. -.
c at ,,,"ti ll'!1 ".ur...,路 l.arul.1 ,-,.;"htll路tll
• 01 tI,e paNt a review
(\111 !Ill';hl "'1~ l t'
i, 111(>Clltlgrmdlt uJ O uachi ',t J)al j, h
( U lltOI
Colh.'J,\c:. hl lllukd
111 I' t:.!: lImlt r .1Il ;'Ie r o j the.: l.o u i .. i~lI1j'\ ~l.IlC 1.(.'gi"JaulI(, . -llw ~{hllo l u p t'lh'd ilt
1!l:SI \\'i lh
ill ('( Utl l)l!'tt h u i ldlug,
1)l"(·\ICit: II l.
cho \ t,tt
In"'I II{' W,"
allC l !Ijj
,Hld{ Ill" (;CI\lTI101
0 , K . . \/kll '1~lHd LlI(' I t ' ~i \ I , ' li\('
;I { I ,
,)pcuI'on:d Ii \
1')1 111 <.' 1'
' .Cl1h '~ . \. I 0(..' . 01
,\ j 01 II 1)(', whic h \·;tlidall'C 1 I he :t!;It 't " IIIl'lIl 1)I..' l \\'Cf ' l1 I he ()JI .ld , il .1 P: l ri , h ~(" h ocil )\/';\11 1 ,I l1d Iht: l\cMrd lIt SII Ix.:,, i..,ol .. o f I.( Hlj~i .l lI ;t "it .l 1e t lli \, "\' I' , ill I!Jll. Ilti, lI1;ul<' til l! Collq!,<";1 IU:IIH h ul 1Ill" ' l uj \T l .. il~ il ntl k II Cl\\'' 1I .1'\ i\'fil· lh t,. I ~ 1. ('.CII1(' 1 (II I . S. ( .
(,(I\'(,l n O I". tllI,: 1I ."'tC- II .tLO I
. \1101/1("1' t h il l'HI' ill t i lt , i n ~ lilli lion\ l1i ,wr y " . IS ",rille'n III IHr)O \\ h c' ll (~O\(' rll ( JI E;III K . L~JIlJ.\ :, pplond Iq.~. j , Llliun t.: j , ·i n !{ tilt' ( ;ol lc.'!;l :I l otlt -\( '.t t ~l ; rrll:-' ,I ud tl :l mlc'll i ll K il 10 di e' "I ,H l' B o ;! ... 1 o f hlw :lli Oll.
I I 11 1,1
Plj l) j{. JI)~I( T . 0 , l hm~·11 I b l l ,\';., tile 011 1,· Iwild
i ll ~ ul t ll ~ ' dlln\ ('II-;ht .Hle (; I IIl / )I1'\. 1 11., ( I HI ill lilt 1.11I q l I ~.:!! ' .l lI d U: lI lH·t! 101 lilt' la1l \rl O . 1) 11 )\\11 , '\111)('1illlC 'l hll'lli
Pilli:-. h .... 111101 l1nard. H, nwll 11 ,11 IlI'o;';Jr.. ~ ill i\ cn'th t ,olli"i:tn;l
fll Lilt, ()II,uhil ,1
,,~mhlll ell
1.11.:, ,t
", c uld ... ;1' ••
11 u: 1.11'1;11\ h('I,,\\ (ll"" 11 11 ill ' q UI"I III'I ' " P "I!I .II •• ' lI't III ..;, IItUilUII. h lllle"
.,( tilt UlII ~t I-IIIUplt'IC ill ,I l(' ... .11(. 11 ,1( 11'1 11'( 11 ,h"",,;lld \(,hml~ I cnr,
•• , 1.1' I~I" ,,\( <,I .If.11 1t '" II ( ' "d ";1 1 III
l' I( III T(11 ,, ' li~ht 1\ 11 1( L'k:. ' IId ,' i llC,1I til t it !: (;11111'\1"" Huilt ~ IH ! 1.: ll'til'I'("i 1 01 1 " cn.. t .. I "' IIMIII(III ,Ill' '(UIU," lIui ltllll).! t'I I II~ ' Ih · Iltlt,\t III t lln \" , ,,r l,,r
.nul u lilth ("UI,lrfl \\ ift. IIIIIIh" OIli,lit ,fl", illn.
I h( "l'l i l) ~ . of 111 I
',IIu l' iI ' 1"1\ i nc
.1' ;, h'; l l'.. tlm"i I I I
\ilH llh ,.III'I .l h
\db t
1'1. I'. W.h I
,u, 1 "' 11 ih I.. i
I~t:q S;I\\
Ilnmll 1<. h ll~ f.U," alH......
I lin
~;'I' t
I Ill" ,h Ol H,I{IIlK 01 I ht' ' 1I II t~(-'~ II J IItC I., "II clw;'.:- I ,111111111 t nl1q.:.I' ...· )t( li ull III the li ne.: \I b ntllldi.II:. IeIL H(l il .. in~ 111 11'11, '1'«" I iiI" uill-I the 1i 1lf"'.1 1I ,II ttiu!o!. JII th e"....· II .... II ~,
1111' II( Ili
;u h liu('11
IIf .• " h)f,IKI .... 1\LIlt'lli (.cl ll ....l, !lhmC"'. 111,, I I ll'
"f' l fllUl
Iltllu ,,' Ih(" { 'I' Il I ,"
, .'I"\l....
• • oal• IBna
0 11 1.1-., 0PPl1fU11I1I" 101 .. tlld r. n- LIX; l d ~HI .l ru l l ion (.I a fOlll . \'(': lr dl,;.lIl1. gratlu: ltto ll.
It 'a li /;1
Il w
)",11 11<.11 1 " "l lt ~l lI ~ "j 1(111 111 :1 1" 11 1 .In' d l'lIl( l lI ' l lll l l 't l.
I \l' l ,IMlch
I("II">J.. ..
11!I",lId In " Rn h l."in"路颅
,1 1111 11;. 1 " lu df'ItI " .hl\ , 111m
h lit e tl1H.. ad \\ hicit hi ntl ,.
ti li le .
Of U•.' 11
O ll e 10 ~a\ ' .
, ··lI c.... hil i
B C('";Uhl.:
lh o~c 11(.; It.:ad~ . . \ 11 hough
JIlos l 0 1 all. i l 1) ill ICrC"i 1 III
h is
h i lll
t( 11II J1l an d s
abo ll! lh e
c:tJl1p US
d i'i -
(ll Ott ll d , "
ac1llli l ill iCJ Il . l ll ti rc
' . ., b lel .
r he CI""ah"" i.1 SI."I
r t
" M:.'" t;, .
• "rt.
Ill!'. _.
~. ~.+i-:'-' .':\----,-,- .
S. 14 I ! f
ALIA HF o.,,, H AR r
An illg Dc" n 0 1 i\ !cn
BUEL S. H A \ 路f ;-" U{
R eg i!)lr:1r
!\uing T)(-;lll 0 1 'Volll t.' n
£lI t '
pcopk oj I~
Illl' l1t
prllilary ~ llldi(-:~
Lh t:
s tal t:, d K Agr icu llll),c Depart
orgalli /t'd and stalred to perl O! III tlu ee JIIIlCLIOll.,):
Ilr::. l,
(ondu cl
<'<. ic nlili c;
lI 1ld rcsc:ucll <l nd ex pCl inl c llt<ltj o n in t he
Illlport;u H
pha~<:: ')
1(:-' ; .,c(.on<.l, W
o L ;'lg l ieulwl'('
dl~,~ (, lllin (ltc
h0111 e (;('0110111
to t he pt:op lc o f the
"tate til t: bLC,q rel iabl e a nd [Jraui (.;tI inLo nnation l){.:n ai lling to (he problt: nb oj home making (l nd
<,g r in tlturt·; third , 10 pn.:p arc " 1I( c(':-.~ r111 LU'>TEK Lro:'\! PRICE
1l1 c n
a nd
\VOIll Cll
c;n ccrs in agric ulture, b o nl t' ec ono mic..
Ij c ld ~ ,
Ch~irnl ;'11l
Loca tcd 111 th e .'1ci(, ll cc Bllildillg, t he Agr iud lu re Dl'p'lI un (' lll Cillploy!'> (l nly Lhc l'!jl\ipIlH_' lIl (Illti
',,\'II.iH i R 1' , I\R '\"f-H,R In ~ lnrf'lnr,
:\ ni m;rl ln dll ,-r r \'
FIl ,\NCJo.S S, KF.r SO ·\,~~ i~ t:\H t
l'rolL'~~or. HOlll('
E ( Oll()11l 1('"
Jl)() ~ r
Lani( a l know k d gl',
I I'T F , \T'\SO i'\
I'rok'~'ol , A gl it uhrnl'
\~s i,\all l
lIlode rn
\:VJl , BlJ~
L ruu, I.'\'"
COlnDlerce ' f' ht, Dcpa rtm ent 01 COrH lll Cru: ""tI~ lk ... ig ll cd to <1:,il. i :'l lho.)c M_udcno. who dc" ire t ( 1 equip thClll :,<: lvcs \\' id) th t' l}(:(e~!I <try kn owl
edge a nd skill !) in lh e field s of bu.) ill CSS. in dll.<'(q' , a nd gO\,(T llJ\l Cll l. It.) ofrcrjng~ ha \'(' IH.' {'n c nl:a rgul ;11 earh Ikld llnti I it now ha5 a \-\:id t, rang'c o l courses in acco unt ing, gen era l hll !) ill(.: ~5, 1l1tlrkeling :rin d m;m;:lgem en{ ,]nd !lec· rCG:lriaJ .')ciellc.c, fo r lh o:;t: who dc!) irc
w (' nu.'/" hU .5 int'%
o n lb e ir ow n or to do g r;'ldU :l lC \\:o rk in .:-Ill "
or ~e\"cra l l. i ~ I (ls, this cdc panmc nt onc r~ '\olln d loundation .
jOHK I . L UfH:'
:' ....,i~I.lIlt I'ruf<:.~~(> 1'. COIIlI11Cr("c
V t V I A:'-J R . I' \RK I:. R")O:'\ '1\ ~ lnl ( I. )r
ill ('OJllmcrtl..:
1l'.RI{ Y H . RIl"iT , .JR . rllf 101' in Comme nt.:
I n~r
education The Edu c<ll inl1 Dc p<n'ull c nt i!)
g-a ni l.c d LillO ::>(:: veral C\Jrriulla h:ad iIl g (0
t he b<l{ ca l<l tll"t'ar.e dt:gree in edu
calion , lll ('c tin g th e J a L C~ 1. c<.: nilic<lti o ll re quilT m c nr s o f
the S lal(:' Board 0 1
Edu ca tion . TII(·: dCP,U lll Wlll i') wc ll
') f.tI red
and equipped
Ih (·
g ivc
th e
pro!c!lsiol1<tll y
'i (at e
ai ll cd ({.. (t(.: her~ .
EVELV N M cGEE 0 J I S \ ssisl:ml Professor 0 1 FdllC;l l ioli
U""' H :\\\
C:11 ;'lirm an
hea'th and physica' education
Thc Dl'J );HlIl1l'lll of H ea lth ((nd Ph Y!lic<"I1 i',d u(';tti(l ll h ~l !> 1'0 111' m ajor o hje(livc!): Ln A u ',\
prov ide s(Tvi rc
rc rlllir('ln(':nl' ~
H C FF f,·f,.\.'\
Chainn ;'11l
(o tl n,,('~
Lir~t .
LV 1I)('Cl lh e (.(llI ('g'c
fur g ra dlt«(i o ll : seco nd . to rncc t
rC'lUil'c lllcnls o l lil t: Board o l Edu Glt ion lor
(c nilicCltion 0 1 tcaclll: r,'); r!lild , 1O provid e a ll lrrioillJlIl CO trai n te"ch cr.') ,Hld coachcs of a l h l ctic..:~:
" ttl k
fourth, to prom o te and s tim ul ate..:
n tin ltTnL i tl '~'IHl k s() llI e r Cc..2rc a fl OIl ,
In a<il lilion ro lht' reg ular varsily ~ l1 ( h
~ p o n5 ,
an i'v iric.. . a!) gnU, t<..' nn i.. . , h;ullllinLoll and
\'a ri nll~ l )' p C:"\
ol d a nci ng are ntlcn.:d to pre,
se nt (h e o pport unic y In!' rile So tllticnl
p rc
P;Il'<': hilll<;;(" 11 l o r ",ocia l con (<l <; t ill ('vc r y pl1<.1 :)c
0 1 life . A DA U£S~ H A R T
P rufessor o{ I'h ~·sit.a l
J\~~ i ~ I 'lIH.
Ed u r.;lliol)
Hl!: 'JRY A~~i~ lanl
n OVfF,C;
FOI'I II);"111 ( '(';11"'11
:\R~O Ln R . K]f ,P. \TRICK H e.. !! ./ r-:ld, Coa<. h , . \,;~ i ' lalll Uil ~\.t' II );j ll
CO:I<. h
j;! -I
1-1 (':1(1 FOI.lth:dl ( '0 ;11 h
(A.RY I.. T" HILI.lPS HC;'ld 1I ,1"\...Cl ha li Coadl
W ILl.A C. COX ,\ ssoci atc Pro fesso r o f 1 '. I1~ li ,> h I'~LI-:l . 'i . I-I ,-\\I K ER t\~~i~ t,lnt l'ror~ss<) r II!
fl1g li \h
LOtll St C, I ,E\'fERT h t.~ lI· LI<.: t nr in F..1S·li (h
f-l .A"lJ:.l . H . ~ IIT C HELL i\ h i .. w nl Profe~~or of fre udl :"I nd " p:lll is h I A"IE ~
A ~s i ~ I HIll
!'r"lessur of Speec h and D ramali ( Art
A~'\I I E
LEE WL-.ST ST :\HI. ;\ ssisw nt Professor o( Engli :.h
,lOd Journali s m . J)ireClUl
I)uhlicalio l:s
I n g"{:nt.Ta l, the swd c nt in Ihe L<lng u ag<.; n e:·
partm <.; nt ac:qll ,)ints him:-.eJ( wit h th e: main lie lds 01 N. YOLXSE C hairl1l <l n
1)0 1< 01"I-1 Y
illl.e:ll e:(wal i nu~res l and acquires a th oro ugh knO\·d ·
edge in
~om e
special ridd as En g lish. Spanjsh,
]' re n ch. Sp eech o r J o urnali sm. Thlls, he m ay be: abl e to o btai n a lihera l edu ca lion , whi c h will prove inv a lu a ble to him
prepara ti o n for a business or
pro! es:., ioll<ll (<treer as w<: ll as [or a ri cher (lnci be lte r li ving.
and art
\L LFMfRI' Ch,linn::t1l
The Dcpartmen [ o( i\Jusi c
and An
labonllory where
stucients as individuals and in group::. arc gu ided tOward
tcr} at lhose
ma ~
<l .~' a m c.tn." 01
idea l iSI ie <l:lld anic;til.:
sc ll- cx pre~ ·
sioll. a:i an objeuivc at ac.. . l.hui{ contc.:lIlpi<t{ion
Hnd Jinall y. .~c nf
and enjoYnlcnt, a m o de' ol jUlclli
F IT/\ ;vJAF. KI.\.!C · illQnl(lor in r\11
H.ORE i\C F. I.. AL.U\Rfl rO N Assistant
Protes~o l' 1)[
Pi ;II)n
r \i\IES
i\·rULl,l'\l $
C)·.R ·CRUDE \1. S,\i\])RO( I{ ,\"i "' ;W I "nd t"~S(1 1 (If \loi n'
MO ~ RO[
Professor ot Org;11 and 1. heory
cultural livin g. :\,:-.i\\;l1)1 l)rot C" ~()1 III !\f~l~ic.
/\ ~~ i~I,111l
]-",] OJ'iE C. \,~i ' l<llli
I'lofc ~~ ()r
of Pi;llH
n;11H I J)irl' unt
library L ibrary Sc:itnc(' wa ~ organi.lt'cl
lll cc l the tk mands ror lihrary
lng, t,> pccially In I ,ollisiana.
, int scm ('!. I.CI" ~wd e nl
ha::; an oppor
wnily (() heco lll e a cquainted '..I'ilh rhe lihnlry .and the: techniques e mploy ed ill il:' V<I'> t o rg <tni/<tti o ll . 0pp0l"lunity i~
o Uen:d for
in ,>chool
Jih .. "r), work , and ill the college. co un
ty ;lOd IHllnitipai Jihr;"l"): lichh. \/ARY J-J . CLAY Hca d Lib) arian
1 ' 1 Y l'Il rCO V Lil'<fR J .ibr,l.r ) As~ i ~ I;J1l1
I'R \':'0 JIISHI
• pure and applied sCience
rR\'\CF.S I'. BALDW l " §In
I m l l'lI t/U r i H (. h cm ;';;lry
L,',\Jr-.rLT' r
\ ,,, i." I<l nl l ' lf)k ~..;() r {If Clt l·m i... lfY
Rorn:R IC h.. .•\ . HICKMA,\' , . -\:';~; ' I:tI H I'rolc ~~(,r o l
l\.b{h c m ; 'li ( ~
!\ I alllc nl;lt i<"s
r. no
MABEl. S. S t ·\V \ , ..j">' ;0 1l I'. o fe,""'- III'
p~ H.'"
'-.. T.\nnlf ', "ro,'
.'\ " j' I ,Ull
I;u n ;s .\
I'l okl<o"or III
W :\T<.; OK . JR
\ ,," ( i ,Il e 1'lo l c",';( I)" " f
.'-.Cil" '« '
1'; n ~i 'l n' ri'l~
MlIliI<" Ill;lli( ,
Til t
D t pllHllle nt
o ( P l1 r e and
plj e d .." le rlt l'!) is cU llI]J o::ocd 0 1 bi o ]ogic:1l and tl<1lll n lJ ~( i l' ll CC~ . llId
tl'tlin cd in t h e
; 11"(..;
r e:-.p <:<.ti\'l.' fi el d.. . CO
1Il a rb ema lics. Students lLllld ;lIll t: nt. (II~
01 their
t helll lor pu~ j { ion ...
o j Uu :. t ;ul d IC::> J>oll :o. ihi li ty in th l' indll ~ lrj a J
11 e h li cl d s. It .\lr ivl'.\
1"( '.\(:'" ..
d cv el o p in lh t'
:) wd c ll [:) Lhe a h iii I Y (() ex pre",) d l<.: or y ;1I1d [a ( 1. LO ''' tlb~ l<inli ~ l L' (hUll convilllillg ly ill 1'.\'1' \lJ 'I (' H EI.I .
h h lrl1 nor
in nitll(lgit ;1i
IOicicn l..c~
a 111;'11111 ('1' ild aJ> lc d ro rh eir Iw(' kgro lllld :md
t h i llkill g pro{"(;... \c~.
Ll ' \\, I~
]:;\I\ fA F. M1XO l\ l'ro(cs~(lr (If
A, ~ j s la n l
C . Sl x nl{ Cha i l ll1;11l
EI) \\ \ RD C. WH \ T I. EY Pn , fe:;ss(w of Hio l og i( ;11 S( it'lIc('s
\ ,~ i , I , lII t
social • sc.@nc@
-l 'Il<:
)) c panlH t ll (
0 1 \o li a l S<:it' nc.es
thr cc·lo ld pUl-pose : lil :-. l, LO o l IL'!'
l C)l Il :>CS
10 1
Jl1aj o r ~
<lI ltl m in o r!) in llw '-io l. ia i Sc i<,· n rl!!<o. ill s u ch li c ld " o l
<.o nn: n tra tio n \ '\!1I .Li f"1
H A ~( MON O
C h a ir m a n
Er o llo m i<:5, Geog raph y, Gove rn
men t, Hi swry a nd Sor io lo3 Y; sl'c.:o nd, to prov iut' lh e
CO \lr:-.c ~ l':!-sc mi cl l
t h ird , to give th e
CO the p re parati o ll 0 1 le;u .hc r.!);
CO tlI St ':-'
rC<juin 'd
(li e <. urr iulia
o j m ll er d c p artll1 Cnr!) o r (o r prt"p r o ICl>.li lo ll<l l ,,'or k.
'it; 1'.1 ,(;
W . C. 13u r H .-\!'\ f\ .\J
Jns(rul'tOl' in C el)gr:l rh V
l\'I I. U A \-1 C,
H O~ r. Y Ci : T
'\ SS iHtl llf p ro re ~!'oO r o f Hi ~ lor','
JO H N il . l'RlTC H £ IT,
A .~s iq a n( P ro fes.~or o f '\0(1:'1 1 Sf ir. n fe~
-",\ R1 H UR L T'\Tll'd PrO ressOT of Sod al
A~ .~ iH ll nt
Sc icll(e'
L'I . COL.
H. Professor
::\ IAJ. .tUCf.Nf 1\1. FRF.fM ·\:" (" -\l'r .. \1 FR ED J.. q:'\'CER \\ 10 H JW r\RD \I.P\YNE../R .
.'\' ~!. i $ t :rlnt
.\~!) i \) (anl Pr(JI'c~~(J I
!'I \lfe!S!:iO f
(nstt'II (" Wr
l ' he ubjc:o ivc 0 1 the Rt.·~ l~ n ·c O ffi u.: !"." lntini nr.; Corp:-, tnl inill,!.; is t () produ Lt': (o ll cgc.> uaill t d jUllior o l1i «T~ to lll('cll hc I l('c d .~ ol the <trlll Y in re."'c['vc all d regll Ltr ;'11'111)' IIn ·i{ ~. ROTC trainin g (Oll ~ i.~l~ ur thl: ~e nior hasic: (O ll l"><':, correspon ding to the l"in t l\<\'o VetI l'S of co ll ('y'e aC(ldcl1l ic \,'or k, <lncl the :.cllior atl v< u) ("('d r.o ur::,c, tone'' ' PQnd in g- f ~ (iIe b .') { ycafs 01 (0 1Ieg\:' <l(';)dClll i L wor k.
'iCT.J·C 1\I Ol\.RO I·: UF..\(' H .\s."iSl:nli In ~tl' u( 101 ~I -SG
r . 'f..·l :\R.'H
\LL K.
