7th Grade ch 4 and 5

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Chapter 4 and 5 *The chapters are combined throughout these notes

Name: _________________ Period: _____

deoxyribonucleic acid=DNA  The __________ for __________ __________ are found in the genes o A ______ is something about _____: o Ex: ________ , _________, _________  A _____ is a _____ _________ of _____ that carries the _________for an _____ ___________________________________  ______ ____ each contain __________________ of _____________ o ____ chromosomes total  __________ come in ___________ o One on each ________ of a __________.  If a string of beads were a chromosome, what would the beads represent?

–Answer:_______________________  Each ________has ______________ of ____________ o One from the _______and one from the _______  These _______ are NOT _________________________________.  _________ _________ of a _____ are known as ______________________  ________________ _____________ , such as ________, are _________ by a single _________ of _________


 ________________ _____________ , such as __________ ___________ , are controlled by ___________ _______ of ____________  ______________ is the passing of _________ from _______ ________________ to the ______________  There are _________ _______________ ways for this to occur: o ______________________ o ______________________ Sexual Reproduction  _______________ ___________________  ________________ gets _____________ of the _________ from __________ ____________ and the other _________ from the _________ ________ (mix of both)  Most _______________ ______________________ do this Asexual Reproduction  _______ parent  ___________ are ____________ ____________ to the ______________

–Ex: _________ and _________  Some organisms can _________ both _________ and _________ : o ________________________ o ________________________

Punnett Squares  A __________ that shows all the ___________ _____________ of __________ that can result from a __________ _____________ 2

 In a ____________ ______________, the ___________ that each ____________ will __________ on to its ____________ is based on ___________________  In _____ pea plants, what would the F2 generation’ s ____________________ and ____________________ be? o _______________- an organism’ s _________________ _________________ o _______________- an organism’ s _________________ _________________  Two additional terms are used to describe an organism’ s _______________ : o _______________- the organism has ______ _____________ ____________ for a ____________ o _______________-the organism has _______ ______________ ____________ for a _____________ Codominance  The ___________ are neither ____________ nor _____________  As a result, both ___________ are expressed in the ________________  Black and white feathers on chickens o The __________ for ___________ ____________ are ________________ o Letters are written as follows:

• B for _____________ _____________ • W for _____________ _____________

• Try it: A chicken with all white feathers is crossed with a chicken with all black feathers (WW x BB)


 What is the phenotype of the first generation?  __________________________  What is the genotype of the first generation?  __________________________  Do a Punnett square for the second generation. (Cross the offspring) 1. What are the phenotypes?

•___________________ 2. What are the genotypes?


The Sex Chromosomes

• One of the _____ ______________ of __________________in each _______ ________ • Carry ______________ that determine whether a ______________ is ______________ or ______________

• Carry other ______________ also Sex/Gender

–The _________ ______________ are the only ______________ that do not have to match

• If they do- ______________ (______________) • If they don’ t- ______________ (______________) Sex-Linked Genes

–______________ on the ______ and _____ chromosomes (______________________) 4

–___ and ___ chromosomes have different ______________on them • Therefore, a gene on the ___ ______________may not be on the ___, and vise versa

Sex-Linked Traits

• ________________________ • ______________ ______________found on the ___ chromosome • More _____ show ___________ than ______________ • Why? _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

–A ______________is a ______________that has ___ ______________ allele and one ___________________ allele for a ______________

–It’s easiest to see how this works with a ______________ ______________: • C X

Y with XC Xc

Genetic Disorders  ______________ ______________ that a ______________ inherits through _________ or ______________

• Causes: 5

–______________ in the ______________ –Changes in ______________ ______________ or _________ of ______________ Mutations

–Any _________ in a gene or ______________ –Cause a _________ to produce an ______________ ______________ –The organisms ______________ is not ______________ –Can be ______________ on if it happens in a ______________

–Types of Mutations • A single _________ can be ______________ for ______________ • One or more ______________ can be ______________ • Chromosomes _________ ______________ all the way • Extra ______________ of _________

–Effects of Mutations • Can be a source of ______________ ______________ • Some ______________ are ______________ and some are ______________ and some are ______________

