JESS Dubai Applicant Permissions Booklet

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PERMISSIONS BOOKLET Student Name JESS Sibling Name (if applicable)


Jumeirah Primary

AR Primary

AR Secondary

(please circle)

Year Group














(please circle)








We require a recent, passport-size photograph (either Jpeg or a printed photo) of each new pupil and parents new to JESS to enable the creation of printing cards for students and identity badges for parents. I give consent for JESS Dubai to hold the information I have provided with respect to myself or my family and to hold that information in accordance with the school’s data protection policy X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____ Y Pupil’s (Year 11-13) …………………...…………………………………...……………Date _____/_____/20_____


Consent form for School Trips & Other Off-Site Activities

The trips and activities covered by this consent include: • • • • •

All visits which take place during the holidays or on a weekend. Adventure activities at any time. Off-site sporting fixtures and Games during and outside the school day. All off-site activities that take place either during normal curriculum hours or outside the normal school day. This agreement does not include residential trips, either local or overseas. Separate consent will be requested from parents for these trips.

The School will ensure that the following will be in place: • • •

Information about each trip or activity will be published on the Parent Portal and App before it takes place. All school buses used for off-site trips meet RTA regulations. A first-aid kit is taken on all school trips and at least one member of staff qualified to administer first-aid will be present on the trip.

With the exception of residential trips, further, individual written parental consent will NOT be requested for any off-site activities offered by the school. Exceptions to this may be written consents for outside companies organising activities on behalf of the school. • • • • •

I give permission for my son / daughter to participate in all PE and Games lessons, practices or fixtures taking place off site (including at other schools) before, during and after the school day. I give permission for my son / daughter to take part in school trips and other activities that take place off school premises. I accept that it is my responsibility to inform the school if he/she needs to take medication on school trips and I will take this medication to the Health Office no later than 2 days before the trip. If I wish, I can inform the school that I do not want my son / daughter to take part in any particular school trip or activity. I accept that this agreement will apply for the duration that my son / daughter attends JESS.

I give consent for the School Trips and other Off-site Activities (please tick as appropriate) Yes


X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____


Permissions for IT


Online Learning Platform Accounts Parental Agreement Y 1-Y13 The School provides access to a number of Online Learning Platforms which can be accessed both at school and home.

I give consent for my child to use on line accounts provided by the school (please tick Yes


as appropriate)

X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____ b.

Student Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Acceptable Use Agreement Y4-Y13

• •

I understand that bringing a personal digital device to school is a privilege. I agree to use my personal device in a responsible manner and comply with the school rules explained to me. I agree to use my personal device in a responsible manner and comply with the school rules explained to me. I understand that my teacher may request access to view my device. I understand that during school hours my device is to be used only for school work. I understand that the use of my device is subject to the existing ICT Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that I should not record or photograph another person without permission. Should I password protect my device; I will keep my password secret. I will use appropriate language and keep my communication with others positive and respectful. I will not use the device to intimidate, bully or otherwise harass other people. I will report offensive or inappropriate content/images to my teacher in the event that the situation occurs. I will ask a teacher or my parents before I share my personal information (full name, address, phone number, photos) online. I will never attempt to upload or download any unauthorised content. I will respect all copyright and legal laws that apply to purchasing Apps. I must not touch, use or remove another person’s device without the permission of the teacher. I will remain responsible for my device whilst at school and use it after seeking permission from the teacher. I understand that the use of BYOD devices before/after school or during break times is prohibited.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Y Pupil’s Signature …………………………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____ As the parent/legal guardian, • • •

I grant permission for my son/daughter to use his/her personal digital device in school. I understand that he/she will be held accountable for his/her actions. I also accept that the school is not responsible for any damage or loss regarding my son/daughter’s device; should that situation arise.

X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____


Student Office 365 Account Acceptable Use Agreement Y4 to Y13

I understand that having a school Office 365 account is a privilege, which could be taken away from me. Therefore, as a user of the school domain, I agree to comply with the school rules on its use. • • • • • • • •

I will use my school Office 365 account in a responsible manner and observe all the restrictions outlined and explained to me by the school. I understand that my teacher and my parents have access to my Office 365 Account, so that email and other communication can be monitored. I understand that my school Office 365 account is to be used for communicating with teachers or other students, on educational matters only. I understand that I should keep my password private and only share my email address and password with my teachers and parents. I will never access or distribute material by email or another form, which may be considered inappropriate or offensive by others. I will report offensive emails and content to my teacher and parents immediately. I will never attempt to send any malicious code, such as viruses to others. I understand that if I violate any of the terms of this contract then my school Office 365 account will be taken away from me.

