7 minute read

Presidents Report

The last 12 months have certainly flown by quickly. It’s nice to have the pandemic behind us and grateful to be back doing all the things we enjoy.

Jersey Australia prides itself on delivering quality services to its members’. I would like to thank the board, management and staff who work tirelessly to provide these services, and continue driving the message, of the advantages of the Jersey breed to the dairy industry worldwide. This work does not go unnoticed, and I thank everyone for their efforts.


Significant weather events have impacted many members throughout the year. As those affected rebuild, Jersey Australia will endeavor to help in any way we can and wish you all the best in these challenging times. As a result, the Great Southern on Farm Challenge was cancelled for 2022, we look forward to this event returning in 2023.

The board has met during the year via zoom and face to face meetings. Zoom meetings do provide a cost saving along with convenience, the board feels face to face meetings are extremely valuable and will continue along with the use of zoom when necessary.

Thank you to retiring board member Mr Brian Wilson for your 12 years of service to the board. Brian has been a well-respected director, providing unrelenting passion for the jersey breed during this time. I also wish office staff Jenny and Doris all the best who finished up with Jersey Australia after many years of service to the association.

In November Jugiong Jersey’s celebrated 90 years of breeding registered Jersey cattle an outstanding achievement, congratulations to the Nicholson family.

With a focus on sustainable farming Jersey Australia has had many meetings with industry leaders relating to the bobby calf market, dairy beef, greenhouse emissions, and export markets. We will continue our work in this space making sure the Jersey breed is recognised for its benefits.

An updated and detailed report on Jersey Australia’s achievements for the last 12 months is reported along with a KPI table following my report in the AGM papers. Please take the time to read the document, there’s some fantastic outcomes. A list of objectives for the coming year is also reported. We encourage members to share their ideas on how we can enhance and grow the Association.

It was great to see many members showcasing their animals at shows and on farm challenges all over the country, congratulations to breeders & exhibitors. A special thank you to the members who take the time to supply calves for non-farming children to experience showing a calf at a calf day or show. This experience can be life changing for these children and open the door to a life and love of the dairy industry.

I’m pleased to report that our membership has remained steady, with a year-end membership of 511 This is slightly up 3.2% on the previous year. We welcome 38 new members to the Association during the year with the Association engagement of a Field Officer a direct result of the opportunities this engagement has led to.

I encourage members when holding a jersey function to apply for funding through the “community grants funds”. These funds are there for members to access and support events to promote the jersey breed.

We look forward to continuing from the foundation work of the field service officer capturing opportunities it has created through an increase in membership and services providing positive benefits for the association.

International interest continues to grow for the Australian Jersey. This has been evident during visits to the US and Pakistan.

To my fellow Board Members thank you for your continued passion, commitment to the board and the jersey breed it is a pleasure to work with you.

Lisa Broad President

“the best preperation for tomorrow is doing your best today” H. Jackson Brown,


Reporting on KPI’s

In the 2022 Annual Report, we outlined several Key Performance Indicators that we aimed to achieved in the 2022/23 Year. We are pleased to provide the following reported on our achievement to these KPI’s.

Objective KPI Target

• Increasemembershipby15 -20% of current membership in the next 12 months.

• Ensure every member is registering every calf every year.

• We ensure every Jersey breeder regardless of their breeding objective are welcomed and supported by the Association

• We continue to ensure there is strategic value proposition to registering cows.

How do we achieve these KPI’s What did we achieve Maintain and Grow the Association relevance

• We engage a Field Officer to support growth objectives in membership and core services across the country.

• JA Employed David Anderson in the role of Field Officer who has bene instrumental in membership growth across Australia.

• Registered Jersey cows have continued to average significantly higher than commercial cows at sale.

• Export opportunities for Registered high genetic merit heifers have grown.

• Registration revenue for the year was 53% over budget.

• We welcome38 new members to theAssociation throughout theyear leading to a 3.2% increase in total memberships.

Provide Strong Governance and Leadership

• A strong stable Board with a key focus on strategy

• Key supportive subcommittees to provide the Board informed review, consideration and recommendations on key issues, rules, and policy.

• Continuous investment in training and development of our current and future leaders

• Represent the Breed and Association within industry stakeholders

• JA President completed the Marcus Oldham Leadership course on a Gardiner Dairy Foundation Scholarship

• Industry Governance Training Program was commenced by JA on 2019/20 was picked up by the NHIA who hosted an industry training program in 2022.

