2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

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Jersey Australia Inc 2022/23 Annual

Notice of Meeting

Dear Members

It is my pleasure, on behalf of the Board of Jersey Australia, to invite you to the 2023 Jersey Australia Annual General Meeting.

We are excited this year to be hosted by the Beautizone Jersey Breeders Club and we look forward to seeing you all at the Aanuka Beach Resort in Coffs Harbour 8.30am on Thursday, 25th May 2023 for the Annual General Meeting.

We also recognise the value of ensuring members who cannot travel in person, can also attend so we will be streaming the AGM via video link. Members can access the meeting on zoom via the following details:

Topic: 2023 Jersey Australia AGM

Time: May 25, 2023, 08:30 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 830 7432 5495

Passcode: 872046

One tap mobile

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+61 2 8015 6011 Australia

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Meeting ID: 830 7432 5495

Passcode: 872046

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbjDpzjRYi.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Front Cover Photo: Natalie Akers

AGM Itinerary

Jersey Australia 2023 AGM and Conference

Host Club: Beautizone Jersey Breeders Club Dorrigo & Coffs Harbour NSW

Monday May 22nd Arrive in Coffs Harbour Casual dinner

Tuesday May 23rd

7.30am Bus departs Coffs Harbour

9.00am Oakleigh Downs Jerseys

10.10am Rainforest Centre / Skywalk

10.50am Moonpah Jerseys / Morning Tea

12.15pm Winvarl Jerseys

1.10pm Clearview Springs / Lunch - Lunch Sponsored by Elders

3.00pm Valleyrose Jerseys

4.00pm Dangar Falls

7.00pm Dinner at Aanuka Beach Resort

Wednesday May 24th

8.30am Bus departs

9.00am Blueberry Farm Tour

11.00am Walking tour to Mutton Bird Island

12.30pm Lunch @ Jetty Beach House

1.30pm Dairy’s Finest Sale

3.30pm Afternoon Tea

6.30pm Jersey Australia Awards Dinner @ Aanuka Beach Resort

Thursday May 25th

8.30am Tea and Coffee

9.00am Jersey Australian 2023 Annual General Meeting

11.00am Depart for home

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Annual Meeting Agenda

1. Opening of 2023 Annual General Meeting

2. Apologies

3. Confirmation of minutes of 2022 AGM

4. Business arising from minutes.

5. Annual Reports

a. President

b. General Manager

c. Treasurer

d. Genetic Development

e. Promotions

6. Consideration of Financial Report for the year 2022/23

a. Financial Report

b. The Board of Jersey Australia recommends that the members accept and approve the Audited financial statements for the year March 1, 2022, to February 28th , 2023.

7. Appointment of Auditors for coming year

a. The Board of Jersey Australia recommends that Dillon Clyne are re-appointed as the Association Auditors for the 2023/24 Financial Year

8. Annual election of Board of Management members

In line with Jersey Australia’s Board rotational policy, the following directors are required to step down from the Board of Australia:

• Jamie Drury

• Wayne Kuhne

• Brian Wilson

Nominations were called for by the returning officer to fill four (4) vacant positions. A total of 3 nominations has been received and by requirement of the constitution of Jersey Australia, the nominees are:

• Jamie Drury

• Wayne Kuhne

• Con Glennen

With insufficient nominees to fill the vacancies, under the requirements of the Jersey Australia Constitution, the nominees will be automatically appointed to the Board of Jersey Australia for a twoyear term and no election will be required.

9. Setting of Annual Membership Fee:

It is recommended by the Board that Membership Fees be increased in line with CPI and set as per the following:

10. Proposed Constitutional Changes

a. Amend Clause 7 – Notice to Members

i. Removal of clause 7(c) facsimile transmission, if the member has requested that the notice be given to them in this manner.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Membership Type Current Fee Proposed Fee Full $350.00 + GST $375.00 + GST Family $380.00 + GST $410.00 + GST Associate $170.00 + GST $180.00 + GST Junior $80.00 + GST No Change

Reasoning: Facsimile is an outdated form of communication that is no longer utilised by Jersey Australia and is no longer considered necessary to make provision for the use of facsimile as a form of communication in the Associations Constitution

b. Amend existing 16 – Notice of General Meeting to

i. Update clause to Notice may be sent: -

• by prepaid post to the address appearing in the register of members; or

• by electronic transmission to the members email address appearing in the register of members

• posting on the Association web page or social media page

The proposed changes include the deletion of the following pre-existing sub clause from the clause.

• if the member requests, by facsimile transmission or electronic transmission

Reasoning: the proposed deletion is for the same reasoning as proposed for the change to clause 7. The proposed additions retain the provision of electronic transmission with the definition of which email it would be sent to and provides the Association capacity to include the use of distribution via our social media pages which is now considered a normal form of communication and content distribution.

c. Amend existing Clause 13 – Annual General Meeting

i. Add the following as clause 14.2.