Y Pupil’s Signature ……………………………….……………...………..………………Date _____/_____/20_____ As the parent/legal guardian of the pupil signing this form, I have read the guidelines stated above and I grant permission for my son/daughter to use the school Office 365 account. I understand he/she will use the account in an appropriate manner and will be held accountable for his/her actions. X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ……………………………………….…………Date _____/_____/20_____ 3.

Permissions for use of images

Recognition and celebration of our student’s achievements is an important element within JESS and occasionally we may take photographs or video of the children that attend our school. I give permission for (student’s name) to be included in the school marketing and used within school publications, school website and the school social media Yes channels to promote and celebrate a JESS education. (please tick as appropriate)


I understand and agree that my consent will apply to the duration of time that (student’s name) attends Jumeirah English Speaking School and is applicable to both the Jumeirah and Arabian Ranches branches of the school. Please bear in mind that by not giving consent (student name) will be required to step out of photographs and recording of any school related activities or trips. Please note: If your child achieves a newsworthy achievement such as exam or sporting success the school will want to create a press/media release that will be issued to external media such as the Gulf News etc as well as added to the school media channels mentioned above. In this instance, we will ALWAYS seek permissions from the student/parent to use their images BEFORE any press/media release is created. X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature …………………………………………..………Date _____/_____/20_____


Permissions for Travel


Travel to and from School Unaccompanied Y6 - Y13 (if required)

Year 6 – Year 13 pupils who live in the immediate vicinity of the school are permitted to make their own way to and from school unaccompanied. Although we wish to allow pupils this independence, health and safety issues are of paramount importance and the school accepts no responsibility for the children on the journey to or from the school premises. Please note the following: No child will be allowed to travel to and from School unaccompanied without formal written parental consent. Y6 pupils are not permitted to escort younger siblings to and from school. Where Y6 permission has not been granted all pupils must be collected by a parent or guardian. This includes after school clubs and sporting fixtures. Pupils should arrive no earlier than the opening times of the school gates.

• • • • •

Formal consent to travel to and from School unaccompanied I confirm that my son/daughter lives in the immediate vicinity of the school. I would like my son/daughter to make his/her own way to and from school unaccompanied. I understand that I am responsible for him/her until he/she enters school and upon leaving school. I accept that younger siblings may not be escorted home by a Y6 pupil I accept that if improper conduct occurs this privilege will be withdrawn.

• • • • •

I give consent for my child to travel to school unaccompanied

(please tick as




X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature …………………………………..…………….……Date _____/_____/20_____ b.

Cycling to School Y6 - Y13 (if required)

• • •

I give permission for my son/daughter to cycle to school. I understand that I am responsible for him/her until he/she enters or leaves school. I appreciate that the school will undertake all reasonable measures to ensure the safety of the bicycle but cannot be held accountable for any damage or theft of the bicycle whilst on the school premises. I will ensure my son/daughter wears a helmet whilst on his/her journey to and from school.

X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature …………………………….…….…………………Date _____/_____/20______


Permission for Sixth Formers to go offsite during the school day Y12-Y13 only

Students in the Sixth Form have the privilege of leaving the school premises in order to visit the community centre only during break times should they wish to do so. Now that your son / daughter is in the Sixth Form he/she may also benefit from this privilege provided the school has your written permission. The following conditions have been identified: • • • • • • • • •

If students want to visit the local Shopping Centre during school hours, they must leave through the front gate or turnstile, and scan their ID cards as they leave. Upon return to the school, they must ensure that they scan their ID card to enter them back into the school. Students must return to JESS five minutes before lessons and ensure they have plenty of time to collect their books and equipment from their lockers. The permission to leave the school is only to visit the shopping centre, not for returning home or going elsewhere. The card may not be used for signing out if they feel unwell. In this instance they must go to the nurses and follow the correct protocol. Expectations in the shopping centre are high as students are ambassadors of the school. All students must respect the general environment and other people using the facilities. To this end, no smoking will be allowed. This is illegal, may also be noticed by the younger students in the school and it does not promote a healthy lifestyle. This privilege is for Sixth Form students only and they should not agree to buy food or other items for students in other years. Any misconduct, either in the community centre or in the Sixth Form, will result in the individual concerned losing this privilege.

Y Pupil’s Signature …………………...……………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____

I give consent for my son / daughter to go offsite during the school day (please tick as Yes



X Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature ………………………………………………………Date _____/_____/20_____

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