I UTHI'.R . \ ~S I S t ;lII( J n~ I"'lrtor
.'-!(. r . l -e \ 'ICTOR (.I-.()l~(.I·: .·\<;.. i ~ tanl 111,trUClo l
" ..,(.'1". ROUER I I' \ !..\f ER .-\ ,~i'ta nl
,." . ,,)(.'1". H' JI .I.fI·: As ~ i.q'lnt
r , .(,
H. IOR]),\:'\!
In ~ lrll ClII"
'f..1. F. I'I:.'\:'\TY
A l'.~i:.lalll
I lhtnl(.lOr
10 ~ EI'H KRr\\-[UERC
:\'filil ; lr ~' I' rope r!" (;11 ,Io(/ i<l1l
... (. I 1-(. ./ -\( K \-" :\l."r l·~ n.s .·\~.~ i .~ lanl 11)" 11'11(' 1111
1-'11 ';'
nr 1 H
·\\l nrR SO;-"' .
S l'c. n': I . II ~
10 ti ll.: Rcg i... ll ;Jl : \ I VR n s
r~r~· I\l . .·\ tCOI111 1
C'ln!.; : L. L liC IJ..,LF Md J·:O )) . ; \u .)l11 l1 C\(' I ": H llRV I E :-' 1. .\H) ·\K ..'Hlpt'l intc.'ll(kn l. Hllil d i l1 g...
;11101 (; J(IU II{b: l,i RJ \H W .
X'('o lul
1' 1 ( , Kf '\l ~.
.\·IA'· H.LAO ,
~ f(: rl't;H )
(; l'I1t;r;!I
~ 1 'l i lll l' n :I1\('(':
Mt;;(hall ic
l ' rni( \(;'lIl : O LL\
J . RI , ., l , SC(I"t' I ,II }, III t ilt'
Rcgisl l :l r : !<-·I \'{j\·IL C . S' I ROl n , Co II CA't' H OS l c'is . 'i l u( h.:nb· J.t\:'~ id l· I I('C H OIl'CnlOt hc l : '\'\' 11 M . \ :o.I"O\'\).L , Bllok,tOLl' (.l e i]., ; RO~ :\ " I .
J' C IP\I\C)l :(;H . Llk;kria !\f :Ula~l' I .
1 hlrJ Row : n OR.c-'\ .., L. W \R RU\ .
n.!Wf)· I II til t,
Bu ;:. jtll" ~
M"nagcl: l.j·: R A1 IH '\'1-" \,. \:).
<.OC (I . J. d n;1I y (.J('r k ; JI{ \ ·1 \ '1 : VY. \ r 'i0 J\ . 1 ~0)1.I !.; ~ (U rt' .\-1 illlol gl'I'; ') I E 1.1..-\ \-\' H 1"1' F CO 1TO1\' , "' I\'i l l hh.""rd ()pcr:i IOl
s tail"
big Indians without war paint Do-Si ·Do lind pro IlH:: n ;Jek wow in th e Big <.:o (t <.:c~"
Hug!) Hunn y
tl1<; c-;t lllplirc .
C hicL '~ \\'igh"alll
H tn.·" r t!' [mil I <K Ully
squa ws Olll gil[
~ Il
a pow
_ " J lh o ught th,,( camera oug wa~ drinkin g
Gnling .1 It: \\' Cdll c;lliona l tips trolll wodd CVUlb, \Vin chdl a nJ .. Pbllnillg .. bjg
wil e n old
1 jJ';'I\,(;~
will o n (<.: again !) il around
student council
First TOW: Gene ClHI.; . Q u i lln Her kCI . prcsidc llI . ~c lli oT c. ' '''.~: Cenc Slllith . prefO idclI l. jun ior C hri ~ (,al lc >ulas . prc,itl c lll . ~OI)Il(l1ll0fl' ,1"1(.' : 1)"n a lt1 Bussc\ . pre., idcI11, frc.~ hman cI;h~.
(. I a ~$;
SeC.'ond ro w:
( ' 11,111011 (.'
]{,lff. Pc.: rr , thief Willlla Whilt: . Rt''\
'J'(oIl~in :lIl , \ 1} rlc l\ilp;Hrkl.. . P,HW' Lee.
]l 1.'1I ~ ing(,' "
'\11l1 a Stokes. I'cg~~
Illia1 lOW: M ;IIT in Ttrr ). Bill H a rrin g ll}ll. i.()llj."C I\' l. rarland . Jtlhnll'r Jnhn ~l.I ll . nll.~lcr Cro\."l cy , J C,tllll C ),IW YCI . " '/ 1', 1 Smith , I' ,H ")<1n<l cr", Fatull ) ~pnl\~tl r o f the lllllll(il is .\ . L. Tatum .
O FFJCERS Presi de nt
G e n c" Clark
Prc~ idcll t
Ge ne Slllidl Anna
SCC IT I....l r y T rea::'llrcr
H arry Hube nlh "lJ
lIall, Pal ."'H nd erj, Bill Harringto ll , J o h nn y .l ohn\o n .
."'tadi um :
R ex
P Cl l ~ il1g:c r
<ind HU :> ll:1' Crowley.
Dorillirory: .lea ll ne S;n"}'Cf and P;l l R o~.~.
T h e Studcnt Coun cil, ( o lllpo!o.cd o l repte ,\;C o "Hi vt':. of c (\(.'b c! ;IS,<' , (on~i d ers <III IIl<1llns ( on
(x.: n1ing t he gellera] Se ni or c !as ~; Pat ~)' L ec, Quinn Be rker, LOll i<,e fl.IcFarlaJld , (;e l1 c C/;nk lunjor (Ia:,.): Ge ll t: SlHi( h, Ch<1r1 utte RuH, \Vi l
ma ,.vliite, Ezra SJUilh, H <IIT)' Hllbe lllh ;:li.
So ph o m o re c1a :..'c A nna SlOk cli , Myr lc Kilpat ri ck . fl.LII·vin Ter ry , CIll',,, G(llIouias. PelT}'
Eldc r. Freshmall
P roje<.l~
jlllcrc~ l~
01 th e Mu d e nl uoll y,
in ",hidl th t Studcllt Coullcil does out
. . tcllHiing wor k ind\ld c 'illl ><': J' v is io ll o r all campu s c ltftiol1s , pro J1J o tion o L c l o~e relat ions hip be (wet)) tandey and sttHl e lll body, !o p o ll sorship oL dub a nd ((llnp u '> aCl.ivili c!:>. in clu ding hOIl)econl iug anti di n .: uio/1 ot tlie Clllllu:d Se nior Da y pro
l1U%<:Y •>
Pc""v TOll!ti00.
gl am .
The Ilidian eltes arC ;, drill team or· ga ni/cd to ,s upport th e loo tball and promot.e school lion lend s ~ hip
~pir jl.
("o<.: d ~.
sponsored by drill ed by
Th<: organi/a
build Icadcnh ip and (rie lld·
anlong th e g ro llp.
ope n to all
MClllbcfS hip IS o r ga lllDHlO1l l ~
j\·i i !)!) Frall(,c~
~g t.
:Balu will (I IHI
I·e .l o,c ph C . BI,lo,k . (or<l I.e(' \,\" n,hjsh . lif'.' 1i ~ 'II CIlI<lIll; (\c\ c ,h- ~ u t' H ca ul (:. \icc p rc~ jd~nl ; ' J hellll" 1' ....SW1 $. lreil~lIrCI '; EI:dnc Lolley . prest. lit-lit ; ]\ I :wgic Gu lley, .'Ie-l TCIMY. ~e nm d
Nol ~ h o ""11 ;"lr~: ,\ nlla Stokes.
li entenal1t. ;111<.1 C ha rlotte H o llnwa ). serge'lIll.
In di ;m e ll t' fOSler : n e ll ) .1 0 B'I~· l e~. \1 :ITg,l rc l C:lfI', Billi e,: ]);111'("\. F.li 7.ailclh 1)0;111(:'. I\ 1,II'g il' (" dk y. W\I <:: IIC H: IHI~~ c". r~ lHhi a CU),l() IL Opa l S ~l e Hnll i ll g,ll (:,;HI, Ik\ c ll )" .'\lI C H e'lI·nC" . .I n A IIiI H emle r ~V l) . Ch<.lIlo lle Hollowa )", M yrk Ki lpOitri r " . ,\nll 1.a«(;" }'luiLI . fl<dm..: Lo lley. i\ l addi ne L )o ll <,. He ll )" Fl" ant.:t'.\ \ ·Ic(·,ornlid... Lt.lllj~ C ~\'(l · arl:llid . J :H I- ic l"o,forr iw n . 'lheltll'l 1';lr ~ l ) n ~, .\'l a rg;\I C." l i'u und s, :\ ng ic R eagan, Jeanlle ':';,1 11' )" 1.."1. r(J Ma ri e <;(·;lii .. . eh,l rl()II C Ru rr, Fr,m n'., Sh e l':1nl. C h ;nlillc SL:1pp. f) (l I () re~ "ilC ...... art. \lIna SIO"'-'1' .."a ll y "nil " ,Idu l". ll orull1~' · fllck e r. (:corg ic \10 11111 ;1 11. I)OfH thy \'\':1i la ce, Eit"an() r Wil d e r , IJe ll Y W illi;.l111\. l'\otla Ca y Wi lli :\111\, Cnl ;1 Lee Wim bi sh, \ Iar ~ Fran(;e~ 'Nigg in:>. Fh;l 7ill llll el".
rh t: h ig l.h it"f. I) ;n·id H e l rell , pru h e!) j il l<! 11.(;· (, I I ;I ~ O UI w ;l lt ;tn all( iL: n l Ind;;111 tli \inil1 g- rotl 11 111\' u t1 kd ~I p ri lll c l ' ~ pro pOil ioll Ill ~~ l e r ; t::.~
I Il le.
li o n lllll Cl io ll!) a nd ca n d id pi Cllll'C\ 0 1 ~ wd c l1 t!'l , t ~K lIlt \' a nd ::,. La fl. P;'o du ce d <1 3 (1 11 ex u ',l cu rr i n tl:lI ' proj cu , ( he li r::,. l e diti o n 0 1 ( h(,; C h <l ca h o u/.. r o ll ed 0 11 (h<: P ITSS in 1 9 3 ~{ as Lh e <lI1 lll la ) fo r O ll 'l<.: h ira P (u' i ~ h
P u blis he cf h y 3 tud e n t ~ 1I 11d tT ra c lilty \ UPCI \, j ~ i o n , t he C h <:lc<:l h o ulil is lb e a nllu a l [r ib.. 1 rc{ o nl o r aC li vlti e ::.. Th ro ug h i b p age:>, th e p u b li. ( ar io n helps to Le ll lht · ~ lI ) r y in piClll rcs ~u }( 1 \ \ ' 1 i t in g o r li re at No rt he as l L o u i::. ia n.<l "it: ll.l ·. FOt'l ll:'dit Y., <lI)ll inf o nn :tli t )' a n: b le nd ed to ti e pi n d a ~:J
wo rk ,
Illilita r ~
rnti tling. healLh a nd
Juni or Co lh.:g<.:. ~ in «: th et t tim c bo t h th e coll ege ~tnd it'i yearbook ha vc g l·o "...·n : rh e ,,(; 1'1 (\( " Iro m
p h y~ i ( ;l l
(i ll CO I (in pa gc.: ~. ye t prod uu ;d .
cdu c ilio n progl <:l Ill S, " POl' b in ge n e l a /. o rg<lJli / a .
i,He F.dil o r .. S h ei ll y 1\ Iu r\1; ,tIld H:n u lcJ Rc inh .n d l tl Ct i(\c ,h;.! ! ,III lhe I.. ,o ul " ill h.. n : to hc . Ioll c (H Cr.
)'ca r\ I)oo k is lhe
l a rgc~ {
I ht' ~ qtl , m , hd ol\' ....(. F. 1i ~ " hl.:lll '\1111 I)"a ll<: .lIId '\':o n,. ( ... ... \\'i llialll \. (lI· fc' lhll e edll......... in l ' le pl'l'le.~.s of id c lllif ~ in g p eo p le who h .. d Ih e ir " lII lIg.," pho lHl( l'aph<:d .
A~:\' J '
T hi ~
cl.acah oula
f w() hr:l\ C, d i ~C ll ~~ p NS iIJi!ilit;:S (0 l11(1il
comp<ll"C ]>ltllll C the engraH;:l, It
~ee ltts S h e lb ~ i\'fone, pliOLOgraphcL C;tn '{ c\loose h Clwc c n [\,'0 prine, bv hI'. a ~~ i ~ l ;l1ll. (;r('~
1-l ~II C.
Gerry BliSS. ca rtooni s t . g iles (lu t w ill. ;1 11 cmph :ui r " Ug h!" a ~ Gha rl c!> i\ l o Tll fo r :111 op in iclll l-nnt.c rning "porI" b ~O UL
T il t: t hre e ston ls he low h;I~ ~ hetn hcal~ n g lile IHt ~ II(~s all da't f or mOlt' ;llk ItllClc~I C tl ol e r fi1lding new poss ilJiiilie, ;11"(" ('llri., (; <11 1 () \l l a~. Don I' e ndanis and \'ian'in 'I c rr y. IHI ~il1 cS ' fllan,lgcL
I'\ell :'.'l o on~. org;t lli /:.l IIOll S cdilO1. IO nH()1l1~ ;1 mc" .Ige ro Ih e prin le r [0 "~ t()1' Ih e press. we left ~om e h(l(h <III!!" '
ooe o f his man~' editQrial dULies, J ()e \i o n mc. f.111 semesle r edi{(,r. correelS g;\lIe~ proofs as lhe lime dr:lwl' ne;n fo r lh e presses l(' ro ll .
T he iss li es of th e Pow \ Vow publi ~ h c d dtlr in g th e fa ll semester won a Fit :-. l C la ~~ rming. j\.·fember s -o[ th e staf( included : Toe \-[Ollro e, editor; Anna Stokes , associate edi to r'; R eca Bam bu rg, feature editor: J oe ~.J iln cr, sPOrt s editor ; Chris Gatzou las, busin ess Tll(ln(l!? cr; Bet.ty .1 0 George, circula ti on ITInnagc r : \Villl fllll Sh ;lr bo no, p hotographer, G erry Bli ss. canoo niH : flnei Bi ll
, \ I \\'a y~ inlt'l"t:s kd in iUllHU \ ing a( h c lli ~ in g layoHl , C hri ~ Cat -l(.ui:t :" com pare, i.. s u c~ o f Ihe Pow \ ""01\' Id l h tho.~c
o f 0 1her co ll ege
I lel\'~ pll pns.
Page 38
Sp rillg .<;elll~ler ediLo r . Tl o race 1· homp~oo . n)akes :1 final dec.isio n fo r :l fronl p:lgt! p i). , lIsinp, fJUJlil Y and l.umpllsilion a~ lhe deciding (aclors.
De Moss, D . .J. Simlllc rl y, C lwri es Mor n , She lby ~(orsc, Thelma Parso ns, T "f <lrga ret Po un ds, C har· lorce Ho!1o\,,'ay, N e ll \-loot'C, BUSler Crow ley, reporters. Spring iss u es arc in th e proct!ss o( b ein g judged no<,.\' by th e As:-.ocia led Co ll egi <He Press and result ~ were un annou n ced pri or to the prinling of dI e Chac:1iloLlb .
Read y to b y 0\1( ;1 spa n s P31::e "<lomlll ):' J ot: Milner t ries 10 .... i ~ lI a li l.e which wOlild g ive th e helle r e({ecl. pl:lcing th e pit:lllrt: in the Ct: I)lt: 1" o f lhe page OJ" lip in th l: right corn er.
Compe tin g fo r Ihe first rill1 C ... ~ ~l ~c ll i f)r div isio n
n C h; !) p ~1J K' r ,
t he Po",' \-Vo \,,.' was a \\,;'11 (I足
cd Lht' rat i ng of I,'irs r
Cl<-I .s~
lor th e
j~ S ll C!l
p uh足
Ii!) hed dur ing rh<: hll St: l ne~ lfT.
Th e First
C la s!l award is re pea t ing hi sto r y
~lI'I d
co u ld
wd J be a pro llli !lt 0 1 g l' caHT achi eve me n t. 011 i LS i n it ia l e ntr y as a j uni o r co ll ege com pet ilOr
ill 1940.
til t: p ap~r
\\:on th e sa m(: rating. T he Pow \ Vo "v pl1b li sht:d d tw ing lh e n<:x t Lcd!
se mester was d ecl ared il n All Am er ica ll ne ws足 pape r in th e juni o r co ll ege divi sion , il nd it held that ra ting fo r 19 co nse(' u liv c !lemcstcrs,
a rt eor t! unequa ll ed by
paper of its
class in th e Un it ed S('I1t:S.
The Po,...揃 \'Vow, Northeast's hi -wee kl y Il ews p;' pcr, lirst <'ppc<l red in 19.12 and has hee n co n ti n uo usl y p u oJish-ed since cha t lime. \ -Irs" An ni e L ee "Vc.) t Sta hl , be Ltc r k now n to [(le pub lic and slu d e n b a s " L a dy, " h ;'l ~ been lacLl ll Y ~lcI\'i .)t: r
Two f;1\1 se lnes te r l"(')Jorter," Bi ll ' I (ln~ill :H1" a:-i...
Luh St,II,1 .Inv lhe r word (or '"c IUI},"'
n t"",,'l u~:-
10 11(, 11'
and Peggy thinl.. o f
her d ut ies (l ~ d i."enor o[ puh li cfl{i o m. Lady St;l hl h ea d s t h e jo urn a li "l11 sen ion and is dir cc to r of co llege pub li c ity" A~ ('"IT as the Pow \'Vow is co n ce rned she is d el i n il dy (h e un sung h e ro ine, I h r actre"~ be hin d til t' ::oce nc"
t h e p u b li ca tio n si nce 1935" "H es jd e~
Xell Moore and H il rulll R einha rdt ( li p ,wries lht-y fH..)lU o ld i""u e, of the I'm\' "Vow for
11 ;\ \"(: \,... iUt'1i
\ lepull ('l" has \Hill e n a "W I")" luu long for th e "~p;l ce p rmid ed (Ill Ihe 1 ;1~" (ltIl. .Jl1dgillg ( n olll expressions .
s l ri ll gh(lo k.~ , '(I""pIJ(OoJ,. I c(:or (l.. I,f c<lth ~to r ~ .. .lo tlu lem
I~u h h y
write,. d Hl ing l he 't:1l1Cs le r.
10 td l lh(' repo rte r LO do "
1Jas"e 39
Jarl.; ,nn <llld lb vid I kne lt h ,H e d ('d d e tl wilat
(: I l :,r!o ll e H o lJ rm;)} gt' l ~ her a~., i g nlll c ni hO Ill , \ nn <l :)(()kc:-. whi k Shdhy ;\'I ()r~e w.l il" 1( ' I ('c" It,;:q he r :l:." jS.l · allt e ill 11H"(!..i ll!; .. gallc\ pn".L
Tqing w dt:.:,.itl c w hi(h IH inl is th t;
hc~ l. W illialll ,')h a r ho n o I.alh o il Ihe H,,~ j :< l a n( <: of LeI r y nli ,~ :11111 Lh;l rlC~ .\1onl hclor<: IH C;'(' lIling: ,. pi(lllr~ p o<;sihilil ) te . Ihe ('di u)! i .. 1 " laH,
a w ard ~
he \..:a ~
plTsc ntc d (Of til e bc!>( Lc alllH' sto r y a nd th e
.-\\\':11'<1 .
A llhc (l nnwli H Oll on.; Day prog" ull , ;H~
IIC..,t nliwr i;d printed during the year. This spring l\VO s lucl c Jlt ~, Rcca Bamburg and Holl .1a( bon, li ed for i" inl plan: in the feature <;tor y. and hoth 'Y O ll (I .Io hnil e Curry .Iohn)()Jl . \ward. David Hell"(: !l 'l, cdiwri:ll was judged besl, <Ind
a\\:~ln icd
lhe Anni e Let' H:'<::s l Stah l
Til i.. . Vl< 1l t rihutcs to th e b l'~ l reponing b)' a hoy " 11HI a girl WCl t' given I), Lhc btC' \Vibon Ewing, edilor (lIH[ publj .:'> IWl' o l th e I\I o nroc ]\forning \,\/or!d-Nc\v~-SL;'Il '. \VinJ1 c r~ 0 1 t.h c~c ;]w,ud:-. ""ere Shelby i\J orsc ;mel .A nna "tok (:~.
nail U .. i It'~.
illpl: I'res
O l.,"cning lhe ( ;lI llpU ~ 1"'11 11 Ih e po rd. of Ihe ue\,' I'on· \ \'O\~ oflue, Re<i\ nalllhurg "mil(·, ;" ... he sees :~ pos., i h ilit ) for Jn u thc l ie;'111I1 1,;
"hOlor::rapl lt'r
pro.:'> pcn ivc pkw rc
Ih e h ir<lic'"
1':l?,"C" ·1 0
H are (I I!:( '" the COlllp(l.. . ili (1I 1 (.f :'1 IH.-Co l e 1 C" lIill ~ I he p e(lp k 10 " \\',l l clt
B.. ~~. , k lh lell d in g
Rc \ iel'
IO F B A R R Y i\ II JJ.l
th e
g tl C~ 1
l\"Il h fir.... .
m ll!) i d.II' h i,l\' h
;I III'lU ;,1
h d d hen : in
(H .m
~d\('11 1 ... lU d t: lll ~ a[ JIl!)lIII IlH'; lI ia l .\"I Il(i (
l· elJ r ll ar~ .
rx s
lI and RO:- ICI :
!VI1>1 11 o c : JOdi] 1-".-:111). B ll h h Ji .~ . ley, ' \' i nn ~ h() r (l: J:lrn e!> I h;'II . '\I <lrl ; .l eu' Sic ill' t .. bn t! ; Oill Harring to n . .\l o Hwe : ipp i: J ad.. 1:" K illl ha [1. .' [(ln ro e; J-krht' \" ['rcs lnd s·e. !\'I O" fOl:; Ma l jori t' R ad l<-l l. (";, h in " ' h illi n f!" ••n, .l en d; C l yLl H Wy... !.