An Annual General Meeting may be held in person, on a video conference or by combination of both.

• All person attending via video conference must at all times ensure the video is turned on to:

o Record the attendance of the member.

o Speak at any time during the meeting.

Reasoning: The proposed addition, recognises that attendance of AGM via video is now common and a highly useful means for members to attend the AGM and provides capacity for visual recognition of their attendance and participation where necessary.

d. Amend Existing Clause 14 – Special General Meeting

i. Add the following as clause 14.3.

▪ A General Meeting may be held in person, on a video conference or by combination of both.

• All person attending via video conference must at all times ensure the video is turned on to:

o Record the attendance of the member.

o Speak at any time during the meeting.

Reasoning: The proposed addition, recognises that attendance of special General Meetings via video is now common and a highly useful means for members to attend the Special

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

General Meetings and provides capacity for visual recognition of their attendance and participation where necessary.

e. Add the following as Clause 11 changing the numbering of all following clauses accordingly.

Specialist Directors

• The Board may appoint a Specialist Director from time to time for a defined period up to a maximum time of the next Annual General Meeting to fill a necessary identified skills gap on the Board.

• If the Board considers the appointment of a Specialist Director for an extended period beyond the next Annual General Meeting, the appointment must be put to the next Annual General Meeting for the members to vote on the appointment for a 2-year period.

• The specialist director will be an additional Board director appointment over and above the 8-member appointments.

• The Specialist Director is not required to be a member of the Association.

Reasoning: The Board recognises in the modern governance requirements, needs and expectations that specialist skill sets, not typically available from our current or may not be available from our future directors that would be required to provide appropriate advice and guidance to the Board to facilitate best practice governance is provided to the Association.

11. General Business

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting

Jersey Australia Inc

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Thursday May 26th, 2022

Gateway Inn Hotel. Devonport, Tasmania

1. Opening

The Chair opened the meeting at 9.10am and welcomed attendees.

The Chair noted the Life Members in attendance.

Members stood for a minute silenced as a sign of respect for members who had passed away during the year

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Attendees Lisa Broad V007719 Kerrie Anderson V008118 Brian Wilson N002203 Jamie Drury N008789 Robert Anderson V011527 Wayne Kuhne V011238 Jane Sykes T000757 Natalie Marks N002088 Andrew Marks Alan Carson V000596 Geoff Akers V000102 Paul Lenehan V010512 Lynette Lenehan Peter Ness S000833 Janine Carson Andrew Younger V000409 Frank Walsh V204369 Geoff Heazelwood T000738 Trevor Saunders V010850 Anthea Day V007489 Amy McDonald S000782 Trevor Campbell B000138 Lyndsay Andersons V005840 Ken Lawrence T002891 John Quin N002141 John Sykes Gerard Brislin V010073 Barry & Marie Monson V000286 Les Bennett V002813 Todd Wilson Lyndsay Wilson N054319 Reece Attenboroug h V010560 Chris McKenzie V005223 Phillipa Flemming N008368 Kyle Barker T010854 Alex Matthews V010757 Gordon Peck V001547 Eric Johnson V000237 Alan and Chery Launder V000248

Gordon Lawson V011409 Belinda Schutz S009132

2 Apologies

• Apologies were received from.

• Ian and Joy Richards

• John and Margaret Cockerell

• Hayley Boyd

• Winsome Anderson

• Ian Anderson and Catherine Brewster

• Apologies were noted for Lindsay Anderson and Ken Lawrence who both joined the meeting late.


• That apologies be received.

Moved: Andrew Younger

Seconded: Kerrie Anderson


3 Minutes of Previous Meeting


• That the Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting dated June 24th, 2021, be accepted as a true and correct records.

Moved: Geoff Heazelwood

Seconded: Paul Lenehan


4 Business Arising Nil

5 Reports Presidents Report

• The President’s Report was tabled as read.

• Ms Broad spoke to the report


• That the Presidents Report be received

Moved: Lisa Broad

Seconded: Brian Wilson

CARRIED General Managers Report

• The General Managers Report was tabled as read.

• Mr Barrett spoke to the report.


• That the General Managers Report be received

Moved: Kerrie Anderson

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Seconded: Andrew Younger

CARRIED Treasurers Report

• The Treasurer’s Report was table as read.

• Mr Drury spoke to the report.


• That the Treasurers Report be received

Moved: Jamie Drury

Seconded: Andrew Younger

CARRIED Genetics Report

• The Genetics Report was tabled as read.

• Mr Kuhne spoke to the report.


• That the Genetics Report be received.

Moved: Wayne Kuhne

Seconded: Kerrie Anderson

CARRIED Promotions Report

• The Promotions Report was tabled as read.

• Ms Sykes spoke to the report.


• That the Promotions Report be received

Moved: Jane Sykes

Seconded: Robert Anderson


6 Financial Report

• The Audited Financial Report for the year of March 1, 2021, to February 28, 2022, was table as read.

o Mr Barrett provided a detailed overview of the Associations performance for the year.


