3 minute read

Annual Meeting Agenda

1. Opening of 2023 Annual General Meeting

2. Apologies


3. Confirmation of minutes of 2022 AGM

4. Business arising from minutes.

5. Annual Reports a. President b. General Manager c. Treasurer d. Genetic Development e. Promotions

6. Consideration of Financial Report for the year 2022/23 a. Financial Report b. The Board of Jersey Australia recommends that the members accept and approve the Audited financial statements for the year March 1, 2022, to February 28th , 2023.

7. Appointment of Auditors for coming year a. The Board of Jersey Australia recommends that Dillon Clyne are re-appointed as the Association Auditors for the 2023/24 Financial Year

8. Annual election of Board of Management members

In line with Jersey Australia’s Board rotational policy, the following directors are required to step down from the Board of Australia:

• Jamie Drury

• Wayne Kuhne

• Brian Wilson

Nominations were called for by the returning officer to fill four (4) vacant positions. A total of 3 nominations has been received and by requirement of the constitution of Jersey Australia, the nominees are:

• Jamie Drury

• Wayne Kuhne

• Con Glennen

With insufficient nominees to fill the vacancies, under the requirements of the Jersey Australia Constitution, the nominees will be automatically appointed to the Board of Jersey Australia for a twoyear term and no election will be required.

9. Setting of Annual Membership Fee:

It is recommended by the Board that Membership Fees be increased in line with CPI and set as per the following:

10. Proposed Constitutional Changes a. Amend Clause 7 – Notice to Members i. Removal of clause 7(c) facsimile transmission, if the member has requested that the notice be given to them in this manner.

Reasoning: Facsimile is an outdated form of communication that is no longer utilised by Jersey Australia and is no longer considered necessary to make provision for the use of facsimile as a form of communication in the Associations Constitution b. Amend existing 16 – Notice of General Meeting to i. Update clause to Notice may be sent: -

• by prepaid post to the address appearing in the register of members; or

• by electronic transmission to the members email address appearing in the register of members

• posting on the Association web page or social media page

The proposed changes include the deletion of the following pre-existing sub clause from the clause.

• if the member requests, by facsimile transmission or electronic transmission c. Amend existing Clause 13 – Annual General Meeting i. Add the following as clause 14.2.

Reasoning: the proposed deletion is for the same reasoning as proposed for the change to clause 7. The proposed additions retain the provision of electronic transmission with the definition of which email it would be sent to and provides the Association capacity to include the use of distribution via our social media pages which is now considered a normal form of communication and content distribution.

An Annual General Meeting may be held in person, on a video conference or by combination of both.

• All person attending via video conference must at all times ensure the video is turned on to: o Record the attendance of the member. o Speak at any time during the meeting. d. Amend Existing Clause 14 – Special General Meeting i. Add the following as clause 14.3.

Reasoning: The proposed addition, recognises that attendance of AGM via video is now common and a highly useful means for members to attend the AGM and provides capacity for visual recognition of their attendance and participation where necessary.

▪ A General Meeting may be held in person, on a video conference or by combination of both.

• All person attending via video conference must at all times ensure the video is turned on to: o Record the attendance of the member. o Speak at any time during the meeting.

Reasoning: The proposed addition, recognises that attendance of special General Meetings via video is now common and a highly useful means for members to attend the Special e. Add the following as Clause 11 changing the numbering of all following clauses accordingly.

General Meetings and provides capacity for visual recognition of their attendance and participation where necessary.

Specialist Directors

• The Board may appoint a Specialist Director from time to time for a defined period up to a maximum time of the next Annual General Meeting to fill a necessary identified skills gap on the Board.

• If the Board considers the appointment of a Specialist Director for an extended period beyond the next Annual General Meeting, the appointment must be put to the next Annual General Meeting for the members to vote on the appointment for a 2-year period.

• The specialist director will be an additional Board director appointment over and above the 8-member appointments.

• The Specialist Director is not required to be a member of the Association.

Reasoning: The Board recognises in the modern governance requirements, needs and expectations that specialist skill sets, not typically available from our current or may not be available from our future directors that would be required to provide appropriate advice and guidance to the Board to facilitate best practice governance is provided to the Association.

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