R Ol
'\ .'d OIl ,
n ro l h c r.~. r-. r C) lll ' l lt";
B; IIHI). \\J l ~ l I\ [Olll VC. J V IlIlI l' B.l11 k Il C,ld " I q~ lcl. O l.LlbOl1l,l , R OIl.d d n... f(lo t \\'c,' ,\ 1011 10(' HUll i g. ;', I L II" ,,, R" LIII(( C.II II:r \\ C~ l ;\ Jll lll ( IC. H o m n Co n k H (:;... , ' -I onroe: BIl ~ I C: l C ro l.' 1)11\lllin g. \\;("' . "{llll l'l lC; l )e n l ' O f •• 1 ) · :\{ 1111 t l ll .... 1\ 10 111 0(,; R ••I't' ll fUlT . H ' i:'l lh': l ; HC ll , (; am l l r ell . I,. n . H a)c.;, \ \' e~ l !\fr)nroc: Fl ('d JOll (:;~ . .\[;l11gh ;nn . \ lI n k.C ll lll :lr . lb ... ..... 1. I. <H li ~. ~ [ j ~s i s s " 1' (: lc r soll . i\l oll rnc ; (; [en l1 P lP I ~<:n!;. 0 ... 1.. (, nJ\ e ; Kill" Sue: ['o ll ilrd . " 'nil ".f ll nrot': Ha tl ;ul 'l o llroc: l i n "n ~ Ra l l"e:~. '\' C~ I " IHlll"fle; l) ;ull1 ) " "lIi \';.n . \ ln n roc: R ohe r l \\" <I~ n c r . .f CIl<l ; Mun l f 'C,
c h o r u s The
( h OTlI .~,
Itllth- r
dil (' r ti o ll
f\ fi s~
C er
Iru d e- Sandro ck, i::. C:() lllpo~ul o f' vo lullt ary melH Iw r :-. hip IrOlll ;111 d cpan lll e nl ~ 0 1 t he- Co llege-,
T he.: gnH qJ per /onns ,It v<l ri o u.., )'t'a r-rou nd CiUll 1)11.., <Icli "itic::-. and ;!!')::,clllbl y :I .., state-wiele
Jl <l f{
lunui n ll s. ill
Thb hd l
" H.. c d ~k jn ~
C hri ~ tnl" ~ p r c~l· lll<.'d ~L.
pr 0grll ll1 ~
0 11
(Oo k :.
Parad c" and ar
Sac lls, ··r:hristm .. ~ Ora
wr it-", The s pring Icalul"c of lh c "(\ J I S"'. C; 1:' 1{ I Rl'IlE
ai) ",:e ll
5 1 - ~2
[\+,,'0 Oll l:-art opera.." " The .Jum p ing frog"
and "Down in (he VaUey."
" 'he ~n lilp of ( hl lllt~ II IC Jllht' r~ and lh(,ir <.Iire<.l<ll. j\ f b~ (,Cl lIUde
"" Ild i llek .
)J:trtICIP d{c d
" Retl <; ~,n s"
1'01\': Co'lhc lill(' Smith. [d ~l He ll W;ltl ~. M:lrgarc i l'ol llH k ['~l'y Mille r. In,1n n,Jn <.h , Jn nlll<" l\ an ~h c,ld Ini c Lee Tc:mp le. ]:lIl e !::1: lIl.S, Cyllthi :1 CU) tlln. C(If<l 1.1:1: Wimhish :mel i\ hlrKi~ ( ' \lllc~. o;; ~('(} n d m ..... : l\i ll ~' J oe M il sL('";ul, \·il c· prt":'i i<il'n l: Ro) . \ ;;'11111 , )::11..1.. Kimll itll. D:lIUI ) Sn lli \"a n , X(: I ~ n e lh (;rcc l . I)id~ l:. .... ;I1' ~ . Mi ~s "' :lIl (\I"OC. ~ . h il Juhll.)on , }l) )J;lrie ~<'iJ l ia. Wilm ,J Jo yct" "':h il c. Eha limmer. Thi]( 1 row : Joh llll }' Good win , ple~ i(\ e l\l, Hli gh H r;.l d~h:ll1' , .J-J(Jl11t.r Coo). . ~( lIdelll din"( lo r. J. r.. SUlli V:"IIL (.corge (.h: 11l1h('r ~. j a m n Sul li q lll . ("tt il \\":"Itt '. Tullll1lv .s pur lllt ). . .\ll dh 'r .. ll a rk .." 11(; H ollin g:- IH""'IlI . "i, tll ~ \(""In T:"I y l<n' ,oIlld J oc \10nnl(' . an.lI111p:lni ,s l. (J( IJ t!" r llI e lllll(.'I"~ (If til t' (' ho nl ~ il1( l udc: 1)(111 Hal m ;t n . l~o lJerl B ~l " Ie,_ Md l l;1 l\lI r ge'~. ])( 111 .t:: a ~ l l: rlill g. William F\o iUlS. Rohel"[ fU lT. lkLl y J o George, j o hn .\ 1111 H ;) II . .l a lll ":~ Hud. :lha y. Bobln j oc J :U.k S(l II , l'al.~~ l.ce. Ch;arl es U ule tu ll, J)(ilort!"., \ ·rcC bll ilhnn, r..· r ;lI ~ An n ."d) ~ld c . Carlll~ n M(J)'lI lid. -\1\11 M ilY. r.. lil r .,. fJ il.,IIICII) M e red ilh . 1);J \ id "(Iff. (, HY I'(l rri" h . II cu". I'all c: r ~t) u . 1)(') l ort:~ l {obill q~ n , :\ . C. I rapp , ~ow eC' I :' W ,d do ll . j ;IIlC \\ ,tlbtc, Llo yd d lc W ;d tc.::r\ , Bilil C \\'t:,nlr e rl > and Be lla Wes t.
Page 42
c o b A co ll ege l b l~ (] tp;lnnu:n t
.l Ot Barry i~
" COIl("cn
ba ud 'vac;, org<lni -!cd h y
ol llw"i( llnder th e direnio J) o L
~.J{lJlin ."
I\ femb crsli ip in th e b ..tIld
open LO ;111 ~ lUd c llh who pl</)' Inu, iral iTlstrll
IH e lll ....
h f'q llClll
ar variotls C<11ll ·
pw. Junn i oll!'> Ifl a ke rlie orgalli/;l[io l) an JllI
ponanr part 01 co llege liIe. J\.[H..". El.o l!) c C,...u-1QU;.l ':\crollllxl n ist
Cl;ITine;{. .Tad; L Kitll l )~ ll. lil)r,u'ian : H e. bell Pc tc rs()" . ,\ un Ken!),:'!]', H Ulll er Cook. lklt v C ;II11 lJ rdl. A lto r l ~ld IICl, :\-brjnric. Ra( h;)1. 1\ ;1 ~~ (1:lrinc L foc.. n OIl'l,lin g. ·\ Iw \,l),Opll (' ll C lJ.lrLul I ' rt:s l nd~c ' I e lllll !<o.ls(l l>honc RolJt'11 H<l II !OII t' "<I,' >;(lp iHJllC. Rol)er{ Jun', I rlUllpt:t. R {,1 ,1I1d (.. lllcr P I 6 Idt: lll, Jllnlll} R.lnl ( (,V C,d Vlll Whn lIllg ICIIl. Vred J tHl es. h .. nJ... Bubhl i:.. H o rn . 1('<1 11 Uan<l y. lOllIdt 1~' lnJ...h C; ld , p uhl itil )". U"rilUllc", Dann y SlIllil.:"III . v k t- p l'c.~id(:" 'IL I rom 1lolle. ( ,IYIIll Wya n , 1\ . D. H<ly C:.~, (. 11;' 1111 J' ippc n\. D'l "-". llu;:.l c r Crn'·~ky. Di ll t-I:Hrillg·tllll. String n <l ,~.". Fl:iillt; D l"Ul h t:r~. ~("{Il:I:H' ); 1\iIl Y SIIC Pf)lIani . 1 yilipan i. JI)hll .\n ll(, 1-1;111. \·r"rimh" :Ul(/ bd h , Lio,"(/ c l lE' W:lll c r ~. I ·t:n u !'.~ i on, R (' ll alti Ua lfoO l , Derw()(l< J J": l t U Il t!II ~. Ro} A"I (II) , Ja lHc", De;) l.
" ' agile!".
P;LgC 45
• baptist student union 'FirM rOh": C harl(:~ rhompson . Willi ;lIl! C. He rr,-. J)id. £\ a n ~ , H o us w n Hill , Be nnie F rye r. S(;("(.)IId ro\'.o; nc rle 1 ~~ IIll (' r . C:l ro l yn Drc<lslrr, C hriMint' C1'lIlIpit. F.binc nro t h (' r.~. I' ~ " ~' ]\ JillfT. HCII Y P;ulC' r;;on . J;lIn c:'l Hou ;,;w ll. I\ lr~. rJ VI'CIH:C Z. Allhritt o n . laulll y S I)()lhf> l . Third ro\\': ,\ f<I r) Fr;II Kt:" Wiggin ... C.<lro l ~' n M c( -<II'I\', Jane F \: II I.~. Ik ll )' Sue Rod:.e lt , nell ) )'JeConnid;. H o \\'anl \,Vi lli a m.". futlrth 1(}\,' : Conra d ( ; irlingh o H ~t:. JU 'ilin R"""e ll , H e r hert Pel Cf":'OIl , Ro la o(1 Ca neL Cat herine Smiill, Roher! Fllrr. A. C. "l'lapp. BClh \-V(,~ l. FJan)"lin \Voo li c , 1',,1 ~ lit ( h el l. fa c ulty spOl)~(Jr.
BlcTTY J O GroR"F. President CAROLYI\ DIH: A~Ll:R
Vicc I)rcs ickllt A;.J.'IA SroK£s
Secretar y
President i\ 1 YRLE KILPATRI CK.
Vice President FRANCL'i
Secretary C HRI S GATZOIJ Li\ S
,\ ' c mhc l's of the: o r gani l.<Ili()1I Lli 'iClh.~ iIl A pblll!j fo r an o n {.I> "lin ~ 111 ce lj,,;..:-: C III'i s C ;Il/OII!;I <:. DOIl :.ld Hi ( ks. I\f 9"ll c Kilp:udck , A nn L~cey Fluiu , Cha rlin e SI;IPP ,lI\d J o hn Wr i~hL Mcmhc r .. no l indueled : l'r:u lI.:es :-' hl:p .o'd. t~o r; 1 Lee I,.\'imhis h . t\lMg ic Lulley. , . D. Hin e"~. Oo n;dil nu :-;~ ( "~· . J\ I<U"g,ll e l I'<l und ~" .Jac k Heil.ldl. l\(lhby Kilp' ll ri cl.. . $U(" H o lling"he:ul , lk ll Y Hurch . lei .. Rflgn ". Ca ro l) " Hagwt' II . ~ lud c lIl di n"o u r . E1i / ahcl h :\ no Doa nc. BC\'crl y Su e H c;nnc , .Bailby Jac kso n , Bilrh;!ra Franklin , Jani t! ( .rJh ;l IlL
wesley foundation
• les Dla'-quises I' ipa rol'l : \lis... Ha / d
!",uland. [I""hara
\fi((llcil. I<lIu ll ~ ~ 1'1I 1) "')I: \ Iar~ i t: (, lIlI c ~. Ik~ c rl y ",uc H e,lrnt: , Elaine I.o lle)", Loui se M e·
1-1-; 1111.. lin . (',Iwh "
\·kC" rI ~ .
M 'r 1"1e Kilpa lrit.!:. . l\'I argarc( '-'Ollnd ').
Co ra I.ee Wim
hi ..h, l a11 1: I ': ''' '' ~, Bell Y Lamhrdl. I Olllmi(' \ lIn 1):1 )'. ' I ht:l Ul ll " ar'>(lIh. lIillie n ; IIlIc~' . C;~nlhj:i Gunon . C h arline .... I app. ' I IIII'd no .... : P.It '} 1.«::<: . , ";lIlt y Jol ll l.~' m . Vrilm •• \,' hil(', I\olll)i(: .Jeall Coup,·r. ( .hOlrloIIC I-I OIIO W;IY. JO;II1 , 1 ~; 'lId y. A ll" ;' .... lo\..(:). ·\ nll FI .. ill . Chri .~ lill e C I:llnp i t. Orcl L <: 11C (uo pn, ];mi c (.I'aha lll , ~·f'lrgi c Val enline.
.\'t CFAIU.A:"IL)
Pr~s id <: n t C HARl.on f: Rl"FF
Vi cc Pres ident
Sccn:Ulry, I.n
S~ lll e5 tcr
SC(TC[(]ry. 2nd semes te r HA RIIA IC \
OFFICF.RS B O I~R \, J OI::. J ,\ C KSOl\'
Pres id t: nt J OE .\
I o !'I KO)',
Vi ce Pres id ent lkn y .1 0 G ' OKG E Sec.rc lary- Treasurer
,"C:ll cd : Willll" ·W hile . lkH~ 10 ( ; (;o"~e , Be u y ~ II C RlJd.c tt . f:ltuh y ' pOIlS(.r; J\(lhh~ .IUC' , .u. J.. son .
S (all d in~ :
Hll:ol('r (.I'(M Ic). J ; IIU C.~ W . I' ,H k C I"SO Il .
co ...... o d o r e s
Fi ...., rn\\" : ':I \o pho n e.s , R ol .t' l l \\' agll t' I , H c rl )e ll l'c tCI 'iIIlL Jtll.k };.im l la ll . :'011 , RH LlIl d (",ln c r. di rc(\!) I ; Iroolh' Hle. (.IYllll "V " all ; ,.nol)\p..... i~ l , (;" 'o l y n
SC(OI IiI I U\\" : [ lll m p (' I <;',
\ 1... 1).11)1('1: d lnln ~_
R t'"€ ~C Pe (e r
' Ihe l l
1':111 '.
11l ves ul1 c ni o l Lime and ~ lI c:ce s)j
In0 11 f'),
for th e eig ht
~ rtld c nt "
pi is ing
CO IlIIll Od ol'e",
th e
Nort he ;t:-.t's d :lIl ce LeI.
Th e
CO Ill
o rga ni zatiu tl
ca me to Iile thro u}{ h lht: i' l) pir;) ti on 0 1 din.'cLOI" Ro· I ~ nd
lI~illg th(~
lo r
c ve r y
IlW ;, JC m i lj or.
mo tto " OW .., iL
O( ca~lo n ,
Lh e
phl y~
lOt" va ri ow. co l lege <ll1 :Jin as ' ....e ll a:-. o ll
g rollp
\.<t lllpU -S runnion s-.
Flllpl ny in g the " bar ber _,/l()p" ,Hannc r o f " th e good
old days,"
(J u ;Il'l('!ll '
has ga ll1 n etl ljllifC a 10 1 Jow ing i-l1 l1ong
<;C I \"1 (('
dubs find sr hoob o f. thj !'. ; 1)'(:, (.1, ('':i pcc:iall y 'w ith t h p il o Ublanding 11"1
]>C l'lo l'ln a ll ( c
E(luall y
" R cds kill s."
p o pular h t he ir rc p c rLoir c
~c nlj · d ' I'.\ i ca l
i-) IH!
li giow. sc: kulon . . , wa n y (hc larger
C!lUI c h c.')
re 0("
on the ir c l1 gagc fJl cllt li : . t. T h e ir un iquc l'8. n g e lll {: llls
CO IHUlnr.
:'J l jlc
:md ar·
kee p lh e lT! in
tk1l1and .
... e
p r a va s t
c a rps
Fint ml" : VJai. Bm,lc r Crowley. C.'pl. C:h ;lrle ~ F.. Rml(\d l. tll aj. C lcgon' Le Blanc. C apt. H.IIT~· l.in(' l , Cal'l l , \-\' illi a lll nell. Fir!ii l Ll. Gill)(', t ' ·Ian. M aj. ,,\1 Gf) ~se:: II . (.;Ipl . O lllq J. \\; hill'. [:",pl. Jamc~ Ca rpc 11I cr, Capt . Bnhh}' Juc M..:C.on:nh) , FiJ \ 1 J.t. Johll \V. Turner , ,·j;'li. Eugene fn,: t)ll;t n , f,IUllt y .'pon~or. Sc( ond l OW; , ., '. C. nUch a llOlIl , fatu i '," .~p. ' " l'or; Cap l. Charles Vernon. ]7ir:1I I .l. J)(IIl:dcl Hill!>, Ca pr. .John Hudd , f\.f '!j. Jarr e ll \lalkiIiS. Fir" 1.1. nll'an Riuer. ( .apt. Jerry J\idw}.;pn, Cap!. Uuyd ILl y, LqH. IL lyfo rd HUlton. Capt. Rvherr n.,.c. C'q)L C h a rl c~ R . "('Il ;d >lc. Cap!. -r o Ul Dillon. ( h iHI row: Lt. Col. ThOll,," )\c:lII1I:Jl, l\hj. Do ~ Je Craighc;l(l. eilp i. ['hade., Litth' · 1011 . 1\1<1j. rl) JlIl Flllitt . hr~ 1 Lt. Johnn\ Reeves, Capt. I . c:. J)1: nlli~ Bun'. Lq)t. tlt)S$e, CCfnig ti.l. Maj . QUillll' ri n ker, (;Ipl. Millon Cr.lighc.l<l, l-"irS( LL Joe J)llwl1ing .
)1 kk Y N ICtl()t.";O\l
Provo:> t 1\'rar s h~1
JOI' J)ow ."I.\I(,
AdjuWllt l\[ILTO," Ck.~[C;Hr. r'[)
Finance OrIiccr
Presi dent LLOYD R !\\'
Vi ct" President 1\[/\R.lC)Rll·. R:\(" I-I .~ L
Sec retary·Trc;Jsurc:;r
1~("p l ('-.(,IHlng lill': (:OIlIiIlC: I"e. C : Cluh IIIl ;t UHI!" Hf I~,llllil R.vugl· "11(1 i\' el' ()dC::\I1) 'ICIt: Ih l" follulI'ing mcmhcr~: lir.H I'IJ IV. I>ul(.rt.' .... 1t'''':II"I . .\ ·I:llIrinc YUIHlg. .\I;.illude Rath.il. Or,l M ;Ie l 'ri(hdl. .\ ·/:lnc SJ>cilr~ . M 'lrg'Hcl Carr. ~'lildlell \\'t:dcl1le r '-' 1" SCHIIlI! IHII": II. 1'.. U . II1I.. .~. Ch;ul cs Md)cl'1hl)tl. CUrli~ lknOl lx . .'helh" [)arJ.. . ' Jhin! nllly: f.hlll'l' l-'ant C'lrl (h. 1'11'. Hill ) .... h:ner. Rt'J.: I't:ll ~ illg(;r . nOll jlCll(lanj.~ . Ed Pll)ll~k~. fUIIl"lh f'IW : "l ;lillc" I{ithard.~ , Lnui~ Jlhclp." Toll )' B,'i1UOtl. .11" . rc I' . (\[1.:'-.1:ll1h, .Jnlllc~ Jh)(.II1c , len) rl. ["(. 11 '1 , l' l(.tllt" SpHm(l1 . 1-"ilth ruw : "". L. I 'e rl..ill ~. C;!(
1111) .'I)\)Il~III.
c a
H,zJe .
Page '17
c lu b
• social sCience club rir ~ ( n ne /Ullil \ V. t IIIlIer , (',It h('l iuc ')milh . } .c ,"Jcu.nd lOW: \ 1<111<11111 ,1 R ca g,lIl . CIl,HIe:- "1 IHIllI p :''>'' ,
,\,lelld . oji ,c ,\ /111 n (,.. ~! lt y. Ik u \ Rnd.. clI Hi d ,s. Cu y ~ i C\(; rl'>. H" ,,,, .,II Hi ll. Ik lt \' I\ kLofj uid •. L I ; n'l'l ~ ll' 0 , \-\' 11 "1>11 . Thild n l \~: )) .. \-\' . R . H ,II""hllld , I.Htdl \ "pon ""r; J<lh ll (. nbd . . \ lil lOlI C I.UH p it . \V;un u l \)\"l' lh,
" , hn L.
rllllu .
\ V. (:.
~ , lIlt lL-r, . ....1111 L
D~ I II : "d
Lllu h , .lI l'o" "hr.
Hll l h,IIl :lll.
OI'T ICl:.RS ~ I\ \..]
:\lJ( OCh.
Jot. ....,AN[)(' lh V it e Pr c::,j d c nl
O l .I V I
Do w :!..
t \'
S(·cr<: I.lr y a nd Treasurer
O I'TJ{ .l l" C ' -I,\K LI l\ I :
Sr,\ j'j'
Pn::, jdc l1l
/\(\RU KtLl>AtRICK
Viet Pl c~jd(;l1 l
C.·\IWI.\ N 1>RI.A ':> I.J:.R
.-..,C( ['('un y a lld
,\1.::11 ('11:
Tn':<I~ llr(,1
1:111 <:
W:dl ,lU:. e ll ,. rli ,, \: 'i1,' l'p. I'V! yil t' [i. ill';t l l i<,I." I nll llll ~ l':I,l...c ...,u n . ~1;IIHljI13: J Hhll BI,(I... th:LL )' .\d;l1n ~. M .l d<: l il1 l' L \'O ll ~, : \11 11<1 S\oke,. lk ll ) M('( ,o rm ic k . ~ rr'. r A: 'l1i~l' (;r.l\, 1.(:111 1;'1'1 . l : lrllll~'
l'au t: r SCJII , Lll'wdiHI ~ pl) n .w r. ·
theta happa
alenabic club l ' I ( l lIt l OW : ( ,0111":1( 1 ( .irilnghVII 'l<', 1011111 1\ rvh l l"OI) l!' IIIIII :' 11,;,111 I h llh alU I' k lll i ll ~ , I kLl I ~ HI»d . Fr an ~ Cerni lil i:l . "il'U l l li i ,cow ; U ,i ,' f\ l ilchd L 1,lU l l '" '( .lIlln i l'1!h ' II II, 1;11 11 (.": (I } IIIII ~. C'h:n lc... \"C<IICI . Tlli l d 1'1 )1\': t·.. Fn~ I (' I . r<l clI lI, ~po n $lJ r . (.;11 \; 11 \\'h illi !lglon. Dr .I :' III C'> A, \V : I I'~O Il , ra e lil l Y cO·"PI, " SO r.
OFFICERS ./ ,\ \ '11 <., Clli\ 'll :--C H A \ 1
Pl'(,:~ id t; nl
nlLL }-f ,\ItKI.'\c;·IO :"l
\f ill' Ih "l
Prc<., id l' 1I1
IY l$lrR(!1
<j( ·c J'(.' (ar )
\1" ' l ld t\.')
