News J&J Agosto Inglés

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Successful Experiences of fitting of Astigmatism in Latin America

The importance of Dr. Nelson Merchán Professional Issues Manager Johnson & Johnson Vision Care South America

updating data

for the First-Class community

In this new edition of the interactive News, we want to remind you that personal data included in the registration form to the program must be valid, especially the email address you use regularly, so you can answer our follow-up surveys.

Educational trends

Educational Materials and the Support of the Specialized Examination of Soft Contact Lenses


of Disposable Contact Lenses

Dr. Adrian González, desde México D.F.

Benefits In Box

Out of the 100 percent of the database of the First-Class community, we used to have a response rate of 75% to emails sent, and now it has dropped to a poor 25% because the e-mails are outdated or are no longer opened by the recipient. We have even received reports of some emails that have been opened and left unread. Our concern is that we are entering a new digital age which provides benefits for all of us, such as sending the Pan-American Journal of Contact Lenses in digital media, the Interactive News, opinion surveys, birthday cards, educational materials and articles and a number of other materials, which we need to be received by our registered members to give us feedback of their impressions. Part of the commitment we make when you register as an active member of the First Class community is to receive our regular communications and answer them. In the middle of the digital age and educational innovation, we motivate and inform you, but it is mandatory that you as a reader, fitter and member of First Class community allow us to do so by providing us with your feedback. Let this be a special invitation to you; please contact your sales representative for Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, or write to our e-mail Help us do our jobs better, trying to be your best allies!


Successful experiences of fitting of astigmatism in Latin America Vision, comfort and lifestyle, are the guaranteed promise that we, the fitters in Latin America, are offering our users of toric contact lenses with accelerated stabilization design. Patients with astigmatism are happy with their current vision correction in soft lenses because they have overcome the barriers of other technologies and past eras of conventional contact lenses. Indicators of growth in sales of soft toric contact lenses with DEA, along with the days that The Vision Care InstituteTM and the work that the delegates from each country offices are developing, have made it likely for the current fitters to understand that even if the astigmatism suffered by a patient is low, it is possible to correct it by offering them a healthy and safe option that protects their eyes and vision. Astigmatism is no longer an unattainable challenge; on the contrary, it has become the working tool of current fitters. . The risk was taken and accepted by the First Class community, and, in fact, the elimination of spherical equivalent has become a success. Dr. Nelson Merchán Professional Issues Manager Johnson & Johnson Vision Care South America

The patients with astigmatism have found an excellent source of correction in the accelerated stabilization design in the Latin market. In fact, it has become the first and almost the only option for success in fitting patients with astigmatism due to its advantages of rotational stability, which is not dependent on the forces of gravity, ensuring comfort in difficult sight positions especially, with an outstanding lens which has properties of high oxygen flow to the eye, UV filter, low level of stiffness and low water content: the senofilcon A. This is an informal invitation, but concrete and direct, so that as responsible and modern fitters, we open the door to the development of new technologies and - specific alliances-in the educational field, and marketing and sales of multinational companies – let’s be true and sincere partners. Let’s toast every day for better opportunities and end-user benefits, for surely our profits and awards will be multiplied, with professionalism and with the help of those who are commanding and addressing the total process with ethics and social responsibility. Be welcome and encouraged by the modern era of contact lens! Congratulations on accepting the challenge of defeating the spherical equivalent correction of astigmatism and taking accelerated stabilization design as the main tool to correct astigmatism. Best Regards,

Nelson L. Merchán

Educational trends Educational materials and the support of the specialized examination of soft contact lenses. The importance of active and ongoing education of health professionals in the Latin American business has made health and pharmaceutical contact lens laboratories invest millions in developing areas of modern materials, useful tools at work that have really added value to teaching, training and encouraging changes in our culture. Among other factors, this phenomenon arises when administrative trends, mostly from the East, seek the expertise of human resources, empowerment of their job as health professionals, the comparative advantages and responsibilities among members of a profession or job, the best quality service possible and the real customer satisfaction. Conditions that have clearly and strongly been introduced in the field of eye care can today be shared with pride by The Vision Care InstituteTM Bogota, where we have developed eleven useful educational materials to the proactive fitting of disposable soft contact lenses, and an equal number of News, with interesting insights, interviews and comparisons of successful exercises in the region. Likewise, we have offered a number of classes, workshops and trainings that we have been able to advice and guide in search of a culture of proactive fitting of disposable soft contact lenses, seen not as a correction option, but as a complementary tool for glasses for all correction cases. It is important that each of us make an inventory of these materials, ensure they are where they belong (the cabinet or office), and whether or not they are being used as a service and added value of our contact lenses specialized examination. The First Class fitter has understood this message and gives the correct use of these materials and recognizes his or her examination as different, at a more scientific level, and above all, useful for education of the user, key to their return and a new fitting. Ask your sales representative for the total list of educational materials provided by the community of The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class, which are excellent tools for collecting and using information with all potential and new users of disposable soft contact lenses.

Speaking professionally, what characterizes a proactive and aggressive fitter? The main feature is to lose the fear of fitting. The important thing is to fit lenses, give the patient another option besides the frame and do not hinder the motivation of anyone willing to wear contact lenses. While the eye care professional is responsible for prescribing for patients, their team should use the same language and be perfectly aligned to identify new users and refitting dissatisfied patients. When should we see refitting as an option and when shouldn’t we? In one occasion, I heard from an eye care expert that the secret is “to ensure the safe use of contact lenses according to the lifestyle of each patient.” To achieve this it is necessary to monitor and measure the level of satisfaction and functionality. Proper communication between the specialist and patients may provide the information to know if it is necessary to refit with new material or pattern of use, or simply continue with the same type of lens being used. What aspects of the cornea and the eye must be respected for a refitting with soft lenses? We must respect and care for the physiological aspect, assessed by the transparency, oxygen and lubrication of the eye. Before any refitting or fitting we have to look very carefully atl what the condition of the eye is, whether there is any sign that prevents refitting, such as edema,papilla, or secretion, among others.

