J u ly- S e p t e m b e r e d i t i o n , 2 0 1 2
Development of frequentreplacement soft contact lenses :
ยกA challenge!
Presentation Dr. Nelson Merchรกn Professional Matters Manager Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Central and South America
New patients
And happy wearers.
All over Latin America contact lenses fitting has become a regular task for eye care professionals are who building a new culture of optical correction through this profession, along with the prescription of aerial or ophthalmic lenses, to strengthen the dual use theory (corrective glasses and contact lenses), as a complementary, rather than independent alternative. Blogs on the website
This task has required ongoing awareness with fitter and contact lenses professionals to ensure they prescribe both corrections proactively at their office, as well as prescribe them to all of their ametropic patients regularly and without discrimination. We should be aware that the principal barrier in this dual use correction market is the eye care professional who always determines the basic correction, however forgets that the wearers are looking for more answers and opportunities. Comfort and use of alternative corrections research has shown that dual use results in a higher number of happy wearers and generates additional purchases, such as sunglasses, and develops patients who show purchase and user loyalty.
The Vision Care InstituteTM for happy professionals and wearers
From the United States with Jรถrg Albrecht
It is important to mention that in the Latin American region the number of new contact lenses wearers is growing more rapidly than in more industrialized regions. This analysis leads us to believe that those industrialized regions have reached the maximum number of new wearers, and as a consequence they are working on generating innovation and higher quality for the same number of patients. Meanwhile, we, in the Latin American regions, are just discovering this type of non-corrected patients, and we are turning to dual use in a safe way. Therefore, we have great growth possibilities.
Benefits In Box
Key to proactivity is born inside each one of us as well as ethical, responsible and always positive daily behavior.
Development of frequent- replacement soft contact lenses :
¡A challenge!
Dr. Nelson Merchán Professional Matters Manager Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Central and South America
When an eye care professional analyzes his business unit and checks the sale of optical supplies, he or she generally wants to generate new growth in the number of patients and generate an increase in the cost of the glasses they may purchase. However, the professional often leaves aside the opportunity of prescribing contact lenses as a key to growth when it is done in a strategic and intelligent way. I think it is appropriate, in this issue, to remark about five possible reasons that prove that frequent-replacement soft contact lenses provide eye care professionals with a great opportunity, in both medium and long terms, if they get customer loyalty by offering excellent human and professional care. Five proofs of this hypothesis 1. Contact lenses are a complement to glasses. It is a rule of modern optometry: Every corrective glasses wearer should also wear contact lenses as a complement for his or her lifestyle. Contact lenses have become a mandatory test, which requires a deep analysis in each individual case, and post-tests that will determine their permanent use according to the professional’s criterion. 2. Glasses wearers spend 28% more in glasses. Campaign such as “The Winning Combination,” in which the patient is fitted with test soft contact lenses with their prescription, so they may choose the frame of their ophthalmic lenses have shown that the patient chooses with better criterion and invests more on their purchase. This means, they get better quality frames, and as a consequence, they are more expensive
3. Loyal wearers have a 2.5 higher tendency to come back to the professional office. When the service is provided with a high level of professionalism and social responsibility, meaning with technology, academic updating, professional pedagogy, which indicates the professional is a real friend, a new patient prefers to come back as many times as they are scheduled. 4. Contact lenses wearers are three times more likely to buy and wear sunglasses. One of the most important characteristics a new contact lenses wearer discovers regarding their new lifestyle is selfconfidence. Therefore, they are more likely to buy sunglasses and accessories to make them feel better. 5. The dual systems wearer’s spend three times more on the average ticket in individual purchase. It is very interesting to see how much new wearers of the dual system invest at the office and during their appointment, without complaining about expenses, but significantly appraising the care, service and health opportunities afforded with their new fitter. Current economy speaks about figures generated from intangibles. This means, from the wearer’s perception rather than being generated from the mathematical calculations made at the moment of the appointment. Personal coaching and neuro-linguistic programming mention that the key is to captivate the wearer and motivate them to get the service in order for the figures to grow smoothly and without needing many negotiating tools, but only by offering excellent service. If you get your patient to be a happy wearer, your business will grow!. 1. EMA Purchase Channel Attitude and Behavior Quantitative Study (UK, DE, SE, PO, IT). July 2008.