P re:; )liC llt
C II A RLk. ,,) V I Ni\I' l.J
Vitt: Pn.· ..idclll JjOH IW
KlI.I' A J'RI( K
T l'c'l ~un'J"
R l 'S ~l:[
1. PI<I(! :
.~(,Cl t' l ary
:'I /II.I O N
C IL \I (, III ,\))
Sergeanl-a t',lI
H AHIU. I ." Rf..' po ' l{'r
..\ 11..,'11 '\
R t·ad i ll(.: f roll l Iell I n n~h l : Bi nio n I:k mill ~. I .<:c \ I ;I~" " . f;J( II I I ~ :"> po n ~t l l : L ui \\·i lli :llll i n n . ' 10 m Di llon . H aro ld B a t c~ (11:... 1(.'" \ 'clI;d) ic , Bo bln K i l p ,. lIi {~ . H il r\ C'v (,n i ll o l. ,\ I i lto " (. I : Ii ~ hc a d . .I alrd l j\l : ll~in s. 1}clUl ), b ')c r . Ro ll . (: 1"( l u fl'. lo hnn y R (:(·\c..., H' illi ;lI n Hl' lr ~. It ll ':.cll I'l'io: . S l('\e \ l o Ut t', lalllc" I· lelf. h e). Ik nni !> Bc rr y. n. )hh\' I· utd •. FI ('d (; I;I \ C", \ \' ilhl,; l H....... hc l. l ·" · ... po ll ~(lr . '\ IISli ll H :orrd l ,111\1 L. l.. Pri lC. CO." p O II ." O r.
denaeter club I' . I ~C
• @CODO..,.CS
lklt' S u e ROl.-kcll . Rill ", \\ 1"tdll"II I . ( .ha rl o ll \: H IIII",\ ;!,, I l i / ••I'(' 11i . \IH1 l )na IiC. \'011.1 (. <I ~ \\ ill. ,IIII,., II'00nl"<:" Sh e-p,lnl. SlaIHlillg : C\\clul nl yn lord:", . null n " IIII ,HI. ,\ Ii , ... I r.II1 I1..... :';'d,o. I.I(uil ., '11011'0 1; :-" .11111 1(" "'Ill p 111 ,11) }\nll lknder'''' !. j .IIl(' , S h i pm ,nl I ni b . \\ ~kn<: H .. .I... !.. C\ ,
!o!c; It<:d :
KI I Il\, "VHI ' JJ'IJI',\1l
Pre!) idc nl BLrI y .I1- ,\;\i .I0.\l1·~
Vi re Pr('!) idc nt
f:. 1.I / .AUr: I Ii :\N N D o .\ ~ J;
IOF. ,\l o ,\.:Ror
Vi , c Prl'si d clll .lOA' ~t.'(
r('la ry
"ca tC"d : l unnie Ibnkl'(;'ltl. Rt)I,Ind (;;11«'1. :\'11 ". FlOICllt e: I. . \llhri Hon . (:uuil \ ~ pnm(lr . loa ., I\ :''IIHI\ . Jan e H:,III :He. \ lIn .\ -!c Oild c. 1';'11"" Millt;r. Il ell!:" ll l' el(~ r'on J . IIH ' 1\\',In <., I I'" I\.tll(lll I(, h,.!'ol •. , .H I... K i m!.;.II , A . C.
"" ;"ltii nK: i\r :lq'
Trapp .
social clubs • ••
Knl·('illl!-;,. ' l'ho lH ,I'" Hr.:-lIdt' II . H ,IrI ;"l J'l C ~ IIid~i.!, \ i (~ 1 )I'I' ~ i d <: 1l 1 : RoJ;. " d C.. n c r . p ' ('., idc Il1 ; 0011,,111 I'cn<i :lni!', l uh ll" : I {<. (;\'<:~ , HI, ;m Ri ! h; r . .\ wndil1 ~ : 1) .... ,Iiu '1lIa rp(', It C" ~ lI I I; I : K _ I), Ha ",-:, . R (lhCIl fUl l". H (,I- I.>(: l l I'Clcr :.UI I. Hoi"' ) I .illl"r. Ir'lIlk Buhlt li , . <'l" ' -r<"lal'~ , Rnlil"rl 'V ~l g lI (, I , 1· t!II",1I1 1 \'\h:llk ~ i, Ll lillty "1'01"<11 Hr l Ilt' f''' I I; l"IIil' '
,\Jph ;' Th e ta C hi , lounclcd ;11 1900,
wa ~
tt:rn ;L)' " egall LO \\'o ll L() Wdld lI .nion:-1i lll el ll ,
th e lir.. r org-<l lli /ed fr a te rnit y on lh e cam pll ..,
hcnh ip <lnd a hOJl)(' 0 1 i lS
It wa\ d c!> ig ned to [Ju ild he ot:r cili /em, mo l"
01 having a frate rnity h Oll se at North t.:;I)( i.')
ally , 'piri tll a JI )· and intd lt'fLu;dly , th ro u14 h
dos(' to 1)(·(O lll ill.L;
C0 \ll r;[d<.:~ hip .
I t (tho
\ hip , (, 11 rhu ,.; i" "'1l1 and ('a<'L.
\V it h
;tiIU '"
rc; dil y.
Thc' drc,lIl1
The orgatJl/;I
jnfl e. l.~ l'
lioll hnJ>C~ (0 Iwgi ll (on.., uuni on ll ~l' bnc r
N()ll '~
pall o j ncxt v(';lr.
((Hl[>('I ,H I 0 1l
a g roup o f , (" I('( t Ill C'nJiu.' }\
I ph
0\-1,' 11 ,
P.age 62
. •
s ,• 9
a I P h a
c I,
, •
"ig'lll :1 A l p h a Chi , )!J( ia i 1l'<llCTll i LY, wa~
IOlllld c d in l h c ta ll 0 1 1950 by Ji lle'e n cha n(·: r lll C 1l11)l: r ~ .
D ed ica Led Lo ]>l'O ltl o tc rc ll ow::. hi p,
to di ';;(Cl ll <ll l d
ni le
;l ll t!
([evclo t) men ta l po wer, to r(-' cog'
keep high moral
~ r. ;Hld ar d~ .• Inc!
;}('11[('\'(' JOll)' ~ piriru:tJ jd L'a J ~, i r
lo. Up p Or h ti l(>
/l i.t.: Iw" I In r m
11l (lillt,lin s ;l llt!
or :-. liJd CIH
li k.
H lI ~ ( C l' C l ( J W!c I ', PI' ('~ i l kll l : (, Cll l' (, \'o 'k (', \1)1 . :\ ifl'ed J .~ i llg(' r . (atl d l~' 'p u ll ~n r . t er r y. B<lb IJ ~ .l" l k ~!.! II , H t: lll' } Ho) d . EU).!,'I.': \Il' 1\1;1< 1... [. D . Hin c~ . - r hird )"( \11' : lh ll H ,11111l!-\ 1()ll 0(1 11 .1I d l-Jj(k ~ H ll gh HI 1(.! ~ h , 11\ J ' lrl1 e~ !J bi llip ~ N( , r ~ I lu\\' n ,II C. I.lek R c.: illc l l. (,(::wgc C ha ll ihe n . I COlI ,ll d ,\J( lI l b ,lld R o b cll D~ <.;, \· kt' rlt 't' ~Hl c lll : R e O( ]l C I) ~ ill g (; r. 11"<.;: 1.. 11 1(; 1" : F.lI g<:" fl <:" ,"mil i l. jo(; i\lnnI O(;. J o hn J\ l i lll ". Harr r H IIIIO:.: n t ll ;tI . ( 1),I11 e'; \\iJlipp k . I) IJI1 J ·.~Nt.:: lIj !1g. C . V I'lUJlSIlI I B i ll \' ( ~l" illi ~
Sc,ll cd :
Llll' i~ C : ( l zn l! I <l.~ ..~C tl t: IOJ1 ~:
,X-C01H I 10 \\ : Il erl l
1;, 1d e 1' .
\f ;l l ', i\1
1"0 \,:
"l"0111111 it, A IIiI l);q. 1' (1 11 :,1 (;,, ~. Wi ll i"IIl ~, :'I-I cl ha Htlq.;c" ~. Hi lli <; J),II\IC\. (h,nlo U e
~t'((Jlltl I'U\\": EI1UII;I [can nlU h : II11 . Cora Let' '\'i nlbi ~ ll , .l oy .\Ll \', I ili :'t\ HI W: L,-lT()I ~' ll [\{cLi n , . Wilma .I"~. t<:. Whil l! , t.li '.;, btlh di d, . hl 'l ~C ln C\ lcr prc..id eIl1: A nna .'')luke:. . SCl(lnd ~ l'!\1 e~ l("r
RI, iL (j,.ll v
\nll T,,~l ()r .
1 ';lr";1II1~. ,\ I ;II J.{ IC Cll 1kt. 1' t;!Q;-) ' l oll sin'HI. '\nn I)oalle. 1I 1an R (, b t.:1L~. \ f:Jr y Eli 7.1hclh .Vlere p1 t::.,idcI11 : 1'lIl t:: F.\'II "'. J ;IIH': \\ ' ,.II ;'l(c, st:n c tary: 1)(.n .II ,,, \\'a llilct:. I r;ln n:.~ Shepard . N I)I .. 1.. ,....· 1) ;Ire c.;,I C H u llill gsllcad. Ch,l l lm l t; 11 ,,1101\'a ". 11 C:' C; llrc l' , and f;'I ( lIl l~' ')pOll ~nr~ . t" 'r" I.tl ll i~c (. nl }" f.e men and \fr... .-\ l\lli t I.c<: We" Sla l.) . I helll )"
R Cii1i zing th e bcnd ils o j clo...c J"ie nd · ~ hi p,
co('d !'. o f the:
C(l llljH llo>
org ani /cd
ZC [ii , ~oc i (J] ~o r ori !. y, in 1950 . \,Vidl tl)
Gcll Hlll i\ ;I
d es ire
ut/Liv<l lC;\ high (' ,- !) tandilrd of ,,'0 Illaril1 oo<l ,
\ trc ll g dl (" 1) c /1 :l raCl t:r, IIph·ofd ,...c ho]ar.. . hip ;lnd
unile tit £.: in t c r c~t." o f und c rg radu afes, thi s () r~ g~\Oi/.ati o ll flll h { io n ~
h a~
hC£.: ll (lcl ivc ill lllall Y (alllp ll ~
thro ugh o ut the yca r .
F!'o t;lh li ':l. h cd in
~ ()rOl
l!J ~) O ,
Phi LllnhdCl T " II ,
it y, i:-. dnli c;.m::d
rend er <;c r viu '
10 the (o ll cg"c and c tl eo tlla ge:' '> l' h o l a r ~ hip h ~
r ef] II iri ng
nl emhn., h ip. a lll u n g s l ; lIlIl<'Il
l or
prulll o ln good
~lll d( ' Ill :-'
;111(1 10 ... ( (: 1'''
t ; I (\ 111 ~
'p ul bo r ~ .
" I i~.,
hi g h char;!(
(h .
.'':1,::1 1('11. () llll d .1 (, u y to ll .. w lTl'fan·: \Iln I h OIll IN IIi . i n g: ",,'Il l) 11I111 " on . 1 '~C ; I \ lIrel: \ {;lIg,Ircl P(Hllld <.,
J <.~ lI ow~ h i p
H,lI e l l\'(illik ll and
.\(I 'S
prc"i d c lll , \' ;Il \ \" l.e~ . p r c<. idc II1 : L) ol()l 't'~ ~ I CW;IIL "' I' lnd · '\-!;ll lu r i(:' It.•{ha l. l'dt H d ll \.0 1 ill{ llld cd ill I h <: pil l lll't::
Gcrll"ll tk
~;nJ dro d, .
• • •
reserve officers training corps
C;u()d w i !l ;:lJllba~ ) ad () l" ~ I(u 1h e NO rLh L"(I .. l -" la te cad el co r p 'i. t h c co lo r g n al'J rL' I)r<'!)(, 1I1('d l ite RO T C ;n ~l' v e r : d p ar a (k~ and d Cl1ln n :-; t l ;l 足 li o ll !) th roug hou t th e: yell in addi do n LO ~o n ll . illg an in tegra l J>~l rl 0 1 th e b,Hta l iOIi ~ 1I 14; lIIj /~I ' I ju n . I\ felll"lT1'> o f {he dc t; l<. h m cll L in cl ude, 1<-11
(() r il!,il l: C h<.l d cs Run del l. C h <t rk ~ l)O\ ~' n ing ~ II HI .ro hn T ltlllCl',
V(; I
non , 10(.'
HC(ld t d h v L l. Co l. ]\fc l\ i lle H . C .-iU llh , ti l< ' i\o r t h t"I~ l mi l ita ry dep a rt lll e nl 0 11 ('1'1) ('"u l l{"ge f- tl.Id e n ts l ( Jll r year!) o f (raini n,!!, . ha l \.\I ilJ qu ali fy t he m a\ H:~c r vf' seco n d lic lI Lt: nflllb ill I. h(' j\ l i!i足 1;'lr y Police Corps UpOIl grad ll ,ai o n.
Sin eI.:' rhing lO t he lOllr-yc(1[ coll ege jc "cJ of u'ainillg a l)d joj nin g u dH.' 1 R O T C ~lI)i[ !) in LlH: lditit<ll'v P o lirc bn ll lc h, du: cade t co rps i,<, hOll or e d (,(ldl vcar , ... ith <t vi~ i t bv ,\ / ll j , C f' l1 , Ed wi n J>. P a rk er .' provo-s t Ill ~ r~ h a l o l the <'I nn )", a t Ir h , trm H r o;.. , H ere CC ll c raJ ,la rk c'r !)ra llds with till' cad e t tO IlIIll ,ln d e r , Th olll(J~ Bea rd e n , Co lo ntl Gr dli l h , pl o lc'\!<>or o f J)ljJi\ a r ~' '\C il"llll' a nd t(,(t ic'\, ;lll ll 1)1t:lH hl'l"'l o j th c ("(ldc r b:llW li o ll ~ L a rt as th e (o l") )~ l )<1!<>~e~ in r c vi c\\, At thc ~illal drill period each ~p l in g, tl l(: OHlc( cOl1 l1llandcJ" lIullng th e prc(edill g yca l" 1(', lin'luj,.. he s IWi co mmand to hi .. ~llcÂŤ: s:.or i ll (o nll il l (tren1on )" B t'lcHI', Cadet Co lo rl c l Ik. lrd( 'n and l\.\"() n\ C lllb <:: r ~ (Jl h i!'. :, (d l rece i\,c th e 1<1 . . ( review o f (he YC;lr , he ld in ch eir 11 0 1101" .
lRen of lRerit TI ll oug llOlil
(JcJ:'>c o f ,nvards are
til e Y(',ll" ,old
sc hoo ]
[ )rt'~t"l1t t: d
,"" I1O:'C wor k il1 dl t' ~ ll c h
:'l"S~ J o n
va rJ O ll ~
to ca d (' t ~ a nd llllj{ ~
c orp ~
b;u warranled b ts tO\~' cd
\ reti a I... arc'
() "t ~ l i.l ndin g cadet~
; IL
in tac h
cJ(1 ~~ ,
a troph y
troll) the Provost j\'[ar!'oli<1 J Gt'"l) c ra l gOt ...
to [h e Oll ts tanding Gillet 01 th e IWl(a li o ll . ;. ') l J"C~II )I C r to i Cl1t
th e compa n y m os t
in c lo se ord e r dr ill , .. lid ,>cvclal
.no nl"t ar y a ward .. ar c madc, ;\ , I h" :-: Oll he:l~ t ROTC c Ilt lcd il ... SCLond vea r ,,~ ;lJ) ,1(1 · \a ll tcd II llil . m i lil 'lry b v n o n, h )I' 1.. 0' 1 ,.dt lell ; ig ilifi<,II Kt:. :-\ Humhe r 0 1 ~ r ad ll a .illg ...Cllio l . . rClc ilcd ~H ld Io , Ir~ \\' i lll theil (1I II c;!C d iplu lII ;," <I nti ( ~. 'I' lt'tI . he d i $ till~ l lOIl ~ ~r ht: ing the li r"l ~ I·() IIP of .-('''e rlC o ffi cc r' ((lIllmi ...... juncd ; ~ . :"\(l rtl~ c; ~ . . ( ~ t. . t c .
In a s pc( ia l (cr e nUIIl\' . r rJ II ('''t ' I) ''lIill':~ 0 1 ' I \\ in e i l ! nlililall ((· "in· o r !.ta Hi l;n io n:-. : d Ol ~ g, \\ jll) Ih(' I"ili la r '< dep,IIIIll Cn l . ;1\" "1'.1 1'" 1I1 t.'d , d ~. lila lio n , a n d ,. Iro pln 10 c:lt h-h ... d <.:III·, 1 .•" Otl l" ' :l ll. l· jll ~ du ri ng J!I,-,J ;-,~ .
I';)gc GO
The nt \' ·c ig lll (:adt"l~ rc((: i\('d I (·.~c nc (' llJl)lIli~:-J("l " a~ SC tOild lil'ttl clI: " H ~ ill Ihe \lililH ~' I'oliet: ( ·(l l p.~;1I l 'COIHII)CII(,Clllt:IlL t'XC llh(',. \~ di~LiJ1g1!i " h t.:d miJilary slud t: IH .., -.ever" 1 ar(, (' li gilJh for Icg lll .1r :,rm\ (o n Htli~~i( 'll ~, II'h ile :1 "llillllC1 01 tht.:$c pi( llIrcd ~1ho\ c h:n'C )('port ed kll a(.l; VC d(ll} a .) r CH'f\(' vffi{crs.
I 1\"1, "\lOl l h c a, t c;'l( h:u, John l· lull! <I,tld H e>r:I( C l 'h'"IIPI:II II , all CIHl ctl lI lt: ~e"t l l li l e nICl\lIi.l t lc1c1I1 .I· l i v " ,II l il t: lnl\ tol 'I ,HC" .M i lil .lr \ , \I,lI i ellll. \\' c :- L 1',, 111(. 1\. Y. log":l hc r w ith t lv ;, dt'kg-a ll'1> frolll t ';!c!] <,If :1" u lll (" 1 col legc'< Ihn Hwh"111 th e 11;11;(111 . FJuil t ,(lid I h""I I'.~\lll ~j ,"llct1 ( h~ ;)t<Hlt-IllY dll)i,,:.: hL11 al1, l I\-I,; I C illdoltrin :]I<"<i illill {he cad,'1 t:~)"p". Iii illS (0111 d :l\ :- a .. ,,' l"L )'oil1l CU\C{$
nO:I..C[>l iu n g-i \(' 11 in Ccncr... 1
1I0 111 1r I hl" \1"1ll~ I'ro vust (\f,II ... II ;II t h;" ,- IHIII ~('\ 't,; r; " of Ihe I{O ' !)(lIl.;o r 'l. j' ,lrl..t"I"·"
H hil e "lI(lOp lll ~ II le Hill;" duri n /; II i" ,1 111111 ;1 ' IthPC( li nJl I{() I ( ' , (. c ll("l·;ll 1';lrl...(.'1" p,III"(.";'o to qtle~ · lio ll .1 (..; ul("l (lI llH . I\lI ll l; Ill ' 101ll:,I(c ilIdjoL d.I '-'(''I ,11111
,. , t hl" ,,,n ' le,hl
(..:lI l·(·1 pLln s.
I\ Llj . (,CIl . Edwin P . P ;tl ker, pro v(J~l g'l" Il('l"c'll oj" til e.: _HI II V, t OUI S til l' (,~ t(. h y e ar \' i ~i ling ;.tll ' th e Illi!iwr y poli( : R(rl C lill i t:-. . FOl" ti l(.' J> : I~l llvo y<..:a r~ lh e Gtlw ra l It" ,> incllld e d on hi : > rr.wcl in g ;Igc; n<!,l NDl (hC<l.'>t ,'-)l.<It<..:, ,1!'Lcr lh e ~<.h oo l a:-,) llHI ( tl l he 1'01e ( )! a :-~ llI()r co lkgc (lnd Jl J< lr')hal (C) lIllu ')'
ali v(lll t.cd ROTC \.....1 ,> ill ~ tj[Ul(: d.
D ll l"i Jl ~
ho t h in !> p cctio n'l t h (~ (; {"J) c r al W (I~ ple;l....e d lI· iLlI L1l(' llliliLcu ")' dcp <l.run c nr and ca ll nl t he <. ;u.kt (orp~ on I)ol l! O<':01 .,io n ~, " .\ ~ harp II)()killg tlnil. " Th e Provmr ~ I a r ~h ;.d gi\'l' ~ ;\ lro ph y wh ich i't pre~ e nt('(1 ((J lh e Ollt .., t,IIHlillg ca d e t 01 th e IlilltaliOll c a c. h yc.lr.
rllc 1.11 111.. Co lo l\<.' 1. 'Iulltillic Allll 1) ;1). tll C-;c tl l' 111 (' , lrca Ult·t I" , p lo fi lic lln Itl tl,,,t: (In lc r dri ll W lilt, ( j) mt/an~< \,' iuning
lll ~ lllt,; lie \( 1\"<x;1...
g ll Jdvll
~ t, tll
hOIlt)r al ~;I dl lJal"illic.
,l ie hlne rihhull "en:t,ti us Oil th e CI t l h e company c1 esigll:llc<l " bes\.· ·
t )nd
General Parker
"Ip') n ~ (H t'd b y the I'nW(J~ r C I ) IJ! ~ ' it rt:u.:pIi IlH \~ ~I ~ 11 ~l d ;11 Ih \! 1'1"l' ~ idclH· .~ IUJUI (' d tlrin ~ l h ~ CL'n e r· ;.I"s \· i ~i [ til t he ("; 1I111>1h. l-l<'re ;1 Iwm l,c l ot ' Clnll c;I ~ I\ cued ~ POIl ~ ()], ~ 1,llk \~ ilh th t: C ent ,.;. I ;1I)(,u\ Jnan )' lhin "l" h o lh llliJit.lq ;In d {1" ill ;,,1. <111<1 di ~ r :O\l.: r [ha l l he l'rO\(J ~ l o\1:u-"h"l i ~ , I gran d p c r:o.o n :1 1111 0' [101 lil c I l drd ·hOllcd u(fi Lc r pO l tr ;L~cd in li ( llOII 1I1 :," g;lIj II C ~.