• ______________ ______________ can kill an ______________ or ______________ their chance of ______________

• ______________ ______________ ______________ an organisms chance for ________ 6

• Cystic Fibrosis –The body produces abnormally ______________ ______________ in the ______________ and ______________

–______________ fills the ______________ making it hard for the person to breathe

–______________ ______________ on one ______________ –Result of a ______________ (three bases removed)

• Sickle-Cell Anemia –Affects ______________ (a protein in ________that carries ______________) –When ______________ is low in the ______________ , people with this disorder have an ______________ sickle red blood cell (RBC) _____________.

–These abnormally

______________ ______________ clog the

______________ ______________ and cannot carry as much ______________

–______________ –Must have ______________ ______________

for ______________

______________ to have the disease

–Person with only ______________ ______________ for sickle-cell is a ______________

• ______________ ______________ of disease • Less likely to get ______________

–High ______________ in ______________ and ___________________________ • Hemophilia 7

–A person’ s ______________ ______________ very ______________ or ______________

–Do not produce a ______________ needed for ______________ ______________

–Danger from ______________ ______________ from ______________ and ______________ is very high

–______________ ______________ on the ___ chromosome • ______________-linked • More frequent with ______________ than ______________ • How did this disease effect history???



• Down Syndrome –______________ ______________ of chromosome _____ –Chromosomes ______________ to ______________ properly during ______________

–Person’s have a varying degree of ______________ ______________ and usually ______________ ______________

• Pedigrees –______________ or a ______________ ______________ that traces a ______________ in humans

–Example of a pedigree  • Managing and predicting genetic disorders • Karyotypes • A ______________ of all the ______________ in a cell 8

• Chromosomes are ______________ in ______________ • Usually used to predict ______________ ______________ • Genetic Counseling • Help couples understand their ______________ of having a ______________ with a particular ______________ ______________

• Use ______________ ______________ and _____________________________ Selective Breeding

• The process of ______________ organisms with ______________ ______________ to be ______________ of the next ______________

• ________ was developed this way in ______________ thousands of years ago • ______________ ______________ for this

• Inbreeding –______________ ______________ that have similar ______________ –Offspring have very ______________ ______________ to ______________ • Two plump turkey’ s will probably have a ________ offspring

–______________ very ______________ • Increases the ______________ that ______________ may inherit ______________ that lead to ______________ ______________

• Hybridization –______________ cross TWO ______________ ______________ individuals –Want the best ______________ from both ______________ • Cross ______________ that has many ______________ with one that is ______________ to ______________ 9


• An ______________ that has ______________ the same genes as the ______________ from which it was ______________

• Some ______________ are very easy to ______________ –____________________________- just cut a stem off and plant in soil • A new ______________ ______________ plant will grow

• Researchers have also ______________ ______________ • ______________ and ______________

–Methods to do this are very complex • Take the ______________ of an animal’ s ______________ ______________ and using that ______________ to produce a new ______________

Genetic Engineering

• ______________ from one ______________ are ______________ into the ______________ of another ______________

• Forms and types: –__________________________________ –__________________________________ –__________________________________


• Bacteria –_____________________ • Used for people with ______________ • Scientists ______________ the ______________ that code for ______________ into the bacteria DNA and then the ______________ produces insulin

• Other organisms –______________ genes can be ______________ into ______________ –Cows produce the ______________ in their ______________ • Use this to treat ______________ –Genes inserted into ______________ so they can ______________ in ______________ temperatures

• Gene Therapy –Involves ______________ ______________ of a gene ______________ into a person’ s cells

–Could ______________ be used to ______________ some ______________ ______________

Human Genetics

• Human Genome Project –Genome -all the ______________ in one cell of an ______________ 11

–Goal is to ______________ the DNA ______________ of every gene in the human ______________

–_________________________________ is completed • DNA Fingerprinting –Can show whether ______________ are ______________ –______________ from a person’ s ______________ is ______________ down into small pieces

–Selected ______________ are used to produce a ______________ called a ______________ ______________

–Only ______________ ______________ have the same fingerprints


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