• That the Financial Report for the Period of March 2022 be accepted

Moved: Jamie Drury

Seconded: Brian Wilson


7 Appointment of Auditor

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report


• That Dillon Clyne be appointed as the Association Auditor for the 2022/23 Financial Year.

It was noted that Dillon Partners the Associations current auditor had merged to form Dillon Clyne

Moved: Jane Sykes

Seconded: Jamie Drury


8 Appointment of Office Bearers

The Returning Officer Mr Barrett advised the meeting that the election process was undertaken under the rules of the Association and 4 nominees were received for the 4 vacant 2-year positions at the close of nominations leaving a vacancy on the Board for a 1-year term.

The Following nominees were automatically elected to the Board.

• Lisa Broad

• Geoff Akers

• Jane Sykes

• Robert Anderson

• Members queried whether the Board would seek to fill the vacancy.

• The Chair advised that the Board would consider this at the next Board meeting.

9 Setting of Membership Fees


• That the Jersey Australia Membership Fees be set as per the following

o Full Membership $350.00 + GST

o Family Membership $380.00 + GST

o Associate Membership 170.00 + GST

o Junior Membership $80.00 + GST

Moved: Jamie Drury

Seconded: Brian Wilson

• Mr Drury was asked from the floor to provide substantiation to the increase.

o Mr Drury advised the meeting the Board was seeking to increase revenue to move the Association away from its strong reliance on Investment and Windfall revenues to subsidise member services. Member service fees should cover the costs of services on their own.

▪ Investment and Windfall revenues such as export heifer are unreliable on their returns on an annual basis and items such as export have a longevity risk.

o Members queried the cost comparison to other Breed Associations

▪ Mr Barrett advised that while the membership fee would be dearer, our service fees for registrations and classification were somewhat cheaper than others.

o Members queried whether service fees would also rise.

▪ The policy on service fees is for an annual increase based on CPI.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

• Jersey Australia operational cost increase like all businesses, and it is prudent to maintain a policy to raise our fees in line with cost increases experience to deliver the service fees.

The Chair put the motion and was passed unanimously.

CARRIED General Business.

Genomic Testing of Bulls

• Dr Quin queried the necessity for Genomic Testing of Bull

o Genomic testing as a requirement to test bulls before registering was implemented to ensure our Association maintains our requirements at the highest possible standards with parentage being a key issue.

▪ Genomics has identified there is up to 30% parentage discrepancy in herds on a herd-by-herd basis. The requirement acts to mitigate parentage issues.

• Dr Quinn also raised concerns on genomic test results he had experienced.


• Mr Barrett to follow up with Dr Quinn following the meeting to discuss his genomic testing issues.

WJCB Tour to France and Jersey Island

• Mr Saunders noted the upcoming WJCB Tour of France and Jersey Island. Booking for this is closing very soon. Interested members should book ASAP.

Branding of Jersey Milk

• Mr Ness queried whether the Association had considered branding and licensing Jersey Milk

o Ms Broad advised the Board has often discuss the viability and opportunity of doing this.

Meeting Closed 10.20am

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Governance Attendance Record

Board Meetings

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Date Lisa Broad Brian Wilson Jamie Drury Wayne Kuhne Jane Sykes Robert Anderson Geoff Akers Glen Barrett 25/05/2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 29/06/2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 16/08/2022 & 17/08/2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 06/09/2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2/11/2022 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15/12/202 & 16/12/2022 Yes Yes Yes 15/12 Only Yes Yes Yes Yes 16/02/2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13/03/2023 & 14/03/2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Audit and Risk Committee Date Jamie Drury (Chair) Lisa Broad Brian Wilson Glen Barrett May 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes June 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes July 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes August 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes September 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes October 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes November 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes December 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes January 2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes February 2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes March 2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes April 2023 Yes Yes Yes Yes Promotions Committee Jane Sykes (Chair) Brian Wilson Geoff Akers Daniel Bacon Hayley Boyd Peter Roach Sept 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Genetics Committee Wayne Kuhne (Chair) Robert Anderson Jamie Drury Reece Attenborough Lachlan Fry Pat Nicholson Daryl Hoey Glen Barrett July 2022 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Presidents Report

The last 12 months have certainly flown by quickly. It’s nice to have the pandemic behind us and grateful to be back doing all the things we enjoy.

Jersey Australia prides itself on delivering quality services to its members’. I would like to thank the board, management and staff who work tirelessly to provide these services, and continue driving the message, of the advantages of the Jersey breed to the dairy industry worldwide. This work does not go unnoticed, and I thank everyone for their efforts.

Significant weather events have impacted many members throughout the year. As those affected rebuild, Jersey Australia will endeavor to help in any way we can and wish you all the best in these challenging times. As a result, the Great Southern on Farm Challenge was cancelled for 2022, we look forward to this event returning in 2023.