( n il Spl lll ~' " fOI Ih(' R O I C (udu ck hllllt WI", k it 10 ' ig ill . 1""1" 11 11" l.n llc y, 1'\ 0 1) :, ( ••1\ \Vi. ll i:II .. ", "o lll m j~ A nn 0 ;.-,-, IIlL l illie ("h .nd (,h a rJ nU c H ll ll u \~" y . (;.I ~ ~ r ( \ d a m " ,11 1(1 Ji tn m il: StI(: R . l i n ~; ~ t:: \CH 1 <l ro w . Luul vll Ml C " I"( \' . i\ Lll v r r : ll l( t:~ W ig'f', ill:-. n o l(lrl' ~ r..k(' I,III :tI'all , Ro he n ccil
I'"rl..cr, I':ll .;';lIl de .:- ,lIId Ca rr ie/"e Lindsey.
I',(gc 63
e a
i I
1I·1cTIlI,('f, of llit' ;n;I;,,1 lealll 10 ,11""lder rifle, for 'iollhc"st ill j'lIerc"llcg;;IIt' c"'"pelition jn 1Il1de: knel'iill/(. Ml>l(i.< T,llle\', R~lbert ,(,Connell. Janl'll ~1;lIkins. )on;oI<1 I-I;(k, "n<l Roy :\~tO)\; l\lal1dlng. Hugh Brad ...h,t\\'. Dan Dennen. Bqan RilleI', l.ca,n captain, Sgl. I,G Vi<.lor Ceorge. team lO,lCh, 'i,lm R",)('J" and Cilhert ~[;II>'. l\;ol pinured j, C"pl. ,\lfred 1.,. Sil1gCl, H.-,In)· supervisor.
In.,titur.ing a \,-c/I-IOUJldcc! lIlilirary prog-rill1l, tbe ROTC (llX<llli/ed the lir'>t lilk Ie,1I1 1 10 ever n:pl-e~c..!t dte ~cJlOo) ill intercollegiate In'llchc~. C:oadwd and ,>upcrvi,ed h y Captain Singcl and ~ergean'l Gcorg-e, the slillad praniccd reglll <lrly with .22 calibcT 1illc~ <\t Ihe Nation;1i GU;lrd arll10ry in !\Ionroe. Again~t veteran leanl~ Iroll) JargcT college, the t\orthea.,t ll}ark~l1lctl gavc (retlilable perlorll1ance~_ ,tcadily illlproving t"at h \vcek, anti c-nded the year wilh all equal 1111111 her 01 II'jm and
Af[cr r('~('i\illg the filldl I)cILt:·dioll \(,\ie\\" i hOIl1~I~ n(~a((lc£l. corp'l lOIIl.Halidel" (lIlting- 19:·)I-·...~~. l.on· gT::llul:tIC., Ill); Ie ( raighc.H) Otl hcill~ I1clll\cd his '111(·
<,(::'S:"I(II' a", c:ldct lit Ulel)~lilt c.olonel
• •
hODor guard
ntlr;llg Iii" ill'I)(:< lion of lilt' I-!onO! (,lIdld.
P:1US('" to e."h~l(lgt.· rC)II~llk"
marching through C;I tell
Il iIII i r he rai 11 ts
pC) )('( t Iii!
Whcll lh (' Hi",.., Chid \ i,i('d lli (; hr;l\ ('~ a one-way >trcct the (;l1-geL plea~e
clot he"
,nid you
1 wonder w/lat ,!le\ doing now
made tor
that gllY?
Tllrncd lip
will, no, al
He'd beltC] qualify tomorrow with that rifle!
\1 a ren::p(ion introd11f1og llw lIC\1 StpOH"orr,. B II.'" lc) CHI\路dc\ . ...ccolld "Clll(::-.lcr pn;,idcl1l <II llic (Iub. (.h,\I~ ",.:i(h 'l Ollllllic f\1l1l I).IV, baUd~loll SpOIlSOr.
~jl bolsnn.
llnd"r the dirCltion (lL \laj. Ll1gn]C'
~l. ]-I"C('I11,lll,
I'rovC)~t Corp~,
honor"ry l11ilitary
Iratel:nity cOl11pri~ing junior and sellior ach'all((:d C<ldets, W;IS organi/.ed hcre twO yell'S ago. The group Ila, ollieial lllclllher.'lJip a~ the lilth lJattaJioli in a national organit<llioll bearing dlC' samc name. The club handles all thc soci,r1 'l'>pnb o( lite college ROTC, playing ,In ill'l)orLallt role prcscming (he annual Military BaH, holding relcptioll' Jor di.,tiIHj路ltlS)wd visitor, ,111{1 aidillg in varioll'> college activities.
features ....
tarl. D«'
greg I@ blaDe
, . 0
wi., Rc (I)
d by rill' I :I( 1I h v ill
dl'I);I1II11 'III~,
I Oll'jll i~illg
lilt' 1":llili '" 1)1 ,dlo1.lI
,hi I),
,.U.III( Ii tI).; ,,11111 'til ttl I
:1I1t! ,(,I·
('I ~I'<','('lll
(If ,l '1:1111" II' Ihl\1t RII LR , d( ift'lilll'11 '''petit'l ill 11,,, !iplll "I I' 'III .11141 ,1m, \
ltr,II!tl:lfr' ~ \1{ \
11(!~ir!t'~ (!rt~1 TI11~ ill ll~'lli 'S ~ I1IClnl,{'1
Ili~I'Cllc" SOr.1 'l1:,i 11 I 1 i:~, "1<'1'~ll" 111011 1,I:{c,', 1"'1 III
1{,'1)I'''' n:ll i,,"al 1"'llt" "q 1'1
\ 111\ \'
r \
I I ,11 111'1 '
"I Ilw II
III 1.1" j, I If','
" ;N\,
"et.lnl' It''flll Uitlrllj r{uuJ.!."t,. LRJ'{, I • 1'.1 ,'\:\t. ~1'"d"i1I('d Imlll '" l('lItn~
lIigh ".111,,,1 1('1111;111 'I' "
(.n:!\ j, il ,1m: ',"(';11 fel "11 II" r.,,,II';11I S'III,liI ,11'.1 SL'I'II'"
"Hili P;III~ (tl)11II1:1I1\"'1' III
I L )\It
1!lI' R )
1',(,0 '(J\llf'
Wlln\ H'I~I' 111 111l' I 'J1II' [, Il"pilll ""'111 j, I~J', 1'1 Y I" \~' l, I,,,, " J".,i . ,1' Ji""1 "'VS! ~1'!llnlC, ,'IJl: I~ \'i" plt.... i,l '\11
II", 11,1111(' I, nlll lillie (,lit It nlill I Ill. e,l 111111 11'1~11I ((lip it ," 'niul' 1);1\ t'xlli I~i'>
II"", I
<:I H,,\f[," I R \' 'I' \Ic HII I,,, I' ,I 'n.l's...il'. {;.'IH' n';, ..
\11 IWIlII! ,111,1'111, (,I"
IJI'!' nU L1 frUit' II,., 1,'( ipj,'nI 4
1;.)1 r
fir 11", 1','-,0·-.1 "1",11111111 CI"'IIli>lI\ \ "',tn I j,dllilll{ llw 'ill1l., III rhc' I'hi "h I J 1-:q'I,.1 I h,ll ':lIl1e 1(,';11 l'lI\SIL \l.
tlr,.1 .I II i,
C \ 110'\
," II" 110\\ I"nr ,It'I:1 ,{ IhL' \\'(1111 'II', RIO'] ';ll;"11 .\ ""I'j;J 'I'rlTl"
f '1111
i.'ih 1,1:lllll
H. SIll'
\Il"KI.\ '\\1 I
I r'le
j,.1 sol,IIIIIIIlIII' ',IS
illlil:ll111llal I" kt<ll,.11
j)lW <If lh., lb. '\'",111
lrmrtll"" 'III
w j
\1.\ I I J '\'
mi,ll, 1I1.111{~
"dllUli,," [11<1'111. I';;nn~t', ill,', 1l11~1~
I \ \II~" I. RE'i 'i:'lll I II.
" :\.11 1J1o.IjI:C {I cl'} S~lJll"l(,I', \ ~nul,,· .'THII4 sC'lli(ll' 1,1I11L" 1.ILl·hl MI":I'.II II"llltL" lU.lli~, r1;I~SC" III rll" i,I"~II1(' ,.,1 ,,,llq.:'
IIll,( "',," IS
()IIISI~Jnllil1' ill Ill" lid IHII ;, '\'1 (',.' R I I',~ j' :l fllL.1 hlld 1':lri,b 1-1110\11 ~,llI"d ,,( \\ cst \),," 1.1<', .\~ I Ill;
I ,,(
,md:, I'I,':!
1\;;' l' ,~, 11' Rol ,"l \\',1' !'I"',""11'<\ Il,., \1[:'\(: .Illr! \IIISIC 1',ILlllI' :,I\'.lIds, ILe
,• .' I", PTt'"il~"11l " ""l Iral nlll \,
1,( JIll
( n!III1II1I!!I1TJ'I;" ... lIl1klll
\lVlli! 'I ItI'I:1 Chi, dLTClli>1 "I .. , II,' ,h,llel' Ill"
It t..;I1.1
LLll (,\110,",
R,',,:j' 1Il)\ II .1~"Jn' 1\1 '"111' \' I' It. \ T.I I' RO"l.R, l~:~"nll' 1 1'1\'1,·ill S I,klii. " r:lle" C'liIt'lk," .1I"nn;.: 1"llLt"li01I 11\,1 jIll'" \, ,hi' 111 !h.' W"Slll,lllSt~1 ""II"\I'I'i\l ,1 .. <1 till' '".-i:ll 'i< klllt' 1,11111. \ 1'1 II 1.,'(' It" .Ill illll""~ ill' ,,1'IlI~l.,Ll(' It ,.,\,11
\1'11.11 ,\In 'it
~(,I F:\(.h
tlH' I'H,I'IlSI
I "'1,1,\ ;I~ Ilut ,IIISI.lIldiILiil ,,,(kl III 111(' }GlI', IIIISI ER ( I{ )\11.1-.\ is a \,11"",11 ell,lc' IltC'" Inil !(,r II',ml \ l<-~ill'Cli i.1. III
Heln. C"ltl.'1 (.:11,1.1111 (,I"wl/!, rUIl' 111,11' ell Il~ 1~:H,;;liilTI .Il!.illlnill ,111.1 1,!<',i,li: 1I1 ,,' dll' 1'1"\'('~! Lilli'" nus! r i, .1 !!rilliHII' I IICIIl1~11 l' ~ ,.«II:.lt ,,, Siglll,1 ,\lpllil (,111, ,,,<:1,11 r',lumJin, ami 11 lill'll"I'1 " ,I ... '"ld..,,! '''11',1 i l.
Iloldi"I-:; hi I ., III/ ,I,ll< r '('1)1'1. Jlllt" 'II II I n "II. III III" Rol(.:t' 1I'L'11
011:11 "iL'll'{", \ dl~lil1'"1 IJ"~I 111111 I,ll \ '11 ilk II I • .1.01111 11'IUt ~Illt'll '\<11 1 111"1 I "t 1114' \\ 0:<1 ",.1111 ""'IIII'I'ilh'lIllial cph' 1,1:llillll .~
III" d. Il)llll " Se·i,'n.e ('1111"
, ','ill" ,111\\11
IIIUilll..r ul
1IIi' , 'e Iill
jol',I' I. flw.itt;
bu t r
wh o h o (,0\1 \i.ER
)( :I"l·~elll"ij!.
'r~. I.. :1 nll'JI1h I" "I ~i' Ill,'
;A I/ot 1
Ill'p;" I·
\J:III1<" \
.'uHI '111 ('r)lIucil. \\',, 11)\ 1''''11,1\,,· ,1,,". CI I:I<..;J) III 11,1 J,u ill,'" ,I;llr, ~II,I '€T"~d :l~ 'IlSILU'" 11l:01l.1~'' ," Ihl' lin I· ;',2 I'tl\\ \\'Im, cullq::,,' 11('\\ 'I ,,11'("1,
Chi, Iii..
,O['R MI \l
111.1 jllr
E 'J !-10/lII'SO,\', l<lIllll;llj~1I1 I mill H,I,lrlll" 1i;1.' ~HI1'd II" 1'",\
'U111~Kt" 11 '1I'~J';oI'~I"· flU
IIII~' ,~nll"
Lers In ,H.ldiLlIHI wild wtor\;, 1)('1";11 L i .In ""t,t;mdllljl; 11lihl:ln '1IId<'ll1 ;l1ld 1\'", cllO'iClI ;J, ;) 11'11' -;11 I" lite \\' '~I !' lI:ll ,'ll·!ir;JlI"l1 In :XCI' )'111"
\lllJlh':1 di.l 11~ltI ..I"':11 IlJlIILII\
_tllll, III,
i, a ....111,,1' 11"1111' ,'II,,'linlll('Il. H,' I~ ,I Illllltl,,'l "I' II,,· llf'nl'" 1'1 ('lilli, .II a I io 1.,tI fU'II'!I;'I' ,11:t1 IARR1',1 L
Ir:II(',ni,\, nlld
I \ I l'1 <'II ,I' II,., 1)"111"[1'1. I .. I.
1-1,,", \,;, It.,\, ,('r ·j""II, rll<' "!f,,' ; lId ,'UI{ll'nl :\'"11111
I±.Ne 1i\'!',ERI:--:c;
I "I" III t'Il!:,lm'l!rillH I ' ( •.1',( 'Rl'.I', II \ It E, SI phI 'II II)]' IWlII ~II'" ".... On" "J Ih(' JIL~Jlt:SI in ,,,':IHlI"'L1• . LII,ditlj( III I h~ Ii Jel, (,('<'I"~C Itsl'll hi~ ,,1.iIll Y 1/\ 1'(,1 I"~I ""H.ll! "1'1'1 i:d dr,," II~ 111,,1« I,,, II I "lIt'j{C all'l II nll"'11 (111 xI'\'I',,~1 "n':! 1mb ill lil' ""ques[ "I' l\f'mH" CHili r:llluJ''' 'I' a ""I rhll1; 11
lTRI'•.. ,,,n·\rl'l.IF:n
r('''lill~;r I Itl" 'Imi;]1 ].11 II 11;\1;1, (!I L\,'\ IlE( KER, M"nm 11R"IlI!' I 111,1 j,", i< It l1lrtnllcl' d th., I'hi TllI'lil "'''Pl'il, I k i, I I'P~idclll ,J til· "'IIi"" (Ii'..' ,11111 • di, ,illK-lli"IIi'" luililnn UIIII'III 111 III C("Ic:~,'
RI Tf.
'JPO"!Jt~ "fI'路(:~
rpo ts
I';'II:~ ~-I
the 1951
J ,)
Oll<l,hil.a College
Okla. College
,) 1
OPPO:--JENTS SouthweSlcrn LL [nstitutf ,''Il)11 th('a~tern
Ddta St;ltc 1
Alahama Stat.e College
ot the --1-1 ;-':""1,(",,, lor );1" 1.0::;(;, Llo,,1 l()lJehduv,n:-..
I';,~,e, 111.11 It;!)
lo"cd I., tll;1I "ored
STATISTICS i\on llt', I'it ~u : it;
Ya rd .. ( ;'lill t:d Ru , hillg Y; II d ~ (;;.ill c.: d
l OKI;
Pa .,~i ll ).;
; ,1
bpsi Do wn ... Rushillg
f7i I.')l
1) 0\\'11 ....
I lil .~ ~j Ilg
))41\\' 1) ,
P c nallj j ' ~
r;I ~~ e- ~
.-\ l 芦: 111 1>led
P : I ~~ l "
( :o lnph h..:d
P ;I'.M'') ] IIlel'(
:!f i:l
T <.u;d
e pl cd
"lOl lll !l
Sco red
1~ 8
'ii :-. ul R .. ,"', i;.u{ lld U\\ I' ac ri"l , we n ' ( .l u g ll l blt l ( . r('~
l .e l~I , III1 .
in g l o't'i(,~ in .he d ill ., ("o ll q~('. \\'11 11
(. I l.':'; "1, ;1:2;;';-1;,1
h O l IH.:(e ,IH 1II J.: h : l ~ h ~ ." ol'tl H'.I~ 1 (ili 路(I
Th e fa{" I hal f(H o,h:.1I ttel:, n ,ng h j, dl u51ralCfl h e lll'" \ ' in c~ l,tPPOIlt,:. IJ~. \lI lllh l('<; 1(1 l il" :.\'1"11111111 aCtt', gaining a l ih l .1(' \\' 11 :1p;; lill .; t t h e S:II'<lI:)<':"- ul !'o" ulhc;, ..' (Ik1.dlntIL,1.
1/1 1"1;<" ~((I".
will . 0 1101 颅
coaches (0 \( H
I \
ttl,, 'l y he pr( )llt l.
1\. 1 \1 0"1 1': II.-,!, 'C.' I · HI w hi, II II(' 1,111 II<: Il a.. ,,,.\llll'(1 (111 ('(:
nation ,1I
co ll (:gc
. 11 I olllpli , 11l!H'nb
l l': 1111 ~.
junio r
( h.nn l'iun.\ l1ip
.~ 'l(.b 111('11 .IS Ga" lwll ' I in .} · Hid. O(l\(J<I <.f TI' ''; I .~ ,Inti
Stl ll kd
lev III LSL . "BIlII \' '' "\' hil(~ o t O lt" i\1i ~, low"nl fON hal! 1,1111(' . ;I/. d h,h h ce n h Clid 01,1(. 11 o f t he .~ :lIllC c() lI eJ!;c I" ,,:<n 111(11) ,In ) othel ( mu h in lil t' 1'I <11;(.n . Tlli .. III :lT b hi .. ~C \ · ( 'IH eClllh ~c. lr a ~ the hrain ~ ,1IHI ill~pi l<l ' li/ ,n h c h illd th e 11')(li ,ln.... Nol (J lllv doe.' he hllild d l ;ll' ;II I C I' ill hi ... m e n . ' ;111 h e lic nl,ll Hh sc. hn i:lrsh ip ,lbo \'(' :Ilhlc li <. per ·
li e reqll ir e, ;\ 13 ;n 'c rage of
lonn;IIl U::.
(' le I Y P).I\ CI . ~" m c t l llll g
t ('1I'
l();l thc.. \\' (IIII t!
d ;u c tin . \fl c i
ma Ling ,I n a ru e
a ll · tilllr qua rlt:rha ck o n th e Jndi;tn tcam i ll 1!lll . "'Hi . I-n,i'.,"!:tY \-\'. "W OOD\" " !\O\' Ll':" ( OInpl"l cd hi:. (U ll q~t' ~ lI l( l v ,II l 'tl l ;lIl ~ ;1Il(1 j'l' llI r llcd ((I r\u rl hCaSI i ll 1 ~1:.{ ), , \'5 : I ~~ i " w n l (.o:l( h , " ' \food y" i :<> <l
1:1luallk ;Is'el I V Ille Ind i;I1 ' d c\(' n . A l1fl!h l" l' :illl1l1nlb 1111 th e t:c),l { hin g "l;"l U i:- \!t:'\()!.J) K JI.I' ,\ ' IIU CK , II'l10 I' la'tccl
hdlbad, on \ ' ;lIull c':; o f 1 9 37 · j ~,
e rn
S l ;)I (.' ,
( halJ)pi () Il ~ l1ip sqll ;~d
Cradll:l tillg {'(lin Northw c~ t, h ('
c~ ( 'lbli.,h~ 1
iIIlPI CS,~ i\ (;
Icu ln l in hiAh ~( h (I() 1 ;Ilhl e ti(, ('i l {' l e~ , IllrIli ng OU I a ~ Ial e (. hil1l1piollship " ", ket· hal! qllilH CI a l J(l lI c~ lln ..o·H ()d g(·, ,...I I· p;II .. ic. !. Joil l ed I h e ('() ;I( h i Il l;; ~ 1'(J IIp ;11 i'\(l llh c;.q ill I!J[, 1.
.1 .\"11,-11.'0 1. J\ (hl l'( i ~
i)ir('f [or ,I lid
\ ( ALo ',rr:
H ('dd F"n(I .;1I1 (:",,(11
;\ R1\"O Ll)
KH.I' ,\ I ki C k
A .., i .. I:t II ( ('(la d)
captains - co - captains
R ex
P (" n ~ i ng'e r
G le lln Cossell
Cll :1rd
Uu s tC,' Cro wl ey
Ed PJon.. ky
G u a rd
\ Vi!:-'O I1
I COIk i an
~la r lH 'l l
B. e lln tr l
(:oss('t t
)( lI, h
Ra y
( :r;lighC;Hl
fl arri soll
Pensi nger
L loyd A ndrews
Doy le Craig head
Tack le
D efe n sive ly !lpea king , th e I nd ia n lin e on
pillar ~,
unm ova bl e (IS se\'e n g ranil e
~c v er;d o pp o~ jn g
edl y agree.
or.(iI~lO n '\
;] fan LO l\-'hk h
backf iel d!', du~ : ing t he YC:,l1- wo uld lIndOl d)l足
No rt l lG l:-. t
Iln cm c il kc pt
1l1(IIl Y
pos:-. ibl y S ll CCC~S 足
rill plays fr OIll IlI a Lcr i a Ji ~ jng to lh e a d\' a ntage of [he o ppo~ i . li u n . SkiJlful ttlCL i c~ a nd h o n c:> l d CltT lllinatio!l proved rh e
ag ajn ~ t <l
h eavier
[c allI.
To people w ho kn ow l ile g alll t: .mel
(he R cd..,kiu
ha c ks, (h tre'~ a her o every SatilruClY ; to he ~I)cc ili <.., !:Ie ve n h e roc~.
who never n:cc ivc lhe lu ll
a lll O UlH
pra i ~(' L1) e~'
d ese rve.
Bli ster Cro wle y
Gle nn Gosse tt
Cua rd
G U<lId
.1 0('
Har r i:)on L ldd e
P ;ll
:'v farnell T':lC:k.lc
Jo hnn y Schmi d l
Bohhy N i.. ~en
Cenf e r
(; n ;1r(1
I r
ILdplt She1LO n
P er r y \Vh ct: il.:r
T;l{.~ Ie
(,o;lI d
TOllllH )'
\Vil . . o ll
(, u ;lrd
a@rial targ@ts R o nald Gunt e r
S<.' vcral times the wingm e n pulled t Il(' hr;llHI
o ut 01 the lire tor th e lndi :-lll s.