• The Board and Management was continued to be supported and advised in its Governance needs by the valued advice of Horsburgh Consulting Services

• Represented JA and Breed Associations on DataGene Genetics sand Data and Services Standing Committee

• Provided industry representation on Dairy Australia South Coast Bobby Calf Pathways Project

Financial Stability

• Reduce long term reliance on Export Heifer and Investment to maintain profitability.

• Deliver member services at cost by 2025.

• Increase revenue through the provision of new or additional services.

• Delivered service and revenue growth while maintaining current staffing levels.

• Supported additional export opportunities to aid the growth of export and reduce reliance on China as the main source of

Maintain and Grow the Jersey Breed

• Invest in opportunities to support key projects and R&D for the Jersey Breed and the Association.

• Increase the Jersey population in the national herd to 30%

• Maintain a positive genetics trend on all traits

• Continuously strive for the genetics improvement of the Australian Jersey Cow

• Provide support and encouragement to domestic and international market growth opportunities.

• Build on the foundation of the “Jersey’s Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow” Project to drive our breed promotion and marketing direction and opportunities.

• Host the Jersey 2050 Forum to ensure, set and maintain the breed direction as the cow of the present and the future.

• Establishing the Jersey Milk Pool to increase the value of farm gate returns, support membership growth opportunities and provide an additional source of revenue for JA.

• Established relationship to seek to implement a Jersey Beef option for surplus calves to provide a viable market option for members and additional returns for JA

• Jersey%oftheNationalherdasreportedbytheNationalStatsshowed a slight increase to 15.2% of the herd. This is up from 11% in 2003/04

• Established the World Dairy Expo site to drive semen sales in the Nth American market.

• Attended the Lahore International Dairy Expo with HRM Dairies and Genetics Australia

• The Jersey Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow Project had great international recognition.

For the 2023/24 year, we will aim to achieve the following.

Objective KPI Target

Maintain and Grow the Association relevance

• Maintain the trend of an increase in memberships.

• Ensure every member is registering every calf every year.

• We ensure every Jersey breeder regardless of their breeding objective are welcomed and supported by the Association

How do we achieve these KPI’s

• Continue Association engagement of the Field Officer

• Continue to explore opportunities to value add on services to existing members and attract new members.

• Seek funding to undertake a review on the value proposition of registering cows.

• Support export opportunities to grow markets and value for high quality registered jerseys, semen and embryos.

Provide Strong Governance and Leadership

• A strong stable Board with a key focus on strategy

• Key supportive sub-committees to provide the Board informed review, consideration and recommendations on key issues, rules, and policy.

• Continue our program of Board improvement with governance and leadership training.

• Encourage current Board members and members to apply for industry supported leadership development programs.

• Review our organisational structures and enshrine a critical governance linkage between JA and our Breeder Clubs across Australia

• Actively engage in industry and stakeholder events

• Drive and support a national focussed all breeds youth program

Enhance and Grow Members Services

• Achieve an active milk pool of at least 50 million litres per annum.

• Re-established Jersey Marketing Services P/L as an active trading entity.

• Continue to work to provide a Jersey Milk pool to delivered enhanced farm gate return for Jersey Milk

• Continue to investigate a route to market for Jersey Beef as a sustainable market for members surplus calves.

Financial Stability

• Maintain strong member services level with a key objective to increase registrations and classifications.

• Deliver member services at cost or better.

• Aim to deliver a reported operational profit without reliance on investments and export heifer.

• Continue to strive to ensure all members are registering and classifying year on year.

• Grow new memberships and registrations and services to new members through a proactive engagement of the field officer across Australia.

• Maintain a tight control on expenses

Maintain and Grow the Jersey Breed

• Increase the Jersey population in the national herd to 30%

• Maintain a positive genetics trend on all traits.

• Continue scientific research to validate our vision “jersey is Best”

• Continuously strive for the genetics improvement of the Australian Jersey Cow

• Provide support and encouragement to domestic and international market growth opportunities.

• Build on the foundation of the “Jersey’s Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow” Project to drive our breed promotion and marketing direction and opportunities.

• Host the Jersey 2050 Forum to ensure, set and maintain the breed direction as the cow of the present and the future.

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