The JESS Approach To AI | 2024

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Artificial Intelligence


Making A Difference
Making A Difference Contents Introducing AI at JESS 05 The JESS Learner 06 JESS Core Values and AI 09 AI and the JESS Community 10 Opportunities 12 Challenges 13 The Student Journey 15 The Staff Journey 19 The Parent Journey 23 Examples of AI Tools 24 Education Viewpoints 26 Global Viewpoints 27

Introducing AI at JESS

The rise of technology, especially in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is exponentially impacting our lives. We must be aware and informed of the great potential, and challenges, that this technology possesses. We want to safeguard our students' future by ensuring our community understands the power of AI as well as the challenges it presents

AI is already a part of our daily lives and the opportunities and advantages it provides in so many different forms are obvious to us all. The potential impact AI will have on education, so evident in the rapid recent progress made with large language models, will be transformational and must be embraced, whilst at a fundamental level we are very aware of the risks that AI can pose for our learners We need to balance the protection of the integrity of our learning process with the need for keeping it relevant to technological developments to ensure our students are appropriately equipped, enabled and empowered.

So far this year we have invited visiting speakers and advisors into school, developmental discussions have taken place, and space has been given for people to be curious, to explore and discover Advice and feedback is helping devise our overall strategy, which will become more formalised in the coming months. With the nature of the beast, we will also be ready to adapt, develop and change

This document outlines the intent and broader aims for our approach to AI so far, which is firmly aligned to our vision, mission, and core values This is only the beginning of our journey. Going forward, students and staff will receive further guidance on responsible usage of AI in the JESS learning process We will keep you informed of developments

Making A Difference

The JESS Learner

At JESS, we aim to nurture learners who, through their curiosity and commitment, can critically engage with academic concepts and the wider world.

By cultivating a well-developed sense of integrity and respect for learning, students can cope autonomously as independent, principled young people who make wellgrounded, intelligent, and ethical decisions in a variety of contexts

Through fostering a hunger for excellence and dedication to caring for others, JESS learners strive to reach and exceed their potential and utilise their learning to make a difference in the world

I'm excited about AI and its role in my future studies. It's important for us all to know how to use it responsibly and to understand and remember that it does have limitations."
Making A Difference
Malek, Year 5, JESS Jumeirah

I think the AI videos my teacher uses are really cool. It looks like the characters are talking straight to us, asking for help. This makes our lessons exciting and inspires us to start thinking about ideas to help solve their problems. I know the characters are generated by AI, but they are very realistic and fun to watch.


JESS Core Values and AI

The JESS core values drive all that we do. Our decision making process always emanate from these values - this is no different with AI.


We are committed to the effective use of AI to support and enhance our learning


We approach the use of AI with an understanding and respect for its capabilities and limitations


We pride ourselves on being autonomous, critical learners who use AI in pursuit of excellence


We demonstrate care in the use of technology and are proactive in our choices to protect our future by ensuring the safe and responsible use of AI


We are ethically minded and understand how to interact with AI tools and technology with integrity


We foster a culture of curiosity, emphasising safe and enthusiastic exploration of new technologies

Making A Difference

AI and the JESS Community

AI is something we are excited about at JESS, with all considerations of its use, to enable students to positively make a difference in the world We aim to use AI to enhance learning experiences, enabling students to become autonomous learners capable of standing on their own two feet and function in a multiplicity of settings. Recognising that AI does not replace the knowledge or judgement of a human expert, we remain diligently aware of potential risks and challenges that may arise in its use, ethically and academically. Broadly, we aim to develop and support:

Educated Students

We are committed to educating students to understand the mechanics of AI and to utilise its power ethically.

Empowered Staff

We advocate an evidence-based approach to the professional development of staff, including the use of AI tools to support learning.

Informed Parents

We invite parents to be inquisitive and join with us, de-mystifying the world of AI and emerging technologies.

Supportive Systems

We have world-class IT services within our schools, pioneering student support services, and exceptional pastoral structures to ensure the safe use of technology.

