1 minute read
from Jerk February 2020
photos by Kali Bowden
Tyler Valgora: “I bought the chest bag in a store called Playbag in Prague.They focus on sustainable design with a detail oriented approach. The entire company is made up of just seven specialists doing everything from production to marketing. And all the manufacturing is done by hand in the Czech Republic. It's the best pocket for my paint markers which I always keep on hand, in case inspiration strikes.”
Candice Bina: “I got the bag from Amazon. I really love fashion, it’s something I care a lot about, but I don't love carrying purses. My mom, on the other hand, has a purse to go with every outfit, and I thought I could get around that by getting a purse that didn’t go with any outfit.”
Kalie Bowden: “I’ve always been conscious of streetwear but I was never willing to spend the money for it. Then I met my boyfriend, who is a reseller of streetwear, and has access to tons of different awesome products. When this backpack came out I really liked it because my favorite color is yellow, and my boyfriend bought it for me as a gift and got himself the matching duffel. We travel with all the time, so far they’ve been to 4 countries, and counting!”