The board has met during the year via zoom and face to face meetings. Zoom meetings do provide a cost saving along with convenience, the board feels face to face meetings are extremely valuable and will continue along with the use of zoom when necessary.

Thank you to retiring board member Mr Brian Wilson for your 12 years of service to the board. Brian has been a well-respected director, providing unrelenting passion for the jersey breed during this time. I also wish office staff Jenny and Doris all the best who finished up with Jersey Australia after many years of service to the association.

In November Jugiong Jersey’s celebrated 90 years of breeding registered Jersey cattle an outstanding achievement, congratulations to the Nicholson family.

With a focus on sustainable farming Jersey Australia has had many meetings with industry leaders relating to the bobby calf market, dairy beef, greenhouse emissions, and export markets. We will continue our work in this space making sure the Jersey breed is recognised for its benefits.

An updated and detailed report on Jersey Australia’s achievements for the last 12 months is reported along with a KPI table following my report in the AGM papers. Please take the time to read the document, there’s some fantastic outcomes. A list of objectives for the coming year is also reported. We encourage members to share their ideas on how we can enhance and grow the Association.

It was great to see many members showcasing their animals at shows and on farm challenges all over the country, congratulations to breeders & exhibitors. A special thank you to the members who take the time to supply calves for non-farming children to experience showing a calf at a calf day or show. This experience can be life changing for these children and open the door to a life and love of the dairy industry.

I’m pleased to report that our membership has remained steady, with a year-end membership of 511 This is slightly up 3.2% on the previous year. We welcome 38 new members to the Association during the year with the Association engagement of a Field Officer a direct result of the opportunities this engagement has led to.

I encourage members when holding a jersey function to apply for funding through the “community grants funds”. These funds are there for members to access and support events to promote the jersey breed.

We look forward to continuing from the

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
460 480 500 520 Total Members Membership Growth Trends 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

foundation work of the field service officer capturing opportunities it has created through an increase in membership and services providing positive benefits for the association.

International interest continues to grow for the Australian Jersey. This has been evident during visits to the US and Pakistan.

To my fellow Board Members thank you for your continued passion, commitment to the board and the jersey breed it is a pleasure to work with you.

“the best preperation for tomorrow is doing your best today” H. Jackson Brown,

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Australian Jerseys. Dairy's Finest Cow

Reporting on KPI’s

In the 2022 Annual Report, we outlined several Key Performance Indicators that we aimed to achieved in the 2022/23 Year. We are pleased to provide the following reported on our achievement to these KPI’s.

Objective KPI Target

• Increasemembershipby15 -20% of current membership in the next 12 months.

• Ensure every member is registering every calf every year.

• We ensure every Jersey breeder regardless of their breeding objective are welcomed and supported by the Association

• We continue to ensure there is strategic value proposition to registering cows.

How do we achieve these KPI’s What did we achieve Maintain and Grow the Association relevance

• We engage a Field Officer to support growth objectives in membership and core services across the country.

• JA Employed David Anderson in the role of Field Officer who has bene instrumental in membership growth across Australia.

• Registered Jersey cows have continued to average significantly higher than commercial cows at sale.

• Export opportunities for Registered high genetic merit heifers have grown.

• Registration revenue for the year was 53% over budget.

• We welcome38 new members to theAssociation throughout theyear leading to a 3.2% increase in total memberships.

Provide Strong Governance and Leadership

• A strong stable Board with a key focus on strategy

• Key supportive subcommittees to provide the Board informed review, consideration and recommendations on key issues, rules, and policy.

• Continuous investment in training and development of our current and future leaders

• Represent the Breed and Association within industry stakeholders

• JA President completed the Marcus Oldham Leadership course on a Gardiner Dairy Foundation Scholarship

• Industry Governance Training Program was commenced by JA on 2019/20 was picked up by the NHIA who hosted an industry training program in 2022.

• The Board and Management was continued to be supported and advised in its Governance needs by the valued advice of Horsburgh Consulting Services

• Represented JA and Breed Associations on DataGene Genetics sand Data and Services Standing Committee

• Provided industry representation on Dairy Australia South Coast Bobby Calf Pathways Project

Financial Stability

• Reduce long term reliance on Export Heifer and Investment to maintain profitability.

• Deliver member services at cost by 2025.

• Increase revenue through the provision of new or additional services.

• Delivered service and revenue growth while maintaining current staffing levels.

• Supported additional export opportunities to aid the growth of export and reduce reliance on China as the main source of

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Maintain and Grow the Jersey Breed

• Invest in opportunities to support key projects and R&D for the Jersey Breed and the Association.

• Increase the Jersey population in the national herd to 30%

• Maintain a positive genetics trend on all traits

• Continuously strive for the genetics improvement of the Australian Jersey Cow

• Provide support and encouragement to domestic and international market growth opportunities.

• Build on the foundation of the “Jersey’s Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow” Project to drive our breed promotion and marketing direction and opportunities.

• Host the Jersey 2050 Forum to ensure, set and maintain the breed direction as the cow of the present and the future.