The information within this document is supported by references from the UK Department for Education, Joint Council for Qualifications, International Baccalaureate, the UK Department for Science, Technology and Innovation, and the UNESCO Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research

Making A Difference


Students are embracing the potential AI has to enhance their learning processes


Students can use AI to gain a foundational knowledge in a topic or to locate opinions from experts in a particular field of study. AI can be used to analyse complex problems, consider different perspectives, and develop innovative solutions AI tools, however, are prone to ‘Hallucinations’ (delivering made up content), so checking original sources for accuracy and validity is essential, as is referencing the source


AI can aid students in generating ideas on the types of questions they could ask of any given topic, e.g. what key questions surrounding photosynthesis are scientists investigating? Students must apply their own judgement and critical thinking, however, to the design of the actual question.


Students are using AI for advice on what successful outcomes look like, e g writing techniques, planning structures, how to lay out a report, how to present a science experiment, what elements to include in a table or graph AI-powered platforms can be available for support round the clock, providing students with more guided learning time


Students and staff can utilise AI tools to simulate a multiplicity of engaging and enriching real-world situations and scenarios, from interacting with historic figures who respond to queries in role to preparing for interviews for future job applications.


There are seemingly limitless possibilities for staff and students to utilise AI tools to create a wide array of images, videos, sound files or similar to responsibly enhance their work and support both learning and understanding



Whilst AI has great potential to transform education, it is also important to consider the potential challenges it brings. Responsible and ethical implementation is key.


CarefullyconsideredimplementationwillcontrolAI’spotentialtonegativelyimpact students'psychologicalwellbeing,particularlyintermsofdependency,self-esteem, andsocialinteractions.


Commitment to ethical principles emphasising fairness, transparency, respect for privacy, and responsible AI usage will guide students to be responsible users of AI

Privacy and Data Protection

Vigilance about the information provided when using AI must be maintained by students and teachers, with a focus on ensuring that privacy policies of the platforms in use are read and understood, and local laws are adhered to

Inaccuracy and Misrepresentation

Shared awareness that inaccuracies and misinterpretations can occur will be key, necessitating careful review and validation of AI generated information.

Potential For Bias

Educating students to recognise that AI tools are susceptible to bias is crucial to ensure that AI tools and applications avoid unintentionally perpetuating existing inequalities or discriminating against any group


Maintainingacademicintegrity,forbiddingplagiarism,andensuringtheresponsible andethicaluseofAIwillbeourmostimportantmessageonourAIjourney Protectingstudentswithinthecurrentexaminationprocessesisofutmost importance.


Compliance with regulations and guidance from external stakeholders such as examination boards and governmental bodies, and ensuring alignment with legal parameters, e g ensuring students do not infringe on copyright or trademarks, will be a key challenge moving forward

Making A Difference

The Student Journey

A student's journey into AI begins with building awareness about its presence in our daily lives and its potential for positive impact This foundation will be followed by an exploration of ethics, where students will learn to navigate the moral implications of AI technology, culminating in an empowering stage focused on understanding the mechanics and application of AI, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to innovate responsibly

Student Awareness

In the initial stage, students will be introduced to the concept of AI through engaging content and relatable examples This foundation level helps students recognise AI's presence in everyday technology, sparking curiosity and interest


This stage will be crucial for nurturing an understanding of digital ethics, emphasing the need for thoughtful consideration of how AI is applied in everyday situations, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility and ethical awareness in young digital citizens

Empowering and Mechanics

Students will use AI to receive customised support in their studies, helping them to grasp concepts more effectively at their own pace Additionally, AI will enable them to explore creative and analytical projects, fostering critical thinking and innovation skills

Making A Difference

Student Voice

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary tool that, sooner or later, will be integrated into our everyday lives Whether in school, the workplace, or the home, endless opportunities are presented and I firmly believe that we should embrace all that it has to offer.