The opinions expressed in articles reflect solely the viewpoint of their authors, and not necessarily the views and policies of The Vision Care InstituteTM.

How is a standard eye exam protocol for refitting? Initially the patient is asked to wear contact lenses for at least 24 hours. This allows us to work with the eye in a normal state, perform a refraction and subjective AV keratometry exam. We perfectly check the annexes (eyelids, eyelashes, glands, conjunctiva), to ensure that everything is normal and if not, we treat the patient to return these structures to normal conditions. Check the condition of the cornea, analyzing if it keeps its transparency, its totality, if there is neovascularization or erosion, or if you have any stippling, foreign bodies, etc.. Evaluate the handling and cleaning mechanism for the user and if necessary, correct or modify some of their habits. Finally, remind the patient all indications of wear and replacement time. How to deal with post-refractive surgery? What is the advantage of disposable soft contact lens? It is very important to examine the patient to know their status. We note that a large proportion of users of refractive surgery are more sensitive. For that reason, it is advisable to drive a silicone hydrogel lens with low water content and in turn a DK / T high and additional wetting agent; so that we can provide protection and comfort. Does a dry eye condition prevent a user from wearing contact lenses? If the scenario is a true dry eye, condition, surely it must be handled in conjunction with ocular lubricants and medications that promote epithelial repair, but for mild or moderate degrees of dry eyes, it is not a condition that prevents someone from wearing contact lenses.

From Mexico D.F. with Dr. Adrian González

Are old contact lens users potential users of disposable soft contact lenses? Sure. It is clear that the main issue is due to “discomfort” as the main trigger for quitting the lenses and generating low vision (AV), especially in those patients with astigmatism who were not properly corrected. I think it is an excellent opportunity to rescue those patients who stopped using contact lenses for reasons of “discomfort or poor vision.”

Refitting with disposable soft contact lenses

Face to Face

Our International visitors

Benefits for Members de

Chile Group, May 30th and 31st

at The Vision Care 1 Course InstituteTM in Latin America The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will attend a course to experience the facilities at The Vision Care InstituteTM in Bogotรก and Puerto Rico. The studiylan is a perfect balance between continuous knowledge in contact lenses and company abilities topics.

2 Argentina Group, June 9th and 10th

National and Local Meetings

The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member has the opportunity to go again to the local Meetings at The Vision Care InstituteTM . The answer to new contacts and businesses among members are these local meetings at The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class in each country, at no cost, as well as the rest of the activities of this program.


Three- Monthly News


Exclusive Educational Materials

The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will receive an exclusive News Bulletin with all the most important events and news about Contact Lenses and short and interesting comments about the latest news in the field. There will also appear Interviews with the most experienced visual health professionals on important topics.

Argentina Group, June 9th and 10th

The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will periodically receive the most relevant printed material for his or her practice. Scales useful for diagnostic and treatment, new tools, useful advice, anamnesis special forms, patient orientation, trading tools and more.

Mexico Group June 30th and July 1st


Magazine Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto

The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will receive periodically the Magazine Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto, which contains important scientific advances, exclusive information on the visual health union and specialized articles on a great variety of topics related to Contact Lenses.

6 Web/Blogs Community

Colombia Group, July 11th and 12th

The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class members will have exclusive access to our webpage, where they will find diverse tools to complement their professional development such as a forum, blogs, news, galleries, professional profiles and online videos.

In Box

William Tonkin Optical eye care Chile

I am once again grateful for your invitation to participate in The Vision Care InstituteTM Bogotå. It is a very pleasant experience and I can see how each year is better than the previous one. The topics were very interesting and allowed us to realize what things we should definitely review or learn. I really like the way they’re deepening into clinical issues, in fact, I promised to share a case of fitting. I congratulate all the enthusiasm they show. A hug for everyone.

Marcela Esquivel Optical eye care Rosario, Argentina

I sincerely appreciate the beautiful and instructive course we were fortunate to perform. Finding so much professionalism, so many great moments in a magical place like Colombia, it was actually very exciting. I am deeply grateful and hope to continue together joining hands with The Vision Care InstituteTM to complement my knowledge and pass on all the knowledge acquired to my patients. Regards and hope to see you soon!

Revista Panamericana

de Lentes de Contacto

The latest edition of the Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto (RPALC) has been published. The following are some insights into its articles. Soft contact lenses in keratoconus: a review (Part 1) The Keratoconus as a corneal degenerative process, increase in corneal curvature and a way of correction has always been considered for special care. This article gives an overview of what keratoconus is, its forms, the etiology and the possibilities to correct the use of soft contact lenses according to studies done in the past thirty years.

Reference marks on contact lenses for astigmatism. What is the correct position? Soft contact lenses fitting for astigmatism is usually an issue that may give the impression of difficulty or confusion, especially when the lens has some rotation.

Daily disposable lenses: healthy eyes, comfortable patients, users who do not quit. Observing the progression of ocular complications associated with the use of contact lenses throughout history has given us certain prestige in the use of this excellent form of correction. It is necessary to indicate guidelines, data, and especially to take the discussion to the level it deserves. The need and desire of our patients for wearing contact lenses are indisputable. Go to to participate and update on new technologies, and take the opportunity to discuss common cases. Send comments or post articles to the editorial board of the Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto (RPALC) submision@

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