ______________ cell join to form a ___________ • 2. The _______________ then develops into a _______________ and the sporophyte produces _____________________ which develop into the _____________________________


• 3. Then the gametophyte produces ___________________________ cells


__________________________________________!! Nonvascular Plants

• Review:

What do you remember about nonvascular plants?? (look at previous

notes to fill in): ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Three major groups of nonvascular plants:

• 1. ________________ • 2. ________________ • 3. ________________ Nonvascular: Mosses

• Structure:

–Gametophyte generation is:

__________________________ with ____________

that help ______________ the moss and ______________________________________

–Sporophyte generation: grows out of the fuzzy gametophyte and is a ______________________________ with a capsule at the end that _________________________ Importance of Mosses

• Examples:

–Peat moss is used in __________________________ –__________- contain a moss that makes the water so acidic that


decomposers ________________________… thus dead plants accumulate because there is ________________ in the water to ______________________________

–__________- is a form of moss that can be used to ____________________________ 5

Nonvascular: Liverworts and Hornworts!!!

• They are named for their _______________ • ________ is an old English word for __________ • Both are ___________________and live in __________________________ Seedless Vascular Plants Ferns, Club Mosses and Horsetails

• Have ___________________________________ • Do not produce _____________________ but instead reproduce by _______________________ Spores for Reproduction

• Need to grow in ______________ surroundings because the plants release ____________________ into their surroundings, where they grow into ______________________

• When the _________________________ produce __________________ cells, there must be enough water available for the sperm to swim ____________________ Ferns

• Have _______________________________________ • The fern’ s leaves or ____________ are divided into _______________________ • Developing leaves are ______________________________________ but as they mature the ________________________________ Fern Reproduction

• On the ______________________ of the fronds, ___________________ develop into _______________________________

–These look like __________________________ on the back of the leaves 6

Vascular Seed Plants What is a seed plant?

• Have _________________________________ • Use __________________________ to reproduce • Have _______________________________ Seeds

• They are structures that contain a ___________________________________ inside a ______________________________________________

–Seed plants DO NOT NEED________________ in their environment to reproduce because the ________________ are delivered directly to the regions near the ____________ Seed Structure

• Have three main parts: –1. Embryo = ____________________________________________________ –2. Stored food = _________________________________________________ –3. Seed coat = __________________________________________________ Seed Dispersal

• 1. Dispersal by ______________________ –____________________________ (Dodo tree) –______________________ (barbs) 2. Dispersal by ______________________ - Ex. Coconut palm seed 3. Dispersal by ______________________ -Ex. Dandelion Seed



• Definition: the early growth stage of the __________________ that begins when the ______________ absorbs ____________________ from the environment Roots

• Their purpose is to _________________________________________ and absorb _______________ and _____________________ from the soil

• There are two types: –1. ____________________________ (most trees) –2. ____________________________ (turnip and dandelions) Root Structure

• 1. Root cap = the _________________ of the root that _______________________ the root from _____________________

• 2. Root hairs = increase the ______________________ of the root that touches the ___________________

• 3. Xylem and Phloem = __________________________________ • 4. Cambium = a layer of cells that divide to produce new __________________ and __________________ Stems

• Function is to carry _______________ between the plant’ s _______________ and ________________________

• Another function is to provide _________________ for the plant and _______________ the leaves so they are exposed to the __________________


Stem Structure

• Can either be: –1. Herbaceous = _____________________________________ –theses are usually found on _____________________ plants –2. Woody = ___________________________________________ • These are usually found on trees surrounded by a ___________________________ Leaves

• Function is to capture the _______ _________________ and carry out the foodmaking process of __________________________

• Structure: –Contain: Stomata _______ ( which let CO2 in and H2O and O2 out) Gymnosperms

• They are seed plants that produces “ ________________”seeds (they are not _______________ by a protective structures as they develop)

• Examples: –______________________ –______________________(cone bearing) –______________________ –______________________ Angiosperms

• These are ____________________________________________ –They do two things: • 1. Produce __________________________ • 2. Produce ______________ that are enclosed in ______________ 9

Flower Structure

• Made up of –1. Flower = _____________________________________________ –2. Sepals = protect ____________________________________ –3. Petals = the colorful part of the flower that attracts the ___________________________________________________