Being ahead of the curve, and teaching staff and students how to use AI effectively and responsibly will be to our advantage. For the student body, AI can help to support individual learning styles and improve lesson interactivity by creating and customising chatbot models tailored to the syllabus and student In a history lesson, for example, an AI chatbot model could be adapted to express itself as Henry VIII would, promoting a more immersive learning experience.

The staff body equally has the potential to benefit from what AI has to offer Teachers can use AI to adapt teaching methods to cater to individual learning styles and ensure all students learn effectively. Additionally, realtime feedback and intervention can be offered, using classroom time more efficiently From an administrative perspective, AI has the potential to save thousands of hours a year with tasks such as scheduling and data entry achieved in substantially less time.

From virtual reality and AI-generated simulations for fully immersive learning experiences to personal AI tutors, the opportunities AI presents are limitless While there are a number of considerations to take into account to ensure AI is used effectively and responsibly, there is no doubt AI will become integrated into society Ultimately, it is the role of educators to prepare students for an unknown and unpredictable future and by integrating AI into teaching and learning, students will be future ready and have the capacity to make a difference in the world.

Head Student, JESS Arabian Ranches, 2023-24

AI’s application in education is controversial, with concerns over increasing dependency on technology, risk of plagiarism, and memory weakening. I believe embedding AI in the curriculum with carefully considered guidance and usage rules is the best strategy to empower students and prepare them for the future.

Making A Difference
Samaira, Year 13, JESS Arabian Ranches

The Staff Journey

The emergence of AI-powered platforms inevitably requires adaptations to pedagogical practice We encourage staff to explore the potential AI can bring to their classroom, whilst also recognising the risks it can bring

Professional development will commit to ensuring staff feel confident with the use of AI within their approach to teaching and learning We will ensure staff feel empowered to use AI tools effectively JESS advocates an evidence-based approach to professional development to ensure teachers are at the forefront of AI educational practice.

Professional development will continue to be centred on the following mechanisms for professional development (EEF, 2021):

Building Knowledge

Professional development will begin with using the most relevant platforms that can enhance teachers existing pedagogical approaches

Motivating Teachers

Professional development will be centred around published and robust research from credible sources. Experts within the school will be used to aid the delivery of new techniques.

Developing Teaching Techniques

Developing teaching techniques will centre on guided instruction from experts, who will model how to perform a technique and use an AI tool Support and feedback for teachers will be provided through coaching

Embedding Practice

Monitoring, goal setting, and self-reflection will facilitate the effective use of AI tools being embedded in teachers everyday practice.

Making A Difference

A Shared Experience Navigating AI in the Classroom

As I reflect on my own journey with technology in education, I find myself revisiting the initial apprehension I felt when AI first began its integration into our classrooms. I still remember the first whispers of ChatGPT and the speculation surrounding how it would impact teachers and their whole approach to teaching. AI felt like uncharted territory, sparking both curiosity and concern Like many, I pondered the implication for student integrity and academic honesty, and the potential for over-reliance leading to a loss of critical thinking skills

Yet, as time has unfolded, so too has my understanding of AI's potential as a transformative force in education - a tool not to be feared, but to be embraced What once seemed like a potential threat to integrity has become an exciting tool for enhancing learning experiences It's been a journey of discovery, filled with both challenges and moments of revelation.

I've come to see AI not as a disruptor, but an enabler, a positive partner in education - a digital ally that can scaffold learning, spark creativity, and offer new pathways for exploration With the right guidance and education, both staff and students can embrace AI in ways that enrich their teaching and learning journeys without compromising integrity.

In short, it’s about finding a balance between harnessing the technology’s potential and upholding the values of honesty and integrity that are at the core of our education

While there are undoubtedly challenges to navigate, I believe that, with an open mind, a considered approach, and a willingness to adapt, AI can be a powerful tool for the next generation of learners. By embracing new technologies such as AI, we can truly prepare JESS students for the everevolving world they will inherit

Head of English, JESS Arabian Ranches
The rise of AI has underscored the value of uniquely human attributes — critical thinking, empathy, and collaboration like never before. It is imperative that our children develop these essential human skills, augmented by a deep and practical understanding of Generative AI, to pave their way as future leaders.'
Making A Difference

AI in education offers enormous potential to transform teaching and learning. AI can adapt to students‘ individual pace and style, offer customised lessons that cater to strengths and weaknesses, and enable immersive learning environments, thus improving interactivity, engagement, and outcomes. The question is not whether schools should adopt AI, but how they adopt it responsibly.