Callin g
li o n (() their dOWll1ic1d blockin g,
p'I S~
alld spi rited drive
pr() v('~
rece iving
hcyolltl ;, dnn l)l Ihal
S;Jwrda y\ true he ro, as .."id bclort,
T ed
;111 (' 11 足
i!. Il ' t ill
dl( '
.JOn l.:'5
h;l ckli cld.
Bi ll Kt.:lkr
Greg Le Bla nc
Gl"IH: Smidt
G('ne CI:Hk.
Johnn y Goodwin
R ex
P c n.~ in gc r
Ce nrcr
the playlftalaers
Th e ce nt cr '::. dO\\']l ove r lh <: b a ll , th e qU ,l1"
1<.: liJa ck. checks th e
l ill ~ 1LP ,
begins h i~ l hnlll, lh e
:-' II<1phack - - a no th er p lay is und erwa y.
position b importrtllt o n a gridiron l\I'O
l t a JH ,
Jtl c n are inv rt lu;lhl c to th e ~ lllu o th, crfeniv c
operation ol c leve II players a:-. o ne 1I1liL : lhe '1ua ncrba <.:k., calling' pltl ys
d ec i ~ iv (-' I y
:lJld illlf'l li足
gt' l1l ly. and th e c{, uter. ~ n a pp ing t he p ia )' in to
mlli io ll a t th e r ig lll in ::. ta llt.
Lloyd Ra y
\L'I1'k B O:Hright
T ed " jillc,.
QU :l l'terbaC'k
Q II ;lrl t: rh :lc ~
Q uan el h;t(.k
Co mbinin g "prc d. dri ,路e a nd c!usi . . f' ness,
an imprc').}i ....c <Ina)' 0 1 fo r
(l Hh t
o f rh e
o n til(' g ro u nd chi s o ne ol (h e
ra~ l es t
h<llflnJ(: k ~
yards yr';ll' .
quart e ts
(icco llilled
N () rLh ea~t
ga ined
The l ndian s had
to llcge fomball
in DeT o re, l ee, C arLC'r a nd Be rr y.
Hob GUII[cr
Hi II Let'
i II I
no key
baclas Bi ll y
~ lil ste" <1
Mallrit e Nix
.Jim Roben s
Ed wa rd Plonsk y
Dub Ru s h
H a rr y Hube ntha l
Jimm y Childress
bloch busters Til t: 1 ~1 f> 1 ~C;H on i ~ hi~ t ory <II HI n.,: \·c< d ~ lh ;ll (h ('!)c [o u r full b:'ICk.-.
ha c ks Northc:a.,c [ails h ave ::,ccn in yc.u ,>. DU[J Rll Sh ]Jro\'Cd ,\ ..,h illy
broken -lic It! runn e r <t~.. we ll a" a h.an l plun ge!".
!Jm.sc!i~ed Wh..: tllS ill <.ddl(i o n
w linciJ1' c l.;i ng. Olle 411 th e
Ill Q::, l VL'r"', ltil c:
Hllhc lllh ,,1 ,lIld Chi ld l'(,:!)~
\\-e r(' sUln do llc\ Oil dcJensc a nd Lh eir booming PUll("; pbl(C' d til{' entlllY
ill the s hado\\' 0 1 hi... c)\\:n go,d po<,ts !ll o r t: t h a n OI1Cl:.
no tC,'IIll (o uld 11l()\'t: ag<l iml allY
U PpC) IH,.' IH ,
and ZclPPOIl C rhl T 'Y man \'
k< '), bl ock::, lhal ll\ (;~IJ)l extra YClni) lo r til e l),dl ull' ri <': I ",
Vincent Za ppolH'
[) (: n y F. ld er \'I ;ln ;Jg~T
' ri le Ilpr:m;ed .11111 " of lht: fdt'rcc 111,liC'l t' _.. H.lh e l 1('[1(;11 10'\' 11 ;1" the I" filli..' " 1lI ;I ~ h c: .. Loui ~ i "l11 ,l ("(l lIq.;e ill ,he '(::I\tt l1 f in :.!":, ,r VL I.
.r\ Onllea ~ t (luinlc t o pf: ncd thc 19S I-52
::oca ::oOll wi rhuul a sin g le.: pl;J )'n wi th prev ioll C) ro lJ cg~ ba~kclbelll
l1 c.~h!1le n,
ly o(
cx pcl"I cn re . COl1lpri::.cd m os t th e tea m l'Jaytcl a :,€,'velltce n
ga m e ::.(" hc dul ed ag Jimt two and th r ee yea r !c tter 1I H' 1I
fro lll se ni o r
co l kgc~
t hrOll g ho tiL the : .o Wle .
"V i th th e arq u irin g o l Ilc('dcd ure
p o~!) ibiliti e~
in mind,
be co ns id ered a lai ltd to . . Ct
~ lI «.ess.
{li t:
x pe r ic ncc
nd f U l
bclske rba ll yc;u ·
A lthongh t he Jndi (l)) "o
ncw record \.... lnlUllg
ga m e~,
th ey
wcre cdgl' d hy lllargim o f 1(:5~ than [iVl' lJo iJll~ ill Glen Ruhill"O n , rOTl\o;'! rd . trOlll ct::ll (cr Ol li l i .
~ h O(I I S
1lI0l e
than h;df the gall1t"o Ion.
t b
(lob Benn e tt
Ro be rt
Phill ip~
C n aftl
CC nle r
s e
J9,,)2-5." 'iC LIJo.D 1Il.E .'\(" '(O I I1 I )(;r 2~
Lo,ul.. II IIi "' {'I' ~ i I ~
I k 'H Ill I'l'l'
i\-II I' CC:)C !) l.a l C CIJ llcgc ,II
( .CIlI C ll a p r Lo ll cgc
<I t
<'; hl( ' ~ cl>o rl
N UI,IIl.'e., tc r n
:'.'i\( hitnl. h c "
Il(.1 (' 111 11( '1
Ikc'nll l )I:!" It>
1){:1,"IlI I'cr I I
I k("(' llll lt'l'
I)(-!t d S l a l t:
.... ' ;H l'
Co ll c~e
MmH l lc
J\ lonloc
" lI q~(" : \l
J a l1ll 'lr~ (j
\olll1\\' l:.~ l c rn .... t;:-It:
la: III ,1I \ !>
"i t :Hc (
1;'1( 1'''" n . :\"1 j",
1-1 :' 11 11110 11(1
( .lc l d :1 1U1. !'o l i ... ~.
' ·I •• r d .;,II . re x,!'
.ldllu an ,
( .C U1 CIl ,1f)
J 'l L1 u :~n
1·IIHI.l n
I', a~\
Fd lnl;l r ~
H alli c, IIIITj.t. .\ 1;:-..\.
.f" IlU;II' ~'
1·/1111 ,11"\
\·1"ll roc
i\lill s:lps C()lI q,;:c Slll ll h t; a .st 1.oui'I:tIl ;1
1·c1 n l l;l1 ~
('h <l r k ~
" ," ",
(.U ll t· ~ l·
Mi ss i....<;ippi "'oulh c lu
M (, I\!cc~c
'c\\' ( )rleaIJ .~
'Llldwl, 1\ 1is",
J :l1I u;n '} ~
January ,
Mi .~, i .'» il'l'i C.. ll c~ c
1.0\lt,..i'III ;,
( fl ll cgc
~l: ll t:
O, lIcgc
f'C:<OIl' H;,I"
1.(lI l i siall «
1\·10 11 I"OC
M VI)l I)e
\I i """1)" Cn llcgc
l\f o n nK;
."'11 11 I h C ;l "" 1 . ; ~ ;o; 1
I t""a... Ibpl i" l
h :hnt;,r}
\ 1i ~~h... ippi (.vllc;.:c
(.l i n to n . M h:-.
FcJ l n "l r~
" "
i\'li s~i~ s ipp i ,",ou iliern
MO lll uc
f'i llt:\ ilk
h ' I Jrl1ar ~
[ .'! Ubi-II M
Co l k ge
I'(j r ~' al<l
- 52
G II ; lI"!l R o h e rt \\' illiillll\ I t;((I Vt; l" ~ th t.: h all :t ~ lli e 1("I t: I t.:t.: ~ i g ll;)h ;1 j ump.
I kn 'l1\ !J,a
G le nn R 0), Robi nson
Fn r"·.. n i
s o
R aydd l Smil h
,I P('I 'P I,,1I rU III. I"tlil 1\('1111('I l. Indr ;m ,-c llt e 1. 1!\l ck(' h til,'"".. ,'g:litl SI Jlel, ;) S la lC, A rl C' I
., ,. d ., " •
,l f,,(,<:
h o op
t e rs
\ 1;11
k BoaLright (, 11 ;11'11
,\ l'I o n ,\
l(tlll €.:.\ ,~h i v c l y
dOl 111 5
Furll'an l
(;lia n l
I':lgl: IOU
Robert \ Vill i ;nl b FnrwOI rtl
.J amc~
Jo hn ny P;lrkcrson
.-\. ..k, n Acla m ~ [rj ~.., hi , a olle ·hand r " ~ h sh<d .
Cu n n ing h'lnl Guard
J. or....'ard
\ fl cr l C'hOl llHlin g th e 11.111. fndj<lll Gllard t h e IJal1 h(l("J.. 1 <.l w(1rd ~ l h e h oop ;llid
ardl C~
FG FT l'r;
Benn ett
Shi vd)"
2G 27
I -IIi
R o binson
, \dClIll S
' ·VilJi a ms
I ~
69 45
Boa tri g ht
? _J
2~ )
C ~lrcc r
I ~O
1(;7 (j(j2
J hc,c 101.11.. illllllll(' lHl lv L..... ellr (,( Nllrlht::I~l'~ 17 gam e., ([urlllg 19:-,1 -:,2
;.Inc! ,Irc ]lllbli$;hc:d l(j ~i"'.: l ndi:111 !Wp ]:HlI"ICrS ;1lI ide ,] 0 1 how the Red .-.; J..ill pI.IYCI·' ,tuml ill indilid\IOlI ~c{)ri r)~ .
Page 101
~\... ill
t h~
B(I,](ri g hl
t\~'O poinl ~
Irt:t: II m)1V l i n<:: with
i"l11P ~
an d
Nonhe<ts L lit u nchcd its first se n lor college h;'J.>:.cb,d] i.ca...on with an c ighl
Considering a Jack of ex perience, tile ii q\lad p laycd cxccp tionally well. posting a rccord o( li ve wins ag-::.inst threc los!-.cs.
Onc of the
lo~ scs
wa ... to t.he -;\ fonroc Sport.... a Joe:)] p rofess io nal
team . H cnry
\ CtlitCIl;lIY ou tfielde r ~ l e p ~ in to swing al " pitch thrown hv \:O rlll(::L ~ I路~ D Ol1~ Hll(hol"i . \' itwr y by four rullS , losi ng the C{) llit:sl . r \ 路7.
He mi.~~cd ;lnci Ccn i ~ n 路
;I" ~ Jlli~scd
I. I.
Page 102
Co ach " Wood ) ,. Boyle..; LlIlI\d r hompMln. o tllfield ; {.;ll t her ; and (. Ienn Ra y Rohinsoll , oUlfieid .
\V e~ l e \o
' r ed 1\·lil!t:l . piuhcr; 1\(11) Ik nn e ll . pi le hc l; nou gb <; Hu<l <;on . pill her and fad: Ridgel y. inl idd .
.I i nl ~,
• Top , .l ~lll! t:~ SlliH:[r . inCi c lcI ; k:fL. C:'l Il1ill, ) DeTure. utI(' fid el: rigllt . Sh e lT~!l1 !\f ( K() in . l'll(field : 111([ 1)(1(l(1Il'1 . Jp H ane'll , infi eld .
( ,t'lltenar} College Norl hWC'\ l Cn I
Harks(I;lk Fidd
Cc.: IH cuary College
~onh ca s(
0ppo llcllr ';
.." ~
!'\()rLh we~ r e rn
[ .oll i... ian CnJlcgt:
I .olli si<lna Co ll e.~c
Page [03
Ihllill t: Ih" II ,I( ). ')C:I ~OII lhc l :IIllCI ,lman l.a ll g lll four lnli i;;UI\ l.(lmpe t in H, III (r ae ). anel field elt:nl ,. ~ I IOI\": 1 ~ )l l" ililill ~ (\0 1\' 11 Ih e a rt: R (lh e n \ -\' lIli<ll11 s and Ibn \\, ing-<.Ile . :"jOJ"lhCaSl m i J t: r~. -I hrow ing .he: j:l\ din i.-; 1:1( ). 1\1 1I\\ n w h o pl :ln'<I in <I \l lI e l 111("(; ( agaill:»l Lou isianil Co llt:ge:. Ordin a rih' :1 hu n llt:)". Htlh C IIIH t:f perfo rmed in :1 d Oli hie 10ic-. .lI ldin g .h e p o le \;\ lIh tn hi s (l u t ie:» , a lld I h- ' 11 ~ lhe I);u' in Ih e ]\'Ii s~ i ss ippi 1Il1'(' t. h O lll e:» t rt~ l ( h
t e
a c
l\rnold L. KjJpau'j r k
CO:l ( h
COlllpc..: lin g (h (' c inder
p ; lth ~
iana Colkge in
a se nior ("olk-gt: fo r th r lirst tim e 0 11
tlnd in licltl evc nts, <i
No nh c;" ~ l
lost to L o ui s
dmtl Hl(~C L, 62~'2 w 49 V2. COl1lp <u c'ti vd y
jI H:xperi e n c<:'d , th e Indi;'lrls '\-\'on
fi ,'c lil's L.,) hilt bljicd Lo
pla n: ~l:ro nd a nd lhird in C' ll o ug h ('ve n ts 10 g ~.in th e llI ar g in 0 1 viI to r y,
011 t.1l t: tr;1I k CalHmilo DeTore \Vo n th e iOn yard and A. C. I .olti!- w o k
hOl1 o)" ~
in lhr '1·10 1' a rd -'> prinl.
rl'l ;'IY le;lIl) co mpri sin g DeTore, Gr eer, P ion.. " )' '>0 11
d ,t" h ,
a nd
c.:dg(' d H' ildl<lt ,"prinl(:l ,.., in Lll(' 'l·jtJ y"rd reJa y lor an·
o lher five po inb. hig h and low
Ro h C unrcr Ll'iunll >lwd in lH)Lh
L h~
hllrdlc ~ .
Oft ;1 Ln.:!' I.
,I . C. ":I ce" Lor,i ,
tri a ll g lliar JllCC( aga insL two .\-li)s i::.s ippi point:) to pla C"t' second . l'vJi ~::. i :,:::. ippi Co llege <:h:.llkecl li p 72 m ark t:r::. to wjn. Garn ering o nl y IS! po in ts fo r thirel pl .ICC, J\.JlJbap::. Co ll ege \.,.,<1::. ne v<::r in the race itS Norrll(..: a."r. an d :'- fissi::.s il) l'l College Jll ovt;d nec k ;IJ"HI n ec k until the mil e re lay LJ iUlllph gave top ho n ors to (h e sq ll .:I<1 frOIll ClinLO n . <I
co l lege::. Norrt1(.': <J ~1. LtJlla~\c d ()~
O fl :"I I I h(' SOUI)<t o f Ih e gun. DeT o r e. l.Tee r. l 'lot, ~ k \.
Lo fti ~.
Rob G Ull ter
Ari o n .:-\d'lIll $
Indi ;lIl 1ra< bte r::. wo n li ix C\'(' lllS. l)e:To n ' cop p ed th e 100 yard d<l ~ h , (lnd Ario n ; \ (J;;1I11 S linis hed first in rl l(' ha lr·mi le 1' : 1((';. P I 'es~ H tHY ;1("(:O tllltC,: d lor ten po jlH ~ Iry ~ \,: innin t; the bro(l ~l jump an d the :, hO{ plll, w hil e " lllll ~c:Je l ll e n" Doyle Cra ighead a nd T o m111)' \Vi lso ll hca vt:: d
victory i n th e j;J velin ;tnd
di sC ll .~
r.hro \",:.;,.
:\nd er~on ,
ThT(.'C (J lhct l\ofl heaSI spl"it t, e T~ \"(' TC Be nn e tl . l .cc and BcrT).
I i
Buster Cro\\' lcy, ho lding tlK go H b,dJ, di~ ( ll SSc.: :. driving princip le:.
and 1l1 uhuch with :.0111(: o( his le ll ow ga IL cnch ll!'oia sts, Conrad GirJingh ()tl ~ c ) Ted .l o n e::., Boone Halb ach and Gle nll Hammett. The..,e an; ju st a lew 01 the 14 . . tudclll.s '~' h o rc.'> [)ond cd to the call wh e n g'o H i n::.trunion ,{-'as Ill ad c <lvai lal.J le ;'It N Ol l h cas tlhi 'l fo II.
.,• s
1\ Jtnlbc r!) 0 1 :\i orl hc<lSl's lir ~ l t C Il nb (C:'II)) org;lIli 7t:d Lhi ~ ~ prin g illdudc , '> w nding. Ralph Abr;)· /I 'Ul), .I ,uk. Herrick and Chrj:, (~ at/ o llJa~: kneeling. Kt: llnelh Grcer and Jamo Leake. Starting . laLe in the ~cas() n the ,>quad COltl Jl eted on ly nvicc and delcated lh t 11<.:tI'llCll o l Loui')iana Coll<-:gc I)OLh ti TlI e:., :-\ n:glliar )chcdulc ,~·jlh
I c am~
(wn ~ j"
JrOlll :'(,l1lor in ... lilll pl () lln cd lor th e ' 53 ..c:t
~O ll ,
Page l OG
intraDlura's ....
l'<l gc
60 gs
111 t he 110) " lo ll e)' h a ll lIIurn:unc nt th e flll) nC rl1p "<!'[:lel ."eh lip a 'pi \"'c ,h :" wun Iht:l1I the ..e r \'c hUI lh l' le am a (r()."~ the ne t \~ a B..(,.'d o j{ ",路ilil lOp hOllu rs.
l : nd c r th t: .\u pe r\, j ~ i () 1) o l A. S. Hulhn ,lIl , ph yil i r aJ cdtl Gllion director, \h ~ N nnhl.::.lsl inn";.," IIllt rai p rogr;\l 1l olk r~ a t: hat)u.: lo r men to learn leaJllwork in r c:t rt il ci (Jl) a J a (\ i v jl i e ~ .and g i vC' ~ "wdent.<. an oppo nu nit y to ') oc..i ~ di lC t hro u g h ( olllpc ti(in n be tv.,' ('e n c l ~I "~<:':t.. Durin g rh e y t'(\T lourmllll c n[ ~ \,,' eu.~ held in b ,lskc tlJatJ , .'. oftbal!, vo ll cr baJl, b <ldminlOn ,Inti wlJIe tc nni ~. Tht: o ld g nl ~' ma rC' ( H!) t he r sh a d ow ovt:r th e :-.ce nc ~ \ ' hel1 Illan y s t ud t' n l!l rj ~ k c d th ei r
ll' )ping' I, ) IlI ,.k e th e g. !J( team. D o n ):.as le diIl 8 p r;l( (i ce, lll{路 le t h n iqll(" elC l l't" illg o i L
H Cl'c"e ,h (" 11\ (, m en \" h o 1(1)
l H)I\(lr~
hor se
pn:slig'c piLCh 颅
~ h ot's.
f: apill i ll cd In T o mru )" WihoLl. the '1 IU 'H t :l l )(j\'c rOllghl HI
in t he im ra !1ltu a l ha v
t lw
\... elh ,, 11 tourn ey.
P : t~ C
~o fl"JIl
inlranrllJ';11 ( h a mpio ll,h ip.
in OIlC o f Ihe illira mllra l
\On I C~ I ~
The ph ys ical cdU Gll io ll d c pa rull c nr : :. p o n a widc v:u-icty o l aeLi \ ili l'''' dllri n14 rhe £l hoo l ye.u' in \-\'h ic h a ll - co lkgc c.oed \ nla y' pa ni <. ipa tc. <'; 1'0 1t !) a re pla yed ill ",c (-l 'lo n . C i vin g g irl ~ a n o p po r tunilY to t.a ke P ; lrt in hig hl y (o lllpc tili v(! ;1(" (lvilit;S, th e in t i-a lllural pr()gra lll i n dtld (·~ \'o ll c), h" U, ha 'i k<.·tb a ll , h ' lllli 'l, i>a( ilniIl LO tl ;111<1 SO ll /) ;tli. .~\ new addili()11 t(J th e (ocd SPOl"lf) p ro~o r ~
I '~ i ll~ Iht: (:o:l( h and J>lIpil me thod of .irk: 1!l ~1 ' 11"0 ~ ir h ( 0I1I.. \' ,1Ir :lI <; I)ll h i lli n~ Iht: hull" "'>-CH ·.
"l li () I "
g r:1I1I <l l No nhc ZI <; l is th e ill ~ t j(ll r i o ll 0 1 rif k r y_ U ndn (he 5upc n ' is io n o ( L.L Co l. i\k lvill t· H _ Crillith , ~ llId (' nl:::. prauice <It th e R O T C ran ,!!. c a l Sd lll ;.! n Fi d d learnin g lil 'in g l)(Is il io ll'l a nd t.cc hn iq \' e., 0 1 handli ng a .22 ca l ib(T l:II 'gct I ilk. ,Ard lcr), in 'l lr ll ction i... pl'ov i ck d 1m' g· i.-l ~ nl 'li o ri tl.~ in ph y~ i c{ll cdu ((nion .