–4. Stamens = the ______________ reproductive part –5. Pistil = the __________________ reproductive part • Contains the ____________________, _________________________, ________________ and __________________ Draw your flower with labels below

Reproduction in Angiosperms

• 1. The pollen _____________ on a flower’ s _________________ • 2. The sperm and egg cell ____________ together in the flower’ s _______________ • 3. The __________ develops into the _______________ part of the _____________ • 4. As the seed develops after _________, the ovary changes into a ______________ 10

Types of Angiosperms

• 1. Monocots = angiosperms that only have ___________ seed leaf –Have: •one _______________________, parallel _________________, _______________ of vascular tissue throughout, and _______________ parts in threes

• Example: grass

• 2. Dicots = angiosperms that produce ____________with ____________ seed leaves

–Have: • Two ____________________________, ________ veins, bundles of vascular tissue in a___________________, flower parts in ______________

• Example: maple leaf



• Definition: A plant’ s growth response __________________ or __________________ a ________________________

• Three important plant stimuli: –1. ___________________________________ –2. ___________________________________ –3. ___________________________________ Touch Tropism

• Known as ___________________________________ –“_______________”comes from a Greek word that means “______________” –Examples: Bladderwort, _________________, and ____________________________ (as their vines grow they coil around any object that they touch) Light Tropism

• Known as ___________________________________ • Example: the _____________________________________________ grow TOWARD the light Gravity tropism

• Known as ___________________________________ • Examples: __________ demonstrate gravitropism as they grow ________________ towards the pull of gravity. Hormones and Tropisms

• A hormone produced by a plant is a ________________ that affects how the plant grows and ________________________ 12

Winter Dormancy

• Dormancy = a period when an organisms growth or activity ______________ –Dormancy helps plants survive ___________________ and the lack of liquid __________________ Life Spans of Angiosperms

• Angiosperms are classified as _____________________ ________________________ or ____________________based on the length of their _______________

• Annuals = flowering plants that complete a life cycle within ______________________________________________________

• Biennials = flowering plants that complete a life cycle within ______________________________________________________

• Perennials = flowering plants that ___________________________ PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND LIGHT Background

• In 1883, ________________________________, a German biologist, discovered how light is involved with photosynthesis

• What do you already know about photosynthesis? ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ The Nature of Light

• ___________________ is the source of energy on Earth • The light you see is called _________________________ • When white light passes through a _________________ you can see that it is made up of the ________________________________ 13

• The ________________________________ is made up of the colors ________________ When light strikes an object

• 1. Transmission: when some objects such as glass allow light to _____________ ____________________________

• 2. Reflection: when light hits a shiny surface such as a mirror and the light ___________________________________ back

• 3. Absorption: When dark objects such as street pavement, _________________ ___________________________________________

What you see…

• Most objects, ________________ some colors of the visible spectrum while they ____________________________________________

• Example: _____________ • When white like strikes the lemon, the lemon _________________ most of the lights ___________. However, the lemon ___________________ the yellow light. The lemon looks __________________because your eyes see the _________________ _________________


Plants and Light

• When light strikes the green leaves of a plant, most of the green part of the spectrum is _____________________________________. Most of the colors of light are ________________________ Plant Pigments

• Light is absorbed by the _______________ found in the ___________________________ of the leaf’ s cells

• ____________________ is the most abundant pigment in leaves and it _______ most of the _________________________________

• Green light is ____________________ that is why the leaves typically appear __________________ Other pigments

• ____________ pigments absorb _________________________________________ of light than chlorophyll.

• However, most accessory pigments are NOT __________ in plants because they are ______________ by the ____________________________ PHOTOSYNTHESIS!

• 1. Sunlight strikes the plant’ s leaves and is absorbed by the _________________________ in the chloroplasts of the cells

• 2. ________________________________ enters the plant through the _____________________________________________ on the undersides of leaves

• 3. ________________ is absorbed from the soil by the ________________________

• 4. The high-energy ___________ _______________________ produced are used to carry out the plant’ s functions


• 5. _______________________ passes out of the plant and is ____________________ into the _________________________ Photosynthesis Equation


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