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All About Pound Cake You Want to Know
As the national pound cake day is arriving soon; it seems like a great week to be cherished with this longtime favorite dessert. The pound cake is just like its name sounds – a buttery cake that is traditionally made with a pound of each of its four main ingredients: flour, eggs, butter and sugar. Even though they may sometimes be made with smaller quantities of the key ingredients, you can call any cake made with that 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 ratio of egg, butter, sugar and flour a pound cake. From there, the rules for pound cake vary. Some pound cakes are backed in big Bundt pans, others in smaller loaf pans.
Some pound cakes are served with an icing or sweet glaze, some have nuts, chocolate or fruits inside, and still others are just straight-ahead naked pound cakes with no added ingredients or embellishments.
Tried and True:
People have been baking pound cake for hundreds of years, the recipe dating back to the early eighteenth century. There was even a pound cake recipe in the very first American Cookbook, American Cookery published in 1796.
Pound Cake Recipes Internationally Madeira cake is the British equivalent of pound cake, made with a bit of fruit at the bottom. The name is misleading; it doesn’t contain Madeira wine, but is often served with liqueur or tea. French pound cake is called quatre-quarts (four quarters) with equal weighs of each of the four principal ingredients. Mexican pound cake is called Panque and is much like American pound cake but with added nuts or raisins. In Venezuela and Colombia, it is called Ponque, and takes the form of a wine-drenched pound cake with a cream or sugar coating.
Are you ready to take on a pound cake project for yourself? Follow the guidelines shared at www.grandbaby-cakes.com Subscribe today and receive a free dessert e-book and weekly recipes on your mail easily from grandbabycakes.com
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