Blogs on the
website When you access the blogs zone on The Vision Care Institute website, in Bogotá (, you will have self- education by reading, giving comments, having debates and contributing according to andragogy behavior, with our experts help.
It is important to know that... Wikipedia says: “Andragogy consists of learning strategies focused on adults. It is often interpreted as the process of engaging adult learners with the structure of learning experience. It is a science that is developed through practice based on principles of participation and horizontability. Its process, being oriented with synergic characteristics by the learning facilitator, allows increased thinking, self-management, life quality improvement and creativity in the adult participant in order to provide them with an opportunity to reach their full fulfillment.” Its basic principles are:: Participation “Participation is required because the student is not simply a recipient, but is able to interact with their partners, exchanging experiences that help for better understanding of knowledge. This means, the participating student can make decisions along with the other students and interact with them during the performance of a job or a task assigned to them.” Horizontability “ Horizontalibility is shown when both the facilitator and the student have similar qualitative characteristics (adulthood and experience). The difference lays on quantitative characteristics (different development of observable behavior). Flexibility “ It is to understand that adults, due to their formativeeducation knowledge, full of previous experiences and family or financial responsibilities, need learning periods that meet their aptitudes and skills.”
We present some of our bloggers and their development topics: Corneal Topography, step by step
Dra. Yohanna Collante. O.D
Dry eye related to wearing CLDE contact lenses
Dr. Leonardo Orjuela. O.D.
Communicating better
Engineer. Juan Carlos Dpabloz
Old problems, new challenges
Dr. Nelson Merchán. O.D.
Contact lenses in farsighted patients
Dr. Gianfranco Luongo. O.D
Damage due to UV invisible radiation
Dr. Elihú Mexía. O.D
Alternatives in post refractive CX
Dr. Ricardo Pintor. O.D.
New young wearers
Dr. Henry Martínez. O.D.
Therapeutic soft contact lenses: A new correction for astigmatism
Dra. Catalina Baquero. O.D
Tears and contact lenses
Dra. Myriam Mayorga O.D.
Face to Face Dr Jörg Albrecht, PhD. Senior Director The Vision Care InstituteTM de Johnson & Johnson,
¿How do you perceived the cultural change of the final users of CL, after the training centers launches? After attending classes at TVCI, participants report that they are more confident in fitting contact lenses and also more proactive in recommending contact lenses as vision correction option to theirs patients. ¿What is the meaning of “a happy wearer”? To me, a happy contact lens wearer is a satisfied, loyal and compliant wearer. This means, satisfied with his or her contact lenses as the vision correction option that addresses their lifestyle needs, loyal to their eye care professional in valuing his or her professional service in providing for their eye health and compliant in appreciating the value of regular contact lens care or replacement to ensure safe and healthy wear.
¿Which is the near future of this innovative idea? Over the past 8 years, The Vision Care InstituteTM has grown to a global network of 15 facilities with an innovative curriculum and a well respected faculty. As such, TVCI has proven to be an effective concept for supporting eye care professionals in becoming more confident in fitting and more proactive in recommending contact lenses to their patients and customers. Building on this success, we will continue to listen to eye care professionals around the globe and innovate to offer the best programs and tools to further expand their clinical knowledge, their loyal wearer base and their contact lens practice. ¿ Which is your concept of “confident and secure fit”? Increasing the confidence of eye care professionals in fitting contact lenses is a key objective of The Vision Care InstituteTM aimed at enhancing the ability to successfully fit the right contact lenses with a minimum of chair time thus delivering patient satisfaction and ensuring loyal contact lens wearers.
From United States with Jörg Albrecht
¿Which was the expectative of the company with the positioning of these centers? Each location of The Vision Care InstituteTM is dedicated to a market or a set of markets. Therefore, the curriculum at each TVCI is specifically built to best help eye care professionals in this or these markets to successfully provide contact lenses as vision correction option thus enabling more of their patients to wear contact lenses. This aligns with the overall mission of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care to bring Healthy Vision to Everyone, Everywhere, Every Day.