Eman Ebed Alkadi, Parent, JESS Arabian Ranches and Senior Project Manager for Dubai Future Foundation

The Parent Journey

We look to involve parents in this aspect of their children’s learning Recognising the importance of AI in shaping future skills, we want to ensure that parents are wellinformed and comfortable with the integration of AI into the curriculum

Open Dialogue

The school will maintain open lines of communication for parents to express their thoughts, questions, and concerns about AI education, ensuring they feel heard and supported

Resources and Guidelines

JESS will curate and share a selection of resources, guidelines, and apps that parents can use to support their children's AI understanding and learning

Digital Literacy and Safety

Understanding the importance of digital literacy and safety, JESS provides guidance to parents on how to discuss and enforce safe and responsible AI and internet use with their children.

Making A Difference

Types of AI Tools

AI tools have been around for a long time, often working in the background to support our daily interactions with each other or with corporations and governmental bodies, be it through financial transactions, tracking patterns and behaviours, and personalising information we receive What has changed is the more visible and interactive AI tools that have placed some of the power of AI algorithms in the hands of the masses

Below are examples of the types of AI tools that teachers and students have been exploring Some are newer than others

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Image Generation & Art Tools

Video Generation Tools

Music Composition Tools

Computer Code Creation

Template Creators

Language & Writing Support

Reading Support

Making A Difference

Education Viewpoints

To harness the potential of generative AI, students will benefit from a knowledge-rich curriculum which allows them to become wellinformed users of technology and understand its impact on society Strong foundational knowledge ensures students are developing the right skills to make best use of generative AI

The education sector needs to: prepare students for changing workplaces teach students how to use emerging technologies, such as generative AI, safely and appropriately.

While the potential for student artificial intelligence (AI) misuse is new, most of the ways to prevent its misuse and mitigate the associated risks are not; centres will already have established measures in place to ensure that students are aware of the importance of submitting their own independent work for assessment and for identifying potential malpractice

It remains essential that students are clear about the importance of referencing the sources they have used when producing work for an assessment, and that they know how to do this

AI offers enhanced learning experiences - Rather than shying away from artificial intelligence (AI), the IB is excited by the opportunities that these tools bring to education to enhance learning experiences and provide additional support to our students. AI tools are designed in a way that they can be used to encourage students to think critically and creatively, by engaging students in thought-provoking discussions and challenging them to think beyond the usual perspectives.

AI in education - Students need to be taught to understand the bias inherent in the content that an AI tool produces and critically review it - an important skill to learn in an IB education.


is going to be a big game changer in the global ading to an estimated $15.7 trillion, or 26% increase, P, based on PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study. To context, it’s greater than both China and India’s current DP.

conomic Forum’s Future Of Jobs Report 2023 predicts AI may replace around 85 million jobs by 2025, it will approximately 97 million new roles This net gain in underscores AI's capacity to drive economic growth y job opportunities

83% of companies claim that using AI in their business a top priority, with 64% believing that AI will help ir overall productivity, as revealed in a Forbes Advisor demonstrates the growing confidence in AI’s potential business operations

o IBM’s 2023 CEO Study, 75% of CEOs believe the with the most advanced generative AI will have a advantage, 50% reported to be integrating generative oducts and services already, and 43% are using I to inform strategic decisions.

n evidence-based shift from AI as “cherry-on-top” key ingredient”, with 61% of respondents to a Deloitte ort saying AI will transform their industry in the next 3adoption is significant, with 53% spending more than n the last year on AI tech and talent

Making A Difference
Published March, 2024

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