1111 (:("
~ qlla \\".;
l eninc . lI eil
;"'I"W ~
;, Hu e Indi an I\ca po n . t he how :"1(1 .In OI\ .
p" ,( tid ll ~
Il ilil
ixed HC~ lln
I \\'0 }car ~ :11:)0 :15 an
(,x pe rimental
1. 1..155, the ('o r dUGlliull<l) activity gro up I ~ n ow
delinitdy a pan of th e ph ys ical cduGui o ll plO颅 gra lli . The cia::.:. h<l s a spec ifi c LO llr~(' IHllllbc r,
.1,1 lld e nt:)
{ cr' ~
ca n
Thoug h the d ant ing,
credit lo r a lull
e; l rll
l'rnphtl ~ i5. i~
ill :> ll'U UtOl1
to incJu ck s porl~ that
plated on
~ lI c h cla s~e!-
requil e
~ kill
~C11l C!. 颅
~oc ial g r o\\'11
,J Jtd nor loo
J"Ilw"h I> ln:n g th, ror ex ample. go lf' , Le llni s
\\'. R. " O ne time ;l1I)LI Ud a nd (Io.,i路 d. ,'路 kecp eigh t ' Illde nh in rliydll ll ,I.' the d :1I1t ing ( 1;'1<;<; follow .. lilt: ta ll .. o f f\.Jj ,,, (\dll Hess H ;lrl. lu >;{ rUflor. I'altn e r!. ;IIT: Ih :<;1 r\alllil(lrg ,nld I'rc..( Be lT\' , i\ldh.. n" rgt"'" .111< 1 linl ( hildrc...... . M ar y .\Ii t.c W o n"H. k aud HoI, (an cr . ( ,h circ ""ih:ou and Hill I cc.
w. r. o.
Comprising wO lll e n phy ~ ic:ll education majors, tht \\' omc n 's R ecrea tion A 5~Oci(l lion gi "c~ ('ocd~ practical expe rience in ills(\" lIcti o n ,lilt! dirt:(tion 01 inlramural ;lnivitie.'.I, The VV .R. A . SpO I1 ~ (J]'", the girh,' di\'i~ion o r t he :Innui.d high sc hool 111\'1 lil lionaJ ha ske lball tournaJ1lent. Officer~ lor th e c lub were.: Annelte Vin iJlg, pr c~ jd e nt; Bill)'L' Oowley, vicc prc:-.idcTll ,I JIll CarriclC l.intb<:y, secretary- treasurer alld Be tl y Cilll'JbreJl, re porter.
" he I !I:.I .;Z ro:-I t: 1 ill(llid es: Iku\' (;alllllJdL ;\fi.l.n Sllller•.\ 1.11,,)" A l i<.C: W('I1I;I(.I;. . J\(c'lh:l nllrgc~ ..... .\nn FJuill . Mary Frall('C" \\,iAAi n ~ , TI,rIlIuit' 1\l1n n ay. Sue H o llin K~ht'.ld , Olive '\nll DOllght ), C;.u h
erillc Smith , Jua n Kilian . ( 'h .. r1,III (' H o llow<l Y. M yril Ki ll'<l lrid.. J a il .' imilh . \ladelillC' L,"(.n s. ;Jnd Jewe ll ·
cne .\Ibms. Intramural so flhall l.hampions incllHIe: " IH.-din g. (.\(.r;a (.Iallt Ih: ll y fI,J.Conllld.. . Be llY (' ;lInIJlell ;)nd AIHICtt(: \'lIl il\ ~ .••• plaill ; "talldillg, Dolt I\;IIII\;JII. O li ve \nll Ilv u gh l v, la lh t"l"i ll C $ llIilh , Jcwc ll c n t" Ad"'II:. il nd MeI!>;1 I')ur~es:.
\\' . R ,:\.. m C llIh c r.~ who ,lttel1(it:d lht: ~lalC n ; tr t:at ;n ( :<1 1111) ( ; ralll \\' <l I"e r toul.. " ti me Vlll·· to pose lor <I piculJc. [he g:nHljl \\· a ~ at (:()II IJ >"llicd lJy "i ~s :\t! " Be $~ Haft ;lnt! \' Ii~~ rr ;m t t:.~ Keho. f;1( ull y m(,lllh c r.~ .
J\L11 il } n H ')o p CI ,llld M a rl e n e Po~q :' llIil c 111eil" s<lti s fa t" li. ,n (J\t')" w inllin lo) I ht· i ntramural hadminulIl d("lhlcs. (:hamp;( .n lor Il:ulmil)l\)lI 'S ingles 'tI ,b 'klha "lIrgt'~ ..,
activities ....
Page 1 I ~
' \' idl .Ill c nnlllmc nt of (lll'l
(jOO, \)C Pll': IUI IC I o p cJl ed III(:,:
~ 1 "ll'n
~, l
11(:\1' ~(:; I~ ,
)o'"n: Il't(ls l ill
t:1(; I Y uPI)(; r ( "I "" I11 ;1 II ,~ II1il1d \\ a~ I\ h a l n e l\' pr'lIll..s (ould hi: invc nt ed ro r Ihe h cnd it o f t he ill(Olldl1 ~ rrc ... hlll ('ll, f i n n ll y d CLit ling (lll ~hoc-.~hillin g. clC:lll il lg th e ') id c\\', III...~ hllh tooth ·
IHIl . . ll c,.. ,!lid o t hcr
the vetcra n , (I e pa~t r'rt:s hman n ,l),' il ,m cl ed d HII' 11 t he co lkge H;" I !)I'I(;, T\o,. (1 jWll<lr:-. I C Il \po.r;Jl'il ~' e~ t 'l p c th c I Ollllll o t i oll II [ rr() ~ l1 :luil it it:.) .-'\ n1(' li ;, A ')t ho ll \, rl) III HI('r ;lIld d irCltm or Cil l ')o, I'tm:l. U.<;. \ . 1I'1I01.o is i lCd
l' apC l' ~,
djli()l1 ~ lO ( h I.: d .I~~ I I( I,~' Lht·
in te r view ill!; I\ rl.~~
G lIlIpll" dUl' i llg' ,I 1-{(lod
ill t0111'
1\'0 ~O() I :<: r dnes nne g(;l Ih f(ll l ~1 1 Ihe rtl ~ h anti <:unf"!iiOIl of reg, dqll h e's "rush ed " :"Isa i .. til l h;~ n;cc plion a nI! Ih ,1! Ila II Y, tOllil hi , head ~wi rl s in utt er hcwildcnHelll , \ 'h:('( 11I::; U> III 11/tss pCOp ll', h:tl :llHing C(l rtl't' 1111 (Il:C I-..nt't', ,me! lala' 011 lh e Olli e I' , l'\lT 'OIlC dre,lm, h illl ~d f ,tffili:llo.;d wilh " I IH: o nl , !'c,d fr:u " 011 Illc c.<\lllpu,. ' i ~ lI"<ld(11l
BCIIH'l' n p:l1lic~ 'I n tl~ lI h lwd ,I ( h ,1I1(C In (Jhwl'I'c j e ll \ Ulioll :tnd Ili ~ J'hl'ee Kilolhc"d~ \~h e n Iho.; (,olllhin,1li,)L) ,'; ,, ;[('<1 (',onrw, , Iu(\io, III Ill ,t!.. e n ;(,,'dillg"l, .I v inttlg it repon CI :lnd p holographe l' fr(1II1 I .ife m ag:lli li C during :111 inien-i e w Wt'I'e \I.nu\, John I':, (;0(10 , ( ,:onlllli ,,\ifll~t: n rr,lII1-.. X. (, Iitlo.; :111(1 .fohl' 1', ~lInI)lOI ",
I i
Scorpio l>,l W d e aL .) I'lfl ) lIig lll.... ove n .'I"" da ),,, ,111(1 H UlHC(omillg ill Northcas t. ' J h e :111 路 j", 路 pur( ;' 01 ~;l "' t' 1,';1$ t lilll a:\cd \dlc n Jud gt: C ... r lo!S G . ~p" ht. lhe: glllc ,n o , 路s re presenoH ive. p laecd Ihe ~ Iill e rill ){ ( ' fUII' II "pun .he pcn (Jlvl\dc I' (,:;ld o f Kona ( ;:11' \\'i ll i;II11 <' a nd pro{ laim nl Iwr <jUt."t: ,l of (h c I()!) I 1(:' li\路i li (:..;.
. ] he lndl<ll1 ~ o( j\'o nhca...( put 011 theil p aint. cn:((t:d lht' ir stage I(' e pc:cs. r;li ~c rl (h t: UlTudn . an,! Ih.e c1c\.enlh ;lnllll,1I "Redskins on (':.trade" was Iind c r \"" y. S[udelH ·dirt:Ltccl by Joc M()n)"nc anti \Vilm:t While , lbe rc\ ic\\ of(cl"cd ;111 C\C nill g o f Cll tCTta inlll Clll whkh l(1 ri ed ff,)l n h C<ll llifll l hall ('( to s la lh(i ek t"o m t:d r . Sin ce it l> hi rL il in 1941 hundred~ 0 1 student" ha ~'c hlt,tlde(1 Ih t: ir (;d e ll b inlO a n ('J ••hor:.u' pmgram Ih: 11 h 'l~ ;tUr<lClCtI tile a li en i inn of the (' lIli rc a r(,<I . l\nOlher hig h light ill {alHptlS Cl llr;lt"tio n<; was Paul ine Frederick , nalion a H ~ known new., U)lllHlt:O( ;ilor. who pn)\·ecl ;1 d c li ~h t{1I 1 sllilje{"( in a ' p Ct.i:'t 1 inl en.icl\" g raillcd 10 .' onheas( i('lI nl:l l i ~n1 ~ ltId c nl s .
F(,tlOWl ll g th e c. r , ~lHlHi. : g and ltll"ln o il o f (inal :lIld , pring re !o; i"ri,ti('.n , ,.. ttI (l e nt ~ relaxed lrom colll'gc .. tlldi c~ tn ,IIt e nd th e hi ~.. P,cs( ~od:d c.-"en t fi f th e I<':.,r, dl(' "I HIII :II mili 路 tilr y ha H, Ili~ I I IIght o( th, ' ,1.11 \n .: \\;b ti l<' (:OI" .... ;llio ll 0 1 ' l 'ot l""I e \nli I),, ~_ " I he.' Littl e Co lo ll c l. " ;, .. 11 " cc n 01 lil t' h~"1. I he ,nilil :lr , 1;1:,(( :lnd no I c: ...lIl1't :-. ('OlH lil, u te d h u ur.. 0 1 th ei r ( I w n l iul C t ~ ) "bunin:; ;,"d d CC(> I ,'tl tl g in p, e p;.r;Itioll lor the ~ , d " ;, fb ir. Il. c p rc;\en t ; ~ 路 th-es rnlln H.,OT(: u ni t, ,II o lhn n l ll e~c, :I I..路, :tttcllde'd the I'H.'1l 1. e:x,nnin ; Hi ll n ~
~I 11'(1 QIlt" ;l( L V re ra ~ . " 1)1l 1l>" 11
ill th e \' ;! " C~ " an d " '1 h t' Jllmping' l' rog," ~e rc IHou ghl to [h e s l<Igt" at "\iOllh eaSl. throu g h lh e nx'p t'r, IIj(Jl1 ~~ f S (Ud t: lIl~ tro nl llie JJlll " i c ~1I1. speecli and o lh e r de pa. L.. ,e l1l ~ , . -\ ~ \i.'I till~ ill m<l~il)p' lhc.'it: j>c rtIJr m <III( (,s ~ u <:t: t'~ ~ fll l wa " ,he O u achita V : illc ~ Ci\i l ()l'(h C:- Ll':L
" )) OIln ill th t: V :l lt c) , ct:lltl'rcd <1. 101111(1 th ~' ~ Ior~' .) f.1 10lt lrl ,m g k
\\, Ith II ~ ~t: ltlll g 1J1
the hill .~ o f Ala i;<i tna . "Th t: Ju mping I.'rug " IU , h,IM. II nn \1 :111.. ' W.1I1l ~ ~ h( l l l ~ tfll " :lho ul Da n ', \Vc hSlc r. " IIOK ol IInll., ,, ;d jtUll ping ah Llit ~. rhe )(oca le i ~ in Ca li tO lil ia during the
Co ld R lbh period. ,\n.) l hcl' iULc l t.::.ajng IUI",i{';11 Cl t:lll ", <1.\ lh<:' appear,lI Ke (I f Ed~a l \. U"li lp . lio lin is{., w ho pil l"l i d pah.'d in the f i n:( I,;m\l t l i nit O il Ih e L"mplls. Hnru p ( ;u nc til Non ht!a., l Lh ru ug-h tht: ,", .un e.' , /I f l li e \u' (;Iit.:m i\ rusi<. CQll fc ,c n("c o f C hic:lgo.
N(I1· I I\c.:asl'~ l irM gl'<l d u;,'in~ ("tJ ll q.~t: W<l~ :1 fi lti n (! dim;)"
( lass as a SCni ()L •.u <I husy sdlOOI
\c:n. ' I h(' "(.'!lin r prolll . rClL'IH Il) I1S a lld ol h t: r SI)( ia1 a lt :lirs I'n;"t:ll lc<l ;! crowlIcd s('lic<i ulc fo r thl; l',u:I:III ,!I, ing se nior:. a~ cv idl..'ll l('d h\ the pilllll"l:N fill Il u .':-t.' p;.l gc.~. I'he ;tIlIlLl al \cnior !la' t' \t'1l 1 W which the S<::IH()rs 0\ .'lIlTtllIlJdil;g high ,, · h l)o l.~ arc welto llu~d to
I he
pTII\'idt,t! ,ul(\ iliu llal anivillcS for
:I f e
gnil luil lt,!, whn leu I assiSlallcc in
1/, .. tlt t: \i~il. 1\'(,111) d (' parIlH enl.~ uf(crell dahor;ll c cxllihiL~ I" gi\t, pO!eoti;ll :. Ilide lll \ ,I
\' it'\\'
at Nonheast.
classes .... â&#x20AC;˘ Page 128
• 8@DIOr
U .O': \R IJ '\ IU"IIIl\ :\11J HlI~ill('~ ...
[ 0 \N 1\,\'\" ])\ i\r !I .~ i l c r . \ I l\"i
,, <.'~ (
RO\· ....,SII.I.
1 ·. lcn1~· 1l1 , ln
. , 1'<. 11 i I '.lId
" I o ll nw
IH" .' i ." II"I BUZRY \gri u l1 111 1c 1:\ \ 11-."1 H . uOO :\- ", J\., ~ ill cl's
· \dlllirH ~ Ir:H i() n
\ \ i~IH.: f
Ih !l lrOI'
MARY '1CO IT 1\ 1 ( 1-( \ I\ -\ \' Rdigil HI!' "d ll{ ,ll iu l1 Flo l'rI HfJW J)\ :\/, LL (.\ LU >\\'\\ (,OBB I'll- n wllt ;!! \' b ill( ;ltioll (: 11.\R 1.F ';; i\ 1. (.1.,1\11'11 ""Ot
F.\i\i\' l l
If.\:\ .. Engli,h
) .j ellu,:
L. L'-\'\'\'O :\\
L: kllWlll;ll \
] . (ill( ;lllOll
V[R C 1 ~1.~
H e be rt
nETTY JOE ( . WRG I, F k m t;III Af}
1l..l ullnll"
1-1 \RRFI.I..
iHIIIII()( '
[''\" I \ \ JF A." 1.1 I: j're· i\ JI '( IH,.1
l'...f O IlIl) C
J \R IH.l.I . \u
11,\,Vf{ l "',,,
;\A;..ICY JOII i\."~ON U e m C'lll ,l r y Fdl l(.ati, .n
Bo nB\ L l<.lU',\" RiCK .'\ !l im ;d
VIl~Ii ~h
I O !; i'\,'iO ,\'
H . I O H .\"I.,O," IlI"nH' lll :11 \ F.d l!( atio ll
L ' e 'll c nl :I " ~ EriHCllj"1l
JE :\~.,\· I ~'F.
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1 ~( 11I C a(i o n
FR I\l!."i II N l-. W .
,\l ." 11 1'\
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CenCL. [ ( .""it ullll,l
C('IllIl1C 1CC
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I' 1 1,' ..\fU· td ul :r l i" tI
Page 12!J
\\'c:'\ 1 \-IOli TOC
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''ltclii nglt)1l
[ll d ll ... ' .. ,.
( H .\ tU 1-;.,) ~rd)F.R\Hn -\ u .. o u I11in,!.l
Ill dlhll ~
\ \<..-,' :,\ 10111 0('
Lld l"':;
'i, r..-\RI.. \ N n
...., i ( ' IH"{'
Monro e
i\!tKF l"/,[I', "'<\C II (.(' Eduuuion
W C~ I
'ifJ( i.1I
M onroe
senior class 1952
\-\' c ~ t
C:HU . R. OWE N.'. nll ~ it l(>~
\ Jo nn H'
l~ dI I Olli (' 11
J \,\fE ~
I. . OW I',;\,S , JR . Hu ., ill ~.~ .. hhll ,II i(1II
So(.ia l S( icnu::
Ln', l{ O I'J, i{
Fl cml' 111" r y E.lu c:lli.)I)
Soti ,, [ "6 t: IH
\1 \<.1,
I eV ERi" !,: KT DDLE
I H.l I)I.l~ Y
Ra\' \ jlk
./--\ i\II-S
\ ' : llh e malj r~
(;H.. LY S!\f l l H
\ ·l a ll a .'ll1;1Ii(;,
Mo nroe.:
,s )\'I\l EltI.Y
( H \RI.I'S
\ [YR"I U : SHI'I H EIeIII C I11 <l 1' \" b IIH:al iI H.
I rOI..\ " HO .\ IPSO'\'
1\ 1011 r o(.'
EIt' IIlt: IlI ;t}"\ I::clnca lioll
l'a ~c
\'LR " O ~
I' re- \·rt' l ri C11
" dU (: lIi u l\
lias I !"O p
f.III G lli(l ll
OL:'\n .1 . WH II '" SOlia l Sci!;n( c
"I ;'llhtl a h
C ;t lhO HII
I"Ill~in c'i~
WII.D E R Fd ll l ;'lj ,1H
• non-graduating seniors QLill'\N lU': CKFR P re · '\ l edit':J 1 CA RRI E n. C '\,\'II ' EJc m e lll ;)q Edll Gl lioll R O J,:\\1D C,\ R I FR
\V('.~ t
,\[ l) lll"l )('
1\·1Ll \i(
• 1' l.YSSES S. CERN IC. U A
\\' " ., [ i\ [o ll ru t.:
Scien ce E. (. 1. \JU. fd tH.:a ti o n \lI I-TOi'. £. CRA I C HE, \ D
(; I'~ NE
l ·h \'~ it: ;.1
:\gr k lll ( tl l't.'
TO~ f
DI LLO\,! ,\ ni ll);d Indu st!'} 10J:: H . OO\o\l l\' I NG
I OI-L'l LOV FL u r r r
\Vt\ '
1\ 1 0 111" 0 ( '
Sud a l Sci en(.c 'Sud,, ] Sci en ("c
i\ [ on('oc
UO I\Hy 1. H ! r C H All llll ,tI ru tl n " l ' "
\ 1
(. . (.(lS"; !" I I
l ' l "'~ u;d
J O H..'
J) ·\V l !) lJ
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J c Jl/. "\l\C
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R . P . rvf d\.. \Hn BII ~ i ne.,~ ·\,l lIIiniqr;lli')l1
(.I'.I~ .\ I.I)
'{u nrue
10 ,\ '\
1' 11{ 0
]-. !cUl l ' lI t,tI Y 1- lIu( ;1I1 0 1)
BOnny IO !:: i\ h CO j\: n H Y Ag' i(t tltlll c
I Dlln ~ f. [\" ] X Ph \" It,;1 1 hili, ;Ilion
"(,ei ;,I Si,.i.' IU C
H [ RRfLL.
(.l{ tCO R\'
I'h y~ j t;t l blll<<I[I(I]1
K A RL n . H .\yt') "io<i;d '-;( i c II(('
F.l rtn cni l k
J".dt K<l ti un
, \;'\: :'\!
M u~ i(
,\! I C H O I.~O N
Pl e -M ed ic ll
I'age 132
\ \, innficl d
\V C~ I i\l(lIH O~
L LOY D It. R :\ \'
Sem illOC . O kJ.:IhOlllii
rOH )iSY L. RfLVL..,
Lpp ~
\llun a I 1l lllll'(1 \
SIHc\C p ll ll
IIR ' \ i'\ Itll I j ', R VI ,11 11<:11.;, 1in
I o ll l{d(·w . r t: ·u .~
sen •
Fi l"fl N III!'
J( HH, RUn\) \ni m ;!! I nd ll ~ H \' e ll \'RLorl l!: R ( !rF 13 ( I ~inc.~~ b h ll.:lI if>ll
W ;lIl1 fit'"h t
Il dhi
e ll \R1.. F.S TU ' j\' DI. l.,! .\((( Ilillti nA" J .' \ .\l F.~
I. .. -"i .\TE IU'lU n
M~ lh c l1l a l i(: ~ \ ""!II(l
t i l);,'
WOO D SF.R <:;
W c.q
MUl l l (l{'
:-' 1<,Ilhem :Hit., Cdlll ;lIio ll
F. I.
.\J.:Ticu ll lll (, 1.0(1 111£ 1::. S ro/,\ !·: 1·. kllle lll :Jr~ EclLl(.l li"n
\ .' N
[1 H)\ fI '."i():'\ \VC" I 1\, (JIl l n ( '
HII 1> jn t:s~ bl 'I (;II;t lll .,."j,rf 1\ 01("
DOROTHY I.. I L' ( K F R Il olile I~co n lll ni(:s
F ;UIlH.:rv i llt,
101 1:" W. TCRNER "toe ial S<.ico( ' L II :\IU .E!) Vr.!\ ,\ IH .F \ni m a! In dll ~ (I1 ,\ 1 x\: WA ITt:: t :Ol lime l , t" V1 ~<"F.yr
" II\,i(;l 1 Elh H.01 l i{,1\
C:rce n c;,hl\r~ .
Pe n H.
•o •
c I a s s J.
\ t'l yn
Ra y.. illc
.lIgen !;' l'~.
''\'inn[i ehl
",u Slili
Sti g le r. Okla.
.lonni e n ,wklle:nl
Hc rl") .
HII ~rl !
HHHnl ,
O"k CI'I)\C
Ca ll1lOIl
\\'iall :.l lllrl) Ih~ \' ilk
Coupe r
COOl'I '1
IL 0 1.': 111
0 ,11) 1)1;: 111)<: \1
'i 1C'r lingulIl
StCll in;pOIl " ·f:ln y
\ 1o llroc
Iby l'i\l ('
E ~ ri c
\n n
I' e ny\'ille
BnHl' 1l
Dolli e: C la ytHII
On.:l L.
' :'llIes ( .