¿Which is the successful key of these training centers? Key to the success of The Vision Care InstituteTM are the purpose build facilities combined with a highly regarded faculty and an innovative curriculum. The hands-on sessions and the in-class peer-to-peer interaction provide a unique educational experience and value that helps attendees to implement the learning in their practice.
The Vision Care InstituteTM
¿Which is the current impact of those TVCI around the world? So far, The Vision Care InstituteTM has provided educational programs to a significant number of the world’s eye care professionals. TVCI has inspired over 70,000 eye care professionals to advance their skills and knowledge through in-person classes, remote learning programs and online communities. Participants highly recommend TVCI to their peers.
for professionals and users happy.
¿When and why born the idea of create an educational and training center for fitter CL professionals? The Vision Care InstituteTM was founded in Jacksonville, FL in 2004 with the purpose of enhancing patient satisfaction through innovative education. Its mission is to be the leading source for continuous learning and information for all eye care provider in order to foster more confident and proactive vision care.
Benefits for Members
Our Visitors
local and international
at The Vision Care 1 Course InstituteTM in Latin America The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will attend a course to experience the facilities at The Vision Care InstituteTM in Bogotรก and Puerto Rico. The studiylan is a perfect balance between continuous knowledge in contact lenses and company abilities topics.
Chile, May 31st and June 1st
National and Local Meetings
The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member has the opportunity to go again to the local Meetings at The Vision Care InstituteTM . The answer to new contacts and businesses among members are these local meetings at The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class in each country, at no cost, as well as the rest of the activities of this program.
Panama, June 13th and 14th
Three- Monthly News
Exclusive Educational Materials
The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will receive an exclusive News Bulletin with all the most important events and news about Contact Lenses and short and interesting comments about the latest news in the field. There will also appear Interviews with the most experienced visual health professionals on important topics.
The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will periodically receive the most relevant printed material for his or her practice. Scales useful for diagnostic and treatment, new tools, useful advice, anamnesis special forms, patient orientation, trading tools and more.
Chile, June 21st and 22nd
Journal Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto
The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class member will receive periodically the Magazine Revista Panamericana de Lentes de Contacto, which contains important scientific advances, exclusive information on the visual health union and specialized articles on a great variety of topics related to Contact Lenses.
6 Web/Blogs Community
The Vision Care InstituteTM First Class members will have exclusive access to our webpage, where they will find diverse tools to complement their professional development such as a forum, blogs, news, galleries, professional profiles and online videos.
Argentina, June 25th to 27th
Register on THE VISION CARE INSTITUTE™ Community Take advantage of this new benefit, the community of friends
Forum with topics to discuss and photos of all the groups that have attended The Vision Care InstituteTM
Direct access to blogs. LINKS
Perfiles Members Directory.
Surveys FOROS Forum to access topics of interest and photos of new visitors.
Free thematic about proactivity. Those results will help to know our practice better.
Blogs Thematic blogs of prominent authors where your doubts and opinions are very important.
Links Links to: Magazines and educational material to be downloaded and printed.
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In Box Olga Sandoval Optometrist Panama Hello dear friends. I got home.. Thanks for all your care and trust. It was a great meeting that has impacted my life, and I am sure it impacted the lives of everyone whowere lucky enough to be invited. So let’s work. I will take the vision of The Vision Care InstituteTM. We will team up and generate positive changes... God bless you greatly...
María Gracia Castro Optometrist Venezuela Friends and professors at The Vision Care InstituteTM, with great enthusiasm I write this comment to thank you for the care and academic support you gave us in the fourth phase in Bogota. Now we feel like directors and stars of this beautiful profession of optometry. You have made us united with a lot of professionalism. Thank you for the Oscar award, it was very shiny in the training given. Being directors and stars is due to the support you give us on a daily basis. It was a pleasure to walk on the red carpet. There are so many people I would like to thank, but in order not to forget someone, I would like to thank the staff of The Vision Care InstituteTM I am proud of being part of this great project of The Vision Care InstituteTM Johnson & Johnson.