• Establishing the Jersey Milk Pool to increase the value of farm gate returns, support membership growth opportunities and provide an additional source of revenue for JA.

• Established relationship to seek to implement a Jersey Beef option for surplus calves to provide a viable market option for members and additional returns for JA

• Jersey%oftheNationalherdasreportedbytheNationalStatsshowed a slight increase to 15.2% of the herd. This is up from 11% in 2003/04

• Established the World Dairy Expo site to drive semen sales in the Nth American market.

• Attended the Lahore International Dairy Expo with HRM Dairies and Genetics Australia

• The Jersey Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow Project had great international recognition.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

For the 2023/24 year, we will aim to achieve the following.

Objective KPI Target

Maintain and Grow the Association relevance

• Maintain the trend of an increase in memberships.

• Ensure every member is registering every calf every year.

• We ensure every Jersey breeder regardless of their breeding objective are welcomed and supported by the Association

How do we achieve these KPI’s

• Continue Association engagement of the Field Officer

• Continue to explore opportunities to value add on services to existing members and attract new members.

• Seek funding to undertake a review on the value proposition of registering cows.

• Support export opportunities to grow markets and value for high quality registered jerseys, semen and embryos.

Provide Strong Governance and Leadership

• A strong stable Board with a key focus on strategy

• Key supportive sub-committees to provide the Board informed review, consideration and recommendations on key issues, rules, and policy.

• Continue our program of Board improvement with governance and leadership training.

• Encourage current Board members and members to apply for industry supported leadership development programs.

• Review our organisational structures and enshrine a critical governance linkage between JA and our Breeder Clubs across Australia

• Actively engage in industry and stakeholder events

• Drive and support a national focussed all breeds youth program

Enhance and Grow Members Services

• Achieve an active milk pool of at least 50 million litres per annum.

• Re-established Jersey Marketing Services P/L as an active trading entity.

• Continue to work to provide a Jersey Milk pool to delivered enhanced farm gate return for Jersey Milk

• Continue to investigate a route to market for Jersey Beef as a sustainable market for members surplus calves.

Financial Stability

• Maintain strong member services level with a key objective to increase registrations and classifications.

• Deliver member services at cost or better.

• Aim to deliver a reported operational profit without reliance on investments and export heifer.

• Continue to strive to ensure all members are registering and classifying year on year.

• Grow new memberships and registrations and services to new members through a proactive engagement of the field officer across Australia.

• Maintain a tight control on expenses

Maintain and Grow the Jersey Breed

• Increase the Jersey population in the national herd to 30%

• Maintain a positive genetics trend on all traits.

• Continue scientific research to validate our vision “jersey is Best”

• Continuously strive for the genetics improvement of the Australian Jersey Cow

• Provide support and encouragement to domestic and international market growth opportunities.

• Build on the foundation of the “Jersey’s Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow” Project to drive our breed promotion and marketing direction and opportunities.

• Host the Jersey 2050 Forum to ensure, set and maintain the breed direction as the cow of the present and the future.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

General Managers Report


After several years of COVID impacts on our services and events, it was pleasing to put these matters behind us and aim to return to what was our normal level of activity across the country. It was pleasing to be out amongst the membership at a number of events.

There is no doubt that Covid-19 has changed people’s habits and expectations following several years of COVID impacts and we will need to consider this further in the events and activities that we aim to run or be involved with moving forward.

We have seen a year of strong service demand, enhanced global promotional opportunities and most exciting strong member growth which bodes well for the Association and Breed.


Delivering the services, we do would be impossible without out the Associations staff both in the office and in the field. Our staff are dedicated and work tirelessly to deliver the services you require and support member events and activities throughout the year. My thanks to Pete, Rosie, Doris and Jenny in the office. I also acknowledge the retirements of Jenny Hunter after 18 years and Doris Gauci with 4 years with the Association. We wish both Jenny and Doris the very best in their respective retirements.

With record bookings our class team has performed under significant pressure to ensure all classification needs both for member and industry are delivered. Our class team is led by our Senior Classifiers Les Bennett, Reece Attenborough and Jamie Drury who provide a highly professional service and I acknowledge the pressure they work under across the country while managing their personal business needs at home.

In 2022 Jersey Australia took the significant step and investment in engaging a Field Officer and this role has played a significant role in driving our

membership and increased service delivery The role has created many opportunities across the country and delivered much value to the Association.


It has been an exceptionally busy year with services across Australia. Registrations were up 70% to 12,471 units. We had 5 full herd establishment and a couple of major catch-up herds throughout the year driving these numbers.

Total Cow Registrations

Across both the Autumn and Spring tours classification bookings exceeded 9000 cows for the first time in many years leading to 5811 cows receiving their initial or upgraded class score.