I .;lke Vro\id en('c
Iho\\ 11 Hymllll
.Iamt'li Cal"p e lltl.:l
( .harlot
\\'(;~ t ~Inlln\('
J'..f;lIllJ,1 V ininA
lad, T .
Ihatl , h :l w
101111 F.rnt'~t
Herhe r! I
.I L
Wi lliam C. Hcrr y
( ;cr" ld
\\·~ Ic nl.'
~ 1 0 Ilrnt.:
\ \' illi ;lI11 Hell I 'LC ~~
'Ct y... i li t'
E. :\(\wd..
Lec I'e rgll "on La('cy ,,),lill
f\ r onroc
I ] <ln ir
,\ ., ( Ill roc
C r ;lh:1I 1l
C~ llthia
G uy lOT'
W ylcnc H <llb\.. cy
Herh ert n, H a lhach
Ta ll n l;1I1
\ h ilcllc . ,- <'\,
C h arlott e H o llo h-" v larnc~
SIJ.... , H
nuh!! ) Jilt' .I ~l ( k.~(O n
lku y J ean J u n t" (;w('ndol ~ 1l
'l u ll rut.'
H uW; t (Hl
"10 11101'
\\ <> l 'I Ollrlll"
J \)I liall
,\ Ioll rol:
Rnher l f.. ' ·(iller
~I C J)( 1II01lJ.:11
f .rnblill ('
Ch:t,l e~
N i~,~ c n
Fdwanl G .
.)Ilr('\ t!: IHlll
O.,k e rnH:
I (cl"hCl l Pe te rson
Rohert £ .
'i o ll},.e
Re~gi c
)(a v\
I'hill i p ~
1'Inll ~\.. ~·
1\·l mlloc ." I o nn le ~'10'\I'~('
Bo"ard . 1'(, lm .
c I a s s
.1 u
c I
s s o\1:lIi a ll l1;(
10 ('
R e<lg, 11I
Sal ld cr,
nell }
.Jll ilC
~:I(l il lt'
Ik~ ..
C lad... s
"ill in II
Rohert F EUKl:llC 1113
j \ ulin e.; C", IPCI :jillh ",u j:!.(:I!('
R a p ·jll c
lHUI I r Ot:
llaine II Ik uy n. III
I~ ;\·f.ngk 1 1:1:' V,lI t' urill('
Wiltn :l JOtl,C Whi le Ri ll ,., Wl lil l'iw: 1( 1 :-.J ' )lIa (" I),
Wd l ialll ~
R ap ille C h o udrant i\lt>Jll0t'
Char :
\\' illhlll
C:lnisl illc ( ".I:lIlcl illS
• R t'l I ~ rt
R. Wiggins
r om R.
V,; ilSHIi
\-\'est M'Illroc
(harle.1 L
o re
Rt:l.:' l\ (ilC n .ullhllrl!
H aw l<l
Ba H.:.,
l! u gcll (:; )\1 ;11.1,
\-\ 'esl (>.(!1l1Itlt.:
Jo hn C . mac k
"itc riin g'loll
Uarhar;t Hoot),
R<I \,\i llt足
r. l ain e 13rothcr..
\ 11I.Hnc
Cha rl e!o Ca rter
'fulln l C
W illiam T. Chilcl c .... (:h ri !>linc C I;'IlIlpjr
(:vnel iu :. C I;u'L.
H e hen
W .. yn c Curl.;ra n
LCIl;! F. C'lle
Hill y Cu ll i e
WiUi;lI11 1.. Cor hi n Pal l'id.
Hilli e ./ ea n H anley (.h;nles L . \l awsoll
(. (!o rgc DeCuir ni ll ~'
Enid . Okl;\ .
( .ro\('
\ 1(' r ROll ge
t::lilahClh .\nn Doane F. 1i .!:t hc.'lh Dvuc.i e l ('
Jell :, IVl o nrn c H c hc n
P"ge I ~7
c 10 ss
sopla o
10 ss
Garul )'n nn-aslcr
W CS (
B. Elder.
.I c •1I1
Jkll ~
J' . l:. lli .~
Rob e r! H . Flirt
1lt:1I~ C;llllhrdJ
J O hlll1 ~
Wi.';nc r
Siri l~'
1 ~land
n . (,ollflwin
Mind en
( :h :\ II1 :,11\ Fon
H :dTl C) C uilJo'
CIc U ll
J nc
\'+i(,~ 1
H:lOl lll ttl 11 :11('
nn H arre ll
nc~crl y
Sue H ea rne
.Ill Ann
U:lillt, ')Inc } ..\
,V csl I\ )onroc
ROI-...ld LUlller
Kt;nn Clh ( ;rt:c r
H.c, he,:n
(;rO\ (:
J-:l aint: Colso n
G I'; ly~O ll
Bennie Fryer
l a11l(:,~
James J uhllm
\\' C" I \-tOllfUC
( ; r :'l) ,,(In
Mil ri L ~ 1l1l F C1S",'i(!l1
e hr i,
M u urne
H tmICl"~(ln
H(II I"'''o CHi li
'lJel"cs.~i [ ~.
!'Ihcl Cam)
"' "hwn.u ~[:lrr
M o n roe
n;ulrop .' VfHnrOc
f\ f o nr('lc R a~· ... i][c
soph o 1-I(J1I ~
W. H .
.I .
Ma r ilyn James
Pionee r
Huope r
\ \' inll sl)() l"o
( . ;. lli oll
)). H ltd .'Hm
John ny To m Jo hn:'(1l1
M () Il I' OC
Ken t
" I("' I"I IC
M yrl c Kilp,uri Lk
J a.ck
\·\ 'c,' ;'\1011I"1 'c
Kjlllha ll
r a ITi cia Ki n 'en
Ja lll c~
C;Irri ccc
lIfllllT OC
/I10!ll '(, C
l . i ll d~cy
O lla \ \,'c~ t
lUai nc Loll ey
F. MUl,n:
1, [ .
M Ul li"OC
A. i\(or\c
\\'l1lmh o ru
Carol Ga'r ""Ic;\ cl a lll l' "I hom as C . M { :\lI l i ffc
J\'f n Ro uge We-I MOIH ( 'c
O ak {.Hn e
\l a T) . \n n j\h ])3 (1<'
W illia m A. ", [ (J{e,:ith (:'11
1\.[0 1I1" U('
Ikt nny 8 . Newco il)e r , Jr. W ,1IIIU! R. OWCIl .~
RuhcrLee n 1);1I1 cr
l\ rt:"r Rouge
Bc nl(, n
Juhnnie:' C. 1';. r ke r')oll I h ) 11
H ;IT!:'II I ..
I' re~ lrirlge
\\ 10 11 1 0(;;
\ I ullroc
thor It; I'a lr ner
\\'~ t
o re
c 10 ss
c 10 ss
\-\'ill ll ~ h" rt '
R lI "sci l I'.itl' 1,1(1..
r:t c iln-ll
.'\;1 1
Ritl('l '
f ,1 111 l' ~
\ llllIl"lW
)l. fO])I(I (,
(' l l<Irk.~ I " !I .
Hol)t' rt s
Roh,路 .t ...
Ik l l l
){os irr
IrVin llli!'!,!
",li(I...'\ Sa li n
Si( i' l
I\(O IIl Ol"
( :H 11(' 1ill l; I h l Jlll<l ~
,\ f l mr( )('
,"'P III lot"
(. h..rkllc "it:. pp
\ \ ' c~t
I. ul'la (jlll !. l " l). nlr1~
D w,till Ch in
r n r'r
t lI ,trpe
\ ](li (c C. ' ( r;l pP
V jn i n~
V" ll ma n
I)"k \Ya l' ll c r
'\"ill i : IIIl ~\l 1l
('lalt.: Il~ C ().
\\" ils<lll
(.11 n il \ '\' )":1 11
Pa ge 140
\ -1\1 111"0(,,:
~':t1rol lll .\
Ir anlle!
john 1<. II RIII,t'''' 1Ir.!H'('
M Ollru(; \-1 ( 1I1H ,C
H., lJ ) Ridge
''''inns horn Pi o n el::1 M" : l]"( '<':
'V i l1ll ~ hoH I
Ra~" il k )\I'llI l ' )(;
1.l'lha II
j\路(tll II OC
CnllUli hia
I-::ll i H" Willia lil MlI1
'''d nll lll(l
\\'C~ l
W. I.. .\ 1
' 1I HIIlI P"-l Jll
, \l1n(;lI<:
1 \(~LHI ~
\ '1011 f o e
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) ;; 1,11 11 1
M li li flll.:
S mith
l1 ilh
It :l} "iil ('
B ill .,. <". "h:\l(;r
'rlon .-\( I .l l' \\路 dl~n
h.llli.. ,~
('h ,II' Ic~
,\ 1. ,.
1(, ;l lph
C;, r) ~1c1 h~
Ires h
'" 0
:\ 1Oil 1 0<':
-\rlo ll A dam , .\ l U JlIHl '
I\ ill~
I{ :n lilk
W . L . Alhri lh'l1
T' ,llIlIcldlk'
\Ldluhn A lle n
'ipcn4 CI
Ibrui t! I'. U;lIlk,
.I alqucl illl"
" 'nl )"'Ionn w
n ,lIllI;ln
101 111 R . Hcr 1,(,: 1 R.p tu.: n Helll' c ll
\ 1(111) 11('
Wl"\ l l\runrOl '
1'''Ut J.C'e Ikl l \'
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\ l Oll we
h.l'u l1(路 th Bra<hh ;1\1'
.\H hili.lid
Jue It lh o a<lw;l)
J <" ITei
(; ;11)'
0 11 ,\
I}l'Oll" lli llg
Fl a ll k W .
\Villll ;,;huru
1 ~ lll l llli )
Hurford 1\\ll gc.\~
l-1.ultig . "\ ,1.. \\'(:~ t
0,,1.. Ridge
l\ lo nro('
Ik lt y Jan e Pe ltil (::1 ,111011 M <l rp,arl 'l C<l rI
.\J nn,c Carwi le
\ 'IOll n)(;
1\ 1011 101;
\\' 1::\1 Monroe
J';lgc HI
c 10 ss
Ires h
c lass
(' 1.: 1 Ili~li ;l
Frail\... I'
Jimmi e.: R. f.hilclrt:..:. Juhn R.
J;1II1(: ~
{ :onlll $
Wn t
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.\ ! ,dI IY
Jam c,
Jalll (''.~
1' 1" r inti ~l:Ill
0111"11 ,)111
1\1 om o c
J alll t:s 1'1. Fr.: l(hcl'
Vl' y:ml (, ; Ifli~(lll
(,CfH~ t: :", (.c:cl..el
MOllloc \Vi n n sl)o(o
(.t Hlr;ui
.\ 1' ( lllrOC Si('.i l ~
I ~ lalld
'VC~ I
\ 'l onru('
.l cn:1
( ;jrlinghv u ~ c
H ... rl tcn Ch(.llsoll (. \oriil
(;r;Ul I
1-"1<:<1 C row!!:>
t:li/abclh .
) '{o nroc
(,al,in B. l'o lch
W Clil Monroe
\\' ('SI
) Iclha
MOlin }!!
Clt' nn Fl cllli .. ~
Idl m
lb,路\ ilk
I) . .1::,,011011
E\; I II S ,
!"OIllll! }
:'I 1 ;lr~'
('r;llJ lrt::l:. Penll .
bll111a Jcom
,\ [0 \1" 01.:
lIill Har .'\rl :1II Hall'
i\ '1t)llI(' C
n ,l\'
J-I dC Il ni alilo wl
\\'c~ 1
Ca ll1iUH DclolC
Wm. II ,
1\1{) IIH1 C'
R;, y' illt:
D ark
r(II11 Ill ~'
(;, a \路 ~.. II
(: IML
J ~\1I1 O
\I .HI{
\ l clllruc
Fairhank s R i'~' \
iJl e
"Vi ~nc r
Ir es h \ 'f argic Gu ile\'
.~W; 1l
Hill Ha r fin g l(11l
:-" ' (.IlJ'('I(.'
\f:.r ~
.'\nll 1-1t: 1I (le r~o n
1\( ( 1111"0('
Opa l Sue Hvlling!ihcad Jillk ~
Me lha b ye .l u hnsoll t're<..lclith W . JUlies Eli1abctll A nn
\\;t:,l \ '111111'0(,
Sar"h Hinton
Johll ' -Vesley
\I u urut:"
C rcgCII y H :n(;
Arlall H :llt <lW:I Y
Kcnll1 :lr
Syd ney L et: Lang;oilOll \'Vi ll i ::Ull 1 . Ccc
.\rl- .
Mangha lH ~IOlllO(;
(:o ll ill ~ (On
0;," ( . ..0\ ('
.\ . C. Lo fl i~
] .0 1(
.\llIli e R\lIh
J es....e I... Luthc l , Jr .
t:(',,(Jrgie M<l sscc.:
J oe Frede ri ck .\J(lthc n y
1\I ;IIlHhalll
M CClI'l)
Dolo res ;\ lc"C l all;lh: llt
J' age J 11
'a ss
ires h
'" 0
'0 ss
Rkh.lrd 1\·1. M t (".( .IlIl t: 1l n e ll \"
S IH ill Klli l1
;\ ICC O lllli c k
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Jill lon e~
j l1 i:111I ~ O1" : l ll {l. 1 t"a r~
Je l l ~
\'\',H Cr p l"Cl(,(
\Vill ll f idd
(\ [<.:1 [011
[' ;II S)
H.. Ill! ,\ [il kl
J,;,.ep h \\". ,\ [ illU- r
lC ,}\·illc \ l o l1 ro<:
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'\It:i I iI.'
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":i ll t:
,\ [ O llnK'
' Cfn u H
(.(11 )
:\ lI g(,1I1
" ;l l li:. h
,\ [o n roc
.\ f oorc
P ;IU i ' li
B as trop H 'l.~ l rp p
\ { :111I1d P l'I ;l I,(
Ki tt y
~lI l'
( · ar" C;l .~ .
1'0 11;11 <1
M :l d e,\e I'Ul:Icy
Page 114
Ven e/ u tl.1
M u tll'Ol"
Ires h i\ f arg:IH' ! Po unds
M nnrve
/\f ,lI jor ic Radla l
, imlll ie Sue Ral"" D o l o r es
M o n r o!..'
Roh in ~o n
1);II1\" i li c
Ida R oge rs i{ cuhcn I't lli .:
))cl ld
I... .ci( h l1'l idl
Swa rl l
H aro l d T. " (n il
.l (l n l.:~ I I( 11'11
I .tln c~
.s i lll ~
J' Hn c~ L.
Ro ni l:l
Smi th
SI. J,,'cp h
1( 11110 ) R;J ~'d c li $ lIlilh Ra y Sil lU icn;(11i
" I>r ing hill ,\ IOll rlle
i\b ri c Sp ie r \ ' irg in i ;! Spi ll er'
'ionn )" S tc phrll.\ n () l (l rc~
Sl ew :., I
路" o rri .. 'J";t II C} S;l ll y ,\n ll ' I ;1 ~' I " r
1""1Hn m e R ;I ~ llO p n il ~k i n
' Y esl l\ [,)l1 nl<':
~ r onJt)c
Ra ~ \
il l e
(.l l ll i n " I UIl
c to ss
ires h
c to ss f Shipman
j , II1CI
J 11n .~
n (l ,d.; in
I'c::nn .I n "' OU ~ ill;tll (h,lrl cs
f ;lirh:l ll k ,~
I r :l y lOl
Or<l f..L1 e
[ [" it
(:O i\lllllli ;,
h el
Cal"() l ~ n
\10 11 roc
Rilh :ml .-\. r " l c l
(.h a l"l (.',
.\ tan
. \ 11(:11 ". "' ri ·d CI
R o llnl C .
~f a l'
leil a
\\ ' ;ll-{ IICl"
\ . \\' :I II. (,: l"
M o nroe
II. Wi ll ian Rn~c ma l \ ~
W c~ t \I0 1l t"OC
t-:d ~' II l(':
r., l on r o c
I.lI lIi ,,1..: \\ ':h llill g tf l ll Jd: ]
1\(- 11(;
fi <l'I I (' I)
\\ il l l ~
f\ aqro p
Hi llil' \\'c ath c rl y
.\ 1.1I ·~
R,!\ lr0 l'
\ -l o n 1'OC
Bi l h ' \ r h i ' e ( ..• h ill
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Car0lyn Bal0" c ll LOll MOle Bu rch
''''' illiam
Gloria Lillian
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Rosc mary
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Il awhl Reinh anll
1;ll)gham ~'f O llr()c
WeH \I Ollf()l' Slc 1 JillgiOll
s to deB ts
We Acknowledge Our Genuine Feel ing
Of Friendship and Goodwill
& \-[ on
Toward Those Building
Citizenship for a
Better World
Congratulations And lles t 'Wi shes To
Nort heast State
tvl ollroc and \'\'cst iVfollroc. Louisian;'1
411 Nonh Third Street
Servillg North I.ouisiana for the
Dial 5S01
iles[ Wishes To N on heas l S[,lle
past 46 years - - - 足 [ro m . . Il-\
lime goes on "
\1e ,"ber Federal Reserve Member F. D . I. C.
Pho ne 3-.<;77G
Mo nroe, Louisian a
Ouachita Valley Fresh Dressed COi'v[PUM E ' TS
P ou ltry 1816 D cS iard Street
.~ - 19RO
Phone 2-'l4 0l
SOO J ackson
lks l of Luck
the Class of '52
fro III
l2() 1
P ower L aw n tvT o\·ve rs Omboa rd MOLOr, - H arley Davidson nob h v, Da" id an d J-t unlt c
a nrHI~ 1 POII' \Vow h anqll t: 1.
72 1 So u th Grand St.
~ ('I" e n a d c
the ir lai r lad ies
rvr onroe, Lou isiana
Com plimcm s of
Complim ent s of
'I Wo m e n [[()In S ig;lIl ,\ A l p ll ;, (, h i to ,1(l1nit a lilll (' ··v ;l I" i <.:l.) ,.
W; l ll l
<1I11 (' I H I
Lh e ( h,}l"l e l"
1309 Louisville Ave nue
Monroe, Lo uisiana
McCAIN - RICHARDS 411 Trenton.'>1.
~ Jo n roe
- - "YO()R FORD DEALER " - 颅
Feed. Seed. Ferfti 1izcr, H ardware, In sectic id es and e very thing the farmer needs.
120 1 Loui sv ill e
j\路(o nroe , Louisiana
(Pr ices on the bottom rail)
Oua ch ita Bank Build ing
Monroe, Lo ui siana
Your McCRECOR H ea dquart ers for
Collegia te Sty les 路':\J Ollro~'.\ ;'v1 o,,!
in'ere.,'ing j)rug Store"
H. R. Hayes Lumber Company
Our best wishes for the future
5114 S,
guardians of democracy
Dunbar Hunt -
915 LOll isvi lle Ave,
i\'o rlh S ix th St .
An nie HU llt
vVes t M on roe, La,
Wh olesa le Distributors
Hardware -- Mi II - Industrial
Oil & Gas Well Supplies
Plumbing and Heating
Wareh o use 3000 Lou isvi lie
Phone 6171
Monroe, Loui siana
E. N . JACK SON , Manager
Te lephones 2-3195, 2-3 196
Wholesale and R etail
M om'oe's M osl P"ogre,sive N i"u,spaper 504 S. Gran d
Monroe, La .
Dial 3路5 182
Compliments and Best Wi shes from
KNOE Monroe Loui s iana 1390 on yo ur dial 5,000 Watts Your NBC Station
-'颅 ,
WNOE New Orleans, Loui sia na
1060 on yo ur dial
50,000 Wa tts
Your MUTUAL Station
'1'0 NOrL heas t Lo uisia na State Coll ege
Flow er; }m oLl Occasions
.vI rs. D. I. Hirsc h Hemy Haas,
Our COIwra lLlla tlO ns a nd Best vVis hes n
IOll4 N. Third St.
M rs . Ab e Arent
ivlonroe, Louisiana
801 Ouachita Bank Building
Telephone 3-6 3 1 1
l'v(onroe, Lou isiana
D eS iarci St.
Phone 3-4661
>(Q uality and Se'l'vice Unexce ll ed"
- - ONE DAY SERVICE - 足 501 N. Third
Phone 2-1543
Ilwse \( 11 001
,~Clli~)rs 011
l11()lk.. 1 lhclr Senior 1)<1}.
Fro m The
JOHN E. COON Ma yo r FRANK X. CLINE Co mmi ssio ner of Finance and Util ities W AYNE H . H UCKABY Co mmi ss io ner o f St reets and Par ks
MONROE STEAM LAUNDRY "vlomoe and \Vest lVlonroe " An Instill/fuJII
fit e Care
Faln ics"
CO "v! PI.ETE BAl\ KI N(; F AC I I.ITIES Serving Northeasl Louisiana Ov er 50 Years in Dry Cl ea nin g - Laundry - Rug R enovallng ~ICl1lbct-
Fed eral Rese rve Sys lem 436 Grand St.
!'.'lel)1ber F. D. I. C.
TROY & NICHOLS " Yonr Mull/al [n s'l/mn ee Friends-'
Dial 7191
th e Class of ! 952
KRAUSS & KAHN " Tn Ihe Hearl of Ill e City"
HOlel Fran ces Bldg.
Monroe , La.
333 DeSiard Sl.
If il 's worth while cl ean ing - - 足 il 'S
Monroe , Louisiana
,,-onh WElL cleaning
WESLEY SHAFTO The Mutual Life Insura nce Co. , of 1\. Y.
WElL CLEAN ERS Ouachita National Bank Bldg.
Phone 2-193 4
l\1onroc, Louisiana
Weaks Supply Company, Ltd.
(Affilia ted with W eaks Supply Co, Inc. ,
Natc hez, Mi ss.)
Di stributo rs
Industrial , Mill , and Railroad Electrical,
Plumbing and Heating - Oil and Gas Well Supplies
Machinery and Heavy Hardware
Co ntracto rs' Equ ip ment and T oo ls
Sa m Adcod.. , 'iocbl Srie nce Cl uh pres id ent. plall...
se l11e stcr'~
w()rk w;{il othe r o fFj ce.. ~ tl.nc1 spo ll "ors.
TERRY'S USED CARS " BlI y CaTS Wh ne Cars A TP Sold"
262RY2 DeSiard St.
Phone 3-3504