Title:- Classy & Luscious Southern Green Tomatoes Recipe – Know Here

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Take Green Tomatoes to the Next Level Preparing Delicious yet Easy Fried Green Tomatoes

Who hasn’t seen the movie? Fannie Flagg started by writing a novel about the little café her great-aunt Bess owned in Irondale, Alabama. The title “Fried Green Tomatoes at the WhistleStop Cafe’ made the name known around the world. Many people have never tired frying green tomatoes; they are known being served in fancy restaurants and hometown cafes alike. October is the perfect time to pick those tomatoes while they are still green. The first frost is around the corner! The best tomatoes for frying are firm and green, any red spots and they won’t do as well. Ingredients needed for fried Green tomatoes       

Fresh Green Tomatoes Salt Pepper Eggs beated with small amount of water Yellow Cornmeal Panko crumbs Paprika(optional)

Instructions   

Liberally season green tomato slices with salt and pepper on both sides Add flour and eggs to two separate small bowls. Combine cornmeal, panko crumbs and paprika into another small bowl and whisk together.

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Being by dipping each seasoned tomato slice into flour coating on both sides. Next add floured tomato slice to eggs coating on both sides. Lastly dip into cornmeal and crumb mixture and set aside finished slice on baking sheet. Repeat dredging process, starting with flour, until all slices are coated. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium high heat Fry tomato slices on both sides until golden brown and drain on paper towels Serve warm

Some things were meant to be fried. Okay, most everything was meant to be fried but green tomatoes are near the top of the list. Now if you really want to take your fried green tomatoes to the nest level, Follow Grandbaby Cakes’ easy but delicious recipe for fried green tomatoes. It explains each step of the recipe very clearly and also in a chronological order. For more such recipes do follow Grandbaby Cakes. CONTACT US…….. dparker@apa-agency.com dparker@apa-agency.com kelly@alaketpr.com info@jdelkadams.com htps://grandbaby-cakes.com/

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