Total Class

Export numbers were down once again with the China market retracting after several strong years. The Association has been working hard to expand the international markets for heifers to both manage market risk of being too reliant on China as well as seeking greater returns for breeders for heifers.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
8,212 7,319 12,471
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 5,927 6,392 5,811
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Export Heifers

Australian Jerseys in North America as well as attending the Lahore International Dairy Expo in Pakistan and follow on farmer and industry presentations. It was exciting to be involved in both these programs on behalf of the

Industry Engagement

The Association has a strong engagement within the industry, we are representing both the Breed and other Breed Associations on the DataGene Genetics and Data & Services Standing Committee, were strongly represented at the Herd 23 Conference and Ginfo Forum, completed our involvement in the Dairy Australia South Coast Calf Ways Project

The Association also hosted the World Jersey Cattle Bureau Online Conference which attracted attendees from many countries on key topics of Global Data Sharing, Gene Editing, Social Licence and the Jersey Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow Project.

Global Promotions

World Dairy Expo was a key initiative of Jersey Australia to drive the market opportunities for

Association and members

Throughout the year we also engaged with representatives from South Africa, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China to support and grow export opportunities. The increased activity bodes well for jersey breeders in Australia to expand export opportunities.

I take this opportunity to thank our Members and Board for your ongoing support and encouragement. It is very much appreciated.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Australian Jerseys. Dairy's Finest Cow
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Treasurers Report

When setting the budget for the 2022/23 financial year, the Board took the risky position to budget for, and investment into the future of the Association by making a commitment to engage and support a Field Officer to drive memberships and services. This investment led to the Board approving a substantial budgeted loss for the year, it was a considered investment into the longerterm viability of the Association.

It is pleasing to report that the Association while still finishing the year with a loss, that the loss was far less significant than what was budgeted for.

Our investments provide the foundation of our financial stability and while our income returns were again strong and within expectations, the overall value of the investments decreased significantly in line with Australian and global economic conditions. Rising interest rates, a looming global recession and the war in eastern Europe were all contributing factors to this decline. Throughout the year, the Association was also required to draw down on the investment to provide the necessary cash flow to the business.

During the year, the Board took the initiative to support global growth opportunities for Australian Jersey genetics with the trade mission to both World Dairy Expo in the USA and Pakistan. These were unbudgeted trips however with the securing of an EMDG grant during the year, we will recoup up to 50% of our unbudgeted expenditure in the coming year.

Export revenues continued to decline and market indicators for our key market of China continue to forecast a softening market for Australian heifers. The Association is working hard to leverage the China centric risk of our export revenue in expanding market opportunities with new and growing opportunities with Indonesia and Pakistan for jersey heifers in the coming year.

Member services, in particular registrations which exceeded budget by 53% were strong for the year which was a positive indicator on the value of the engagement of the Field Officer. Classification and Memberships were relatively static to expectations with transfers well down on expectations.

The Association worked tirelessly throughout the year to reduce and control core expenditure and we managed to reduce our costs where possible.

The Association has set an objective to deliver our member services as cost neutral to ensure we are not relying on investments or revenue to fund service needs. For the coming year we have implemented a new booking fee for class services with a $2.00 per cow fee on booking. A review of our 2022/23 year identified 40% of cows booked in for classification were either not presented or did not move score. This equates to nearly 3000 cows for the year with a cost to provide the service to these cows being close to $20,000 per annum. The new fee will not cover all costs associated with assessing cows who are not moved from their current score but will be a reasonable contribution to covering the cost with providing the class assessment to these cows. The Association does expect to see a reduced number of cows booked for class but an overall increase in the percentage of cows receiving a higher final score leading to reduced costs but an improved return on the cost to deliver classification services.

Overall, the Association reported a loss of$185,573 against a budgeted loss of -$132,287. Taking into consideration the overall negative performance of our investment and unbudgeted costs for trade mission, the Association financial performance for the year while unacceptable was far better than expected at an operational level which gives us confidence, that we are achieving improvements in the things we can control.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Key Revenue Trends

Australian Jerseys. Dairy's Finest Cow

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Jamie Drury Treasurer
-$100,000 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 Member Services Exports Industry Services InvestmentsIncome Investments Growth Grants Other Revenues
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Genetics and Breed Development

As I reflect across the year and the keynote achievements for the Breed, it is somewhat challenging to consider what to write when our most significant achievement is ongoing stability and strength of the Breed. This does not suggest that the Association has been inactive in genetic and Breed improvement.

The Australian Jersey is the world’s best jersey, and we continue to see strong growth and demand both domestically and globally for our world leading genetics. At home we see Jerseys achieving a slight increase in the % of Jerseys as part of the National herd as per the National Stats, strong sales results for registered jerseys continue demonstrating the value proposition for registered jerseys and with strong cohort of bulls entering local AI programs and to an expanding number of AI companies.

International demand for Australian jersey genetic is high and growing. This creates great confidence in the

Our classification team has delivered another big year across Australia with strong bookings received continuing trends of recent years of increase service requirements. Class results have been positive with stable trends on traits, demonstrated improvement in key areas of focus by the class team and tighter correlations between linear and bottom-line scores ensuring our class systems remains strong and valuable part of the services Jersey Australia provides.

Across the year we have seen strong usage and reference to the Jersey Most Profitable and Sustainable Cow Project completed by the Association in 2021/22 proving the value of our investment in demonstrating the value of the Australian and global jersey. The report was well referenced during the General Managers visit to Pakistan and meeting with Indonesian industry representatives and Dr Steve Little provided the keynote address at the Jersey NZ AGM and conference.

breeding programs set by you the member is guiding the Australian jersey in the right direction and I congratulate you all for the collective effort you have all made.

As we look forward to the year ahead, we will in partnership with our members and breeders help shape the ongoing direction of the Jersey breed with the next National Breeding Objective. Expanding research is starting to validate some of the findings in the Jersey Most Profitable Cow project on how biological variations between breeds of dairy cows has varying effects on key traits demonstrating a greater need to ensure our ABV’s are fit for purpose at a breed level. Your involvement in setting farmer objectives will be critical and I encourage you all to participate in this process.

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Wayne Kuhne Genetics and Breed Development Sub-Committee Australian Jerseys. Dairy's Finest Cow

Promotions and Marketing

It was another solid year in the promotion of our wonderful Australian Jersey cow, with the Australian Jerseys kicking goals here and abroad.

Across the globe, the Australian jersey are in hot demand and Jersey Australia has been proactive in supporting marketing initiatives to grow export opportunities for Dairy’s Finest Cow the Australian Jersey. In October 2022 Jersey Australia led an initiative to have a trade display at World Dairy Expo in the USA and with the support of Genetics Australia, Agri-Gene, and Central Sires and in the spirit of supporting our wider industry, Holstein Australia also participated in the trade display. It was also great to see several members travelling with the group and assisting with the display. We also thank the National Herd Improvement Association for their sponsorship support covering the cost of the trade site.

In January, our GM Glen Barrett travelled to Pakistan to attend the Lahore International Dairy Expo and a few

The Jersey Australia AGM & Conference hosted by Tasmanian branch which included the Dairy’s Finest Sale was quite a successful event that saw members enjoy some great Tasmanian experiences including hunting for Truffles (as well as trying the produce of our hard labour) and stud visits including Merseybank, and Craiglawn jerseys.

A successful sale average of $5400 and a top of $9000 was achieved for the dairy’s finest sale, and we thank all vendors and purchasers for their support of the sale. Special thanks to Robert Anderson for his management of the sale and to our sponsors for their support

The Australia Jersey Journal and annual Calendar continues to be an important part of the

arrival of a shipment of Australian heifers in December 2022 and the 4th shipment of Australian semen. Pakistan is a significant expanding market for both heifers and semen in the export of Australian genetics.

Our global opportunities will be greatly enhanced with the Agricultural and Trade Market Access grant we have been awarded. This grant will support the development of resources and material to grow an enhance markets as well has future in country market visit opportunities over the next 12months.


promotional program. operated with a good subscription and support from members in advertisements. We thank everyone who placed an advertisement during the year and encourage all members to support these publications with advertisements. Your ongoing support is critical to ensuring these publications are retained as we know them. If 20% of our members took out 1 add per year it would grow and enhance the journal and enable us to continue to deliver the journal as a bimonthly printed publication and invest more in editorial content.

International Dairy week was again the major domestic promotional event on the calendar, and it was pleasing to see so many members at the event. It was fantastic to meet new members who

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

have joined recently and even better still great to have a few new member application forms filled out at IDW. The Jersey Milk Coffees continues to grow as an integral part of our week and the Wednesday morning donut and coffee run is ever popular and welcomed by members in the rush to prepare their cows for the day’s competition ahead. Across the week we raised nearly $250.00 with this year’s charity.

Also, during this year, the photographic competition was rested due to a decline in interest but this year we welcome back the ALLAUSTRALIAN photo comp and I urge all those with photos to check out the entry requirements and get your entries in!

In the promotion space there is always something happening across the country and we at Jersey Australia were very pleased that through the Jersey Australia Community Grants Fund were able to provide sponsorship and support throughout the year to the following events:

• The Central Gippsland Fair

• The NSW State Show

• Gatton Show and Youth Event

• Andrew Ruston – Murray Dairy tour to the USA

• Malanda All Breeds Youth Camp

• Gippsland Dairy Youth All Breeds Show

This year the charity selected to receive these funds was Rural Aid. We thank everyone for their support and generosity to this charity. We also congratulate all those who exhibited on what was a great quality of show.

The year also saw a major change to our On Farm Challenge sponsors. We sincerely thank our valued long term Sponsor partners Semex for their support and warmly welcome our new sponsors ST Genetics. We were able to run a fabulously successful Great Northern Challenge, but due to flooding and circumstance in the southern region the hard call was made to postpone and then eventually cancel the great Southern challenge. While disappointing we look forward to the competition running this year with great success!

In the end it can be seen as a very successful promotional year, and I thank all members who help promote our awesome breed. Whether it is exhibiting at local shows, field days, open herds, or just producing great quality products from your herd the word of mouth about our great Australian Jersey is reaching all corners of the globe!

I would also like to extend my thanks to the committee: Glen and Peter from the office, Geoff Akers, Brian Wilson, Hayley Boyd, and Daniel Bacon.

Many thanks to all and may the next season bring grass, good health, and happiness to all.

Australian Jerseys. Dairy's Finest Cow

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report

Thank you to our sponsors and supporters

Across the year we have many valued sponosrs and supporters of our events and we take this opportunity to thank them for their ongoign support to the Associaiton.

Genetics Australia Co-Op

Animal Mineral Solutions

St Genetics Australia



Central Sires Co-Op

Quadrant Farming Solutions

Zoetis Australia

Tas Herd

Neogen Australia

2023 Jersey Australia Annual Report
Jersey Australia Inc. 5 Ring Road BUNDOORA VIC 3083 Profit & Loss Statement of Expenses March 2022 To February 2023 2022/23 2021/22 Income Memberships $94,858.18 $88,084.91 Registrations $154,360.59 $96,310.73 Classification $60,194.27 $65,864.80 Transfers $29,861.58 $23,864.17 Other Member Services $27,255.80 $24,111.98 Export $65,225.15 $73,786.92 LTE $5,185.82 $3,230.00 Ginfo $26,946.00 $22,932.00 Jersey Journal $35,530.20 $41,323.65 Jersey Calendar $8,610.00 $6,150.00 Trade Mission Contributions $28,817.81 $0.00 Bank interest $157.60 $16.98 Recoverable Items $3,559.38 $508.09 Sundry Other Income ($139.42) $51,150.32 JA Investment Income $44,628.58 $49,469.91 JA Youth Fund $2,284.20 $2,682.31 JA Research Fund $5,153.24 $4,022.22 Total Income $592,488.98 $553,508.99 Expenses DB Set up & Improvements $0.00 $495.00 Monthly Licence Fee $24,342.60 $22,496.00 Registrations $1,442.00 $148.00 Classifier Expenses $62,499.62 $55,396.06 Other Member Services $12,635.27 $21,999.99 Export $1,800.00 $1,327.27 LTE $4,809.92 $2,740.49 Ginfo $24,869.43 $19,454.93 Journal $39,199.72 $48,873.24 Calendar $2,623.50 $3,231.00 Office Expenses $30,994.37 $30,961.54 Depreciation $7,372.80 $8,824.38 Utilities $6,503.55 $6,662.02 Professional Services $7,500.04 $10,822.45 Insurances $13,413.00 $11,519.22 Office Supplies and Expenses $9,903.31 $12,687.28 Bank Charges $927.93 $428.36 Bad and Doubtful Debts $0.00 $2,795.00 Merchant Fees $162.04 $148.24 MyNorth Fund#1 Fees $5,326.29 $13,951.83 MyNorth#2 $1,081.49 $1,471.35 MyNorth Youth Fund Fees $226.62 $236.48 MyNorth Research Fund Fees $183.48 $226.75 Employment Expenses $281,393.69 $263,722.24 Staff Travel Expenses $16,755.89 $4,789.80 Board - Honorariums $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Board - Develop & Training $3,600.00 $0.00 Board Meeting Costs $9,993.04 $3,846.95 Annual Meeting Expense $6,485.84 $11,290.32 Governance Expense $484.30 $464.20 New Business Development $0.00 $7,640.00 Subscription - MYOB $726.30 $934.56 Subscription - WJCB $884.33 $953.87 Subscription - NHIA $1,110.52 $1,066.35 Computer Hardware $803.64 $0.00 Computer Software $2,292.82 $853.92 Computer Consulting $10,625.88 $9,625.46 Administration Support $3,000.00 $6,000.00 Sponsorship - Events $0.00 $963.64 Youth Event $2,093.72 $0.00 JA Community Grants Fund $3,350.00 $0.00 Advertising $4,199.41 $3,225.45 Consultants $490.00 $3,375.00 Marketing & Promotion Material $2,478.35 $4,672.72 Merchandise $1,615.50 $2,329.96 Website Expenses $1,076.22 $1,696.35 AGM Expenses $17,527.91 $0.00 International Dairy Week $8,797.18 $10,463.66 Udder Scanning $500.00 $600.00 On Farm Challenge $627.01 $0.00 TM Expenses $63,278.27 $0.00 Jersey Most Profitable Cow $1,050.00 $42,000.00 Genomic Testing Project $746.06 $1,350.00 Total Expenses $706,802.86 $661,761.33 Operating Profit / Loss ($114,313.88) ($108,252.34) Other Income Investments Unrealised Gains/(Losses) ($71,424.50) $32,209.95 Net Profit/(Loss) ($185,738.38) ($76,042.39)

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